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1 [163 marks]
1. [1 mark]
Which formula is correct?
A.   N H 4 PO 4

B.  ( N H 4 ) 2 P O 4

C.  ( N H 4 )3 P O4

D.  ( N H 4 )3 ( P O4 )2

2. [1 mark]
Which is correct for all solid ionic compounds?
A.  High volatility

B.  Poor electrical conductivity

C.  Low melting point

D.  Good solubility in water

3. [1 mark]
How does a lithium atom form the most stable ion?
A. The atom gains a proton to form a positive ion.
B. The atom loses a proton to form a negative ion.
C. The atom loses an electron to form a positive ion.
D. The atom gains an electron to form a negative ion.
4. [1 mark]
What is the IUPAC name of NiCO3?
A. nickel(II) carbonate
B. nickel carbonate
C. nickel(I) carbonate
D. nitrogen(I) carbonate

5. [1 mark]
How does a lithium atom form the most stable ion?
A. The atom gains a proton to form a positive ion.
B. The atom loses a proton to form a negative ion.
C. The atom loses an electron to form a positive ion.
D. The atom gains an electron to form a negative ion.

6a. [2 marks]
This question is about compounds of sodium.
Describe the structure and bonding in solid sodium oxide.
«3-D/giant» regularly repeating arrangement «of ions»
lattice «of ions»  [✔]
electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions
electrostatic attraction between Na+ and O2− ions  [✔]
Note: Do not accept “ionic” without description.
6b. [3 marks]
Write equations for the separate reactions of solid sodium oxide and solid phosphorus(V)
oxide with excess water and differentiate between the solutions formed.
Sodium oxide, Na2O:

Phosphorus(V) oxide, P4O10:


Sodium oxide:
Na2O(s) + H2O(l) → 2NaOH (aq)  [✔]
Phosphorus(V) oxide:
P4O10 (s) + 6H2O(l) → 4H3PO4 (aq)  [✔]
NaOH / product of Na2O is alkaline/basic/pH > 7 AND H3PO4 / product of P4O10 is acidic/pH
< 7  [✔]
6c. [2 marks]
Sodium peroxide, Na2O2, is formed by the reaction of sodium oxide with oxygen.
2Na2O (s) + O2 (g) → 2Na2O2 (s)
Calculate the percentage yield of sodium peroxide if 5.00 g of sodium oxide produces 5.50 g
of sodium peroxide.

5.00 g
n(Na2O2) theoretical yield «=  » = 0.0807/8.07 × 10−2 «mol»
61.98 mol −1
5.00 g
mass Na2O2 theoretical yield «=  × 77.98 gmol−1» = 6.291 «g»  [✔]
61.98 mol −1
5.50 g 0.0705
% yield «=   × 100» OR « x 100» = 87.4 «%»  [✔]
6.291 g 0.0807
Note: Award [2] for correct final answer.
6d. [3 marks]
Sodium peroxide is used in diving apparatus to produce oxygen from carbon dioxide.
2Na2O2 (s) + 2CO2 (g) → 2Na2CO3 (s) + O2 (g)
Determine the enthalpy change, ΔH, in kJ, for this reaction using data from the table and
section 12 of the data booklet.
ΣΔHf products = 2 × (−1130.7) / −2261.4 «kJ»  [✔]
ΣΔHf reactants = 2 × (−510.9) + 2 × (−393.5) / −1808.8 «kJ»  [✔]
ΔH = «ΣΔHf products − ΣΔHf reactants = −2261.4 −(−1808.8) =» −452.6 «kJ»  [✔]
Note: Award [3] for correct final answer.
Award [2 max] for “+452.6 «kJ»”.
6e. [1 mark]
Outline why bond enthalpy values are not valid in calculations such as that in (c)(i).
only valid for covalent bonds
only valid in gaseous state  [✔]
6f. [1 mark]
The reaction of sodium peroxide with excess water produces hydrogen peroxide and one
other sodium compound. Suggest the formula of this compound.

NaOH  [✔]
Note: Accept correct equation showing NaOH as a product.
6g. [1 mark]
State the oxidation number of carbon in sodium carbonate, Na 2CO3.

IV  [✔]
7a. [1 mark]
Carbonated water is produced when carbon dioxide is dissolved in water under pressure.
The following equilibria are established.

Equilibrium (1)  CO2 (g)  CO2 (aq)

Equilibrium (2)  CO2 (aq) + H2O (l) H+ (aq) + HCO3− (aq)
Carbon dioxide acts as a weak acid.
Distinguish between a weak and strong acid.
Weak acid: 
Strong acid: 

Weak acid: partially dissociated/ionized «in aqueous solution/water»
Strong acid: «assumed to be almost» completely/100 % dissociated/ionized «in aqueous
solution/water»    [✔]
7b. [1 mark]
The hydrogencarbonate ion, produced in Equilibrium (2), can also act as an acid.
State the formula of its conjugate base.

CO32-    [✔]
7c. [1 mark]
When a bottle of carbonated water is opened, these equilibria are disturbed.
State, giving a reason, how a decrease in pressure affects the position of Equilibrium (1).
shifts to left/reactants AND to increase amount/number of moles/molecules of gas/CO2 (g)
Note: Accept “shifts to left/reactants AND to increase pressure”.
7d. [3 marks]
At 298 K the concentration of aqueous carbon dioxide in carbonated water is 0.200 mol
dm−3 and the pKa for Equilibrium (2) is 6.36.
Calculate the pH of carbonated water.

«Ka =» 10–6.36/4.37 × 10–7 = ¿ ¿ ¿
«Ka =» 10–6.36/4.37 × 10–7 = ¿ ¿ ¿  [✔]

[H+] « √ 0.200 × 4.37× 10−7   » = 2.95 × 10–4 «mol dm–3»     [✔]

«pH =» 3.53     [✔]
Note: Award [3] for correct final answer.
7e. [2 marks]
Soda water has sodium hydrogencarbonate, NaHCO3, dissolved in the carbonated water.
Identify the type of bonding in sodium hydrogencarbonate.
Between sodium and hydrogencarbonate:
Between hydrogen and oxygen in hydrogencarbonate:

Between sodium and hydrogencarbonate:
ionic    [✔]

Between hydrogen and oxygen in hydrogencarbonate:

«polar» covalent     [✔]
7f. [2 marks]
Predict, referring to Equilibrium (2), how the added sodium hydrogencarbonate affects the
pH.(Assume pressure and temperature remain constant.)

«additional HCO3-» shifts position of equilibrium to left   [✔]
pH increases   [✔]
Note: Do not award M2 without any justification in terms of equilibrium shift in M1.
7g. [2 marks]
100.0cm3 of soda water contains 3.0 × 10−2g NaHCO3.
Calculate the concentration of NaHCO3 in mol dm−3.

«molar mass of NaHCO3 =» 84.01 «g mol-1»    [✔]

3.0× 10−2 g 1
«concentration =  −1
× 3 =» 3.6 × 10 «mol dm »     [✔]
–3 -3
84.01 g mo l 0.100 d m
Note: Award [2] for correct final answer.
7h. [1 mark]
The uncertainty of the 100.0cm3 volumetric flask used to make the solution was ±0.6cm 3.
Calculate the maximum percentage uncertainty in the mass of NaHCO3 so that the
concentration of the solution is correct to ±1.0 %.

«1.0 – 0.6 = ± » 0.4 «%»    [✔]
7i. [2 marks]
The reaction of the hydroxide ion with carbon dioxide and with the hydrogencarbonate ion
can be represented by Equations 3 and 4.
Equation (3)     OH− (aq) + CO2 (g) → HCO3− (aq)
Equation (4)     OH− (aq) + HCO3− (aq) → H2O (l) + CO32− (aq)

Discuss how these equations show the difference between a Lewis base and a Brønsted–
Lowry base.
Equation (3):
Equation (4):

Equation (3):
OH- donates an electron pair AND acts as a Lewis base     [✔]
Equation (4):
OH- accepts a proton/H+/hydrogen ion AND acts as a Brønsted–Lowry base     [✔]
7j. [2 marks]
Aqueous sodium hydrogencarbonate has a pH of approximately 7 at 298 K.
Sketch a graph of pH against volume when 25.0cm3 of 0.100 mol dm−3 NaOH (aq) is
gradually added to 10.0cm3 of 0.0500 mol dm−3 NaHCO3 (aq).

S-shaped curve from ~7 to between 12 and 14     [✔]

equivalence point at 5 cm3     [✔]
Note: Accept starting point >6~7.
8a. [1 mark]
The structure of aspirin is shown in section 37 of the data booklet.

Suggest one reactant used to prepare aspirin from salicylic acid.


NOTE: Accept condensed structural formulas.

Accept “ethanoic acid/acetic acid/CH3COOH”.
Accept “C4H6O3” OR “C2H3OCl”.
8b. [2 marks]
Aspirin, C6H4(OCOCH3)COOH, is only slightly soluble in water.
Outline, including an equation, how aspirin can be made more water-soluble. Use section
37 in the data booklet.

react with sodium hydroxide/NaOH/«strong» base
convert to «ionic» salt ✔
NOTE: Accept other suitable bases (eg, KOH/NaHCO3/Na2CO3) with corresponding equation
for chosen base for M2.
Accept “CaCO3”, although calcium salicylate is not water soluble.
Accept ionic equation.

C6H4(OCOCH3)COOH (s) + NaOH (aq) → C6H4(OCOCH3)COONa (aq) + H2O (l) ✔

NOTE: Award [2] for M2.

9. [1 mark]
What is the formula of ammonium phosphate?
A.     (NH3)3PO4
B.     (NH4)3PO4
C.     (NH4)2PO4
D.     (NH3)2PO3

10. [1 mark]
What is the formula of magnesium nitride?
A.     MgN
B.     Mg2N3
C.     Mg3N
D.     Mg3N2

11a. [2 marks]
Properties of elements and their compounds can be related to the position of the elements
in the periodic table.
Explain the decrease in atomic radius from Na to Cl.
nuclear charge/number of protons/Zeff increases «causing a stronger pull on the outer
electrons» ✔
same number of shells/«outer» energy level/shielding ✔
Accept “atomic number” for “number of protons”.
11b. [2 marks]
Explain why the radius of the sodium ion, Na+, is smaller than the radius of the oxide ion,

isoelectronic/same electronic configuration/«both» have 2.8 ✔
more protons in Na+ ✔
11c. [1 mark]
State a physical property of sodium oxide.
Any one of:
brittle ✔
high melting point/crystalline/solid «at room temperature» ✔
low volatility ✔
conducts electricity when molten ✔
does not conduct electricity at room temperature ✔
Do not accept soluble in water.
Ignore any chemical properties.
12a. [1 mark]
Calcium carbide, CaC2, is an ionic solid.
Describe the nature of ionic bonding.

electrostatic attraction AND oppositely charged ions
[1 mark]
12b. [1 mark]
State the electron configuration of the Ca2+ ion.
[1 mark]
12c. [2 marks]
When calcium compounds are introduced into a gas flame a red colour is seen; sodium
compounds give a yellow flame. Outline the source of the colours and why they are

«promoted» electrons fall back to lower energy level
energy difference between levels is different
Accept “Na and Ca have different nuclear charge” for M2.
[2 marks]
12d. [2 marks]
Suggest two reasons why solid calcium has a greater density than solid potassium.

Any two of:
stronger metallic bonding
smaller ionic/atomic radius
two electrons per atom are delocalized
greater ionic charge
greater atomic mass
Do not accept just “heavier” or “more massive” without reference to atomic mass.
[2 marks]
12e. [1 mark]
Outline why solid calcium is a good conductor of electricity.

delocalized/mobile electrons «free to move»
[1 mark]
12f. [1 mark]
Calcium carbide reacts with water to form ethyne and calcium hydroxide.
CaC2(s) + H2O(l) → C2H2(g) + Ca(OH)2(aq)
Estimate the pH of the resultant solution.
pH > 7
Accept any specific pH value or range of values above 7 and below 14.
[1 mark]
13a. [1 mark]
Calcium carbide, CaC2, is an ionic solid.
Describe the nature of ionic bonding.

electrostatic attraction AND oppositely charged ions
[1 mark]
13b. [2 marks]
Describe how the relative atomic mass of a sample of calcium could be determined from its
mass spectrum.

multiply relative intensity by «m/z» value of isotope
find the frequency of each isotope
sum of the values of products/multiplication «from each isotope»
find/calculate the weighted average
Award [1 max] for stating “m/z values of isotopes AND relative abundance/intensity” but
not stating these need to be multiplied.
[2 marks]
13c. [2 marks]
When calcium compounds are introduced into a gas flame a red colour is seen; sodium
compounds give a yellow flame. Outline the source of the colours and why they are

«promoted» electrons fall back to lower energy level
energy difference between levels is different
Accept “Na and Ca have different nuclear charge” for M2.
[2 marks]
13d. [2 marks]
Suggest two reasons why solid calcium has a greater density than solid potassium.

Any two of:
stronger metallic bonding
smaller ionic/atomic radius
two electrons per atom are delocalized
greater ionic charge
greater atomic mass
Do not accept just “heavier” or “more massive” without reference to atomic mass.
[2 marks]
13e. [1 mark]
Outline why solid calcium is a good conductor of electricity.

delocalized/mobile electrons «free to move»
[1 mark]
13f. [2 marks]
Sketch a graph of the first six ionization energies of calcium.

general increase
only one discontinuity between “IE2” and “IE3”
[2 marks]
13g. [1 mark]
Calcium carbide reacts with water to form ethyne and calcium hydroxide.
CaC2(s) + H2O(l) → C2H2(g) + Ca(OH)2(aq)
Estimate the pH of the resultant solution.
pH > 7
Accept any specific pH value or range of values above 7 and below 14.
[1 mark]
13h. [2 marks]
Describe how sigma (σ) and pi (π) bonds are formed.

sigma (σ):
overlap «of atomic orbitals» along the axial/internuclear axis
head-on/end-to-end overlap «of atomic orbitals»
pi (π):
overlap «of p-orbitals» above and below the internuclear axis
sideways overlap «of p-orbitals»
Award marks for suitable diagrams.
[2 marks]
13i. [1 mark]
Deduce the number of σ and π bonds in a molecule of ethyne.

sigma (σ): 3
pi (π): 2
[1 mark]
14. [1 mark]
A substance has the following properties:

What is the most probable structure of this substance?

A.     Network covalent
B.     Polar covalent molecule
C.     Ionic lattice
D.     Metallic lattice

15. [1 mark]
Which bonds cause the boiling point of water to be significantly greater than that of
hydrogen sulfide?
A.     London (dispersion)
B.     Covalent
C.     Ionic
D.     Hydrogen

16. [1 mark]
Which of the following does not react with dilute HCl(aq)?

A.     Na2CO3
B.     Cu
C.     Zn
D.     CuO

17a. [2 marks]
Titanium is a transition metal.
Describe the bonding in metals.

electrostatic attraction
between «a lattice of» metal/positive ions/cations AND «a sea of» delocalized electrons
Accept mobile electrons.
Do not accept “metal atoms/nuclei”.
[2 marks]
17b. [2 marks]
Titanium exists as several isotopes. The mass spectrum of a sample of titanium gave the
following data:
Calculate the relative atomic mass of titanium to two decimal places.

(46 ×7.98)+(47× 7.32)+(48 ×73.99)+( 49 ×5.46)+(50 × 5.25)
= 47.93
Answer must have two decimal places with a value from 47.90 to 48.00.
Award [2] for correct final answer.
Award [0] for 47.87 (data booklet value).
[2 marks]
17c. [1 mark]
State the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in the ❑48
22 Ti atom.

Protons: 22 AND Neutrons: 26 AND Electrons: 22
[1 mark]
17d. [1 mark]

State the full electron configuration of the ❑48

22 Ti

[1 mark]
17e. [2 marks]
Explain why an aluminium-titanium alloy is harder than pure aluminium.
titanium atoms/ions distort the regular arrangement of atoms/ions
titanium atoms/ions are a different size to aluminium «atoms/ions» 
prevent layers sliding over each other
Accept diagram showing different sizes of atoms/ions.
[2 marks]
17f. [1 mark]
State the type of bonding in potassium chloride which melts at 1043 K.

«electrostatic» attraction between oppositely charged ions
[1 mark]
17g. [1 mark]
A chloride of titanium, TiCl4, melts at 248 K. Suggest why the melting point is so much
lower than that of KCl.
«simple» molecular structure
weak«er» intermolecular bonds
weak«er» bonds between molecules
Accept specific examples of weak bonds such as London/dispersion and van der Waals.
Do not accept “covalent”.
[1 mark]
17h. [2 marks]
TiCl4 reacts with water and the resulting titanium(IV) oxide can be used as a smoke screen.
Formulate an equation for this reaction.

TiCl4(l) + 2H2O(l) → TiO2(s) + 4HCl(aq)
correct products
correct balancing
Accept ionic equation.
Award M2 if products are HCl and a compound of Ti and O.
[2 marks]
17i. [1 mark]
Suggest one disadvantage of using this smoke in an enclosed space.

HCl causes breathing/respiratory problems
HCl is an irritant
HCl is toxic
HCl has acidic vapour
HCl is corrosive
Accept “TiO2 causes breathing problems/is an irritant”.
Accept “harmful” for both HCl and TiO2.
Accept “smoke is asphyxiant”.
[1 mark]
18a. [2 marks]
There are many oxides of silver with the formula AgxOy. All of them decompose into
their elements when heated strongly.
After heating 3.760 g of a silver oxide 3.275 g of silver remained. Determine the empirical
formula of AgxOy.
3.275 g
n(Ag) = « =¿» 0.03036 «mol»
107.87 g mol
3.760 g −3.275 g 0.485
n(O) = « = =¿» 0.03031 «mol»
16.00 g mol −1 16.00
« ≈ 1 / ratio of Ag to O approximately 1 : 1, so»
Accept other valid methods for M1.
Award [1 max] for correct empirical formula if method not shown.
[2 marks]
18b. [2 marks]
Suggest why the final mass of solid obtained by heating 3.760 g of AgxOy may be greater
than 3.275 g giving one design improvement for your proposed suggestion. Ignore any
possible errors in the weighing procedure.
temperature too low
heating time too short
oxide not decomposed completely
heat sample to constant mass «for three or more trials»
Accept “not heated strongly enough”.
If M1 as per markscheme, M2 can only be awarded for constant mass technique.
Accept "soot deposition" (M1) and any suitable way to reduce it (for M2).
Accept "absorbs moisture from atmosphere" (M1) and "cool in dessicator" (M2).
Award [1 max] for reference to impurity AND design improvement.
[2 marks]
18c. [1 mark]
Naturally occurring silver is composed of two stable isotopes, 107Ag and 109Ag.
The relative atomic mass of silver is 107.87. Show that isotope 107Ag is more abundant.

Ar closer to 107/less than 108 «so more 107Ag»
Ar less than the average of (107 + 109) «so more 107Ag»
Accept calculations that gives greater than 50% 107Ag.
[1 mark]
18d. [3 marks]
Some oxides of period 3, such as Na2O and P4O10, react with water. A spatula measure of
each oxide was added to a separate 100 cm3 flask containing distilled water and a few
drops of bromothymol blue indicator.
The indicator is listed in section 22 of the data booklet.
Deduce the colour of the resulting solution and the chemical formula of the product formed
after reaction with water for each oxide.


Do not accept name for the products.
Accept “Na+ + OH–” for NaOH.
Ignore coefficients in front of formula.
[3 marks]
18e. [2 marks]
Explain the electrical conductivity of molten Na2O and P4O10.
«molten» Na2O has mobile ions/charged particles AND conducts electricity
«molten» P4O10 does not have mobile ions/charged particles AND does not conduct
electricity/is poor conductor of electricity
Do not award marks without concept of mobile charges being present.
Award [1 max] if type of bonding or electrical conductivity correctly identified in each
Do not accept answers based on electrons.
Award [1 max] if reference made to solution.
[2 marks]
18f. [2 marks]
Outline the model of electron configuration deduced from the hydrogen line
emission spectrum (Bohr’s model).
electrons in discrete/specific/certain/different shells/energy levels
energy levels converge/get closer together at higher energies
energy levels converge with distance from the nucleus
Accept appropriate diagram for M1, M2 or both.
Do not give marks for answers that refer to the lines in the spectrum.
[2 marks] 
19a. [2 marks]
Lanthanum, La, and antimony, Sb, form compounds with bromine that have similar
formulas, LaBr3 and SbBr3.
Determine the type of bond present in SbBr3, showing your method. Use sections 8 and 29
of the data booklet.

polar covalent
average electronegativity «= (3.0 + 2.0)» = 2.5 AND electronegativity difference «= 3.0 –
2.0» = 1.0
[2 marks]
19b. [2 marks]
Lanthanum has a similar electronegativity to group 2 metals. Explain, in terms of bonding
and structure, why crystalline lanthanum bromide is brittle.
ionic bonding
electrostatic forces between ions
«slight» movement brings ions of same charge adjacent to each other «causing the crystal
to break»
«slight» movement results in repulsion between layers «causing the crystal to break»
[2 marks]
20. [1 mark]
Which compound contains both ionic and covalent bonds?
A.  SIH4
B. NaNO3
D. Na2S

21a. [1 mark]
Magnesium is a group 2 metal which exists as a number of isotopes and forms many

State the nuclear symbol notation, ❑ZA X, for magnesium-26.

12 M g

21b. [2 marks]
Mass spectroscopic analysis of a sample of magnesium gave the following results:

Calculate the relative atomic mass, Ar, of this sample of magnesium to two decimal places.

24 ×78.60+25 ×10.11 +26 ×11.29
«Ar =»
«= 24.3269 =» 24.33
Award [2] for correct final answer.
Do not accept data booklet value (24.31).
21c. [1 mark]
Magnesium burns in air to form a white compound, magnesium oxide. Formulate an
equation for the reaction of magnesium oxide with water.

MgO(s) + H2O(l) → Mg(OH)2(s)
MgO(s) + H2O(l) → Mg2+(aq) + 2OH–(aq)
Accept ⇌.
21d. [2 marks]
Describe the trend in acid-base properties of the oxides of period 3, sodium to chlorine.

from basic to acidic
through amphoteric
Accept “alkali/alkaline” for “basic”.
Accept “oxides of Na and Mg: basic AND oxide of Al: amphoteric” for M1.
Accept “oxides of non-metals/Si to Cl acidic” for M2.
Do not accept just “become more acidic”
21e. [1 mark]
In addition to magnesium oxide, magnesium forms another compound when burned in air.
Suggest the formula of this compound

Accept MgO2, Mg(OH)2, Mg(NOx)2, MgCO3.
21f. [2 marks]
Describe the structure and bonding in solid magnesium oxide.

«3-D/giant» regularly repeating arrangement «of ions»
lattice «of ions»
Accept “giant” for M1, unless “giant covalent” stated.
electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions
electrostatic attraction between Mg2+ and O2– ions
Do not accept “ionic” without description.
21g. [2 marks]
Magnesium chloride can be electrolysed.
Deduce the half-equations for the reactions at each electrode when molten magnesium
chloride is electrolysed, showing the state symbols of the products. The melting points of
magnesium and magnesium chloride are 922 K and 987 K respectively.
Anode (positive electrode):
Cathode (negative electrode):

Anode (positive electrode):
2Cl– → Cl2(g) + 2e–
Cathode (negative electrode):
Mg2+ + 2e– → Mg(l)
Penalize missing/incorrect state symbols at Cl2 and Mg once only.
Award [1 max] if equations are at wrong electrodes.
Accept Mg (g).
22. [3 marks]
Nuclear reactions transform one nuclide into another. Fission, splitting a large nucleus into
two smaller nuclei, releases vast amounts of energy.
(i) Uranium hexafluoride, UF6, is used in the uranium enrichment process that produces
fuel for nuclear reactors.
State the molecular shape of uranium hexafluoride.
(ii) Explain why uranium dioxide, UO2, has a very high melting point whereas uranium
hexafluoride vapourises easily into gas.
Accept “square bipyramidal”
UO2 strong bonding throughout crystal structure
UF6 molecular «covalent bonds between atoms» AND London/dispersion/instantaneous
induced dipole-induced dipole forces between molecules 
Accept “UO2 has ionic lattice”
23. [1 mark]
The formula of gallium phosphate is GaP O 4. What is the correct formula of gallium sulfate?

A.     GaS O4
B.     GaS
C.     G a2 ¿

D.     G a2 S 3

24. [1 mark]
Which substance has the following properties?
•     Low melting point
•     Very soluble in water
•     Does not conduct electricity when molten
A.     Glucose, C 6 H 12 O 6

B.     Silicon dioxide, SiO2

C.     Sodium chloride, NaCl
D.     Tetrachloromethane, CC l 4

25a. [1 mark]
Across period 3, elements increase in atomic number, decrease in atomic radius and
increase in electronegativity.
Define the term electronegativity.

ability of atom/nucleus to attract bonding/shared pair of electrons / attraction of nucleus
for bonding/shared pair of electrons;
Do not accept “element” instead of “atom/nucleus”.
Do not accept “electrons” alone.
25b. [2 marks]
Explain why the atomic radius of elements decreases across the period.
increasing nuclear charge/increasing number of protons / increased attraction of (valence)
electrons to nucleus;
electrons added are in same (outer) energy level;
25c. [2 marks]
State the equations for the reactions of sodium oxide with water and phosphorus(V) oxide
with water.

N a2 O(s )+ H 2 O(l) → 2 NaOH ( aq);

Accept N a2 O(s )+ H 2 O(l)→ 2 N a+¿(a q )+2 O H (a q)¿


P4 O10 (s )+ 6 H 2 O(l)→ 4 H 3 PO 3 (aq);

Accept P2 O 5 (s)+3 H 2 O(l) →2 H 3 P O 4 (a q).

Accept P4 O10 (s )+ 6 H 2 O(l)→ 4 H +¿(a q)+4 H 2 P O4 (a q )¿


Ignore state symbols.

25d. [2 marks]
Suggest the pH of the solutions formed in part (c) (i).

NaOH: > 7;
Accept any pH greater than 7.
H3PO4: < 7;
Accept any pH less than 7.
Award [1 max] if stated that “NaOH alkali/basic and H3PO4 acidic”, but pH values not given.
25e. [3 marks]
Describe three tests that can be carried out in the laboratory, and the expected results, to
distinguish between 0.10 mol d m−3 HCl(aq) and 0.10 mol d m−3 C H 3 COOH (aq).

measuring electrical conductivity and strong acids have greater electrical
conductivity/weak acids have lower electrical conductivity;
Do not accept conductivity for electrical conductivity.
Accept explanation in terms of lightbulb in circuit.
measure pH/use universal indicator and pH higher for weak acid/pH lower for strong acid;
conduct titration with a strong base and equivalence point higher for weak acid / buffer
region for weak acid;
adding a reactive metal/carbonate/hydrogen carbonate and stronger effervescence/faster
reaction with strong acids;
Accept converse argument.
Accept correct example.
adding a strong base and strong acid would increase more in temperature/weak acids
increase less in temperature;
Accept correct example.
Award [1 max] for three suitable tests without correct results.
Accept specific examples with given strong acid and weak acid.
Accept “addition of AgNO3 (aq) and white precipitate with HCl (aq)”.
Do not accept “smell”.
25f. [2 marks]
Explain whether BF3 can act as a Brønsted-Lowry acid, a Lewis acid or both.

Lewis acid (only);
electron pair acceptor / not a proton donor;
25g. [2 marks]
Describe the bonding and structure of sodium chloride.
Bonding: (electrostatic) attraction between oppositely charged ions;
Do not accept ionic bonding without some description.
Structure: lattice/giant structure of ions / each N a+¿ ¿ surrounded by 6 C l − (and vice-versa);
25h. [2 marks]
State the formula of the compounds formed between the elements below.
Sodium and sulfur:
Magnesium and phosphorus:

N a2 S ;

M g 3 P2 ;

25i. [4 marks]
Covalent bonds form when phosphorus reacts with chlorine to form PC l 3. Deduce the
Lewis (electron dot) structure, the shape and bond angle in PC l 3 and explain why the
molecule is polar.
Lewis (electron dot) structure:
Name of shape:
Bond angle:
Explanation of polarity of molecule:

Lewis structure:

Accept any combination of lines, dots or crosses to represent electron pairs.
Do not award the mark if lone pairs are missing.
Name of shape:
(trigonal/triangular) pyramidal;
Bond angle:

¿ 109.5∘;
Accept any value within the range 100°−109°.
Literature value is 100°.
Explanation of polarity:
dipoles do not cancel (as molecule is not symmetrical) / there is a net dipole (as molecule is
not symmetrical) / unsymmetrical distribution of charge;
Accept suitable labelled diagram.
No ECF if original structure is incorrect.
26a. [2 marks]
Electrolysis is an important industrial process used to obtain very reactive elements from
their common ores.
Molten magnesium chloride can be electrolysed using inert graphite electrodes at 800 °C.
Describe, using a labelled diagram, the essential components of this electrolytic cell.

Cell showing:
molten electrolyte/MgCl2(l), electrodes and battery/DC supply; 
correct labelling of positive electrode/anode/+ and negative electrode/cathode/–;
26b. [3 marks]
Molten magnesium chloride can be electrolysed using inert graphite electrodes at 800 °C.
Deduce the half-equations, including state symbols, for the reactions occurring at each
electrode. (The melting points of MgCl2 and Mg are 714 °C and 649 °C respectively.)
Positive electrode (anode):
Negative electrode (cathode):

Positive electrode (anode):
2 C l − (l)→ C l 2 (g)+ 2 e− /C l − (l)→ C l 2( g)+ e−;
Negative electrode (cathode):

M g 2+¿(l)+2 e → Mg(l)¿

Accept e instead of e–.

Award [1 max] for correct half-equations given at the wrong electrode.
Penalize use of reversible arrows once only.
correct state symbols in both equations;
26c. [1 mark]
Outline why solid magnesium chloride does not conduct electricity.

ions are not free to move when solid / ions in rigid lattice / OWTTE;
26d. [1 mark]
Aluminium can also be obtained by electrolysis. Suggest one reason why aluminium is
often used instead of iron by engineers.

aluminium/Al is less dense (compared to iron/Fe) / Al is more ductile or malleable/
aluminium forms a protective oxide layer / Al does not corrode / iron/Fe rusts /OWTTE;
Do not accept “Al is lighter” OR “less expensive” OR “Al can be recycled”.
27a. [1 mark]
Draw the Lewis (electron dot) structure of chloromethane.

Accept any combination of lines, dots or crosses to represent electron pairs.
27b. [2 marks]
Predict the shape of the chloromethane molecule and the H–C–H bond angle.
Bond angle:

Shape: tetrahedral;
Bond angle: accept any value in the range: 108° to 111°;
(Literature value is 108.2°).
27c. [2 marks]
Explain why chloromethane is a polar molecule.

Cl is more electronegative than C / C–Cl bond polar;
bond dipoles do not cancel / asymmetric distribution of electron cloud / (resultant) net
dipole moment (from vectorial addition of bond dipoles) going in direction of C–Cl axis /
27d. [2 marks]
Methanol has a lower molar mass than chloromethane. Explain why the boiling point of
methanol is higher than that of chloromethane.

hydrogen bonding in methanol;
stronger than dipole-dipole/van der Waals’ attractions/forces in chloromethane;
Accept converse argument.
27e. [1 mark]
State the equation for the reaction between potassium and chlorine.

2 K ( s)+ C l 2 (g)→ 2 KCl(s);

Ignore state symbols.

27f. [1 mark]
Outline the nature of the metallic bonding present in potassium.

(electrostatic) attraction between lattice of cations/positive ions and delocalized electrons;
27g. [2 marks]
Describe the covalent bond present in the chlorine molecule and how it is formed.
(electrostatic) attraction between positively charged nuclei and a pair of electrons;
formed as a result of electron sharing;
27h. [2 marks]
Describe the ionic bonding present in potassium chloride and how the ions are formed.

(electrostatic) attraction between positive and negative ions/oppositely charged
ions/cations and anions;
formed as a result of transfer of an electron from a K atom to a Cl atom / OWTTE;
27i. [3 marks]
Potassium also reacts with water to form hydrogen gas. Determine the volume, in c m3, of
hydrogen gas that could theoretically be produced at 273 K and 1.01 ×105 Pa when 0.0587 g
of potassium reacts with excess water.
amount of potassium ¿ ¿;
2 K +2 H 2 O→ 2 KO+ H 2 / amount of hydrogen ¿ 7.50 ×10− 4 (mol);

volume of hydrogen ¿ ¿;
Accept calculation of volume of hydrogen  using PV = nRT (answer is 16.9 cm3).
Award [3] for correct final answer.
27j. [2 marks]
Identify the acid-base character of the oxides of each of the elements from sodium to
chlorine in period 3.

Na, Mg (oxides): basic
Al (oxide): amphoteric
Do not accept amphiprotic.
Si to Cl (oxides): acidic
Award [2] for all three listed sets correct.
Award [1] for one or two listed sets correct.
Award [1] for stating oxides become more acidic towards right/Cl or more basic towards
Do not penalize if reference is to Ar instead of  Cl.
Do not penalize for incorrect formulas of oxides.
27k. [2 marks]
State the equations for the separate reactions of sodium oxide and phosphorus(V) oxide
with water.

N a2 O(s )+ H 2 O(l) → 2 NaOH ( aq);

P4 O 10 (s )+ 6 H 2 O(l)→ 4 H 3 PO 4 (aq);

Ignore state symbols.

Accept P2O5(s) + 3H2O(l) → 2H3PO4(aq).
Do not award marks if incorrect formulas of the oxides are used.


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International Baccalaureate® - Baccalauréat International® - Bachillerato Internacional®

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