The Four Principles - Satan, Lucifer, Leviathan, and Belial: Admin February 1, 2014

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The Four Principles – Satan, Lucifer, Leviathan, and 

Posted by Admin on February 1, 2014

The Four Crown Princes of Hell

These lists were written by Rev. Frederick Nagash of the Church of Lucifer.

“The Satan Principle

Satan’s number is six, six being the number of “the beast” representing mans carnal nature being set free.
Releasing the wolf within if you want to call it so. Sin no longer exists, nothing is sinful but to deny yourself of
pleasure in your Utopia.
Satan’s color is red, red being the color of emotion, Satan being the guardian of lust, anger, happiness,
sadness etc…being released.

Satan’s element is fire, fire being an appropriate representation of emotional outburst or ritual. Destruction and
lust are the two prime elements of fire and Satan.

Satan’s direction is south, south representing the dissension from God-hood to the ascension to God-hood.
Creation of ones Utopia.

Satan’s human element is anger, lust and primal emotion, representing the release of emotion through sex or
anger and crushing of ones enemies.

Satan’s altar element are the candles, Candles representing holding the flame of Satan or emotion, primal

Satan’s planetary aspect is Mars, Mars being the planet that represents justice. Due to the biblical story of
Satan punishing the sinners Satan was at times called the “Avenging Angel” or “Angel of Justice”.

Satan’s highest manifestation is through (wo)mans full release of the carnal will, self explanatory.

The Lucifer Principle

Lucifer’s number is nine, nine being the number of pride as any number nine is multiplied into returns to itself.
(Example: 9×5=45 – 4+5=9) Lucifer also being known as the “Angel of pride”. This represents being proud of
all things we do!

Lucifer’s color is blue, blue being the color of the sky and water representing that Lucifer is all around and
within us. That Lucifer is the prime element/energy that motivates and cultivates our world. Other colors Lucifer
is associated with are white and silver, so accordingly altar pentagrams must be surrounded by blue with a
silver/white pentagram with a black border.

Lucifer’s element is air, air being that which allows us to speak his words of truth as his manifestation on Earth.

Lucifer’s direction is the east, east being where a lot of the sacred wisdom and the great wars will come from. It
was once stated to me by a Germanic Luciferian that “a wise Magickian from Persia an Arab will come and
bring with him the aeon of Lucifer” or in lay-mans terms the Antichrist.

Lucifer’s human element is wisdom or applied knowledge, with time, study and practice it is believed that man
can attain the Lucifer state, this only through applied knowledge or wisdom.

Lucifer’s altar element is incense, incense being a representation of air, known to Luciferians as “sweet air”.

Lucifer’s planetary element is Venus, Lucifer being known as the morning star or first star of morning,
otherwise known as Venus. Venus, known as the “Planet of love” represents the beauty of Lux Ferre (Latin for
light bearer/bringer or Lucifer).

Lucifer’s consort/Female aspect is Lilith, Lilith being the first wife of Adam before becoming the queen of the
damned. It is said Lilith comes from the mud and the dust and is queen of the Succubi/Luciferic Witch. When
Lucifer and Lilith mate they equal the androgynous being known as “Baphomet” or the “Goat of Mendes” also
called “God of the Witches”. Liliths number is two, also known as the number of the eternal female. Lilith is
considered an equal to Lucifer to some, and the feminine aspect of Lucifer himself to others.

Lucifer’s highest manifestation is through understanding of oneself, this being the goal of the
Magickian/Luciferian to begin with, being as Lucifer himself, total awakening of the human god-form Lucifer.
Without knowing the self one cannot hope to achieve any real understanding of anything else. Applied
knowledge in action is a prime example of Lucifer’s manifestation!

The Leviathan Principle

Leviathan’s number is three, three being the number of Chaos as three can go into six and nine but doesn’t
have the stability of the number one.

Leviathan’s color is blue, blue being the color of the wild oceans untamed, (wo)mans carnal side overcoming
him/her, chaos.

Leviathan’s element is water, water being that which our human forms are primarily created of. This represent
the unity of matter and anti-matter, chaos and order, yin with yang.

Leviathan’s direction is west, west being used to represent chaos and disorder.
Leviathan’s human element is chaos, chaos meaning manifestation of order from the chaos of the nothing. No
longer controlling ones actions, words etc… and not remembering fragments of time due to anger or lust are
prime examples of this principal.

Leviathan’s altar element is water, used in the chalice as a sacrament to or as Leviathan.

Leviathan’s planet is man or microcosm, representing the bond between man and his own lost natural self.

Leviathan’s highest manifestation comes from man realizing his own deification, Just as God can create and
destroy so can we. Just as water is unpredictable and can be calm one moment and crashing another so are
we. That’s the gift of/from Leviathan!

The Belial Principle

Belial’s number is one, one being the number that represents earth and remaining firmto ones convictions.
Bullheadedness in a good way!

Belial’s color is black, black being the color of the primordial chaos before the Earth. Most Luciferic sigils have
black in them in some form representing the Earth.

Belial’s element is Earth, Earth being the element that sustains humanity. The carnal laws of man are dictated
by the laws of the Earth.

Belial’s direction is north, north being the representation of constantly striving forward and upward changing
and recreating our Utopia bigger and better.

Belial’s human element is remaining firm to ones own beliefs, not dancing around in pools of religious feces.
Finding a philosophy which is your own and sticking to it.

Belial’s altar element is the incense coal, representing Earth and (Wo)mankind holding the flame of Lucifer.

Belial’s planet is Earth, previously explained.

Belial’s highest manifestation is through understanding and living the natural laws of our carnal self, self
The Four Principles – Satan, Lucifer, Leviathan, and Belial
Posted by Admin on February 1, 2014

The Four Crown Princes of Hell

These lists were written by Rev. Frederick Nagash of the Church of Lucifer.

“The Satan Principle

Satan’s number is six, six being the number of “the beast” representing mans carnal nature being set free.
Releasing the wolf within if you want to call it so. Sin no longer exists, nothing is sinful but to deny yourself of
pleasure in your Utopia.
Satan’s color is red, red being the color of emotion, Satan being the guardian of lust, anger, happiness,
sadness etc…being released.

Satan’s element is fire, fire being an appropriate representation of emotional outburst or ritual. Destruction and
lust are the two prime elements of fire and Satan.

Satan’s direction is south, south representing the dissension from God-hood to the ascension to God-hood.
Creation of ones Utopia.

Satan’s human element is anger, lust and primal emotion, representing the release of emotion through sex or
anger and crushing of ones enemies.

Satan’s altar element are the candles, Candles representing holding the flame of Satan or emotion, primal

Satan’s planetary aspect is Mars, Mars being the planet that represents justice. Due to the biblical story of
Satan punishing the sinners Satan was at times called the “Avenging Angel” or “Angel of Justice”.

Satan’s highest manifestation is through (wo)mans full release of the carnal will, self explanatory.

The Lucifer Principle

Lucifer’s number is nine, nine being the number of pride as any number nine is multiplied into returns to itself.
(Example: 9×5=45 – 4+5=9) Lucifer also being known as the “Angel of pride”. This represents being proud of
all things we do!

Lucifer’s color is blue, blue being the color of the sky and water representing that Lucifer is all around and
within us. That Lucifer is the prime element/energy that motivates and cultivates our world. Other colors Lucifer
is associated with are white and silver, so accordingly altar pentagrams must be surrounded by blue with a
silver/white pentagram with a black border.

Lucifer’s element is air, air being that which allows us to speak his words of truth as his manifestation on Earth.

Lucifer’s direction is the east, east being where a lot of the sacred wisdom and the great wars will come from. It
was once stated to me by a Germanic Luciferian that “a wise Magickian from Persia an Arab will come and
bring with him the aeon of Lucifer” or in lay-mans terms the Antichrist.

Lucifer’s human element is wisdom or applied knowledge, with time, study and practice it is believed that man
can attain the Lucifer state, this only through applied knowledge or wisdom.

Lucifer’s altar element is incense, incense being a representation of air, known to Luciferians as “sweet air”.

Lucifer’s planetary element is Venus, Lucifer being known as the morning star or first star of morning,
otherwise known as Venus. Venus, known as the “Planet of love” represents the beauty of Lux Ferre (Latin for
light bearer/bringer or Lucifer).

Lucifer’s consort/Female aspect is Lilith, Lilith being the first wife of Adam before becoming the queen of the
damned. It is said Lilith comes from the mud and the dust and is queen of the Succubi/Luciferic Witch. When
Lucifer and Lilith mate they equal the androgynous being known as “Baphomet” or the “Goat of Mendes” also
called “God of the Witches”. Liliths number is two, also known as the number of the eternal female. Lilith is
considered an equal to Lucifer to some, and the feminine aspect of Lucifer himself to others.

Lucifer’s highest manifestation is through understanding of oneself, this being the goal of the
Magickian/Luciferian to begin with, being as Lucifer himself, total awakening of the human god-form Lucifer.
Without knowing the self one cannot hope to achieve any real understanding of anything else. Applied
knowledge in action is a prime example of Lucifer’s manifestation!

The Leviathan Principle

Leviathan’s number is three, three being the number of Chaos as three can go into six and nine but doesn’t
have the stability of the number one.

Leviathan’s color is blue, blue being the color of the wild oceans untamed, (wo)mans carnal side overcoming
him/her, chaos.

Leviathan’s element is water, water being that which our human forms are primarily created of. This represent
the unity of matter and anti-matter, chaos and order, yin with yang.

La dirección de Leviathan está al oeste y al oeste se usa para representar el caos y el desorden.
El elemento humano de Leviathan es el caos, el caos es la manifestación del orden del caos de la nada. Ya
no se controlan las acciones, palabras, etc. ... y no recordar fragmentos de tiempo debido a la ira o la lujuria
son ejemplos principales de este principio.
El elemento del altar de Leviathan es agua, usada en el cáliz como un sacramento para o como Leviatán.
El planeta de Leviathan es hombre o microcosmos, que representa el vínculo entre el hombre y su propio yo
natural perdido.
La manifestación más elevada de Leviatán proviene del hombre al darse cuenta de su propia deificación, así
como Dios puede crear y destruir también nosotros podemos. Así como el agua es impredecible y puede
calmarse en un momento y chocar con otro, así somos nosotros. ¡Ese es el regalo de / de Leviathan!
El principio de Belial
El número de Belial es uno, uno es el número que representa la tierra y permanece firme con sus
convicciones. ¡Bullhead en el buen sentido!
El color de Belial es negro, el negro es el color del caos primordial antes de la Tierra. La mayoría de los sigilos
luciféricos tienen negro en ellos de alguna forma que representa la Tierra.
El elemento de Belial es la Tierra, siendo la Tierra el elemento que sostiene a la humanidad. Las leyes
carnales del hombre están dictadas por las leyes de la Tierra.
La dirección de Belial está al norte, el norte es la representación de constantemente esforzándose hacia
adelante y hacia arriba cambiando y recreando nuestra Utopía más grande y mejor.
El elemento humano de Belial se mantiene firme a las propias creencias, no bailando en estanques de heces
religiosas. Encontrar una filosofía que sea la tuya y aferrarte a ella.
El elemento del altar de Belial es el carbón de incienso, que representa a la Tierra y (Wo) a la humanidad
sosteniendo la llama de Lucifer.
El planeta de Belial es Tierra, previamente explicado.
La manifestación más alta de Belial es a través de la comprensión y la vivencia de las leyes naturales de
nuestro ser carnal, que se explica por sí mismo ".

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