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-5 7-^

Quality Control
^Av/Ufîited States
flAiij Department of
^^^^ Agriculture

Food Safety and
Inspection Service

Number 612

Introduction 2
This guidebook is designed to
What is Quality? 2
assist meat and poultry processors
Quality Control Strategy 3 who would like to (1) develop quality
Management's Role in Quality control procedures; (2) document,
Control 4 improve, or expand present quality
Developing Quality control procedures; and/or (3) request
Systems 4 to participate in the voluntary Total
Steps in Developing a Quality Quality Control (TQC) Inspection
Control System 5 Program offered by the U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture.
Putting the System Together ... 51 Completion of the 12 tear sheets
Bibliography 53 provided in this guidebook will pro-
vide firms that do not have quality
control programs with a comprehen-
sive record of operations. Firms with
quality control programs already in
place can use the data as a guide
for improving or expanding these
programs. In addition, plants may
wish to use the documents as a
starting point for participation in the
TQC Inspection Program. The quality
control guidebook explains the ap-
plication process and suggests how
the assembled information might be
used in applying to the program.
The bibliography lists several
quality control and management-
related publications. Although key
ideas from these articles are included
in the guidebook, use of this material
does not imply USDA endorsement
over other similar or equally effective
If you wish to obtain additional
copies of this guidebook, write to
the Superintendent of Documents,
Government Printing Office, Wash-
ington, D.C. 20402. In addition, oper-
ators of small processing plants
who want to participate in the volun-
tary TQC Inspection Program may
wish to refer to another GPO guide-
book. Quality Control in Small Plants.

January 1984
Introduction What is Quality?

In every meat and poultry proc- The meaning of quality varies

essing plant there is some type of with the standards of the manufac-
quality control activity. In a small turer and the opinion of the user of
plant, it may be as simple as slicing a product. Advertising claims or a
meat products during operations company logo may refer to quality
and cleaning the equipment and without defining the real meaning.
floor at the day's end. Or it may be The logo may imply a superior prod-
more comprehensive, calling for sup- uct, or label claims may be made
plier process control, continuous about the performance of the product.
closed processing systems, and One aspect of quality can be
computerized inventory controls. measured by the level of excellence
While there are as many varia- desired by the manufacturer. Cus-
tions in quality control systems as tomers often identify it in terms of a
there are plants that use them, there brand name, and they judge it rela-
is one common denominator through- tive to a similar item from another
out—quality control is good busi- manufacturer.
ness. Many processors have found it Another aspect of quality is
can reduce product costs, control conformance—does the product
product uniformity, and help manage meet specifications or standards?
business. Moreover, by increasing Plants with the capability of con-
controls over ingredients and proc- forming to these criteria can produce
esses, quality control can ensure a uniform, consistent product with-
compliance with company specifica- out making mistakes. Being able to
tions as well as regulations enforced operate without error translates into
by USDA. less waste, improved customer sat-
In addition, processors may use isfaction, and the control of produc-
quality control to ensure compliance tion costs.
with Federal meat and poultry in- There are other aspects of qual-
spection laws. To qualify for partici- ity which may be hidden from the
pation in the USDA Partial or Total casual observer. For example, the
Quality Control Inspection Programs, time it takes to produce a product
quality control systems must be de- and distribute it to the customer
signed to assure production of safe, must be taken into consideration to
wholesome, unadulterated, and ac- assure the product remains fresh.
curately labeled meat and poultry Longer shelf life contributes to prod-
products. uct quality because of increased
This guidebook does not limit durability of goods.
the discussion of quality control to Ultimately, the quality of the
assuring compliance with meat and product is determined by the user.
poultry inspection regulations. That By knowing whether the product
is because USDA recognizes that meets the customer's expectations
when processors manage the pro- and needs, the manufacturer can ad-
duction of food products from the just the product accordingly. Users
origin of raw materials to the distri- may measure quality by the product
bution of packaged products, many itself, by how it is used, or by the
mistakes can be prevented. Along manufacturer's instructions. Con-
with the ability to reduce error, quality trolling product quality must begin
control also enhances the proces- in the planning stages to ensure the
sor's ability to conform to predeter- users' needs are met.
mined specifications and to satisfy
customer demands. The result is in-
creased plant productivity.
Quality Control Strategy

There are several approaches to bodied in the written record of what Inspection at the receiving point
quality control. In the "customer re- actually occurs in the plant, checks is designed to monitor or audit the
active" approach, plants do not take for weaknesses in the plant's proce- receipt of materials. It should turn
any special measures during produc- dures, and compliance with a man- away unwholesome or misbranded
tion to control product quality. ual of operations. As experience is raw materials. The level of receiving
Rather, changes are made only in re- gained from the written controls, the inspection may vary among plants
sponse to customer reaction. On the system may be improved from time according to the volume or dollar
other hand, the "manufacturer reac- to time by focusing on "hot spots" amount of raw materials purchased.
tive" approach includes preventive which are responsible for the major In very small plants it may not be
measures during processing, such problems, revising specifications, or possible to use sampling plans; other
as product testing and inspection. upgrading to include sensitive test- plants may be able to use statistical
Finally, in the "preventive" approach, ing devices. sampling. Larger plants may be able to
plants take specific measures during The quality control system can rely on the supplier's own quality con-
production to prevent mistakes and have several adjuncts. One example trol and waive receiving inspection.
ensure products will meet consumer is product liability law, which is not A vendor rating system can be
expectations. Plants approved for only of vital interest to domestic part of the quality control system.
participation in the USDA TQC In- marketing strategy, but also to the Vendors might be rated as approved,
spection Program use the "preventive worldwide marketing of value-added conditionally approved, or disap-
approach." products. Liability claims can be proved. It may be possible to accept
Quality control systems can be based on poor design; faulty manu- deliveries from approved vendors
designed to achieve multiple goals. facture; inadequacies in packaging with only minimal receiving inspec-
Depending on the nature of its proc- and labeling; and problems associ- tion. Any inspection time not used
essing operations and the extent of ated with the distribution, sale, or for checking deliveries from these
product distribution, a firm may ben- use of products. Plants might con- approved vendors can be allocated
efit from a broad system of quality sider transferring product liability to other activities in the plant.
control. For instance, some of the for proprietary components to the Finally, procedures to recall de-
following might be considered under vendor. fective products that are in com-
comprehensive systems: Another adjunct to the system merce may also be part of the quality
might be marketing strategy. Mar- control system. Planning of recall
Meat and Poultry Inspection keting schemes may be targeted to procedures can protect the assets
Regulations the customer's state of mind, values, of the organization, protect the user,
Product Liability Law or lifestyle. For example, marketing assure compliance with legal and
Corporate Directives activities could be directed toward regulatory requirements, and remove
Marketing Strategies the customers who buy generics, unacceptable or questionable product
Linear Programming toward customers who want others from the market at minimum cost
Product Uniformity to think highly of them, or toward and inconvenience to the customer.
Product Durability customers who buy to suit their own
Residue Testing needs.
Mean Time Between Maintenance Still another adjunct to the
Recall Procedure quality control system might be on-
site control of suppliers' materials.
Blind faith in the supplier's products
On the other hand, quality con- may not be good enough. There
trol systems can be designed to as- should be verification of suppliers'
sure only compliance with meat and goods and services. Where proprie-
poultry inspection regulations. Obvi- tary products are furnished by sup-
ously, these systems do not offer pliers, it may be necessary to con-
the full advantages of quality control. duct formal acceptance procedures
However, they may be appropriate at the point of origin. This may be
for very small plants where there is especially important with unreliable
not enough time to monitor a com- suppliers or with new suppliers with-
prehensive system. In smaller plants, out a history of manufacturing prod-
responsibility for quality control can ucts of good quality.
be assigned to persons who have
other duties. However, there are risks
with limited systems: experience
shows that inadequate planning and
control of operations is a major
cause of small business failure.
Whether limited or comprehen-
sive, a quality control system is em-
Management's Role Developing Quality Systems
in Quality Control

A positive attitude by plant or managers, however, who ultimately To help you develop a quality
corporate management toward qual- are responsible for product quality. system, a series of tear sheets is
ity concepts provides the key to the Therefore, managers must accept provided in this guidebook. Record
success of quality control. Without the use of statistical techniques. your entries. Then remove the tear
management support, quality control Managers are not required to sheets from the guidebook and as-
systems will be weak. Plant person- use expensive methods to bring semble them to comprise an outline
nel who sense a lack of commitment about flawless factory operations of the quality system. If the tear
to quality by top management are and products. Experience has shown sheets reference too much material,
likely to lack motivation for reducing that paying close attention to the eliminate that which is not applica-
waste, mistakes, and rework, and for basics and doing a good job with the ble to the plant's production system.
improving their performance. plant's production of products can If additional material besides that
In order to understand manage- yield rewards equal to those generated included in the guidebook is needed
ment's role in quality control, it is nec- by more sophisticated approaches. to outline the plant's operation, re-
essary to understand management. Simple quality control techniques cord it and attach it to the outline.
Top-level managers respond to the are valuable to managers no matter After you have completed the
money aspects of the organization- how basic the plant operation. tear sheets, refer to page 51 if you
profits, sales, and return on invest- Quality control systems gener- wish to apply for participation in the
ment. On the other hand, lower levels ate reports and records. The records voluntary TOO Inspection Program.
of management respond to the ma- indicate when the plant is operating For information on the more than 40
terial production of the organization- smoothly and when trouble is occur- Partial Quality Control Inspection
pounds of patties, packages of franks, ring. Managers, however, can fail to Programs offered by USDA, contact:
number of hams, or units per min- take full advantage of the potential Food Safety and Inspection Service,
ute. The quality control department for problem solving by giving inade- Processed Products Inspection Divi-
must bridge that gap—converting quate attention to plant records. If sion, Rm. 2159-S, USDA, Washington,
products to money when talking records are simply filed away, an im- D.C. 20250, (202) 447-3840.
with top-level managers, and money portant management tool is lost.
to products when talking with lower One way to review records is to
management. Whether the language look at those aspects of production
is in terms of money or products, it most likely to cause problems. For
translates into the ability to meet instance, a plant's problems with
customer demands. hot dogs may stem from a few major
Traditionally, management causes. By concentrating on the ma-
training in the United States has not jor problems and controlling the
focused on the use of statistical causes, improvement can be rapid.
techniques. As a result, many man- Figure 1 illustrates a hypothetical
agers feel uncomfortable with quality set of hot dog production problems,
control—which depends so heavily on showing number and frequency of
the application of these concepts— nonconformances.
and delegate this responsibility. It is
Figure 1
Color l3
o) Label 1

Package 5

. \ 11

Out h Frequency

In figure 1, link weight and package

weight contribute the nnajority of non-
confornnances. Therefore, the greatest
potential for reduction of nonconfor-
nnances is with these two problem areas.
Steps in Developing
a Quality Control System

Step 1—Plant Profile

Start the system by listing the basic

information applicable to the plant
operation. Since the plant is opera-
tional, the requirements for Federal
inspection already have been met.

(Establishment) (dba)

(Address) (City) (State) (Zip)

(Establishment No.) (Grant of Inspection Date)

Processing Only □ Combination Slaughter/Processing D

Number: Production Employees Quality Control Employees

No Yes
Contractors: D D PLP (Product Liability Prevention) D D
Sanitation D No Yes
Pests D Consultants/Outside Labs: D D
Maintenance D Micro D
Equipment D Nutritional Labeling D
Production D Quality Control D
Laboratory D Packaging/Packing/Container n
D Analytical Analyses D
(Other) Meat Scientists D
No Yes D
Plant Laboratory: D D (Other)
AOAC D Rapid D No Yes
Micro D Water Potability Certificate:
Fat D Municipal D D
Water D Plant Wells D D
Protein D Condenser D D
Residue D Ice (Off-premise) D D
D (Other)
(Other) Meat/Poultry Sources: No Yes
Waste Disposal: No Yes Plant D D
Municipal D D Other Domestic D D
Plant D D Foreign D D
Inedible D D Suppliers IVIanual D D
(Other) Recall Manual D D


Continuous Processing Systems D D (Other)
step 2—Plant Management

List the titles of plant manage- The regulations do not prohibit

ment in order from the plant manager plant quality control personnel from
(or corporate head) to the person(s) reporting to production managers. In
who will be making the quality con- these situations, however, the sys-
trol checks. The meat and poultry in- tem must include adequate safe-
spection regulations for the TQC guards to control product that is out
Inspection Program distinguish be- of compliance with USDA inspection
tween plants which have one or requirements.
more full-time persons whose pri- Complete the entries on this
mary duties are related to quality tear sheet and connect with lines or
control and those plants which do arrows the line of authority among
not have full-time quality control plant officials.

Figure 2

(Other Corporate)

(Corporate Head)

(Plant Manager)

(Asst. Plant Manager)

(Production Manager) (Quality Manager)

(Asst. Prod. Manager) (QA Manager) (QC Manager)

(Prod. Foreperson) (QA Person) (QC Person)

(Other Production) (Other QA) (Other QC)

(Laboratory Manager)

(Other Lab.) (Other Lab.)

step 3—Raw Materials

Develop a list of all raw materi- If, when completing the tear
als and supplies received by your sheet, you encounter some items
plant. This list is important since that are not routinely tested or certi-
the use of poor quality materials fied, identify those items in the mar-
can affect the end quality of your gin. The Quality Control Guidebook
product. was designed to cover virtually all
If the plant is a combination aspects of a plant's operation. There-
slaughter/processing operation, treat fore, it is likely that, as you progress
the product from the slaughter area through the guidebook, areas that
as product from an outside source. may appear to have been overlooked
Also, products or raw materials from in one tear sheet will be found in
other plants in the same corporation another.
should not be accepted without

Food Raw Materials

Meat/Poultry: Enzymes D Casings:
Chicken D Bread/Batter D Artificial D
Turkey D Vinegar D Collagen D
Fowl D Vegetables D Other:
Giblets D Fruits D D
Pork D Cereals D D
Beef D Gelatin D D
Veal D Soy Products D D
Lamb/Mutton D Starch D
Goat D Mustard D Nonfood
By products D Corn Syrup D
Cured D G.S. Solids D Food Contact:
Mss/MDP n Sugar D Containers:
Lard D Dextrose D Metal D
Suet D Honey D Glass D
Other Fat D Molasses D D
Rework D Yeast D D
Casings (Natural) D Flour/Dough D
D Cheese D
D Cheese Food D Packaging:
(Other) Bacteria D Plastic .. D
Sorbitol D Paper.. . D
Additives/Ingredients: D
Whey D
Bean/Potato Flour D Flavoring D D
NFDM D Liquid Smoke D
CaRed.DMS D Citric Acid D
Nitrates D Citrate D Sanitizing:
Nitrites D MSG D Dry D
Caseinates D HPP D Liquid D
Phosphates D HVP D Gas D
Ascorbates D GDL D Dénaturant D
Erythorbates D BHA D Lubricants D
Cure Mix D BHT D Dry Ice D
Spice Mix D PG D Charcoal D
Salt D Frying Oil D Sawdust D
Ice D D Anti-Foam D
Water D (Other) Reagents D
step 4—Plant's Products

Develop a list of all the products

processed in the plant. The list on the
Step 4 tear sheet categorizes products
into classes which need specific con-
trols to meet the Federal meat and
poultry inspection regulations.

Cured: Fresh/Frozen: Canned:

Beef D Beef Guts Ü Luncheon D
Pork D Pork Cuts Ü Chili D
D Boneless □ Stew D
(Other) MSS/MDP D Hash D
Chopped □ Pasta D
Smoked/Dried/Cooked: Formed □ Ham D
Ham Ü Hamburger D Picnic D
Bacon □ Ground Beef □ Vienna D
Beef □ Patties □ Deviled Ham D
D D Potted D
(Other) D Tamales D
D Dried D
Sausage: (Other) Pickled □
Fresh Beef □ Corned D
Fresh Pork D Soup □
Dry D D
Pizza □
Semi-Dry u D
Pies □
Franks □ Dinners □
Bologna □ D D
Liver □ (Other)
Vienna H D Other:
Knock D D Breaded D
. n (Other) Battered D
D Enzyme D
D Fats/Gils: Beans w/Meat D
Lard D Chicken Frankfurters D
Tallow □ Corn Dogs D
Sliced/Packaged: Oleo n Cheese Dogs D
Bacon D D Roast Beef D
Ham D (Other) Sandwiches D
D Fried Chicken D
D Miscellaneous: Canned Boned Chicken D
D Cured Loaves D Poultry Rolls D
D Nonspecific Loaves D Basted Poultry D
(Other) (Other) D

step 5—Regulations

Meat Inspection Requirements: Poultry Inspection Requirements:

318.1 318.2 318.3 381.49 381.59 381.65

320.1 320.2 320.3 381.145 381.147 381.175
320.4 381.176 381.177 381.178
381.180 381.181

Meat Inspection Requirements: Poultry Inspection Requirements:

318.4 318.5 318.6 381.65

Using the list of raw materials 318.7 318.8 318.9 381.65 381.145
from Step 3 and the list of the plant's 318.10 318.11 318.12 381.147 381.148 381.149
processed products from Step 4, de- 318.15 318.16 318.16 381.150 381.152 381.180
velop the list of meat and poultry 318.17 318.18 319
regulations applicable to plant oper-
ations. Federal meat and poultry in-
spection personnel can assist in lo- Packaging and Labeling
cating the applicable regulations. Meat Inspection Requirements: Poultry Inspection Requirements:
However, the regulations listed on
the tear sheet will cover many of the 312.1 312.2 316.9 381.96 381.115 381.116
basic meat and poultry operations. 316.10 316.11 316.13 381.117 381.118 381.119
To complete the tear sheet, circle 316.14 316.15 316.16 381.120 381.121 381.122
the applicable regulations and add 317.1 317.3 317.4 381.123 381.124 381.125
any that are not listed. 317.6 317.7 317.8 381.126 381.127 381.128
317.13 317.14 317.16 381.129 381.130 381.131
317.17 317.19 381.132 381.133 381.138
381.139 381.141 381.143
381.148 381.149 381.155
381.156 381.157 381.158
381.159 381.160 381.161
381.162 381.163 381.164
381.165 381.166 381.167
381.168 381.169 381.170

Meat Inspect! on Requirements: Poultry Inspection Requirements:

308.3 308.9 308.10 381.59 381.115 381.175

308.11 308.12 316.6 381.176 381.177 381.178
316.9 31613 316.14 381.179 381.180 381.190
320.1 320.2 320.3 381.191 381.192
320.4 320.5 320.6
325.1 325.3 325.14

Meat Inspection Requirements: Poultry Inspection Requirements:

308.3 308.4 308.6 381.45 381.46 381.47

308.7 308.9 308.10 .381.48 381.49 381.50
308.11 308.12 308.13 381.53 381.54 381.55
308.14 308.15 381.56 381.57 381.58
381.59 381.60 381.61

step 6—Plant Hazards

Hazards can be present at many mistakes, contribute to a total plant

points in the plant. The earlier that effort to reduce error, and be prac-
product hazards are identified and tical enough for the plant to achieve.
controlled, the easier and less ex- Although numerous hazards exist,
pensive it is to maintain control. One some of the common ones relate to
technique that has gained accep- human health, product compliance,
tance in hazard identification is the and the environment.
identification of critical control Hazards can be visible or invis-
points. By reviewing the material ible. Detection of invisible hazards
previously listed in Step 4 and Step 5, requires specialized techniques and
it is possible to predetermine many testing devices. But even visible haz-
of the critical control points present ards are sometimes overlooked when
in your plant. key employees do not maintain or
In guidelines published by food- have not been trained to identify the
related organizations, it is recom- necessary quality awareness charac-
mended that control points be pre- teristics. The following examples
ventive, participative, and practical. can help to increase awareness of
The control points should prevent critical control points.

Health hazards:

Hazard Source Prevention

Metal fragments Boneless meats; plant maintenance Magnets; incoming inspection; proper
workers; thermometers; pumping in- use of staples; routine on-line checks
jectors; poultry hock locks. for broken injector needles; evalua-
tion of poultry hock lock usage;
awareness by plant maintenance

Wood splinters Boxed beef; boxed pork; combo-bins. Incoming inspection of boxes stacked
on wooden pallets; review of bulk
product handling practices.

Plastic fragments Incoming raw materials; teflon equip- Incoming inspection; review of sup-
ment parts. pliers' practices; awareness by plant
maintenance workers of excessive
equipment wear.

Paint flakes Incoming raw materials; plant main- Incoming inspection; review of sup-
tenance workers. pliers' practices; awareness by plant
maintenance workers that paint is

Food-borne illness Processed products Increase awareness of processing

practices related to the commonly
implicated products.

Glass fragments Products packed in glass containers; Incoming inspection; evaluation of

incoming raw materials. product connected with filler mal-
function; awareness of glass frag-
ments inside the cases with broken
glass containers.

Accidental poisoning Sodium nitrite Knowledge of use; orderly storage

area; denaturing pure substance;

Fitness for use hazards:

Hazard Source Prevention

Bone chips Sausage On-line sampling by either visual de-

tection methods or instrument

Bacterial spoilage; off-flavor/odor; Processed products Control and verification of environ-

fat rancidity mental conditions; inventory control
(first in, first out).

Rust flakes Water; ingredients; equipment. Regular checks of screens and filtra-
tion devices for the plant's incoming
water supply; water sampling and
plant laboratory analysis through
rapid filter paper for presence of
sediment; increase awareness during
interruption of the plant's water

Metal filings Excessive equipment wear; plant Microscopic examination of suspect

repairs. equipment which shows wear, such
as augers, ham molds; maintenance
workers; magnets.

Solder/weld droplets Metal containers; plant repairs. Incoming inspection of metal con-
tainers (made on premises or pur-
chased); inspection of newly installed
equipment; awareness of repairs to
plant's food-contact equipment.

Microbiological/filth/insect Ingredients and additives (starch, ex- Incoming inspection; supplier evalu-
contamination. tenders, spices, liquid sweeteners, ation program; letter of guaranty;
ice, soy products); condensation; certificate of test/analysis; environ-
employee practices. mental controls; awareness of em-
ployee practices.

Economic hazards:

Hazard Source Prevention

Giveaway Retail packages "Up-front" control of processing

such as stuffing, filling, mixing,

Poor quality Raw materials Evaluation of all suppliers' materials;

develop specifications and suppliers

Poor customer acceptance Processed products Canvass and followup of customers'


Too much chicken Chicken broth Use "fill-in" weight with control
charts for 80% boned chicken. Top
with broth (cheaper ingredient) to
reach the net weight label

Time hazards:

Hazard Source Prevention

Loss of shelf-life; loss of freshness Perishable processed products Control of inventory (first in, first
before expiration of pull date out); verification of packaging mate-
rials' integrity; program to educate
the user; micro checks of food-
contact surfaces; evaluation of raw

Fatting out Cooked sausage Prevent overchopping; control of raw

materials' fat content prior to

Discoloration Cured meats Control of nitrites; rinse food-contact

equipment to control hyprochlorite
residues; reduce exposure to light.

Human hazards:

Hazard Source Prevention

Performance of a processing step Processed products Provide product formulation recipes

out of sequence at processing site; verify correct
batch make up; audit the daily batch
make up sheets.

Failure to perform all of or part of a Processed products Verify that key employees are amply
task trained; reduce physical stress.

Ingesta on poultry Poultry deboning operation Monitor person(s) who pull the crop
on the slaughter floor (wash hands
between birds); monitor growers to
determine that feed has been with-
held prior to slaughter; inspect upon

Employee sabotage Processed products Examine all customer complaints to

determine if sabotage is a possible
cause of user dissatisfaction; ascer-
tain potential for the act.

Environmental hazards:

Hazard Source Prevention

Loose texture; poor bite resistance Ground beef patties Control temperature at time of

Condensate Processed products Use micro monitoring rather than

midshift cleanup.

Freezer burn Frozen products Proper application of skintight,

moisture-proof packaging materials.

Inaccurate net weight Retail packages Provide level, vibration-free, clean

weighing devices.

Compliance hazards:
Cured and smoked meats:

Hazard Source Prevention

Excess restricted ingredients Nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, ascorbic Control, correct usage and laboratory
acid, erythorbate, corn syrup, corn verification.
syrup solids, methyl polysilicone
and malt syrup.

Fresh pork sausage:

Hazard Source Prevention

Excess moisture Added water and ice Verify and control maximum limita-
tion of 3% moisture.
Cooked sausage:

Hazard Source Prevention

Excess binders Non-fat dry milk solids, cereals, soy Verify formulation to not exceed
products. 3.5% extenders/binders, except, iso-
lated soy protein to not exceed 2%.
Sliced packaged products:

Hazard Source Prevention

Fail label declaration of net weight Unreliable weight control Use control charts to plot on-line
sampling results.

Fresh/frozen meats:

Hazard Source Prevention

Excess fat Ground beef Use rapid fat analyses for "up front'
verification of raw materials and
compliance with 30% fat limitation.
Convenience foods:

Hazard Source Prevention

Too little meat Meat pies Use control charts to plot on-line
sampling results of plant's produc-
tion history and determine whether
noncompliance is due to low target
weights, excess variability or other


Hazard Source Prevention

Combination antioxidants and Lard Verify use of additives. Maximum

synergists limitation of 0.01% BHA and citric
acid alone or in combination.


Hazard Source Prevention

Inventory of caseinates Nonspecific loaves; soups; stews Provide alert on product make sheet
and imitation sausage. or recipe that inventory is to be kept.


Hazard Source Prevention

Added substance Cured ham Evaluate processing procedures to

control the percent pump.

Other products:

Hazard Source Prevention

Binding agents Poultry rolls Change label if cooked rolls exceed

3% binders to "binders added."

Poultry meat Breaded poultry Provide control charts for on-line

control of breading with maximum
30% limitation.

Once the sensitivity to critical requirements are identified by boxes Key: NMT (Not More Than)
control points is achieved, it is pos- "D," and the control points which NLT (Not Less Than)
sible to focus more sharply on the are not required are identified by IQF (Individually Quick
key factors in the quality system. lines " " Hazards are iden- Frozen)
The Federal Meat and Poultry Inspec- tified by r^ . To complete MSS (Mechanically Sepa-
tion Regulations require specific the tear sheets, check the control rated Species)
critical control points that are usu- points which are related to the IVIDP (Mechanically Deboned
ally related to finished product test- plant's operations. Include all the Poultry)
ing. However, a broad-based quality control points applicable to the plant. AS (Added Substance)
system will include "up-front" control The selection of the final control HOH (Water)
points. points for inclusion in the system ID (Identification)
In the tear sheets, the control will be made later. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)
points which relate to the inspection MPI (Meat and Poultry

Plant Hazards Methods of analyses:

Check control points related to plant's operation: Rapid
Raw materials: Proximate analysis..
Meat/Poultry: Visual
Identification (Est No., tag, label, etc.) D Micro
Beef/mutton inventory D PH
Foreign source D Residue
Wholesomeness D
Thermocouples D (Other)
Evaluation (Color, texture, appearance, Verification of quantity ..
etc.) Examination of carrier ...
Receiving inspection: Supplier rating procedure
Sample size Return unsound product . n
Frequency Receiving log D
Action Casings:
Natural D

Sampling plan (Boneless meats): Disposition of rejected materials D
Sample size D Notification of MPI D
Frequency D Supplier's manual
Action n Casings:
Cured: Artificial/collagen D
Percent nitrite D
Phosphates D

Nonfood, food-contact:
Non meat:
Designated area D Condition D
Examined prior to use D Source (premises/non-plant)
Intended use D Plain, beaded, lithographed
Enamel, resin or polymer
Name of product D Extruded
Ingredients statement D 2 piece
Name/address of manufacturer D 3 piece
Percent restricted ingredients, if any . D Glass:
Tracer, if any D Condition D
Certification: Baby food D
Food Chemical Codex D Annular space D
FDA D Plastic:
USDA supervised D Condition D
Letter of guaranty:
Sharp projections D
Limited D Pouch:
Continuing D Specifications
Potability: Cook-in film:
Water D Integrity
Purchased ice D
Examination: (Other)
Sight D Packaging:
Feel D Intended use and performance D
Smell D Transfer color/odor to product D
Raw vegetables D Paper
Sampling plan: Polyester
Sample size Cellophane
Frequency Thermoplastic:
Action Polyethylene
Methods of analyses: Polypropylene
Micro Nylon
Residue PVC
Filth Saran
Restricted ingredients: Pliofilm
Security D Aluminum foil:
Salty/acidic products D
Caseinates/soy products D Laminates
Supplier rating procedure Stockinet:
Tagging rejected additives/ingredients . "DI Legibility/label D
Receiving log
Approval for use tags:
Passive (nonconforming supplies
tagged) (Other)
Active (conforming supplies tagged) .

Specifications: Charcoal:
Coatings Intended use D
Water vapor permeability Purity/particle size
Gas permeability Sawdust:
Heatsealability Intended use:
Physical stability Prohibited: Boning, grinding, cutting
Flexibility/formability room floors D
Inertness Smokehouse: Nonresinous D
Transparency/opacity Antifoaming agents:
Odor/taste Identification n
Machinability Intended use:
Grease resistance Rendered fats/soups D
Light absorption Receiving log
Tape release Rejected non-food raw materials:
Passive (nonconforming supplies
(Other) tagged) D
Active (conforming supplies tagged) ....
Disposition n
Notification of MPI D
Supplier's manual
"List of Chemical Compounds" . D
Name D
Manufacturer D Holding raw materials:
Concentration D Inventory control (first in, first out)
Mixing instructions D Environmental controls:
Instructions for use D Recording thermometers
Tagging unacceptable compounds D Anemometer
P^ j^ HAZARD: Ammonia/chlorine Relative humidity:
Wet bulb/dry bulb

(Other) (Other)
Identification D
Processing department:
"List of Chemical Compounds" D
Cooked sausage:
Appropriate for use:
Product preparation:
Rendered fat D
Identification D
Poultry product D
Meat/poultry wholesomeness D
Animal food D
Inedible products D
Proximate analysis
Lubricants: Magnet
Identification D Formulation:
Approval letter D Meat block:
Method of application Without byproducts:
Durability Beef
Mean Time Between Application Pork

Dry ice: Raw/cooked poultry meat
Intended use D (NMT15%) D
Safety: Uncooked, cured primal pork D
Ventilation for snow hoods D Bacon, (NMT 10%) ^ D
Warning D MSS D
Monitoring processing room: D
Maximum 5,000 ppm/5 ft above floor
level D

Rework: Flavoring agents:
Casings stripped, unstripped or Sugar:
snipped D Sucrose/dextrose
Binding capacity Corn syrup \
Color characteristics Corn syrup solids > —NMT 2.0%... D
Texture characteristics Glucose syrup )
Least-cost fornnulation Sorbitol (NMT 2.0%) D
With byproducts: Malt syrup (NMT 2.5%) D
Meat(NLT15%) D Monosodium glutamate D
Partially defatted pork/beef fatty Water/ice:
tissue (NMT 15%) D ^Measured amount D
Bacon (NMT 10%) D P^_ j^ HAZARD: Calibration of scales/
Uncooked, cured pork with meters
D Spices/flavorings:

Poultry products (NMT 15%) Seasoning mix:
Rework: Percent protein D
Casings stripped, unstripped or Salt
snipped D Spice
Binding capacity Mustard (NMT 1%) D
Color/texture characteristics Flavorings
Least-cost formulation Sterilization/purity
Additives: Spice potency
Cure/cure mix: Analyses
D Total batch weight

Nitrate (2.75 oz/100 lb)
Nitrite (0.25 oz/100 lb) Projected finished weight
Ascorbic acid (0.75 oz/100 lb) D Premeasured
Erythorbic acid (0.75 oz/100 lb) D Meters n
Ascorbate (0.875 oz/100 lb) D Scales D
Erythorbate (0.875 oz/100 lb) D Calibration D
Glucona delta lactone Verification
(8.0 oz/100 lb) G Initials
Sodium acid pyrophosphate Method of preparation:
(8.0 oz/100 lb) D Batch processing:
Citric acid j Ascorbic acid Identification G
-NMT 50%— . Erythorbic acid D Grinding:
Ascorbate Lean meat
(Plate size)
Fat meat
(Plate size)
(Other) Mixing:
Extenders/binders: Lean meat
NFDM Fat meat
Ca Reduced DMS Additives
Cereal flour Chopping:
Vegetable flour Cycles
► NMT 3.5%. D
Soy flour ^ Time
Soy protein concentrate ^ ^ HAZARDS: Overchopping/
Whey dull blades
(Other) Pneumatic
Isolated soy protein P^ jT"' HAZARD: Stuffing pressure
NMT 2.0% D Casings:
(Other) Natural:
Salt: Salted:
Anti-caking agent D Rinsed/flushed G

Preflushed: Presalting:
Rinsed D Time
Approved □ Percent salt
Clear/opaque Mixing/blending:
Lean meat
Treated Fat meat
Printed/plain Additives
Prestruck Time
Approved Q Emulsifying:
Plate size
Automatic PH
(Other) Temperature
P^ jT^ HAZARD: Overextending binding
HAZARD: "Up front" weight
control, each link
Removal of air
Control _____
Coolcing/smoking cycle:
Color development
Approved ^
Internal temperature:
Stuffing pressure
Pork ingredient (NLT137°) □
Casing diameter
Smoke generation:
r^^^y^ HAZARD: Understuffing/
Sawdust ^ loose ends of stuffed —
Liquid smoke
Casing surface, wet/moist
Steam production
Cold-water shower
Controls ——
Smokehouse shrink:
I— ^ HAZARD: "Up front" weight control,
Target ^
each link ——
Cooking/smoking cycle:
Holding: Preheated temperature
Time ——
[^/^ HAZARD: Low humidity/
Internal temperature:
Pork ingredient (NLT 137^) □
Peeling: Smoke generation:
Sawdust '-I
Liquid smoke
Continuous processing systems:
Cold-water shower
Identification LJ
Smokehouse shrink:
Target ^
Lean meat ——
(Plate size) Control
Brine chilling:
P^j^HAZARD: Time/temperature
Fat meat
(Plate size) Temperature
Brine strength
r^|^_?^HAZARD: Time/temperature
Internal temperature

Peeling: Microanalyses:
Automatic Sampling plan
(Other) Interpretation of results .
Cooler storage: Use of data
Time Projected shelf-life ...
Temperature Sanitation verification
Cooler shrink: (Other)
Target D
Sampling prior to packaging: Loaves and luncheon meat:
Percent added water Product preparation:
(NMT10%) D Identification D
Percent fat (NMT 30%) D Meat and poultry ingredients D
Sampling plan: Proximate analysis:
Frequency Sample size
Limits Frequency
Action zones n Methods of analyses
Packaging: Reinspection of ingredients
Vacuum packaging Temperature
Impermeable film
Verification: (Other) ~~~~
Correct closure Formulation:
Exclusion of air Specific loaves:
Applicable label: Meat block:
70/30 D Excludes byproducts D
Byproducts D Mss n
Binders/extenders D Phosphated trimmings D
Predominance D Rework D
Special handling D Binding capacity
Net quantity of contents .... D Least-cost formulation
Label product comparison . . . D
Net weight:
Scale: (Other)
Calibration D Nonspecific loaves:
Stickers Meat block:
Tare weight D Byproducts
Subgroup size D MSS/MDP D
Sampling frequency D Rework D
Limits: Binding capacity
Process capability Least-cost formulation
Individual limits (each package) D
Subgroup limits (5/10 packages). D (Other)
Subgroup range (difference Additives:
between high/low) D Cure/cure mix:
Runs D Nitrate (2.75 oz/100 lb) D
Shift average D Nitrite (0.25 oz/100 lb) D
Standard deviation Ascorbic acid (0.75 oz/100 lb) D
ANOVA Erythorbic acid (0.75 oz/100 lb) D
Charts D Ascorbate (0.875 oz/100 lb) D
Erythorbate (0.875 oz/100 lb) D
Citricacid) (Ascorbic acid .... D
>-NMT50%—< r-n
Citrate ( I Ascorbate U

Gluconadeltalactone(8.0oz/100lb).. . D Mixing
Sodium acid pyrophosphate (8.0 oz/ Chopping
1001b) D Forming:
Caseinate: nonspecific loaves: Molds
inventory daily D Vacuum package
(Other) Temperature
Extenders/binders: Internal temperature:
NFDM Pork ingredient (NLT 137°) D
Whey Cooling:
Ca Reduced DMS Time
Cereal flour Temperature
Vegetable flour Holding:
Soy flour Time
Soy protein concentrate Temperature
Isolated soy protein Humidity
Inventory: nnore than 1 soy product.... D Sampling:
Luncheon loaf: Sampling plan
NFDM, cereal prohibited D Frequency
Meat in name: binders/extenders Limits
(NMT3.5%) D Packaging:
Salt: Vacuum packaging
Anti-caking agent D
Flavoring agents: (Other)
Sugar Impermeable film
Corn syrup/corn syrup solids/glucose syrup: Verification:
Nonspecific Correct closure
Luncheon (NMT 2.0%) D Exclusion of air
Monosodium glutamate Applicable label:
Water/Ice: Extenders/binders D
Nonspecific: measured amounts Predominance D
Specific loaves (NMT 3.0%) D Special handling n
Ingredients: Quantity of contents D
Olives Label/product comparison D
Peppers Product visible/invisible D
Pickles Dipped in hot oil D
Onions Meat in name D
Spices: Net weight:
Seasoning mix Scale:
Sterilization/purity Calibration D
Spice potency Stickers
Analyses Tare weight 'a
Premeasured batch Subgroup size D
Total batch weight Sampling frequency D
Projected finished weight Limits:
Meters Process capability
Scales Warning
Calibration Individual limits (each package), D
Verification: Subgroup limits (all packages) , D
Initials Subgroup range (difference
Method of preparation: between high/low) D
Identification n Runs D
Grinding: Shift average D
Lean meat Standard deviation
(Plate size) ANOVA
Fat meat Charts D
(Plate size)

Microanalyses: Chilled pork sausage operations:
Sampling plan Pork trimmings:
Laboratory Specifications:
Interpretation of results . Lean/fat ratio
Use of data PH
Projected shelf-life ... Rancidity
Sanitation verification
(Other) Seasoning: Salt, sugar, pepper, sage ...
Antioxidants (0.01/0.02%) D
Synergists (0.01 %) D
Fresh pork sausage: Mixing/blending:
Pre-rigor (hot boning) operations: Fat control D
Boning: p^ rj-* HAZARD: Overmixing
On-the-rail *- ^ Grinding:
Table Plate
(Other) I— rr^ HAZARD: Temperature
Reinspection (boneless meats): ^■"■^—^ Particle size
Sampling plan D Bloom
Sampling size D Dull knives
Frequency D Worn plates
Acceptance criteria D Blade clearance
Fat (NMT 50%): CO2 snow delivery
Control procedure for fat D Mixing:
Useof MSS D Ice (NMT 3%) D
Coarse chopping: Grinding:
I jr^ HAZARD: Bone chips (Visual or Plate
^"^"^^ detection device) (size)
Mixing: CO2 snow delivery
Ice (NMT 3%) D p^ j^ HAZARD: Temperature
Seasoning: Salt, sugar, pepper, sage . Particle size
Antioxidants (0.01/0.02%) D Bloom
Synergists(0.01%) D Dull knives
Grinding: Worn plates
Plate Blade clearance
(size) Chub packaging:
CO2 snow delivery Size
I ^^ HAZARD: Temperature p^ rr-'HAZARD: Smearing
Particle size ^- '^ Stuffing pressure
Bloom Packaging material:
Dull knives Applicable label D
Worn plates Net weight:
Mixing/blending: Scale:
Fat control D Calibration D
p^ ^r^HAZARD: Overmixing Stickers
Grinding: Tare weight
Plate D Subgroup size D
(size) Sampling frequency D
CO2 snow delivery Limits:
p^ jr"HAZARD: Temperature Process capability
^ Particle size Warning
Bloom Individual limits (each package) D
Smearing Subgroup limits (all packages) D
Subgroup range (difference between
high/low) D

Runs D Pickle formulation:
Shift average D Pickle formula make sheet D
Standard deviation ... Cure mixtures
ANOVA Additives control (10% pump) (10 lb/gallon):
Charts D Nitrate (7 lb/100 gallon) D
Microanalyses: Nitrite (2 lb/100 gallon) D
Sampling plan Phosphate (50 lb/100 gallon) D
Laboratory Ascorbic acid (75 oz/100 gallon) D
Interpretation of results . Erythorbate (87.5 oz/100 gallon) D
Use of data Corn syrup (60 lb/100 gallon) D
Projected shelf-life ... Corn syrup solids (50 lb/100 gallon) D
Sanitation verification D
(Other) (Other)
Blast chilling: p^ J-' HAZARD: Lack of agitation
Time ^^-^-^ Sampling:
Temperature Salometer
Recording devices ...
Packing: (Other)
Procedure Identification of pickle lines:
Inventory instructions Color coding

(Other) (Other)
Cured and smoked meats (pickle injection cure): Pork, Yes D
Product preparation: Beef, No D
Identification D Processing procedure:
Reinspection: Processing chart:
Wholesomeness D Products:
Proximate analysis Regular D
PH Water added D
Fat analyses: Imitation D
Iodine number Style/class
TBA Weight range D
AOM Lot size/weight D
Product pumping:
(Other) Target percent pump D
Temperature Pump pressure
Defrosting/tempering: Pumping time
First in, first out (FIFO) Temperature of pickle solution
Frozen: P^ ^ HAZARD: Purge/overpump
Brine defrost D Control tests:
Complete defrost D Frequency
Controls: Sample size
Time Method
Temperature: I ^ HAZARD: Broken stitch needles:
Meat On-line verification
Poultry D Frequency
Relative humidity: Non-operator checks
Wet bulb/dry bulb Filtration:
Anemometer Control of sediment D
Recording devices Verification of screens/filters
Frequency __
Operator/non-operator checks _
Tumbling/massaging _

Cover: Beef:
No cover used Percent gain:
Brisket (NMT 20%) □
Other beef (NMT 10%) □
Temperature Smoke/steam combo:
Modern smokehouse, Yes □
Up-draft, multi-story, No □
(Other) Smokehouse shrink:
Dry: Target ^
Salt/mixtures Control:
(Other) Verification
Time Frequency
Temperature r^"^ HAZARD: Missed target □
r^ ^ HAZARD: Souring/off-flavor Cooler:
Target gain/loss D Preceded temperature
Controls: Time
Time Thermostats
Temperature Humidistats
Recording devices Shrink:
Verification target gain/loss Target LJ
Smoking and cooking: Recording devices
Cycles: p^""^ HAZARD: Missed target □
Programmed ^"^■^-^ Sampling for laboratory analysis:
Manual Frequency
Preheated temperature Sampling point
Smoke: Sample preparation:
Sawdust: Boning LJ
Dry Skinning ^
Dampened Grinding CH
Identity of laboratory □
(Other) Interpretation of results:
Electrostatic Product action zones D
Liquid: Labeling:
Dipped Approved ^
Sprayed Water added:
Kemex strip D
(Other) D
Relative humidity Inspection mark Q
Time Special handling D
Temperature Label/product comparison □
_ Cycles Quantity of contents (catch weight) ... □
Q^j^ HAZARD: Crusting r"^^"^ HAZARD: Environmental factors ...
Regulatory requirements: ^~-^^ Net weight:
Internal temperature: Scale:
Fully cooked (NLT148") D Calibration ^
Regular smoked (NLT 137") .... D Stickers
Tender (NLT 140") D Sampling frequency D
Poultry (NLT 155") D Tare weight ^
Baked (NLT 170") D Total actual weight □
Ham: Total label weight D
Percent green weight: Difference LJ
Regular (NMT 100%) D Catch weight tolerance □
Water added (NMT 110%) ... D Shift average:
(Over 110%) D Plus/minus D
Control/action D

Charts □ Employees:
Employee initials Gloves

er HAZARD: Missed tolerance D Clothing

Frozen ground beef patties:
Rapid analysis:
Boneless meat suppliers:
Receiving dock:
D [^j^"^HAZARD: Consistency (temperature)
Identification D Grinding:
CO2 delivery
Combo bins:
[^,^ HAZARD: Consistency (temperature)
Weight Blending:
Supplier CO2 delivery
Date Verification:
Sampled: Temperature
Fat D

(Other) (Other)
(XI/^HAZARD: Blend/time (tough/rubbery)
(Other) Metal detectors:
Regulatory requirements:
D Method
Fresh n (Other)
Cheek meat (NMT 25%) D
Patty formers:
D Specifications:
D Thickness
(Other) Weight
D Frequency
None may be added
Analytical (NMT 30%) D Method
None may be added D
None may be added D
IQF patty freezing:
Processing conditions:
Temperature controlled rooms: Tunnel:
Product travel time
Metal detectors:
Micro checks of equipment:
(Other) Method


Patty stackers: Laboratory analyses:
Interleaves ADAC:
(Other) Protein
Regular freezing: Fat
Patty stackers (Other)

(Other) (Other)
Boxing station: Shipping:
Weight target Inventory:
Labeled: Manual
Product Computer assisted
Weight Verification of carrier:
(Other) Condition
Coded: Refrigeration unit
Plant of origin Preceded temperature..
Date Shipping instructions ...
Hour of production
Product (Other)

(Other) Foodservice:
Weight verification:
Random Specifications:
Meat/poultry ingredients:
No. of boxes
(Other) Chilled
Plant of origin
Metal detector:
Frequency Nonmeat ingredients:
Method Fresh:
(Other) Varietal type

(Other) (Other)
Freezer (non-IQF):
Product discharge:
Verification product temperature: (Other)
(Other) Type/style



Receiving dock: Portion control:
Wholesomeness D Volume
Identification D Weight
Tennperature Dimension:
Weight Length
(Other) Thickness
Relabeled: On-line sampling:
Date of entry Frequency
Supplier Sample size
Weight Verification:
Code: Total weight
Traceability Individual ingredient(s)...
(Other) Metal detector:
Sampled: Verification:
Micro Frequency
Sensory: Method
Odor Wrapping:
Texture Shrinkwrap
Electronic (Other)
Visual Labeling:
Frequency of sample Approved D
Sample size
Tolerances (Other)
Supplier reliability index ... Coding:
Plant of origin
(Other) Date
Processing conditions: Hour of production
Temperature controlled room: Traceability of ingredients ..
Computer (Other)
Micro checks of equipment: Sampling:
Swabs Frequency
Sample size
(Other) Verification:
Employees: Wrapper integrity
Gloves Product/label comparison D
(Other) Boxing station:
Bulk storage tanks: Primary package integrity ..
Temperature Label:
PH Product
Sensory Piece count
Micro Weight
Fabrication: Code
Sandwiches: Cooler/freezer:
Open face D Temperature
Specifications: Relative humidity
Bread Recording devices
Meat/poultry ingredient(s) D
Dairy ¡ngredient(s)
Vegetable ingredient(s) ..

Laboratory analyses: Coding:
AOAC: Plant of origin
Moisture Date
Fat Hour of production
Micro Traceability of ingredients
(Other) Sampling:
Pizza: Frequency
Meat ingredient D Sample size
Specifications: Verification:
Bread/dough Wrapper integrity
Sauce: Product/label comparison D
Total solids (specific gravity).... (Other)
Meat ingredient(s) D Boxing station:
Vegetable ingredient(s) Primary package integrity
Cheese Label:
(Other) Piece count
Portion control: Weight
Volume Code
Weight Overwrap
Dimension: Blast freezer:
Diameter Time
Thickness Temperature
Regulatory requirements: Wind turbulence
Pizza: Recording devices
With meat (NLT 15% fresh meat) D Freezer storage:
With sausage: Temperature
Cooked sausage (NLT 12%). .. D Recording devices
Dry sausage (NLT 10%) D Laboratory analyses:
Pizza sauce: AOAC
With sausage (NLT 6%) D Micro
On-line sampling: Sensory
Sample size (Other)
Verification: Shipping:
Total weight Inventory:
Meat ingredient(s) Manual
Sensory Computer assisted
Verification of carrier:
(Other) Odor
Metal detector: Condition
Verification: Refrigeration unit
Frequency Preceded temperature
Method Shipping instructions
Shrinkwrap (Other)

Labeling: Canned meat/poultry operations:
Approved D Products canned at facility include:
Emulsions D
(Other) Cooked D
Cooked and smoked D
Cured D

Solid or semi-solid □ Physical:
Dried □ Equipment
Containers used at facility include: (Other)
Metal: Records kept
Two piece Corrective action ...
Three piece Processing control:
Process schedule:
(Other) Product(s) D
Glass Style(s) D
Plastic Containers:
Pouch Type D
Cook-in film Size n
Sterilizing value D
(Other) Process documentation:
Ingredients: Process schedule:
Meat/poultry: Recognized authority D
Wholesomeness Q Date of schedule.... D
Preconditioning Process adequacy:
Critical factors D
(Other) Location D
Nonmeat: Plan of control D
Gravies Equipment:
Sauces Retort:
Brines Still D
Broths Continuous D
Hydrostatic D
(Other) D
Special processing: (Other)
Precooking □ Hot water tank D
Braising D Aseptic n
Deboning D n
Slicing □ (Other)
Forming D Description:
(Other) Caoacitv
Container control: Ventina svstem D
Incoming empty containers, closures, materials Bleeders/mufflers D
Source Temperature and pressure
Empty container handling system . . . instruments D
Control procedures: Container loading/unloading
Visual Container sterilization D
Seam teardown D (Other)
Burst test Operating procedure
Instrument checks for accuracy:
(Other) Method D
Frequency D
Storage (Other)
Cleaning D Other controls:
Records kept Traffic control D
Filled and sealed containers: Process schedule available at
Control procedures: point-of-use D
Visual: Timina devices D

Initial product temperature D Container handling:
Undue delay control D Procedure
Records kept D Equipment sanitation
Process deviations: Incubation:
In-process handling: Sampling D
Alternate/reprocess schedule D Facilities D
Hold procedure D Incubator checks D
Person responsible D Temperature D
Corrective action D Thermometer checks D
Records kept D Records D
Post-process handling: Abnormal containers D
Hold procedure D Finished product:
Evaluation report: Inspection:
Visual examination D Condition of container D
Special incubation procedure ... D AQL procedure D
Action to be taken D Product safety/stability n
Sterility level: Abnormal containers:
USDA notified D Procedure to determine cause D
Reprocessing/destruction D Significance of cause/incident D
Equipment: Product disposition:
Calculations D 100% inspection D
Computers D Reprocessing D
Simulations D Rework D
Product control: Destruction D
All deviations reported D Product recall:
Notification to: Container codes:
Name D Meaning of numbers/symbols ...
Title D Written procedure
Hold tags D Audits:
Information to process authority D Container handling:
Maintenance of deviation file/log D Condition of equipment/
Responsibility to release D maintenance
Records: Container abuse
Forms: Potential for recontamination ... D
Hold report Container closing:
Disposition Condition
In-house process authority . .. Maintenance
Release Overhaul
Post-processing: Processing systems:
Cooling: Functional equipment:
Procedure n Steam/water/air/drain lines . . . . D
Water source/chlorination D Steam spreaders D
Water reuse-recycling, if any D Valves, leaks D
Chlorination checks: Instruments, mufflers D
Method D Alterations:
Place D Vent lines, headers, manifolds . D
Frequency D Crates, baskets n
Water quality: Heat medium:
Microbiological Steam D
Physical Hot water D
Chemical Flame D

step 7—Charts and Graphs

Adequate records are essential One of the key advantages of

to the system's ability to provide the charts and graphs is that they in-
necessary controls. The degree of crease controls over raw materials
recordkeeping and the complexity of used in the plant. For example, if un-
1 the records depends, in part, on the
scope of the processing operation
detected hazards in the raw materi-
als adulterate the finished product,
and the kind of products produced good records enable the identifica-
in the plant. Charts and graphs that tion of the lots, codes, or production
are currently being used by the plant, shifts that might be considered sus-
along with instructions for their use, pect. This activity provides a strong
may be all that is necessary to doc- defense against product liability
ument the system. claims. The section devoted to qual-
ity control strategy, page 3 , high-
lights some of the concerns related
to product liability law.
Plants may wish to require em-
Figures: Sample Receiving Log ployee initials or signatures on their
records. Identifying a person's role
in the production of finished product
Receiving Log for Boneless Meats, Packing Co.
can motivate that person to exercise
more care in making decisions. The
Inspection/ frequency with which supervisors re-
Product Weight Suppler Condition Identification Disposition view plant-generated records also is
important, because it demonstrates
9/30/80 Reg. Beef 9,000 Est. 38 Accept/Good Lot 49 Accept to employees the extent of manage-
Trim. ment concern about the accuracy of
9/30/80 Lean Beef 500 Est. 38 Reject/Spoiled Lot 50 Return to such information.
Trim. Supplier The following examples illus-
trate some of the charts and graphs
that might be used as plant records.
These can be modified to fit a plant's
processing conditions. Only charts
and graphs that can be maintained
by the employees should be designed
for the system.
Incomplete or missing entries
on plant records are considered de-
viations from the quality system.
The severity of these infractions can
be judged by the relationship of the
record to a hazard critical control
Figure 4: Product Temperature Record
Product Min. Int. Product Min. Int. Use the records that are pro-
Name Temp. Name Temp. vided on these tear sheets only if
the chart or graph will fit the plant's
operations. Attach any additional
charts and graphs to the tear sheets
for Step 7.

^-"^ ^^^L-^^-^^--^^ L^^'O^-^^-^^^-^^

Figures: Formulation and Processing Procedure

Est No.. Product.

Date. QC Official

Meat/Meat By-Products & Wt. Binders/Extenders & Wt. Spices/Flavor & Wt.

Curing materials

Water/Ice Approximate Wt. of

Total Protein in
Each Batch
Batch Wt.

Method of Preparation:

Smoldng/Cooicing Cycle:

Hours Temp. Humidity Finish Internal Temp. Smoke/Cook Shrink Cooler Shrink

Ingredient(s) Statement

Approved Labels:
Name & Type Approval Number Date Temp, or Final

Figures: Shewhart Control Chart

Product .

Deviation from Label In . .Units

~f _j




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— '— ~ ~ — ~ h- 1 _ 1 1 _
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"~ _ 11 _ „ __ r~ ^__ _ — — — --— — — -—- k- - -
- H- - - - -- - - —— — — - ——— H ~ -
-4 — —— ~ ^
R — — 1

Chart — —' —' — 1 ~i ~i —1

—- 1

— —' — ~ -1 '~ _^ _\ __ _ 1
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Sample Size.

step 8—Handling Product
Marked Inedible
The following guideline is offered (b) as the inedible food is gen-
for handling product marked erated. If the material to be de-
"inedible": natured is protected (i.e., re-
turned goods), the protective
It is the plant's responsibility
covering (i.e., retail packaging,
to denature inedible food so
shipping container, strippable
that its use as edible would be
casing, etc.) must be removed
precluded. Furthermore, to en-
or altered so that the dénatur-
sure thorough denaturing, the
ant will come into intimate
process of denaturing will be
contact with the inedible
done either by: (a) on a maxi-
mum of 50 pounds material or

During the processing of nneat

and poultry products, raw materials
or processed products may inadver- The plant's policy toward inedible material is
tently be dropped on the floor or ex-
posed to conditions which make
them insanitary. If these materials
are intact units, it may be possible
to reclaim the raw materials. Re-
claiming meat or poultry might in-
volve trimming of exposed surfaces
or washing the affected parts under
special conditions. On the other
hand, the plant may establish a pol-
icy in its system which would desig-
nate as inedible all raw materials The plant's policy toward returned goods is
which are exposed to insanitary
Another situation arises when
the plant receives a returned product.
The system should discuss how a
returned product is to be handled.
When returned goods are received
that have been packaged in retail
containers, the system should iden-
tify the method for the inspection
and disposition of these returned
When all returned goods and
materials exposed to insanitary con-
ditions during processing are con-
sidered inedible, the plant must pro-
vide satisfactory safeguards to ensure
they will not be sold as human food.
The USDA inspector does not have
to be notified.
This tear sheet offers guidelines
for a policy statement regarding the
handling of inedible materials. Space
is also provided for the policy on re-
turned goods and inedible materials.

step 9—Keeping the Plant Clean

schedule for cleaning compounds of the write-up will depend upon the
might be used: complexity of the plant, use of auto-
mated systems (clean-in-place), crit-
Heavy soils Strong alkaline ical nature of the product, number
cleaners of shifts operated in the plant, use
Lighter soils Mild alkaline of sanitation monitoring programs
cleaners (microbiological), and other similar
Light soils Neutral cleaners factors.
Mineral build-up The sanitation write-up must
and hard water Acid cleaners discuss the safeguards to control
any product which might become
These descriptions of sanitation contaminated or adulterated through
offer a way to generalize clean-up the misuse of compounds, presence
procedures without creating a paper- of pests, act by an employee, or
Plant sanitation is important be- work burden. other similar causes. This safeguard
cause only clean facilities produce The sanitation monitoring sec- might entail the closing down of a
clean products. Three levels of clean- tion of the quality control system production department and retention
liness exist in food processing plants: can be expressed as five broad of all product associated with the
physical, chennical, and microbiolog- concerns: situation. The general guideline is:
ical. Each level of cleanliness re- Sufficient control must be exercised
quires special procedures. Only 1. Preoperative inspection; to prevent the shipment into com-
chemicals can produce microbiolog- 2. Operational inspection; merce of any adulterated or mis-
ically clean facilities. Yet, sanitizers 3. General facilities inspection; branded products. The rewards for
are not substitutes for physical 4. Personal hygiene; and good sanitation programs include a
cleanliness. 5. Pest control. reduced rate of returned goods,
Cleaning compounds vary ac- fewer customer complaints, and re-
cording to the kind of soils encoun- Each of these concerns must duced chances of foodborne illness.
tered. For instance, the following be addressed separately. The extent

The following guidelines are of- Designated person D
fered for documenting the sanitation Authority
program. The guidelines may be sup-
plemented by drawings, diagrams, Training
systems, or proprietary materials Updating
furnished by suppliers of sanitation Plant improvement program:
equipment and supplies. Use of formal procedure □

Figure?: Plant Maintenance Record

Date Deflclency(8) Corrective Action Completion

Environmental control: Product contamination control:
Ventilation system: Maintenance activity:
Air flow: Food contact surfaces/product:
Cleaner area to less clean areas D During processing shift D
Filtration of outside make-up air D Before/after processing shift D
Condensation control: Use of lubricants/oils D
Devices D Personnel ingress/egress:
Procedures D Head coverings n
Traffic control: Outer clothing n
Equipment D Cleaning instructions/schedules:
Personnel D Frequency:
Temperature control Equipment D
Pest control: Facilities D
Inside areas: Acceptance/rejection criteria:
Processing areas D Raw materials D
Non-processing areas D Processed products D
Inedible areas D Facilities D
Outside premises: Welfare/locker areas D
Used equipment D Personal hygiene:
Refuse control: Personal effects:
Dumpsters D Aprons/protective devices D
Incinerators D Implements D
Roadways: Footware D
Dust D Cleaning/storage D
Surface drainage D Outer garments:
Loading docks D Traffic between raw/processed areas. D
Grass/weeds D Gloves D
Maps (on file): Practices:
Bait stations Instructions/posters D
Water supply: Hair/beard coverings D
Sources D Jewelry/cosmetics D
Distribution D Buttons/badges D
Nonpotable D Hand washing/sanitizing D
Potable: Spitting D
Ongoing certification on file D Rashes/sores/infections/cuts D
Changes D Colds/medical problems D
Chemicals: Habits:
Statement that chemicals are on the approved Tobacco:
list D Smoking D
Chewing D
Chewing gum D
Light bulbs/fixtures/sleeves/shields.. D

Figure 8: Dally Sanitation Report


Under the abbreviations "Pre-Op." (Observations made prior to the start of operations) and "Oper." (Observations made after operations
have begun), record as appropriate the following codes: "N.O." (ñ/ot Observed), "Ac." (Acceptable), "Def." (Deficiency (sj).

PRE- (Enter "General Area" No., specific description AND DOWNTIME
OP of deficient areas, equipment, etc) (Enter "General Area** No.)

1. Receiving

2. Outside Premises

3. Roors

4. Walls

5. Windows, Screens, etc.

6. Ceilings and Overhead
7. Doors

8. Rails

9. Equipment:
a. Product Zone
b. Nonproduct Zone

10. Freezers and Coolers

11. Ice Facilities

12. Dry Storage Areas

13. Lights

14. Welfare Facilities

15. Employee:
a. Dress
b. Hygiene
c. Work Habits
16. Handwashing and

17. Rodent and

Insect Control

18. General Housekeeping:

a. Production Area

b. Nonproduction Area

19. Production

20. Other


step lO^Corrective Action

terated or misbranded product are, change, and set up problem-solving

of course, critical, but the emphasis on a project-by-project basis.
should be on long-range prevention Since the plant's corrective ac-
rather than short-range control. tion procedures may be largely un-
To be effective, corrective action written. It will be necessary to record
must take Into account the symptom, these procedures. This act may in-
the cause, and the remedy. Two sep- volve interviews with key employees
arate activities are Involved. The who are responsible for making
first, which relates symptom to changes and taking action. Step 6,
cause. Is diagnostic. The second, re- plant hazards, can be used as a
medial, relates cause to remedy. The guideline to locate the control points
diagnostic activity might consider where corrective action will be neces-
whether the cause of the problem Is sary. List on the tear sheet for step
Corrective action should treat controllable by the management or 10 the procedures that are currently
the cause of the problem, not merely by the employee. The remedial activ- used to correct undesirable situa-
its effects. The safeguards to prevent ity might consider the choice of al- tions in the plant.
distribution Into commerce of adul- ternatives, deal with resistance to

Situation Control Point Corrective Action








step 11—Statistical Procedures

grammable calculators make it pos- The Ohio State University

sible for employees to compute val- Animal Science Department
ues with a high degree of accuracy. 2029 Fyffe Road
Combined with the appropriate Columbus, Ohio 43210
charts and graphs, these computa- 12. Quality Control of Post Mortem
tions are "early warning" indicators Muscle Tissue.
of production trends in the plant's Vol. 1—Meat and Additives
processes. Observation of these in- 2—Environmental Control
dicators and trends, coupled with re- 3—Carcass Quantity,
sponsive corrective action, serves as Quality and Color
a tracking system for the economic Evaluation
control of quality. 4—Microbiology
Listed below are several sources 5—Tables
of information related to quality con- 13. Meat Processing.
In the manufacture of high- trol. Other sources are available and 14. Chemistry of Meat Tissue.
volunne items, including food prod- the list below does not imply en- 15. Statistical Sampling Principles.
ucts, it is neither physically nor eco- dorsement over any other similar, or
nomically feasible to scrutinize each Superintendent of Documents
equally effective material. If any of
item produced by the system. More- U.S. Government Printing Office
the materials listed below are needed Washington, DC 20402
over, the examination and analysis to complete the quality system, these
of such food items as hermetically (202) 783-3238
materials may be obtained from the 16. Military Standard 105-D, Sam-
sealed products is usually destruc- sources, usually for a fee.
tive to the "fitness for use" of the pling Procedures and Tables
items. These facts make statistical for Inspection by Attributes.
American Society for Quality Control 17. Military Handbook H-53, Guide
quality control all the more important 230 W. Wells Street
to the production of food products. for Sampling Inspection.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 18. HEW Publication No. (FDA)
With statistical quality control, (414)272.8575
it is possible to examine a small 79-2115, 2118 and 2119, More
1. ANSI/ASQC A1-1978 Definitions, Than You Ever Thought You
portion of the production and make Symbols, Formulas and Tables
decisions about the production as a Would Know About Food Ad-
for Control Charts. ditives, Part I, Part II and
whole. Examinations may be at con- 2. ANSI/ASQC A2-1978 Terms,
trol points that enable adjustment of Part III.
Symbols and Definitions for 19. Consumer Product Safety, Re-
the process if it is drifting toward Acceptance Sampling.
undesirable features. Thus, statis- sponsive Business Approaches
3. ANSI/ASQC A3-1978 Quality to Consumer Needs, U.S. De-
tical quality control can reduce the Systems Terminology.
incidence of unwanted products. partment of Commerce, Office
4. ASQC 01-1968 Specifications of Consumer Affairs.
These statistical procedures of General Requirements for a
may also be used to make decisions 20. Inspecting Incoming Food Mate-
Quality Program. rials (Visual Aid and Checklist),
about the "fitness for use" of ven- 5. ANSI/ASQC Z-1.15-1979 General
dors' products. As with the scrutiny Stock No. 017-012-00238-2.
Guidelines for Quality Systems.
of items during production, the cost 6. Glossary and Tables for Statistical Council for Agricultural Science and
of scrutinizing each item of raw ma- Quality Control. Technology
terial received by the plant is prohib- 7. How to Evaluate a Supplier's 250 Memorial Union
itive. However, vendors' deliveries Product. Ames, Iowa 50011
may be accepted or not accepted 8. How to Establish Effective Quality (515)294-2036
based upon supplier quality control. Control for the Small Supplier. 21. Foods From Animals, Quantity,
Statistical quality control does 9. Product Recall Planning Guide. Quality and Safety, Report
not have to be a complicated proce- No. 82.
dure, manageable only by highly The Food Processors Institute
trained individuals. Close attention 1133 20th Street, NW American Meat Institute
to a few basic measurements, charts, Washington, DC 20036 P.O. Box 3556
and graphs can yield simple controls (202)331-5919 Washington, DC 20007
that rival many of the sophisticated 10. Control of Critical Points In Food (703)841-2400
systems. The procedures and calcu- Processing—A Systems 22. Meat Plant Sanitation.
lations necessary to maintain con- Approach. 23. Good Manufacturing Practices,
trol charts and other similar records Precooked Fresh and Cured
are easily learned. It is possible to American Press Cooked Beef.
obtain many of the values which are Boston, Massachusetts 24. Good Manufacturing Practices,
related to statistical procedures in 11. Laboratory Manual for Meat Fermented Dry and Semi-Dry
pre-calculated tables. Science by Smith, King & Sausage.
Hand-held, inexpensive pro- Carpenter.

Meat and Poultry Inspection Program
Food Safety and Inspection Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington, DC 20250
25. Meat and Poultry Inspection
26. Meat and Poultry Inspection
27. Unit I, II & III, TQC Manuals,
Dentón, TX.

Small Business Administration

P.O. Box 15434
Ft. Worth, TX 76119
28. Setting Up a Quality Control
System, Management Aids
No. 2.012.

Grocery Manufacturers of America,

1010 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20007
(202) 337-9400
29. Recall Manual.

step 12—Process Flow Chart

If several different generic proc- A fairly simple outline of the op-

esses occur in the plant, it may be erations in a small processing plant
difficult to show the process flow on which produces only one or two
a single chart. One method that mainline products might be described
might be used for these situations is as follows:
to show the process flow for each
product by a series of transparent
overlays affixed to the blueprint of
the plant's floor plan.

Figure 10: Production Process Fiow Diagram

A process flow chart diagrams

a plant's processing procedures—
from receiving the raw materials to Receiving Dock
manufacturing the finished product.
The process flow in the quality con-
trol system can be described through
the use of words, boxes, or a sche-
Storage (First In, First Out)
matic drawing. This summary of the
plant's activities and processes i
Dumping (Sample pulled)
should clearly identify process con-
trol points. The size and complexity
of the plant's operations will deter-
mine how extensive and detailed the
flow chart should be.
Other, more extensive, opera-
tions might be described through a
series of keyed configurations or Preparation (Grind, Formulate, Blend, Verify)

Figure 9 Transfer

(i>-^MIH3)-® Process (Heat, Smoke, Chill)

Storage (Cold)
Packaging (Slicing, Weighing, Labeling)

Key: O = Operation activity Storage (Cool)

A = Inspection
D = Storage
<ii = Transportation
1. Receiving dock
2. Incoming inspection
3. Receiving storage * Critical control point
4. Defrosting
5. Tempering
6. Nonmeat ingredients control
7. Conveyor to blending room

still other operations might be
shown by blueprints or engineer's
drawings of the plant's activities:

Sausage Plant Layout

Figuren Loading Docks

Dry Storage Conveyor—Up

Develop or attach a copy of the

plant's process flow plan. The blue-
print used to obtain the original
Grant of Inspection for the process-
ing facility may be all that is

Putting the System Together

Use the 12 tear sheets as the inventory and possibly an active se- The next step in developing a
basis for assembling the quality sys- curity check? Is the inventory man- quality system is to discuss the pro-
tem. If these notes fail to cover all ual or computerized? Following the cedure for returned goods. This topic
meat and poultry products produced receiving dock and incoming storage is mentioned in Step 8, "Handling
by the plant, use procedures similar outline, it may be easier to take Product Marked Inedible." If goods
to those in Step 6 to outline the each product and describe its proc- are returned to the processing plant,
missing products and processes. esses step-by-step through the plant these safeguards that are taken to
Reconsider the strategy for the when several different classes of control the disposition of these
system and how much detail may be products are handled. If the plant's products should be described in de-
necessary to describe the plant's products are produced by essentially tail. The notes associated with Step
procedures. It is possible to record the same generic process, it may 8 outline a general statement that
everything in one manual, however, not be necessary to divide the proc- may be made regarding disposition
separate manuals might be devel- ess into a product-by-product activity. of returned goods. If these products
oped for the policies, procedures, Of course, all the plant's auto- are reclaimed in any manner—for
and methods. mated recording devices and contin- example, the use of stale hams in
Written procedures communi- uous systems should be described sausage—the general statement in
cate information about quality to at the point in the process where Step 8 will be inadequate.
employees, vendors, customers, and control measures actually occur. The regulations governing
other interested persons. The larger These examples of high technology USDA's voluntary total quality con-
the plant, the more extensively these lend a time dimension to the process trol inspection program do not re-
communications should be controls. It may be possible to use quire disclosure of proprietary infor-
documented. proprietary material to show how mation. Only those facts and figures
The format used for the written these controls function. They may that affect the plant's ability to com-
procedures can reduce the paper- be added as appendices, attach- ply with the federal regulations need
work burden. Use of flow charts, ments, or supplements. be cited. The establishment must
graphs, diagrams, and tables can go If the description of the plant's submit:
far to reduce paperwork. Remember, processes is separated into step-by-
these procedures should answer: step procedures, product-by-product, 1. A letter signed by the plant owner/
what, when, where, how, who? it is usually possible to merge these operator which states:
All written procedures should activities later in the system. The —Company's purpose for seeking
have numbered, and if possible, process flow might be merged at the approved quality control;
dated pages. Management can give point of packaging or during storage —Company's commitment to ad-
active, rather than passive support prior to shipping. However, when here to the system as approved;
to the procedures by providing an shipping is unique or different for —Company's data will be main-
authorization block on each page for each class of products, it may be tained and available to USDA;
the plant officials who are responsi- necessary to retain the separation —Company's quality control per-
ble for the quality system. The au- of the process flow throughout the sonnel have the authority to
thorization block may represent ap- distribution channels. halt production/shipping of
proving as well as reviewing officials' Once the processed products noncompliant products; and
signatures. leave the plant, the quality system —Company's management will
Begin the write-up of the system can continue to function. While Gov- be available for consultation
by using the process flow chart. ernment regulations usually are con- any time USDA considers it
Step 12, as a guide. The ground rule cerned with control of the product necessary.
is: Describe the system as it exists during its manufacture and storage 2. An organization chart showing
today, and not as it will be in the on the plant premises, the ability to that the quality control section
future. trace products through shipping rec- (except in small plants) reports to
First, describe what is received ords is important both to the plant an official independent of produc-
at the receiving dock; when, where, and the regulatory agency. The tion responsibilities.
and how it is received, and who plant's system should go beyond 3. A list of the meat and poultry in-
does it. The details regarding the re- Government concerns at the point of spection regulations applicable
ceiving records (log), tests, control distribution and consider product to the plant's operations.
points, deficiencies identified, limit durability and shelf-life. The success 4. Detailed information outlining
of acceptability, and corrective ac- of these measures depends on the how the system will function,
tion describe the receiving activity. advance planning and cooperation including:
The next activity might be the with purveyors to assure customer —Raw material control;
storage of incoming supplies. How satisfaction. Certainly, because the —Critical control points;
is this activity managed? What safe- packer's label bears the burden of —Nature and frequency of plant
guards are used to assure the fresh- product liability claims and the prod- tests (quality control désignée
ness of supplies? How are non-food uct reputation, the area of product to perform tests);
items kept separate from food items? handling by wholesalers also should —Nature of charts and other rec-
Which supplies require an ongoing be audited. ords kept;

—How long the records are kept; After a rough draft of the quali-
—Nature of deficiencies the sys- ty system has been developed, the
tem is designed to identify and following checklist can be used to
control; review the system for completeness.
—Boundaries of limits used to
control the system; and
—Points where corrective action
will occur and the nature of the
corrective action.

Purpose for requesting quality control D Handling finished products:

Commitment to quality control D What's handled D
Records available to USDA D Who handles it
Authority to halt production/shipping D How it's handled
Available to talk with USDA D Controls for handling it D
Signed by plant management D Corrective action to be taken D
List of regulations: Records to be kept D
MPI Regulations applicable to the plant Storage:
operation D Facilities
Organizational chart: Critical control points D
Persons responsible for quality control . .. D How are conditions controlled
Chain of command (positions, names not Corrective action to be taken
necessary) Shipping:
Number of persons working in quality How product is shipped
control Controls to assure adequate protection
Number of persons working in production Corrective action to be taken D
department Records to be kept D
No conflict in the role of quality control... D Inedible/returned goods products:
Incoming materials: Product sorting D
What's received Product condemnation D
Who receives it Product denaturing D
How it's handled Records to be kept D
How it's checked D MPI Inspector to be notified (optional)
Corrective action to be taken D Stamps/seals/brands:
Records to be kept D MPI Inspector to be notified D
Product preparation: Records to be kept D
What's processed D Sanitation:
Who processes it Statement that plant uses potable water
How it's processed D (ongoing certification) D
How it's handled Plant improvement program on file
Critical control points n Adequate pest control program
Corrective action to be taken D Maps/diagrams of traps/devices on file and
Records to be kept D available for review
Compliance with MPI Regulations: Statement that cleaning compounds/agents
Identification of applicable items are USDA approved/EPA registered D
Target values Preoperative/operational program:
Limits D What's to be done D
Action values Who's to do it
Control charts, graphs, logs, records How it's to be done
Corrective action to be taken D Corrective action to be taken D
Records to be kept n Records to be kept D


Personal hygiene: 1. Federal Meat Inspection Regulations (9 CFR 318.4)

What's to be done D and Poultry Products Inspection Regulations
(9 CFR 381.145).
Who's to do it 2. Wheelwright, S.C., "Japan—where operations really
How it's to be done are strategic," Harvard Business Review, July-
Corrective action to be taken August 1981.
General facilities inspection: 3. Deming, W.E., "What Top Management Must Do,"
What's to be done D BusinessWeek, July 20, 1981.
4. Juran, J.M., "Management of Quality," McGraw-Hill,
Who's to do it 1981.
How it's to be done D 5. Ringle, W.M., "The American Who Remade 'Made in
Corrective action to be taken D Japan'," Nation's Business, February 1981.
Records to be kept D 6. Hayes, R.H., "Why Japanese factories work," Har-
Microbiological monitoring vard Business Review, July-August 1981.
7. Consumer Product Safety, Responsive Business
Statement that intensity diagrams, if any, Approaches to Consumer Needs, U.S. Department
of control mechanisms are on file of Commerce, April 1981.
Characteristics of the system: 8. Dun's Review, "A New Way to View Consumers,"
List of plant processed products D August 1981.
9. Control of Critical Points in Food Processing, Food
Binder, manual or other suitable
Processors Institute, 1977.
organization D 10. Terrell, R.N., "A sausage makers guide to good
Pages identified by plant name, plant number manufacturing practices," Meat Industry, June 1979.
and date 11. Smith, King and Carpenter, "Laboratory Manual for
Pages numbered consecutively front to Meat Science," American Press, 1978.
12. Marriott, N.G., "Sanitation," The National Provi-
sioner, September 5, 1981.
Pages have active approval/reviewing 13. Fundamentals of Quality Control, American Society
officials' ID for Quality Control, 1981.
Suppliers manual 14. Golomski, W.A., & Santos, J.J., Food Processing
Control of revisions to the system D Magazine, August 1977.
D 15. Product Recall Planning Guide, American Society
List of laboratory procedures
for Quality Control, 1981.
ID of sampling plans D 16. Schonberger, Richard J., "Japanese Manufacturing
Tests performed off-premises D Techniques," The Free Press, 1982.
Use of test/inspection data
New employee orientation
Metrology/calibration testing equipment:
How it's accomplished D
Traceability to national standards D
Control of environmental/test conditions ...
Product recall procedure
Product liability prevention

Applications should be sent to: Ad-

ministrator, Food Safety and Inspec-
tion Service, USDA, Washington, D.O.

r U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1984 431-503/485 53

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