Methodology and Concept of Survey

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A











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Figure 2.1 Survey


PT. ATLASBUMI SEMESTA Chapter 2 – Page 1

Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

Mapping preparation on this project actually comprised of bathymetric and

topographic survey. For drainage will be carried out by using tachymetric method
and for waduk will be carried out by tachymetric method for land area and
bathymetric method for water area.


1. Coordinate system.

Figure 2.2. Coordinates System

All of the survey on this project has to be one system, grid system will be based
on UTM projection system, and WGS 84 ellipsoid will be applied.


A geodetic datum is the tool used to define the shape and size of the earth, as
well as the reference point for the various coordinate systems used in mapping
the earth.

A National geodetic co-ordinate system is defined by a Geodetic Datum, which

consists of two parts:

a) A defined geodetic reference ellipsoid, in terms of the a,b or a,f parameters.

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

b) A defined orientation, position and scale of the Geodetic system in space.

From this, it can be deduced that a specific ellipsoid can be used to define an
infinite amount of datums.

WGS 84 have the bellow parameters :

Semi-Major Axis (Equatorial Radius)..[6378137.0]

Semi-Minor Axis (Polar Radius)......... [6356752.3142]
Flattening............................................ [0.0033528106718309896]
Second Eccentricity............................ [0.08209443803685366]

Figure 2.3. Ellipsoid Datum

Projection System

The Universal Transverse Mercator System (UTM) employs a transverse

cylindrical method of projection such that distortion is minimized along a given
line of longitude, and a plane orthogonal (rectangular) coordinate system. The
Earth is divided into 60 UTM zones each of 6 degrees of longitude, the zones
being numbered from west to east, starting a 180W. Sudbury is located close to
the centre of zone 17. The line of longitude at the centre of each zone (the
central meridian) represents Grid North, and coincides with True North. The N-S
lines of the UTM coordinate grid (Eastings) are drawn parallel to Grid North,
whereas the E-W lines of the grid (Northings) are drawn parallel to the Equator.
The intersection of Grid North with the Equator (the true origin of the zone) is
arbitrarily given a coordinate location of 500,000 metres East and 0 meters

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

North, such that a false origin for the grid, that is the point where the numbering
sytem is 0 in both axes, is located 500 km west of the true origin

Figure 2.4. UTM Projection System

2. Reference Point.

The Reference Point for JEDI Project Phase 2A are :

BM SF.01 : 708857.881 , 9319502.884, 3.210

BM SF.02 708750.040 , 9319329.136, 3.256
BM CF.02 693393.893 , 9319346.605, 4.328
BM CF.01 693473.837 , 9319454.295, 4.110
BM SS.01 705307.010 , 9318730.631, 3.700
BM SS.02 705254.189 , 9318703.241, 3.447
BM WM.01 701169.691 , 9314847.678, 2.973
BM WM.02 701117.851 , 9314732.784, 4.271

3. Installation of Bench Mark and Wooden peg.

Bench mark is one of important thing has to be consider in the mapping. It will be
make an easy for the next activities. In this project installation of Bench Mark
has to be done before topographic and bathymetric Survey.

In another hand wooden peg for cross section station (every 50 m) and traverse
point are also installed simultaneously.

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

Figure 2.5. Dimension of Bench Mark and Wooden Peg

Bench Mark Dimension 1.0 x 0.2 x 0.2 meter. Height pile from surfaces is 0.2
meter. Dimension of wooden peg is 0.03 x 0.04 x 0.40 meter.

4. GPS Survey.

To keep survey result accuracy, horizontal control point survey for Benchmark
will be done horizontally using GPS Survey Method.

GPS is a ubiquitous technology finding new applications due to its amazing

capability to locate the receiver’s exact position on the earth’s surface, based
upon triangulation from NAVSTAR satellite signals.

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

Figure 2.6. NAVSATAR Satellite signal

The high precision of GPS carrier phase measurements, together with

appropriate adjustment algorithms, provide an adequate tool for a variety of tasks
for surveying and mapping. Using Differential Global Positioning System
methods, accurate and timely mapping of almost anything can be carried out.
Technically, the GPS consists of a constellation of 24 satellites [2, 3] arranged in
circular orbits around the Earth at altitudes of 20,200 km, at orbital planes
forming a 55° angle with the equator, such that there are six satellites that can
be interrogated at any time from anywhere.
Using a technique called Differential GPS, which uses a ground base station of a
known position and provides a wireless data link to the GPS receiver, accurate
and precise determination of the position can be made.

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

Figure 2.7. Differential GPS Positioning

The GPS receiver processes the satellite range measurements and produces its

GPS Planning

 GPS Network Design and Observation

1. Minimum baseline from one BM to another is 3 (three).
2. Base line length is consider the maximum deviation standard
3. Test the strength of figure by pre analysis software.
4. Independent baseline minimum (baseline nontrivial) fullfill the requirement :
S = (m.n) / r + (m.n)(p-1) / r + k.m
b = S (r-1)
S : total observation session
b : total independent baseline
m : total point
n : independent occupation, n = 1.75 ; n = 1,50
r : number of receiver
p : production factor, p = 1,1
k : safety factor, k = 0,2

5. GDOP ≤ 7, minimum satellite observed : 6 satellite

6. Angle mask > 15o.
7. Minimum Observation 45 minutes for Receiver GPS Dual Frequency (L1,L2)
or 60 minutes for Receiver GPS Single Frequency (L1).

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

8. Antenna height different + 2 mm

9. Interval Epoch 15 second.

 Observing Procedure.
1. Receiver Operation
2. Tripod Setup
3. Antenna Height Measurement
4. Tribrach Operation
5. Weather Observations
6. Personnel Operation

Figure 2.8. GPS Receiver

 Checklist.

1. GPS receiver, with operating manual, data collector, power supply, and data
2. Fixed-height tripod, or slip-leg tripod and tribrach,
3. HI measuring rods, tapes, or other devices for measuring antenna height
4. Calculator with squaring and square-root functions for computing antenna
height and converting measurements
5. Magnetic compass and inclinometer for orienting the antenna.
6. Bench Mark Description

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

7. Forms: Observation Log, Station Description, and Visibility Obstruction

8. Indelible black (fine ball point) pen for forms
9. Barometer or altimeter
10. Cell phone or radio for communication
11. Digital camera for documenting observation conditions
12. Data downloading equipment (computer, software, cables, diskettes)
13. Battery recharging equipment

5. Horizontal Control Survey.

To keep survey result accuracy, control point survey has to be done horizontally
as well as vertically. Close of the traverse system will be applied for horizontal
control point and Leveling will be applied for vertical control point

A traverse is a series of consecutive lines or line segments whose lengths and

directions are
known. A closed traverse such as the one conducted in this lab is typical for
boundary surveying.

Balancing Horizontal Angles

The geometric sum of the interior angles of any closed traverse is:
S Interior Angles = (n-2) * 180°
n = number of angles/sides of the traverse

If the sum of the measured angles does not add up to the geometric value, the
difference is divided by the number of interior angles, and the result is then

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

Traverse Coordinates
By knowing a bearing angle and a distance from a known point, the DX (also
called easting, or departure) and DY (also called northing, or latitude) from the
known point can be calculated.

Azimuth Angles
DX = D * sin A
DY = D * cos A
DX = change in X
DY = change in Y
D = Horizontal Distance
A = Azimuth angle (measured clockwise from north)

Vector of Closure and Precision

If all measurements were perfect when you add up the DX’s and DY’s for a
closed traverse they would each sum to 0 for perfect closure. Unfortunately even
with the best equipment and practices this is impossible and so you will need to
calculate the error of closure in the X (east or departure) and Y (north or latitude)
directions. The error of closure is computed as:
CX = total closure distance of X
CY = total closure distance of Y

The vector of closure (or error of linear closure) is determined using

Pythagorean’s Theorem.
Vector of Closure = [(CX)2 + (CY)2]1/2
The precision of traverse can then be determined by dividing the vector of
closure by the total perimeter of the traverse.

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

Total Station Equipment

The total station provides a quicker solution to this measurement by allowing a

light beam to measure the distance instead of a tape measure.
The total station sends an infrared laser that is reflected from a prism and sent
back to it.

Figure 2.9. Total Station and prism

Trigonometric Height

Heights can be measured with total stations in a number of different ways. In the
most common for trigonometric heighting can be carried out as shown below.

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

Figure 2.10. Trigonometric Method

Take two points A and B, the total station is set up, centred and levelled at A and
the target is set up at B. The slope distance L and the zenith (or vertical) angle z
(or α) are measured. The height of the instrument hi and the height of the target
hr are also recorded, if the reduced level HA is known, the reduced level at b HB is
calculated from:

H B  H A  hi  V AB  hr

The vertical component VAB is obtained from:

V AB  L cos z  L sin 

Accuracy :

The allowable tolerance for angle miss closure is:

Less than 10√n
where n=number of angles

Linear miss closure for main traverse is:

Less than 1 : 10,000

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

In some occasions where the main traverse could not reach the survey area,
branch traverse will be done. The allowable tolerance for branch traverse linear
miss closure is:
Less than 1 : 2,500

6. Vertical Control Survey

Vertical control survye is the process of determining elevations above mean sea-
level. In geodetic surveys executed primarily for mapping, geodetic positions are
referred to an ellipsoid, and the elevations of the positions are referred to the
geoid. Precise geodetic leveling is used to establish a basic network of vertical
control points. From these, the height of other positions in the survey can be
determined by supplementary methods. The mean sea-level surface used as a
reference ( Pasar Rebo vertical datum) is determined by averaging the hourly
water heights for a specified period of time at specified tide gauges.

The concept of leveling measurement is bring the different height by using

vertical bar, continuously.

Figure 2.11. Leveling Concept

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

Leveling measurement system will be used for vertical control point survey.
Leveling will be carried out by a double stand method and measured in opposite
directions, tied between two benchmarks which elevation has already been
The elevation of all traverse stations will be measured, and also the change in
level topography along the river or canal drainage alignment. All existing and new
installed BM will be passed by leveling if located in or closer to the traverse line.
The survey instrument will be set in the middle between two staves which are set
above the nail. The height of pegs will be measured in order to obtain the ground
elevation at the location.
The data to be recorded will be the reading of three stadia hairs, i.e. top (TH),
central (CH), and bottom hairs (BH) reading following traverse line. Distance
equipment to survey stave will not more than 50 m. Distance from equipment to
survey stave will not less than 5 m.
The difference between stand I and stand II will be less cor equal to 2 (two) mm,
and the difference between 2 CH and (TH+BH) will be less than or equal to 2

Figure 2.12. Automatic leveling equipment


The allowable tolerance for the miss closure for main leveling is:
Less than 8√D mm for main leveling. Where D=Total distance in km.

And accuracy of branch leveling is:

less than 10√D mm

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

Leveling measurement will be carried out using Automatic Level after BM


7. Longitudinal and Cross Section.

Cross sections are usually surveyed using electronic distance measuring (EDM)
equipment and theodolite or automatic leveling. The instruments are set up on
the line with the monuments, which serve as reference marks for horizontal and
vertical control. Deep gullies or vertical banks occasionally preclude precise
surveying measurements within the available time, and a few points on the cross
section are measured with hand level and tape.

Cross section will be provided in every 50 m with minimum 10 meter width to the
left and right of the river/drainage canal/waduk side.

Figure 2.13. Cross Section concept

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

Any change of ground elevation will be taken as detail points for longitudinal
and/cross sections. Cross section will take perpendicularly to the canal
alignment. Sketch of the measurements will be neat and clear to simplify the

Longitudinal section, 1:2000 in horizontal scale and 1:200 in vertical scale.
Cross section, 1:200 for horizontal and vertical scale.

8. Bathymetric Survey

The most important thing of this project is preparing profile of the bottom of river
or lake. The bathymetric survey by echo sounder will be used on this project.

Bathymetric survey is comprised of sounding (depth measurement) and

positioning (X, Y coordinate).

Bathymetric positions were derived using differential GPS techniques A rover

GPS receiver on the boat was simultaneously recording carrier information.
Below is an example depicting a typical bathymetric survey and the
communication links needed to obtain precise positions and measurements

Figure 2.14. Bathymetric positioning

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

Echo sounding is the technique of using sound pulses directed from the surface
or from a submarine vertically down to measure the distance to the bottom by
means of sound waves.
Echo sounding is based on the principle that water is an excellent medium for the
transmission of sound waves and that a sound pulse will bounce off a reflecting
layer, returning to its source as an echo. The time interval between the initiation
of a sound pulse and echo returned from the bottom can be used to determine
the depth of the bottom. An echo-sounding system consists of a transmitter, a
receiver that picks up the reflected echo, electronic timing and amplification
equipment, and an indicator or graphic recorder.
Distance is measured by multiplying half the time from the signal's outgoing pulse
to its return by the speed of sound in the water, which is approximately 1.5
kilometres per second. Echo sounding is effectively a special purpose application
of sonar used to locate the bottom.

Figure 2.15. Basic Acoustic

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

Figure 2.16. Echo sounder concept

A depth sounding system is to obtain continuous recording of the river/lake
bottom profile. The recordings are used to prepare contour map. The
Frequencies provided of the transducer for bathymetric survey is 120 - 200

Equipment has to be provide in the bathymetric survey are: Speedboat, echo
sounder provided with GPS, battery 12 v, meet band, bar check tools , safety
vest, laptop and location map. Another thing have to be consider are
personals who will involved in this survey, they are: driver, surveyor, and

Echo sounder Calibration

In every survey echo sounder calibration has to be done before and after
survey. Run echo sounder and measure depth by bar check.

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

Bathymetric Survey
Bathymetric survey will be done after bench mark installation and geodetic
survey finished. All of the sounding activities will be connected to these Bench
marks. Equipment used for sounding is depend upon the survey area. Data
fixed will be taken 50 m interval perpendicular with a waduk length.
Calibration will be done before and after survey.
Software used for data processing and drawing are Map source, LDD
AutoCAD and Surfer. This bathymetric survey result will be mixed with
topographical survey result. Therefore bathymetric and topographical survey
have to be one system.
Computer will be applied for all of computation. Field data logging from Echo
Sounder as well as Total Station have to be down load to the computer.
Echo sounding data is a depth measurement from water level to the bottom
profile. There fore water level has to be tied to the elevation reference before
computing. Hereafter all of control point and elevation reference complete, x,
y, z, and description data will be generated. This data will be saving in the
ASCII format and or Excel, with the data format order description, X, Y, and

Figure 2.17. Echosounder graphic

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Final Report for Topographic & Bathymetric Survey of JEDI Phase 2A

Echo sounder Equipment

Odom HydroTrac 8.5” Thermal Printer (fax paper) LCD display

Echosounder (1”high)
Sealed Keypad Controls
Manual/Remote Mark Command
Auto Scale Change (phasing)
GPS input
Heave Input from Motion Sensor
Annotation Printed on Chart
Auto Pulse Length, AGC & TVG
Output: NMEA, ECHOTRAC, etc.
Lightweight (32 lbs. / 14.5Kg)
Small Size (14 in. high x 16.75 in. wide x 8"
(356mm high x 425mm wide x 203mm
Resolution 0.1 feet or 0.01 metres

Bathy 500 Echosounder

 Interleaved Dual Frequency Operation

 Compatible with Hypack ™ and HydroPro
 ™ Software Processing Packages *****
 Thermal Recorder
 Depth Resolution 1cm
 LCD Display; RS232/422 Output
 External Programmable Annotation
 GPS/NAV Integration;
NMEA 0183 Input
 Menu Selectable Frequencies of Operation
 Power 11-30VDC,
115/230V, 50/60Hz, < 40watts

interchangeable high-resolution paper recorder

and full screen daylight LCD display with raw data storage

frequencies ranging from 10kHz to 750kHz

automatic and manual ping tuning to provide coverage to


external interfaces including Ethernet and inputs from GPS

reading water depth from ATLAS DESO

Echosounders via GeoDAS-PC andGeoDAS-LT

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