Language Assessment Devinna F

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Name : Devinna Fitriani

Nim : A1B218066

Language Assessment

Answer the following questions!

1. There are three types of validity: criterion-oriented validity; content validity and construct
validity ( Cronbach & Meehl (1955)). Consider the following situations where you may
wish to use a test to discover something about your students (suppose you are a teacher). In
each case what would you use as a criterion ( or criteria) and Why?
 How many students in my class are likely to pass the Certificate of Proficiency at the end
of the semester?
Answer: It will be based on the previous of students at such criterions that have a high
proabability to appear on the Certificate of Proficiency Test. The criterion will be the
Certificate of Proficiency test subject.
 If Mr Hassan starts work as an air traffic controller now, will he be able to successfully
guide aircraft out of danger in near-miss situations?
Answer: I think in this situation it doenst have precise answer since the “ near- miss
situation” is aomthing that can be measure by any instrument. The criterion will be the
fulfillment of basic ATC training and work experience.
 My students of legal English are going to go on work experience later in the year. How
do I know whether they will be able to help prepare the paperwork for court cases?
Answer: if the work experience that the students will have been through matches with the
paperwork for court cases. It will be able to help them on their paperwork. And the
criterion will be the paperwork for court cases subjects.
 I need to plan next semester’s syllabus for my class. I need to discover which elements of
this semester’s syllabus I need to recycle.
Answer: It can be based on the result of the students. Based on this situation the criterion
will be part of syllabus that has been low scored by the student

2. Carroll (1980:67) argued that achieving content validity in testing, English for Academic
Purposes (EAP) consisted of describing the test takers, analyzing their ‘communicative
needs’ and specifying test content on the basis of their needs. In early approaches to
communicative language testing the central issue in establishing content validity was how
best to sample from needs and the target domain. Consider the target domains. For each, try
to list what a test may need to contain to be relevant to that domain.
Do you have students for whom the content domain can easily be defined?
A. Nursing in hospital

- nursing test

- medical exam

Staffing the receptionist in a hotel

-managemet test

-accountant test

-speaking skill test

Check in international airport

-an interview test

-speaking skill test

Taxi driver in a capita city

-driving test

-knowledge about the city route test

Tour guide in a touist resort

-have a good personality

-lisence of tourism school

-love to talk to people

B. Something will be difficult to define when it doesn’t have any physical appereance or share
value .

3. Think of the test you are familiar with, perhaps one that you prepare students for.

What construct(s) is the test designed to measure?

The understanding of English to pass university subjects for non-english native speaker.

Whom is the test designed for?

The test designed for High School graduates.

It is really useful for them?

Yes, i think it's really useful for them

What are the parts of test called?

Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening.

Are certain parts of language ability given preference or more highly valued, and does this
impact on how you teach?

No, all part of language ability share the same weight.

What are the consequences for learners who fail or get low grade?

The consequences for learners who fail or get low grade they should re-take the test

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