MMMM Workbook

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Copyright © 2018 by The Million Dollar Training ltd.

All rights reserved

For personal use only. No part of this publication may be shared in any form, or by
any means, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner of this

Information in this manual and in all other materials in the Millionaire Money
Making Machine™ course is for educational purposes only. Robert Rolih, his
companies, and his other speakers are not financial advisors, brokers, stockbrokers,
broker dealers, or registered investment advisers. We do not recommend particular
stocks, funds or other financial instruments. If any stocks, funds and other types of
investments are mentioned, they are mentioned only for illustrative or educational
purposes. Consult with a licensed advisor before making any investment decisions.

Although we have used our best efforts to provide the most accurate system for
short term copy trading, we cannot guarantee your future profitability. There is risk
of loss in all trading. Past performance is not indicative of future returns.

The information in this manual and in the Millionaire Money Making Machine™
course does not constitute financial or other professional advice.

The Million Dollar Training Ltd., 2018. All rights reserved. 1
Welcome to the Millionaire Money Making Machine™ Investing

I lost a LOT of money because I trusted financial

advisers and investing "gurus." It nearly broke me.
It nearly cost me my family. And my health.

And it's not just me. Every day I see that millions
of hard-working people from all around the world
that are led to the financial slaughterhouse -
without even being aware.

Too many investors think that their money works

for them, but in reality, it only works for the
financial industry. And when they find that out, it's usually too late.

This must stop. And this course is my contribution to that cause.

The investing system I’m about to share with you, is the same that I use personally
to take care of my finances and the system I recommend to my closest friends and
relatives. And my key promise to you is, that this is the ONLY investing course you
will EVER need.

There is a great journey in front of us. Enjoy it!

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Course Overview ........................................................................................ 5
Step 1: Increase Your Financial Wisdom ...................................................... 8
Financial Success Formula: the Key Philosophy for Your Financial Success ........ 9
The Great Misconception About Investing ....................................................... 12
Get Rich by Combining Both Parts of the Financial Success Formula .............. 14
Area 1: World View .......................................................................................... 16
Area 2: Personal Financial Statement ................................................................ 18
Area 3: Money Management ............................................................................. 23
Step 2: Protect Yourself ............................................................................ 26
The A.R.M.O.R. Formula for Choosing Insurance Products ............................ 27
A. Asses the Risk Factors ................................................................................... 28
R. Review Insurance Companies ....................................................................... 30
M. Make Investments Separately ....................................................................... 31
O. Optimize the Costs ...................................................................................... 32
R. Read the Small Print ..................................................................................... 33
The Amazing Insurance Policy That Costs You Nothing .................................. 35
Buying Precious Metals for the Right Reasons .................................................. 36
How to Buy Gold (and Silver)? ......................................................................... 37
Step 3: Grow Your Golden Goose ............................................................. 40
The Key Investing Concept ............................................................................... 41
Gain With the G.R.A.I.N System™ ................................................................... 43
G. Grow the Right Assets .................................................................................. 44
R. Reduce Costs ................................................................................................ 50
A. Avoid Heights............................................................................................... 52
I. Ignore Advisers .............................................................................................. 54
N. Never Kill the Goose .................................................................................... 55
My Personal Selection: Introduction ................................................................. 56
My Personal Selection: Index Funds ................................................................. 59
Choose the Right Funds with the Satellite Strategy™ ......................................... 60
My Personal Selection: Bonds ........................................................................... 64
How to Buy Index Funds & Bonds? ................................................................. 69

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Step 4: Accelerate Your Returns ................................................................ 70
The key rules to follow ...................................................................................... 71
The Success Criteria™ ........................................................................................ 72
Step 5: Dream Big & Share ....................................................................... 77
7 Deadly Goal Setting Mistakes ........................................................................ 78
Set Your F.A.S.T. Goals™ .................................................................................. 82
How to Achieve Your F.A.S.T. Goals™? ............................................................ 85
The Power of a Good Strategy .......................................................................... 89
Getting Things Done ........................................................................................ 94
Your Asset Allocation & Action Plan ......................................................... 99
Your Asset Allocation: Basics ........................................................................... 100
Your Asset Allocation: Retirement................................................................... 103
Your Asset Allocation: Other Goals ................................................................. 109
Create Your Action Plan ................................................................................. 111
Action items........................................................................................... 119

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To win the money game of life, you need to follow the five steps in the Millionaire
Money Making Machine System:








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FSF & 3 Areas of
Financial Wisdom™



STAR Passive
Income Builder™

Get There

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If you want to be wealthy, you first need to build a solid foundation for your
success. And this foundation is called financial wisdom. In other words, you need
to be financially literate in order to win the money game of life.

In this module we will go through two main topics that will help you to build a
super solid foundation for your financial success:

The first one is your way of thinking about money and investing.

And the second topic will be understanding the financial world around us and
understanding some key money management principles.



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Financial Success Formula: the Key Philosophy for
Your Financial Success











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Love risk when making money.

Hate risk when investing money.

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The Great Misconception About Investing

Your Own Business



Real estate






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Forex, Options, Binary Options



Precious Metals



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Get Rich by Combining Both Parts of the Financial
Success Formula







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Becoming a millionaire







If you want to be successful in business, you need to learn

the proper business skills.

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Area 1: World View
_______________ means that the general level of prices is going up over time and
that the purchasing power of your money is going down.

Money is ______________________!

• US dollar has lost more than ______% of its value since 1970

• Something that cost $1 in 1970 costs $______ today

• And more than ______% since 1915

• Something that cost $1 in 1915 costs $______today








Don’t keep your money under the mattress!

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Warning! Danger ahead!

_______________________ is one of the biggest

dangers our society will face in the future.






No one is going to save you. You need to take care of your

retirement pot independently!

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Area 2: Personal Financial Statement
By understanding and using the Personal Financial Statement, you will get a clear
picture of your financial situation and you will understand what is the key to
increasing your net worth.







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How people who are destined to have financial problems act in their
financial lives?







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How wealthy people (or wealthy to be) think about money?




The path to financial freedom:

1. Spend _______________ than you earn

2. _________________ the difference in (the right) assets

3. _________________ your gains

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Exercise: Create your Personal Financial Statement

Simply enter the items and values in the four areas*:

My monthly Income My monthly Expenses

Salary _______ Mortgage & loan payments _______

Business profits _______ Food & Clothes _______

Interest & dividends _______ Car & Gas _______

______________________ _______ Bills _______

______________________ _______ Entertainment _______

______________________ _______ Insurance _______

Other expenses _______

Total _______ Total _______

My current Assets My current Liabilities

Paper assets (stocks, funds…) _______ Real estate mortgage _______

Rental property _______ Loans _______

Passive business ownership _______ Credit card debt _______

______________________ _______

Total _______ Total _______

*In the Downloads section you can also download a ready-to-use spreadsheet.

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My plan to improve my Personal Financial Statement:










Financial success is not a result of the level of your

personal income, but mostly a result of how you manage
your money.

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Area 3: Money Management
Money management is a tool that can help you focus on the right things in your
financial life. And when you focus on them, your financial well-being will improve.






The first step on your way to wealth is to value money!

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MMMM Money Management

1. Track your __________ every month

2. Know your regular _____________and track

additional ____________every month

3. Put 10% of your income into __________ and gradually increase this to


4. Invest 10% in _____________

5. Once per year _____________some money to your favorite cause

6. _______________yourself once per month for following the system







In the Downloads section you can also download a ready-to-use MMMM Money
Management spreadsheet.

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One of my most important rules of personal finance is that you need to take care of
the defense first, and only after that should you start to attack; that is, try to achieve
good investment returns. In fact, one of the biggest mistakes people make is they
skip this important step. And you don’t want to make the same mistake.

This module will give you a solid foundation on which you can build your wealth
without worries. By using the principles in this module, you will be able to sleep
well at night, because you will know that you are covered in case something bad




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The A.R.M.O.R. Formula for Choosing Insurance




The most aggressively sold financial products are the worst

for customers. And insurance products are not an

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A. Asses the Risk Factors
There are a lot of risk factors facing us, and we can never prepare ourselves for all of
them, but let’s take a look at the most common ones, and analyze the insurance
policies that enable you to protect yourself and your family in case they happen.

Risk #1 Losing your ability to work



Solution: Long-Term Disability Insurance




Risk #2 Serious illness



Solution: Health insurance




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Risk #3 Car accident



Solution: Car insurance




Risk #4 Losing your life



Solution: Life insurance




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R. Review Insurance Companies

Be careful about the following factors:

• The company’s _______________ (google +

• Does it have a __________________?

• _____________ and ______________.













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M. Make Investments Separately

_____________________ is The Greatest Weapon of Financial Self-Destruction.







Knowing the right details gets you a great return. Ignore

them and you just crash & burn.

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O. Optimize the Costs
How to negotiate the price?

God Guy, Bad Guy















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R. Read the Small Print
The main clauses you should pay attention to:

Contestability period





Material misrepresentation clause





Suicide clause





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Illegal or dangerous activity




Many important items are often found in the small print!

My action plan:

Insurance products I already own:





Insurance products I need to purchase:





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The Amazing Insurance Policy That Costs You





Your quality of life is largely dependent on your physical


Some simple steps to improve your health:

• _____________ regularly

• Eat less _____________

• Drink more ______________

• Eat less ______________ and more __________________




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Buying Precious Metals for the Right Reasons

The only reason to buy precious metals is










Gold is the only respected currency when paper money

loses its value.

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How to Buy Gold (and Silver)?
The biggest mistakes to avoid when buying precious metals:

Buying gold in small quantities




Buying “paper” gold




Buying from a MLM company




Buying from individuals or small companies



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Buying non-standard gold coins




Buying gold as a short-term investment




Store it at a dealer’s vault




Use gold as an additional insurance and not as an


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Long-term investing is simply buying a financial instrument; for example, a stock

or bond, and holding it for at least 10 years. There are a lot of good reasons why
you need to invest for the long run:

• Growing your _________________ pot, which helps you build peace of mind

for the future and provide the retirement income you want.

• Providing your family with a ____________________ of assets that further

increases your financial safety and financial power.

• Helps you build assets that ____________ in value and provide you with


• Long-term investing can give you investing returns that are almost

____________________________with any other strategy.

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The Key Investing Concept

“______________________ is the most powerful force in the universe.”

(Albert Einstein)

Growth of $10,000 (10% returns)

Year Amount Year Amount

1 11,000 21 74,002
2 12,100 22 81,403
3 13,310 23 89,543
4 14,641 24 98,497
5 16,105 25 108,347
6 17,716 26 119,182
7 19,487 27 131,100
8 21,436 28 144,210
9 23,579 29 158,631
10 25,937 30 174,494
11 28,531 31 191,943
12 31,384 32 211,138
13 34,523 33 232,252
14 37,975 34 255,477
15 41,772 35 281,024
16 45,950 36 309,127
17 50,545 37 340,039
18 55,599 38 374,043
19 61,159 39 411,448
20 67,275 40 452,593

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The amazing effect of investing $3 per day (app. $1,100/y) over 40 years:

• You invested $________________

• You got $_____________________ in returns












Small investments can make you wealthy if you

start NOW!

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Gain With the G.R.A.I.N System™

• G______________________

• R______________________

• A______________________

• I______________________

• N_____________________








Let’s gain with the G.R.A.I.N.!

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G. Grow the Right Assets

What to invest in?

• Stocks

• Bonds

• Precious metals (Gold, Silver)

• Bank deposits

• Keep your money under the mattress

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When you invest for time horizons exceeding 10 years,

stocks are virtually certain to outperform bonds.

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Investing in stocks

OMG! Not the __________________ stocks!

• Any company can go _________ or even _____________________

• 10-year-old Fortune 500 list: ______% of companies are not on the list


• Your chances of picking the right stocks are ____________________!

• CXO study: the „experts“ are wrong most ___________________.





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The fact is that you can never ______________________the price movement of

an individual stock, but, in the long run, you can very reliably predict the

movement of the ___________________________. The stock market has a very

powerful _________________________ over the long run.











After every crisis, there was also a period of rising prices

and, always, new all-time high after the crisis.

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The most popular investment product: _____________________

When you purchase it, you buy 500 or 1000 stocks – a whole basket of stocks – at
the same time.

The devil: commissions & fees!







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R. Reduce Costs
Mutual funds are a great product because they enable investors to invest in a lot of
stocks at the same time, thus lowering the risk that the stock pickers are exposed to.
But the problem is that they charge outrageous fees that wreak havoc in the long






The solution

Stock _________________ is, simply, a number that measures the value of a large
basket of stocks. For example, the S&P 500 index represents 500 of the biggest
stocks in the United States. If a stock index goes up by 2%, then that means the
total value of the stocks which make up the index has gone up by 2% in value.
Some stocks could have lost some value and some of them could have gained some
value. But the total value of all the stocks combined has gone up 2%.

__________________ funds, have 2% to 2.5% expense ratios

__________________ funds have an expense ratio of only 0.05% to 0.5%

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When investing in index funds YOU keep the lion’s share
of the returns.















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A. Avoid Heights
The biggest problem with the charts is…

The best tool that will make it easy for you to time your investments is








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Why cost averaging?

A. Never ____________ to invest till it’s _______________.

B. Never need to worry ______________to buy.

C. ___________________ your long-term returns.










Decide at what interval you are going to invest and then

make the investments regardless what is going on in the

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I. Ignore Advisers
There are thousands of so called “investing experts” and “gurus” predicting the next
big move on the market or the price movement of different stocks or commodities.
Should you listen to them?











When you hear about the next prediction made by an

expert, adviser, guru or a famous company, just smile and
think about Paul the Octopus.

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N. Never Kill the Goose








When investing, one of the worst things you can do is to

constantly check the charts.

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My Personal Selection: Introduction

3 key criteria:

1. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

3. ______________________________





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Does the currency in which the index fund is listed matter?

The answer is _______!







Index fund categories




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Index fund example:

QQQ (Technology)








Higher dividend yield usually means lower growth


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My Personal Selection: Index Funds
Please download my personal index fund selection – be careful to choose the right
list for your country of residence.


















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Choose the Right Funds with the Satellite Strategy™
The Satellite Strategy™ shows you which index funds to choose and how much to
invest in each of them.

Please note, that The Satellite Strategy™ only covers your investments in stocks.
Usually this is the largest part of your asset allocation, at least up until you start to
approach retirement. Please refer to the module Asset Allocation and Action Plan
for your asset allocation that also includes other asset classes.







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The Satellite Strategy™










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• _____________________ are only suitable for your Home planet

• All the _______________________ (Regional, Sector, Dividend) are only

suitable for the Satellites.














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Please make your selection (enter the index fund ticker symbols):

App. 50% App. 50%

Satellite 1 Satellite 2

________ ________

Home planet
Satellite 3 Satellite 4

________ ________

Satellite 5 Satellite 6

________ ________

Keep app. 50% of your investments in a global index fund(s) and app. 50% in up
to 6 satellites.

Important notice for the MMMM Founding Members who are eligible for a
one on one coaching session with Robert Rolih.
When you have your selection ready, please download the My Selection for
Review form (in the downloads section), complete it and send it to the email
stated in the form. Robert’s PA will then set up your one on one call with Robert.

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My Personal Selection: Bonds
Bonds fall into the category of fixed income investments. That means that they give
you a predefined cash flow. For example, if you have a 10-year bond that pays you
2% interest, and you invest $1000, you will get 20 annually and you will get your
principal, or $1000 back, after 10 years – this is the maturity date of the bond.

Investing in bond index funds is much simpler and suitable for investors who don’t
want to spend a lot of time doing the research and monitoring.















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Bond funds selection

BND (US bonds)

BNDX (World bonds)

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VCIT (US corporate bonds)

SLXX (UK corporate bonds)

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IEAC (Euro corporate bonds)

IHY (World high-yield corporate bonds)

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Make your selection (please refer to the Asset Allocation and Action Plan module
for specifics).

• Stick to a mix of _____________________ and


• You can add _____________________________ if you are prepared to

take more risk. This fund should represent a maximum of 20% of your bond














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How to Buy Index Funds & Bonds?


















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Approximately 95% of all short-term traders are losing money. The Futures
Association, an industry self-regulatory group, says that the average Forex trader
loses all of his or her money and drops out of the market after just four months.

That is why we will not play the game of short-term trading as the financial
industry intended. We will rather, take a detour and do something potentially
much more profitable, less risky and less time consuming.






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The key rules to follow

• Use 10% or less of your investable money for this system.

• Only invest money that you are prepared to lose.

• If you are not a risk taking person don‘t use this system.

• Even though we are using my Success Criteria™ in order to select good

traders to copy, this is still a risky strategy.












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The Success Criteria™

#1 Performance: loss must not exceed 35% in the last 18 months







#2 Average monthly risk score: must be 6 or lower in the last 12 months







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#3 Trades per week: must be less than 7







#4 Average holding time: minimum 1 day, maximum one month







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#5 Portfolio: „market“ must be 8 or less







#6 Portfolio: No more than 3 trades in red on the same instrument







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10 Minutes per Month Method
1. Check your account no more than ________________ per month

2. If a trader starts to _________________, stop copying him/her

3. If that happens find a ____________________
















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One of the most important things in life is the importance of having a strategy.
Having a strategy means that you have a plan designed to achieve your long-term
goals or vision.

Most people don’t have a plan, and, even worse, most people don’t even have a
clear vision of what they want to achieve in the next 5, 10 or 20 years. But if you
don’t have your own goals and vision, you will always work hard to make
somebody else’s vision a reality. As a result, your financial rewards will always be
average – just enough to get by and to live an unfulfilled life full of worry.

That is why the most valuable activity you can undertake every day is called
thinking. Thinking about what you want to achieve and how to achieve it, is
something that makes a difference between living a mediocre life and an
extraordinary life.

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7 Deadly Goal Setting Mistakes





The only thing that is constant is change. And goals

enable you to control the direction of change.

The ultimate secret of success:

1. Know ____________you want

2. Determine the _____________ you will have to pay

3. Get _____________paying the price

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7 Deadly Goal Setting Mistakes

1. You set ________________ goals instead of ________________ goals







2. Your goals are not ________________ enough







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3. Your goals are not ______________ enough







4. Your goals are not ____________________







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5. Your goals don’t have a _____________________







6. You don’t __________________________







7. … a top secret mistake

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Set Your F.A.S.T. Goals™








Set your F.A.S.T. Goals™ on the next page (you can also download F.A.S.T. Goals™
framework in PDF in the downloads section)!

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What you focus on expands.

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How to Achieve Your F.A.S.T. Goals™?
First let me congratulate you. You have written down your goals in the F.A.S.T.
goals framework. By doing that, you have separated yourself from 95% of people
who don’t have clear goals.

And now, let’s begin the journey towards the top 1% of people who have goals and
actually achieve them. Setting your goals and writing them down is just the start.
The important part is getting down to business and turning these goals into reality.







The deadly goal setting mistake #7 is that you ___________________________

goals at the same time.

Man who chases two rabbits catches neither

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Choose one goal in each of the F.A.S.T. areas that is the most important for you
and write them down:












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Financial _______________________________________________________

Why am I 100 % determined to achieve it?

+ _____________________________________________________________

+ _____________________________________________________________

+ _____________________________________________________________

- _____________________________________________________________

- _____________________________________________________________

- _____________________________________________________________

Adventures _____________________________________________________

Why am I 100 % determined to achieve it?

+ _____________________________________________________________

+ _____________________________________________________________

+ _____________________________________________________________

- _____________________________________________________________

- _____________________________________________________________

- _____________________________________________________________

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Sharing ________________________________________________________

Why am I 100 % determined to achieve it?

+ _____________________________________________________________

+ _____________________________________________________________

+ _____________________________________________________________

- _____________________________________________________________

- _____________________________________________________________

- _____________________________________________________________

Things _________________________________________________________

Why am I 100 % determined to achieve it?

+ _____________________________________________________________

+ _____________________________________________________________

+ _____________________________________________________________

- _____________________________________________________________

- _____________________________________________________________

- _____________________________________________________________

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The Power of a Good Strategy

Now that you have defined your BIG4 goals and you know exactly why you are
100% determined to achieve them, it’s time to talk about how will you achieve
them. In other words, what is your strategy to achieve them.

The word strategy derives from the Greek word Strategos. Strategos translates
literally as "the General's art” and is composed from two parts – stratus, meaning
army, and ago, meaning leading/moving.

So, when you are setting a strategy, you are like a general leading an army towards
victory in a battle. You are preparing a plan of actions designed to achieve your






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Old-time thinking (________________ strategy)






There is no certainty in this world, there are only


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Don’t develop your action plan – develop your plan of


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Create your plan of action (using the Multiway Exploration Strategy) for each of
your BIG4 goals:

Financial _______________________________________________________

Approach #1 ____________________________________________________

Approach #2 ____________________________________________________

Approach #3 ____________________________________________________

Approach #4 ____________________________________________________

Approach #5 ____________________________________________________

Your first step: ___________________________________________________

Adventures _____________________________________________________

Approach #1 ____________________________________________________

Approach #2 ____________________________________________________

Approach #3 ____________________________________________________

Approach #4 ____________________________________________________

Approach #5 ____________________________________________________

Your first step: ___________________________________________________

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Sharing ________________________________________________________

Approach #1 ____________________________________________________

Approach #2 ____________________________________________________

Approach #3 ____________________________________________________

Approach #4 ____________________________________________________

Approach #5 ____________________________________________________

Your first step: ___________________________________________________

Things _________________________________________________________

Approach #1 ____________________________________________________

Approach #2 ____________________________________________________

Approach #3 ____________________________________________________

Approach #4 ____________________________________________________

Approach #5 ____________________________________________________

Your first step: ___________________________________________________

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Getting Things Done
Many people have goals and many people have strategies. But why do some of these
people create great lives, full of achievement and happiness, while others struggle
from day to day, are stressed all the time, and live in misery?

Why is it that some of these people can be 3, 5, 10, or 100 times more productive
than others?

The answer is very simple: At the end of the day, everything depends on your
ability to execute.














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STEP #1: Ask yourself the KEY question

“Which two _____________________ tasks I need to _______________ today

so that at the end of the day I am __________________ by my accomplishments?”










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STEP #2: Put on your invisibility cloak

• _____________________ for each of them in your calendar

• Treat that time as an _____________________

• No ______________________!

• __________________mode vs. Being in ___________________








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STEP #3: Just do it!








Classical to-do lists can be the graveyard of your


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In the previous modules, we talked about a lot of investing options, or, in other
words, asset classes – stocks, bonds, precious metals and so on. And now you are
probably asking yourself what you should invest in and how much should you
invest in each asset class.

The answer to that question is called Asset Allocation and it’s one of the most
important decisions that you will make as an investor.





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Your Asset Allocation: Basics
Your mix of stocks, bonds and other assets

Four asset categories:

• Stocks (stock index funds)

• Bonds (bond index funds or a mix of individual bonds)

• Precious metals (physical gold and silver)

• Cash (savings deposits, certificates of deposit…)





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Time horizon & risk tolerance

• Time horizon is the expected ___________________ you will be investing

• Risk tolerance is your ability and willingness to ride out _______________





Historical data (source: Vanguard)

100% bonds

$10,000 invested annually for 30 years grows to $______________

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50% stocks / 50% bonds

$10,000 invested annually for 30 years grows to $______________

100% stocks

$10,000 invested annually for 30 years grows to $______________




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Your Asset Allocation: Retirement

Under 40









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40 - 55












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55 to 70












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Rebalancing your portfolio

Rebalancing is the process of selling portions of your portfolio that have increased
in value and using those funds to purchase additional units of assets that have
declined in value or increased at a lesser rate.





Two big benefits of rebalancing

• Your asset allocation stays ________________________

• You increase your long-term returns by selling ____________and buying


When to rebalance?

• Check your accounts ____________ per year

• If a certain class varies by more than _________pp, rebalance your portfolio

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How much can you withdraw in retirement?









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Your Asset Allocation: Other Goals
When you invest for shorter time horizons (e.g. for children’s education, bigger
purchase…) use the following asset allocation:

Time horizon: up to 5 years

Time horizon: 5 to 10 years




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Time horizon: 10+ years















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Create Your Action Plan
There are 4 big and important goals that you can set in the financial area of your

Goal #1: Security

• You have _______________ insurance policy

• You have ________________insurance

• You have ___________________________ in

long-term investments







My deadline for achieving this goal: ___________________________________

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Goal #2: Power

• You have _______________ insurance policy

• You have ________________insurance

• You have ___________________________

in long-term investments











My deadline for achieving this goal: ___________________________________

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Goal #3: Freedom

• You have _______________ insurance policy

• You have ________________insurance

• You have accumulated enough assets that you don’t

need to _______________anymore if you don’t

want to.

How to calculate your financial freedom number?

Calculate your financial freedom number:






My deadline for achieving this goal: ___________________________________

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Sample calculations:

Your annual costs of living Your financial freedom


$20,000 $285,714

$30,000 $428,571

$40,000 $571,429

$50,000 $714,286

$70,000 $1,000,000

$100,000 $1,428,571

$150,000 $2,142,857

$200,000 $2,857,143

$500,000 $7,142,857





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Goal #4: ROYAL Freedom

• You have _______________ insurance policy

• You have ________________insurance

• _____% of your assets cover the costs of your

______________ lifestyle.






Calculate your royal financial freedom number




My deadline for achieving this goal: ___________________________________

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“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

(Lao Tzu)

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When using his course, you might have a new idea or a new goal from time to time.
You can write them down here:

Goal or action Deadline







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