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Medical Sciences University

Dr. Eusebio Hernández Pérez

Colón, Matanzas


Eusebio Hernández Pérez


Yeislany González Barroso

III Year Medicine Class

G - 31

Eusebio Hernández Peréz
Eusebio Hernández Pérez: patriot, medical and scientific Cuban, specialist in
Obstetrics and Gynecology; combatant of three wars of the century XIX for the
Independence of Cuba.
As mano f science it obtained notable reconnaissances and stopped an appreciable
steaked work in the terrain of the Obstetrics and Gynecology. He went an
outstanding Cuban revolucionary, historian and participant of the facts narrated,
and an exceptional teacher of Obstetrics and Gynecology the La Havana university in
30 years.

Eusebio Hernández Pérez was born in Colon, Matanzas, Cuba, January 18, 1853.
At the age of 16, he participated in the launch of Monte Corojo, during the Ten Years War
in February 1869, headed by the administrator of the Australian Sugar Mill Gabriel García
Menocal, father of future Major General of the Cuban Liberation Army and President of the
Republic, Mario García Menocal.
He was surprised in the neighborhoods of monetary unit for a patrol of the Chapelgorris of
Guamutas, directeed for the having criminal Manuel Navia. He graduated from High
School at the second education institute in Havana where he studied when the shooting og
the eight medical students occurred on November 27, 1871. In 1874, at the age og 21, his
family sent him to Madrid, Spain, to study Medicine, and it was in the Peninsula itself that
the stablished links with the Independence revolution with the presence of General Calixto
García. Calixto García left the residence pensiono g Eusebio Hernández to take the
railroad starting the journey that would eventually take him to New York to begin the
preparations for the small war in 1878, for 1887 he finished his medical degree in Madrid
and then taking into account the failure of the revolucionary movement in 1884 to 1886
sustained tenaciously Gómez, Antonio Maceo, Crombet, Emilio Núñez and many others
ilustrious Cubans is máximum and the same and provided whith one.
According to Carrillo Leandro Rodríguez and other Friends from Asia, Europe Will march
to do a specialty that Will allow him to return to New York top ut into practice his patriotic
yearnings. In this way he conducts our studies of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Paris,
where in 1889 he ,eets Pinar. Scientific and political history, he considers thas he has
many pions of similarity to the own, this circumstance among others earned him the
sympathies of Pinar when he considers a great patriot and allowed him to appear among
the disciples of reformer of the contemporary obstetrics of the clinic at the Forefront of
which insurance from 1000, secure since 1890 as a profesor of parthians at the Faculty of
Paris. His dedication to stady of his career winth the highest was less tanh his commitment
to the country the same man who in 1883 from Tegulcilapa who was very busy with his
growing clientele but did not remember business when he thought of Cuba made the
decisión to choose his specialty but always subordinating it to the needs of revolutionary
movements. Thoughout the periodo of the North American occupation and later in the
neocolonial Republic, he maintained firm patriotic convictions, continuously supporting the
best and most progressive causes, outlining annexationist positions, and even supporting
the socialist state that emerged in Russiain the struggle to organize the future Republic,
was among the founders of the Democratic Union party for which he was a candidate for
the Cnstituent Assambly of 1901 at the beginning of the 20th century, Dr. Eusebio
Hernández was twice a candidate for Vice President.
First point Bartolomé Masó massed and contrasted to proclaim his interest in continuing
to fight for the Independence of Cuba above all even his profession, later in 1912 with Dr.
Alfredo he knows how to do this Defeated by Mario García Menocal in 1907 he publicly
pronounces himself demanding complete sovereignty and with Salvador Cisneros
Betancourt in a fight to beg for “amendment platt” sharpened to liberalism, he could be a
candidate for vice president in 1908 but for the sake of the union he favored the candidacy
that is, he is not before the corrupción of the government of José Miguel Gómez distanced
himself from.
In 19011 he was a pre candidate for the presidency of the Republic by the liberal party.
Publicly i raise its rejection to the assemblies of parties where the candidates are
negotiated at all levels to its undemocratic carácter raised the need for people to teach
who to point to candidates. He had a transparent perception of problems of the working
class defended the idea of the free education of the emancipation of women defending
their right to vote the protection of the child to the elderly old man defended the Soviet
educational system advocated a law of mínimum daily work accidents and regulation of
working hours. He demanded legislation to prevent the transfer of land to Ferronia hands.
He demanded university autonomy, of course, nor did he achieve the presidential
nomination by liberal part for the elections of 1912 and later having supported up to there it
is as a presidential candidate after having criticized him your environment for the
postulation he reduced credit and Prestige refused to ask for a North American control of
the elections of 1912 Although the conservatives talked Will win in 1916 being a high figure
within the liberal party supporting the conservative Menocal against liberal Zayas his
adversary interest Although he had previously declared the re election Inmoral. This was a
detrimental end to his growth for his credit and Prestige but he only did wath he believed to
be better or less more or less bad for the country. Your public attitudes were radicalized,
praise initiated to the ideas and Works of Marx and Engels largely through his teacher and
Friends and already familiar and sympathetic to them be celebrated the Triumph of the
October Revolution in 1917becoming a car if he is of its educational system to the point of
passionate intervention in the main hall of the University of Havana with Julio Antonio
Mella the assembly of January 12,1923 taht started the University reform.
In 1920, together with Dr. Gustavo Aldereguia Lima, he founded the first publicaton, The
Friends of Russia, but he did not express his solidarity support to the Soviet Union. Before,
together with Aldereguia, he had made a collection of mony, wich when they changed the
leader and leader of the great Socialist Revolution, October Vladimir Ilych Lenin.
In his claim for the existential problems of those moments he was at the side of Julio
Antonio Mella for the University reform in 1923, he participated in the organization of the
first students congress in 1923 and in the founding of the José Martí Ppular university in
1926, he is elected member of the Cuban Academy of Sciences and the Obtetrics Society
of France.
In 1932, once again, his personal disinterest was manifested when he rejected the
presidency of the conservative party, finally saying withdraw from politics to dedícate
himself entirely to the medical and sugar profession at the University of Havana, work that
deserved the respecto f the student body and other sectors of the society that had him as
a champion of honesty for how many his critizen conduct in war and in peace was
impeccable his last public activity was his aparticipation in the reception and surveillance
of ashes of Mella.
He died in Havana on November 23, 1933, a victim of acute pulmonary edema and was
buried in the necropolis of Colon the next day in a family pantheon tha facto f having
presided over the act and iposed on the orders of the mass president made that in his
death, the student organizations refused to allow Hernández to be veiled in the main hall
of the University, but in the academy of sciences.

With this work about the life of Dr. Eusebio Hernández Pérez exhort to that servs as
reference for future investigations of the same medicine students in order that go Deep
into more to near this great man.
 Leonardo Depestre Catony y Luis Ubeda Garrido. Personalidades cubanas siglo
XX. La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 2002.ISBN 959-06-0448-X. Disponible
 Julio A. Mella. “Los falsos maestros y discípulos”. En: Documentos y Artículos. La
Habana: Editorial Ciencias Sociales; 1975, p. 118.
 Eusebio Hernández. “Manifiesto al país”. Heraldo de Cuba. I (86):6; 20 de mayo de
 Eusebio Hernández. El período revolucionario de 1879-1895. La Habana: Imp. El
siglo XX; 1914, p. 35.
 Heraldo de Cuba.XII (307):1; 4 de noviembre de 1923.
 Carbonell MA. Eusebio Hernández. La Habana: Editorial Guáimaro; 1939, t. II, p.
 Irene Portuondo Pajón. Dr. Eusebio Hernández: “Verdadero hombre de ideas
avanzadas”. Rev Haban Cienc Med. 2008; 7(1). Disponible
 Serra Pérez A. Oración Anual Dr. Eusebio Hernández. Pub. Ofi. Historiador de la
Salud Pública, La Habana: 1953. En: Rafael Cepeda. Eusebio Hernández. Ciencia y
Patria. La Habana: Editorial Ciencias Sociales; 1991, p. 10.
 Federico de Torres. La asamblea universitaria del 12 de enero de 1923. La
Habana: s.p.
 Archivo Histórico Municipal de Colón. Pardo González, Brígido Ariel.” Apuntes
sobre la represión anti-Independentista en Colón de 1868 a 1878”. Colón 1990.
 Equipo de investigación de Historia Local. Colón. “Apuntes para la Historia de
Colón hasta 1980” (V. 1). Colón. 1992. (inédito)
 Museo Municipal “José Ramón Zulueta”. Colón. Fondo Colección de Documentos
del Dr. Eusebio Hernández. Prado Juvier, Irma y Pablo Domínguez Monzón.
“Colección de Documentos del Dr. Eusebio Hernández”. Colón. 2004. (inédito).
 Julio Ortiz Pérez. Oración Anual Dr. Eusebio Hernández. Pub. Ofi. Historiador de la
Salud Pública, La Habana: 1950. En: Rafael Cepeda. Ob. Cit., p. 10-11.]

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