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Kum Yan (Woodlands) Church Children ministry’s Youth Assistant teachers’

Evaluation & Feedback Form

We appreciate all you do in serving and helping our Sunday School ministry and children! Please fill out this
form as quickly and as honestly as possible so we can evaluate your past 3 months of service in the ministry and
how we can improve in our partnership to serve the children for God in our ministry. Thank you in advance for
taking the time to fill this out and helping us progress in serving God together!

Name: Level attached: Pre-school / Primary

Scheduled week of duty: □ 1st □ 2nd □ 3rd □ 4th week of the month (Pls tick necessarily)

Initial reason of joining the children ministry:

Is serving in children ministry relevant to your passion and/or call from God? Yes / No (Pls explain below)

How many times have you assisted in the ministry so far: □ 1X □ 2X □ 3X □ 4X

1st time assisted teacher: (Pre-school/primary)

2nd time assisted teacher: (Pre-school/primary)

3rd time assisted teacher: (Pre-school/primary)

So far, have you enjoyed and learnt while serving in the children ministry? Yes / No

What do you like about serving in our children ministry?

What makes serving difficult in our children ministry? What are your struggles?

How can we, as team leaders, best support you as you minister? What can we do to make it easier or more

enjoyable for you to serve?

After the initial 3-months attached and observing our children ministry, do you still want to commit yourself to

continue serving in the Children ministry? Yes / No

How long would you commit to serve in our children ministry? Till (Date)

Areas you’re game to step-up and serve in the children ministry:

□ prayer □ worship □ games □ songs □ co-teach □ others:

Any other comments?

Thank you again for taking time to fill out this evaluation! As your SS Ministry Team Leaders, we are here to
serve you as you serve our church! - Joleen & Pei

12th March 2011 Teachers’ Training Evaluation Form
Please indicate your impressions of the items listed below.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree

1. The training met my expectations.     

2. I will be able to apply the knowledge learned.     

3. The training objectives for each topic were identified

    
and followed.

4. The content was organized & easy to follow.     

5. The materials distributed were useful.     

6. The trainer was knowledgeable.     

7. The quality of instruction was good.     

8. The trainer met the training objectives.     

9. Class participation & interaction were encouraged.     

10. Adequate time was provided for questions and

    

11. How do you rate the training overall?

Excellent Good Average Poor Very poor
    

Is there any other training you would like us to arrange for your equipping to help you better serve the
children in the ministry? Pls specify.

How did you personally benefited from this training? (Pls elaborate briefly)

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