4.2 Exploration: Causes & Effects 1450-1750: Lesson Objectives

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AP World History 1450-1750 CE

Name: _____________________________ Pd: ______

4.2 Exploration: Causes & Effects 1450-1750
Lesson Objectives:
★ Describe the ______________________ in the expansion of maritime exploration from 1450-1750.
★ Explain the economic ________________________________ of maritime exploration by various European

Causes of Exploration
1. ___________ (converts to Christianity)
2. ___________ (cut the Italians out, control trade routes, conquest→ new wealth, tax & trade opportunity)
3. ___________ (gold & silver mining)
4. __________________________________ (made it possible)

The Role of States in Maritime Exploration

● Why were states (governments) involved in maritime trade?

● What other organization was tied to the government and aided exploration?

● How did states measure their wealth?

● What is the goal of mercantilism?

Portuguese Exploration
What are the following Portuguese monarchs/explorers known for:
● Prince Henry the Navigator:

● Bartholomeo Dias:

● Vasco da Gama:

Portuguese in Southeast Asia

● Where did the Portuguese set up ports first?

● What area did the Portuguese claim in southeast Asia?

● When did the Portuguese arrive in China?

● Why were the Portuguese so successful?

Portuguese in China & Japan

● What missionaries were sent to China?

● Did these missionaries find success with converting the Chinese to Christianity?

● Was this model successful in Japan?

Trading Post Empire: Portuguese

● What did the Portuguese do to control/protect their trade?

● What is a global trading post empire?

Portuguese Vulnerability
● What were some of the weaknesses of the Portuguese?

AP World History 1450-1750 CE

Spanish Lure of Riches

● Were the early explorations of the Spanish successful?

● What gave the Spanish hope of the benefits of exploration?

Trade Across the Pacific

● Who was interested in the trade of silver?

● Galleons=

● Why did the Europeans want silver so badly?

● What city allowed the Spanish to have a port to trade?

● Northwest Passage=

French Explorers
● Jacques Cartier:

● Samuel de Champlain:

● La Salle:

French, Fur, Gold

● What did the French find instead of gold?
● Quebec:

● Who came after the French explorers?

● What did the French rarely do when coming to the Americas?

● Who did the French have a better relationship with than the Spanish or English?

English Exploration
● John Cabot:
● At first, who challenged the British navy in the Americas?
● What early colony was established in Virginia?

Dutch Exploration
● Henry Hudson:
● New Amsterdam:

Sponsoring Explorer Key Voyages Purpose Impact


AP World History 1450-1750 CE
CHINA Zheng He India Open up trade to India, China decided to not
Middle East Arabia, Africa; spread continue to explore
Africa Chinese culture

ENGLAND John Cabot North America Find a sea route to the Claimed land for Britain,
East by going west shorter route

PORTUGAL Vasco da West coast of Africa Open a sea route from Expanded trade & cultural
Gama India Europe to India & China exchange

SPAIN Columbus Caribbean Islands To find a sea route to India Led exploration &
Central America & China going west colonization to the Americas

SPAIN Ferdinand South America To demonstrate that Established links between

Magellan Philippines Europeans could reach America & Asia
Asia by sailing west

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