Programme Semester Course Code Task Objectives

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Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying

Universiti Teknologi MARA(Perak)

32610 Seri Iskandar
Perak Darul Ridzuan




1. To increase students ability to work cooperatively in solve a problem by using their ideas
and knowledge for create new prototypes of construction material/product
2. To create understanding of students about material engineering are responsible for
developing stronger, cheaper, or more environmentally friendly construction materials.
Students will learn how the work done by engineers affects society for the better.
3. To enhance student understanding on the impact of product testing innovation on the
creation of future entrepreneurial opportunities.

Assignment Brief

This assignment project should be prepared by a group of four or five members. For this
assignment, each group is required to prepare a project report and slide presentation. Each
group is required to study the novelty method of production of new advanced construction
materials that have been commercially used for construction purposes. The group can select
any ONE of the following assignment topics:

1. Geopolymer
2. Flexible concrete
3. Bio concrete
4. Self cleaning concrete
5. Recycled aggregate concrete
6. Permeable concrete
7. Translucent concrete
8. Fiber reinforced concrete

*Note that the topic selected by the group must differ from those of the other groups

Your project should be evaluated based on the following criteria:

1. Product definition
Clear problem definition - relevant to real world problem
2. Technical Feasibility & Innovation
The product is an innovative solution to recognized problem & it is technically feasible.
A new, fresh and original idea. Identify modifications could make to existing products,
or adaptations for new products
3. Product uniqueness/ novelty
Display the uniqueness/benefits of product
4. Commercial viability/marketability
It is likely that the prototype or idea could lead to the development of a marketable
product or method. Clearly identify target market for product
5. Project presentation
Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying
Universiti Teknologi MARA(Perak)
32610 Seri Iskandar
Perak Darul Ridzuan

The presentation was clear, concise, and compelling. The team able to respond to
questions and criticisms intelligently and thoughtfully

In conducting this project use eight steps of the engineering design process as a guideline
during constructing your prototypes which are: identify the need or problem, research the
need or problem, develop possible solutions, select the best possible solution, draw a
prototype, test & evaluate, communicate the solution, and redesign.

* Note that the material propose by the group must differ from those of the other groups.

Work Instructions/Deliverables

Project report shall contains of following :

Soft copy project report – MS words format

The text should be in font size 12pt, either using Times New Roman or Arial. Produce footer with
a page number. Appropriate use of formatting, styles, tabs, indents, section headings, and
white space to feature specific sections. A table of contents is shown.

 The title page - should contain the assignment/topic title, course and names of group
 Introduction/Problem definition (Week 1-2)
 Idea/concept/Develop possible solutions (Week 3-4)
 Preparation constituent of materials (Week - 5)
 Production process/Prototypes development (Week 6-7)
 Properties of product/Product uniqueness/Usefulness of product (Week 8-12)
 Application/Commercial potential/ Conclusion (Week -13)
 Report preparation/Documentation (Week -14)

Slide presentation file – PPt format

 The title of slide presentation for the project report should have the names of all team
 Use findings from report: The content of the presentation focused on the core
issues associated with the topic.
 The content of the presentation was well researched and of high quality. The
presentation was understandable.
 The presentation was the appropriate length (i.e., within the designated time limit
-- not too short and not too long).
Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying
Universiti Teknologi MARA(Perak)
32610 Seri Iskandar
Perak Darul Ridzuan

 Use of presentation graphics. incorporate "dynamic" custom animation effects

into the slideshow (e.g., transition effects between slides, "b uild" effects for bullet
points that allow the text for each bullet to appear as the bullet text is discussed).
 Go beyond text: Also, you are encouraged to use other features such as video,
pictures, images, and samples of system inputs/outputs or the organization’s
products to support your presentation.
 Note: If any of the content for your presentation comes from an external source
(e.g., company WWW site, periodical, etc.), then please include a References
slide at the end of your presentation that lists the source(s) for the presentation.

Upload your team's project report and presentation file (PowerPoint) to the following google
drive accounts by date …………..:

Any request for late submission will not be attended and marks will be deducted for the late


This assignment will be graded base on following justifications which are:

Project reports
Submission Product Idea Production Product Commercial Overall Score: 100
on time Definition Innovativeness process Uniqueness viability contents and points (30%
(5 marks) (20 marks) (20 marks) (20 marks) (15 marks) (10 marks) document from Total
completeness Score)
(10 marks)

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