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Olly Richards

Fluent Spanish Academy


In order to get started and have your first basic conversations in Spanish, you’re going to need to
learn some words!

In this PDF, you’ll learn about 71 common Spanish phrases and words that can help you have your
first interactions in the language.

To make it easier for you, I’ve divided the phrases up into the main sections that form the building
blocks of conversation.

You don’t need to have a natural flair for languages. Learning a few key phrases and being willing to
speak the language is all you need to get started.

You never know, maybe learning these phrases will motivate you to learn to speak Spanish fluently!


1. Greetings
2. Small Talk
3. Being Polite
4. Dealing With Problems
5. Question Words
6. Important Answers
7. Special Occasions
8. Saying Goodbye

Guidance for using these Phrases

When you are at an beginner level in Spanish, you need to be able use basic phrases to
communicate with people and keep a conversation going.

Learning set phrases is a great way to do this! The phrases you’ll learn here will help you to connect
your ideas, respond naturally and ask engaging questions.

Here is a quick 6-step guide for how to use these phrases in your Spanish practice:

1. Think about what kind of situations you find yourself in most commonly.
2. Look through this guide and select the phrases that are most useful for you.
3. Write them down on a piece of paper, in a notebook or on some flashcards that you will
carry around with you.
4. Listen to the recordings and practice pronouncing the phrases out loud.
5. Try “shadowing” or copying the recording so that you get the intonation right for each
6. Try to use them in your Spanish conversations as much as possible. Remember, the
more you use them, the easier it will be to remember them!

1. Greetings

#1 ¡Hola! – Hello

• (O-la)

#2 ¡Buenos días! – Good morning

• (BWAY-nos DEE-as)

#3 ¡Buenos días! – Good evening

• (BWAY-nas TAR-des)

#4 ¡Bienvenido! – Welcome!

• (Bee-en-ven-EE-do)

2. Language Exchanges

#5 ¿Cómo estás? – How are you?

• (KOH-moh eh-STAHS)

#6 ¿Cómo te va? – How’s it going?

• (KOH-moh tay BAH)

#7 ¿Cómo te ha ido? – How’ve you been?

• (KOH-moh tay ha EE-doh)

#8 Estoy bien. ¡Gracias!

• (eh-STOY bee-en GRA-thee-as/GRA-see-as)

#9 ¿Y tú? – And you?

• Can you write it please?

#10 Bien/ Así así. – Good/ So-so

• (bee-en / a-SEE a-SEE)

#11 ¿Qué tal? – How are you?

• (kay tal)

#12 ¿Qué pasa? – What’s happening?

• (kay PA-sa)

#13 ¿Qué haces? – What are you doing?

• (kay AH-says)

3. Being Polite

#14 ¡Gracias! – Thank you!

• (GRA-thee-as/GRA-see-as)

#15 ¡Muchas gracias! – Thank you (very much)!

• (MOO-chas GRA-thee-as/GRA-see-as)

#16 ¡De nada! – You’re welcome!

• (de NA-da)

#17 ¡Perdone! / ¡Oiga! – Excuse me (to ask for something)!

• (per-DON-ay/ OY-ga)

#18 ¡Perdone! / Disculpe! – Excuse me (to get past)!

• (per-DON-ay/ dis-KUL-pay)

#19 ¡Disculpe! – Sorry! (if you didn’t hear something)

• (dis-KUL-pay)

#20 ¡Lo siento! – Sorry! (for a mistake)

• (lo see-EN-to)

4. Dealing With Problems

#21 ¿Podría ayudarle? – Can I help you?

• (poh-DREE-a ay-oo-DAR-le)

#22 ¿Puede ayudarme? – Can you help me?

• (PWE-day ay-oo-DAR-may)

#23 ¡Sin problema! – No problem!

• (sin prob-LAME-ah)

#24 ¡Puede repetirlo! – Can you say that again?

• (PWE-day re-pet-EER-lo)

#25 No entiendo – I don’t understand!

• (no en-tee-EN-do)

#26 No (lo) sé – I don’t know!

• (no lo say)

#27 No tengo ni idea – I have no idea!

• (no TEN-go nee ee-DAY-ah)

#28 No hablo español – I don’t speak Spanish

• (no AB-lo es-pan-YOL)

#29 Estoy perdido – I’m lost

• (eh-STOY per-DEE-do)

#30 ¿Qué significa …? – What does … mean?

• (kay sig-nif-EE-ka)

#31 Mi español es malo – My Spanish is bad

• (mi es-pan-yol es MA-lo)

#32 ¿Puedes hablar más despacio? – Can you speak more slowly?

• (PWE-des ab-LAR mas des-PATH-ee-o)

5. Question Words In Spanish

Conversation is a two-way street. So, if you want to really connect with people, you need to be able to ask questions.
Here the Spanish question words you need to know:

• ¿qué…? – what?
o (kay)
• ¿cómo…? – how?
o (KOH-moh)
• ¿cuándo…? – when?
o (KWAN-doh)
• ¿dónde…? – where?
o (DON-day)
• ¿quién…? – who?
o (KEE-en)
• ¿por qué…? – why?
o (por KAY)
• ¿cuál? – which?
o (kwal)

#33 ¿Como te llamas? – What is your name?

• (KOH-moh teh yah-mas)

#34 ¿Qué hora tienes? – What time is it?

• (kay OH-ra tee-EN-es)

#35 ¿Qué edad tienes? – How old are you?

• (kay ay-DAD tee-EN-es)

#36 ¿Cuántos años tienes? – How old are you?

• (KWAN-tos AN-yos tee-EN-es)

#37 ¿De dónde viene? – Where are you from?

• (de DON-day vee-EN-ay)

#38 ¿Dónde vives? – Where do you live?

• (DON-day VEE-ves)

#39 ¿Tienes hermanos o hermanas? – Do you have brothers or sisters?

• (tee-EN-es er-MA-nos o er-MA-nas)

#40 ¿Cuánto cuesta eso? – How much is that?

• (KWAN-to KWES-ta eso)

#41 ¿Qué es esto? – What is this?

• (kay es ES-to)

#42 ¿Entiende? – Do you understand?

• (en-tee-EN-day)

#43 ¿Comprende? – Do you understand?

• (com-prEN-day)

#44 ¿Hablas inglés? – Do you speak English?

• (AB-las in-glAYs)

#45 ¿Dónde está el baño? – Where is the bathroom?

• (DON-day es-TAH el BAN-yo)

5. Talking About Yourself & Answering Questions

#46 Me llamo… – My name is…

• (me YA-mo …)

#47 Mi nombre es… – My name is

• (mi NOM-bray es …)

#48 (Yo) tengo … años – I am … years old.

• (yo TEN-go … AN-yos)

#49 (Yo) soy de… – I come from ….

• (yo soy de …)

#50 Sí – Yes

• (see)

#51 No – No

• (no)

#52 Tal vez – Maybe

• (tal ves)

#53 Siempre – Always

• (see-EM-pray)

#54 Nunca – Never

• (NUN-kah)

#55 A veces – Sometimes

• (A VE-says)

#56 Claro – Of course

• (KLA-ro)

6. Expressions For Special Occasions

#57 ¡Diviértete! – Have fun!

• (di-vi-EHR-te-te)

#58 ¡Buen viaje! – Have a good trip!

• (bwu-en vi-AH-kay)

#59 ¡Buen provecho! – Bon appetit!

• (bwu-en pro-VE-choh)

#60 ¡Muy bien! – Well done!

• (mwee bee-en)

#61 ¡Cuídate! – Take care!

• (kw-EE-dah-tay)

#62 ¡Felicitaciones! – Congratulations!

• (fe-lis-i-ta-see-ON-es)

#63 ¡Bienvenidos! / ¡Bienvenidas! – Welcome!

• (bee-en-ven-EE-dos / bee-en-ven-EE-das)

#64 ¡Feliz Cumpleaños! – Happy Birthday!

• (fe-LEES kump-lay-AN-yos)

#65 Salud! – Cheers!

• (Sa-LOOD)

7. Saying Goodbye In Spanish

#66 Adiós – Goodbye

• (ah-dee-OS)

#67 ¡Buenas noches! – Goodnight!

• (bway-nas no-ches)

#68 ¡Hasta luego! – See you later

• (AS-ta loo-AY-go)

#69 ¡Hasta pronto! – See you soon

• (AS-ta PRON-to)

#70 ¡Hasta mañana! – See you tomorrow

• (AS-ta man-YAN-a)

#71 Nos vemos – See you

• (nos VAY-mos)


Hi, I’m Olly Richards from the UK. I speak 8 languages, and I give practical guidance for learning foreign
languages on my website: I Will Teach You A Language.

I also run Fluent Spanish Academy, a set of programs designed to take you from complete beginner to
fluency in Spanish.

I have produced a series of short stories in many languages, including Spanish, which are international
bestsellers. These books provide simplified, accessible, and fun reading material in Spanish for students
who enjoy reading. Accompanying audiobooks are also available on Audible.

• Spanish Short Stories Volume 1

• Spanish Short Stories Volume 2

If you have any questions about learning Spanish, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter: @Olly_IWTYAL

Best of luck with your language learning!



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