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I .!

8.2.$ Bearingr t4{ISSl ',ui

4020 {srs

Parf f$o, S*r*ntrfy Sa*rgnafio* R**tarfr*

4S1S I Turhi*e h'e*rlng {indu*in* $x4*$* *s**mhf*d}
4S20 1 **rnpr*s$#r h*arlng

Page 4S cf 52 4nu Hdlti*n {#*1fr*fis} en

Exhau*t gas turbocharger HPR6S{}0 KtsB$

8.2.8 Garket s*t {*S{*}

#lHI ffiI ffi& $ffi*

ffi(I 609S



fiErf {tfr, Qr*nlfty S*signa#*r fiteffi*r*s '

2*7S t **mpr*ssi*n ri*S rnly avaitr*bX* wifrin ttre ga*k*t *et t$*1S)
**frr 2 Sa*ket, bearins tsvsr {S"t } **ly availabl* withir* ttr* ga"sket e*t {SStS}
3SfrS e Gasket, benri*g c*Ysr {*.f} *nly *v*ilahle withi* the g*sket s*t {$SI*I
30&s 1 Gasket, bearins ssYsr t*.3) *nty *v*ilable witfrin th+ g**kct *et {$*t*}
ssss 1 S*Ring, sstnpresssr houslr*g *nly avril*ble wfthin tfie gasket set {SSt*}
s*$s t S-Hing *nly evall*ble wlthi* th* gasket $st {S$1S}
srSt *, $hirn {*,1} *ntry available within the gasket'set tSS10}
s'i3$ t $hir* {S.tS} oniy avsilable wltfiin tfie gx*trtet sct {ffit$}
s1s$ x $hirn {*.{} only availsble wittriq the ga*k*t **t tS$,I#}
s0$* 1 &fii*g, s*trnprs$ssr diffus*r *nty *vsitabl* withl* the gask*t *et {$S1*}
sr$4 3 Gasket only auailahl* wlthin,ttt* g**k*t s*t t#$t$)



#'' tt,','


en 4** rditlc* {*st'3**5} Page 4$ *J 52

KBB$ Exhaust gas turbocharg*r HPRSS${}

S.l"fI Sc*nscting *lement* t {S$f,S}

s$*s 8*t$ 3*B* 3lr}ff 3130 5140 ?08CI 6160
31 S0




JIUU $3ts 4sss 3t{*

ts*$*) {sffie}
s:s$ s,io ts*$
ffi$ sos& *srs tfi$t

Frrf J$a. #r*n#fy Sesrsna{fa*

a*ss s. Feather key
*nly avail*h** withi* the'C**n*cti*g *ler***t* t'{$SE*} **t
sss* 7 Sylindrtml screw o*ly *v*ifable within t*e'C***s*ti*g +lem*nt* t' {SS3fi} *et
r 31SS S Cylindrtcal screw a*ly availa*le withir* t**'C**nectins *l*rnsats 'f ' {$S*S} s*t
srt* r Thre*d plug only avail*bl+ vrithi* thc n$*nnecting elemente 1- {S. 3$} *et
I $14$
3'f 3S
$crew FIUS
Ripp*d wssf**r
*nly avail*bl* withiil tfre'Cennecting etr*r:nents t'{SSI*} s*t
a*ly available withi* tle 'Csnfi*cti*g *lement* 1.' tsg?s} set
3t4S 1 $crew plus ale* availsb*e ratitfli* the C**ne*ti*g elements 2' {SS$S} eet
3rs0 1 Gaskst afs* *veilebi* t{$i't*in ttre-S*n*ecti*g e{ement* E {SS30} set
31ffi S ftipped urr**h*r cnly avaifsble witfri* the'S*nne*ti*g el*rnent* ,.i- {SSg*} sst
Sfss r Screw plug only available witlrin the'Csnnecting elements 1'{9920} set
3er0 6 Ripped ws*h*r onty availnhle $.it*in tfre
elements t- {SS?ff} *et
4*SS S frylindri*al pin al** availahle withi* tlre
{4frCI*} *et
sr4s 4 Hexago**he*d bslt *nly suailabls witfrin tft*
alern*nts 1' {gStG} set'
$sss 'f Scrsw plus alsa sva*l*ble wit*in the 'C*nnecting *lement* r {SSS$) *et
$*s0 1 S**ket *ls* avaifabl* wlthi* ttre
*lements e' {S$$S} set
s*rs # Sylir**r*caf screuu onilr avalfabf* ttu'*arrn**ting elements 1' {Ss*#}
trsithin s*t
ffiipp** rnr****r only avail*fu** wfthi* ths-**nnecting elements 1' {$Sf,s} **t
fiI 1* 2 $crew flus *nly av*ilabf* witft*n the Ecnne*tinqeleme*t* 1'{$S?*} sst
srz$ ?" Gasket *nly svail*ble wlthin ths'C*finecting'al*msnt* 'lI {S#2*} s*t
sts* a& $tud halt *nly av*ilab** withi* the'**nnecti*g elernents 'f ' tss2s) set
s16S 24 Hexagc* rrut als* svail*hle wittrin tfre'f,*nnecting el*rn*nt* 3- {S$SS} s*t
s1?* 2e ftipped lva*her only avaitrahl* unitfrin ttre'-**mnectin* elsm*nts 'l- {sse$} set
$1S0 2 Sytrixdri*al xcrerrv *nly wailable witf*in ths *****ecting element$ t' {Ssp*} *st
$*ts g. $top busl"ling **ly evailahle withir: ttr* '**nn**ti*g *l*n***ts 1' {SS3S} set
ss4.s r Sylin*ri*al *cr*w anly *vsilshls *vithi* th*'*****cti*S ef*me*t* t' tSSfiS) set
ss3s ?. $creur plus atrs* svallahle wltFrin th*'**nn**ting *lemsnts H' {$SS*} **t
*s4s 2, Gs*ket als* av*ilab*e within the *C*n*acting elernent* t-{$S*S} **t
$srff x Scrsw plus **ly availahls within the -***necting *l*rne*ts t'{$Sg*} set
$*fis 1, Sasket *nly availahl* within ths-#snn**ting sferfie*ts t'{Sg?S} sst

FqCa$* *f $2 4rh Hdili*rt {#firasffs} en


Exhaust gffs turbocharger HPR6{}$$


8"?,1{} Connecting elernents 2 {9330}

5S7S Srts 51 20



51 30 s1*s 5090 sr0t

I" g1s3



r gs50 s060

r {e03il}
is06o) s*55 g06s
5050 5060
r {3140} (31s0) 7020

t $050 g S"[1[ pf,rs atso avagafn wffrin the'Connecting elernents 1'(998O) set
ii0s0 g Gasket availibte wis:in the'cbnnectlng elements 1't9920) s€t
9070 2 Gytindricat sirew only availaile luithin ths'Conneding elernBnb ? tggSo}Bs't
5090 g6 Hexagon nut also available within tre'Connec'ting elements 1't9920) 8d
g1m 36 Ripfd washer also avaibble wi*rin the'Connec{ing elements 1'(9920} set
Si i0 12 Stud bolt only available witrin the'Connecfng slernen$ 2' {9930} st
5120 4 Strd bott onty available wtthin the'conneriing elemantF E tgg30) set
S13S 24 Stud bolt only available wirrin the Connecting elementB Z {9930) set
onty avaihbh wtthin the Connedirq ehsne,nts f (9930) set
I 1020
1 tocating bdt
e Scres, plug, also availabte witrin the'Oonneding elaments l'{9920} sst
9055 1 Screw plug onty ava$able witrin fire'cg8 aing elements . Ml0)

2 Gaske* also availabla wtttrin *e'connecting elements 1'{9920} set

(9930) set
9065 1 Gastcat onty avaitable wisrin tre'Connec'ting ebmente
" (9930) $ot
0i0? 1l Hexagon*read bdt only available within ttre Connecling el6ments
9103 ?
1A Ripped waaher only aailable within the'Connecting elenBnts {9930} set '

4th ffiditio* {SS/?*$s} Pag* 5t 0f 52


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