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Voucher No : P6222800
Distributor Code : IDNTAGA03717
Bonus Period : February/2019

Amount (RM) : 50.00 (IND 160,000.00)

Product Code Product Description Quantity Amount

*Total DP Amount =================

For HQ/Branch/Stockist use only
*Total DP of products redeemed :
*Less: the product voucher amount : (IND ) 50.00
the difference paid by cash : =================

Balance not refundable : =================

I certify that the products redeemed is correct and in good condition

======================= ======================= ======================================

Distributor's signature Distributor's Tel. No. Stockist's/Officer's Stamp & Signature
Claim Status : Voucher ini BELUM diklaim.
Claim Location :
Claim Date :
Expired Date : 14/September/2019
Printed Date : 11/April/2019 13:09:36


1. This product voucher allows the bearer to redeem products at any on the K-Link HQ. Branches or Stockist Center.

However it cannot be exchanged for cash.

2. This product voucher must be redeemed at K-Link Sdn. Bhd. HQ. Branches and Stockist Centres within 90 days dated hereof.

3. The redemption of the product(s) wth this voucher will be without BV.

4. If the value pf the products redeemed is less than the amount stated in this voucher, then the difference thereof shall

not be refunded to the bearer.

5. However. if the bearer uses the balance amount of this voucher to further redeem other products, the bearer thereof

should pay the difference and other products redeemed will also be without BV.

6. K-Link Sdn. Bhd. shall not be held responsible for the loss or damage of this voucher and any losses or damages

suffered by the bearer of this voucher that arise from or in connection with the loss or damage of the voucher.

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