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Political Theory-meaning and approaches

Ist Lecture- 29/06/2020 (04:00 PM to 05:00PM)

- Subodh C Bharti

What is Political?

 Issues related to some institutions of state: Legislative, Executive and Judiciary and the
decision making power of these institutions.
 Any public agency with the power or authority to take decision: the decision with potential to
have an impact on almost every member of society.

 Common power to take decisions about the common life of a society.

 Any action of a group (non-state institutions)/or collective act, which affects the decision
making and question the status quo or the previous decisions of the government.
 The exercise of power over others.
 The domain or dimension of our collective life where we fight for our interests, make claims
(including moral0 on each other, where important and urgent issues are contested.
 It appears that political is, inherently, conflictual.
 The political is also where new worlds are imagined.
What is Theory?

 Explanation of an action.
 Justification of the actions.
 All justifications presuppose evaluation.
 There are deeper issues behind the evaluative judgements. (questions what and why)
 Questions have t do with: right or wrong; good or bad; (ethics and morality- the normative)
 Humans as “Concept-bearing” animals
 Humans have thoughtful experience of living.
 Experiences are mediated by images, concepts and representations.
 Concepts embedded in practices, which comes from the expressions of the experiences.
 Expressions as ideas (in our heads) may be called as subjective reflection. Which may occur
randomly or be arranged systematically.
 Systematic expressions or reflections may use words-languages or other means such as art.
 Word/language dependent systematic expressions/reflections can also be accomplished in
multiple modes, different ways. (essay, article, poetry, story etc.)
 Theory is a particular form of language-dependent systematic expressions different from, but
related to, other forms of systematic reflections of the world.
 A theory articulates in a particular medium- a conceptual world lived practically by a specific
set of human agents.
 There are six features which makes theory out from other language-dependent systematic
1. Conceptual Sensitivity: how concepts are related to one another and come in cluster, and
how it turn, they mark their own boundaries. Theorists focus on meaning of words, on the
different ways in which the words are used so that the answer can be given. A full-
blooded (all-out) sensitivity to the entire web of concepts and commitment to its
articulation is the first feature of theory.
2. Rational Structure: theorist gives a conclusion based on reasons. When a theorist makes
an assertion or proposal, they must state why they do so (reason behind reason). It
doesn’t mean that theorist do not rely on instincts, emotions or flashes of insights and
only rely on a definite argumentative structure of the kind made by logicians.
3. Truth and Objectivity: (impartiality, lack of biases)- since they are context-dependent,
time-place specific (mostly).
4. It is committed to unearthing the background assumptions and presumptions of our
sentiments, beliefs, actions and practices.
5. Generality
6. Strong-non-speculative intent


Political theory is systematic expression/reflection of political phenomena/issues.

Approaches of Political Theory

Approach: a way to looking and then explaining a particular phenomenon. Approach selects
problems or questions and data for investigation.

Method is a tool or technique which collects and interprets data.

Empirical- What is – based on values/norms – subjective – descriptive

Normative- What Should be – based on empiricism – objective- empirical


Philosophical, Historical, Legal, Institutional Approaches

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