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AP World History 1450-1750 CE

Name: _____________________________ Pd: ______

4.6 Internal & External Challenges to State Powers

Lesson Objectives:
★ Explain how the development of _____state__________ powers result in external and internal challenges in
the period between 1450-1750.
★ Lesson Examples: Africa, Russia, South Asia, Spanish Empire, English Colonies

State Powers Examples of Internal & External Challenges

Who previously pushed the Portugese out of South Asia, so they were forced to look
elsewhere? Dutch and english

Example: Ana Nzinga (ruler of Ndongo in south-central Africa) (summarize her story)

AFRICA ● attacked by Portuguese and other African tribes

● Allied to end slave raids
● Baptized by christian
● Alliance broke and she fled to matamba
● Allied with dutch


What were 3 reasons local Russians were upset with their government?
Local wars
Harsh serf conditions
Peasants forced into serfdom due to dept


How was serfdom a benefit to some Russians?

Kept peasants controlled

RUSSIA Provided some free labor
Russia was mostly agricultural

Example #1: Cossack Rebellion

AP World History 1450-1750 CE
● Who are Cossacks?
skilled fighters, lived near the Black Sea, were sometimes at odds with the Russian

Example #2: Pugachev Rebellion

● Why did Yemelyan Pugachev led a revolution against the Russian government?

Catherine the great was giving the nobility power over the serfs on their land in exchange
for political loyalty


● What was the result of the rebellion?

increased oppression of peasants in return for noble loyalty to help in future revolts

SOUTH Example: Maratha Empire

Hindu warrior group ended the mughal empire in 1818

Example: Pueblo Revolt

SPANISH Pueblo & Apache fought the Spanish in New Mexico, fought because of religious conversion.


Results: natives killed 400 spaniards and drove them out, destroying churches

Example #1: Maroon Wars & Queen Nanny

Maroons owned their own independent settlements

Queen nanny was a runaway slave that united all maroons on the island and was seen a

AP World History 1450-1750 CE

ENGLISH Example #2: Gloucester County Rebellion

enslaved Africans and white indentured servants worked together to demand freedom from


Example #3: Metacom’s War

final major effort of the indigenous people to drive the British from New England


Example #4: James II, William of Orange & The Glorious Revolution

involved the overthrow of the Catholic King James II

(Label each example as either “internal” or “external”)

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