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Leadership Styles
Max Hudson
Ashford University
BUS105: Business and Academic Success
Vasil Hadji Jordanov
Authoritarian Leadership
Authoritarian Leaders have a need to control followers and what they do.
They like it to be known they are in charge. They like to have control and
influence over all. Authoritarian leaders give direction and clarity to
peoples work, on a positive note. It is also used to set goals, and
structure work.

Authoritarian Leadership Traits:

1. Perceives 2. Determine tasks 3. Very efficient and
and procedures for
followers to need group members, successful in
direction but remain aloof motivating others
from participating to accomplish
in group
discussions work.
Democratic Leadership
Democratic Leadership is about working with followers trying to treat
everyone fairly. They are more like guides than directors in their mind.
They feel all followers are capable of doing work on their own. Working
with followers instead of controlling them.

Democratic Leadership Traits:

2. Listens to followers 3. Wants to help each
1. Treats everyone in supportive ways follower reach
fairly, never and assist them in personal goals
putting becoming self-
themselves above directed
Laissez-Faire Leadership
The Laissez-Faire Leadership style is a more hands off approach. They do
not try to control followers, or nurture followers. They just more or less
let everyone do what they want. Labeled by some as non-leadership.

Laissez-Faire Leadership Traits:

1. Engages in minimal 2. Make no attempt 3. Allows followers to
influence. Hands to appraise or do what they want.
off attitude toward regulate the Have a disinterest
followers progress of in leadership
[Name of Well-Known Leader Here]
Leadership Style: [Insert their leadership style
here: Authoritarian, Democratic, Laissez-Faire.]

• Elon Musk is a business magnate, industrial

designer, engineer, and philanthropist. He
has founded and created many things and
has a great attitude thinking anything is
possible. He was ranked joint-first on the
Forbes list of the most innovative leaders of
2019. Elon musts leadership style to me
seems to be more democratic. I think he is a
great leader because he isn't afraid to think
outside of the box.
My Leadership Style:
I have a mixture of authoritarian and
democratic leadership style. I like to work
together and be equal, but if needed I
like to control and push people.

Strengths: Areas of Opportunity:

• Able to influence • I tend to
with charisma without the help of
others to push me
• Able to resolve • I feel if I were more
conflict easily assertive I could
better results

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