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Fundamental of Control Systems

Stability Criterion – Routh Hurwitz

DR. Ir. Wahidin Wahab M.Sc.

Ir. Aries Subiantoro M.Sc.

‹A system is stable if for a finite input the
output is similarly finite
‹ A system which is stable must have ALL its
poles in the left half of the s-plane
Figure 6.1
Closed-loop poles
and response:
a. stable system;
b. unstable system

Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise

Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.
Figure 6.2
Common cause
of problems in
finding closed-loop
a. original system;
b. equivalent

Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise

Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.
Figure 6.3
Equivalent closed-
transfer function

Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise

Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.
Routh-Hurwitz Stability 6

‹ This
is a means of detecting unstable poles
from the denominator polynomial of a t.f.
without actually calculating the roots.
Write the denominator polynomial in the following
form and equate to zero -
This is the characteristic equation.
a 0 s n + a1s n − 1 + a 2 s n − 2 +.....+ a n − 1s + a n = 0
Note that a n ≠ 0
i.e. remove any zero root
Routh-Hurwitz Stability 7


If any of the coefficients is zero or negative in the

presence of at least one positive coefficient there
are imaginary roots or roots in the right half plane
i.e. unstable roots
Routh-Hurwitz Stability 8

if all coefficients are + ve form the Routh Array
sn a0 a2 a4 a 6 .....
sn − 1 a1 a3 a5 a 7 .....
sn − 1 b1 b2 b3 b4 .....
sn − 2 c1 c2 c3 c4 .....
s2 e1 e2
s1 f1
s0 g1
Routh-Hurwitz Stability 9

a1a 2 − a 0 a 3
b1 =
a1a 4 − a 0 a5
b2 =
a1a 6 − a 0 a 7
b3 =
Routh-Hurwitz Stability 10

b1a 3 − a1b2
c1 =
b1a5 − a1b3
c2 =
b1a 7 − a1b4
c3 =
Routh-Hurwitz Stability 11


This process is continued until the nth row is completed

The number of roots of the characteristic lying in the
right half of the s - plane (unstable roots) is equal to the
numbe rof sign changes in the first column of the Routh
Table 6.1
Initial layout for Routh table
Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise
Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.
Table 6.2
Completed Routh table
Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise
Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.
Figure 6.4
a. Feedback
system for
Example 6.1;
b. equivalent

Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise

Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.
Table 6.3
Completed Routh table for Example 6.1

Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise

Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.

Example 2
Determine if the following polynomial has roots in the
right half of the s - plane
s 4 + 2s 3 + 3s 2 + 4s + 5 = 0
First two rows of Routh array formed from coefficients
s4 1 3 5
s3 2 4

Example 2
Form next row 2 × 3− 1× 4
s4 1 3 5 2
s 2 4
s2 1 5
2 × 5− 1× 0

Example 2
Form next row
s4 1 3 5
s3 2 4
1× 4 − 2 × 5
s2 1 5 −6=
s1 − 6

Example 2
Form next row
s4 1 3 5
− 6 × 5− 1× 0
s 3
2 4 5=
s2 1 5
s1 − 6
s0 5

Note two sign changes therefore two roots in RHP


Example 3

Apply Routh' s criterion to the following polynomial

to determine the condition for the existence of stable
a 0 s 3 + a1s 2 + a 2 s + a 3 = 0

Example 3
a0 s 3 + a1s 2 + a2 s + a3 = 0
→ Routh Array
s 3 a0 a 2
s a1 a3
1a1a2 − a0 a3
s a3

Example 3

assuming all coefficients are positive the condition

for stable roots is that
a1a 2 > a 0 a 3

Routh Array - Special Cases

‹ Case of a zero in the 1st column
For example
s 3 + 2s 2 + s + 2 = 0
Routh Array
s3 1 1 This presents a problem

s2 2 2 when we come to obtain the

s 0 4th row - divide by zero

Routh Array - Special Cases

‹ Case of a zero in the 1st column
Define a small + ve number ε and evaluate whole array
Routh Array
s3 1 1
s2 2 2
s ε
1 2
Note no sign change indicating roots on imaginary axis

Routh Array - Special Cases

‹ Case of a zero in the 1st column
Consider the polynomial
s 3 − 3s + 2
Routh array
s31 −3
Two sign changes therefore two
s 0≈ε
2 RHP roots
s −3−

s0 2
Table 6.4
Completed Routh table for Example 6.2
Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise
Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.
Table 6.5
Determining signs in first column of a Routh table with
zero as first element in a row
Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise
Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.
Table 6.6
Routh table for Example 6.3
Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise
Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.

Routh Array - Special Cases

‹ Case of a row of zeros
– roots of equal magnitude but opposite signs or
two conjugate imaginary roots
s5 + 2s 4 + 24s 3 + 48s 2 − 25s − 50 = 0
Auxiliary eqn.

1 24 − 25 2s 4 + 48s 2 − 50 = 0

s4 2 48 − 50
s3 0 0

Routh Array - Special Cases

‹ Case of a row of zeros

P( s) = 2s 4 + 48s 2 − 50 = 0
P ′ s = 8s + 96s
( ) 3

replace row with coeficients of P ′ ( s)


Routh Array - Special Cases

‹ Case of a row of zeros
s5 + 2s4 + 24s3 + 48s 2 − 25s − 50 = 0
s5 1 24 − 25
s4 2 48 − 50
s3 8 96
s2 24 − 50 One sign change one root with +ve
s1 112.7 0 real part
s0 − 50
Table 6.7
Routh table for Example 6.4

Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise

Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.
Figure 6.5
Root positions
to generate even
A , B, C,
or any combination

Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise

Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.
Table 6.8
Routh table for Example 6.5
Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise
Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.
Table 6.9
Summary of pole locations for Example 6.5

Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise

Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.
Figure 6.8
control system
for Example 6.8

Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise

Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.
Table 6.13
Routh table for Example 6.8

Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise

Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.
Table 6.14
Summary of pole locations for Example 6.5

Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise

Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.

Use of Routh Test

‹ Routh test only tells us whether or not a
system is stable
‹ does not give the DEGREE of stability
‹ need to have closed loop characteristic
– would be more convenient to work from open
loop t.f.

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