Nature and Characteristics of Research

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Nature and Characteristics of Research

Research is a systematic study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new

The actual process of conducting research involves several steps. The first is identifying the problem. The
other steps include reviewing the literature, designing hypothesis, designing and conducting the study,
analyzing data and interpreting the result and communicating the result.

Kinds of Research

1. According to the Application (AAP)

a. Action Research – a clinical process involving problem identification, action planning,
implementation, evaluation and reflection
b. Applied Research – research that is directed towards a particular aim and is concerned
with working out the solution to a specific problem
c. Pure Research – it aims to solve problems of a theoretical nature that have little direct
impact on action.
2. According to Goals and Objectives (CDEE)
a. Correlation Research – is undertaken to discover the existence of relationship between
two or more aspect of situation to include the degree and direct of relationship
b. Descriptive Research – attempts to describe a subject often by creating a profile of a
group of problem, people or events through the collection of data.
c. Explanatory Research – allows the research to identify the causes that determine when
and why the behavior occurs
d. Exploratory Research – undertaken to expand understanding of research dilemma,
identify alternative ways to address a problem, gather information to refine research
question and identify sources for actual research questions and sample frames.
3. According to Knowledge Produced (SP)
a. Scientific Research – aims to contribute to a cumulating body of knowledge about some
aspects of the world. Findings are assessed primarily in terms of validity
b. Practical Research – It aims to provide knowledge that will be immediate practical use.
Findings are assessed in terms of relevance and timeliness. (ACDD)
i. Autonomous Practical Research – where researchers play an autonomous role in
producing practically relevant information
ii. Contact based Practical Research – a research that is commissioned on the basis
of a contract to produce specific information
iii. Dedicated Practical Research – the goal is to provide information that is needed
by a specific group of policy makers or practitioners at a particular time.
iv. Democratic Practical Research – to provide information that will be of use to
anyone concerned with a particular currently pressure issue
4. According to Methodology
a. Quantitative Research – It is where a researcher explores relationships using numeric
b. Qualitative Research – empirical research in which researchers explores a phenomenon
i. Biography – reports the life of a single individual
ii. Case Study – study which a single person, program, agency or some othe unit of
analysis is examined in detail
iii. Ethnography – interpretation of a cultural social group
iv. Grounded Theory – analysis that concentrates on theories that have emerged
from investigating
v. Phenomenology – uses micro analysis
5. According to Proponent
a. Commissioned Research – research conducted for fee
b. Institutional Research – research done at institutional level.
c. Joint or Group Research – research conducted by individuals and groups with same
research agenda
d. Personal Research – conducted by a person
6. According to the Pursuit
a. Theoretical Research – concerned with pursuit theory; aims to develop ideas
b. Substantive Research – concerned with producing descriptions and explanations.

Characteristics of Good Research (SPS)

1. Systematic Empiricism – refers to the practice of relying an observation to draw conclusions

about the world
2. Public Verification – findings can be observed, replicated and verified
3. Solvability – investigate only those questions that are answerable

Scientific Research Method

1. Defining the Problem
2. Forming the Hypothesis
3. Collecting data
4. Drawing Conclusions

Characteristics of Research Method:

1. The purpose of research should be clearly defined
2. The research process should be detailed
3. The research process should be thoroughly planned
4. Highly ethical standards in research are applied
5. Limitations of research should be frankly revealed
6. The research should have an adequate analysis of data for decision maker’s need
7. Findings of the research should be presented unambiguously
Scientific Knowledge – organized and rationalized observing
- Science is Systematic
- Science is probabilistic

Thesis – scholarly document written Masters

Dissertation – doctorate

Choosing Research Topic:

a. Personal Reasons
 Satisfying the researcher’s curiosity of the proposed topic
 Seeing credentials and/or pursuing goals
 Trying to solve a personal problem
 Pursuing personal interests and commitment
b. Academic Reason
 Contributing to knowledge in a particular field
 Seeking answers to current intellectual puzzles
 Participating in intellectual debates
 Developing social theory
c. Contribution to Society
 Contributing to the Solution of a social problem
 Helping some group, community or organization achieve its goals
 Assisting in the development of social policy
 Contributing to public or private sector decision-making

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