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Monday, 5/24 Tuesday, 5/25 Wednesday, 5/26 Thursday, 27 Friday, 5/28

Major Concepts Fascism/Populism/ Fear-Mongering and Civility Charismatic Leadership

Totalitarianism Politics

10 CDT Introductions Discuss reading: Discuss reading: Discuss reading: Discuss reading:
-Arendt -Slocum -Corbett -Antonakis & House
-Rensmann -Ore -Chafe -Jackson
-Stewart -King -Kim

11 Discuss reading: Discuss reading: Discuss reading: Discuss reading: Discuss reading:
-Lane -Crick -Berry & Sobieraj -Cobb -Goebbels, “Our Hitler”
-Richard -Müller -Johnson -DuBois -Goebbels, “Führer”
-Roberts-Miller & -Ivie -Gates -Skinnell, “Using Democracy”
Skinnell (handout) -Roberts-Miller

12:00- Discuss reading: Screening: Screening:

12:30 -Burke -Speer documentary -Davis documentary

12:30- Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch


1:30 Discuss reading: Presentations: Presentations: Presentations: Individual meetings

-Bosmajian “Twenty -Steudeman -Bytwerk -Danisch and Keith
Five Points” -Mussolini -Skinnell, “Teaching” -Gerdes
-Ward -Mercieca -Carmichael; and Hampton

2:30 Talk about Presentations: Presentations: Presentations: Individual meetings

introductions (and -Steigmann-Gall -Rice -Belew
kinds of research -Eco -Inoue -Bosmajian, “Sources”;
questions) -Adorno -Cryer Casmir; and Scanlan
3:30 Screening:
Triumph of the Will

4:30 Screening:
Triumph of the Will


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