Chronic Kidney Disease

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PHAM 422 (Pharmacotherapy III) Objectives

Module IV (Nephrology) • List the risk factors for development and progression of
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).
• Explain the mechanisms associated with progression of
Chronic Kidney Disease CKD.
• Outline the desired outcomes for treatment of CKD.
• Develop a therapeutic approach to slow progression of
Dr. S. Mahmood Alqallaf CKD, including lifestyle modifications and pharmacologic
• Identify specific consequences associated with CKD.
• Design an appropriate therapeutic approach for specific
consequences associated with CKD.
• Recommend appropriate monitoring plan to assess
effectiveness of pharmacotherapy & specific
• Educate patients with CKD about the disease state, the
specific consequences, lifestyle modifications, and
pharmacologic therapies used for treatment of CKD.

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• “CKD is progressive, irreversible kidney damage

characterized by decreased estimated glomerular
filtration rate (eGFR) or evidence of kidney damage for
at least 3 months.”

• Progression of kidney disease to end-stage renal

disease (ESRD) generally occurs over months - years.

Introduction • The kidney has three main functions:

Excretory (excrete fluid, electrolytes, and solutes)
Metabolic (metabolize vitamin D and some drugs)
Endocrine (produce erythropoietin).

• When the number of nephrons decrease, these

functions are affected.

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Risk Factors • As mentioned earlier many factors cause the initial

damage to the kidney.
1. Susceptibility factors: not Susceptibility
directly proven to cause CKD. • Advanced age • Regardless of the initial cause of kidney damage, the
• These factors are generally
• Racial/ethnic minority result is a decrease in the number of functioning
• Family history of kidney disease
not modifiable. • Low income or education
2. Initiation factors: directly • Systemic inflammation • This will result in hypertrophy of the remaining
• Dyslipidemia nephrons to increase glomerular filtration and tubular
cause CKD. Initiation
• These factors are modifiable • Diabetes mellitus
function, both reabsorption and secretion, in an
by pharmacologic therapy. • Hypertension attempt to compensate for the loss of kidney function.
• Autoimmune disease • Initially, these adaptive changes preserve many of the
3. Progression factors: result • Polycystic kidney disease
in a faster decline in kidney • Drug toxicity clinical parameters of kidney function.
function and worsening of CKD. • Urinary tract abnormalities • However, as time progresses, angiotensin II is
• These factors may also be (infections, obstruction, stones)
required to maintain the hyperfiltration state of the
modified by pharmacologic • Poor control of diabetes functioning nephrons.
therapy or lifestyle
modifications to slow the
• Uncontrolled Hypertension • The vasoconstrictor effect of Ag II will cause an
• Proteinuria
progression of CKD. • Tobacco smoking
increase in the pressure in the glomerular capillaries.

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• Increased glomerular capillary pressure expands the

pores in the glomerular basement membrane, altering
the size-selective barrier and allowing proteins to be
filtered through the glomerulus.
• Proteinuria increases nephron loss through various
• Filtered proteins are reabsorbed in the renal tubules,
which activates the tubular cells to produce Clinical Presentation &
inflammatory and vasoactive cytokines.
• These cytokines cause interstitial damage and
scarring in the renal tubules, leading to damage and
loss of more nephrons.
• Ultimately, the process leads to progressive loss of
nephrons to the point where the number of remaining
functioning nephrons is too small to maintain clinical
stability, and kidney function declines.

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• CKD is often asymptomatic Markers of structural

kidney abnormalities:
• Assessment for CKD relies on appropriate screening
• Albuminuria (30 mg/24 Staging of CKD
strategies in all patients with risk factors for developing hours or more)
CKD. • Albumin : creatinine ratio
• Assessment for CKD includes SCr, urinalysis, BP, of more than 30 mg/g
serum electrolytes, and/or imaging studies. • Hematuria or casts in urine
• A key part of CKD assessment is analysis for sediment
proteinuria (the primary marker of structural kidney • Electrolyte and other
abnormalities caused by
damage) even in patients with normal GFR. renal tubular disorders
• GFR is the main marker for the staging of CKD • Abnormalities detected by
• A patient is classified to have ESRD when the GFR is histology or imaging.
below 15 mL/min/1.73 m2 (<0.14 mL/s/m2) and either • Functional abnormalities
chronic dialysis or kidney transplantation is needed to are indicated by GFR less
than 60 mL/min/1.73m2
sustain life. (0.58 mL/s/m2).

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The decline in kidney function is associated with

a number of complications:

• Hypertension
• Fluid and electrolyte disorders Non-pharmacological
• Anemia treatment
• Metabolic bone disease

• The expected life expectancy of patients with

ESRD is only 25% of the general population

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• Restrict protein to 0.8 g/kg/day if GFR is less than 30

mL/min/1.73 m2. This has been shown to slow the
progression of kidney disease.

• Limiting salt intake to ˂ 2 g (90 mmol) of sodium per

day (equivalent to 5 g NaCl) will help to control BP and
reduce water retention in CKD.

• Encourage smoking cessation to slow progression of

Pharmacological Treatment
CKD and reduce the risk of CVD.

• Encourage exercise at least 30 minutes 5x / week and

achievement of a body mass index (BMI) of 20 - 25

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Treatment goals General Approach to Treatment

• The best approach for the management of CKD is to
1. Slow progression of CKD to prevent cardiovascular prevent it via keeping the initial risk factors (such as
events and the CKD complications hypertension & DM) under strict control.

2. Delay the need for dialysis or kidney transplant as • Once the CKD occurred, the management strategy
would be to control its complications in addition to
long as possible strict control of the initial risk factors to slow the
progression of the CKD
3. Manage complications.
• Complications of the CKD:
1. Anemia
2. Metabolic bone disease
3. Fluid and electrolyte disorders
4. Hypertension

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1. Anemia of CKD Treatment

• The first-line treatment for anemia of CKD involves
• The kidney produces 90% of the hormone replacement of iron stores with iron supplements.
erythropoietin (EPO), which stimulates RBCs
production. • Oral iron supplements (200 mg elemental iron daily in
divided doses) are the first-line treatment for patients
• Reduction in the number of functioning nephrons not receiving hemodialysis.
decreases renal production of EPO, which is the
primary cause of anemia in patients with CKD. • When oral iron is not effective to increase iron stores
or for patients receiving hemodialysis, IV iron should
• The development of anemia of CKD results in be administered
decreased oxygen delivery and utilization, leading to • Injectable iron (iron dextran or iron sucrose) can be
increased cardiac output and left ventricular given after routine testing of the iron store or in smaller
hypertrophy which increase the cardiovascular risk maintenance doses of iron weekly or with each
and mortality in CKD. dialysis session

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• When iron supplements alone is not sufficient to 2. CKD-Related Mineral and Bone Disorder
increase Hgb level, ESAs (Erythropoiesis Stimulating
Agents) are necessary to replace erythropoietin. • Disorders of mineral and bone metabolism (CKD-MBD)
are common in CKD patients and include abnormalities
• ESAs (e.g. Epoetin alfa & Darbepoetin alfa) are in PTH, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and bone
synthetic formulations of EPO produced by turnover.
recombinant human DNA technology. • Calcium-phosphorus homeostasis is mediated through
• Use of ESAs increases the iron demand for RBC many hormones and their effects on bone, GIT, kidneys,
and the parathyroid gland.
production leading to iron deficiency, requiring iron
supplements to correct and maintain adequate iron • As kidney function declines, phosphate elimination
decreases resulting in hyperphosphatemia and a
stores to promote RBC production. decrease in serum calcium concentration.
• All ESAs are equivalent in their efficacy and have a • Hypocalcemia stimulates secretion of PTH causing
similar adverse-effect profile. hyperparathyroidism.
• S.C. administration of ESA is preferred over IV • As renal function declines, serum calcium balance can
because it produces a more predictable and sustained be maintained only at the expense of increased bone
response & because lower doses less frequently need resorption, leading to alterations in structural integrity of
bone and other consequences.
to be given.

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Treatment Vitamin D Therapy

• In general, calcium, phosphorus, and PTH levels should • In CKD, a decrease in renal metabolism of vit. D
be maintained in the normal range for all stages of CKD. decreases concentration of the activated form of vit. D,
This might be difficult in patients on dialysis, so close to
calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxy vit. D) and its precursor 25-
normal levels should be maintained.
hydroxy vit. D.
Phosphate-Binding Agents
• Used when dietary restriction is not sufficient • Vit. D deficiency becomes evident as early as Stage 2
and leads to a rise in PTH levels
• Calcium carbonate and calcium acetate can correct
hypocalcemia and bind phosphate. • Exogenous vit. D (e.g. Ergocalciferol & cholecalciferol)
• Calcium-containing phosphate binders also aid in the act directly on the PT gland to decrease PTH secretion
correction of metabolic acidosis, another complication of
kidney failure.
Calcimimetics e.g. Cinacalcet
• Calcium citrate is usually not used because the citrate salt
can increase aluminum absorption. • This increases the sensitivity of receptors on the PT
• Aluminum preparations should only be considered for gland to serum calcium levels to reduce PTH secretion,
short term use (up to 4 weeks) in patients with severely but has no effect on GIT absorption of calcium or
elevated phosphorus due to the risk for aluminum toxicity. phosphorus, and may even lower serum calcium levels.

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3. Electrolyte & Acid–Base Imbalance • Patients who develop hyperkalemia should restrict
• In CKD, reduction in the number of functioning dietary intake of potassium to 50 - 80 mEq (50–80
nephrons decrease glomerular filtration regulation of mmol) per day.
electrolytes (Na+ & K+) and acid secretion. • Diuretics, sodium polystyrene sulfonate (K+ binding
Treatment agent), and fludrocortisone are useful in the
• Patients should be advised to refrain from adding salt management of hyperkalemia in patients with CKD.
to their diet • Acute hyperkalemia that results in cardiac
• Fluid restriction is generally unnecessary as long as abnormalities can be managed with calcium, insulin
sodium intake is controlled. and dextrose.
• Diuretic therapy is often necessary to prevent volume • Metabolic Acidosis can be managed with sodium
overload bicarbonate or citrate preparations
• Loop diuretics are most frequently used to increase
• Calcium carbonate and calcium acetate, used to bind
sodium and water excretion.
phosphorus might also aid in managing the metabolic
• Thiazide diuretics alone may not be effective in
reducing fluid retention.

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4. Proteinuria & Hypertension in CKD • Combined ACE inhibitors and ARBs have a synergistic
• Poor control of BP accelerates progression and also effect on proteinuria. Use both cautiously if necessary
carries adverse cardiovascular risk. to reduce proteinuria to < 1 g/24 hours.
• Target BP should be 130/80 mmHg, or 120/75 mmHg if • Non-dihydropyridine CCBs are 2nd line anti-proteinuric
significant proteinuria and/or diabetes is present. drugs when ACEI or ARBs are contraindicated or not
tolerated & can be added to ACEi or ARBs (if needed).
Treatment • Dihydropyridine CCBs (e.g., amlodipine) should not be
• If proteinuria is present, ACE inhibitors are the first-line used alone but can be added to ACEi or ARBs.
treatment, as they reduce proteinuria in addition to their
antihypertensive effects in both diabetic and non-
• Patients with CKD often need three or more agents to
diabetic renal disease. achieve BP control.
• ARBs can be used as alternative, with similar effects on • In stages 4 and 5 CKD, salt and water retention may
proteinuria and prevention of progression. be significant factors in hypertension and can be
• Initiate therapy with the lowest recommended dose and managed with loop diuretics, e.g. furosemide in
increase dose until albuminuria is reduced by 30% - addition to salt & water restriction.
50% or side effects occurs

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Renal Replacement Therapy Hemodialysis

• Patients who progress to ESKD require RRT.
• The modalities used for RRT are hemodialysis,
peritoneal dialysis, and kidney transplantation.
• Complications associated with dialysis include:
hypotension, muscle cramps, hypersensitivity,
thrombosis, access infection and aluminium toxicity.
• Long-term complications include increase in
cardiovascular disease, bone disease and dialysis
• Kidney transplantation is the preferred method of RRT,
due to improved patient survival. However, organ
availability limits the number of patients who can
receive a kidney transplant in addition to complications
of immunosuppression.

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