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2 [138 marks]
1. [1 mark]
Which of the following shows a general increase across period 3 from N a to C l?
A.  Ionic radius

B.  Atomic radius

C.  Ionization energy

D.  Melting point

2. [1 mark]
Which oxide will dissolve in water to give the solution with the lowest pH?
A.   P4 O 10

B.   S iO 2

C.   A l 2 O3
D.  M g O

3. [1 mark]
What is the correct trend going down groups 1 and 17?
A. Melting points increase

B. Boiling points decrease

C. Electronegativities increase
D. Ionization energies decrease

4a. [1 mark]
Chlorine undergoes many reactions.
State the full electron configuration of the chlorine atom.

1 s 2 2 s 2 2 p6 3 s 2 3 p5 ✔
Do not accept condensed electron configuration.
4b. [1 mark]
State, giving a reason, whether the chlorine atom or the chloride ion has a larger radius.

C l − AND more «electron–electron» repulsion ✔

Accept C l − AND has an extra electron.

4c. [2 marks]
Outline why the chlorine atom has a smaller atomic radius than the sulfur atom.
C l has a greater nuclear charge/number of protons/ Z ef f «causing a stronger pull on the
outer electrons» ✔
same number of shells
same «outer» energy level
similar shielding ✔
4d. [1 mark]
The mass spectrum of chlorine is shown.

NIST Mass Spectrometry Data Center Collection © 2014 copyright by the U.S. Secretary of
Commerce on behalf of the United States of America. All rights reserved.

Outline the reason for the two peaks at m/ z=35 and 37.
«two major» isotopes «of atomic mass 35 and 37» ✔
4e. [2 marks]
Explain the presence and relative abundance of the peak at m/ z=74.

«diatomic» molecule composed of «two» chlorine-37 atoms ✔
chlorine-37 is the least abundant «isotope»
low probability of two Cl37 «isotopes» occurring in a molecule ✔
4f. [1 mark]
2.67 g of manganese(IV) oxide was added to 200.0 c m3 of 2.00 m o ld m−3 H C l .
M n O 2 ( s )+ 4 H C l ( a q ) →C l 2 ( g ) +2 H 2 O ( l )+ M n C l 2 ( a q )

Calculate the amount, in m o l, of manganese(IV) oxide added.

2.67 g
¿< =¿>0.0307< ¿ mo l>¿ ✔
86.94 g m o l −1
4g. [2 marks]
Determine the limiting reactant, showing your calculations.

¿< nH C l=2.00 m o l d m−3 ×0.2000 d m3 >¿=0.400 mo l✔
¿< =¿> 0.100 mo l  AND  M nO2  is the limiting reactant ✔
Accept other valid methods of determining the limiting reactant in M2.
4h. [1 mark]
Determine the excess amount, in m o l, of the other reactant.

¿< 0.0307 mo l ×4=0.123 mo l>¿
¿< 0.400m o l 0.123 mo l=¿ >0.277<¿ m o l>¿ ✔
4i. [1 mark]
Calculate the volume of chlorine, in d m3, produced if the reaction is conducted at standard
temperature and pressure (STP). Use section 2 of the data booklet.
¿< 0.0307 mo l ×22.7 d m 3 m o l −1=¿> 0.697<¿ d m 3> ¿ ✔

Accept methods employing p V =n R T .

4j. [2 marks]
State the oxidation state of manganese in M nO2  and M nC l 2.

M nO2 :+ 4 ✔

M nC l 2 :+2 ✔

4k. [1 mark]
Deduce, referring to oxidation states, whether M nO2 is an oxidizing or reducing agent.

oxidizing agent AND oxidation state of M n changes from + 4 to +2/decreases ✔
4l. [1 mark]
Chlorine gas reacts with water to produce hypochlorous acid and hydrochloric acid.
C l 2 ( g )+ H 2 O ( l ) ⇌ H C l O ( a q ) + H C l ( a q )

Hypochlorous acid is considered a weak acid. Outline what is meant by the term weak acid.

partially dissociates/ionizes «in water» ✔
4m. [1 mark]
State the formula of the conjugate base of hypochlorous acid.

C l O − ✔
4n. [1 mark]
Calculate the concentration of H +¿ ( a q) ¿ in a H C lO ( a q ) solution with a p H=3.61.

¿<¿ ✔
4o. [1 mark]
State the type of reaction occurring when ethane reacts with chlorine to produce
«free radical» substitution/ S R ✔

Do not accept electrophilic or nucleophilic substitution.

4p. [1 mark]
Predict, giving a reason, whether ethane or chloroethane is more reactive.

chloroethane AND C C l bond is weaker/324 k J m o l −1 than C H bond/414 k J mo l −1
chloroethane AND contains a polar bond ✔

Accept “chloroethane AND polar”.

4q. [1 mark]
Write the equation for the reaction of chloroethane with a dilute aqueous solution of
sodium hydroxide.
C H 3 C H 2 C l ( l )+ O H − ( a q ) →C H 3 C H 2 O H ( a q )+C l− ( a q )
C H 3 C H 2 C l ( l )+ N aO H ( a q ) →C H 3 C H 2 O H ( a q ) + N aC l ( a q )  ✔

Accept use of  C 2 H 5 C l and  C 2 H 5 O H /C 2 H 6 O in the equation.

4r. [1 mark]
Deduce the nucleophile for the reaction in d(iii).

hydroxide «ion»/O H − ✔

Do not accept N a O H .
4s. [1 mark]
Ethoxyethane (diethyl ether) can be used as a solvent for this conversion. Draw the
structural formula of ethoxyethane

C H3 C H2O C H2 C H3

 /  ✔

Accept ( C H 3 C H 2 )2 O.

4t. [2 marks]
Deduce the number of signals and their chemical shifts in the H1 NMR spectrum of
ethoxyethane. Use section 27 of the data booklet.

2 «signals» ✔
0.91 .0<¿ p p m>¿ AND 3.33 .7<¿ p p m>¿✔

Accept any values in the ranges.

Award [1 max] for two incorrect chemical shifts.
4u. [2 marks]
C C l 2 F2 is a common chlorofluorocarbon, C F C.

Calculate the percentage by mass of chlorine in C C l 2 F2.

¿< M ( C C l 2 F2 ) =¿>120.91<¿ g mo l − 1>¿ ✔

2× 35.45 g m o l −1
×100 %=¿ >58.64<¿ % >¿ ✔
120.91 g m o l −1

Award [2] for correct final answer.

4v. [1 mark]
Comment on how international cooperation has contributed to the lowering of C F C
emissions responsible for ozone depletion.

Any of:
research «collaboration» for alternative technologies «to replace C F Cs»
technologies «developed»/data could be shared
political pressure/Montreal Protocol/governments passing legislations ✔
Do not accept just “collaboration”.
Do not accept any reference to C F C as greenhouse gas or product of fossil fuel combustion.
Accept reference to specific measures, such as agreement on banning use/manufacture of
C F Cs.
5. [1 mark]
Which property shows a general increase from left to right across period 2, Li to F?
A.  Melting point

B.  Electronegativity

C.  Ionic radius

D.  Electrical conductivity

6. [1 mark]
What are typical characteristics of metals?

7. [1 mark]
How do the following properties change down Group 17 of the periodic table?

8. [1 mark]
Which series represents atoms in order of decreasing atomic radius?
A. N > C > Be > Mg
B. Mg > N > C > Be
C. Be > C > N > Mg
D. Mg > Be > C > N

9a. [1 mark]
Automobile air bags inflate by a rapid decomposition reaction. One typical compound used
is guanidinium nitrate, C(NH2)3NO3, which decomposes very rapidly to form nitrogen,
water vapour and carbon.
Deduce the equation for the decomposition of guanidinium nitrate.
C(NH2)3NO3 (s) → 2N2 (g) + 3H2O (g) + C (s) ✔
9b. [1 mark]
Calculate the total number of moles of gas produced from the decomposition of 10.0 g of
guanidinium nitrate.

10.0 g
moles of gas = « 5 × =¿» 0.409 «mol» ✔
122.11 g mol −1
9c. [1 mark]
Calculate the pressure, in kPa, of this gas in a 10.0 dm3 air bag at 127°C, assuming no gas

«$p = \frac{0.409\text{mol} \times \text{8}\text{.31\,J\,K}^{- 1}\text{mo}\text{l}^{- 1}
\times {\left( 127 + 273 \right)}\text{K}}{\text{10}\text{.0\,d}\text{m}^{3}}$» = 136
«kPa» ✔
9d. [2 marks]
Suggest why water vapour deviates significantly from ideal behaviour when the gases are
cooled, while nitrogen does not.
Any two of:
nitrogen non-polar/London/dispersion forces AND water polar/H-bonding ✔
water has «much» stronger intermolecular forces ✔
water molecules attract/condense/occupy smaller volume «and therefore deviate from
ideal behaviour» ✔
9e. [2 marks]
Another airbag reactant produces nitrogen gas and sodium.
Suggest, including an equation, why the products of this reactant present a safety hazard.

2Na (s) + 2H2O (l) → 2NaOH (aq) + H2 (g) ✔
hydrogen explosive
highly exothermic reaction
sodium reacts violently with water
forms strong alkali ✔
NOTE: Accept the equation of combustion of hydrogen.
Do not accept just “sodium is reactive/dangerous”.
10a. [2 marks]
This question is about compounds of sodium.
Describe the structure and bonding in solid sodium oxide.
«3-D/giant» regularly repeating arrangement «of ions»
lattice «of ions»  [✔]
electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions
electrostatic attraction between Na+ and O2− ions  [✔]
Note: Do not accept “ionic” without description.
10b. [3 marks]
Write equations for the separate reactions of solid sodium oxide and solid phosphorus(V)
oxide with excess water and differentiate between the solutions formed.
Sodium oxide, Na2O:

Phosphorus(V) oxide, P4O10:


Sodium oxide:
Na2O(s) + H2O(l) → 2NaOH (aq)  [✔]
Phosphorus(V) oxide:
P4O10 (s) + 6H2O(l) → 4H3PO4 (aq)  [✔]
NaOH / product of Na2O is alkaline/basic/pH > 7 AND H3PO4 / product of P4O10 is acidic/pH
< 7  [✔]
10c. [2 marks]
Sodium peroxide, Na2O2, is formed by the reaction of sodium oxide with oxygen.
2Na2O (s) + O2 (g) → 2Na2O2 (s)
Calculate the percentage yield of sodium peroxide if 5.00 g of sodium oxide produces 5.50 g
of sodium peroxide.

5.00 g
n(Na2O2) theoretical yield «=  » = 0.0807/8.07 × 10−2 «mol»
61.98 mol −1
5.00 g
mass Na2O2 theoretical yield «=  × 77.98 gmol−1» = 6.291 «g»  [✔]
61.98 mol −1
5.50 g 0.0705
% yield «=   × 100» OR « x 100» = 87.4 «%»  [✔]
6.291 g 0.0807
Note: Award [2] for correct final answer.
10d. [3 marks]
Sodium peroxide is used in diving apparatus to produce oxygen from carbon dioxide.
2Na2O2 (s) + 2CO2 (g) → 2Na2CO3 (s) + O2 (g)
Determine the enthalpy change, ΔH, in kJ, for this reaction using data from the table and
section 12 of the data booklet.

ΣΔHf products = 2 × (−1130.7) / −2261.4 «kJ»  [✔]
ΣΔHf reactants = 2 × (−510.9) + 2 × (−393.5) / −1808.8 «kJ»  [✔]
ΔH = «ΣΔHf products − ΣΔHf reactants = −2261.4 −(−1808.8) =» −452.6 «kJ»  [✔]
Note: Award [3] for correct final answer.
Award [2 max] for “+452.6 «kJ»”.
10e. [1 mark]
Outline why bond enthalpy values are not valid in calculations such as that in (c)(i).

only valid for covalent bonds
only valid in gaseous state  [✔]
10f. [1 mark]
The reaction of sodium peroxide with excess water produces hydrogen peroxide and one
other sodium compound. Suggest the formula of this compound.

NaOH  [✔]
Note: Accept correct equation showing NaOH as a product.
10g. [1 mark]
State the oxidation number of carbon in sodium carbonate, Na 2CO3.
IV  [✔]
11a. [1 mark]
Dinitrogen monoxide, N2O, causes depletion of ozone in the stratosphere.
Outline why ozone in the stratosphere is important.

absorbs UV/ultraviolet light «of longer wavelength than absorbed by O2»  [✔]
11b. [1 mark]
Different sources of N2O have different ratios of 14N:15N.
State one analytical technique that could be used to determine the ratio of 14N:15N.

mass spectrometry/MS  [✔]
11c. [2 marks]
A sample of gas was enriched to contain 2 % by mass of 15N with the remainder being 14N.
Calculate the relative molecular mass of the resulting N2O.
(98 ×14 )+(2 ×15)
«  =¿» 14.02  [✔]
«Mr = (14.02 × 2) + 16.00 =» 44.04  [✔]
11d. [2 marks]
Predict, giving two reasons, how the first ionization energy of 15N compares with that of

Any two:
same AND have same nuclear charge/number of protons/Zeff  [✔]
same AND neutrons do not affect attraction/ionization energy/Z eff
same AND neutrons have no charge [✔]
same AND same attraction for «outer» electrons [✔]
same AND have same electronic configuration/shielding [✔]
Note: Accept “almost the same”.
“same” only needs to be stated once.
11e. [1 mark]
Suggest why it is surprising that dinitrogen monoxide dissolves in water to give a neutral

oxides of nitrogen/non-metals are «usually» acidic  [✔]
12a. [2 marks]
Rhenium, Re, was the last element with a stable isotope to be isolated.
Before its isolation, scientists predicted the existence of rhenium and some of its
Suggest the basis of these predictions.

gap in the periodic table
element with atomic number «75» unknown
break/irregularity in periodic trends  [✔]
«periodic table shows» regular/periodic trends «in properties»  [✔]
12b. [2 marks]
Describe how the relative reactivity of rhenium, compared to silver, zinc, and copper, can
be established using pieces of rhenium and solutions of these metal sulfates.

place «pieces of» Re into each solution  [✔]
if Re reacts/is coated with metal, that metal is less reactive «than Re»  [✔]
Note: Accept other valid observations such as “colour of solution fades” or “solid/metal
appears” for “reacts”.
12c. [1 mark]
One chloride of rhenium has the empirical formula ReCl3.
State the name of this compound, applying IUPAC rules.

rhenium(III) chloride
rhenium trichloride  [✔]
12d. [2 marks]
Calculate the percentage, by mass, of rhenium in ReCl 3.

«Mr ReCl3 = 186.21 + (3 × 35.45) =» 292.56  [✔]
«100 × =» 63.648 «%»  [✔]
13a. [1 mark]
This question is about sodium and its compounds.
Plot the relative values of the first four ionization energies of sodium.


Notes: Accept curve showing general trend.
Award mark only if the energy difference between the first two points is larger than that
between points 2/3 and 3/4.
13b. [1 mark]
Outline why the alkali metals (group 1) have similar chemical properties.
same number of electrons in outer shell
all are s1 [✔]
13c. [2 marks]
Describe the structure and bonding in solid sodium oxide.

«3-D/giant» regularly repeating arrangement «of ions»
lattice «of ions»    [✔]
electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions
electrostatic attraction between Na+ and O2− ions    [✔]
Note: Do not accept “ionic” without description.
13d. [2 marks]
The Born-Haber cycle for sodium oxide is shown (not to scale).
Calculate values for the following changes using section 8 of the data booklet.

ΔHatomisation (Na) = 107 kJ mol−1

ΔHatomisation (O) = 249 kJ mol−1
O (g) → O2- (g):
2 2
Na (s) → Na+ (g):
O (g) → O2- (g)
2 2
«ΔHatomisation (O) + 1st EA + 2nd EA = 249 k Jmol−1 − 141 kJmol−1 + 753 kJmol−1 =» «+»861
«kJmol−1»    [✔]
Na (s) → Na+ (g)
«ΔHatomisation (Na) + 1st IE = 107 kJmol−1 + 496 kJmol−1 =» «+»603 «kJmol−1»     [✔]
13e. [2 marks]
The standard enthalpy of formation of sodium oxide is −414 kJ mol −1. Determine the lattice
enthalpy of sodium oxide, in kJ mol−1, using section 8 of the data booklet and your answers
to (d)(i).

(If you did not get answers to (d)(i), use +850 kJ mol −1 and +600 kJ mol−1 respectively, but
these are not the correct answers.)

lattice enthalpy = 861 «kJ mol−1» + 2 × 603 «kJ mol−1» −(−414 «kJ mol−1»)     [✔]
«= +» 2481 «kJ mol−1»    [✔]
Note: Award [2] for correct final answer.
If given values are used:
M1: lattice enthalpy = 850 «kJ mol−1» +
2 × 600 «kJ mol−1» −(−414 «kJ mol−1»)
M2: «= +» 2464 «kJ mol−1»
13f. [1 mark]
Justify why K2O has a lower lattice enthalpy (absolute value) than Na2O.

K+ ion is larger than Na+
smaller attractive force because of greater distance between ion «centres»      [✔]
13g. [3 marks]
Write equations for the separate reactions of solid sodium oxide and solid phosphorus(V)
oxide with excess water and differentiate between the solutions formed.
Sodium oxide, Na2O:
Phosphorus(V) oxide, P4O10:
Sodium oxide:
Na2O(s) + H2O(l) → 2NaOH (aq)      [✔]
Phosphorus(V) oxide:
P4O10 (s) + 6H2O(l) → 4H3PO4 (aq)     [✔]
NaOH/product of Na2O is alkaline/basic/pH > 7 AND H3PO4/product of P4O10 is acidic/pH <
7     [✔]
13h. [2 marks]
Sodium peroxide, Na2O2, is formed by the reaction of sodium oxide with oxygen.
2Na2O (s) + O2 (g) → 2Na2O2 (s)
Calculate the percentage yield of sodium peroxide if 5.00g of sodium oxide produces 5.50g
of sodium peroxide.
5.00 g −2
n(Na2O2) theoretical yield «=  −1 » = 0.0807/8.07 × 10 «mol»
61.98 g mo l

5.00 g
−1 × 77.98 gmol » = 6.291 «g»    [✔]
mass of Na2O2 theoretical yield «= 
61.98 g mo l
5.50 g 0.0705
% yield «= × 100» OR «  × 100» = 87.4 «%»     [✔]
6.291 g 0.0807
Note: Award [2] for correct final answer.
13i. [3 marks]
Sodium peroxide is used in diving apparatus to produce oxygen from carbon dioxide.
2Na2O2 (s) + 2CO2 (g) → 2Na2CO3 (s) + O2 (g)
Determine the enthalpy change, ΔH, in kJ, for this reaction using data from the table and
section 12 of the data booklet.

∑ΔHf products = 2 × (−1130.7) / −2261.4 «kJ»    [✔]
∑ΔHf reactants = 2 × (−510.9) + 2 × (−393.5) / −1808.8 «kJ»     [✔]
ΔH = «∑ΔHf products − ∑ΔHf reactants = −2261.4 −(−1808.8) =» −452.6 «kJ»     [✔]
Note: Award [3] for correct final answer.
Award [2 max] for “+ 452.6 «kJ»”.
13j. [1 mark]
Outline why bond enthalpy values are not valid in calculations such as that in (g)(i).

only valid for covalent bonds
only valid in gaseous state     [✔]
13k. [1 mark]
An allotrope of molecular oxygen is ozone. Compare, giving a reason, the bond enthalpies of
the O to O bonds in O2 and O3.

bond in O3 has lower enthalpy AND bond order is 1.5 «not 2»    [✔]
Note: Accept “bond in ozone is longer”.
13l. [1 mark]
Outline why a real gas differs from ideal behaviour at low temperature and high pressure.
Any one of:
finite volume of particles «requires adjustment to volume of gas»     [✔]
short-range attractive forces «overcomes low kinetic energy»    [✔]
13m. [1 mark]
The reaction of sodium peroxide with excess water produces hydrogen peroxide and one
other sodium compound. Suggest the formula of this compound.

NaOH    [✔]
13n. [1 mark]
State the oxidation number of carbon in sodium carbonate, Na 2CO3.

IV    [✔]
14a. [1 mark]
Rhenium, Re, was the last element with a stable isotope to be isolated.
The stable isotope of rhenium contains 110 neutrons.
State the nuclear symbol notation ❑ZA X for this isotope.

75 ℜ    [✔]

14b. [2 marks]
Before its isolation, scientists predicted the existence of rhenium and some of its
Suggest the basis of these predictions.

gap in the periodic table
element with atomic number «75» unknown
break/irregularity in periodic trends     [✔]
«periodic table shows» regular/periodic trends «in properties»      [✔]
14c. [2 marks]
A scientist wants to investigate the catalytic properties of a thin layer of rhenium metal on
a graphite surface.

Describe an electrochemical process to produce a layer of rhenium on graphite.

electrolyze «a solution of /molten» rhenium salt/Re n+     [✔]
graphite as cathode/negative electrode
rhenium forms at cathode/negative electrode     [✔]
Note: Accept “using rhenium anode” for M1.
14d. [2 marks]
Predict two other chemical properties you would expect rhenium to have, given its position
in the periodic table.

Any two of:
variable oxidation states     [✔]
forms complex ions/compounds     [✔]
coloured compounds/ions     [✔]
«para»magnetic compounds/ions     [✔]
Note: Accept other valid responses related to its chemical metallic properties.
Do not accept “catalytic properties”.
14e. [2 marks]
Describe how the relative reactivity of rhenium, compared to silver, zinc, and copper, can
be established using pieces of rhenium and solutions of these metal sulfates.

place «pieces of» Re into each solution    [✔]
if Re reacts/is coated with metal, that metal is less reactive «than Re»    [✔]
Note: Accept other valid observations such as “colour of solution fades” or “solid/metal
appears” for “reacts”.
14f. [1 mark]
One chloride of rhenium has the empirical formula ReCl3.
State the name of this compound, applying IUPAC rules.

rhenium(III) chloride
rhenium trichloride    [✔]
14g. [2 marks]
Calculate the percentage, by mass, of rhenium in ReCl 3.

«Mr ReCl3 = 186.21 + (3 × 35.45) =» 292.56    [✔]
«100 ×  =» 63.648 «%»   [✔]
14h. [1 mark]
Rhenium forms salts containing the perrhenate(VII) ion, ReO4−.
Suggest why the existence of salts containing an ion with this formula could be predicted.
Refer to section 6 of the data booklet.

same group as Mn «which forms MnO4-»
in group 7/has 7 valence electrons, so its «highest» oxidation state is +7    [✔]
14i. [1 mark]
Deduce the coefficients required to complete the half-equation.
ReO4− (aq) + ____H+ (aq) + ____e− ⇌ [Re(OH)2]2+ (aq) + ____H2O (l)        Eθ = +0.36 V

ReO4− (aq) + 6H+ (aq) + 3e− ⇌ [Re(OH)2]2+ (aq) + 2H2O (l)    [✔]
14j. [1 mark]
Predict, giving a reason, whether the reduction of ReO4− to [Re(OH)2]2+ would oxidize Fe2+ to
Fe3+ in aqueous solution. Use section 24 of the data booklet.

no AND ReO4− is a weaker oxidizing agent than Fe3+
no AND Fe3+ is a stronger oxidizing agent than ReO4−
no AND Fe2+ is a weaker reducing agent than [Re(OH)2]2+
no AND [Re(OH)2]2+ is a stronger reducing agent than Fe2+
no AND cell emf would be negative/–0.41 V     [✔]
15a. [2 marks]
Physical properties of elements vary according to atomic number. Sections 6 to 9 of the
data booklet list some of these properties.
Deduce, giving a reason, the group of elements in the periodic table most likely to undergo

group 18/noble gases  [✔]
smallest difference between melting and boiling points
weakest intermolecular forces «in that period»  [✔]
Note: Accept “group 17/halogens”.
15b. [1 mark]
Describe the density trend across periods 4 and 5 of the periodic table.
density increases «to a maximum in the transition elements» AND then decreases  [✔]
15c. [1 mark]
Suggest, with a reason, whether the lanthanoids or actinoids of the f-block would have the
higher density.

actinoids AND density increases down all groups «due to large increase in atomic mass for
small increase in atomic volume»
actinoids AND «much» greater atomic mass with similar type of bonding
actinoids AND density «of actinoids» atomic number 90 to 95 is greater than corresponding
lanthanoids  [✔]
Note: Accept “actinoids AND on graph actinoids have «much» greater density than
15d. [2 marks]
Compare the ease of oxidation of s-block and d-block metals to their melting points and
densities. Use section 25 of the data booklet.

Alternative 1:
«metals with» low densities oxidize easier  [✔]
«metals with» low melting points oxidize easier [✔]
Alternative 2:
in s-block «metals with» high densities oxidize easier
in s-block «metals with» low melting points oxidize easier [✔]
in d-block «metals with» low densities oxidize easier
in d-block «metals with» low melting points oxidize easier [✔]
Note:  Award [1 max] for “s-block metals more easily oxidized” OR “s-block metals have
lower melting points” OR “s-block metals have lower densities”.
Accept “have greater activity” for “oxidize easier”.
15e. [1 mark]
Sketch how the first ionization energies of elements vary with their atomic radius.


Note: Accept any negative sloping line.
Do not award mark if line touches either axis.
16a. [2 marks]
Physical properties of elements vary according to atomic number. Sections 6 to 9 of the
booklet list some of these properties.
Melting points and boiling points of elements 1 to 95

Deduce, giving a reason, the group of elements in the periodic table most likely to undergo

group 18/noble gases     [✔]
smallest difference between melting and boiling points
weakest intermolecular forces «in that period»     [✔]
Note: Accept “group 17/halogens”.
16b. [1 mark]
Describe the density trend across periods 4 and 5 of the periodic table.

density increases «to a maximum in the transition elements» AND then decreases     [✔]
16c. [1 mark]
Suggest, with a reason, whether the lanthanoids or actinoids of the f-block would have the
higher density.

actinoids AND density increases down all groups «due to large increase in atomic mass for
small increase in atomic volume»
actinoids AND «much» greater atomic mass with similar type of bonding
actinoids AND density «of actinoids» atomic number 90 to 95 is greater than corresponding
lanthanoids    [✔]
Note: Accept “actinoids AND on graph actinoids have «much» greater density than
16d. [2 marks]
Compare the ease of oxidation of s-block and d-block metals to their melting points and
densities. Use section 25 of the data booklet.

Alternative 1:
«metals with» low densities oxidize easier    [✔]
«metals with» low melting points oxidize easier     [✔]
Alternative 2:
in s-block «metals with» high densities oxidize easier
in s-block «metals with» low melting points oxidize easier     [✔]
in d-block «metals with» low densities oxidize easier
in d-block «metals with» low melting points oxidize easier     [✔]
Note: Award [1 max] for “s-block metals more easily oxidized” OR “s-block metals have lower
melting points” OR “s-block metals have lower densities”.
Accept “have greater activity” for “oxidize easier”.
16e. [1 mark]
Sketch how the first ionization energies of elements vary with their atomic radius.

Note: Accept any negative sloping line.
Do not award mark if line touches either axis.
17. [1 mark]
Which oxides produce an acidic solution when added to water?
I.    Al2O3 and SiO2
II.   P4O6 and P4O10
III.  NO2 and SO2
A.   I and II only
B.   I and III only
C.   II and III only
D.   I, II and III

18. [1 mark]
Which species will require the least energy for the removal of one electron?
A.   Na+
B.   Mg+
C.   Al2+
D.   C3+

19. [1 mark]
Which describes the oxide of sodium, Na2O?
20. [1 mark]
Which statement is correct?
A.     Atomic radius decreases down group 17.
B.     First ionization energy decreases down group 1.
C.     Atomic radius increases across period 3 from Na to Cl.
D.     First ionization energy decreases across period 3 from Na to Cl.

21. [1 mark]
Which increase across a period from left to right?

22a. [2 marks]
Properties of elements and their compounds can be related to the position of the elements
in the periodic table.
Explain the decrease in atomic radius from Na to Cl.

nuclear charge/number of protons/Zeff increases «causing a stronger pull on the outer
electrons» ✔
same number of shells/«outer» energy level/shielding ✔
Accept “atomic number” for “number of protons”.
22b. [2 marks]
Explain why the radius of the sodium ion, Na+, is smaller than the radius of the oxide ion,
isoelectronic/same electronic configuration/«both» have 2.8 ✔
more protons in Na+ ✔
22c. [1 mark]
State a physical property of sodium oxide.

Any one of:
brittle ✔
high melting point/crystalline/solid «at room temperature» ✔
low volatility ✔
conducts electricity when molten ✔
does not conduct electricity at room temperature ✔
Do not accept soluble in water.
Ignore any chemical properties.
23a. [1 mark]
Calcium carbide, CaC2, is an ionic solid.
Describe the nature of ionic bonding.

electrostatic attraction AND oppositely charged ions
[1 mark]
23b. [1 mark]
State the electron configuration of the Ca2+ ion.

[1 mark]
23c. [2 marks]
When calcium compounds are introduced into a gas flame a red colour is seen; sodium
compounds give a yellow flame. Outline the source of the colours and why they are

«promoted» electrons fall back to lower energy level
energy difference between levels is different
Accept “Na and Ca have different nuclear charge” for M2.
[2 marks]
23d. [2 marks]
Suggest two reasons why solid calcium has a greater density than solid potassium.
Any two of:
stronger metallic bonding
smaller ionic/atomic radius
two electrons per atom are delocalized
greater ionic charge
greater atomic mass
Do not accept just “heavier” or “more massive” without reference to atomic mass.
[2 marks]
23e. [1 mark]
Outline why solid calcium is a good conductor of electricity.

delocalized/mobile electrons «free to move»
[1 mark]
23f. [1 mark]
Calcium carbide reacts with water to form ethyne and calcium hydroxide.
CaC2(s) + H2O(l) → C2H2(g) + Ca(OH)2(aq)
Estimate the pH of the resultant solution.

pH > 7
Accept any specific pH value or range of values above 7 and below 14.
[1 mark]


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