Pembahasan Daily Quiz I-5

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Globalization has impacted nearly every aspect of modern life. While some U.S. citizens may not
be able to locate Beijing, China on a map, they certainly purchase an overwhelming number of goods that
were manufactured there. According to a 2010 Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco report,
approximately 35.6% of all clothing and shoes sold in the United States were actually manufactured in
China, compared to just 3.4% made domestically.

Most economists agree that globalization provides a net benefit to individual economies around
the world, by making markets more efficient, increasing competition, limiting military conflicts, and
spreading wealth more equally around the world. However, the general public tends to assume that the
costs associated with globalization outweigh the benefits, especially in the short-term, which has caused
problems we’ll explore in the next section on protectionism. The Milken Institute’s Globalization of the
World Economy report highlights many of the benefits associated with globalization, while outlining
some of the associated risks that governments and investors should consider. But, in aggregate, there is a
consensus among economists that globalization provides a net benefit to nations around the world and
therefore should be embraced on the whole by governments and individuals.

Foreign direct investment (“FDI”) tends to increase at a much greater rate that the growth in
world trade, helping boost technology transfer, industrial restructuring, and the growth of global
companies. Increased competition from globalization also helps stimulate new technology development,
particularly with the growth which helps improve economic output by making processes more efficient.
In economies of scale, globalization enables large companies to realize economies of scale that reduce
costs and prices, which in turn supports further economic growth, although this can hurt many small
businesses attempting to compete domestically. Although globalization has a net of benefit, it has also
some downsides.

Source :

1. Topik : Main Idea

The main idea of paragraph 3 is….
a. benefits of globalization
b. disadvantages of globalization
c. downsides of globalization
d. benefits of foreign direct investment
e. downsides of globalization

Jawaban : A
Perhatikan kalimat terakhir pada paragraf 2: But, in aggregate, there is a consensus among
economists that globalization provides a net benefit to nations around the world… (Tapi, secara
keseluruhan, ada persetujuan di antara para ekonom bahwa globalisasi memberi sejumlah
keuntungan bagi negara-negara di seluruh dunia…) Berdasarkan kalimat terakhir pada paragraf 2,
kita bisa prediksi bahwa paragraf 3 berbicara tentang keuntungan dari globalisasi. Prediksi ini
bisa dibuktikan dengan kalimat ini: Foreign direct investment (“FDI”) tends to increase at a
much greater rate that the growth in world trade, helping boost technology transfer, industrial
restructuring, and the growth of global companies. (Investasi langsung asing ("FDI") cenderung
meningkat pada tingkat yang jauh lebih tinggi sehingga pertumbuhan perdagangan dunia,
membantu meningkatkan transfer teknologi, restrukturisasi industri, dan pertumbuhan perusahaan
global.) Kalimat ini merupakan salah satu contoh dari keuntungan globalisasi. Dengan demikian,
jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A (benefits of globalization).

2. Topik : Detail Item

Many politicians question the benefits of globalization because of….
a. the economic crisis
b. Brexit
c. the decline of global capital
d. the financial systems
e. the election of Donal Trump

Jawaban : A
Perhatikan kalimat terakhir pada paragraf 4: The 2008 economic crisis led many politicians to
question the merits of globalization. (Krisis ekonomi 2008 membuat banyak politisi
mempertanyakan manfaat globalisasi.) Benefit dalam soal bersinonimkan merit, sehingga
jawaban yang tepat adalah A (The economic crisis) atau ‘krisis ekonomilah’ yang membuat
politisi mempertanyakan manfaat globalisasi.

3. Topik : Paragraph Prediction

What is the most likely discussed after paragraph 3?
a. Benefits of globalization.
b. Disadvantages of globalization.
c. Merits of globalization.
d. Benefits of foreign direct investment.
e. Economies of scales.

Jawaban : B
Perhatikan kalimat terakhir pada paragraf 3: Although globalization has a net of benefit, it has
also some downsides. (Meskipun globalisasi memiliki keuntungan, namun juga beberapa
kerugian.) Berdasarkan kalimat ini, kita bisa prediksi bahwa paragraf 4 dari Teks A akan
membahas kerugian dari globalisasi. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B
(disadvantages of globalization). Jawaban lain tidak berkaitan karena A yang mengenai
keuntungan globalisasi sudah dipaparkan pada teks tersebut, C berarti mengenai manfaat dari
globalisasi, D berarti keuntungan dari foreign direct investment, dan E berarti mengenai
keuntungan biaya yang muncul seiring dengan meningkatnya hasil produksi.
4. Topik : Topic
What is the topic of the passage above?
a. The impacts of globalization on economic growth.
b. The benefits of globalization in the world.
c. The merits of globalization on economic growth.
d. The disadvantages of globalization on economic growth.
e. The protectionism of globalization on economic growth.

Jawaban : A
Perhatikan kalimat pada paragraf 1: Globalization has impacted nearly every aspect of modern
life. While some U.S. citizens may not be able to locate Beijing, China on a map, they certainly
purchase an overwhelming number of goods that were manufactured there. (Globalisasi telah
mempengaruhi hampir semua aspek kehidupan modern. Sementara beberapa warga A.S. mungkin
tidak dapat menemukan lokasi Beijing, China pada peta, mereka pasti membeli sejumlah besar
barang yang diproduksi di sana.) Berdasarkan kalimat ini, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A
(The impacts of globalization on economic growth).
5. Topik : Summary
The passage can be summarized as follows…
a. Due to the Brexit, the impacts of globalization on economic growth is worse.
b. Protectionism only makes the impacts of globalization worse.
c. Due to the economic crisis, the impacts of globalization are worse.
d. The benefits of globalization overweigh its impacts.
e. Globalization is unstoppable and beneficial to the world economy.

Jawaban : E
Perhatikan kalimat pada paragraf 1: Globalization has impacted nearly every aspect of modern
life. While some U.S. citizens may not be able to locate Beijing, China on a map, they certainly
purchase an overwhelming number of goods that were manufactured there. (Globalisasi telah
mempengaruhi hampir semua aspek kehidupan modern. Sementara beberapa warga A.S. mungkin
tidak dapat menemukan lokasi Beijing, China pada peta, mereka pasti membeli sejumlah besar
barang yang diproduksi di sana.) Berdasarkan kalimat ini, kita bisa lihat bahwa globalisasi itu
merupakan hal yang tidak dapat dihentikan dan juga sangat bermanfaat bagi ekonomi. Oleh
karena itu, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah E (Globalization is unstoppable and beneficial to
the world economy.)

Read the text below for questions 1-5!

The Javan rhinoceros is one of the rarest animals in the world. It is categorized as critically
endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) and
included in Appendix 1 of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna
and Flora (CITES), because of its very small numbers in the wild.
Loss of habitat is the most serious threat to the survival of the animal, along with decreasing
sources of food and hunting. Javan rhinos are now only left roaming Ujung Kulon National Park (TNUK)
in Pandeglang regency, Banten.
The total number of Javan rhinos in the 120,000-hectare TNUK area is currently estimated to be
about 67. However, the number remains an approximation. There are limitations to making an exact
inventory of their population because of the animal’s solitary nature and wide distribution across the
Officers take turns conducting safeguarding and monitoring activities for 24-hour periods in
order to control and protect the animal that is now on the verge of extinction. The TNUK Center at
present has 4 teams as part of its Rhino Protection Unit (RPU) and 5 teams as part of its Rhino
Monitoring Unit (RMU). Each team consists of 5 officers.
The RPU is tasked with taking actions against wildlife hunting and other illegal activities as
hunters seek horns, hoofs and other body parts of the rhinos.
Meanwhile, the RMU is in charge of recording encounters with Javan rhinos as well as traces of
their presence, such as footprints, excrement, wallowing places, urine or food leftovers, as well as those
of other animal species, complete with their coordinate points.
Today, the TNUK Center has installed around 100 video traps at various Javan rhino
concentration points. The number will increase to 200 video traps on World Rhino Day, which falls on
Sept. 22.
The government and several environmental organizations continue to carry out appropriate
rescue efforts to preserve and grow the population of this rare species while imparting knowledge and
stirring public concern for the critically endangered rhinos in Ujung Kulon.
It should never be the case that coming generations of Indonesians are only able to view the
skeletons of Javan rhinos in a museum or gaze at a statue of the iconic animal somewhere in a city.
Sumber: (
1. Topik: Topic of Passage.

What is the topic of the passage?

a. Javan rhinoceros is threatened with extinction.
b. There are only a few of Javan rhinoceros exist.
c. Javan rhinoceros is being protected.
d. Javan rhinoceros is being hunted.
e. Javan rhinoceros should still exist for the next generation of Indonesians.

Jawaban :A
Pembahasan : Keseluruhan teks membahas mengenai badak Jawa yang terancam
punah, ditambah dengan beberapa fakta seperti rendahnya jumlah populasi mereka, bahwa
mereka diburu secara liar sehingga butuh untuk dilindungi dan harus dilestarikan untuk
pembelajaran generasi berikutnya, maka jawaban A (Javan rhinoceros is threatened with
extinction) yang tepat. Jawaban lain merupakan kalimat-kalimat pelengkap yang
menjelaskan topik.

2. Topik: Main Idea of a Paragraph.

The main idea of the last paragraph is….

a. to educate the next generation about Javan rhinoceros
b. to protect the Javan rhinoceros for the next generation to study it in the wild
c. to protect Javan rhinoceros for at least until the next generation
d. to preserve Javan rhinoceros in the museum for the next generation
e. to make the next generation of Indonesians to be proud of Javan rhinoceros

Jawaban :B

Pembahasan : Pada paragraf terakhir dijelaskan bahwa agar generasi berikutnya dapat mempelajari
badak Jawa langsung di alamnya tidak hanya sekedar di museum merupakan tujuan pemerintah dan
beberapa organisasi lingkungan untuk melindungi dan melestarikan populasi badak Jawa, maka jawaban
B (to protect the Javan rhinoceros for the next generation to study it in the wild) yang tepat.

3. Topik: Detail Item / Specific Information.

How does the idea of the paragraph 1 relate to the idea of paragraph 2?
a. Paragraph 1 elaborates paragraph 2.
b. Paragraph 2 elaborates paragraph 1.
c. Paragraph 1 is the result of paragraph 2.
d. Paragraph 2 is the result of paragraph 1.
e. Paragraph 1 contradicts paragraph 2.

Jawaban :C
Pembahasan : Hubungan antara paragraf 1 dan 2 yaitu paragraf dua memaparkan
penyebab berkurangnya populasi badak Jawa dan paragraf satu memaparkan akibat dari
hal-hal yang mengancam keberadaan badak Jawa yaitu dikategorikan sebagai spesies yang
sangat terancam punah oleh International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources (IUCN), maka jawaban C yang tepat (paragraf 1 akibat dari paragraf 2).

4. Topic: Writer’s Purpose of the Text.

Note the statement below!

1. To warn the readers on the extinction of Badak Jawa.
2. To predict the extinction of Badak Jawa.
3. To encourage the protection of Badak Jawa.
4. To encourage the extinction of Badak Jawa.
5. To implement the realization of the importance of Badak Jawa.

Which statement is correct about the intention of the author?

a. 1 and 2
b. 1, 2, and 3
c. 1, 3, and 4
d. 1, 3, and 5
e. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

Jawaban: D

Pembahasan : Teks di atas berisi informasi mengenai badak Jawa yang terancam punah,
secara tersirat penulis mengajak pembaca untuk turut serta dalam perlindungan dan
pelestarian satwa ini dan pada teks juga disebutkan pentingnya pelestarian badak Jawa
untuk pembelajaran generasi berikutnya, maka yang benar adalah pernyataan 1
(mengingatkan mengenai ancaman kepunahan), 3 (mendorong perlindungan badak Jawa),
dan 5 (implementasi pentingnya melestarikan badak Jawa).

5. Topic: Finding synonyms

The word preserve in paragraph 8 has the closest meaning with….

a. produce
b. serve
c. care
d. give
e. conserve

Jawaban :E

Pembahasan : Kata “preserve” memiliki arti yang sama dengan “conserve” yaitu
memelihara atau melestarikan, maka jawaban E tepat. Jawaban A berarti memproduksi, B
berarti melayani, C berarti peduli, dan D berarti memberikan.

The following text for question 1-3.

Mythology (from the Greek mythos, meaning a narrative, and logos, meaning speech or
argument) refers to a body of stories that attempt to explain the origins and fundamental values
of a given culture and the nature of the universe and humanity. In modern usage, the term can
also mean stories that a particular culture believes to be true and that use the supernatural to
interpret natural events. Ancient myths are generally founded by imagination and intuition rather
than objective evidence. Myths identify and help explain human propensities and natural
phenomena with the actions and attributes of gods in a primordial past.
“Myth has two main functions,” the poet and scholar Robert Graves wrote in 1955. “The
first is to answer the sort of awkward questions that children ask, such as ‘Who made the world?
How will it end? Who was the first man? Where do souls go after death?’. The second function
of myth is to justify an existing social system and account for traditional rites and customs. In
ancient Greece, stories about gods and goddesses and heroes and monsters were an important
part of everyday life. They explained everything from religious rituals to the weather, and they
gave meaning to the world people saw around them.
Subtopic : defining the topic
1. Mythology is….
a. A scientific attempt to understand the world and believed by a particular culture
b. A story about the beginning of the universe accompanied with objective evidence
c. Stories based on imagination and intuition about the origins of natural events
d. Stories written by a poet and scholar named Robert Graves in 1955
e. Stories that tell the procedures to have traditional rites and customs

Kunci : C
Pembahasan : soal ini menanyakan definisi mitologi yang dijelaskan pada paragraf 1 dalam
teks. Disebutkan bahwa mitologi adalah sekumpulan cerita yang menjelaskan tentang asal-usul
sesuatu atau nilai-nilai fundamental yang dipercaya oleh budaya tertentu (refers to a body of
stories that attempt to explain the origins and fundamental values of a given culture). Cerita-
cerita ini juga meyakini adanya campur tangan kekuatan supranatural pada setiap peristiwa alam
(…use the supernatural to interpret natural events) dan lebih didasari oleh imajinasi dan intuisi
dibandingkan bukti-bukti objektif (…founded by imagination and intuition rather than objective
evidence). Pilihan jawaban yang mewakili pengertian secara keseluruhan yaitu C.

Subtopic : finding contextual meaning

2. ‘…myths are generally founded by imagination and intuition…’
The word ‘founded’ is closest in meaning to….
a. Told
b. Hold
c. Brought
d. Created
e. Said

Kunci : D
Pembahasan : untuk menentukan jawaban soal ini dapat dilakukan dengan mengartikan kalimat
yang mengandung kata sulit dan menggantikan kata sulit tersebut dengan kata dari pilihan
jawaban yang tersedia. Kalimat di atas dapat diartikan ‘Mitos pada umumnya di… dengan
imajinasi dan intuisi’. Pilihan A yang artinya diceritakan, pilihan B yang artinya dipegang,
pilihan C yang artinya dibawa, dan pilihan E yang artinya diucapkan tidak cocok untuk mengisi
kata sulit yang ditanyakan. Pilihan D yang artinya diciptakan merupakan pilihan tepat sehingga
kalimatnya menjadi logis dan berterima yakni ‘Mitos pada umumnya diciptakan dengan
imajinasi dan intuisi’.
Subtopic : Comprehending detailed information.
3. The second function of myth is ….
a. To hide the truth about traditional rites and customs
b. To show how to do traditional rites and customs
c. To perform traditional rites and customs
d. To understand the whole story of traditional rites and customs
e. To explain the reasons behind traditional rites and customs

Kunci : E
Pembahasan : jawaban untuk soal ini ada pada frasa ‘…account for traditional rites and
customs’. Untuk menentukan jawabannya kita perlu mencari padanan frasa ‘account for’. Frasa
kata kerja ini sulit untuk ditebak maknanya karena kerap kali tidak ada kaitannya dengan kata
yang kita tahu, maka perlu untuk mempelajari makna dari frasa kata kerja ini. Frasa ini berarti
menjelaskan alasan akan suatu hal atau dalam bahasa Inggrisnya ‘to explain the reason of
something’. Maka, jawaban yang tepat yaitu E.
The following text for question 4-5.
The handshake has existed in some form or another for thousands of years, but its origins
are somewhat murky. One popular theory is that the gesture began as a way of conveying
peaceful intentions. By extending their empty right hands, strangers could show that they were
not holding weapons and bore no ill will toward one another. Some even suggest that the up-and-
down motion of the handshake was supposed to dislodge any knives or daggers that might be
hidden up a sleeve. Another explanation is that the handshake was a symbol of good faith when
making an oath or promise. When they clasped hands, people showed that their word was a
sacred bond. “An agreement can be expressed quickly and clearly in words,” the historian Walter
Burkert once explained, “but is only made effective by a ritual gesture: open, weaponless hands
stretched out toward one another, grasping each other in a mutual handshake.”
Subtopic : Defining the topic.
4. The topic of the text is….
a. The meanings of handshake gesture
b. People who make handshake gesture
c. Description of doing handshake gesture
d. How to do handshake gesture
e. The purpose of handshake gesture

Kunci : A
Pembahasan : topik adalah inti pembahasan dari awal hingga akhir teks. Pada teks dijelaskan
bahwa berjabat tangan adalah cara untuk menunjukkan perdamaian (One popular theory …the
gesture began as a way of conveying peaceful intentions.) Kemudian dijelaskan juga bahwa
berjabat tangan adalah simbol dari keteguhan untuk menepati janji (Another explanation is …the
handshake was a symbol of good faith when making an oath or promise). Sehingga dapat
disimpulkan bahwa teks ini menjelaskan makna-makna dibalik gesture berjabat tangan (pilihan
Subtopic : Recognizing author’s purpose.
5. The author intends to….
a. write the story of people who do the handshake gesture.
b. inform the readers about the meanings of handshake gesture.
c. show his/her own experience when handshaking.
d. explain the readers how to do handshake gesture.
e. convince the readers that handshake gesture is important.

Kunci : B
Pembahasan : teks ini menjelaskan makna-makna dari berjabat tangan yang dilengkapi dengan
ilustrasi dan pendapat dari seorang ahli. Tujuan penulis bukanlah menulis cerita tentang orang
yang melakukan gesture berjabat tangan (pilihan A), bukan juga menceritakan pengalaman
pribadinya (pilihan C), bukan juga penjelasan cara melakukan gesture jabat tangan (pilihan D),
dan tidak juga meyakinkan pembaca tentang pentingnya abat tangan. Pada teks ini, penulis
bertujuan untuk menginformasikan makna dari berjabat tangan (pilihan B).

The following text for question 6-8.

One of the only places in the world where the public can search for real diamonds in their
original volcanic source, Crater of Diamonds is a one-of-a-kind experience that brings people
from all over the world to Murfreesboro, Arkansas. Visitors to the park search a 37-acre plowed
field, the eroded surface of a volcanic crater, for variety of rocks, minerals, and gemstones – and
any rock or mineral you find is yours to keep. You may bring your own manual mining
equipment to search with or rent tools from the park.
Diamonds come in all colors of the rainbow: the three colors found here at the park are
white, brown, and yellow. Amethyst, garnet, jasper, agate, quartz, and other rocks and minerals
naturally occur here. Park staffs provide complimentary identification or rocks and minerals
found at the park, as well as diamond mining demonstrations.
More than 33,100 diamonds have been found by park visitors since the Crater of
Diamonds became an Arkansas state park in 1972. Notable diamonds found at the Crater include
the 40.23-carat Uncle Sam, the largest diamond ever unearthed in the U.S.; the 16.37-carat
Amarillo Starlight; the 15.33-carat Star of Arkansas; and the 8.52-carat Esperanza.
Other amenities include walking trails, picnic sites, 47 Class AAA campsites, 5 walk-in
tent sites, a gift shop, Kimberlite Café, and Diamond Springs Water Park.

Subtopic : Recognizing author’s purpose.

6. The author’s purpose in this text is to….
a. To invite the readers to come to Crater of Diamonds
b. To retell the readers his/her experience visiting Crater of Diamonds
c. To give tips how to find diamonds in Crater of Diamonds
d. To give detail information about Crater of Diamonds
e. To give brief information about Crater of Diamonds

Kunci : D
Pembahasan : teks ini memberikan informasi yang cukup lengkap tentang suatu tempat wisata
bernama Crater of Diamonds termasuk lokasinya, luas lokasinya, deskripsi mengenai berliannya,
dan fasilitas apa saja yang disediakan. Teks ini tidak bertujuan untuk mengajak pembaca
mengunjungi tempat tersebut (pilihan A) karena tidak ada ungkapan ajakan seperti ‘let’s visit’,
‘go’, atau ‘visit’, bukan juga menceritakan kembali pengalaman mengunjungi tempat tersebut
(pilihan B) karena teks menggunakan Present tense bukan Past tense, tidak juga memberikan
tips untuk menemukan berlian di tempat tersebut (pilihan C), dan juga bukan informasi singkat
mengenai tempat tersebut (pilihan E). Maka, pilihan D adalah pilihan yang tepat karena teks ini
memberikan informasi detail mengenai Crater of Diamonds.

Subtopic : Comprehending detailed information.

7. Crater of diamonds….
a. is located in Africa.
b. is not open for public.
c. cannot be visited by visitors from other countries.
d. allows visitors to bring their own mining equipment.
e. is guarded by staffs who will take diamonds found by visitors.

Kunci : D
Pembahasan : pilihan A salah karena tempat ini berlokasi di Arkansas yang merupakan wilayah
dari Amerika Serikat bukan Afrika. Pilihan B juga salah karena tempat ini terbuka untuk umum/
publik (…where the public can search for real diamonds…). Pilihan C juga salah karena tempat
ini justru dikunjungi wisatawan dari berbagai negara (…that brings people from all over the
world to Murfreesboro, Arkansas). Pilihan E juga salah karena batuan apapun yang ditemukan
oleh wisatawan menjadi hak milik mereka (…any rock or mineral you find is yours to keep).
Pilihan D adalah pilihan yang tepat karena sesuai dengan informasi pada teks yang menyebutkan
bahwa wisatawan boleh membawa alat untuk menggali milik pribadi (You may bring your own
manual mining equipment).
Subtopic : Comprehending detailed information.
8. According to the text, Uncle Sam….
a. is another name of the united states of America.
b. was the biggest diamond ever found in America.
c. weighed 40.23 grams.
d. was the diamond never found in the crater.
e. was the largest diamond found in the world.

Kunci : B
Pembahasan : pilihan A salah karena Uncle Sam pada konteks ini adalah nama berlian bukan
sebutan lain untuk negara Amerika. Pilihan jawaban C juga salah karena 40,23 itu bukan berat
dari berliannya melainkan kadar karat berlian tersebut. Pilihan D juga salah karena Uncle Sam
adalah berlian yang pernah ditemukan bukan tidak pernah ditemukan. Pilihan jawaban E juga
salah karena pada teks hanya disebutkan bahwa Uncle Sam adalah berlian terbesar yang pernah
ditemukan di Amerika bukan di dunia. Pilihan yang tepat untuk soal ini adalah B yaitu Uncle
Sam adalah berlian terbesar yang pernah ditemukan di Amerika (…the 40.23-carat Uncle Sam,
the largest diamond ever unearthed in the U.S.).

The following text for question 9-12.

A cough, also known as tussis, is a voluntary or involuntary act that clears the throat and
breathing passage of foreign particles, microbes, irritants, fluids, and mucus; it is a rapid
expulsion of air from the lungs. Coughing can be done deliberately or as part of a reflex.
Although coughing can be a sign of a serious illness, more often, it will clear up on its own
without the need for medical attention.

Coughs are meant to protect us in some way. If you inhale pollutants or irritants from the
air, it affects the lungs and respiratory tracts, so a cough is meant to expel them quickly from the
body. The same thing is true of coughs associated with viruses and illness; if you have a cold or
the flu, your coughing is the body’s attempt to expel the mucus or phlegm, which is where the
germs are living and thriving.

Similarly, if you suffer from postnasal drip, the gathering of phlegm and mucus running
back from your nose can cause you to cough and expel that unwanted substance. The reflex can
also simply be caused by a piece of food obstructing your windpipe, causing a chain reaction in
your epiglottis, trachea, ribs and abdominal muscles.

Other causes for coughing, including smoking, acid reflux disease and sleep apnea, but in
every case, a cough is meant to expel an irritant, even if we are intentionally putting it inside of
us. Dry coughs are often the result of inflammation in the lungs or respiratory pathways, which is
often caused by coughing in the first place. This situation can cause a vicious cycle of coughing
and inflammation.

Subtopic : Comprehending detailed information.

(1) Coughing is always related to severe illness
(2) Coughing can happen involuntary
(3) Coughing should always be treated seriously
(4) Coughing is part of body protection system

9. According to the text….

a. Statement (1), (2), and (3) are true
b. Statement (1) and (3) are true
c. Statement (2) and (4) are true
d. Statement (4) is true
e. All statements are true

Kunci : C
Pembahasan: pernyataan (1) dan (3) salah karena batuk tidak selalu menjadi tanda penyakit yang
berbahaya sehingga tidak harus selalu ditangani dengan serius. Informasi ini dijelaskan pada
kalimat ‘…more often, it will clear up on its own without the need for medical attention.’
pernyataan (2) benar sesuai dengan informasi bahwa batuk adalah tindakan yang dilakukan
dengan sadar maupun tidak sadar ’A cough… is a voluntary or involuntary act’. Pernyataan (4)
bahwa batuk adalah bagian dari system pertahanan tubuh (Coughs are meant to protect us in
some way).

Subtopic : author-related questions

10. The author is not concerned about….
a. Causes of coughing
b. Definition of coughing
c. Function of coughing
d. How coughs protects our body
e. How to treat coughs

Kunci : E
Pembahasan : soal ini menanyakan hal apa yang tidak dibahas oleh penulis. Penyebab batuk
(pilihan A) dibahas di setiap paragraf, definisi dari batuk (pilihan B) dibahas di paragraf 1, fungsi
batuk (pilihan C) dan bagaimana batuk menjaga tubuh kita (pilihan D) dibahas di paragraf 2.
Tetapi cara untuk mengobati batuk (pilihan E) tidak dibahas pada teks ini.
Subtopic : Comprehending detailed information.
11. Coughing….
a. is the sign of acute illness.
b. clears the throat from foreign particles, microbes, irritants, fluids, and mucus.
c. is a slow expulsion of air from the lungs.
d. can be caused by lack of exercise.
e. is a sign of having a cold or flu.

Kunci : B
Pembahasan : pilihan A salah karena batuk bisa jadi salah satu gejala penyakit serius
(coughing can be a sign of a serious illness…) belum pasti menjadi tanda penyakit serius. Pilihan
C salah karena batuk adalah pengeluaran udara yang cepat (a rapid expulsion of air) bukan
lambat (slow). Pilihan D salah karena teks tidak membahas bahwa kurang olahraga
menyebabkan batuk. Pilihan E juga salah karena batuk tidak melulu menjadi tanda seseorang
sakit karena batuk bisa juga reksi refleks untuk membersihkan kerongkongan (…it will clear up
on its own without the need for medical attention). Pilihan B adalah pilihan yang tepat sesuai
dengan informasi pada kalimat “A cough… is a voluntary or involuntary act that clears the
throat …of foreign particles, microbes, irritants, fluids, and mucus’

Subtopic : choosing true/false statements

12. Statement : cough is one of serious health problems suffered by many people
Cause : coughing is the body’s attempt to expel the mucus or phlegm
a. Statement true, cause true, there is cause-effect relationship
b. Statement true, cause true, there is no cause-effect relationship
c. Statement true, cause false
d. Statement false, cause true
e. Both statement and cause false

Kunci : E

Pembahasan : pernyataan pada soal di atas salah karena teks tidak menjelaskan bahwa batuk
adalah salah satu gangguan kesehatan yang diidap oleh orang-orang. Alasan yang diberikan
memang benar sesuai dengan isi di dalam teks. Alasannya tetap salah karena tidak menyatakan
informasi yang berupa penjelasan penyebab dari pernyataan sebelumnya.
The following text for question 13-15.

Narcissistic personality disorder has its earliest roots in ancient Greek mythology.
According to the myth, Narcissus was a handsome and proud young man. Upon seeing his
reflection on the water for the first time, he became so enamored that he could not stop gazing at
his own image. He remained at the water's edge until he eventually wasted to death.

A person with narcissistic personality disorder has an extreme feeling of self-importance,

a sense of entitlement, and a need to be admired. He is envious of others and expects them to be
the same of him. He lacks empathy and readily lies and exploits others to achieve his aims. To
others, he may seem self-absorbed, controlling, intolerant, selfish, or insensitive. If he feels
obstructed or ridiculed, he can fly into a fit of destructive anger and revenge. Such a reaction is
sometimes called ‘narcissistic rage’, and can have disastrous consequences for all those

The concept of excessive self-admiration has also been explored by various philosophers
and thinkers throughout history. In the past, the idea was known as hubris, a state of extreme
arrogance and haughtiness that often involves being out of touch with reality. It wasn't until
fairly recently that the notion of narcissism as a disorder became a subject of scientific interest in
the field of psychology.

During the early 1900s, the topic of narcissism started to attract interest in the growing
school of thought known as psychoanalysis. Austrian psychoanalyst Otto Rank published one of
the earliest descriptions of narcissism in 1911, in which he connected it to self-admiration and


Subtopic : predicting paragraph

13. What is most probably discussed in the paragraph following this passage?
a. The whole story of Narcissus in recent years
b. Characteristics of narcissism disorder
c. Another work on narcissism in the following years
d. Definition of narcissism
e. Why Narcissus died

Kunci : C
Pembahasan : untuk memprediksi bahasan pada paragraf selanjutnya, perlu diperhatikan adalah
paragraf terakhir. Paragraf terakhir diawali dengan penanda waktu yaitu ‘During the early
1900s…’ dan dilanjutkan dengan kajian mengenai narsisme di tahun 1911. Dari pola waktu ini
kemungkinan paragraf berikutnya menyajikan kajian lain mengenai narsisme di tahun
Subtopic : summarizing the passage
14. Narcissistic person….
a. is considered to be intolerant by others.
b. love to see his/her reflection on the water.
c. is very sensitive over small things.
d. learns to understand himself/herself better.
e. admires his/her parents so much.

Kunci: A
Pembahasan: orang dengan gangguan narsisme merasa dirinya sangat penting, pujian, dan
keinginan untuk dipuja (A person with narcissistic personality disorder has an extreme feeling
of self-importance, a sense of entitlement, and a need to be admired) sehingga dianggap egois,
intoleran, dan tidak peka (…he may seem self-absorbed, controlling, intolerant, selfish, or
insensitive). Dari informasi ini, maka pilihan A adalah pilihan tepat.

Subtopic : Comprehending detail information.

15. Narcissus….
a. was one of philosophers from Greece.
b. was a humble young man from Greece.
c. was ashamed to see the reflection of his face.
d. was a very friendly young man from Greece.
e. was very delighted to see the reflection of his face.

Kunci : E
Pembahasan : jawaban untuk soal ini ada di paragraf satu karena Narcissus hanya dibahas pada
paragraf tersebut saja. Narcissus adalah seorang pemuda yang tampan dan bangga akan dirinya.
Suatu saat dia melihat bayangan dirinya di air dan sangat menyukainya, ia tidak bisa berhenti
menatap bayangan itu (Narcissus was a handsome and proud young man. Upon seeing his
reflection on the water for the first time, he became so enamored that he could not stop gazing at
his own image.). Dari informasi ini, Narcissus bukan seorang filsuf (pilihan A), bukan pemuda
yang rendah hati (pilihan B), bukan pemuda yang malu melihat bayangan wajahnya (pilihan C),
bukan pemuda yang ramah (pilihan D). Narcissus adalah pemuda yang merasa bahagia saat
melihat bayangan wajahnya (pilihan E).

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