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Petrus Victor Octo Manua

Factors Associated with the Utilization of Immunization Services for ≤ 2 Years Old
at Kelay Health Center 2020 (Advisor Dr. Ratno Adrianto, SKM., M.Kes and Drs.
Ismail AB, M.Kes)

Based on data on the achievement of immunization coverage at the Kelay Puskesmas,
there are still children who are not immunized. This is due to the lack of parental
knowledge, it is proven that although counseling, socialization and home visits have
been carried out by officers, there are still parents who do not want to bring their
children to be immunized for fear of experiencing health problems (fever) after receiving
immunization, so that with low knowledge it also makes mothers have attitudes towards
immunization. In addition, it is also supported by infrastructure, seen from the
geographical location of the Kelay Health Center with very far distances between
villages, so that it is lacking to reach the immunization service itself. Based on the
description of the problem from the background above, this study was conducted to
determine the factors related to immunization coverage in baduta in the Kelay Health
Center area.

Key words: Service, immunization, toddlers

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