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5 [131 marks]
1. [1 mark]
Which series shows the correct order of metallic bond strength from strongest to weakest?
A.  N a> K > R b> M g
B.  M g> R b> K > N a
C.  R b> K > N a> M g
D.  M g> N a> K > R b

2a. [2 marks]
There has been significant growth in the use of carbon nanotubes, CNT.
Explain these properties of carbon nanotubes.

Excellent strength: defect-free AND rigid/regular 2D/3D ✔
Excellent conductivity: delocalized electrons ✔
Accept “carbons/atoms are all covalently bonded to each other” for M1.
2b. [2 marks]
CNT can act as Type 2 superconductors. Outline why Type 2 superconductors are generally
more useful than Type 1.
Any two of:
have higher critical temperatures/Tc «than Type 1»
can act at higher temperatures ✔
have higher critical magnetic fields/Bc «than Type 1» ✔
less time needed to cool to operating temperature ✔
less energy required to cool down/maintain low temperature ✔
2c. [3 marks]
Explain the role of electrons in superconducting materials in terms of the Bardeen–
Cooper–Schrieffer (BCS) theory.

Any three of:
passing electrons «slightly» deform lattice/displace positive ions/cations ✔
electrons couple/form Cooper pairs/condense with other electrons ✔
energy propagates along the lattice in wave-like manner/as phonons ✔
Cooper pair/electron condensate/pair of electrons moves through lattice freely
phonons are «perfectly» elastic/cause no energy loss ✔
2d. [1 mark]
Alloying metals changes their properties. Suggest one property of magnesium that could be
improved by making a magnesium–CNT alloy.

Any of:
ductility ✔
strength/resistance to deformation ✔
malleability ✔
hardness ✔
resistance to corrosion/chemical resistance ✔
range of working temperatures ✔
density ✔
Do not accept “conductivity”.
2e. [3 marks]
Pure magnesium needed for making alloys can be obtained by electrolysis of molten
magnesium chloride.
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2020
Calculate the theoretical mass of magnesium obtained if a current of 3.00 A is used for 10.0
hours. Use charge :(Q) = current (I) × time (t)  and section 2 of the data booklet.

¿<Q=I ×t=3.00 × 10.0× 3600=¿> 108000C ✔
Q 108000 C
¿< = =¿>1.12<¿ mo l e − >¿  ✔
F 96500C mo l −1

1.12 mo l
¿< =0.560 m o l M g >¿
¿< m=0.560 mo l ×24.31 g mo l −1 =¿>13.6<¿ g>¿  ✔

Award [3] for correct final answer.

2f. [1 mark]
Suggest a gas which should be continuously passed over the molten magnesium in the
electrolytic cell.

argon/ A r/helium/H e ✔
Accept any identified noble/inert gas.
Accept name OR formula.
Do not accept “nitrogen/ N 2“.
2g. [2 marks]
Zeolites can be used as catalysts in the manufacture of CNT. Explain, with reference to their
structure, the high selectivity of zeolites.

pores/cavities/channels/holes/cage-like structures ✔
«only» reactants with appropriate/specific size/geometry/structure fit inside/go
through/are activated/can react ✔
Accept “molecules/ions” for “reactants” in M2.
2h. [1 mark]
Experiments have been done to explore the nematic liquid crystal behaviour of CNT. Justify
how CNT molecules could be classified as nematic.
rod-shaped molecules
«randomly distributed but» generally align
no positional order AND have «some» directional order/pattern ✔
Accept “linear” for “rod-shaped”.
3. [1 mark]
Which combination corresponds to a strong metallic bond?

4. [1 mark]
Which combination causes the strength of metallic bonding to increase?
5. [1 mark]
Which metal has the strongest metallic bonding?
A.     Na
B.     Mg
C.     Al
D.     Ca

6. [1 mark]
A substance has the following properties:

What is the most probable structure of this substance?

A.     Network covalent
B.     Polar covalent molecule
C.     Ionic lattice
D.     Metallic lattice
7. [1 mark]
Which metal has the strongest metallic bond?
A.     Li
B.     Na
C.     K
D.     Rb

8a. [2 marks]
Trends in physical and chemical properties are useful to chemists.
Explain the general increasing trend in the first ionization energies of the period
3 elements, Na to Ar.

increasing number of protons
increasing nuclear charge
«atomic» radius/size decreases
same number of shells
similar shielding «by inner electrons»
«greater energy needed to overcome increased attraction between nucleus and electrons»
8b. [2 marks]
Explain why the melting points of the group 1 metals (Li → Cs) decrease down the group.

atomic/ionic radius increases
smaller charge density
force of attraction between metal ions and delocalised electrons decreases
Do not accept discussion of attraction between valence electrons and
nucleus for M2.
Accept “weaker metallic bonds” for M2.
8c. [1 mark]
State an equation for the reaction of phosphorus (V) oxide, P 4O10 (s), with water.
P4O10 (s) + 6H2O (l) → 4H3PO4 (aq)
Accept “P4O10 (s) + 2H2O (l) → 4HPO3 (aq)” (initial reaction).
8d. [2 marks]
Describe the emission spectrum of hydrogen.

«series of» lines
only certain frequencies/wavelengths
convergence at high«er» frequency/energy/short«er» wavelength
M1 and/or M2 may be shown on a diagram.
8e. [1 mark]
The Activity series lists the metal in order of reactivity.

Identify the strongest reducing agent in the given list.

8f. [1 mark]
A voltaic cell is made up of a Mn2+/Mn half-cell and a Ni2+/Ni half-cell.
Deduce the equation for the cell reaction.

Mn (s) + Ni2+ (aq) → Ni (s) + Mn2+ (aq)
8g. [2 marks]
The voltaic cell stated in part (ii) is partially shown below.
Draw and label the connections needed to show the direction of electron movement and
ion flow between the two half-cells.
wire between electrodes AND labelled salt bridge in contact with both electrolytes
anions to right (salt bridge)
cations to left (salt bridge)
arrow from Mn to Ni (on wire or next to it)

Electrodes can be connected directly or through voltmeter/ammeter/light bulb, but not a

battery/power supply.
Accept ions or a specific salt as the label of the salt bridge.
9a. [2 marks]
Titanium is a transition metal.
Describe the bonding in metals.
electrostatic attraction
between «a lattice of» metal/positive ions/cations AND «a sea of» delocalized electrons
Accept mobile electrons.
Do not accept “metal atoms/nuclei”.
[2 marks]
9b. [2 marks]
Titanium exists as several isotopes. The mass spectrum of a sample of titanium gave the
following data:

Calculate the relative atomic mass of titanium to two decimal places.

(46 ×7.98)+(47× 7.32)+(48 ×73.99)+( 49 ×5.46)+(50 × 5.25)
= 47.93
Answer must have two decimal places with a value from 47.90 to 48.00.
Award [2] for correct final answer.
Award [0] for 47.87 (data booklet value).
[2 marks]
9c. [1 mark]

State the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in the ❑48

22 Ti atom.
Protons: 22 AND Neutrons: 26 AND Electrons: 22
[1 mark]
9d. [1 mark]

State the full electron configuration of the ❑48

22 Ti

[1 mark]
9e. [2 marks]
Explain why an aluminium-titanium alloy is harder than pure aluminium.
titanium atoms/ions distort the regular arrangement of atoms/ions
titanium atoms/ions are a different size to aluminium «atoms/ions» 
prevent layers sliding over each other
Accept diagram showing different sizes of atoms/ions.
[2 marks]
9f. [1 mark]
State the type of bonding in potassium chloride which melts at 1043 K.

«electrostatic» attraction between oppositely charged ions
[1 mark]
9g. [1 mark]
A chloride of titanium, TiCl4, melts at 248 K. Suggest why the melting point is so much
lower than that of KCl.

«simple» molecular structure
weak«er» intermolecular bonds
weak«er» bonds between molecules
Accept specific examples of weak bonds such as London/dispersion and van der Waals.
Do not accept “covalent”.
[1 mark]
9h. [2 marks]
TiCl4 reacts with water and the resulting titanium(IV) oxide can be used as a smoke screen.
Formulate an equation for this reaction.

TiCl4(l) + 2H2O(l) → TiO2(s) + 4HCl(aq)
correct products
correct balancing
Accept ionic equation.
Award M2 if products are HCl and a compound of Ti and O.
[2 marks]
9i. [1 mark]
Suggest one disadvantage of using this smoke in an enclosed space.
HCl causes breathing/respiratory problems
HCl is an irritant
HCl is toxic
HCl has acidic vapour
HCl is corrosive
Accept “TiO2 causes breathing problems/is an irritant”.
Accept “harmful” for both HCl and TiO2.
Accept “smoke is asphyxiant”.
[1 mark]
10a. [3 marks]
Explain why the melting points of the group 1 metals (Li → Cs) decrease down the group
whereas the melting points of the group 17 elements (F → I) increase down the group.

Any three of:
Group 1:
atomic/ionic radius increases
smaller charge density
force of attraction between metal ions and delocalised electrons decreases
Do not accept discussion of attraction between valence electrons and nucleus for M2.
Accept “weaker metallic bonds” for M2.
Group 17:
number of electrons/surface area/molar mass increase
London/dispersion/van der Waals’/vdw forces increase
Accept “atomic mass” for “molar mass”.
[Max 3 Marks]
10b. [1 mark]
Cobalt forms the transition metal complex [Co(NH 3)4 (H2O)Cl]Br.
State the shape of the complex ion.

«distorted» octahedral
Accept “square bipyramid”.
10c. [2 marks]
Deduce the charge on the complex ion and the oxidation state of cobalt.

Charge on complex ion: 1+/+
Oxidation state of cobalt: +2
10d. [2 marks]
Describe, in terms of acid-base theories, the type of reaction that takes place between the
cobalt ion and water to form the complex ion.

Lewis «acid-base reaction»
H2O: electron/e– pair donor
Co2+: electron/e– pair acceptor
11a. [2 marks]
Titanium and vanadium are consecutive elements in the first transition metal series.
Describe the bonding in metals.

electrostatic attraction
between «a lattice of» metal/positive ions/cations AND «a sea of» delocalized electrons
Accept “mobile electrons”.
Do not accept “metal atoms/nuclei”.
[2 marks]
11b. [2 marks]
Titanium exists as several isotopes. The mass spectrum of a sample of titanium gave the
following data:

Calculate the relative atomic mass of titanium to two decimal places.

(46 ×7.98)+(47× 7.32)+(48 ×73.99)+( 49 ×5.46)+(50 × 5.25)
Answer must have two decimal places with a value from 47.90 to 48.00.
Award [2] for correct final answer.
Award [0] for 47.87 (data booklet value).
[2 marks]
11c. [1 mark]

State the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in the ❑48

22 Ti atom.

Protons: 22 AND Neutrons: 26 AND Electrons: 22
[1 mark]
11d. [1 mark]

State the full electron configuration of the ❑48 2 +¿¿

22 T i ion.

1 s 2 2 s 2 2 p6 3 s 2 3 p6 3 d 2
[1 mark]
11e. [1 mark]
Suggest why the melting point of vanadium is higher than that of titanium.

vanadium has smaller ionic radius «leading to stronger metallic bonding»
Accept vanadium has «one» more valence electron«s» «leading to stronger metallic bonding».
Accept “atomic” for “ionic”.
[1 mark]
11f. [1 mark]
Sketch a graph of the first six successive ionization energies of vanadium on the axes

regular increase for first five AND sharp increase to the 6th
A log graph is acceptable.
Accept log plot on given axes (without amendment of y-axis).
Award mark if gradient of 5 to 6 is greater than “best fit line” of 1 to 5.
[1 mark]
11g. [2 marks]
Explain why an aluminium-titanium alloy is harder than pure aluminium.

titanium atoms/ions distort the regular arrangement of atoms/ions
titanium atoms/ions are a different size to aluminium «atoms/ions»
prevent layers sliding over each other
Accept diagram showing different sizes of atoms/ions.
[2 marks]
11h. [1 mark]
Describe, in terms of the electrons involved, how the bond between a ligand and a central
metal ion is formed.
pair of electrons provided by the ligand
Do not accept “dative” or “coordinate bonding” alone.
[1 mark]
11i. [4 marks]
Outline why transition metals form coloured compounds.

partially filled d-orbitals
«ligands cause» d-orbitals «to» split
light is absorbed as electrons transit to a higher energy level «in d–d transitions»
light is absorbed as electrons are promoted
energy gap corresponds to light in the visible region of the spectrum
colour observed is the complementary colour
[4 marks]
11j. [1 mark]
State the type of bonding in potassium chloride which melts at 1043 K.
«electrostatic» attraction between oppositely charged ions
[1 mark]
11k. [1 mark]
A chloride of titanium, TiC l 4, melts at 248 K. Suggest why the melting point is so much
lower than that of KCl.

«simple» molecular structure
weak«er» intermolecular bonds
weak«er» bonds between molecules
Accept specific examples of weak bonds such as London/dispersion and van der Waals.
Do not accept “covalent”.
[1 mark]
11l. [2 marks]
TiC l 4 reacts with water and the resulting titanium(IV) oxide can be used as a smoke screen.
Formulate an equation for this reaction.

TiC l 4 (l)+ 2 H 2 O(l) →Ti O 2(s)+ 4 HCl(aq) correct products
correct balancing
Accept ionic equation.
Award M2 if products are HCl and a compound of Ti and O.
[2 marks]
11m. [1 mark]
Suggest one disadvantage of using this smoke in an enclosed space.

HCl causes breathing/respiratory problems
HCl is an irritant
HCl is toxic
HCl has acidic vapour
HCl is corrosive
Accept TiO2 causes breathing
problems/is an irritant.
Accept “harmful” for both HCl and TiO2.
Accept “smoke is asphyxiant”.
[1 mark]
12a. [2 marks]
State the relative mass and charge of the subatomic particles of an atom.


Award [2] for all four correct.
Award [1] for two or three correct.
12b. [3 marks]
(i)     Calculate the number of neutrons and electrons in one atom of ❑65 Cu.
(ii)     State one difference in the physical properties of the isotopes ❑63 Cu and ❑65 Cu and
explain why their chemical properties are the same.

(i)     Neutrons: 36 and Electrons: 29;
(ii)     Physical:

❑63 Cu lower boiling point/melting point/density/greater rate of diffusion than ❑65 Cu;
Accept converse arguments.
Do not accept “different mass”.
(properties identical because) same electron configuration/arrangement of electrons;
Accept “same number of protons and electrons”.
Do not accept “same number of electrons” OR “same valence (electrons)”
OR “same atomic number” only.
12c. [2 marks]
Describe the bonding in solid copper.

electrostatic attraction;
between (a lattice of) cations/positive ions and delocalized/sea of electrons;
Do not award any mark for only stating “metallic bonding”.
12d. [1 mark]
Suggest two properties of copper that make it useful and economically important.

Award [1] for any two of:
malleable / ductile / conducts electricity / conducts heat / durable / strong / resistant to
corrosion / low reactivity;
13a. [1 mark]
Draw the Lewis (electron dot) structure of chloromethane.

Accept any combination of lines, dots or crosses to represent electron pairs.
13b. [2 marks]
Predict the shape of the chloromethane molecule and the H–C–H bond angle.
Bond angle:

Shape: tetrahedral;
Bond angle: accept any value in the range: 108° to 111°;
(Literature value is 108.2°).
13c. [2 marks]
Explain why chloromethane is a polar molecule.
Cl is more electronegative than C / C–Cl bond polar;
bond dipoles do not cancel / asymmetric distribution of electron cloud / (resultant) net
dipole moment (from vectorial addition of bond dipoles) going in direction of C–Cl axis /
13d. [2 marks]
Methanol has a lower molar mass than chloromethane. Explain why the boiling point of
methanol is higher than that of chloromethane.

hydrogen bonding in methanol;
stronger than dipole-dipole/van der Waals’ attractions/forces in chloromethane;
Accept converse argument.
13e. [1 mark]
State the equation for the reaction between potassium and chlorine.
2 K ( s)+ C l 2 (g)→ 2 KCl(s);

Ignore state symbols.

13f. [1 mark]
Outline the nature of the metallic bonding present in potassium.

(electrostatic) attraction between lattice of cations/positive ions and delocalized electrons;
13g. [2 marks]
Describe the covalent bond present in the chlorine molecule and how it is formed.

(electrostatic) attraction between positively charged nuclei and a pair of electrons;
formed as a result of electron sharing;
13h. [2 marks]
Describe the ionic bonding present in potassium chloride and how the ions are formed.

(electrostatic) attraction between positive and negative ions/oppositely charged
ions/cations and anions;
formed as a result of transfer of an electron from a K atom to a Cl atom / OWTTE;
13i. [3 marks]
Potassium also reacts with water to form hydrogen gas. Determine the volume, in c m3, of
hydrogen gas that could theoretically be produced at 273 K and 1.01 ×105 Pa when 0.0587 g
of potassium reacts with excess water.

amount of potassium ¿ ¿;
2 K +2 H 2 O→ 2 KO+ H 2 / amount of hydrogen ¿ 7.50 ×10− 4 (mol);
volume of hydrogen ¿ ¿;
Accept calculation of volume of hydrogen  using PV = nRT (answer is 16.9 cm3).
Award [3] for correct final answer.
13j. [2 marks]
Identify the acid-base character of the oxides of each of the elements from sodium to
chlorine in period 3.

Na, Mg (oxides): basic
Al (oxide): amphoteric
Do not accept amphiprotic.
Si to Cl (oxides): acidic
Award [2] for all three listed sets correct.
Award [1] for one or two listed sets correct.
Award [1] for stating oxides become more acidic towards right/Cl or more basic towards
Do not penalize if reference is to Ar instead of  Cl.
Do not penalize for incorrect formulas of oxides.
13k. [2 marks]
State the equations for the separate reactions of sodium oxide and phosphorus(V) oxide
with water.
N a2 O(s )+ H 2 O(l) → 2 NaOH ( aq);

P4 O10 (s )+ 6 H 2 O(l)→ 4 H 3 PO 4 (aq);

Ignore state symbols.

Accept P2O5(s) + 3H2O(l) → 2H3PO4(aq).
Do not award marks if incorrect formulas of the oxides are used.
14a. [1 mark]
Copper is a metal that has been used by humans for thousands of years.
State the full electron configuration of ❑65 Cu.

1 s 2 2 s 2 2 p6 3 s 2 3 p6 3 d 10 4 s 1 /1 s 2 2 s2 2 p6 3 s 2 3 p6 4 s 13 d 10;
14b. [2 marks]
State one difference in the physical properties of the isotopes ❑63 Cu and ❑65 Cu and explain
why their chemical properties are the same.

❑63 Cu lower boiling point/melting point/density/greater rate of diffusion than ❑65 Cu;
Accept converse argument.
Do not accept “different mass”.
(properties identical because) same electron configuration/arrangement of electrons;
Accept “same number of protons and electrons”.
Do not accept “same number of electrons” OR “same valence (electrons)” OR “same atomic
number” only.
14c. [2 marks]
Describe the bonding in solid copper.

electrostatic attraction;
between (a lattice of) cations/positive ions and delocalized/sea of electrons;
Do not award any mark for only stating “metallic bonding”.
15a. [1 mark]
Chromium is a transition metal with many uses.
Draw an orbital diagram (using the arrow-in-box notation) showing the electrons in the 4s
and 3d sub-levels in chromium metal.

Accept full-arrows.
Accept boxes in reverse order or at different energy levels.
Do not award the mark if sub-levels are incorrectly labelled or if no boxes are drawn.
15b. [1 mark]
Outline the nature of the metallic bonding present in chromium.

(electrostatic) attraction between (lattice of) cations/positive/ C r 3 +¿¿ ions and delocalized
15c. [1 mark]
Explain why chromium metal is malleable.
(delocalized electrons allows) the layers/rows of cations/positive/ C r 3 +¿¿ ions to slide past
each other (without disrupting the metallic bonding);
Accept atoms instead of ions.
15d. [1 mark]
State the name of C r 2 O 3.

chromium(III) oxide;
Do not award the mark for chromium oxide.
15e. [2 marks]
Describe the ionic bonding present in C r 2 O 3 and how the ions are formed.
(electrostatic) attraction between positive and negative ions/oppositely charged ions/
C r 3 +¿¿ and O 2 −;
formed as a result of electron transfer from chromium atoms to oxygen atoms / OWTTE;
Ignore reference to number of electrons transferred or charges of ion for M2.
15f. [1 mark]
Suggest why solid C r 2 O 3 does not conduct electricity.

ions are not free to move (when solid) / ions in rigid lattice / OWTTE;
15g. [1 mark]
Chromium forms the complex ion ¿.
Deduce the oxidation number of chromium in this complex.

III / +3;
Do not accept incorrect notation such as 3+/3.
15h. [2 marks]
Chromium forms the complex ion ¿.
Describe the nature of the ligand-chromium ion bonds in terms of acid-base theory.
ligand has lone/non-bonding electron pair /
dative (covalent)/coordinate/coordination bond forms;
ligand is Lewis base / ion is Lewis acid;
15i. [4 marks]
Chromium forms the complex ion ¿.
Explain why ¿ is coloured.

partially filled/incomplete d sub levels/orbitals;
d orbitals split into two levels;
energy difference is in visible part of spectrum / electrons absorb visible light/one
electron transitions occur from lower to higher energy level (within d sub-level);
complementary colour/colour not absorbed is seen;
Do not accept complementary colour "emitted".
15j. [2 marks]
Chromium forms the complex ion ¿.
Draw the structures of two possible isomers of this complex ion.


Accept any other octahedral arrangement of ligands.
Ignore missing square brackets and charge.
15k. [2 marks]

The dichromate ion, C r 2 O 27 − (aq ), and the iodide ion, I − (aq), react together in the presence
of an acid to form C r 3 +¿(aq)¿ and IO−3 (aq) ions. Deduce the half-equation for the reaction of I −
to IO−3 and the overall equation for this reaction.

Overall equation:

Half equation:

I − (aq)+3 H 2 O(l) → IO −3 (aq)+6 H +¿(aq)+6 e ¿;

Accept e instead of e −.
Accept reversible arrows.
Overall equation:

3+ ¿(aq)+ IO3 (aq)+ 4 H 2 O (l)¿

C r 2 O 27 − (aq )+ I − (aq)+8 H +¿(aq)→2 C r ¿

Ignore state symbols.
15l. [1 mark]
Explain in terms of oxidation numbers whether iodine is oxidized or reduced in part (d) (i).

oxidized and increase (in oxidation number) of 6/from –1/–I to +5/+V;
15m. [1 mark]
A voltaic cell is constructed as follows. One half-cell contains a chromium electrode
immersed in a solution containing C r 3 +¿(aq)¿ ions. The other half-cell contains a copper
electrode immersed in a solution containing C u2 +¿(aq)¿ ions. The two electrodes are
connected to a voltmeter and the two solutions by a salt bridge.

Define the term standard electrode potential.

potential (of reduction half-reaction) under standard conditions measured relative to
standard hydrogen electrode/SHE / OWTTE;
Accept “solute concentration of 1 m o l d m−3” or “1 bar/1 atm (pressure) for gases” instead of
“standard conditions”.
Accept voltage/emf for potential.
15n. [1 mark]
Calculate the cell potential, in V, under standard conditions, for this voltaic cell, using table
14 of the data booklet and EC r =− 0.74 V ¿.

15o. [1 mark]
Predict the balanced equation for the spontaneous reaction which will produce a current in
this voltaic cell.
3+ ¿(aq)+ 3Cu( s) ¿

2 Cr( s)+3 C u2 +¿(aq )→2 C r ¿


Ignore state symbols.

Do not accept reversible arrows.
15p. [1 mark]
Identify the negative and the positive electrodes in this cell.

Negative electrode: chromium/Cr and Positive electrode: copper/Cu;
Accept “Cr is the anode and Cu the cathode”.
15q. [1 mark]
Predict the direction of movement of electrons in the external circuit.

from chromium/Cr to copper/Cu;
Accept “from negative electrode/anode to positive electrode/cathode” if electrodes correctly
identified in (iv).
15r. [1 mark]
State the directions in which the negative ions (anions) and the positive ions (cations) flow
in the salt bridge.
negative ions/anions towards the chromium(III) solution and positive ions/cations
towards the copper(II) solution / OWTTE;


© International Baccalaureate Organization 2021
International Baccalaureate® - Baccalauréat International® - Bachillerato Internacional®

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