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Besana Jr, Pelmar E.

May 11, 2021

BS Criminology 2203

A preparation for a great tomorrow

Globalization plays an important role in the lives of every individual. It helps

people in their everyday living and in solving problems that they are facing. Through
the unending interconnection which led to sharing of knowledge and ideas, being open
to different observations, creating new inventions and implementation of global
actions, Globalization shows an impact and great contributions to the development of
the world. It is also the main reason why our world is constantly evolving. It provides
the needs of people like Services, Social related activities, and inventions of Medicines
that can cure someone else’s disease. All of this occurrence has been possible
because of the help of Technology which is the principal driver of Globalization. In
conjunction to the changing world, Globalization helps each country in collection of
systematic data through adoptable methods, creation of new and beneficial
advancement that can solve people’s problems, and in making discoveries that can
help our world develop.

Currently, we are facing a Global problem which is due to COVID 19. Because
of this, different nations were severely affected which can be seen in the collapse of
state’s economy, human tragedy, lacking to source of income, and increasing demand
to necessities specifically food and medicine. This pandemic really affected People’s
lives which limits them on the things that they normally do, worse than this, the virus
became the main reason to the death of thousands of people all over the world. When
the pandemic hit the world, People are longing for normal life which pushed them to
demand on vaccine and medicines that can cure this disease. As a matter of fact, the
solution to this problem can only be done with the help of Science, Technology and
Globalization. Science will act as the key in solving this problem in view of the fact that
it is the main source of knowledge and ideas that can help professionals and authorities
in creating the vaccine. Through Globalization and the use of technology, leaders will
be able to carry out plans in order to create an effective and right medication which will
help other countries soon. As part of this changing world, we literally don’t know what
will be our life in the future without globalization, but because of the unending
interconnection and unity, different countries are now able to adopt and adjust with the
current situation. As of now, what we can do is to continue follow instructions,
regulations and protocols for are safeness. Soon, A fruitful result will be seen in the
different parts of the world and gladly, all of this became possible through Globalization
that will surely lead our world to the sustainable development.

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