Reading and Writing Key Stage 2 Homework Helpers

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it hool =’ Reading and Writing Cal a.” ADS NX NY (Make learning at home Fun! ° 5 So ® cS he © Is aw = ie) Helpful hints for parents * Start at the beginning of the book and try to work through the activities in order. * Encourage your child to work independently as much as possible, without referring to the answers! © Discuss any areas that your child finds particularly tricky and don’t worry if he or she finds any of the exercises too difficult. Remember, children learn different things at different rates. * Give help and lots of praise, rewarding your child by adding stickers to the reward certificate for great work and effort. © Once you have completed the workbook, move on to the practice pages bound in the centre. Missing vowels Add the missing vowels, a, e, i, © and uy, to this passage. Every tre_ in a r_inforest is a = fo_d, shelter and hom_ to lots of an_mals. Moles and r_dents dig am_ng the ro_ts. Woodpeck_rs p_ck af the 6_rk for _nsects. Sn_kes slith_r through the br_nches and le_pards drag the_r food to th__ fork of a tree tr_nk. Larg__ creatures such as b_rds, rept_les and mamm_|s will come _nd go, b_t some _nimals may live their wh_le lives in on__ tree. & eG Add the missing vowels to this poem. The Owl and the Pussy Cat The Owl _nd the P_ssy Cat went to s__a In a be_utiful pea gr_en boat; They t_ok some h_ney, and plenty of m_ney Wr_pped up in a f_ve pound n_te. Wh_ta beautif_| Pussy you are, you __rel What __ beautiful Pussy y_u are!” Pussy sa_d to the _wl, “You elegant fowl! How charmingly swe_t you sing! O |_t us be married; too long we h_ve tarried: But wh_t shall we do for a ring?” They, sailed aw_y, for a year and ad_y, To the land wher_ the Bong+tree grows; And there in a wood a Piggy-wig sto_d, With a r_ng at the end of his nose, his n_se, With a ring at the __nd of his nos_. Edward Lear 67 20 Om © More missing vowels @. The Owl lo_ked up to the st_rs abov_, | And sang to a sm_l guitar, = | “O lov_ly Pussy, O Pussy my lov_, i In a muddle These instructions for making bread rolls have got muddled. Put them in the correct order by numbering the boxes. Put the mixture on to a floured table. Knead the dough for 5 minutes. Set the oven to 230°C/450°F/ Gas Mark 8. Put the flour, yeast and salt in the mixing bowl. Add the oil and water and mix everything together. Bake them for 15 to 20 minutes. When they are done, put them on a wire rack to cool. (_] Shape the dough into rolls and put them on to a greased baking tray. More in a muddle This story has been muddled up. Put the story in order by numbering the boxes. Carla stopped running and looked around. The street was very quiet and none of her friends were waiting at the stop. Carla climbed out of bed and stretched. She picked her crumpled school uniform off the floor and got dressed. Feeling a bit confused, she turned around and headed for home. She quickly ate some breakfast, ran out the door and headed for the school bus stop. “Where have you been?” asked Carla's mother. “And why are you wearing your school uniform? It’s Saturday!” Jumbled beginnings The beginnings of these three traditional tales have been jumbled up. Can you rewrite them in the correct order? in a far away land, there lived an & Long ago, Emperor who was very vain. called Hansel and Gretel. A long time ago, who had two lovely children there lived a kind woodcutter the henhouse to collect the eggs One day, a farmer went into and was astonished to find a golden D Ge, RK & & $& &~ & Word search Look in the word search grid for 10 number words. od} fo) MO I WSCS EVEN NP ReNSE. OR PE NERTNH UEX ZH I Te Ween ea nie, Dei hb ZN J T Rl EX GaN EB xed tl eeli B) NGS°H -X4R* Veer sak oO D Re TYG Ne D ee | EUHEN TmoN Ge aU eek GO Ee. | TENXNYULB REUtK FJEM E Fle ¥eauN O)VaiR: OSEBVXPEO F°O:.U RT E-E N PR. You will find them by reading across or down. Draw a ring around the words as you find them. li Spellings Put a tick next to the words that are spelled correctly and a cross next to those that are wrong. Correct the incorrect spellings and write them in the space at the bottom of the page. arrived reech girafe wheal rubber clothes troubble money beecause question clouwd weight More spellings Put a tick next to the words that are spelled correctly and a cross next to those that are wrong. Correct the incorrect spellings and write them in the space at the bottom of the page. wy puddle cuboard kitte chicken packit drawer trumpet finished dificult bottum SES & EVES Y v W a v Y us Missing punctuation This passage is missing its punctuation and capital letters. Rewrite the passage, adding what is missing. a volcano erupts when a vent opens up through the earths crust the vent reaches down to a chamber of molten rock beneath the ground this molten rock or lava is forced up through the vent and flows out of the top More missing punctuation These sentences are missing their punctuation and capital letters Rewrite the sentences, adding what is missing. the curtains were drawn and the room was dark who wants something to eat asked the teacher the bucket was full of shells crabs pebbles and driftwood stop shouted the traffic warden at the old lady All in order Write these words in alphabetical order. clock please shrink clothes snake flowers pear straight washing third finished different Crossword Use the clues to help you complete this crossword grid. Follow the numbers across and down, and write the words in the grid. Across 1. A book full of words and definitions. 2. A punctuation mark indicating a pause. 3. Past, present and future are all these. 4, These end with a question mark. Down 2. The main divisions in a book. 5. There are 26 letters in ours. Poetry corner Add the missing letters to the nouns in this verse. (Here’s a clue: the poem rhymes!) From a Railway Carriage Faster than fairies, faster than wit_es, Bridges and houses, hedges and ditches; And charging along like troops in a battle All through the meadows the horses and ca__le: All of the sights of the hill and the plain Fly as thick as driving r__; And ever again, in the wink of ane_, Painted stations whistle by. Robert Louis Stevenson Ne ADV era ey as ® B o TTT or ¢ READING AND WRITING PRACTICE TRICKY WORDS Underline the correct spelling each time, How did you score? A a I. friend freind 2. accidently —_accidentally 3. greatful grateful 4. heighth height 5. library librery 6. occasionally occasionaly 7. untill until 8. weather wheather 9. wierd. weird 10. personal personnal 11. mischievous mischievious 12. calender calendar 13. changeable changible 14, rhythm. rythm 15. awkwerd = awkward. /IS re « believe 2. embarass 3. foriegn 4, happend . bought 6. once 7, thort 8. surround 49. beautiful 10. surprise 11. heard 12. first 13. agian 14, pritty 15. autunm beleive embarrass foreign happened borght wonce thought suround beatiful cuwmane'st ‘nad "ese e ‘asay-z1 pue9y LL ‘esudins OL Inynnead ’6punouins giYBnoys“ '32U0 9 IyBnoq’s pausddey y ‘uBIaI¢ SSeuIeqUIaZ ‘BABIN L(G uemyine s| URntys “pt ‘jqe@Bueyp et 4epUa|e> ZI “snonajypsiu"L | TeuosIad ‘01 “pum g YOYeDI g IRUN 7 AjeUoIse>20°9 Axexq's ‘YB}O4 " ‘ryoreIB ¢“eOPH>e-Z ‘PUBL CY SOUNDS THE SAME Next to each word, write another word that sounds the same but is spelled differently. fe 6. bored 7. flower 8. scene 9. way 10. grown Choose three of your new words from the box above and write a full sentence for each one. 1weo16 1 ‘yGian'6'UB95"9 Noy "z‘P1eOg 9 PUNG'S "sIeM * ‘asnIed *¢100YS"C HES PUNCTUATION Add the missing punctuation marks to these sentences. 1. The boy ran across the park, trying to catch his naughty dog 2 2. I'm definitely not going shopping in this weather, said Tamsin’s mum 3. Help cried Jack I can’t get out 4, What name is given to the person in charge of a boat or ship 5. Will you read me a bedtime story Dean asked 6. The queue of people at the desk seemed to go on forever 7. Which season follows spring 8. Do you like bananas Would you rather have an apple asked David 9. The red door opened on to a beautiful garden, filled with flowers, trees and ornaments 10. Happy birthday shouted Terry, as he jumped up from behind the sofa _S “os aun puiyaq, ‘woy dn paduinf ay se ‘Kua parnoys Kepyasig Ade}, 01 “siuauLeWio pue saan ‘sioMoY YIM Pay ‘UapIe6 |nyneaq 201 uo pauado soop pai ay. 6 pide parse ,cajdde ue aney s24Ie NOK pinom ¢seueueG ay] NOK OG, ZBuuds SAKo|}O} ‘uoseas yPIYmZ12A@I9} uO O6 01 paWUaas 359p ay2 Ye ajdoad Jo ananb ay "9 ‘payse UeaG ,/Al01s DUNpAg e aus peas nok IWS 2dis 10 1e0q Jo @B1ey> ul Uosted 242 03 UBAI6 st aweU YeYAA “+ INO 126 3,Ue> |, 9PEF PLD, i/9H,"€ "WNW SUSIE], pies, sayeam stip u Burddoys Bujo6 10u Kjamuyep uJ,"z “Bop AiyBneu siy y>re> or Oulkn ped aya sso1De wes Kog SUL "L TENSES Write the past tense of each of these verbs. A wally) Fees 1. think FORGOT Cues 2. sit SnshoOk 22S SS eee 3. hang 4. buy enh Saseares 4. fight SU bulle eit a * Writing a letter Imagine you could write a letter to Snow White to warn her about her stepmother, the wicked queen. What good advice would you give her? Dear Snow White, More letter writing Imagine you could write a letter to the three little pigs from the fairy story. What advice would you give them about the big bad wolfe _ Dear Little Pigs, + Sounds the same Some words sound the same but mean different things. Underline the correct word in each sentence. Molly has to/two goldfish. Jez had his hair/hare cut. Lucy loves fairy tales/tails. Jack stood bye/by the gate. Max has a book about bears/bares. Jo saw a deer/dear in the wood. we =P oad > & ee There/their was a knock at the door. om xO & ® Ww! 0 ER More sounds the same Draw a line under the correct word in each sentence. | hope it doesn’t rain/rein. Turn right/write at the junction. We walked on the beech/beach. They had there/their lunch. 4 Where/wear is the exit? Let's have tee/tea. What would/wood you like? The dog found it’s/its bone. Answers Missing vowels More Ina ee branches ee eae cidPenyies cise [Z| Prthe mire onto @ Houred tobla roe be eee epee Knead the dovgh for 5 mines. onindls trunk jock honey woney what [set the oven to 230°C/450°F/ Gos roden's large pena eae Mark 8, Pt the four, yeas! and sala ameng birds Mbecu teers deci’ aa the mixing bowl. Add the oil and water roots repiles looked stars above where ‘ond mix everything together. ‘Woodpeckers mammals me wed, [Z] Boke them for 15 to 20 minutes. When peck ond lovey love #ing nose they ore done, put hem ono wire rock ee ae What becutful are end nove te cool insects crimols ‘Seek aha you [B] Shope the dough into rlls ond put ater cae sald Ov! them on io @ greased baking Woy More ina muddle = Jumbled beginnings Word search ong ago, in a for away [B] Carle sopped rrring end lecked croud The sree! jorgage, ne @ ‘was very ust and none of her rends were waiting at | missing vowels muddle Inyo the henhouse fo calect the e9gs ord was estonished to ind o golden egg, reget Emperor who wos very fF [cata cinbod ou ofbed ond statched, She picked hot po r f ‘crumpled school uniform off the Roar and got dresse ae © o pres aare sleceses lived a kind woodcutter in, 8 [2] Feeling a bit confused, she turned around ond headed who had two lovely ® E fer home chin called Hansel z p [2] She quickly ate some breakfast, ran out the door and iced Gras © 8 estat Gated Bes op redyialeneiwed f a [5] “Where have you been” asked Cara's moar. “And why ar you wearing your sche! uniform? Ws Soturdyi” Spellings More spellings Vortived Xroubble puddle Xeuboord Kresch Ymoney Kite Wehicken Xgiale xbescouse Xpockit drawer Xwheol Vqvesion Vrrampet Wfinished eubber xclouwd Xdicok—xbonum Welothes weight parson Keppeor reach rouble kite cupboard pirate because pocket botom wheel cloud ditfevt —appecr Missing punctuation ‘A volcano erups when a ven! opens up through the Earth's rut. The vent reaches down to @ chamber of molten rock beneath the ground. This molten rock, or lave, is forced up trough the vent and flows out oF he op. Poetry corner Foster thon fires, faster than witch Bridges and houses, hedges and ditches; ‘And charging along like troops in © bottle All through the meodows the horses ‘nd cot All of the sights ofthe hil ond the pain Fly a thick os driving ain; ‘And ever ogain, in the sink oF on eye, Pointed stotions whist by. More tenses Clive wed tothe shops. toe ‘The abbitexcoped Fomits Sh fh She opened the book athe first page. He took a sip from the tll gloss, Leah ployed her favourite ong, ‘Tha ber crawled back into itscove, ‘andthe roam was dork "Who wan something to cai” asked the teacher pear Time to rhyme Answers More missing All in order punctuat The curtain were drawn nm clock clothes alierent finished flowers loose The bucke! war ull of shells, shrink crobs, pebbles and driftwood. aes “Step” shouted the Wai worden ot the old lod he sight wwothing Comprehension passage ‘Two moin whole groups ive othe South Pole ‘The oohed whales dive to great depths in search of rey. Prenklon is made up of fny organisms and is food forthe wholes They migrate towards warmer opical waters ‘ond say there while th femelos give bir. IF want o find o storybook inthe ibrary | go ‘0 the fiction socion, but i am locking for { book fll of facts, go tothe non-fiction Sounds the same Maly has to/twe golaih Jez hod his hair/nare ut. Lucy loves fir tales Jock toed bye by he got. ‘Max has @ back about bears/bores. Jo sow a deer/deor inthe wood There/thsir was o knock ot the door. Crossword ejwfetinfofwfate i) Tense time move: corrved bring tought speak looked toke wrote seoch More sounds the same hapa it doasn' Turn right/it ot he Junction. ‘We walked on the booch/ beach They hod thoro/their lunch Where ‘weer is the exit Let's have tee/tea. What weuld/svood you like The deg found is/its bone. DD Oo = a fork a r DUST Rote ) a) Meola folate Tolre] rel oe Set {© 2014 Autumn Pubishing ISBN 978-1-75296-401-4 Port ofthe Bonnier Pubiehing Group 8 ‘wen a Dorking Surrey, RS 4 UR. af Printed in Chine a I lyeaatal ce

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