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Name: Ali Murtaza Bhatti ID: 17U00699

Section: E

Assignment: Facility Location FedEx Case

Location of the facility of the company is very important for the business to be successful.
Because supply chain of the company is all dependent on the location of the facility.

Same is the case here in this case of FedEx. They have their main Hub at the Memphis which is
very important to them as it is the located near the center of USA and it is located at the point
near to which there is the main populated area. Although Memphis is not much of a populated
area but it is their hub due to the reason that the cost for them to deliver the packages to clients is
the least from that point.

FedEx has larger number of planes than Qatar, Ithad Airways joined. They provide delivery
services to all around the planet and Ups supply bundles to twofold the region of what traveler’s
plane can fly. Taken care of ex is the biggest load carrier on the planet 650 planes around the
globe, conveying 6 million bundles each day. They fly from the center air terminals. FedEx
center point air terminals are spread across the world. They have center points in Seoul,
Shanghai, and so forth the main center is in Memphis Tenancy. Memphis is the geological focal
point of the US. Mean populace center of US. Memphis is the second busiest load air terminal on
the planet. 150 sheets fly there consistently between the long stretches of 10 am to 1 pm. Bundles
are set in robotized arranging framework. FedEx additionally runs trips in a propeller air
artworks to modest community.

Bundles are moved from Planes to Smaller Planes and then through Trucks. Only one out of
every odd bundle runs from Memphis, to build the proficiency they have optional center points
for that. Taken care of ex likewise has safe haven center point in Alaska which is fourth busiest
payload air terminal in world. This stop is utilized by FedEx and Ups for arranging. So they runs
departures from Asia to Anchorage then to American Destinations.

The delivery services from Asia to Anchorage and then to America aides in reducing down the
transportation cost and cost. As delivery is value touchy business. So much is relied on the
couple of arranging center for the benefits as it is costly to fly planes and make benefits. A large
portion of the things occur without any forethought. It is extremely hard to work in this business
on the off chance that you are working on a limited scale.

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