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Why review to Team Erich?
• Consistent producer of
topnotcher 2017
• Best speaker in town
• Aftersales services
(group chat)
• No one will be left
Root cause of failure in the
• No time to Review
• Purchase the book but
read only few pages
• Stored in bookshelves
• Cramming
Root cause of failure in the
• Out of FOCUS
• No Face to Face review
• No Familiarization of
• No Speed test and
comprehension reading
Root cause of failure in the
• SLEEPING during review
The types of P-Test
1. Easy – Simple recall
2. Average – with comprehension
3. Difficult- Analysis and critical thinking
What to expect in P-Test review?
• LONG intensive review of the SEVEN
• LONG hour of Mock Test
• No time for recreation
What we expect from P-Test
• Passive Learner ( the observer)
• Silent majority (SPY KIDS)
• Balik Aral learner – nadali ng ONE POINT sa
• ACTIVE learner – will attend every possible
review to pass the test
• Frontrunner learner – a leader by heart,
willing to share review materials to everybody.
Easy Questions:
• It is a roadmap that lays down specific
interventions that a school, with the help of
the community and other stakeholders, will
undertake within a period of three
consecutive school years.
• Answer: School Improvement Plan (SIP)
Easy Questions:
• It refers to the program for new entrants in
government to develop their pride, sense of
belonging and commitment to the public service.
a) Orientation
b) induction
c) Réorientation
d) Professional program
• Answer: b. Induction
Average Questions:
• Distinguished Teachers embody the highest standard
for teaching grounded in global best practices except
for one?
a) They exhibit exceptional capacity to improve their
own teaching practice and that of others.
b) They are recognized as leaders in education,
contributors to the profession and initiator of
collaborations and partnerships.
c) They create lifelong impact in the lives of colleagues,
students and others.
d) They consistently seek professional advancement and
relevance in pursuit of happiness and promotion
• Answer: c.
Q: A Leadership Styles in Education Based on the traditional
method of education, emphasis in a top-down approach with
formal authority and little scope for participatory analysis.
• a. Transformational style
• b. Hierarchical style
• c. Facilitative style
• d. Traditional style

• Answer: B
• Administrative head, the principal,
carries out all duties of a planner,
supervisor, analyst, resource allocator,
etc. They are very straightforward, with
major emphasis on efficiency, control
and routines. Its emphasis is in a top-
down approach with formal authority
and little scope for participatory
Q: It is based on working together to put in place a mechanism that
will win immediate benefits and future ones. This leadership style
opens the door wide for intellectual excitement, motivation through
values and a shared vision by participation in leadership activities.

• a. Transformational style
• b. Facilitative style
• c. Hierarchical style
• d. Traditional style
• Answer: A
• This leadership style opens the door wide
for intellectual excitement, motivation
through values and a shared vision by
participation in leadership
activities(Although, most decisions are
taken individually or by a small group of
people) Transformational leadership
fosters a sense of purpose and meaning
to unite people for a better cause.
Q: It recognizes that every unit and governance level in the
Department of Education has a particular role, task and
responsibility inherent in the office and for which it is principally
accountable for the educational outcomes.
• a. Learner’s Education
• b. Educational outcomes
• c. Stakeholder
• d. Quality assurance

• Answer: D

• Quality assurance is anchored on the principle of

shared governance, which recognizes that every
unit and governance level in the Department of
Education has a particular role, task and
responsibility inherent in the office and for which
it is principally accountable for the educational
outcomes. Furthermore, it recognizes awareness
of quality in all organizational processes in the
Q: The school heads shall have authority, accountability
and responsibility for the following except for one?
• a. Setting the mission, vision, goals
and objectives of the school;
• b. Creating an environment within
the school that is disadvantage to
teaching and learning;
• c. Implementing the school
curriculum and being accountable
for higher learning outcomes;
• d. Developing the school education
program and school improvement
• Answer : B
• Creating an environment within the
school that is conducive to
teaching and learning
The following are the SPECIAL PROVISIONS in
the off-campus activity except for one?
a) Participation especially by learners, in co-and
extra-curricular activities will be voluntary
b) Securing travel insurance is mandatory for all
off-campus activities.
c) All-co-curricular and extra-curricular
activities shall have grade equivalent
d) The School Head shall ensure that off-
campus activities will in no way disrupt
• Answer: c.
Q:This policy highlights the fact that the locus of learner
development is at the school where deliberate measures
must be taken to improve student learning outcomes.
a. continuing professional development (CPD)
b. School-Based Management (SBM)
c. Learning Action Cell
d. Secondary Education Development and
Improvement Project (SEDIP)

Answer: C
LACs are the most cost-effective CPD process but may entail
some expenses for meetings and handouts. Funds for the
LACs may be sourced from the school’s Maintenance and
Other Operating Expenses (MOOE), subject to its utilization
guidelines. Other resources may be generated by the school
or schools divisions to support LACs as these endeavor to
upgrade the quality of teaching and learning in their
respective schools.
Q: Which of the following statement is not an
effective attributes of an instructional leader?
a. Instructional management
b. Change management
c. Curriculum management
d. None of the above

Answer: B
CHANGE MANAGEMENT – is a holistic
and structured approach for enabling
and supporting individual change. It
requires tools, skills and principles to be
effective. In the end, the degree to
which the people side of change is
effectively managed determines the
value a project or initiative delivers to the
Q: You have decided to ask teachers to help you increase
parent involvement at your school. How are you going to
handle the group decision making process?
a. Everyone's opinion is encouraged and valued
b. Only season teachers are heard before finalizing a
c. Those who continue to disagree indicate withdrawal
support for
the principal
d. Members share in final decision-making on certain

Answer : A
In Group decision-making process Everyone's opinion is
encouraged and valued
Differences are viewed as helpful rather than hindering. All
voices are heard and understood before an effort to
finalize a decision is made After full discussion, those who
continue to disagree indicate willingness to experiment for
a prescribed period of time All members share in final
Q: Why does some teacher resist change when a
re-assignment of principal happens?
• a The status quo provides a certain
comfort zone
• b. dissatisfaction with the new principal
• c. it is a new opportunity for loyalty shift
• d. they are used to change in

• Answer: A
• People resist change because The
status quo provides a certain comfort
• Need for stability, Need for
predictability, Fear of the unknown
Which of the following are DepEd policy on
Student Uniform and ID Cards.
I. The wearing of a school uniform shall not be required in
public schools.
II. Identification (ID) Cards shall be provided to students at
no cost on their part.
III. Students with existing uniforms may continue using
these uniforms, if they so desire
IV. The school administration shall fund these from its PTA
a) I,III
d) I,II,IV
• Answer: B.
When developing the budget estimation consideration
for the SPPD should be given to the costs associated
I. the preparation of the program
II. the implementation of the program
III. need to consider such things as the costs
associated with the participants
IV. materials and honorarium of the speakers
a) I, III,IV
b) I, II,III
d) II,IV
• Answer: B.
Can a teacher who has to use force in a students’
fight be held liable if he accidentally hurts a
student in trying to stop the fight?
• a.Yes, because of anger to the students’
• b.Yes, because teacher was acting in the
performance of lawful duty
• c.No, because the forced employed by the
teacher was not forceful
• d.No, because teacher was acting in the
performance of lawful duty

• Answer: D
• No, because the teacher was acting in the
performance of lawful duty. However, the
forced employed by the teacher must be
commensurate with the danger involved.
Is a parent’s signature permitting his child to join on
outing or excursion or field trip tantamount to a waiver?
Suppose something happens to the students

• a. Yes, It is not a waiver

• b. No, It is not a waiver
• c. Maybe, it’s just for compliance
• d. No, it’s a valid documents
• Answer: A
• It is not a waiver. A parent just gives the
permission to his child to join the outing
or excursion or field trip but not the
permission to be injured.
What program provides greater mobility for
children-at-risk, OSCYs, and school drop-outs in
accessing basic education?
• a. Alternative Delivery Modes (ADM)
• b. Alternative Learning Skills (ALS)
• c. Remedial class
• d. TESDA online learning

• Answer: A
• It is a program that provides greater mobility for children-at-
risk, OSCYs, and school drop-outs in accessing basic
education through the Alternative Delivery Modes (ADM)
program of DepEd. Education Secretary Br. Armin Luistro FSC
said, “This project aims to have a 100% reintegration rate of
the beneficiaries into mainstream or regular schools. Just as
we accommodate the unique needs of indigenous peoples
and special learners, we also try to fit our modes of delivery
to the unique conditions of children at-risk, especially those in
the streets."
The best option which schools, parents, students, and learners can
choose from to answer their needs of accessing quality basic
education depending on their situation.
• a. Remedial/ intervention learning
• b. Alternative Learning Skills (ALS)
• c. Alternative Delivery Modes (ADM)
• d. TESDA online learning

• Answer: C
• Alternative Delivery Mode of instruction has
become an option which schools, parents,
students, and learners can choose from to
answer their needs of accessing quality basic
education depending on their situation.
Learners from marginalized sectors are given
the equal opportunity to access quality basic
education: either to go through the traditional
way of schooling or through the Alternative
Delivery Mode (ADM).
• Anyone caught cheating (such as bringing of
• talking to seatmates,
• taking photos of the test materials,
• use of mobile phones during the test, etc.) shall
automatically be disqualified and shall be sent
out immediately.
• He/she will be subject to investigation and/or
filing of an administrative case.
For orderly and efficient test administration,
examinees are reminded of the following:
• Be in their assigned Testing Venue by 7:30 am
on the day of the test.
• Bring their Certification with valid IDs, two (2)
good quality pencils, a sharpener, and a
rubber eraser.
• The test administration will last for three
Schools Division Offices and Human Resource Development
Unit, are encouraged to support the examinees through:

• Formation of support groups similar to Learning

Action Cells mentored by high performing School
• Familiarizing applicants with the school processes,
operations, reports, challenges, and actual scenarios
faced by the School Heads
• Organizing immersion opportunities on school
processes and operations in different school

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