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Final Exam Personal Administration.

Amanda Bahia Pinto

Student ID 1879702

Fairleigh Dickinson University

MADS 6602 V2

December 07, 2020


Final Exam Personal Administration: MADS 6602_V2

Student Name: Amanda Bahia Pinto Student # 1879702 Total Marks: 40

A) In your recommendations you are required to suggest the; 14 marks

1. Well-developed appraisal system for:

a. Front line production workers

b. Front line managers

c. Sales staff

d. Top brass (Senior Management Team)

2. Make recommendations for compensation and benefits for; 14 marks

a.Front line production workers

b. Front line managers

c.Sales staff

d. Top brass (Senior Management Team)

Analyzing the situation of Smith compressors Ltd, it is understood that the problem

presented focuses on the dissatisfaction of employees at all levels, the issues with the unions

regarding wages, benefits, and working conditions in the company. Also, there is a high turnover

of supervisory and management staff, representing a significant challenge for the organization.

After analyzing the situation presented, it is understood that Smith compressor Ltda,

should implement as a strategy the adoption of a policy of valuing the employee at all levels.

This proposal was conceived from the observation that the human resources of a company,

represent its most strategic asset and that the formation of this capital represents a process in

constant construction, which requires many years of effective work for its training and


According to Gajderowicz (2018) a Valuation Policy should promote continuous

professional development actions so that employees keep their skills and experience updated,

promote new employees' training, offer conditions to improve quality of life and social well-

being, and generate more significant commitment and involvement with the company delivery of


In the medium term, it is necessary to develop and implement a Job, Career, and Salary

Plan so that the employee, throughout his professional career, has a natural evolution, either by

merit or by seniority. Adopting a job structure and a coherent salary policy makes it one of the

best methods to stimulate productivity and professional training. The employee perceives it as

recognition of the company for its dedication. This benefit would bring self-esteem and

motivation, necessary for the service offered to have better quality.

The Positions, Careers, and Salaries Plan covers the functional evolution of a practical

nature. For its elaboration, there are several methodologies available, where guidelines for

evaluations, promotions, positioning of positions and the definition of a salary policy can be


In the short term, to deal with the problems presented promptly, the company could adopt

the payment of non-mandatory benefits for managers and frontline workers to protect the risks

that may be exposed related to the work performed. For sales teams, the benefits may be related

to employee productivity, using as an indicator of the achievement of goals set by the company

and the provision of continued training for the development of sales expertise.

About Senior Managers, we can apply a questionnaire to one thousand and three hundred

workers to understand which factors most impact the motivation of each age group in the job

market. According to Dessler & Chhinzer (2017) the impact is more expressive in the

importance they attach today to the physical workplace. If before it was the generation that gave

less importance to the workplace, now it is the one that most privileges it, which shows that

workers in this age group will have a more significant reaction to changes and will need a job

that will lead them to live without difficulties in the approaching retirement process. The

company can implement a talent discovery program for Seniors to prepare them to remain active

and leave the company.

Even in the short term, the company can promote a policy of communication and

integration of the employee with the company so that the employee incorporates the idea of

belonging. In this context, it is understood that the employee's productivity can be an element of

valorization and professional integration to be worked as an HR strategy in the company. In this

sense, it is proposed to create and implement a productivity bonus with an incentive to improve

the actions performed by the company's employees. It should be granted according to the result

of the quarterly evaluations of individual performance, being paid monthly. The bonus should

not represent retirement benefits, considering that the assessment of the employee's productivity

cannot happen during inactivity.


It is understood that production workers, managers, sales teams, management, and other

categories existing in the company, must be prepared based on the related aspects, requiring only

an alignment between the functions performed and the complexity of the scored elements.

Collective aspects:

1- Achieving Goals and Achieving Results: Ability to fulfill work demands within the

defined deadlines to add value to the organization.

2 - Proper Use of Equipment, Materials, and Facilities: Care in the maintenance and

rational use of equipment, materials, and installations, contributing to the conservation and

general organization of the work unit.

3 - Quality of Work: Consists of the degree of accuracy, correctness, and clarity of the

work performed, in an organized manner and accordance with the required quality standards.

4 - Knowledge of Operational Procedures and Work Routines: Domain and application of

knowledge related to work processes and technical and administrative procedures.

5 - Teamwork: Ability to relate to the work team, listen, and accept suggestions,

contributing to their development.

Individual Aspects

6 - Punctuality and Attendance: Refers to the commitment of presence, according to the

sector's needs, readiness for work, and compliance with the time of entry and exit.

7 - Initiative, Creativity, and Updating: Agility to provide solutions to the problems

detected, choosing the best alternative, in addition to seeking new knowledge and participating in

seminars and events focused on your area of expertise.

8 - Communication: Express ideas and opinions clearly and correctly, using written,

verbal and non-verbal languages.

9 - Interpersonal Relationship: Be receptive, show that you are aware of individuality,

respect it, both emotionally and professionally, relating appropriately at all levels in carrying out

your work.

10 - Ethical and Professional Posture: Ability of the appraised to follow the rules and

procedures stipulated by the public administration correctly and following the organization's

ethics and values.

The evaluation process must be applied to obtain a 360-degree view of the employees'

performance, vertically and horizontally. Their subordinates will evaluate all managers, co-

workers assess each other, and the managers evaluate their associates. Only employees who were

present in the four months will be considered, except those absent for vacation.

Based on the aspects listed above, the team responsible for the evaluation process can use

software to establish a form to be filled out by the evaluators and to calculate the results, with

discrimination of the individual score and also, for the provision of management reports to

support the process implementation of the recovery policy. With the use of electronic means, the

company's HR unit will be able to build an invaluable database. It will also speed up the process

since each employee will evaluate and be evaluated by all team members, which represents a

considerable amount of information to be processed.

Each question on the Evaluation form scores from zero to ten, and after adding the result

of the ten questions, one grade is obtained perform. With the sum of the scores of each

completed form, the Average Points obtained by each employee can be obtained. Greater weight

can be adapted to the conditions evaluated by the immediate managers. The point values, to grant

the bonus, can be fixed annually by an act of the company presidency, and it is suggested that

they are linked to a percentage value of the company's net profit. With the implementation of a

performance bonus, based on a four-month evaluation process, the company can also link the

payment of the compensation to the achievement of the goals defined in the Annual Work Plan,

according to the company's Strategic Planning, which represents the implementation of a

participatory model of earnings management.

In this sense, it is proposed that 50% of the bonus amount be obtained from achieving the

company's goals, and 50% in the individual aspect, according to the evaluation process.

Productivity Bonus = Individual assessment (50%) + Achievement of quarterly goals (50%)

To establish this model of results management, it is necessary to promote the alignment

of information and strategies with the entire management body, in the search for engagement

with the management process, with sharing of responsibilities and initiatives and at a practical

level, establishing a company Management Committee (Board/managers/advisors) to set and

monitor the execution of the Annual Work Plan and detailed in quarterly targets. The

Committee's responsibilities will be: Define and agree on the quarterly goals by establishing a

Results Agreement; monitor the execution of plans decided every quarter; and to assess and

approve the results of the four months to pay the performance bonus.

B. Questions

1. Review the chapter “Selection” to identify and explain which testing methods would be

most suitable for the following;

I. Delivery drivers (4 Marks)

II. Dispatchers (4 Marks)

Taking into account the organization's culture and needs, it is necessary to develop an

objective and effective selection process, because if the choice is not adequate, the process will

probably have to be redone in just a few months and this not only consumes time but also

resources of the CAT organization. With a clearly defined process, the human resources

department can avoid possible mistakes, since by maximizing the efficiency of the process, it can

generate powerful business results for the organization, this includes cost savings with reduced

turnover, in addition to increasing profitability through greater productivity and customer


Focused on the new trends in the online shopping market and the company's decision to

expand its services in the home delivery business, CAT noted the need for hiring specialized

labor seeking in the market delivery drivers with their own vehicles and dispatchers. The human

resources department opted for external recruitment, seeking qualified professionals in the job

market. Job vacancies for Delivery Driver and Dispatcher positions will be offered in

newspapers and through the Indeed app. The resume received that meet the requested profile will

be validated later by the HR area. After screening the resumes, mapping the data of the

candidates that fit the requirements demanded by the company, the area will contact you by

phone to confirm your interest in the vacancy, checking the necessary information and inviting

you to stay in the process. We will take into account the current situation of the covid-19

pandemic and will do most of the process online through video conference interviews.

For the hiring process, we will align the candidates' profile with the company's values,

looking for people who have the desired job skills and specific job-related skills. These

competencies not only found with curriculum analysis, tests are needed to assess general

intelligence, personality characteristics, mental abilities, interests and preferences. For both

positions, we will apply practical tests, which are tests of real company situations that the

professional will certainly experience if approved in the process and personality tests, which

allow to analyze and measure psychological characteristics of the candidate's behavior and


I. Delivery drivers

For the hiring of thirty delivery drivers, we will analyze the candidate's background, this

can say a lot about his way of driving and working. Analyzing past references and what is said in

an interview can help map the delivery driver's behavioral profile.

The practical tests applied will be basic mechanics and motor skills testing as they will

need to collect 60 to 80 pounds. Although it is a requirement to have your own vehicle, these

aspects will be fundamental for the vehicle's durability, for meeting the company's deadlines and

to avoid fines and violations.

According to Roush & Atwater (1992), the personality test of the Myers-Briggs Type

Indicator instrument is applied to measure basic aspects of personality, such as introversion,

stability, motivation and sociability.

Practical tests:

1 - Basic Mechanics: Theoretical questions about vehicle functioning and safety. We will

apply a simulation of problems that can happen in the delivery driver's daily routine, such as the

engine overheating or the flat tire.

2 - Motor skills test: Purdue Pegboard Test

Because it is a test of manual dexterity and bimanual coordination, it involves two

different skills: sudden movements of arms, hands and fingers and fine motor extremity, also

called "fingerprint" dexterity.

The test method consists of a plate with two parallel rows with twenty-five holes in which

cylindrical metal pins are placed by the candidate using both hands. The test involves a total of

four attempts and the candidate must place the pins in the holes as soon as possible, with the

score being the number of pins placed in 30 seconds.

Personality test:

The test we will be using is The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator instrument. It is an

instrument used to identify the psychological type of candidates. The MBTI assessment will be

applied through an online questionnaire structured with opposite alternatives. After completing

the form, these documents will help in choosing the best candidate as they contain detailed

information about the individual's psychological type, behavior, preferences and tendencies to

solve problems, as well as his strengths and weaknesses.

I. Dispatchers

It is the professional responsible for making requests, referrals, receiving and processing

customer orders, forwarding to the delivery person, monitoring the delivery and invoice, in

addition to being a person responsible for the first contact with the customer with the objective of

good customer service because it is essential to guarantee satisfaction and your loyalty.

For this position, we will apply tests of social skills analyzing an ability to relate well

with co-workers because interaction with other employees and customers is part of the work


1 - Situational test.

The purpose of the test is to assess the candidate's compatibility with the company. The

test format will consist of three types of questions, we will formulate a hypothetical problem in

our work environment. Candidates will be faced with four alternative courses of action that

require judgment when assessing behavioral and knowledge trends. In the first, the candidate

will be asked to identify how he would probably behave in a given situation and in the second he

will need to evaluate the effectiveness of possible responses to give situations because we are

trying to measure how the candidate compares to an ideal candidate based on his main


2 - Emotional intelligence tests (EI) by Daniel Goleman.

Rathore, Chadha & Rana (2017) claim that tests measure a person's ability to monitor

their own emotions and the emotions of others and to use that knowledge to guide thoughts and


This must be supported by five main pillars: Self-awareness, which is the ability to

recognize one's emotions; Ability to self-regulate to deal with emotions, Self-motivation which is

the ability to motivate and stay motivated; Empathy, which is the ability to see situations from

the perspective of others; social skills which is the set of skills involved in social interaction.


1 - How do you feel under pressure?

a) Challenges always motivate me and I do well.

b) I usually feel motivated when I'm under pressure.

c) Sometimes I do well.

d) Rarely does anything good happen in this situation

e) I hate being under pressure

2 - When I make a mistake, I can laugh at myself.


a) Yes, mistakes are part of life

b) No, I usually feel too upset to maintain a sense of humor

c) I almost never make mistakes

3 - If I fail to do something, usually my reaction is ...

a) Try again and, if necessary, do this repeatedly until you can

b) Assess my experience before deciding whether it is worth doing it again

c) Do not repeat something that I have already failed

4 - I am good at intuitively reading people's minds.

a) I agree

b) Partially agree

c) Disagree

d) Strongly disagree

e) I fully agree

5 - I understand how other people feel.

a) Almost never

b) Rarely

c) Sometimes

d) Most of the time

6 - I feel lost and uncomfortable when I participate in social events with many strangers

a) Always

b) Most of the time

c) Sometimes

d) Rarely

e) Never

2. Carry out a research on available dispatch softwares in the market. Choose one

which in your opinion is the best suitable for this pilot project. (4 Marks)

The transport sector is very competitive and this means that companies are

constantly looking for ways to reduce their costs and increase the efficiency of their

operations, if they extinguish market space for the most modern competitors. One of the

tactics that bring competitive advantages is the implementation of a delivery control

system. The Dispatch Software aims to solve problems and avoid risks arising from the

distribution of goods, shipments, tracking, collection, voucher registration, among other

operations related to delivery.


We opted for the Routific software ( because the program helps to

plan optimized routes in minutes, maximize fleet capacity and scale delivery operations.

1. Real-time monitoring.

The system allows deliveries to be monitored in real time by both our company

and the customer, which brings more control and transparency to the stages of the

activity. This also enables the company to inspect the process, identify disagreements and

avoid unwanted occurrences in the operation.

2. Routing of deliveries

This software uses resources that allow the planning of the squares and routes of

collections and deliveries, considering parameters to indicate which is the most suitable

vehicle for each transport.

Thus, the driver will no longer have to worry about finding the best way to access

the address. He will already have all the work planned, such as arrival forecasts and paths

plotted before starting deliveries, as well as making the route as efficient as possible. In

the event of unforeseen events, such as a construction work or an accident on the road,

the driver will be able to immediately inform the carrier so that it can trace another

efficient route. The routing and planning of squares also optimizes the loading of vehicles

and takes into account their weight and cubage limitations, which further improves and

facilitates the journey of drivers.

3. Agility in decision making


The company will be able to identify its strengths and weaknesses and what can

be improved. Some of the factors perceived by the monitoring are: compliance with the

route, efficiency of each driver, accident rate, identification of professionals with the

highest accident rate, deadline and delay compliance rate, rate of vehicle problems.

4. Reduction of unscheduled costs and losses

Through a good delivery control system, carriers are able to minimize losses by

automatically drawing safer routes and monitoring the route of each job.

5. Security in deliveries

With cargo monitored in real time, criminal actions are partially inhibited. The

company monitors the progress of the work, and if notified by the driver, or if an

unwanted occurrence is noticed, it may detect the abnormal pattern and start investigating

the facts, calling the authorities and notifying customers and other interesting parties.

6. Customer satisfaction

The system makes deliveries faster, safer and there is greater transparency with

customers, who monitor the cargo jointly with the company.



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