Konten Slukat Cultural Tour

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Home welcome

Tour/program galleries

activities :
carver (wood, stone)
visiting a really traditional style local carver, wood or stone which applied the carving nearly
on anything

waving (wisnu murti)

a balinese traditional fabric (endek) maker, with a really traditional making making process
using a wood machine.

rice field, rice pilling

a tour over a rice filed and also the pilling procces so then we can see how the rice grow
until its ready to cook

House :
Traditional house tour
Visiting a beautiful Balinese traditional that refers to the old architectural style (sikut satak),
completed with presentation on Balinese family and cast system

Tradition :
Temple tour (include the whole process of making offering, cleansing and praying*)
Experiencing a real Balinese vibe, starting with making the whole offerings for the ritual and
get involve in the whole process of cleansing (a ritual of purifying thought speech and deed)

Slukat (joining students activity)

Student can chose to join one of the class that our students have and finish it with yoga class
in the end of the day before farewell dinner.

Balinese traditional cuisine

Cooking Balinese traditional food completed with drinks and dish with the students that will
be our dinner in the end of the day

Gardening is one of slukat students extra activity, we have our own organic garden that
grows local seed with our homemade compost

Balinese traditional dancing

Learning how to do basic movement of the famous Balinese traditional dance

Local wisdom classs

A class to be a real Balinese where we learn how to make offering and also the philosophy
behind it

A class on how to put all our activity together in a form of writings, picture or video with
sure in a fun way

Yoga (all join yoga in the end of the class)

To sum up our activity, we have yoga class which will end with a meditation by the sun goes

All include luch and dinner, for dinner we will cook it together

*term and condition applied

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