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Department of English & Comparative Literature

ORCID: 0000-0002-9759-724X

RSCA-Related Recognition, 2020-2021

Rhetorician of the Year, Young Rhetoricians’ Conference, 2021
2-time University Nominee, Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program (Junior Scholar), 2020, 2021
Op-Ed Project Public Voices Fellow, 2020-2021
Faculty Expert, Political Speech, Politics, and Rhetoric, 2020-ongoing

Traditional Scholarship
Rhetoric & Guns [co-edited collection]. Utah State UP [accepted, in production]
“Teaching Writing in the (New) Era of Fake News.” College Composition and Communication [journal
article, accepted, forthcoming June 2021]
“Coalition-Building in the Creeping Shadow of Fascism.” Spark: A 4C4Equality Journal [journal
article, accepted, forthcoming 2021]
“Deceiving Sincerely: The Embrace of Sincerity-as-Truth in Fascist Rhetoric.” The Rhetoric of
Fascism. U of Alabama P [chapter, accepted, in production]
“Rewriting Demagogic Discourses.” Teaching Demagoguery & Democracy. Intermezzo [chapter,
accepted, in production]
“Teaching Teaching as a Process: SJSU’s TA Program & the Development of Pedagogical Thinking.”
Co-authored w/ 14 current and former SJSU TAs. Threshold Conscripts: Rhetoric and Composition
TAships. WAC Clearinghouse [chapter, accepted, in production]

Public Scholarship / Op-Eds

“Only the Strong Will Survive? American Echoes of a Dark Past.” Newsweek, 16 Mar. 2021.
“MAGA Mutiny Shows America Isn’t a Fascist Country…Yet.” Politically Speaking, 11 Mar. 2021.
“Attempted US Capitol Coup a Security and Existential Crisis.” The Globe Post, 3 Mar. 2021.
Cross-posted at The College Post, 3 Mar. 2021.
“Trump’s Rhetoric Wasn’t Inconsequential, & We Shouldn’t Act Like It Is.” Hill Reporter, 25 Feb.
“Trump Lied His Way In and Is Lying His Way Out: What 20th-Century Fascists Can Teach Us about
the Need for Truth in the 21st-Century.” Public Seminar, 10 Dec. 2020.
“We Learned Plenty These Four Years. The Lessons Apply Going Forward.” Fulcrum, 23 Nov. 2020.
“Losing Big Might be Trump’s Best Campaign Strategy.” Hill Reporter, 26 Oct. 2020.
“‘Defund the Police’: A Simple Slogan for a Complex Problem.” Fair Observer, 9 Oct. 2020.
“Good Democracy Requires Disagreement, Conflict, and Argument.” Fulcrum, 7 Oct. 2020.
“Shitposting for Fun and Profit: Memes, Rhetoric, and Russian Trolls.” Arc Digital, 7 Oct. 2020.
“Trump’s Health and the Threat of Political Amnesia.” Hill Reporter, 18 Sept. 2020.
“Checking Facts is the Wrong Way to Understand Political Persuasion.” The Hill, 1 Sept. 2020.
“US Riots: Inevitable Reaction to Centuries of Oppression and Injustice.” Globe Post, 15 Jun. 2020.

Other RSCA-Related Deliverables

4 funded, internal research grants (incl. ERFA Faculty Research & Creative Activity Award)
5 non-reviewed essays & book reviews in academic outlets (incl. 1 co-authored with SJSU student)
5 blind-reviewed, conference proposals accepted; 2 presentations given (MLA and CCCC)
3 local television interviews, 3 local radio interviews, 3 national podcast interviews, 1 online article
featured interview, and 1 invited presentation to a non-academic community group
3 faculty development presentations/seminars (incl. Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute)
1 monograph in progress; 2 journal articles under review; 4 conference proposals under review

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