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Submitted by: SHERAZ ALI (317-1169)

Submitted to: Mr.BASIT


Date : 20 May 2021

1) Explain what skill is involved in Human Computer Interaction?

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has four main components:

 The user
 Task
 Tools / interface,
 The context.

HCI studies require the evaluation of obtained observations while the user performs certain
tasks and habits of the user together. These data are used in the development process of
interactive systems.

2) Explain the main concern of Human Computer Interaction?

HCI is concerned with the design, implementation and evaluation of those

interactive computer-based systems, as well as with the multi-disciplinary study of various
issues affecting this interaction (Stephanidis, 2001), while the main concern is to ensure 'ease-
of-use', operability, discoverability etc.

It is mainly concerned with:

 The joint performance of task by humans and machines.

 The structure of communication between humans and machine.
 Human capability to use machine.
 Algorithm and programming of interface itself.
 The process of specification and design and implementation of interface.

3) Why human computer interaction is important in software design?

HCI is very important because it will be fundamental to make products more successful,
safe, useful and functional. In the long run, it will make more pleasurable for the user.
Hence, it is important to have someone with HCI focused skills involved in all phases of any
product of system development. HCI is also important to avoid products or project going
wrong or totally fail.

As interaction designers, we need to remember that it is not about the interface, it’s about
what people want to do. To come up with great designs, you need to know who those
people are and what they are really trying to accomplish.
4) Explain the working of short term memory?


Short-term memory, also known as primary or active memory, is the capacity to

store a small amount of information in the mind and keep it readily available for a short
period of time. Short-term memory is very brief. When short-term memories are not
rehearsed or actively maintained, they last mere seconds.


Rehearsal. Rehearsal is the process where information is kept in short-term

memory by mentally repeating it. When the information is repeated each time, that
information is reentered into the short-term memory, thus keeping that information for
another 10 to 20 seconds (the average storage time for short-term memory).

5) Why important is involving stakeholders to a design?

There are 4 ways stakeholders are important to a project/design.

Engaging stakeholders during—and especially at the beginning of—your project will help
reduce and uncover risks and increase their “buy-in.” When stakeholders are adequately
engaged, their influence spreads far and wide. Some of the ways stakeholders are important to
a project are as follows.

1. Providing expertise:

Stakeholders are a wealth of knowledge about current processes, historical information,

and industry insight. Many times these team members will have been at the company or on
the project longer than the project manager or project team. It’s important to involve all
key stakeholders when gathering and documenting requirements to avoid missing major
deliverables of the project. Project managers, or others who are in charge of deliverables,
may not be experts on every project. Key stakeholders can provide requirements or
constraints based on information from their industry that will be important to have when
understanding project constraints and risks.
2. Reducing and uncovering risk:

The more you engage and involve stakeholders, the more you will reduce and uncover
risks on your project. When discussing initial requirements, project needs, and
constraints, stakeholders may bring up issues or concerns about meeting those things.
Uncovering risks and then discussing a plan to mitigate them before issues arise will
dramatically increase the success of your project. Involving knowledgeable stakeholders
during this process will help.

3. Increasing project success:

By gathering and reviewing project requirements with stakeholders, you will get their
“buy-in,” which will in turn help increase project success. If you can’t meet stakeholders’
needs, due to conflicting needs or priorities, set expectations early in the project life
cycle. This will help you manage the relationship throughout the project instead of there
being surprises at the end. Stakeholders should always be aware of the project scope,
key milestones, and when they will be expected to review any deliverables prior to final

4. Granting project acceptance:

The more regularly you engage and involve stakeholders from the start, the more likely
you will have a positive project conclusion. By the end of the project, the team members
should have already been aware of delivery expectations, risks, and how to mitigate the
risks. They also should have reviewed draft deliverables along the way. This process
should help avoid any surprises at the end of your project. The final acceptance is just
their final stamp of approval during the project closure phase.

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