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Academic Work

This work was one of my favorites to make and I was very pleased with how it turned
out. In this project we had to recreate a small Taino landscape/habitat you could call it where you
had to model everything by hand. We had to design a Taino village and all of its components and
properties like the materials they used, their small little houses, their favorite hobbies and
practices, what they harvested and ate, the wildlife etc. I really liked working on this project
because the outcome made me feel like I just got over a small hurdle, even to the smallest detail
was hard but oddly satisfying knowing it was going to come out as good as it did. I felt like I
displayed a lot of courage here seeing as how this really wasn’t one of my strongholds since I'm
not the best with hands on stuff, this can also reflect my Observant Creator side as well.
This next one was in spanish class, this one was a handful to redact. This one is about a poem we
had to write in spanish class. Knowing me, my creativity is definitely one of my weak points. I
was really pondering on what to make the poem about. I sat there for hours and hours trying to
get my non-creative mind to come up with SOMETHING. I was satisfied with the end result
though. This definitely took the observant creator trait out of me and I also showed the
perseverance trait here as well.
This next one was a unique one for sure. We had to personify old figures that were present in the
colonization of this island (The Dominican Republic). One of the characters that I got was El
Padre Jeronimo, who abolished a lot of slavery in the country at the time and mobilized trading
with other countries inside the Island. I had to dress up as the character and also make a
presentation on what they did for the country. The costume itself took me a little bit of problem
solving since obviously I didn’t have the clothes of a religious person from the 1500s but I think
it came out nice.
This last one was something special. This one also had to do with creativity and drawing, and
the thing I am least confident with has to be with my drawing skills, i’d say they’re below
average at best. Still, in sociales class we hade to make an Atlas which is just a cartography of
the world map OR a collection of a certain part of a country’s map or just a map of the world in
general etc etc. This project was about the Dominican Republic’s map, for example: A map of
the various mountainous regions, a map of the rivers, a map of the island, climates of the island
and the list goes on. I was happy with how this came out and the skill that shined the most was
Observant Creator.

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