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@ 2021


Coronavirus/Vaccination/5g Technology/Rise in
Satanism/Plans for A New World Order And The
Salvation Of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Inspired by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome DSc. DD
President of LoveWorld Inc.… (Christ Embassy).

Thank You, Lord we worship you, we honor you. Thank You
for your Love, for your Grace, for your guidance, for your
presence. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to live in us.
Thank you for teaching us the word of God. Thank you for
helping us know your heart, your thoughts, and your plans.
Thank you for giving us direction in Life. Thank you for your
Grace. Now in our hearts and minds. I open to receive the
Word of God. We receive it gladly with Faith and meekness in
the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord. Amen


As the Covid 19 pandemic continues to destroy the world,
causing economic hardship across Nations and killing many
people, Researcher and Writer Dennis Osei Okyere have come
up with theories and findings which reveal that this entire
Covid – 19 pandemic and lockdowns are planned by certain
individuals seeking power to control the World.
There have been so many talks about who is responsible and
what is responsible, we know who is responsible, we know
what is responsible but discussing who is responsible in the
earth realm and how they are responsible is not helpful, what is
important is stopping it.
Because there are many players in what‟s going on. See
someone may not be responsible for a crime but if he takes
advantage of the crime then he is as guilty as the perpetrators. I
will tell you about the perpetrators and the collaborators and
also the desk murderers who are policymakers, all they do is
make policies they are not responsible for what happens
afterward. They drafted the policies in offices but it led to the
killings, you are just as guilty as the last group called the
grassroots murderers. Those are the ones who have been
inspired, motivated to execute the actions, they are all the same
so the one who is responsible for it, the one who takes
advantage of it are no different. My main issue and the best
part is how to live beyond these things and is important to let
us understand what the Lord will have us do. We can‟t be


bothered about the antichrist because he cannot show up now;

he can‟t show up yet…
Why? Is not his time. Well, Would Satan rather let him show
up now Of Course he would... Would Satan like to take over
right now, of course, he would? Would Satan like to have
control over the nations right now... Of Course, he would
Would satan like to have all governments right now he would.
One World Economy right now, Of course, he would One
World Religion he would. The efforts are there, these efforts
have been there for some years now and the planners,
executors, and perpetrators work and work and then it fails
somehow, something happens then they are out of office.
Another group comes in they have been doing this for a long
time and let me tell you those that are also at work right now
and trying to bring this thing will fail Why? Because it is not
their time. So they are making the efforts. Those that are the
main drivers and designers if you will who want the One-
World Government, the New World Order those at the
forefronts of it and are working very hard, they may have good
intentions. They have never had a better chance than right now
to bring this world into a one-world government, collapse the
whole thing into One Economy and even bring in One –World
Religion they may have never had a better opportunity. This is
the best opportunity they have had since the beginning of their
ideas and many of them know it. So many of them are thinking
we got to do it, we got to do it now. For example some of the
policies and restrictions that the world experienced after 9/11,


the terrorist attack of 9/11. It wasn‟t the policymakers that

aided the terrorists. They didn‟t ask the people to do it but
when that thing happened it paved the way for some of the
regulations that many have been trying to bring in for years
and have been saying we need to do this and they didn‟t have
the opportunity. That was the best time to bring them in and
they did and we changed forever and we created a monster and
lost a loss of our liberty. So here we are again a new
opportunity for new regulations you don‟t know what changes
will take place because of this but I can tell you there are a lot
of things that have already been crafted and the idea that
everybody must be vaccinated, the force vaccination that has
been planned in several quarters is dead, believe me.

Throughout this expose: These are the important elements that

I am going to be emphasized on,

a. What‟s the cause of the Covid-19? This is interesting why

do I say it‟s interesting, I have consulted with researchers
I have done my research, I have asked questions.
b. Do you know the scientist cannot tell us the origin of the


c. Isn‟t it interesting they can‟t tell us the origin of any virus

so if you don‟t know the origin of viruses isn‟t that very

Some people will say that some of us are peddling conspiracy

theories. Now that is to say we are alleging that there is a
conspiracy. I am not merely alleging that there is a conspiracy,
there is a conspiracy. What do you think am talking about
here? I am not theorizing, am reading scripture.
So we have the conspirators, perpetrators, collaborators and
among the collaborators, you have the desk assistants in crime
those who helped to draw up guidelines and all those things,
they know they are lying and deceiving people and they are
part of the problem. And others are part of the conspiracy of
silence, they are quiet because they are afraid of losing their job

Okay if Mr. A says he knows, Mr. B says you are wrong Mr. A
you don‟t know, the only way Mr. B can prove that Mr. A is
wrong is to prove where it came from. If you cannot say I am
wrong but you don‟t know, you must have evidence that I am
wrong. Now, what am I saying about this? I have noticed the
two schools of thought okay the very biological that jumps in
the middle of the issue and starts explaining what the covid-19
is, that means what it is right now and how it affects people
right now. Ask the experts where it came from they can‟t tell.
None of those people can tell and I don‟t blame them, they are


just saying what they learned in school. But the group that says
we know what the problem is and I am saying oh! really what is
the problem?. So these two schools are speaking and my
thought is why don‟t you allow the rest of us to have the liberty
to review the information ourselves. Why should there be such
censorship if there is no written rule as to where came from.
Until you prove to the guy who says he knows where it came
from and until you prove him wrong there is no point deleting
his material. So we have those who tell us that it is connected
to the 5g.








Here is the issue why so many people testing positive Is it the

virus that they are testing positive for? Or it is not the virus.
So one school of thought says it is not the virus that is making
people test positive. So we say so what is making them positive.
So you ask them so is there a virus, they say Yes there is a
virus. So what is making them test positive, something else is
making them test positive, So what is the thing? And what is
killing the people? And you may have it without feeling so, and
that‟s the reason behind the reason vaccination for everyone.
Some of them have said something very interesting and I have
investigated the full truth of the matter.
1. Some of them say what‟s making people test positive is
connected to 5g microwave radiation, it‟s got to do with
your telephone, your Wi-Fi, and how it affects you with


the latest 5g network that is about 10 times stronger than

2. And here this topmost writer that condemns it is from the
USA today so I decided to find out about him since he says
is not true. I find out about him and I find out his clients
are at the bottom of his writings. His major clients are
Microsoft, Dell, and Samsung, How can that be a fair


That kind is not the guy to tell us that this is not true, he
will be compromised. So I wanted to believe him but when
I saw that no you can‟t believe him he is too compromised.
Now, this is the problem with the Covid-19 right now,
governments are not asking questions, and when they ask
questions they don‟t get the answers and they continue.
Now those who have done detailed research are serious
with these things.

Are you aware that you are not supposed to put a phone in
your pocket? These are researches. Keeping phones in
your pockets for men could make you sterile or infertile,
it‟s now been said that prolong use of the phone close to
your ear has brain damage capabilities and can affect your
eyes. All these things are real and it‟s not conspiracy
theorists that are saying this, no they are right in the


industry. Now, this is before 5g, now with 5g think what‟s

going on. My point is they haven‟t done the right
research. Now one of the craziest things going is that
there are those carrying genuine researches and they are
those who are paid to research on the opposite. The latter
try their best to get every piece of information available to
convince the public that there is no problem and so they
are doing that. So I must just ensure to you, you need to
ensure that there is accurate information. This can also
lead to DNA damage and cancer. You can google this by
yourself, check EMF research (Electro-magnetic Field
Research). Go and see all the information there you will be
amazed and especially for children that this thing is
affecting the most. So I feel they should let others speak.
Governments need to invite those people to speak. Don‟t
just listen to your regulators, call from both sides and
listen to them and then make informed decisions than
listening to one side and panicking and pushing everybody
in the wrong direction. Some of them who are being
silenced are the ones calling for an investigation between
the Covid-19 and the 5g technology effects on the body.
There needs to be an investigation and for those who are
not carrying out any investigation and letting this
dangerous thing going on, I think that there is real
foolishness to it. You‟ve got to investigate and check
yourself. Look into it for your own country, state, if you
have the solution the world will come and listen to you it‟s
as simple as that don‟t wait until the solution comes from

somewhere, be a pacesetter. If we don‟t try it never works,

nothing works. So if there is a relationship between them
let‟s know. Let‟s not just accept those who sit there and
give none and then give us awkward views No! compare
with those who say there is a relationship between the
two. Especially as I told you they have no clue on the
origin of viruses that for me is huge. If you don‟t know the
origin of a thing, you don‟t know how to completely tame
it because it can change to another form because you don‟t
know the origin. How do you even know all its patterns?
Recently they said it‟s not airborne and later then they
said it‟s airborne. So if it's airborne how can lockdown help
it, will you trap the air somehow and stop it from coming
into your house but initially they said it was from your
cough, from your sneezing if it falls from something
within a meter away. So they said distancing of six feet or
something like that. All of a sudden they said is now
floating in the air. And some people who have not been in
contact with anyone have tested positive. How is that
happening? I am a scholar, scholars ask questions

If you saw someone that had cancer and you had a drug and
you said look I now have a drug that can cure your cancer, and
the person says can I have it and you reply Yes but first I have
to warn you when you take this drug your cancer will be cured
but you become blind and limb then he has to think whether he
can take it. This is why they must give us the warnings 5g can


cause so you know what you are getting into and even the
phones. The truth of the matter is, some of the warnings are
actually hidden in the legal information segment which nobody
goes into when they buy a phone, and nobody goes there. It‟s
not fair but the love of money is the root of all evil.
If you look at the models with which reasons the lockdowns all
over the world were affected, we were told that they will die by
the millions. That has not happened. and why? You may say it‟s
because of the lockdowns. No! There is no scientific proof that
shows that the lockdowns, mask-wearing, social distancing
were responsible because societies, communities, countries
where there were no lockdowns and social distancing, no
masks, and yet they had the virus didn‟t have worst situations
than those who did. So far there is no scientific proof that this
produced the result that we are getting and now many states
and countries are reviewing the number of premature deaths. lt
reported because they all agreed that they had to hype it up,
counting all those who had nothing to do with the virus as
Covid 19 deaths. And I have studied the subject, those who say
that the 5g has no health risks or problems they are not telling
the truth and there‟s why, none of them has produced any
scientific evidence to that effect, all researches produced so far
that are attainable have stated that the 5g currently has health
problems, serious health problems and they all are calling for a
moratorium on the rollout and some changes. Let me make it
clear 5g technology has been around, so just you will
understand. Some hospitals have been using 5g technology. It‟s


the way it‟s rollout that we are talking about, Okay so if it‟s
called cable, no problem most have not had any problem. But
when you have to use these thousands of cell towers because
the 5g don‟t give you a long throw so you have to have so
many, cell sites for this to produce results and this is where the
real danger is because people are sandwiched between these
installations producing so much electronic magnetic radiation.
Since 2013 to begin with
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine released a
statement in support of research support by Dr. Frederica



This was as far back as 2013, the evidence is irrefutable. Now in

2017 and 2019, 180 scientists and doctors warned of potential
serious health effects of 5g technology.

And you search and read the rest of it for yourself. Now, this
communication continued between these scientists and the EU
authorities into 2019.





Now the facts are clear, these are those who would rather spend
time and money investigating and sanctioning free speeches
than investigate the harmful effects on health.



Up till now, there are no industry health safety tests on 5g.

Am not at war with 5g and what we are saying is to review the
packaging of this technology for health reasons. No one is
looking into and that is why I say that the only way we can
prove that there is no conspiracy between the rolling out of 5g
and the virus is for the rest of this year, there should be no
rolling out of 5g and you will know the so-called second wave,
the resurgence that is being expected of the virus will not take
place. Why? Because it‟s been used as the cover. And that‟s
what some people don‟t like us to say, but this is a reality and
that is to say, there is a connection of any of them coming
together. There is a connection when one thing is done on the
cover of the other. Because everyone is angry with China for
the virus but no one is challenging China about the 5g
technology because everyone is in the race to also have the 5g


and there is nothing, wrong because of what it can do but the

reason governments are not going to be handling and going to
stop it is because they all know what it can do. Also, it‟s being
used for surveillance and that is something that provides the
perfect platform for the perfect control. So you can understand
why a lot of people would want to have it


I wish I could show, what was the concluding response of the

EU to those science and what did those science and experts say,
they concluded that the EU was not serious about, reviewing
and researching the 5g technology for health reasons. They
were convinced that the officials had in their minds what they
wanted to do. Now, this is not science. That‟s the reason why
problems of this nature would likely go on or wrong if they are
unchallenged. I think that the moment is here for everyone,
that a health problem in one place is a health problem in every
place. We should all be concerned if you feel like oh you are far
away from it doesn‟t matter so you may not care. If you think
like Jesus you will be concerned.

Technology can provide tremendous benefits in our daily lives.

But the current wireless technology systems are not safe,
especially with the 5g technology now. And the more research


I do, and the experts I talk to, the more concerned I become.
There is no doubt that those are benefits such as autonomous
vehicles and faster download speeds. But sometimes, I think is
important that we understand that 5g technology is an
incurrent number on our cell phones. Hundreds of scientists
and researchers from 41 countries from around the world have
formally written to the United Nations, their member nations,
and the World Health Organization expressing their concern
over the planned roll-out of the 5g technology, especially for
vulnerable populations such as children, pregnant women and
those who are environmentally sensitive. They have been
joined by state legislatures and federal regulators who have
asked the SCC to provide evidence that there is no harm from
the roll-out of 5g wireless technology, there is no doubt that
the engineers, businesses, and companies that roll out
technology are well-meaning. However, their faces are being
first to market and getting new products into the market as
efficiently and quickly as possible. I am not aware of any
research or studies by the technology industry or any related
industry that deem all with health safety effects of wireless
technology. Here are some important facts about 5g.
a. 5g Wireless technology has not been tested. I am not
aware of a single study that shows 5g wireless technology
is safe.
b. 5g wireless technology as all other wireless technology
gives off radio frequency waves radiation which is
absorbed in human bodies. One statement of 5g wireless


technology is millimeter waves. Millimeter waves are used

by the US and Israeli governments in their active systems
for crowd control. What they do is provide a very painful
reaction in the skin or organs of the body. We have no
idea what the impact will be on human health if that kind
of millimeter wave technology is used when we are
exposed to it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are
significant health effects from wireless technology and
wireless devices. These include

All are caused by exposure to wireless devices and


More serious include.


Mental health also is imparted.

All these health factors and conditions have risen

exponentially over the last 30 years and hundreds of
studies have shown proof of biological harm from wireless
devices. Most recently in 2018, the national institute of

Toxicity program released findings of a 14 year 25 million

dollar study that shows clear evidence of harm in terms of
cancer and permanent DNA damage. This study which
was done several months later was verified by the
prestigious Institute in Italy which found the same results.
Now you may ask how is that a product that may have this
potential harm could ever be released to the market and
the public for use. And by the way, the product work is
that the FCC regulates all wireless devices and products
associated with them. Unfortunately, the FCC is made up
of previous telecom executives, lawyers, and engineers. It
doesn‟t have any scientists or doctors that will be expected
to be involved in the regulation of potentially harmful
products. The FCC guidelines are 20 years out of date
without any major significant improvements. Countries
such as China, Russia, Italy, and Switzerland have safety
guidelines that are 100 times safer for their citizens. The
FCC guidelines are based on small-short term frequent
exposure. They do not worry about the accumulated
effects from multiple devices. They don‟t measure or
monitor 24 hours a day or 7 days a week. And they have
no special consideration for children. Pregnant women or
those who have shown environmental sensitivities to
wireless radiation. In addition to concern about other
guidelines. There is no oversight provided by the FCC.
And the telecommunications industry is self–policing. So
what we are left with is almost worse scenarios where the
regulations and the guidelines are significantly lacking

and the industry is left to its own accord to roll out the
technology to the marketplace. In addition to the concern
about other the guidelines.

The federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 prohibits

any telecommunications company to be sued based on the
safety or health implications of their products. So in other
words there is no liability to the telecommunications
industry for many of the impacts of their products.
There is also mounting evidence that the
telecommunication industry knew about the potential
impact of radiation years ago. We are starting to see some
of the behavior of the telecommunications industry similar
to the Tobacco industry over the last few decades. The
Telecommunications industry has over 500 lobbyists
working in congress and other areas of legislation and
protection of the Industry. Together all these issues have


reference plus a general lack of awareness in the general

public has led to the situation where are today.
So where are we today? Today we currently have a
significant amount of exposure in our homes and our
businesses, in our schools, and in most public places we go
to. A recent research study has announced that by 2030
there will be 500 billion wireless connected devices in the
world. That works out to be almost 60 devices per person
on the planet. Many states and cities around the world are
debating and passing legislation on the roll-out of the 5g
technology. And in fact, what we are seeing in the US is
that the Federal and the state level are fast-tracking some
of this legislation in support of the 5g wireless
infrastructure. Unfortunately, this legislation seems to be
taking away all individual rights and the rights of local
towns, countries, and states and passing more power to
the telecommunication companies. We believe this is a
historic and unprecedented power shift from the individual
on the state level and local level over to the industry.
Many communities in the U.S and around the world are
passing more moratoriums preventing the rollout of the
5g technology until it is proven safe. 5g will impact you
personally. Some designs show the requirement for small-
cell 5g antennas as close as every third house in the
neighborhood and could be as close as every 500 ft in
public areas. The impact of that radiation at that level of
frequency, intensity, and power, 24 hours a day/7 days a
week is unprecedented and is not understood.

I am convinced that there are safer alternatives available

so we can have the best of both worlds. Technologies that
can provide the best benefits but technology that is safe.
There is an incentive or motivation to provide the
research and the funding to look for safer alternatives. So
that‟s why it‟s up to us to help encourage that investment
which can be by asking our legislature to pass legislation,
encourage the industry to do it, or by asking, trying to
advocate to change in the industry to allow them to have
more responsible people to provide safer technology that
supervises tremendous benefits. Here is what you can do
the most important thing is to get educated. We are being
provided with a little bit of an overview and some of the
scientific evidence that shows us its potential harm. But
now you have to take the initiative.
a. The environmental health


b. Safer Emr .com

c. Physicians for safe technology
Other resources are listed. Ultimately your knowledge is in
your power and your power is in your hands. We are advocates
for safe technology, not No technology.
I am an advocate for safe technology, not No technology. So for
those who like to use misinformation and accuse others of
misinformation, is not right. So the industry players need to get
serious and place a moratorium on the roll-out and review it
otherwise it lends further credence to the idea that it must have
a part to play in it.

The virus Covid 19 also known as Sars Cov-2 was a man-made

virus that was conceived in The United States of America and
delivered in a lab in Wuhan, China. China was made the
scapegoat because they didn‟t produce it. Somebody else
produced it took it to China and released it from China. People
will say, how do I know this? Well I know by Revelation”
It was concealed as a killer disease by the 5g enablement
masquerade which resulted in the massive deaths as seen on
television and the internet to sow fear in the hearts of people.
The virus itself is not near as fatal as many feared because only
0.1% fatality that this virus has power for that means 99.9% of
people who get it expect to survive. It simply means it‟s not a
pandemic. It doesn‟t fit the definition of a pandemic. If 99.9% of


people survive it and have only so far had a 0.1% fatality rate. It
tells you something.
The restrictions, lockdowns, mask mandates, Covid-tests, and
social distancing were all based on a nefarious agenda of a
secret and evil group who finally got governments and leaders
to buy into this agenda through financial manipulations and
veiled threats.
The Bible fully describes these activities in prophetic verses
and the Bible gives us a definite period for their occurrence.
The time determined for this is a few years later but as often is
the case, Satan/Lucifer always likes to gain more time and
that‟s the reason for all his work right now, struggling for time.
The Church of Jesus Christ has the power and authority to
alter these developments and must exercise them
These crises will separate the chaff from the wheat in the
Church of God, and distinguish between the true Church and
the deep Church.
Are you aware that in many countries around the world there
are certain ministers of the Gospel who are approaching
governments and convincing them to have lockdown of
churches and they refuse to open churches in many nations? I
am not guessing to you, am telling you what is happening,
these are the things that are happening already on record.
Where ministers have fled their churches which has become
desolate. At a time like this, what should these ministers have


done as true ministers of God, they should have been lying

down between the altars and crying to God, the churches of
God, the Houses of God have become desolate. Look at those
facilities that they prayed to God to give them money for and
they promised God that they will worship him there and win
souls there; they will read the Bible there, now these places
have become desolate because of the fear that has been in their
hearts because they never knew God.
If you are afraid of the virus you have never known Jesus,
this is the truth and you would have to accept it.




Listen these things are going to get a lot worse until the
rapture of the church of Jesus Christ. The coming of the Lord is
close. Make no mistake about it and there are signs including
these things they are part of the signs

For the churches of Christ, we are in that place where others

found themselves. The stage is set but we must take action.
There are things they can‟t do which we can do.

Look at the desolation of Church facilities around the world.

Churches are quiet, the voices of praise have been silenced and
you say it‟s okay. You ought to be fasting and weeping. Church
pastors getting money from turning their churches into
isolation centers, and vaccination centers, information centers
for Covid. Those isolation centers will become detention
centers and from that, they will move to extermination centers.
There are over a million people in concentration camps in
China and it‟s got nothing to do with the Covid-19 but due to
their religious beliefs. So where is all this going, is going where
it has gone before and for some people who thought it has gone
forever. It didn‟t go, it has come back strangely. Many you


need to know what led Adolf Hitler to become the butcher and
the evil man that he became. You would be amazed that Hitler
didn‟t start like that No! He had an ideology that was based on
the teachings and doctrines of certain other groups

So it‟s just no longer an isolation center, is going to be a

detention center. So what happens to the refugees? If the
refugee camps will be turned into detention centers.
Nobody is asking that question? I can tell you simply just
go back to history. Find out what happened in Nazi
Germany. What they are telling you is the extermination
of those refugees they are non-persons because their place
will be taken over. You think they are going to give them
free citizenship because they are refugees. No big wonder,
that‟s the same place where it happened before, they know
how to do it and how the same things are being planned in

Canada and all around the world, the same agenda is being
circulated by the same perpetrators of evil. It‟s all about
the reduction of the population around the world. Why?
It‟s simple Europe is broke, that‟s the reason. Europe is
the father of Canada. Europe is the father of the US and it
dominated the whole world at one time, don‟t forget it.
You think they like it now that they are broke and they
have to rely on other nations to get what they want, So all
their children are all these nations that came out of Europe
including the Unites States are all functioning for the
interest of Europe, because Europe has got no money and
so they have to come up with this idea to control the
whole world one more time, but this time they made their
mind the population is too large they got it cut down, they
will but it should only happen at the appointed time not
before then, if they try to do that before that is to set us,
God‟s church against their agenda and we will not let it
happen and that‟s the reason for this.
The name Europe comes from the name Europa which is
applied to a woman, now the name of this woman at a
given time in history began to be applied to a territory.
Nowadays it has become a whole continent. But originally
when the name Europe was first applied, it was applied to
the territory of Greece. Europe is much larger than
Greece. But in those days the only civilized area of that
expansion of that new continent to the West was Greece.
Its only years later civilization developed in other areas of
Europe through the Romans so now the whole expansion

of that continent, the West received the name of Europe.

See Europe was just at first a small part, now the whole
continent is called Europe. But Europe still expanded
because there is something extraordinary that took place
in Western Europe. And most of us have studied it our
books of History in schools is called the Renaissance from
the 14th Century. Some historians take it lasted to the 17 th
Century. Renaissance is a French word, which means
rebirth. There was a rebirth in Europe. When you study
the books of History. You find out that from the 14th
Century, 15th Century, 16th Century, Suddenly across
Europe, there was so much enlightenment. Europe was
now bubbling with inventions, bubbling with life,
bubbling with advancement, bubbling with the invention,
bubbling with development, bubbling in the Science,
bubbling in the arts, so these countries in Europe, some of
them very small even launch themselves to conquer the
whole world, they built armies, they built navies, now this
is something that sometimes makes me marvel because I
look at a country like Spain which is not a large country
compared to what is in the world and even countries
smaller than Spain like Portugal, or in the Netherlands
which are not large today even in those days, which are
much smaller in population and yet these small countries
became so much powerful and influential that they were
able to build navies, armies across the Ocean and conquer
entire continents, the Portuguese went to Asia, they went
to America, the Spanish went to America they went to

Asia. The British also went everywhere and you know as

the Europeans
got to these places particularly in America there was no
power no force, no tribe that could stop them. Their
superiority in every way dominated, particularly the
continent of America was completely taken over by
Europeans from the north to the center to the south. The
British, the French, the Spanish, the Portuguese, the
Dutch. So America truly became an extension of Europe
even though we don‟t recognize America as Europeans.
America in every way was European. It was Europeans
that founded the United States of America, and also
Canada. I am saying these for a reason. I said earlier that
Europe was first applied to Greece then it extended to the
whole continent of Europe, then Europe extended itself to
America even if you look at Australia, and New Zealand
that happened in the 18th Century, those countries were
also conquered by Europeans. You know is like imagine
humans go to the moon and establish themselves in the
moon and they begin to live on the moon. We would be
still calling the moon, moon. We would not call the moon,
earth. And maybe the new inhabitants that are in the
moon, we would call it moonians but in every way, there
are humans from the earth. In every way, they are an
extension of the earth. In every way, their culture, their
administration, their civilization is the one from the Earth.
We may call them another name, we may call that land
another name but in every way, there are still humans

from the earth. What am saying is that even though we

might call America, America. In every way that
civilization is an extension of Western Europe.
And the important question is what happened, you know I
mention from the 14th Century, there was a rebirth in
Europe. What happened? What exactly happened?
Consider this, Europe was coming from what is called the
middle ages or the dark ages Europe has been in the dark
ages and Suddenly there is a move into a rebirth, a new
dispensation, and a continent that was under darkness was
now translated to a place of enlightenment, a life of
advancement of the progress of development, of
civilization What happened? Now so much can be said
about this and of course, the books of History are full of so
many theories and explanations. But one is certain and
that is the prominent role of the Church of Jesus Christ in
Western Europe and I would like to explain just a little
When you look at the development of societies in Western
Europe. In the last centuries before the rebirth, that‟s the
12th and 13th century, this is still in the middle and dark
ages but something was cooking in Western Europe. The
church of Jesus Christ was taking a prominent role. The
word I would use is the word the man of God, Pastor
Chris Oyakhilome used which was Protagonism. Which
means of leading role or prominent role? In a movie, the
chief actor or actress is called the protagonist or
protagonist because it‟s the leading actor or has the

leading role. It‟s the main character in the story and that is
what happened in the centuries before the rebirth. The
church of Jesus Christ in Western Europe had a chief,
prominent, leading role and it became the protagonist in
so many ways. One of the ways I would like to mention in
nowadays there are some, in Western Europe, we look at
some churches or church history we may not have the
prayer picture of what all that meant centuries back. We
may look at those things particularly if we look at the
monastery, convent. We may think that these are placed
where some religious people secluded themselves. But it
was something entirely different. Hallelujah For instance
let me talk about monasteries, convents these are places
where particularly young men and women secluded
themselves but it was not so much as seclusion always but
separated themselves from the world to serve Christ
chiefly in prayer. But also in ministry growth as a society.
Hallelujah! And what we see in the 11th, 12th 13th centuries
before the rebirth in Europe. These places of these
monasteries used to be small communities where some
Christians gather but in the process when we get to the
12th and 13th Century this community grew and become
large complexes where hundreds of people particularly
young people with vocations to serve Christ enrolled and
joined. And around those Christian complexes, civilization
began to be developed and Christians began to live to
depend and to relate to those centers of Christian
excellence. Let me tell you something the leading role of

people in these monasteries and convents was to pray. Am

saying something here because there is an explanation on
how the church of Jesus Christ is going to usher in a New
World Order as purposed in the will of God is through
three things.
a. Prayer
Sometimes picture these young people and some of
them not so young serving in these Christian
monasteries, convents and they are praying every day.
They are not married and have given themselves to
serve Christ in those places and they are praying, that
was their leading ministry and service.

b. Ministry

c. Protagonism

Now there is an appointed time for the work of Satan to

carry out his works. Now before that time, Satan himself
has other things that he does. And that time will be the
most disastrous, the most devilish period of the World. It
the worst time ever and then God only allows it for three
and half years, Satan doesn‟t like that. If he could it for a
hundred years he would, it‟s his character to be evil. When
we are raptured into heaven then they can do what they
want to do, but while we are still here, we got to do what
we have to do.

See what‟s happening and to see those that were looked up to

so scared of death was unthinkable. They are waiting for some
medicine. Is that how small you are? And they are afraid, they
heard it killed so many people and right away, the shockwaves
went through the cities and even to the palaces, to the
parliament and the executive councils, fear everywhere. Where
is all your talk? .Even the ministers have shut down their
churches, they won‟t even go there, they are pleading with the
government not to open churches, they are so scared. So what
does Reverend, Doctor, Apostle, Prophet, Bishop, Archbishop
what do all those things mean? If those things don‟t mean the
power of God then why do you have them? Those people who
answered those things in the Bible all had the power of God. If
you don‟t have the power of God why do you answer to that?
Those names are reserved for those who have the power of
God. I am not criticizing you, am calling your attention, am
trying to show you why Jesus came. If this was not included
what you are saying is a fail. Read your Bible, it didn‟t fail. You
were even told that most people that get the virus come out of
it and are cured. Most of them don‟t even get sick, you even
heard that. The serpent that bit Paul in the Bible was a
venomous serpent, everybody knew if you got bit by it you
were going to die and those who were around Paul were
watching him, they expected him to swell and die right away.
He didn‟t even pay attention to it; he shook it in the fire and
carried on discussing the gospel. You read that in your Bible,
you thought he had great faith, no it wasn‟t‟ great faith it was
about what Jesus said, that‟s how to know the difference of

those who believed in him and those who didn‟t. He said these
signs shall follow them that believed. They shall drink any
deadly thing, in other words, if any deadly thing got into their
system, he says it shall not hurt them that means destructive
poisonous substances. You see if you never knew this you have
to start learning it now because there are days ahead that are
tougher than these days, how are you going to face the future
that‟s coming.
There is a rebellion against divine authority. You are
seeing it around the world, hatred for the church, and
some people dare to burn down Bibles in the United
States. Can you imagine that? I mean if that happened in
Iran, you would say Wow! Are they going that bad, but
this happened in the United States? They burned Bibles
and they called it a protest. So is a rejection of Christ,
that‟s what they are doing, they are mad against God, mad
against the church. The problem is a lot of God‟s people,
the church didn‟t know how to handle these things but
that‟s where we are right now. See God‟s word was not
just for the feel-good church, it wasn‟t supposed to make
us feel good. No! too many people have been brought up to
have just a feel-good life. Most of the time, God‟s people
were just satisfied to learn how to get more money, how to
get a good job, how to feel good, how to be nice. Okay,
how to be successful in worldly standards. I believe some
of those things are very offensive to God but most don‟t


know it. God wants you to have a good life but that‟s your
dream? Is that your testimony?
The highest purpose and the main purpose of the gospel of
Jesus Christ is a call to fellowship. The reason he had to
die for our sins is that fellowship was not possible until the
man was brought out of his sin. So you see salvation from
Sin was a means to an end. The Saviour didn‟t come so he
will be a Saviour, the Saviour was a means to an end, and
the end purpose was fellowship. When you understand
this fellowship it will change your mentality, it will change
your life forever. It will change your thoughts, your
mindsets everything about you will change forever. A call
to fellowship what does this mean? And you know it‟s not
just fellowship, First of all, fellowship means a call to
oneness, a family relationship, a unity of spirit what we
call a joint partnership where everything that belongs to
me belongs to you and everything that belongs to you
belongs to me. Can you imagine that God calls us into
such a fellowship where everything he owns will belong to
you as much as it does him, is that a possibility
emphatically yes that‟s what the Bible shows. It‟s so big
that‟s why I say to you listen to Christianity is not a
religion, there are too many people in the world who think
is a religion, they think oh Christianity is one of the
world‟s nice religions. Listen Christianity is not a religion,
I know when you went to school and you were filing forms
where they said religion Christianity, Islam, Pagan or
what have you and you ticked Christianity because it was

listed among the religions and almost everywhere you go

when they list religions they list Christianity, that is
because they have a caricature idea of Christianity they
don‟t understand what it is and they got it from other
Christian fellows who were ignorant also. Christianity is
the divine life of Christ in a human being; it is divinity at
work in humanity. Christianity is the divine life expressed
in a human body. Do you understand? Christianity is the
world-made flesh acting out the purposes of divinity in the
earth realm. That is what Christianity is.

The Covid–19 Vaccination is a fraud because is not a

vaccination, they are not going after any virus except you
want just to deceive yourself.

a. The coming of the Lord is near and these are just the
trailers of the apocalypse.

Since the first reports of the novel COVID – 19 in Wuhan,
Hubei province, China, there has been considerable discussion
on the origin of the virus. Well, the answer is, the COVID – 19
viruses were made in a Laboratory in Wuhan, China with the


main perpetrators from the United States who intend to carry

out their sinister plan for a One-World government.
The One World Economy and Government is an economic
system, For example, right now you have national economies,
you have regional economies which means you have an
economic system that is within your country and you have in
some regions an economic system within some regions
meaning certain countries have come together to form an
economic bloc which means they relate with one another
through either a single currency or through certain economic
structures that allow them to trade among themselves and to
understand how individuals, citizens within those nations or
those regions can carry out commerce.
Now the One System means that it goes beyond your country
now, your region. It means the whole world will operate under
one system of finance, trade, and economic structures. It might
even go as far as using the same currency. Now I don‟t
emphasize that of the currency much for a reason. Because in a
sense, it‟s just about a name because all over the world you can
move from one currency to the other, it‟s just an exchange rate.
At the end of the day, it depends on where you are coming
from. So it doesn‟t change a man‟s economic state as an
individual irrespective of the currency the individual holds. You
see, you can always convert from another to another. So I don‟t
emphasize the single currency issue because it‟s there in
disguise. You can now understand that where ever you go you
can use your card. But is not just about buying and selling. It‟s

about the economic control system that becomes unified in such

a way that how you operate in one country controls how you
are perceived in any other country. Which means that your
economic state becomes unified everywhere. This also requires
something they don‟t like to talk about, which is called
“tracking”. We used to tell people one day you are going to
have martial law and they will say well maybe in third world
countries. Especially those in the US will say come on that‟s
not going to happen. And Let me tell you most in the world
today as it is right now is under disguised martial law, believe
in it or not. Of course, with a slight difference which is those
who are running the system are not in uniform, that‟s the
difference, and that they are civilians. If you don‟t understand
what that means let‟s look at it like this, most countries are
under emergency rule right now and when a country is under
emergency rule you need to understand what that means, it
means civil liberties are completely streamlined. Most civil
liberties are set aside. And it also means during that period the
country is now partially run by a new system of laws. It‟s like
when the military in a country, takes over the government they
suspend some major parts of the constitution. All the aspects of
the constitution may interfere with their ability to run the
country as they would want whichever ones they want to
override. So that‟s the situation we have right now because they
are trying to deal with a certain situation, so it‟s called
emergency governance. It‟s come by different names disaster
governance, disaster rule. That means the executive at that
time rules the country which what you would call in some

countries “decrees”. So the laws are completely changed and

that they will have to come up with new laws which they would
run the country at that period. And if you are sensitive enough
to look at the new bills or the new laws in your country for this
time you may be surprised at what‟s there because most people
don‟t read. But you read and you will be shocked, what is in
those laws right now. Nothing different from what you will
have under martial law. Now in some of the laws that have
come out, some of these emergency disaster laws. I have read
some of them from different countries and let me tell you of
some of the hidden laws inside which you need to read by
yourself. Get on the website you will see them. In certain of
these countries, they have already made it a law the possibility
of an official from the government to come to your house and
determine all by himself it‟s up to him to determine that you
are either infected by this virus or suspected to be infected. I
want you to look at the language; either you are infected or
suspected to be infected or that you are suspected to be in
contact with someone who is suspected to be infected. And
where that is the case he is authorized to forcibly take you from
the house and take you to a detention center by Law and then
he has 48 hours within which to find out from the government
to get the right legal documents to now finally incarcerate you.
Now, however, they treat you accordingly to the law I say go
and read it yourself. If they mistreat you if you get injured, if it
turns out to be a mistake they are not liable to any punishment,
which means they are lawfully indemnified. You cannot sue
them that is the law and this is already in place in some

countries. So when I say civil liberties are fast being eroded

because in the days of the Antichrist there will be no such
things as civil liberties.
And the Bible also tells us how the power of the nations will be
given to the antichrist. They will give him their authority. And
here is another interesting thing Satan will give him his
authority so Satan will create his trinity like we have the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Satan will come up with himself
as the Father, then he got the antichrist as his son pushed out
in place of Christ Jesus then he got the one known in the Bible
as the False Prophet. So he has a prophet who speaks words
and helps to carry out his miraculous works like we have the
holy spirit who does might works through us. This false
prophet carries out mighty works, demonstrates tremendous
miraculous power with the antichrist who will be a man.
Nations will submit themselves to him.
He will control the world in those areas. And you can see the
world today preparing the platform for him. To run with as the
world drives towards One-World government. It‟s described as
like we need New World Order and we are calling for peace,
oneness is so nice the problem is who takes over it. So when we
all become one when we all get together as nations who
becomes the leader that‟s where the problem is. It‟s like
democracy in many countries if you never thought that it
matters who becomes president of your country or the prime
minister of your country if you never thought so all you have to
do is to look at history because is easy to think we are

demonstrating our power to put you in office the problem is

when he gets there the power we have vested in him can be
used for us or against us. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
But what‟s going on right now is not the main thing, that‟s
why we are praying because Satan knows how to take
advantage and make situations like this permanent. So
whatever civil rights are lost during this period, Question?
Will they come back? In a particular city? In a particular
country? In a particular state? Will it ever come back? Now
some say Oh they will come back. Not so fast all you have to do
is remember the history that‟s why we pray because there are
things that force people to do things they shouldn‟t do. So the
erosion of certain liberties is one of the disadvantages of such
systems and then you look at what are the advantages. Well,
the advantages are very simple and huge in the sense that it
means your economic life, in terms of buying and selling, and
exchange of goods and services, it means that easy and fast,
that‟s it. Doesn‟t make you richer or poorer, it got nothing to
do with your status. But beyond that, it depends on who is
running it, every economy depends on interpretation. Systems
don‟t make Men, Men make systems, Government doesn‟t
create people, and people create governments. So the economic
system doesn‟t create people, people create the economic
systems. Why do we have courts? If all courts are interpreted
the same way, no we perceive it that way and that‟s why we
have lawyers on one side arguing against lawyers on the other
side and they are talking about the same laws and the judges


listen to arguments from both sides and he has his own

opinions. So at the end of the day, it‟s got to do with a lot of
interpretation. The most important people in a democratic
government are your “Judges”. Some don‟t realize how
powerful judges are. Judges are very powerful and very
important because, at the end of the day, it‟s what the judges
say that is the interpretation of the law. When he gives it in a
certain way, that‟s it. The only place you would go for any
other interpretation is a higher judge. So you arrive finally at
the Supreme Court. Who are those there again?
Judges...whatever they say, is it. The only you go after that is
Almighty God who is also a Judge, He is the Highest Judge.
Judges are very important, never forget them. My reason for
speaking about it beyond the scope of this discussion.
We are in a situation today that requires expediting hearing.
Because so many lives have been wasted, many have lost their
businesses, their livelihoods, cities, and nations have been
paralyzed. Think about what has happened to the transport
system in the world, the Airline business paralyzed and the
people who are responsible for those things didn‟t care. This
virus came out of a laboratory; it was done and was created.
And so it is disturbing to hear when they talk about the
response, what response do they want from everybody? A
response for a crisis they already planned. There is more than
enough evidence that it was a deception from the beginning
with the main perpetrators from the United States. So in a
situation like this, the world has come to a place for a lot of


people hopeless because of the deception and of course, those in

the news media know it but a lot of them are paid to do what
they do best, “Lie”
The word media is not synonymous with falsehood. Why must
you sell your soul and your conscience? If you are going to be
in the media for God‟s sake do what is right, tell the truth
Examine the facts, examine the issues. You see when we talk
about why something so terrible has happened to the media, I
will tell you why it‟s not because something is wrong with the
media or journalists or pressmen No! What‟s gone wrong is
when the Deep State got involved in it. They began to invest in
the media, so a lot of the big media houses, newspapers, radios,
television have behind them the Deep state investing in them
and so they got to do what they want them to do. Who pays
the piper dictates the tune and probably dictates the dance so
that what‟s going on. So when you are working in an
organization you want to know who is behind it, because there
is an agenda.
The deep state is a manifestation of satanic involvement in
human governance. Why do you think you can have
organizations, like in some places where they have a labor
congress. That was set up by the deep state. So you think you
have a problem, they are not paying you then your association
go fight for you. What you don‟t know that the association you
are talking about or the congress you are talking about is an
arm under the rulers of the darkness of this world. Any wonder
why you take someone from there to become the minister or

the President you expect that since he knew what his

colleagues were going through since they were suffering
together, now that he as the colleague has become the minister
or the President or is in the cabinet anyway your industry is
going to be better off and they don‟t get better off. You say
why? Because they are under the influence of the darkness of
this world. This is Satan‟s structure. Does it happen in the
church? Yes, that‟s how they killed Jesus, religious people,
because Satan also, the Bible says his ministers have gone out
as “angels of light”. Haven‟t you heard of different types of
Churches? And we are moving into a situation where you
would not be allowed to say anything bad about Satan. Mark
my words..!! You say anything about Satan they block you from
Public speaking because of the manifestation of satanic powers
in these nations. So the time to preach the gospel is now.
Because soon you would not be able to do it, in some nations to
say any negative thing about Satan. Because the Satanists are
getting bolder, they have some of their people in the office,
from the deep state to the state so they come out to the open
and this is going on in some nations and the hatred for the
church of Jesus Christ is increasing. So after, it‟s us who are
preaching Jesus will be called cults that is already happening
now. So they want to flip it and say that we that believe in
Jesus Christ are the sects. And then they raise the people
against the church. And the time to pray and engage them in
the spirit is now. The little window we have left to win souls
for Christ, we can utilize the opportunity, win souls for Christ
and live the life that he has given us.

Don‟t feed your mind with the deception from the news media.
For example, after they would know, when they could not find
enough people dying, they revised the qualification for being
positive for Covid-19 they realized, you would be amazed what
falls into the class now. And yet we have government officials
going ahead with something they know is a full-blown lie that
cannot stand the test anywhere all in a bid to raise the figures
and in several countries they have been trying to raise the
figures. And I have said it from the beginning, is a fiasco. And
this will show the shame of it all because now everyone knows
the deception. You will be amazed to see what qualifies one as a
Covid-19 or coronavirus patient, it‟s ridiculous. The trouble is
as ridiculous it is, these documents were sent out by supposed
reputable organizations. You will be amazed that such things
will come from them and be taken seriously. Because they
know, if they keep saying it, people will eventually believe
them. Because as long as they can keep you afraid, they got you.
And this is used in intimidating and persecuting. And I will tell
you what is happening to Christians and churches qualifies
fully as prosecution because in many countries, in many states,
people are allowed to go to the shops, market plans, they are
allowed to go to crowded places for hours without wearing a
mask. Nobody cares, without social distancing, and yet we have
those who have the audacity and foolishness to go into
churches and say that they are monitoring churches because
the virus only attacks people who go to church. So it tells you,
it‟s the churches they will like to intimidate and persecute and
that‟s what going on. There are people, rampaging and

protesting every day in the streets, nobody is looking at that

nobody is saying anything wrong. And the facts they are being
encouraged to do it. Same people who said you must stay
indoors to save lives because they always knew it was a lie.
Because when they said everybody should stay indoors, they
went out visiting. So now they are in support of riots and
protests as long as it benefits them politically, but they are mad
at churches, they are given guidelines for churches, but the
hour of judgment is coming.
Why do we talk about the normal state and the deep state?
What is the deep state? The deep state is a shadow state set up
by Satan because he is a rebel holder of authority. So when God
sets up a state or brings people into an authority in a society,
community, kingdom. Satan also sets up his shadow kingdom
and then he starts influencing those that are in the normal state
through these officials and people that he plants even in the
normal states so that they can carry out his agenda rather than
them carrying out the agenda of God. In every normal state,
God gives his agenda because God loves people but there is a
shadow state. They never come into the legitimate statehood;
they never do it you know why? Because they hate
accountability because their deeds are evil. So they always
remain there and influence the stakeholders and call themselves
stakeholders, they are not stakeholders. These are deceivers,
who want to run normal states from the dark regions. That‟s
what is happening, it‟s been going on for years, it‟s in the Bible
you look at your Bible you will see it. In Ezekiel chapter 28


when you read from verse 1 to verse 10, you would see there
was a normal state and a normal ruler over Tyre, and then
there was a shadow state and Satan himself was over that one
from verse 11 all the way to verse 14, you would see it. Satan
moved in and set up his shadow state at the Kingdom. But you
had the ruler of Tyre and what happened was he influenced the
ruler of Tyre, the king of Tyre became like the character of
Satan. The leader picked up the character of the wicked spirit
that was conducting his life.
And the one in the New Testament shows us how Satan setups
his throne in Pergamos. It was a normal state, a normal city
but then Satan was running a shadow government. You want
to know about these things a little more, you can take a look at
what you have in the United Kingdom, for example, They have
a normal cabinet and then the opposition party that is not in
government they set up a shadow government so every office
that they have in the normal cabinet, they would set up a
shadow of such office. They are not running the government,
and that is a little bit of an example of what we mean when we
talk about the shadow state. They set up their structures; they
have little demons in charge of education, finance, just like you
have in the normal state. They have all those things and who is
in charge of them, Satan. And he caused them to influence the
normal state. I will show you from the bible how this pandemic
was orchestrated from the dark regions of the darkness of evil,
there‟s where they created this and did this with an agenda and
a plan to control this world. And the Bible shows us clearly


The current situation was an unnecessary one caused by greedy

people and I told you from the beginning that the virus was not
an accident, it didn‟t just happen, it came from a laboratory
engineered by some actors who are not hard to know, we have
told you about them already. So they created the crisis and
decided to pull a solution in a very sly way acting like they
don‟t know what the problem is, or they didn‟t have the
solution they are looking for a solution, they are not working
towards a solution. They had solutions that they wanted to
impose on the nations but through prayer, we have stopped
them in their tracks. And I told you that they are not going to
have the One-World Government before the rapture of the
Church, it‟s not going to happen.
Do they want it? Well, it‟s not the legitimate governments; the
legitimate governments are not working towards that, no. It‟s
the deep states. They are the ones trying to seize control of the
nations. But according to the Bible, it‟s not them that are going
to come into the office, they are not the ones going to control
the world as they are thinking, they are not in the picture. The
next One-World government that this world is going to see.
We won‟t call it a One-World government because it‟s going to
have a lot of trouble. So it would declare itself a One-World
Government but will not be. It‟s going to be the Anti-Christ,
the beast that‟s what next. But it will not be able to control the
whole world. The World will be in chaos, the Bible talks about
the great tribulation which will only be for three and half years
and that will be after the Antichrist has become influential,


known, and running a whole lot of stuff for the first three and
half years. So here he will be welcomed as a man of peace, the
world will love him, the very same people, and the same
organizations that are shutting down churches are the same
ones that will welcome him. They are going to be so happy
with the Beast of Revelation and this is the one that gets
concerning because they are being churches that were thought
to be churches until recently.

From the top, you will see thrones

Spiritual wickedness: they are like regulators, these are forces
that control global regions, they rule the world. The beautiful
thing is since Jesus came and carried out his ministry and paid
the full price for the salvation of the world and defeated Satan
and the forces of darkness. These spirits have been carrying out
illegal activity and they have done most of their work

unchecked and a lot of times those who should check them have
been afraid of them.

Things are changing in the spirit realm and have changed no

The financial banks in the United States will fall because and
the forces will move to Europe and there is a reason for that
and that‟s another way of telling you that the deep state
currently has its seat in the United States
The Deep state control large organizations and they do all
those things in their interest. They are non – state actors .often
they control the most money in the world and they use such
funds for dark activities. Money is an amplifier, it only amplifies
your character. But when people from the deep state control
lots of money, they use the money for what the “Rulers of
darkness” of this world want them to do. These are the ones
that Satan appoints to control human beings. These spirits are
described as the rulers of the darkness of this world.

You know many have been deceived for so long and deception
has thrived because of
No1. Ignorance – many were ignorant
N0.2 Maybe it‟s because of fear or whatever but those who
knew better didn‟t do anything about the situation, for


example, the teaching of the early man story, history in schools,

the story of the early man it‟s all false and nobody halted that
teaching in our schools and even Christian schools allowed
such materials in their curriculum. Whole nations were
deceived by it, they thought it didn‟t matter, but it mattered the
story of the early man coming from some sort of evolution
living in some kind of cave and weird life and how did he get to
find fire, he threw a stone and the stone hit another stone and it
catches fire and animals got burned and he found out it was
sweet to eat roasted meat, this is all junk. And all these stories
were allowed in schools and Christians who knew better were
all quiet. They have been lying to you for so long. The BIG
BANG STORY a lie, all these things are false information
created with assumptions, speculations, and nobody held them
to account. We allowed these things in schools and called it
science but it was never science what you had was
pseudoscience playing out and they were not halted. It was not
science; it was never intended to be. By the way, Science
shouldn‟t have speculating. But that is what happened, and that
is how come we produce professors who don‟t have any sense
and they still believe such things today and are insisting
students believe them. Isn‟t it sad that you still have those
materials in schools to this day even though they are lies? The
Ministries of Education in some countries allowed this lie to
continue. These are the people that should be held to account
for the kinds of things happening today because they are the
real culprits. So we cannot and we must not give out our future,
our rights to these causes. They are telling us today that we

should follow science but what they are showing us is not

science at all. If you study the Bible you will learn something,
God has a lot to tell you, if you don‟t follow the scriptures you
cannot know the truth, this is real. You will have to stay with
what the so-called experts tell you. And you can‟t tell whether
they are lying to you or not. And I told you, you will have to be
spiritual-minded. If many had been spiritually minded, they
would have known what was behind Covid-19, if they were
listening to the spirit of God they would have known. But
many were not listening to God, they were not studying the
scriptures, they had no spiritual understanding. All they
thought was, oh it was a terrible virus this pandemic and then
they were talking about the pandemic of the early 1900s which
was also a fraud. That was a fraud and this one also is a fraud,
no doubt.
And also understand the Symbolism of these spiritual
manifestations, understand what is going on. Symbolism refers
to the expression of mystical or spiritual ideas through the use
of symbols, for example, the Arch of Palmyra that is being
transported from city to city today.


This led into the

temple of Baal, the Babylonian god. A replica of this Arch is
been transported to different countries and different cities
today in London, New York, Spain. They took it there for the
G7 summit. And everywhere they take it, people are fascinated
by it, but what is the message? Don‟t listen to what they are
telling you and that it is about history, is not about history. It‟s
part of the symbolism. What is that? We are ready for what,
Babylon!!! This is what it is about. For example, why did
Kamala Harris wear purple? Because it is part of occultism.

They are saying the

time has come. In the spirit you can tell about timing, they have


been working for years and so in their minds, the time has

I said what they are

telling you with the Arch of Palmyra that they have been
transporting all over the world from city to city, they are
telling you they have been working on something, they were
expecting to move in 2016, it didn‟t happen so they vowed 2020
was going to be the year and in 2020 they moved in and guess
what there you have it. Now the word “Mask‟ comes from an
ancient word that means to shut the mouth, a secret through
the idea of silence imposed by initiation into religious rights.
This is what your mask is about. I hope you all understand


now. So when you were told to wear the mask, it is not about a
virus but the manufacturer‟s instruction for several masks
including the professional masks, it is clearly stated there it
does not protect against Covid -19 or any form of coronavirus.
The question there, if it does not protect you against the virus
why are you wearing it? And why did they write it there, they
wrote it there to avoid lawsuits because they knew it was a lie
that is protected against the virus, it doesn‟t. Let me show you,
there are going to be health challenges by continuing wearing
the masks, no doubt. So do they know, well those that are into
the cults know this, they understand what is happening, the
others are pretending. What is going on is through the wearing
of masks, the world is forced into this global initiation under
the Luciferian authority and the One-World system that they
hope to bring in. These are symbols that are what the mask is
about. Let me read something to you; you can even search for
yourself and do your research on what masking is in the
Encyclopedia Britannica. Listen and this is written by
Professor Paul S. Wingate. So he is not writing this for Church
or the Bible. He was a professor at the Columbia University.
Listen to what he says “Masks are a form of disguise or
concealment usually worn over or on front of the face to hide
the identity of a person and by its features to establish another
being”. I want you to notice what he says; it is not only to
conceal an identity but to establish another identity. This is the
purpose, so in the spirit realm these things are playing out, in
the earth realm people are just acting, they think everything is


just normal. Oh! They just said we should do this, they said we
should do that. Listen in the realm of the spirit you don‟t have
to know what is going on, all you have to do is to just comply
and it works for you or against you. Let me give you an
example from the Bible when the people of Israel gathered or
didn‟t gather. What God was looking at was whether or not
they were following his instruction. I want you to understand
this it was not just every gathering that the law instructed; it
had to be done according to what God instructed. On a certain
day, the Day of Atonement God said that the priest on behalf of
the people should lay his hands on the goat and confess upon
this scapegoat all the sins of the children of Children of Israel.
So in the mind of God and the realm of the spirit, all the sins of
the people were transferred upon the goat. Did they have to
know it, they didn‟t have to, it was done on their behalf. All
they had to do was to comply with whichever other
instructions their part was. These explanations, they didn‟t
have to understand them. So in their spirit, it‟s about obedience
and that‟s why they tell you, obey or you would have to do
what we tell you because they understand the spiritual. And I
told you before these things are being run from the cults, no
doubts the symbolisms are there. And that is why many of the
people who are behind this don‟t have a clue about what is
going on, they do some stuff and then they go out angry. They
don‟t know anything about what they did, but they did it
anyway because evil spirits are causing them and leading them
to do the things that they are doing. This is why we have to
pray and not just think oh well they can‟t be just that wicked,

No it‟s not in their hands you have to look at the just spiritual
side of it and see what is going on. And we are the only ones on
the face of this planet that have the power to alter these things,
it‟s those who are using the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST.
Those who believe in that name. We are the only ones who can
do it, and change whatever evil is going on, no one else can.
They have plans to seize your assets, to destroy private
property so you can‟t own a house, you can‟t own land, and you
can‟t own anything. You say that‟s weird, or it‟s weird because
those who are behind all these things are psychopaths.
Let me give you an example
Habitat 1 is a united nations conference for human settlement
designed in 1976. And I want to read you one of their
conclusions, alright a weird conclusion they stated in their
preamble private “Land ownership is also a principal
instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and
therefore contributes to social injustice. Public control of land
dues is therefore indispensable”. Did you hear that? This is
from Habitat 1, which means the government must seize
private property, that is what is stated there. Now you go
through Habitat 1, 2, and 3 this same message goes through all
of them and so Agenda 21 lifts it, and many don‟t know what
that means. When I say some of these people are psychopaths
someone people won‟t understand, but you can go and do your
research about UN‟s Agenda and wonder how people will sit


down and craft things like this and come off that room and say
yes we have an idea, these are demons ideas. Now Rio de
Janeiro Summit 1992, PRECAUTIONAL PRINCIPLE 15 Let
me read it to you,
“The precaution principle states that if an action or a policy has
a suspected risk of causing harm to the public or to the
environment in the absence of scientific consensus that the
action or policy is harmful, the burden of proof that it is not
harmful falls on those taking the action. Well, I want to
illustrate what they want to tell you. They are paving the way
for this massive fraud against people, they are saying if you
were doing anything and a neighbor, a stranger or anybody
said to you, what you are doing is harmful, it poses a risk to the
community and then makes that report he doesn‟t need to
prove that his accusation of you is true, all that is necessary is
that he has accused you no matter who is he, doesn‟t matter as
long he says that whatever you are doing is a risk to anyone or
the community. This document agenda 21 states that the
burden of proof to establish that it is not harmful rests on you,
how can that be? So you must now respond to anybody who is
accusing you, you have to do that what you are doing is not
harmful. He doesn‟t need to prove anything; all he needs is to
accuse you, completely contrary to normal thinking. So you are
guilty until you prove yourself innocent. What kind of a society
is that? And these people come from so-called civilized
societies that crafted this evil wonder document. Reasons these
things are important is that unless you accept what God is


telling you from his word, his message to you will go in the
wrong direction. During the Super Bowl, they had a break time
alright all of those activities, and the musicals are full of
symbolism, masonic symbols, and occult symbols of various
kinds. If you don‟t understand them, they just look like normal
things to you. But if you are spiritually alive and
knowledgeable in the word, those things can immediately catch
your attention. You can relate to what is going on, very
quickly. And what is Satan‟s game plan, it is the merging of so-
called good and evil until there is no distinction. He doesn‟t
even identify good, so when Satan tells you he is merging good
and evil, he doesn‟t even know what good is and what it means.
But the idea is to make sure you can‟t identify between what is
right and what is wrong and the only you can fall into that trap
is through the ignorance of the word of God.

Why look at Hebrews Chapter 4:12

Only through the

Word of God can you distinguish between good and evil. So


this is very important. God wants us to know the truth and

walk in it. What you are looking at in the Satan world, these
Transhumanists who are looking at somehow looking to merge
humans and machines through science and enhance man‟s
abilities. So what is that alchemy, this is what they are
practicing, and so a lot of times they get life from here and
create something else, that is what this vaccination is all about.
If you don‟t know it, you are making a mistake; the only reason
it is getting ruined because of the prayers of the saints of God.
They don‟t like what is going on because it is only a particular
group of them that should have had the vaccines all over the
world. And now they can‟t stop some others coming in and it‟s
polluting the whole thing. So there are good vaccines and there
are bad vaccines but how you going to know which is which,
they wanted to capture the whole thing and you can‟t take the
two and you can only have one. So the trouble that has started
is where do they go from here, it‟s a fiasco. So they don‟t know
where to go from here. Look many countries in the world have
found themselves in some weird agreements, deals they have
sold their countries out some of you don‟t know it. They don‟t
own anything anymore, they have sold their stuff because they
got into these wicked deals, oppressive deals handed over to
them because they had no chance, no choice but because of
greedy leaders too because they had a choice but when you
have greed mixed with things like this then bad decisions are
been made because am convinced that through prayer we can
change these things because God told us to pray. He told us
that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks

should be made for all men and those in authority because he

knows, he understands this game, he knows what is going on.
But if we pray, we can change a lot of stuff and we already have
made a lot of changes. We are not done yet and we are going to
do more by the power of the spirit of God.
Do you know how many leaders of nations regret some of the
actions they took in misleading their country? A lot of them
didn‟t do what they did because they wanted to, they were
misled. Some of them by other people, some of them by evil
inspiration, a thought that came into their minds and they did
something wrong in misleading their country, city, state.
That‟s why God‟s people need to pray. Many countries are not
lead by the state actors or state officials No! For example, I told
you about these laws and bills for laws to be enacted that were
sent to many countries. The same templates are sent out to
many countries. Some of them immediately passed those bills
into law when the people were afraid and locked into their
homes, they passed the bills, and they passed the laws. And
those laws and powers enable them to do terrible things. Most
of you never knew what was going on, a lot of media
practitioners, journalists, pressmen were promoting this hoax.
They didn‟t even know what was there; some of them never
saw a copy of those bills and never read them. And a lot of
politicians passed them into Law without reading the
documents. It tells us how people pass laws in their countries
that they never read. If you read those things, and I include
those who passed the laws they would have never passed them.


In several of the new lawless laws in some other nations now, it

is stated there that autopsy is not required. This is lawlessness.
Lawlessness, how can somebody die and there is no reason for
their death and yet those governments insist they know the
reason. And then you are also not allowed to challenge them. It
is in those lawless laws that you are not allowed to challenge it.
This is crazy. And for those who are passing these laws that
never read I feel sorry for you because God will hold you
responsible you just don‟t know but you will be held
accountable. At the proper time, you will be held accountable
for passing laws that you never read. And they are hurrying
you, pass the laws it‟s urgent, no matter how urgent you say I
have to read it. And if you know that you don‟t agree with it,
don‟t sign it, and don‟t vote for it. And for your information,
they don‟t care if you vote for it or not and I will tell you why,
they already declared the state of emergency. The reason they
are asking you to vote for it is that they want to continue with
after the state of emergency for those places that cannot
continue the state of emergency perpetually. But some nations
are going to be in a perpetual state of emergency for a long
time. Because the state of emergency gives the executive
unrestrained power, they become dictators and they love it. So
many of you who are in government, the freedom and liberty
you fought all your life for, here you are selling and giving it up
and you even know why because there is a spirit that is
controlling you and those who are with you, and this is why am
sharing these things with you so that you can know the Word
of God. So to the nations, this is a siege and some of you

haven‟t realized it. You say how come so many people, didn‟t
you read it in the Book of Revelation the Bible says “the whole
world wondered after the beast”. They wondered after the
antichrist they worshipped him. What is happening right now
is the spirit of the antichrist. This is not the beast himself, this
is another spirit of darkness demonstrating to see if they could
execute the same things, plans and make it shorter and start
ahead of time and have a longer period because God is not
allowing the antichrist to do what he wants to do for more than
three and half years. But they need more time so they want to
start ahead of time and destroy the world as much as they can.
So if know the scriptures about the antichrist and what he is
going to do it won‟t be hard at all for you to find out, for
example, the reason for the social distancing is called the
destruction of families.

It reminds me of something that happened in the United States

some years ago when they were passing the Obama Care. At
the congress, the speaker who is the current speaker said
something, said Let us pass the bill then we will read it. And
those who design those documents know what to do, they put a
lot of irrelevant things there so it‟s very big and you got two
weeks within which to pass the bill. You look at it and it‟s so
big and you think we just have to trust our experts knew what
they were doing. They don‟t know anything they are
destroying the country. President Woodrow Wilson of the
United States lamented and regretted it after he sold his

country to the Federal Reserve. He wishes he hadn‟t done it,

God said my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge. If
you lack the knowledge you will become a victim in life without
even knowing you are a victim.
Why are nations going in this direction, let me tell you for
those who are state officials and you don‟t know what is going
on, I want to help you understand what is happening because
you are looking, studying far.The truth of the matter is, most of
the global organizations that we think are out there to help, I
always say if you want to know the purpose of an organization.
Don‟t just read what they said they are doing, Look at what are
doing not what they said in their writing. Then analyze what
they say. Jesus told us to search the scriptures he didn‟t hide it
from us and not be ignorant. Okay, an organization is
promising to do A, B, C for you. Question? Who is behind it,
what is their history, what have they been doing? Some of you
are old enough to remember the Y2K computers; this is because
those people responsible for that are the same people
responsible for this hoax going on right now. Find out what
was Y2K and who benefited? It was a hoax, it was something
that was played on the whole world and billions of dollars were
spent all over the world. And nobody asked the question at the
end of the day when things weren‟t what they said will be,
nobody asked a question and apologized. And I am calling on
the various leaders of nations to immediately start thinking for
their country now, in your nation‟s interest. Why? Because the
current players of global international relations are not state


actors neither do they want to be. Their plan is the complete

emasculation, crippling, and eradication of nations; they want
to destroy nation-states. So those of you who are leaders and
playing along with this thing. Ask yourself where those bills
are coming from. Ask yourself the guidance you are getting,
where are they coming from? They are not coming from
another country, not a group of countries; it‟s coming from
non-state players. What is the purpose of this? I will tell you
very simply if you let this continue you current leaders of
nations you only become puppets of a new global bureaucratic,
fugal oligarchy. Because that‟s the plan. And if this goes on the
nations will not be what they used to be. And think about this
some of these actors are hoping for a conference in Davos and
this is the conference where leaders of conferences are invited
and told what to do by supposedly experts, but they are not
experts read between the lines. I will show what type of global
government they are wishing for. The problem is their dream
will not come to pass and I will show you why. The bible is
clear as to the future of the world from now until Jesus comes,
it tells us the future of the world and these non-state actors are
not in the plan. In other words, the platform that they are
creating right now, will be created but someone else will take
over that platform, they will not get the chance. And according
to the Bible that one who will ride on that platform will be
ruthless, will not recognize God or recognize the deep state. He
will take over all states that‟s what the Bible says. He will use
the state power to prosecute his agenda. He will destroy all that
stand against him. He will destroy the deep state and who is

that “The Antichrist”. So the platforms that they are creating

and relishing that they are about to do this amazing thing, this
One World Government they will not be the actors of the One-
World Government. The Bible shows us who will be. See this
is no game it‟s time for leaders of nations to immediately start
thinking of their country now and think about what‟s best for
your country and stop accepting these crazy ideas that are
coming from these non-state actors who will not be responsible
for the terrible things they are doing to nations, the destruction
of livelihood. And I am saying they will be called to account,
you watch. And if you were such a leader that gave in to all
these things, and if you were elected into office and as long as
you have been legitimized and the people have accepted you to
be their leader you must become accountable. Leadership is
accountable or is not leadership. So whether you recognize
accountability or not if you are a leader you must be
accountable. That‟s the meaning of leadership, if you are not
accountable you are not a leader you are an imposter. And the
deep state is not accountable so they push people to do things
and those people who they are pushing to take those steps will
be accountable for the steps they took. And those who inspire
them to do those terrible things will be sitting back laughing
and smiling. You will be held responsible for the actions you
took because your people trusted you, they believed when you
said that there was a virus, there was a virus. They thought you
knew, you did nothing to find out. You were scared like
everybody else, strong leaders are not scared. So it‟s time to get


rid of this stupidity and stand for your country and the media
that keeps carrying the news

If you think there is fake news today, think about what‟s going
to happen with staged news. They are already staging a lot
now. You know the devil he accuses of something he is
planning to do. That‟s one of the signs
News coming out of China, South Africa, and a couple of other
countries that there is a mysterious circulation of fake vaccines
and I find that laughable because Dear God there was no
genuine vaccine in the first place, it was the fake one that came
out in the first place.
. The vaccines are no vaccines at all; they are using the name
vaccine because it is acceptable to the users. So when you say a
fake vaccine is coming out do you mean the fake of the fake or


do you mean some people are daring to do the real thing. I just
wonder what this news is supposed to be telling us? Because we
already know the original vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna,
Britannica, and co were not producing what they were
supposed to produce in the mind of those who were supposed to
be using them. Because what the user thinks is different from
what the manufacturer thinks. Because what they are giving to
you is not a vaccine in the sense of what the vaccine is, the
definition of a vaccine. There is a medical definition of a vaccine
by the way and what these companies have is something
different from the definition. And I am asking you, think how
can the same people who have invested in these vaccines who
are calling for population reduction, a drastic severe population
reduction by the billions, how can those people create a vaccine
to save your life?. What are you thinking? These are the
individual and groups that are championing population
reduction; they are not hiding it, so we are not making an
accusation, or charging them with something. They are bold,
they are talking about it. They invest in the vaccine for you,
how can they give you a vaccine to save your life. I mean you
got to be out of your mind to assume they will be helping you.
Because if you somehow believe that those who have an
ideology for population reduction and they are not hiding it.
We are not suspecting that they want to do it, they said so in
their own words and their speeches and they have given
reasons why it must happen. They said that reduction of the
world‟s population by the huge numbers, by the billions is the
only solution to the world‟s problems. Haven‟t you listened to

them? These are the people producing for you a vaccine and
you believe they want to save your life. Somebody will have to
pay you some money to believe something like this. They
believe they can take bold actions of this nature. Years ago if
you were in this form of Sodomy, homosexuality you were
ashamed and going to talk to somebody who is going to
counsel you. Why because you thought it was wrong. Then
they went into locker rooms and decided on what they want to
and said look if we came out bold and be committed to society,
everybody is going to accept us and that is what the Bible says.
The Bible says in the last day's Sodomy will be at the top of the
list of the sins in the World so much so that they will control
nations. It is a sign of the end times so they went out boldly
and they have gone so bold to the extent that even those who
think something was wrong with it, are afraid to talk about it.
So it's Satan‟s modus operandi, he thinks if he makes bold
whatever he does it will be accepted as the norm. We are not
surprised it is his way, it is not new. You can read about it in
the book of Genesis, can you believe how old it is? The Bible
shows us how these Sodomites; homosexuals went to a house of
a man named Lot, Abraham‟s nephew. They have seen two men
who turned out to be angels who came to Lot‟s house to deliver
him and his family. And this community of homosexuals
attacked that home and they demanded that Lot would bring
out those two men. They said we want to have them; we want
to sleep with them. Can you imagine that they came as a
crowd? So in the days of Lot, they have become so popular they
have taken over Sodom, that‟s where the name sodomites,

Sodomy comes from. It‟s named after the name of Sodom. The
sin of homosexuality is named after the city of Sodom and the
Bible tells that God was mad at them and destroyed the city,
that‟s what he did. Has God changed what he thinks about it?
He hasn‟t, doesn‟t matter who has. So all through the Old
Testament, you find out God‟s response to the same thing, you
go through the New testament the same thing so from Genesis
to Revelation God is against Sodomy, Homosexuality. That‟s
one reason they don‟t want the Bible, that‟s why they want to
cancel the Bible. Look through history, it doesn‟t matter who
tries to do that it will never happen.
Because now they are trying to hide everything, casting doubt
on statements they know or someone made which is not
consistent with their narrative, they are changing all these
things. So companies like Google are no longer a reliable place
or a reliable search engine. Because when you search and you
don‟t find what you are looking for, you find what they want
you to see. They are changing the articles, if they can‟t change
it completely, they cast a doubt. For example, if someone makes
a statement from their clan and that is a bad statement and
they can‟t change it completely or completely remove it, then
they find ways either they tell you it is doctored; that‟s not
exactly what he said. They are looking for ways to cast doubt
so that you don‟t know the truth but as a child of God these
things will not be hidden from you, you would know the truth.


The church didn‟t come to where it is today just because some

people like it, the church is it today by the dominion of “Jesus
Christ”. For he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings”
Like how they banned singing in churches, you should worship
without singing. And they banned congregational recitation
that is to say a congregational prayer. So what does that mean?
You are to pray with your mouth shut so that others will not be
infected with Covid-19, this is crazy. And by the way let me tell
you, if you call yourself a Christian and you are going to
supervise churches to ensure you follow these guidelines, you
are not a Christian, you never were. You have deceived yourself
all this time and that is why you can take this responsibility and
some of you that are making money out of this situation you
have never known Christ. Otherwise, you would understand
this and stay away from this. Understand this now because the
days that we are going to are dangerous, the Bible says for the
days are evil and that is why am sharing this with you, that is
why you would understand the mystery of Christ.
The prophets were not afraid of anybody, the apostles were not
afraid of anybody so who are they after? Who are they
following? So if you are following Jesus you have got nothing
to fear, absolutely nothing. But they love the praise of men
more than the praise of God. God expects us to do something
about the situation and we are doing something, we are
toughing up.


Hear what God is saying to us.

And I want to tell something about nations written there, is not

talking about countries, it is talking about groups of evil people
that was what translated there, groups of hedonistic minds. So
like we talk about the deep state we are talking about those that
will control the governments that God seeks to control and
through all those things for their end. Remember there was a
day that the mob-controlled the United States and a lot of
Europe, where are they now? I know some of them tried to do,
transform themselves into something else but there was a time
when they controlled the government, there was fear
everywhere you couldn‟t say a word. But that day is long gone,
their hour came and this current mob has its end in sight, their
days are numbered.


In their minds they had said no more church gatherings, they

imagined a vain thing didn‟t they read the Bible that God
dwells among his people, didn‟t they understand that. Don‟t
they understand the congregation of the righteous? And there
were some Christians who were saying we have just to be
prepared for the next future, this is how is going to be. That we
will not gather and meet, do you know what that means? No,
we can do big things, we can go beyond borders online but that
will never substitute true fellowship. Even Jesus one day will
take us to be where he is. Satan has no authority over the
They say the virus affects and kills black people more which
means it was programmed to do so, the same people who are
responsible for it are telling black people, it kills you more.
Since it was man-made that was what it was programmed to
And think about the reasons for the lockdowns and all the panic
actions taken around the world. All these reasons were based
on some models and nefarious agendas. Now you would think
those models were a mistake by the experts, they were not a
mistake. Why do I say so because every serious scientist knew
that those were wrong? They know but why are they quiet. So
the lockdown is a fraud. They know it. They have their
scientists and their medical doctors who have spoken against it
already. Let me show you something. This is from Israel.


The country‟s hospitals are not collapsing the lockdown does

more harm than good and the policy for dealing with Covid is
fundamentally wrong and an increasing number of physicians
are against it. Israel needs to switch gears in its handling of the


So why does the government double on these actions, they

know is wrong. Is not only Israel, Several other countries too
have come against it. Some even have nice-looking masks to
match their dresses. It‟s insane; you will never look good in a
mask so it‟s no point, you will never look good in a mask;
nobody looks good in a mask. It doesn‟t matter how nice the
mask is. How fashionable it is, you will never look good in a
So they plan to destroy food production and make food scarce,
this will be part of their drastic plans for population reduction
that‟s what they want to do. So you understand the agro-tech
modifications that are taking place all over the world. With the
new regulations. So when they give farmers loans it‟s all about
control, they are not trying to help you, and then they decide
what kinds of seedlings you are going to use all are genetically


modified they cannot reproduce. Just because you are getting

larger orange fruits, that‟s one-time food, doesn‟t mean you are
going to get it again it‟s never going to reproduce. It‟s all about
the reduction of people and making food scarce. Control that‟s
what this is about, all of these are in the Bible. Some people
would be asking me who are they. Very Simple

Now, remember what was said of the anti-Christ in the Bible.

He would cause all to receive that mark of the beast and
without that mark, you cannot buy, you cannot sell. Now it
comes to food and wherever food is would be regulated. It is
full regulation of food everywhere. Now the idea is we want to
make sure everybody has enough. The question is who is wise
enough and powerful enough to be the regulator of what we all
eat in a world that has more than enough for everybody. So if
you don‟t belong in the scheme of things, if you don‟t belong in
the One-World Economy you cannot eat, you can‟t get food,

you can‟t buy, you can‟t create yours. Maybe you don‟t know
this there is a regulation of food in many countries. The
genetically modified ones, seeds when you sow them, it depends
on the grades. There are some that you cannot plant, you can
only eat them and you have those that you can only reproduce
once even though they were supposed to be reproductive all the
time. So the farmer is given according to what he has paid is
given the seeds that he can reproduce only once. After the first
harvest, he can‟t have any more until he comes back again for
renewal. And he has one that can give him a guarantee for 5
times, it reproduces only 5 times, after that, it‟s dead no matter
what you do. This is already going on. And think of the fact
that no matter where you live you have regulations on how
many fishes and what type of fishes you are allowed to have in
the river or stream or whatever to get them. Now remember
this, It‟s Total Control and the masses of the people will be so
happy, they would love it they would think it‟s going to help
but it‟s not going to help them
The World Economic Forum all those who have been
perambulating around Switzerland and discussing World
Finances, World Economies, are there for World Control
In June 2020, 3 months after the globe entered the now historic
COVID-19 lockdown, the world economic forum and founder
Klaus Schwab announced a revolutionary global change labeled
the “GREAT RESET”. In full public co-operation with the
United Nations, the Royal Family, Top Banks, Open Society
Foundations, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations, and all

“stakeholder” companies of the 2019 signed UN/WEF

sustainable development agreement. The Great Reset cites the
need to end the current economic system to bring in the
“Fourth Industrial Revolution” before it‟s late. A plan they
publicly promote before COVID-19 began.
The World Economic Forum has been holding annual
conferences in Davos, Switzerland, with the elites of the world
for decades, in a more public version of the secret but confirmed
annual elitist meetings known as “Bohemian Grove” and the
Bilderberg Group”. The World Economic Forum markets
themselves as “for the people” as tickets are open to the public.
With said ticket prices STARTING at $60,000 per person and
rising as much as $630,000, the World Economic Forum
exposed itself as a private elitist club.
Klaus Schwab, a German Communist is an Honorary Professor
of both the Ben Gurion University of Israel, and the
Communist Chin\ Foreign Affairs University. He is the author
of the 2016 and 2018 books “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”
and “Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution”. In the books,
he describes in detail the shared desire he and his
royal/politician/banker friends have to end the old system and
bring in a new one, and in 2020 they publicly announced a
unified assault labeled “THE GREAT RESET”. Claiming the
impact of Coronavirus as their reasoning for implementing a
global system they publicly wanted to implement before


The “THE GREAT RESET” agenda has nothing to do with

saving the planet. It has everything to do with acquiring
control over it. In the 21st Century; there is no separating
Communism from sustainable development or sustainable
development from Communism. They are the same force. And
that force is the real reason for COVID – 19.
The top players are loving the heartache caused to the 100‟s of
millions of people globally as they lose their jobs, have their
business destroyed, or have their farms closed down. The only
thing that matters to those heavily connected to Agenda 2030
and UN/WEF is that we are forced to join their system, their
system, their beliefs, their values, play along or be destroyed,
and that is the heart of this switch to “Stakeholder Capitalism”
The Financial Times described the switch to Stakeholder
Capitalism will mean companies will be expected to promote,

believe, and donate to whichever causes are deemed primary by

the World Economic Forum and its “leading companies”. Obey
or Stock value will fall, banks loans refused, investors removed
and reputation publicly tarnished. We are witnessing a merge
into one between monopoly capitalism and outright
communism. Centralized power in the hands of a few
companies alongside the WEF and UN. Elected governments
are powerless to. Even politicians who aren‟t controlled don‟t
stand a chance. We are witnessing the systematic destruction of
small businesses so we just about have super companies left.
And those super companies alongside the WEF and UN are
now in charge. And yes the banks are on their side.
The list of companies/organizations includes just about every
big bank from the US, UK, and Europe, as well as the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation, George Soros Open Society, and all
the predictable big companies names we see receive special
permissions throughout the “Covid crisis” whilst small
businesses, have been left to rot.
The greatest crime in human history is occurring right now
and all that the media talk about is “STAY INDOORS”
Are you aware that if they are supposed to carry news of your
activities and you are not using masks the mainstream media
will not accept to carry it because they say you must wear
masks if we are going to put this on the news
Over time, the UN has sought to unite stakeholders
everywhere to tackle the world‟s greatest challenges. Yet our


multilateral system is being threatened by those who want it to

go it alone rather than work together.
I have news for them all of them that are holding those
meetings they are not in the picture of God for world
domination, they are not. Not of them will make it. So with the
vaccines, this is their greatest effort yet to control the world,
with this fraud of the Covid-test.
The controlled “leaders” of nations are already pushing their
pre-written scripts for their puppet masters. Using the same
very language as Klaus Schwab (WEF), the United Nations,
and the corrupt MSM. “Build Back Better” AKA Globalism‟s
“Green” UN Deal.
This is a change that is ACTIVELY HAPPENING NOW and
most people have never heard of it. These things are the
reasons for COVID

Certain things are done by the devil designed to destroy so
many and to destroy nations and their economy, this is one of
them. The spiritual world governs the physical world. What
this means is that what you see happening in the physical world
is a result of what has already happened in the spiritual world.


Before anything takes place physically it‟s already happened

spiritually. Of course, Satan had those who carried out his plans
who are humans with an evil agenda and wicked mindsets. Not
knowing what is going on is to be blind spiritually.
The Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood and you
have to know what is going on.
Understand something Jesus called Satan The Prince of this
World and He said I have overcome the world. So Jesus
overcame the Prince of the World and his governmental
structure. Satan has a structure. The Bible shows us how this
world is run by the forces of evil and how and when angelic
forces of God intervene because they do

Now it‟s just shown you a structure of devilish forces. When

you know it or not it‟s a reality.


These are the spirits that are currently working and have
worked and will work with Satan around the world.


1. Abaddon - Egypt

The spirit that was at work in the old Egyptian empire

was the “spirit of Abaddon”. In Greek, he is called
„Apollyon‟ which means “destroyer”. Now when you read
in the Bible he tells us God asked the children of Israel to
put blood on the doorposts of their houses. And he said I
will not permit the destroyer to come inside. The
destroyer was the spirit that ruled over the Egyptian
Kingdom. But after his work, he was sent into the abyss.
So where is Abaddon today? Abaddon is in the abyss.

2. The Assyrian - Assyria

The Assyrian kingdom came up after the Egyptians came
and the Assyrian is the “Prince of Assyria”. And there are
a lot of things that are easily identified with the “Prince of
Assyria”-wickedness, wealth, riches, power, and the
destruction of religion he prided himself in the destruction
of gods.

3. King of Babylon - Babylon

And here there is a little complexity because the king of
Babylon because of the religious nature. Satan made a
home in Babylon and you will find him in Tyrus

4. Medo-Persia- Prince of Persia


Power, polarizations, and killings. This spirit is an evil

Prince of darkness that was ruling in the spirit realm over
the kingdom of Persia.

5. Prince of Greecia - Greece

War, blasphemy, godlessness, impostor

So the kingdom of Greecia will come after the kingdom of

Persia. And this evil spirit he says you will be ruling over the
Greecian kingdom after the kingdom of Medo-Persia

6. Satan- Rome
And there is something really interesting about this
kingdom because Satan himself decided to take charge at


the time. Jesus said this

What is Jesus describing here? He is not talking about

Satan being thrown away in Heaven as some have
assumed .he is talking about Satan coming to the earth to
set himself a place in Pergamos because the Son of God
himself was in the earth .he has trying to identify him so
long right from the garden of Eden. He knows who he
was, trying to identify him until finally Jesus was made
known by John the Baptist. Remember he didn‟t know
who Jesus was. He had to kill all the babies from 2 years
down but Jesus escaped that one, his parents took him to
Egypt. Until at the baptism at the Jordan and John the
Baptist by the spirit of God recognized Jesus because he
saw the Holy Spirit descend in the form of a dove on Jesus.
So all that period was the Roman Empire.


7. Revised Roman Empire-Prince of Babylon

In dealing with this, we are talking about something that‟s
going to be spearheaded by Babylon the great and easily
identified by the European Union.

8. Grecian Empire
In dealing with this, the Prince of Greecia will be
responsible for the latter times.



This is the scarlet beast that had the name of blasphemy.

Look at the sentence very well „was, and is not so where is
he? Meaning that at the time of John who was giving the
revelation this beast was in the abyss, the bottomless pit.


So he is referring to those kingdoms. John was on number

6 of the kingdoms at the time of writing in Ancient Rome
that is the Roman Empire


So he says there are 7 kings, 5 are fallen, one is and the

other is not yet come and when he comes he must continue
a short space which we identified as three and half years.
Let‟s look at Nebuchadnezzar's dream of that monster that
he saw. With a human figure and he was shown 7
kingdoms and that he was the 1st king of Gold or the head
of gold king because there were 2 others before him.



Now we know this beast is the spirit that is going to be

working with the antichrist because of his 7 heads and 10
horns alright. And we find him carrying out the works of
the antichrist. So he is the spirit that is going to be
functioning right in the antichrist. But we know he is a
spirit because of where he comes from, he comes from the
bottomless pit. Where does the antichrist as a man come
from? He comes from among humans because the Bible
tells us that the sea has to do with people.


Now the man he is going to possess and carry out his

works through which is the antichrist is exactly like him
he is got 7 heads and 10 horns just like the spirit and upon
his horns 10 crowns. But the spirit doesn‟t have a crown
but the man himself is crowned so he is going to be ruling
in the affairs of men


So which kingdom looks like a leopard? It‟s the Greecian



The Grecian empire broke into four after the death of

Alexander the Great and four leaders emerged out of it.




So what does that tell us? That this prince that comes out
of the bottomless pit is the prince of Greecia. So we can
say as of today, where is the prince of Greecia? The Prince
of Greecia came into power after the prince of Persia in the
days of Daniel the prophet. But where is the prince of
Greecia now? The Prince of Greecia is in the abyss, he
hasn‟t come out. Because that‟s where he is going to come
out of in the latter days and he is the one that is going to
possess the antichrist and assume the same image.

He is the eighth. Why? Because he takes over the

structure of the revised Roman Empire which is Babylon.
And you know the Prince of Babylon does something,
notice something about the prince of Babylon, he comes in
number 7 but he was there before in number 3 as the king


of Babylon.

Religion, Riches. So today he is carrying out his work but

their time of expanding their power across the world
hasn‟t come. But their structures are being built already.
And after they have built the structure and come into the
light, dominating the world that is when the Prince of
Greecia will take over from the Prince of Babylon.

Now, why are these things so important because if you

don‟t understand them then they do all the kinds of things
that they are doing right now and God‟s people pray
without direction. For example in casting out devils,
sometimes you got to identify the spirit of them or you
can‟t cast them out, there will be trouble if you don‟t know
what you are doing. Now if someone is possessed of an
unclean spirit and I want to rebuke that spirit I cannot be


calling another spirit. Let‟s assume someone has an

unclean spirit that has been afflicting him or her with a
particular disease or some other kind of affliction. If I
begin to command Satan, a lower spirit or a very low spirit
may listen to me and act accordingly and obey because of
the generic leadership and structure which he understands
but some have powers and rights to operate on their own.
The very low spirits take instruction from a higher spirit
but some of them have the power to operate on their own.
You cannot cast those out without identifying them. You
cannot just say, devil, come out No! They are going to
remain there. So this is the reason the spirit of God opens
our eyes and our understanding to know certain things
that happen in the realm of the spirit so that we can
address them properly.
And sometimes we pray to God to do something and he is
not responsible for the problem and he gave us authority
to cast out devils and if we don‟t know how we are going
to use it, we are not going to do anything. We just pray
and pray widely and things continue as they were.
Remember he told us we wrestle not against flesh and
blood but principalities, against powers, against the rulers
of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness
in high places, therefore, take unto you the whole amour of



When Greecia came in, the Bible tells us he was going to

be so fierce and that he will war against others and
conquers all of them. Remember the conquest of
Alexander the Great. And look at the Blasphemy and
Godlessness with which Greece operated and several gods
that they lifted but not because they were godly but
because of demonic operations, eventually, it commutated
in Antiochus IV Epiphanes who in his blasphemous ways
and his utter godlessness went into the temple of God to
offer a pig on the altar and what happened there was the
abomination of desolation. When he did that it was trouble
for the Jews. He was so destructive, He was so evil but he
was not the antichrist. But he did things and he was like
the forerunner and we find that same spirit that caused
Antiochus IV to do what he did, that same spirit returns in
the latter days except that this time he does worse he is
the Prince of Greecia. But all the characters are with him.

3. Where is Abbadon?
Abbadon is in the abyss now. In the book of Revelation the
demons coming out of the abyss like locusts; he is the head
of them, the destroyer.


4. Where is the King of Babylon?

He is in Europe

5. The spirit that is responsible for what is going right

now is the Assyrian.

6. Where is the “Prince of Persia”?

He is in China. You have to understand that those names
are not permanent. Like when you say “Prince of Persia,
there is no Persia today. Prince of Greecia, there is no
Greecia today. They understand that those that identify
with them. So as today there are functioning in some other
place wherever they are right now. When you study the
Bible God always gives you a clear understanding of some
mysteries. With which you can tell past, present, or future.
So that‟s how can you can know whether something is


pastor for the present or whether something is for the

future. So I want to show you where the “Prince of Persia”
is if at all he is anywhere.
a. This “Prince of Persia” what is the prophetic symbols?
Given to us with which to identify his works

.This is the Prince of Persia we are talking about, his

symbol is the bear. What is the National animal symbol
of China? It‟s the Bear
Now Bible expositors have tried for a long to know
what these ribs represent and they all agreed somehow
it possible represent some form of nations that it
conquered one way or the other. He‟s got three nations
in his mouth which is these? 1. Macau 2.Hong Kong 3.
Taiwan. It‟s a sign to let you know it‟s not going to let


them go, he‟s got by the ribs. Because they somehow

have their administration, they are supposed to be
somehow autonomous but they are not, Because China
has its teeth on them. So you know when these things
come into prophecy. So these are spirits and God gave
us signs to us to know where they go and what he does.
1. His sign is the bear 2. You will see in his mouth 3
ribs, that‟s how to identify him, and then he is told
doesn‟t spare the fruit of the womb and has no pity for
children and to devour much flesh. Go and look at what
has happened in China and the numbers that have been
slaughtered, killed. It raised itself on one side. And I am
telling China is not going to give in to the One World
Government because as far as China is concerned, they
have their One-World. This is what you call
polarization; China polarizes the world for good or evil
am not condemning China am just showing you what
the Bible says. So you are going to see where they will
come through the Euphrates as the Bible shows us for
the war in Jerusalem. And the intention will be to attack
the antichrist army in the latter days which will be led
by Europe, all about the fight about Jerusalem. But in
the midst of all of that Jesus comes from Heaven


The Medes are the Persians.

Which country is noted for this thing? China!!!


This Babylonian kingdom




We identified by the spirit of God that those things that have

happened around the world, to those nations of the world, to
the lockdowns and the destruction and decimation of economies
and the nations are brought down were all by the satanic
“Prince of Assyria”

Isaiah 10:12 (NIV)

When the Lord has finished all his work against Mount
Zion and Jerusalem, he will say “I will punish the king of
Assyria for the willful pride of his heart and the haughty
look in his eyes.


Isaiah 10:13 (NIV)

For he says “By the strength of my hand I have done this,
and by my wisdom, because I have understanding. I
removed the boundaries of nations. I plundered their
treasures; like a mighty one, I subdued their kings.

This is what this evil prince of darkness has done, he has

destroyed businesses and wrecked lives many nations will
never recover and this is the plan from Davos. This is the plan.
This is what the Great Reset is all about, Klaus Schwab‟s Great
Reset. That‟s what he said in his Book. This is what is about,
the plundering of nations, destruction of nations and destroy
your way of life completely and to set it up in his vision. It‟s
terrible and I am amazed that some people buy into it. Well the
reason is many have had the same vision for a long time, he
happens to be the bold one super-heading the world economic
forum, that‟s why others are meeting and that they believe that
somehow they are responsible for this whole world. They
believe because they have accumulated a lot of wealth,
resources and that they are responsible to decide the future of
this world. I say to them, the future of this World does not
depend on any one of them or all the group of them, it doesn‟t.
The future of this world is based on the prophets and
prophecies of Daniel, Ezekiel, Zechariah, John, Jesus, and what
they have said is what will come to pass and the timing of God
will be established. It will not move by one dot.


These are spiritual wickedness, they are like regulators, and

these are forces that control global regions. They rule the
world. The beautiful thing is since Jesus came and carried out
his ministry and paid the full price for the salvation of the
World and defeated Satan and the forces of darkness. These
spirits have been carrying out illegal activity and they have
done most of their work unchecked and a lot of times ministers
of the gospel who should check them have been afraid of them.
And I showed you from the Bible, the Prince of Assyria was
responsible for this evil that happened throughout the World in
the last couple of months. I showed you his modus operanda
and his activities from the Bible.
Now things have taken place spiritually, and what will happen
is the financial banks in the United States will fall and the
forces will move to Europe and there is a reason for it. That‟s

another way of telling you the deep states currently has its seat
in the United States, now don‟t get me wrong almost every
country has a deep state, I mean in the more generic
terminology. Okay, so why the case because Satan is interesting
in the affairs of men. Almost every human community can have
what you might call a deep state that is just speaking broadly
but to be more specific when I talk about the deep state, here I
am talking about those who control a whole lot more than just
a small community. I am dealing globally here and the seat of
the deep state of the World is based in the United States
currently and is going to fall, why is just what happened in the
days of Daniel and the Angel Gabriel on his way to Daniel
encountered the “Prince of Persia” and his demons that were
along with him intercepted Gabriel and fought with him and he
was detained with them until Michael, the archangel came and
got in the fight and Gabriel was released from there to go to
Daniel and said to Daniel when I am done with you now I for
back to fight back the “Prince of Persia” and after am gone the
“Prince of Greece” will come. And he told him, he said Persia
will fall and the kingdom of Persia will be replaced by Greece.
And I am telling you, the deep state is about to fall, they will
fall and there is a reason they are going to fall, they are not
expecting to fall but they will fall. And what‟s playing out is
very simple. Now the “Prince of Assyria” that is responsible for
this work with the deep state has been overthrown, he‟s lost his
seat. It just what happened on the day of Daniel the prophet.
And the Angel Gabriel on his way to Daniel encountered the
“Prince of Persia” and along with his demons that were with

him intercepted Gabriel and fought with him and he was

detained with them until Michael the Archangel came and got
in the fight and Gabriel was released from there and got in the
fight and he said to Daniel when I am done with you now I go
back to fight with the “Prince of Persia” and after am gone the
“Prince of Greecia” shall come and he told him he said Persia
will fall and the kingdom of Persia will be replaced by the
kingdom of Greecia and I am telling you that the deep state is
about to fall, they are not expecting to fall but they will fall and
what‟s playing out is very simple. You know the prince of
Assyria that is responsible for this work with the deep state has
been overthrown. He has lost his seat and I will tell you who
takes over from him.


This is a spirit being among the highest ranks. For example,

Michael is called an Archangel; he is one of the top princes in
Heaven. There are other high angels; he is one of the chief
Persia was the most powerful empire at the time and in the
realm of the Spirit, these “Kings of Persia” spirits were the ones
governing the empire. They run the activities of the empire and
they arrested angel Gabriel until Michael came with his forces
and overpowered them and Gabriel left. Now what happened
there was Heaven was responding to the prayer of Daniel.
He says I have found out from the books of Jeremiah the
prophet that God‟s people Israel was supposed to be exiled to
be for 70 years. The time had come nothing was happening.
And so he said to himself to seek the Lord to pray and to
confess the sins of Israel and the sins of the people and his sins
and prayed and prayed to God and fasted for 21 days and God
responded. And when God responded he responded in the
Spirit. He sent his angels to topple the princes and kings of
Persia in the spirit. This angel Gabriel said when I leave you
now I go back to that fight.


He didn‟t say now I return to heaven.No! And he told Daniel

look there are 3 more kings to come. he says there is more that
you are going to see in Persia. In the human government,
certain things will take place. He says but am going up there
and am going to topple the Prince of Persia and then the Prince
of Greecia shall come because he had told him after Persia will
be Greece but before Greece comes he says am going back to
you the fight. So he went and evidently, they toppled the
“Prince of Persia”


If Gabriel had not told Daniel and Daniel had not written it,
you wouldn‟t have known like anything like that happened. So
the same spirits that made those things known to Daniel made
those things known to me.
So what they did was to destroy borders they want to create a
global community by themselves but they have fallen. It didn‟t
work because we are still here. So Satan has seen something
that he is mad at so he is making a change. But he is already
fallen in that which God already planned before. You know the
deep states controlled states and they tried to use states to
achieve this evil work, it‟s failing. So in comes “The Prince of
Babylon” who takes over from the “Prince of Assyria” and he
will use the power of states and that‟s why it moves to Europe
because there is where you have Babylon. He will use the power
of states because the deep states couldn‟t use the power of
states. They wanted to eliminate the states but they failed to
eliminate the states why? Because the church was here praying.
So now the Prince of Babylon will take over from the Prince of
Assyria. In the meantime, the Prince of Greecia is in the abyss
and at the appointed time he will come out of the abyss. But the
“Prince of Babylon” takes over. When does he take over? Not
yet! But he is preparing. But remember after Angel Gabriel said
to Daniel there are three more Kings to reign in Persia before
Greecia so it didn‟t happen immediately. So the transformation
will take place but is not like tomorrow morning there is still a
little time. But in the earth realm, you will start seeing the
manifestations changes.


Would you know when a statement that you are hearing

sounds nice and true is not from God? Would you know when
an announcement is made and sounds nice and is not from God
is from the devil? All we are seeing is not there it is, that‟s what
the Bible shows us and I have endeavored to show you from the
Bible and that even though we have a physical world, material
there is a spirit world that dominates the physical world and
that when it comes to nations, cities, and regions. We have to
be even more concerned about such things and recognized that
those things are not just there by themselves. Governments are
not left alone in the realm of the spirit. You have to know that
or else you are deceiving yourself. The scripture shows us and
if you have been following I have shown you from the
scriptures, how that those things are real, and that they are
there today. And to think is not so is self-delusion. When Jesus
was arrested by the authorities, what did he say? He said when
I was in the temple and out there teaching you didn‟t do this,
but he said this is your hour and the power of darkness that led
the authorities to do what they did. He defined it; he said this
was your moment. When it was not their moment they couldn‟t
get him. And the Bible tells because it was not his time and was
not time for them to do that and they couldn‟t take him. He said
I laid my life down on my own will this one thing I received
from my father. And so when it was time he said this is your
hour and the power of darkness. He identified it as coming from
the forces of darkness and I am asking you would you know
when the forces of darkness are up against you? Would you
know when Satan is in operation in your city, country, or

region? Without the knowledge of the word of God, you

wouldn‟t know All you would have is speculation. You
wouldn‟t know. God said my people are destroyed for the lack
of knowledge. If you don‟t know the word of God, you can‟t tell
what is coming from God or what is coming is from the Devil
You will just at things and think oh! Well, there is a normal life
what do you mean by normal life? You are either in God or you
are in the World. Jesus said of the Jews that were standing
before and questioning him and said “You are of your father the
devil and the works of your father you would do. He didn‟t say
somehow you are in the middle, there is no such place as the
middle ground between God and Satan, and there is no such
place. That‟s why Jesus said you must be born again. He said
that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of
the spirit is spirit and until you are born of the spirit of God
you are of the flesh and all that of the flesh The bible says are of
the Devil. Believe it or not, makes no difference. You can‟t
change God‟s word, that‟s what he said and that is why he is
coming again and when he comes he is not coming for a weak
church. Okay, some are good, some are in the middle No! He
takes only those who have received his salvation. Everybody
else is in the same class. You know as an individual you are free
to choose whatever you want to choose, you can believe
whatever you want to believe it‟s up to you. Of course, every
human being has the right to believe something or not to
believe something. But at the end of the day, what you don‟t
believe or don‟t believe would determine your faith and you
better know that. Thank God for giving us the Bible to teach

us, to inform us. I shared the scriptures not only because I

studied them but I proved them. It‟s important to prove the
scriptures. The Bible says to prove all things, hold fast to which
is good. So I proved it and I am holding fast to it because it‟s
good. When you haven‟t proved it for yourself and your life you
may have some thoughts about what if. But you proved God‟s
word for yourself and there will be no more ifs. So let no one
deceive you with vain words, for there are many deceivers.
So there‟s so much evil in the world and not even those who are
plundered so much have no clue what happening to them, who
have been destroyed have no idea what‟s happening to them.
They think is about politics, is not politics.
During the lockdown, isn‟t it the poor who suffered the most?
Those who have daily paid jobs. If they don‟t work that day,
they don‟t get any money. And they were locked in for some
fraudulent fake virus and these people had no food, many died
in their homes and nobody cared.
People got infected in their homes who never traveled or
contracted anyone who had the virus. How did they get it in
their homes? And thank God in New York where it was the
epicenter at least the governor who was a democrat finally
spoke up and he had to tell the truth about what they were


66% came from those staying at home, unbelievable. Why?

That‟s where you get it by not coming out. It destroys your
immunity, you need the sun, the air all these you get outside
the house not inside the house. Any true scientists should know


this, these are ABCs but you wonder why. You would think you
think they got this information from scientists, no they didn‟t
these are political decisions, not scientific decisions No! they are
telling us they got it from the experts, they didn‟t get it from
the experts. I mean with all due respect to those in the W.H.O
and the big pharmaceuticals and those sponsoring for disease
control, can they just be sincere for a moment and look at real
science. The actions that were taken were taken based on
modules, not true data and then the whole world reacted
according to the modules. What they didn‟t say about the
modules is that they also did module the reactions. They
moduled the reaction, and that the economies of the world will
be flattened. That part they never told you which was part of
the module. Now the results are coming out and Sweden that
didn‟t have the lockdown was cited by the W.H.O as a global
example of how to deal with the virus, that‟s a country that
didn‟t have the lockdown. The W.H.O praised them as an
example for the world to follow
Think about what‟s going on now, Globalization, there want to
make it One World, One Government, One World Economy,
and One World Religion. And also about the decimation of
World Economies.

Isaiah 10:14
As one reaches into a nest, so my hand reached for the
wealth of the nations as people gather abandoned eggs, so

I gathered all the countries; not one flapped a wing or

opened its mouth to chirp”
Look at this, all the nations were doing the same thing and
reading from the same script, lying to their people the same
way, they couldn‟t even resist why? Because of this demonic
Prince of Assyria. These are rulers of darkness; they control the
minds of men. They whisper thoughts into their minds. They
take over the minds of men and governments that would have
been doing something good for its people changes because it is
being controlled by the Prince of Assyria.

His purpose is to put an end to many nations. What‟s

happening today? The destruction of economies and how you
do you destroy a nation, through its economy. There are
several of them that may never recover. And during this chaos


money has been borrowed from them, how are they ever going
to pay back?

Look at what he says, I want you to understand something very

important, you know when we talk about the deep state for
example we are talking about non-state actors who control the
states alright that is what we mean when we say the deep state.
So when we are talking about these spirits we are talking about
spirits that motivate the deep state. They are usually non-state
actors, they may run organizations that have a lot of money,
power, and influence that‟s what is all about and so they control
state power and use that to make themselves even more
powerful and even richer. For example just a simple question
All the money that the nations lost in the last few months
where is it? Where is all the money that major companies,
institutions, individuals they lost? What do you mean by they


lost money of course they lost money. The stock market got
crashed completely, so where did the money go, the money
didn‟t fly into thin air, it went somewhere. It‟s about somebody
who lost money and another person gained, money has some
equilibrium so it‟s not lost out we can‟t say it‟s gone we can‟t
find it oh! No, it‟s give or take, it‟s lost or gain. So when the
money went out of that business, when the money went out of
that economy where did it go? It went somewhere. This means
certain individuals or organizations or powers controlled by the
prince of Assyria got the money that all others lost.

What is he talking about? Now he is boasting about his

destruction of gods.



Now God is talking

You see how he is letting us know the prideful boast of the

King of Assyria. Think about it, nations and their governments

have been subdued and they are handed outlaws, unjust laws to
pass to their people. That is what has happened around the

Why? Because they all fled, lockdowns! They left their

businesses and left all the wealth. They watched as they lost
their wealth, as their economies were paralyzed. Nobody could
say No! They were all looking paralyzed because of this Prince
of Assyria. A mighty boaster, he prides himself in the
destruction of gods and that‟s why he also decided to step on
the church.
They cause people to write different kinds of things. They
control the media, the narratives and they understand very well
how to use those things. They understand the modus-operandi
of Satan, that‟s why they pass around the world. Fear is a great
2weapon. There‟s no good in them, everything about them is

wickedness, they have no restraint to evil except we by the

power of the Holy Ghost and in the name of Jesus Christ
restrain them. And our job is to transmit Faith because that‟s
what we have in our Kingdom of God. Faith comes by hearing
the Word of God.
Jesus said “You are of your father the devil and the works of
your father you will do. So everyone does the work of his
father. So those father is Lucifer (Satan they do the works of
Lucifer the devil; they destroy nations.

Isaiah 14:12
How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer son of the
morning, how art thou cut down to the ground, which
didst weakens the nations!

Who weakens the nations? It‟s Lucifer the devil, Have you
noticed your nation is weaker than before because most nations
have lost their wealth to certain people; certain organizations;
certain individuals, and especially what just happened in the
last few months who benefitted, the same group of individuals
and organizations and their allies they all benefitted because
when you were locked inside your various homes, all the money
moves to them because money is liquid, it doesn't stay in one
place. So it flowed to them.


There are more poor people in the world than there are rich
people so why is it so I will tell you why.
It‟s something that most of the world, ignores why many
nations are poor? For years, I studied why nations can be rich
and how and why nations would be poor, and how I can tell
you the Bible gives the most extraordinary information.
Poverty is not an accident, it doesn‟t just happen, and it doesn‟t
happen because of where you live it doesn‟t happen of how you
were born. No
Poverty is not a result of laziness there are a lot of people who
work hard and are poor. There are more hardworking poor
people in the world than lazy rich people. Of course, the Bible
lets us know that if you are lazy, you could resort to poverty
God doesn‟t encourage laziness in any way, but that is not the
reason that most people are poor. Why is it so important? In
the last few years we‟ve had the United Nations come out
saying about their goals, millennium goals they started with
and they have all these wonderful programs. For the elevation
of poverty around the World. Okay, we are going to know how
sincere that is. Our God says all his works are done in truth; he
is sincere about his works. How sincere are all those
organizations? Some of them are government organizations,
private government organizations all of these come out and say
they want to fight poverty, they have been trying to fight
poverty for so long for decades they talk about it, so how long
does it take to destroy it. Why has it suddenly become an
enigma, why is it so difficult, how sincere are the programs,

these poverty elevation programs. Am not trying to get you to

be against anybody, I just want to show you the truth from the
Word of God, that‟s what am trying to help you understand so
why you see it, you would know where to turn your focus,
would you look to man and their organizations to help the
nations like those who are calling on the international
community to save their countries. Are you going to look to
them for some help, are you going to believe financial deep
pockets to come together and somehow help you out, help your
country or state out. The reason for poverty is not far-fetched.
The reason for poverty in the world. Again I am saying this,
am whom you discuss subjects like this, sometimes you want to
know what the expected reaction is. Some people think they are
going to go out in the streets and demonstrate and protest and
all of that. The truth of the matter is have you have ever done a
study on the protests around the world and the protests around
the world and the actual results of the protests. How many
protests and which ones gave the people what they wanted.
How many revolutions, political revolutions were sincere and
produced the desired results, not even the French revolution? If
anything study the subject properly, it was a curse because of
those who engineered it. Was the status quo better? No am not
saying things should have been how they were before the
revolution. No, the revolution was sure coming but maybe not
the way it happened because it was hijacked like so many others
have been hijacked by the same people and players. Am not
against people, God loves everybody so what‟s responsible for
all this, we will get there shortly.

When God inspires prosperity, it blesses others, when Satan

inspires prosperity it is at the destructive expense of others.
That is the reason for the poverty of nations….THE
That is why every time your country is getting better, the
people are working hard and the money is coming in, and they
are prospering. Suddenly they have a hit on your currency.
Some clandestine group takes a shot at the currency. Some
clandestine group takes a shot at the currency and destroys it,
why? Because that‟s how they get rich so they make sure your
currency goes down and they buy of all of those things you
worked. For in the last few years when you are coming up. All
the infrastructure coming up, all your banks are coming up all
your factories coming up and you are manufacturing beautiful
things in your country and they hit your currency. When they
hit your currency, then the value goes down and they come
from outside and buy up your banks, buy up your
manufacturing factories and buy up your airports, buy up your
manufacturing factories and buy up all the infrastructure, buy
up your airports, buy up your bridges, they call it investments
and those that are ignorant are asking for international
investors, what you don‟t know is that they hit your currency,
that‟s the secret, what‟s what happens when you work hard
again. The Bible says in all labor there‟s profit. The word of
God cannot fall to the ground. So when you are working, it
doesn‟t work you do everywhere, whether you are the poorest
worker but you are working, it doesn‟t matter whether you are
in the village or the remote areas, it doesn‟t matter where, all

the work you put in, it got something it‟s got value then you
are climbing again and suddenly they see you are about to come
out because now your country can pay up its external debt.
They never want you to pay off the debt because that‟s how
they get the money, they don‟t want you to pay off your debt,
your country is prospering, you are about to pay off your
international load of debt then suddenly they hit your currency.
How do they hit your currency? It‟s all about negotiations,
intimidations. So they come in there with all these amazing
offers for the negotiations and then they intimidate and insist
on your economy or they claim something is wrong with your
currency. Something has to go wrong, a crisis is always their
answer, they set up a crisis from your country and one that
takes place the next thing is you are looking for a solution,
your leaders now a need a solution; so they move from
negotiation to intimidation and suddenly you are ready you are
now ready for the offers; okay we will take it, so your money,
then falls again in value, the currency just dropped and they hit
so hard, the factories are dead, it will pay you better to import
from another country; than to manufacture from within your
country; they killed your factories all their products can‟t sell,
so they got to sell them back to you. This is the reason; poverty
cannot stop as long as this goes on. God has blessed all
countries and nations but there is a thief that is destroying it
and when you understand this then you know how to pray and
go about things because God loves everybody, God loves all
the people in your country and he doesn‟t like it when certain
individuals somewhere are taking advantage of the people in

your nation. God doesn‟t like it.God has done his best by
blessing all nations. Poverty is not from God and is not an
accident. It‟s created by certain people. Even those who are
responsible for this thing are such a wonderful idea but if they
want to be sincere with themselves they would know it‟s not a
great idea. How can it be a great idea when your company
exists on falsehood and fraud and lies? How can be a great idea,
it can‟t be a great idea. And it is time for God‟s people to
understand those realities. Because when men are in league
with Satan they carry out his works. I want to explain to you,
sometimes people don‟t understand, there are several
fraternities and cults, they go by different names, and I am not
after cults and no matter where people are when they have the
gospel they can believe in Jesus Christ. So all the cults and
fraternities are the same. So Jesus said to us “I sent you forth as
sheep among wolves. What was he saying? When he was
speaking to those Jews that didn‟t believe in Him, He said
something to them, He said “you generation of vipers”. How
can you escape the damnation of hell? He called them a
generation of vipers, a breed of snakes. In telling his disciples I
sent you forth as sheep among wolves. He wasn‟t talking about
demons; he was talking about others, other people who would
do wickedly against them. He said be ye therefore wise as
serpents and harmless as doves. He knew the hostile
environment in which we were to preach the gospel and be a
light to the nations.


And no force resists Satan except the power of Jesus

Christ. That‟s why the nations no matter how they gang up
together they can‟t win unless, by the power of God to set men
free, because the force behind those individuals and
organizations and those foundations that have been there
forever is the force of the devil, Satan and that‟s why they
worship Satan because they believe, he gave them the wealth
that they have. But the sign that the wealth is not from God is
that it is at the destructive expense of others. When God
blesses he doesn‟t have to ruin someone else to bless you, he
doesn‟t need to destroy someone to bless you. He has more
than enough for everybody. So when you are praying, pray that
those who engage in these nefarious activities will be unable to
continue their activities. These organizations and individuals
are responsible for these evil works.
When people worship idols, they are not worshipping the
figure in front of them, the image, the statue, or the shrine in
front of them; they are worshipping the demons behind those
things. That‟s why the Bible says the sacrifices that the juju
worshippers or the idol worshippers that they offer, are not
offering them to God, they are images, not to the idols, not to
the shrines, they are offering them to demons, so when they are
making those agreements, incantations, and prayers to those
images in front of them, they are offering them to demons. At
the lower class, they don‟t know this; they think they are
bowing down to this structure in front of them, maybe with the
head of a Goat. Those at the higher levels understand they are


bowing to this evil spirit. And there many of them who are in
direct contact with Lucifer, Satan himself. So they are
worshipping Satan directly and this is what happened with
Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon. He was a worshipper of
Satan so much so that he was characterized with the name of
the Devil. And you read your Bible, and in some instances when
God addressed the King of Babylon, he was addressing Satan.
Because this King has become so possessed with Satan.
It‟s like the same in the spirit with Christians When Saul was
called Paul and when he was persecuting Christians and Jesus
spoke out of heaven when this man was on his way to
Damascus to maltreat and arrest more Christians. The Bible
says Jesus spoke out of a light, and this light was brighter than
the noon-day sun and Jesus spoke out of the light and said
“Saul, Saul” why do you persecute me. He didn‟t say why you
persecute my people. He said why do you persecute me? Jesus
had become so identified with his believers.
This is to tell the level at which they have so identified
themselves with Satan. Lucifer. This is why they are so bold to
do the things that they are doing. And when you identify
yourself with Satan, you become a murderer. Jesus identified
Satan and called him a murderer from the beginning and abode
not in the truth. So they do things and come up with ideas,
regulations, and laws that take the lives of people by the
numbers, they become killers without a conscience why?
Because Satan has now possessed them so you see them smiling
and talking nicely, you don‟t know who you are dealing with.

The people have of the land have used oppressing and exercised
robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy: yea has oppressed
the stranger wrongfully.
Yeah, that‟s what am talking about, the abuse of power. When
you destroy small businesses because you are powerful so you
use regulations to create opportunities for your friends so the
big businesses can get bigger and all the small ones become
dependent on you, that‟s oppression. It‟s robbery when even
judges know the truth in the court of law and they cannot tell
the truth. They are afraid to give justice to those who deserve
it. Those are in nations where foreigners were poorly and badly
I have been asking myself those who insist that people should
wear masks to work, to churches to public places I am informed
that in some countries people have been arrested for not
wearing masks in their car, this is crazy. I am concerned about
this because I have been asking myself those who are insisting
on this could be ignorant or are they conspiring to kill because
I can‟t understand why anybody would ignore the reality of the
danger. It‟s either they are willfully ignorant or conspirators to
kill. I find no sensible middle ground because every reasonable
science shows it‟s deadly even the World Health Organization I
had to go to their website. I had to find out what information
did they give regarding wearing masks. Well there are many


things they have done wrong but I thought to myself would

they also go this far in foolishness, it turns out they didn‟ I
want to show what is on the website of the W.H.O as
untrustworthy as they might have been. Let‟s see what they
said, so I wonder where anybody got this stuff from.

So the idea, so you wonder where then did they get this
murderous instruction from.


If you wear a mask on a prolonged basis, it can cause hypoxia

and that means you have insufficient oxygen in your blood
that‟s deadly because it compromises your immunity and makes
you vulnerable to viral attacks. That‟s why I am wondering
could anybody give this instruction knowingly because that‟s
the way to make you vulnerable to the virus they are trying to
protect you from and several other viruses and there is more.
The almost opposite of it, hyperkalemia, too much carbon
dioxide in your blood this is trouble so that‟s why am saying is
that what science is this...Why would anybody subject others to
this deadly instruction? To wear masks every day is not even
good for the doctors who use them during their operating
hours for prolong period. For your information, some doctors
passed out in the operating room possibly because they already
had some heart problems and some other issues. So there are a
lot of issues and no one is telling others the dangers of wearing

a mask if they already had some pre-existing conditions. That‟s

why am saying are they ignorant of these simple things or are
they conspiring to kill. So those who are giving these
instructions need to make a decision. I have read to you on the
website of the World Health organization you don‟t need to
wear a mask if you are healthy and if you are not taking care of
a covid-19 patient you don‟t need to wear a mask .so why are
healthy people being subjected to this murderous punishment,
it is horrible. Some people may be enjoying, it may be showing
some politicians the controlling power they have over society
but if the people are dying how much joy do you get? So it‟s
either it is willful ignorance or you are conspiring to kill and I
have said the day will come to believe it or not where several
leaders will be held accountable for these things believe me. So
those who like to ignore truth can continue even though they
can‟t continue with these actions for much longer, spiritually
we have dealt with these issues I can tell you of that. The
expectations of the forces behind these things are being turned
upside down. The world is not left to Satan and the cults of hell
and evil workers No!. And even in these times, there are
ministers of the gospel who say that everybody should listen to
the health experts and doctors and I am thinking what. So how
do you define that? Who are the health experts and doctors?
That‟s where the problem is, I think primarily the ministers
need to listen to God. That‟s what Jesus, the prophets, the
apostle taught us .first and foremost you listen to God what is
he telling you


In Romans chapter 13, the Bible tells us that God gave political
power, authority to man and woman in political office so he
expects us to follow their lead but he also lets us know the
conditions .so am going to read to you what the Bible says so
no one deceives you. It‟s amazing when Jesus talked about the
signs of his second coming. He made it very clear that
deception was going to be a major problem in the last few days.
And all three writers Mathew, Mark, and Luke in reporting
what Jesus said about his return they said, Jesus said let no man
deceive you because there will be so much deception. It doesn‟t
matter if they planned to deceive you or they mistakenly
deceive you it makes no difference. He says it is your
responsibility to let no man deceive you. He is not addressing it
to the deceiver; he is addressing it to you.


This presupposes that those in authority will do the things that

God wants, which means that they will function with God‟s
principles. It means that God expects them to be honest,
truthful, and God gave us in the scriptures lots of examples in

good leadership and also what he thinks about leadership now

when leadership goes bad God does not insist that we do what
they say example
The apostles have been preaching and then they got a man
healed in Acts chapter 3 and after the man got healed lots of
people believed. The rulers didn‟t like the fact that the apostles
were preaching to the people in the name of Jesus Christ who
they have just crucified so they said these men will turn the
people against us so they arrested the apostles and they warned



So shouldn‟t have they said okay whatever you say we are

going to do, but look at their response
So when leadership is consistent with the will and plan of God
we always obey and we always teach others to obey but when it
is inconsistent with God‟s will and plan and purpose as far as
this inconsistency is concerned we completely disagree. That‟s
why I have a problem with the insistence on wearing a mask. I
knew there will be some ministers who say oh! Follow the
experts and remember these experts are not God and can get it
wrong and they have to be corrected, somebody has to draw
their attention to what is right. Otherwise, as Jesus said the
blind are leading the blind and both are going to fall into the
ditch. We got to call their attention to reality, truth. The
science and the data don‟t follow the instructions they have
given. The CDC in the United States finally acknowledges that


the fatality rate is 0.26. This is annoying because they all got
the whole world to take terrible damaging actions a few
months ago, economies were crushed, lives were destroyed,
livelihoods were ended. Think about it some nations may never
recover. Business many never come back all because somebody
said it was 4.0 or more and they were frightened and took all
these actions and paralyzed the world, there was no science in
the advice given to the nations and the steps the nations were
asked to take were not tested scientifically, this is real. There
was no scientific proof that the recommendations of lockdowns,
masks, and social distancing worked for Covid-19. The best
they had was for influenza, common flu and we didn‟t take
those steps and this is terrible and I have said before you are
not likely to get anybody to apologize .they are going to do
exactly as they did with Y2k. It will make it look like yeah it
was a mistake and not too bad a mistake; we are just going to
continue. This is not fair we shut down because we thought it
was 4.0 or more and you come back and you say I made a
mistake it was 0.26 but the shutdown continues No! One day
they will be held accountable because we need to know if it was
truly a mistake and where did the modules come from. Where
did the projections come from? Why were they so wrong?
I know several steps were taken all over the world for the
mitigation of the virus but as we are all aware these were based
on certain modules of some experts and projections of numbers
which turned out to be wrong. The whole world is aware now
that the modules were wrong. They projected numbers that


were unreal and based on those huge numbers some drastic

measures were taken. The various governments of the world
felt that they needed to take very drastic steps because the
projections were so high. We have had several months to
observe everything and all of us all over the world are aware
now that the modules were wrong, the numbers were wrong,
the projections were wrong, not just slightly wrong, they were
wrong. If that is the case then it becomes important that the
steps that were taken should be immediately reversed, if they
are not reversed it means those numbers were not mistakes,
they were lies. Because if they were mistakes by the experts
then the steps taken on that basis must be reversed. If they are
not reversed then it means the world has been lied to. It means
a deception has taken place. For example, if you say to someone
am sending XYZ to you for this amount of value and he pays
for it because he said this was the value if later on, you find out
that your figures were wrong whereas he paid let‟s say $10
million .you made a mistake, it was much less. You have found
out that your value was overestimated. He has found out that
the figures were overestimated the only justice that will be
expected will be for you to either return the balance or cancel
the sale. If you hold on to what he gave you, you have robbed
him. So it is unfair if we are have paid so much based on these
modules and projections. All of us over the world we all paid so
much, we all gave out so much. Now that these modules and
projections were wrong and fictitious and we were given the
impression that they were not based on reality and we have all
found out. Then the only sincere action would be to reverse

these terrible steps that we had to take on the wrong

projections and for those who made these projections to also
apologize because we are yet to hear them apologize, even
though I did say at the beginning that we should remember
Y2k that no one apologized over y2k after the spending of
billions of dollars all over the world

2. We all need to be sincere about the re-opening which will

require the sincerity of governments. Why do I say this? The
hospitals would need to be not only publicly but sincere
diagnosis and diagnostics would be required otherwise when
people fall ill for whatever reason. If the hospitals are not open
and they are not functional as most of them currently are, there
will be a lie that the sick people that are now overwhelming the
unopened or partly functional hospitals are victims of a second
wave. So sincerity is required in the opening so people are not
asked to go back to work and go back everywhere and then the
hospitals are not functional. The hospitals need to function on
sincere diagnosis on individual cases, this is important to make
sure we don‟t have a second lie or a second mistake.
Lastly, we got situations where everyone was expected to toe
the same line that is not a good world. We are not all the same,
there are differences and in a free society, people have the right
to air their views and opinions. We don‟t exactly have to say
the same thing and if we don‟t say the same thing it doesn‟t
mean we have to fight. The idea that all those in the media


should toe the same line and use the same manuscript and
talking points is not fair on the people and this is why the
amount of deception is so high and of course, the trust for the
media has waned over the years. This was supposed to be the
fourth estate. Why are they fighting for recognition nowadays,
because there has been so much deception?

So if someone disagrees with whatever am saying relax what if

I know something you don‟t know and even some medical
experts may not immediately agree with me on some things
relax what if? I mean is it too much for me to know what is
You know some people are used to just receiving guidance for
their medical practice, they never in their lives questioned
anything. If tomorrow they found on newspaper airplanes don‟t
fly anymore because the air has gone bad, they are going to
believe. They are just used to the following anything

Every nation gets the leadership it deserves, when you are not
prayerful for your country that is the image and reflection of
the national character. It doesn‟t matter how you vote. In the
end, you are going to get a leader that reflects your national
character, this is what is happening. Every country gets the
leader it deserves; your leader characterizes your country. They
are all a type of people and that‟s why God can hold the
leadership responsible because he sees in the leadership the

whole country. That‟s why a nation will lose a government that

would have treated them well when they don‟t deserve to be
treated better.
The United States Federal Reserve acts as the central bank in
many countries now. It belongs to the country, it belongs to
the people, and it is the government that runs the central bank
in many countries not all of them. In fact, in some countries
have already lost their central bank and the people don‟t know
it, that‟s another day‟s talk.
But US Central Reserve which is supposed to be or known
as the Central Bank for the United States doesn‟t belong to the
United States, think about it. That means the United States
dollar doesn‟t belong to the United States. That means that all
the money of the United States is loaned to the country by the
Federal Reserve what does that tell you. So all the money is
loaned to the country, loaned to the government by the Federal
Reserve which is owned by certain individuals and
organizations and most of them are not of the United States. A
lot of them are in Europe which means many of those who
owned all the money of the United States are foreigners.
So think about it, you know what means now you can
understand why the President will say we only need $500
billion for something and then the congress says No you need
$2 trillion where is that money going to come from; borrowed
from the Federal Reserve. What work does the Fed do; The
Fed does not do any work just prints money, it doesn‟t need to


invest. So in that, they are controlling nations. It doesn‟t

belong to the United States as a country but some individuals.
So all the money in your country is borrowed from some
people. The question is the legality?
Then you say why are the leaders don‟t do something, the
leaders would like to do something, but when they try, they are
threatened. So they know how to go around them, it‟s
Negotiation, Intimidation, and Elimination. If they negotiate
and the leaders say No, intimidate them if they continue to say.
No, then you hear that the man got sick and died.
You know in the world in various nations we trust our political
leaders, administrative leaders whether in an institution you
trust your leaders to make your decisions for you that‟s why
you think they are in office whether they are in government or
school. Just like children trust their parents to decide for them
so the people and citizens of a nation trust their leaders to make
their decisions for them and you feel betrayed in making the
wrong decisions knowingly. You feel betrayed because you
trusted them. They betray your trust when they make bad
decisions knowingly or when they fail to make the right
decisions because they refused to look into the right or
sufficient information or they make no effort to get the right
information. And what‟s happening around the world today is
that there is a cry for true leaders. We are in a time in the
world where it‟s so painful to see that not many are leaders
even though they occupy the positions. Leaders should be
thoughtful, considerate, they should defend their people and

work for the good of their people. They should subject all
information to proper scrutiny but when leaders became
uninspiring, it‟s painful. When we were younger leaders were
people to look up to and to aspire to be like. They were strong,
they had character, they were tough not in oppressing others
No! in making decisions talking about the future of the
countries. They loved their countries and help you love your
country. Leaders show strength of character, boldness, There is
nothing as depressing as considering uninspiring leaders. I
wonder what those who have done nothing of the situation in
their country I wonder what they are thinking when others
from wherever they are handing to them their instructions to
run their country. It‟s never been this bad. Nations have had
their nations sold out. Now let me tell you you are not the first
leaders both good and bad, you will not be the last. And in the
Bible, you will find God gives instructions to leaders of nations
whether or not they know him. He states in the Bible that he
gave them the opportunity and the authority to lead, so you
have a responsibility to do the right things it‟s sad when you
misuse or abuse the opportunity. For example, some people are
creating vaccines for your country. I wonder how many leaders
ever subjected these vaccines to proper scrutiny. And I show
for the last 30 years these vaccines sent out to nations were not
subject to any serious evaluation. And it turned out most never
worked, they failed and most people didn‟t know it and nobody
is called to question for it. Some were outright deceptions. And
for your information, most of these vaccines have never
worked. There‟s been an abundance of research behind this

statement. But the deception has been on and on. I will tell you
why this is going on now because God is fed up. Too many
have been killed, maimed, and have died because of these
vaccines and no one was called to account. All over the world,
something is happening. Now they are beginning to discover
those who are behind these vaccines, people never knew. Was
this a business? Now we‟re discovering it was always a
business. We thought they were interested in health, they
never were. We thought the philanthropists were behind this
No! They made money out of it far more money than they put
into it; it was never a gift. Now we are finding out and that
there was an agenda behind it you know there are not many in
the media who are interested in the truth because those in the
media are only interested in money and have become a
business. Now they create the news because it‟s got to be
according to the narrative. And when you tell the truth, they
hate you for it. But let me remind you, you cannot suppress the
truth, you may try but you can‟t. The word of God will never
be suppressed.
Am not a politician, but for sure the democratic party in the
United States has been hijacked by certain people who are
responsible for the ongoing crisis in the world and they have
fully taken over and that is what they have been wanting to do
for a long time. And when they can they will take over the
Republican Party, it is about power, what they want is power,
not the party, the party is just a vehicle. So far they have seized
the Democratic Party, completely.


Before the elections, we had these subliminal

messages from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and what did they
say, they reversed the order and called it the “Harris-Biden”
administration, they reversed it. Now she and the speaker of
the House. Nancy Pelosi these are coming from their work
from San Francisco, a city from where the church of Satan was
birthed, we are talking about where evil spirits have dominated
for a long time influenced politicians, destroyed their lives, and
possessed many. So when we pray for people like this, we just
don‟t speak a few words, we intercede for their souls because
they don‟t know what has happened to them. Not even Joe
Biden, where was it ever heard that the presidential candidate
of a party called the name of the running mate first. And they
did it on the same day. Harris came out first she first called it
Harris Administration, so-called corrected it as a Harris-Biden
Administration with Joe Biden as President only for hours
later, for Joe-Biden himself to come out in public and called it,
Harris- Biden Administration, what‟s that. They are passing a
message to you, subliminal messages that are sent out to you,
capture them, you don‟t know what‟s happening with you, these
are confessions from the spirit realm. And that we have
accepted the pact these are satanic pacts, these are satanic
You know in every crisis, anyone can take advantage of the
situation for good or evil. Whenever there has been a global
crisis, there are those who have taken advantage of that
situation to come up with laws or regulations that do more


harm than good. A lot of times is not even the crisis itself that
is the problem but our response to the crisis. Many times the
responses are even more devasting rights are lost, liberties are
reduced, So many things happen. And so we are looking beyond
the crisis itself. It is nothing compared to what it can be used
for. It is the dangerous steps that may be taken by
governments or organizations. It is the advice that many may
be given as a fallout of this crisis. These are the things we are
praying about.
As I said to you the crisis is nothing, is what it could be used
for, and is where the danger is. For example in a crisis period
like this many governments apply the emergency rule, you
know what this means it means the parliament is hardly
required at such times. They rule by decrees without calling
them decrees. They rule by executive powers. It means the
executive is given extraordinary powers to decide whatever
they are going to do. Because is supposed to be an emergency
and since it is an emergency there is no time to consult with the
congress or with the parliament. So there is no time for debate,
research, or whether the step we want to take is right or wrong
because this is supposed to be a time an emergency. So such
times are very delicate because decisions can be made that are
not right so we got to pray. The question is at a time like this
who is hearing from who, and when nations from their minds
are not sure what to do and each country is looking to another
country on what to do, who are they listening to? Let me give
you an idea of something very important. The World Health


Organization is supposedly an organ of the United States. It is

described and defined as an agency of the United Nations. So
what you would think is that all the nations are involved in
their decision-making, yeah that is what we called wishful
thinking. In the last decade, more than 70% of its income has
come from private organizations and individuals, not from
countries. What does that tell you? He who pays the piper
dictates the tune. What that tells you is simple; the autonomy
of the World Health Organization becomes questionable. If it‟s
not getting its money from its countries so where it is getting
its money from? Do your research. Where does it get its money
from? Because if it‟s not getting its money from the countries
then the countries don‟t have a vote. Whatever say they have is
small or minimized. So whatever policy is made by the W.H.O
where are they coming from? Because if an organization like
that must be fair and pursue its mandate correctly it cannot and
should not be funded by interest groups, period! As long as it is
funded by interest groups it will not be fair. It will seek to
please those interest groups, so that is the reason why we are
praying. Because our world may not be what you want it to be.
This piece is from the WHO, “Advancing the interest by the
members adversely affects WHO‟s unbiased decision making
and the means to refrain from conflicts of interest. For
example, the sugar industry in the US demanded that congress
end funding to the WHO unless the WHO scraps guidelines
that sugar should account for no more than 10% of the healthy
diet. Think about that, the sugar industry in the US approached
congress and tried to convince congress to withhold funds from

the WHO unless the WHO scraps the guidelines asking that
sugar should not be more than 10% in your diet. So they
became pressure groups. Only God knows how many pressure
groups the W.H.O suffers from. Also, the pharmaceutical
corporations who are also generous funders for Presidential
elections value shareholder demands for profit over affordable
access to essential medicines and vaccines that are quite
interesting. So this is letting you understand why we pray and
not keep quiet about these things and pray for our leaders. And
when we pray for them we want God to guide them. We pray
that they will have the right advice and listen to the right
counsel to make the right decisions through the guidance of
God. We can‟t just keep quiet and say whatever happens is fine.
So there are those of us who will pray and that is what we do,
and call others to pray and we pray. Then some are into politics
and they will go and argue in their debate and congress or their
parliament. Everybody knows his role. So you play your role, I
am playing mine right now and that is to pray and enlighten
you about events going on in our world today

The testing for Covid-19 is the biggest fraud that has been
done for a long time because they want the ones positive to be
positive and the ones negative to be negative. Just recently
health workers won against a governor in the US, they sued


the governor to be allowed to treat patients, this is so painful,

you mean we have come to that point in our world in the
United States wherein a particular state you would have to go
court as a health worker to be allowed to treat people so they
don‟t die because of the draconian rules that the democratic
governor put in place. People died not because Covid19 was too
The people were dying by the numbers because they were not
being treated for even other sicknesses that they had. Because
almost all those who have died have been found to have some
other conditions, pre-existing conditions, Covid-plus, Covid-
with. Hardly anybody died without having anything else. What
does that tell you, they weren‟t dying of Covid? They were
dying from neglect because when they were diagnosed with
Covid, they were refused treatment for, whatever conditions
they already had, that was what was killing them. The idea
they have is that a global crisis requires a coordinated global
response and the meaning of a coordinated global response is
what we call a global government that is a One-World
government. So you set up a global crisis and demand a
coordinated global response which has been the plan of Satan
because he knows God is going to have a One World
government by Jesus Christ, so he wants to set up his One-
world government. And like you know he is a destroyer of man
lives so that is not going to work very well.
Then I asked a question, I am telling you the test is a fraud,
when they test these PCR, tests that are done for Covid-19, I

am saying what are they are testing for, because every time you
do a test, you must be looking for something, then I said what
are they testing for, I am saying this question for a reason
because I know, they don‟t know, what are they testing for?
Because the test is a fraud. If they say Covid-19 is what they are
telling for then what is the element of what they are testing
for? Which must not be present in some others otherwise if you
are finding it in others which means there is no proof it is
Covid-19. So it must be proved that it must be isolated you
must purify the virus. And so far there‟s been no purification of
the virus. If what I have said is true and it is because if they
claim they have purified this virus they should tell us where
they did it. If I have said it has not been purified how they came
up with a vaccine to cure it. I have raised this question on
several media platforms; no one has answered me yet. It means
that these vaccines are not for Covid-19.
And also several people who were vaccinated still tested
positive for the virus. What does that mean?


This is just one report and there are several of them and you
know what they are trying to do now, they want to quickly
stop the testing for those who have been vaccinated. But the
reason they haven‟t stopped is that the testing provides a lot of
money. They are concerned that those who are taking the
vaccines are the ones who want to travel and they are the ones
who go for the test. So when they stop the test then the money
goes down. So they are in a dilemma and thinking about what
to do. It‟s a fiasco so they would like to stop the test then the
money goes down and then they have made a lot of investments
and they would like to recoup their money back. And those,
particularly in the United States, particularly don‟t trust the
FDA, they are all the same. FDA gave them emergency use
authorization and so many people think that with that they can
go to court if a certain locality or government is insisting on
some mandatory vaccinations in school or something like that.


Well is not difficult, they just run back to the office and sign
the full authorization. So don‟t rely on that one because if it‟s
emergency or full. It‟s all the same trouble, after all, they‟ve
been used before to authorize things that were banned, they
don‟t mind doing it again. So don‟t put your trust in that, put
your hope in God

Am convinced that we all don‟t like the wearing of masks. It‟s
dehumanizing and they did it purposely. They are trying to tell
us who they are, how powerful they are. It‟s got nothing to do
with the virus. So far there‟s no scientific proof that using the
works, instead, there‟s there has been ample proof using the
mask kills you slowly. Let me explain this to you, there are
some things for ignorant minds to say they are conspiracy
theories, if you don‟t understand science you would call it a
conspiracy theory. For example, wearing masks for several
hours, how can a serious scientist not know that that is self-
poisoning by C02, because the carbon-monoxide that you are
exhaling from you cannot go out as fast, so you are trapping it
within the mask and taking most of it back into you, this is
elementary science? You cannot use a mask for long without
poisoning your system. Now what‟s going to happen to these
people is not immediate, the self-poisoning will produce results

in about 10 years and beyond where you find a generation of

people sick and dying. And saddened this for a reason, the
reason is scientists know better, doctors know better, why are
not they standing up for the truth. You know covering your
face like that for hours during the day in public places is not
normal. The reason for wearing of a mask is that that there‟s
been complains by certain individual and organizations that the
amount of carbon dioxide that is released is too much and there
has to be a reduction of the carbon dioxide that is released into
the atmosphere by billions of people around the world, not just
machinery, etc. and that the amount that is coming out of
humans is too much because of the population. And they
prescribed a solution that everything had to be done to cut
down on the amount of carbon dioxide that is released into the
atmosphere. And there are ways of doing it, “Population
Reduction”. And Wearing of Mask.
We are all said to produce over 20 billion tons of carbon
dioxide and that needs to be brought down to zero. Let‟s
remember that the carbon dioxide that we exhale is taken us by
plants. Now let‟s assume that the idea is that there are not
enough plants to use up the carbon dioxide. The solution will
be building more trees to use them up.

This self-poisoning that the whole world is into right now is

not wise. What is going on in these so-called solutions for
mitigating the spread of the virus, they are not science. Can we


not know using a mask on a protractive period will be

dangerous to your health. You know when it comes to health is
everybody‟s concern and that‟s why am dealing with the
subject. Everyone has an interest in health issues.

Any scientist that says this is not true let him walk out his
chemistry it‟s very simple to ask him Do you get more air or
have better oxygen by covering your face with a mask for hours
Ask him Are you likely to be more healthy or healthier
covering your face with a mask? Let them be sincere whether
that has health implications or not? And for anybody to say it
has no health implications this is fraud. We say that we want to
protect others from being infected or protect ourselves from
being infected and then we are doing the wrong thing; it‟s
called self-poisoning this is what is happening. Now they say
they have this from experts; there are two kinds of experts,
there is an expert that is sincere and an expert that has learned
how to use his knowledge to deceive others and make money
from them. It‟s like this if you were already a thief and you
became educated you become a more educated thief who knows
how to use his education to steal more and to deceive more.
Your education will not change your character, if you are a liar
you become a greater liar with more education. So is about the
character of the individual and how he applies the knowledge
that he has received. So let‟s not be deceived by saying the
experts are saying this, what is the character of this expert and
what is likely to use his knowledge for?. And am saying that if

anyone wants to be sincere with you he should study what

happens to people after they have been using a mask to cover
their faces and interrupts their breathing for long hours every
day, self-poisoning results. And that self-poisoning will affect
the body with the results of destroying immunity. He will
become sick and die, it‟s just a process. And very likely result in
some form of cancer. So it‟s sad that prescriptions are given
without any supervision, they should be subjected to further
scrutiny and the intelligent people in every country should
speak up and guide their government correctly. So thank God
for those speaking up around the world today.
In the beginning, I said this problem came from China and
there two sources and they are investigating only one they
need to investigate the second part and my question will be
Why are so many are dying in the places where so many died.
And the reason this is important is this, you may hear some
people saying there is likely to be a second attack. Is it going to
be an attack of the virus No! is going to be the same thing that
happened before because the first one was overlooked? And
except you deal with both it will be called a conspiracy. So you
would ask are their culprits in this thing so is it a conspiracy. If
the two things are not dealt with it becomes a conspiracy. If the
cases are overlooked then it becomes a conspiracy, if you are
told that there is a thief stealing something and you are a law
enforcing agent and you choose not to look into it, it means you
are part of the problem. What was killing the people? If it was
the virus it would have been the same everywhere but it didn‟t


do the same everywhere it went. Meanwhile, all the people

reacted the same way but it didn‟t produce the same results
everywhere it went, it couldn‟t because it didn‟t have the
assisting force which was the 5g. When it started in Wuhan the
way the people died and the pictures they sent around the
world those were the things that made people panic, but no one
has asked the details everyone is holding China for not telling
everybody about the virus.

We have China, The Deep state, Europe, Russia, and Its Islam
allies, Israel, United States, Satan. And the idea is Globalism.

Now interestingly they have separate agendas. The agenda is

not the same. China today is the deep state test ground for
globalism. Because their test ground used to be Zealand and


Australia. So why do they shift from there? Because New

Zealand and Australia are too much into democratic ideologies
and that‟s not good enough it‟s too slow to carry out the tests
of globalism. You need a totalitarian ideology for the
government to be able to test globalism. So these globalists
shifted their base from New Zealand and Australia to China. So
China presents the perfect place without China knowing it is a
guinea pig. So China is helped to come up with a technology
that is required. They don‟t condemn china no matter what
china does why because they need china as the guinea pig for
globalism. And China has its dreams. In the Book of
Revelations in the latter days, China will attack the antichrist
in Israel. China is not going to be carried in with the One-
World Government, it has its world and the Bible shows us
they are not going to be part of the One-world government and
that is one of the reasons that Germany issuing China over
issues on the virus response because China is not going to come
on board and they know.

Even though holding china know better because the U.S

already said they are aware that money was sent from the
United States to some lab in china so what were they supposed
to do and what was the timing
It is not my purpose to go into the geopolitical problems in our
world today for some reasons because I don‟t want to use this
platform to pitch one nation against the other and so on but


sometimes is important to know what the future holds for any

country no matter where you live and you have to get yourself
ready if you have been a Christian and you have not been taken
your Christian seriously because what‟s happening right now is
one of the signs of the coming of the Lord and these things I
will discuss in this book. so you can understand what is going

You hear now some countries are making the wearing of masks
compulsory because some are insisting to them that they have
to use the mask, otherwise there would be an indefinite
lockdown. There is a report from a group called Science–for–
hire. Here is what they did. They created a report even though
that they had experiments; they reconstructed the report and
said 65% safety with the masks. In other words, if you wear a
mask, you are likely to prevent infections by 65%. Now here
was the lie, what they didn‟t say was that their experiment
showed that what they were inhaling back was 65% of what
came out of them already.35% fresh air, 65% exhaled air that‟s
what it got back. So the 65% of what was coming back was
coming from them already. So that‟s the 65% that didn‟t have
anything that had no risks. The 35% that was the fresh air was
said to be risky. What a report! And somebody published this
and deceived the whole world with it and nobody is asking
them for the real data. Before now you could look for good
information if you went to Google, now that they have done is
to pay people to be writing and defending things that are

indefensible and then taken away all the information that is

different from their narrative. It‟s sad but is a good thing; I
want to tell you why a good thing is. It‟s good because the
world is discovering deception, the power of deception, and
how they have been deceived for so long, Wake Up! And if
there is anything you are going to learn from this situation.
What you are going to learn is about deception is coming
again. And already what has happened is several of them who
are involved in this hoax are planning for another because this
one has failed and so they are just picking up the pieces and
trying to see what else they can get out of it but already their
minds have gone to another one and have said the next one will
be better planned, worse and is going to get attention. I am
glad they are talking about the next one now because they
know this one is dead. So why are they insisting on wearing
masks? I am telling you now, the wearing of masks, the
lockdown, and social distancing are 3 things wearing for the
same purpose. They know scientifically and you can get this
from any Science that is worked in brains. So you check this
out, those 3 things would impair, destroy, disrupt the immune
system and the immunity of those who are put in any of these
conditions. What‟s the purpose I will tell you why because the
vaccines that are being supplied and administered to the human
body will fight it. So it‟s not going to work very strongly. The
human body is immune against the vaccines that they are
planning, almost all of them. So the human body is going to
fight and render these vaccines ineffective for what they
planned to do so what‟s the best way, weaken the immune

system with the wearing of masks. Listen some make it look

like we are just trying to save lives and other people. Those
people are not thinking straight, that‟s the problem and they
don‟t want to study the science behind it there is no science
supporting the wearing of the mask to prevent the coronavirus,
there is no science supporting Social distancing, don‟t let them
deceive you that in the Bible when somebody was leprous, they
turned it upside down. They said there was social distancing. It
was the leprous person that was separated and they also
showed how to get them healed and didn‟t say to prevent
leprosy all the people who are working there should be
distanced, there is nothing like that. So it is not prevented
using these coronavirus guidelines. This is crazy, you know all
these things are ridiculous they have forgotten everything they
have learned in school, these guys. One of the things that I
have observed if a lot of people have money they are assumed to
know something. So the richest people are often given a lot of
opportunities to speak. So we think they know something so let
them come and address us. It‟s painful that people just because
they might have had a lot of money are assumed to have a
sense. Money is not wisdom and there is where people in
African countries and Asian countries especially South East
Asia need to very careful because they are the ones stretching
out their hands for handouts for aid. They are in deep trouble
because of what is coming to the world.
That is what is about. Because you see Satan hates man. Do you
realize that angelic beings are not a race? Each one of them is


different from the other, so they don‟t have fellowship, they

don‟t have that relationship like we do, they don‟t have it. And
that‟s what they want to bring into the world and make us
estranged from one another And so if they can maintain this
social distancing long enough then they achieve what you are
hearing them say right now it‟s called the new normal coined to
start settling for what they call a new style of life, but it‟s an
old plan. Have you ever heard of Plato, he was an Athenian
Greek he was the one who was recognized as the father of
today‟s university system because he was the pioneer of such an
institution of learning? He called it the academy Plato created
an idea it was called the community of wives or the communism
of wives. This is the ideology that a certain man brought into
the church at a certain period. It was called the doctrine of the
Nicolaitans which Jesus said: “which I hate”. This is Plato‟s
ideology what was it about? “The destruction of Families” How
was he to achieve it? Plato said “Public Officials should not
have families” because what they have to do in service to their
country, they cannot afford to have families or children because
having families will make them have the dream of having
property and planning for their future. And such things will be
a distraction for anyone who will be a public servant. So he says
there will have a community of wives meaning these public
officials can go to anybody, so no families, so you can just mate
with anybody to produce children. And that these children
should not have parents they should not have any recognition
of any parentage so that they will be free. You see Plato was
trying to create a certain type of a generation of people. They

will not recognize a specific mother or a specific father, they

will be raised by the state, they will be children of the state.
This was Plato‟s idea. Then they can have a generation that is
detached from family demands and desires. Okay, he started
with public servants. Now you can see the children were going
to be children of the state. Who said they were going to be
public servants? No One said that but they are going to grow
up recognizing no mother or father. This is called the
destruction of families that is what the social distancing is for,
is not about any virus. And so we start practicing not to hug
each other anymore, we start practicing even though we are in
the same house we become distant from one another then we
are supposed to get used to it in the process of time until it
becomes what they call the new normal, which is devilish. So
this is Plato, recognized in Greek society, he is an
extraordinary philosopher. Do you know that those Greek
ideologies are in the various European universities, American
Universities, Several fraternities in American Universities are
named after Greek gods, Greek lecturers, etc. and they don‟t
even know why. A lot of people are victims without
recognizing that they are. You can be deceived if you choose to
be, it‟s very easy

In 1798, Thomas Malthus released his essay on the principle of

population. I just want to show you something that he said and
how that is going on right now.


The increase of population is necessarily limited by the means

of subsistence; population does invariably increase when the
means of Subsistence increase.
This is fairly true, just fairly because many of us know that
poor people give birth a lot the more broke they are, the more
opportunity they have to give birth. I mean look at it, Malthus
probably didn‟t see it. They are not giving birth because they
have the means; they are giving birth because they got nothing
else to do. That‟s the reality and Malthus was wrong.
But let‟s see what he is talking about here because we know
that most industrialized nations give less birth than poor
nations so it‟s not because of means, the more means people
have, the less birth they give this is the practical thing that has
happened in almost every country.


So Malthus was wrong but guess what the money bags have
continued to insist that Malthus was right. Why? Read the
next part of the segment.
“And the superior power of population is repressed by
moral restraint vice and misery”.
This is a suggestion when we talk about suggestions and other
suggestions but I want you to read what he said again. But this
is not what has happened practically so what is this? Alright,
let me analyze for you what you just read.

a. Sterilizations thorough vaccines:

Because since they can‟t preach it and convince the people
just by telling them. You see most people that are giving
birth, are not giving birth like animals around, No! In
these poor countries, most of them believe in families so


they got large families. This means it‟s not a problem of

moral restraint, so it‟s not a moral problem. so they know
it so is colored is what moral restraint so that is a
euphemism for sterilization as the best way is through

FOR VICE: Release Violent prisoner, encourage riots,

defund or dissolve the Police

What are you seeing now? Exactly what‟s happening so

take a lot at it, look at that in some countries, they are
throwing people who didn‟t wear a mask or didn‟t do
social distance or didn‟t obey lockdown. They put them in
prison and they say the prison is full and we used to
depopulate the prisons. So they bring that was put in
prison for murder, for theft, and some violent crime and
replace him with a guy who they say was in his garden he
should have been locked in his house. Or he wasn‟t
wearing a mask and put him in prison in the place of a
violent criminal.
So when you defund the police, they are frustrated and
they start resigning because their conditions are so bad
they can‟t stay or no more policing so what they go home
or dissolve it altogether. So what happens there will be
vice and since there is more vice a lot of evil going on
people are killing each other. Look at New York, there is
an increase in killings and murders, look at Chicago,
people are dying than ever before why? Vice

And then for misery

Covid-19 and disruptive tendency. Because when people
are suffering, when people are frustrated, they will stop
giving birth, how can a sick man give more birth, he can‟t
more birth.
There is a solution, the question is do they want the
solution? But there is a solution. The thing is if there is an
agenda because we all sometimes think if everybody wants
the progress of his country but not everybody like the
country. The sooner you realize that the better, the
ideology matters. Some people say to destroy the borders,
get rid of the borders, and let‟s become just One-World or
Global World. Some people want that, it is their ideology
and they are in pursuit of it. Globalism so they want that
so don‟t like the idea that if you are working for your
country that everybody is on board with you on that. No
some of them have a different ideology. They call your
love for your country a nationalist thinking and extreme
Right-wing position that needs to be watched for being
patriotic. You are a subject of surveillance for being
patriotic. So patriotism for them is somewhat
incriminating. But the truth of the matter is if you don‟t
love your country, you cannot love the world. Remember
that simple principle. If you don‟t love your family how
can you love other people? It‟s a principle that the Bible
teaches us if you do not express your love to those in your
family, how are you going to express love to those

outsides. The Bible says if you don‟t love the man you can
see how can you love God that you haven‟t seen. So when
you talk about Oh! We want the whole goal, but you are
fighting your next-door neighbor, you are destroying
church buildings, you are destroying the shops and the
malls, destroying things around you. If you can do that in
a city where you were born, in a city where you lived,
what are you going to do in distant lands, what are you
going to do if you had the opportunity? Your wickedness
will be made to the fullest.
See there are solutions i. This so-called population
problem, there are solutions. So to just think that what
they got to do is to just spend money to cut the
population. You don‟t need to cut the population. Look at
the historical facts, look at the real data there is less birth
not by vaccines but less birth when people have more
money, when the economy is better, when people have
more means, they give less birth. This is the reality and
the whole increase in population is based on two major
things. The fact that fewer people are dying and more
people are being born. So fewer people are dying because
there is more health today, there is more knowledge, and
people are doing things that help to like better lives. So
they are dying less. One thing that gets my attention
about those that are rich and often forget reality because
they are the ones that are often called to solve the big
problems, they never solve the big problems. Just because
you got a lot of money doesn‟t mean you think big. What

we need to find out is how you got the money because if

they got the money the same way, they are trying to get
the money for the vaccines now, then there is a real
problem. So it matters how you got the money. So we
can‟t just ask people that have the most money in any
country to provide for us solutions because they think big.
They probably don‟t think nearly as big as are believed to.
And remember big money can be lost, and it‟s been lost

That‟s what they are trying to do. What about the test? The
Covid-19 test is the biggest fraud, if you ever thought there‟s
being a fraud in the world, this is the biggest. All serious and
well-meaning scientists have said it‟s useless. But the
politicians are not listening, only because they will rather use it
for control.
Something is wrong with you, if you have gone to school and
you came out of school and you still think wearing masks is
okay something is wrong with you. How can anybody go to
school to learn to be a dummy? I did a lot of scientific research
and read a lot of material about using clinical masks and
surgical masks and I am telling you are being lied to. Even
nature shows something is wrong with that, how can you be so
deceived? How could that happen? And just because some
government authority mandated it doesn‟t make it right. They
ought to be challenged. All those who are asking it to be done
have no proof that it works and still they make you do it‟s the

question is why are they are making you do something they

know it‟s wrong; it‟s all about population control. Most others
have no clue, they are clueless and that‟s no their only problem
they have been clueless in many other things so that should not
be a surprise and this is an abuse of power and no one should
accept it. It‟s not right to fool a whole society just because some
people have abrogated to themselves the power to make
obnoxious laws.
This so-called Democracy is not democracy at all, and I
think I will prove my point in this book, where a few people
hold the majority in bondage and insist on what to do. I
thought that the people were elected to do what the people
wanted. And now what they have come to say, all the people
are fools, we tell them what we want to do for them and then
they tell us to believe in science, this is the craziest thing I have
heard in so many years. “Believe in Science”, what a bunch of
contradictions. How can you believe in Science? How can you
believe in Science? Science is based on experimentation and
observations backed with facts. Have you forgotten what
science is? The reason they are telling you to believe in science
is that they are prepping the world up for something and
preparing the world for a religion that‟s based on science.
Even the very bastion of free speech and democracy, the United
Kingdom will not allow debate when it comes to Covid, there‟s
been nothing like it. Why would they refuse debate, why can‟t
we have debates on mask-wearing? Why can‟t we have debates
on Lockdowns? Let us present our facts; I challenge anybody,

let‟s present our facts. But they have not accepted the challenge
and there‟s only one reason, they have no evidence, I mean
scientific facts. They won‟t do it, because something is up to
their sleeves.
Now somebody will say Should Christians wear masks or
shouldn‟t they wear masks? I am not dealing with wearing a
mask or not wearing a mask, that‟s not the subject, that‟s not
the point. And I will say something to you about that because
for God's sake everybody can wear a mask if you want to,
what‟s wrong with that? It can be part of your dressing why
not? But at least you chose to, my point is the idea that the
mask will prevent infections is not true and there is no
scientific proof by any authority that it works, there is none
that is my point and secondly, it is even dangerous to health
when you wear it on for a protractive period and there are more
than enough research on that.
It can be painful in certain societies where people champion
freedom, they cry freedom, they want freedom and they
promote freedom but they suppress discerning voices. And you
look through history some of the preachers and pioneers of
freedom. When they had absolute power became very
repressive and we must always resist the temptation to subdue
and subjugate discerning voices. We must resist it. If you
believe in something you are not afraid for someone else to
challenge your belief. That‟s why Jesus let others speak, he
wasn‟t afraid of being challenged by anybody, they questioned
him and he let them speak up and air their views, then he also

responded. At least what if the other guy has access to

information that you don‟t have access to. Think about that
isn‟t it possible? And that‟s one of the reasons I had to review,
research, all the information appropriately. So it‟s important
not just to take whatever is being said. What about the
information that you have and that‟s why those who have
platforms to propagate other people‟s information should not
censor them, except when is abusive.
And there are no more far intelligent people that police the rest
of us in such a way that they are protecting us from
misinformation it‟s one of the most insulting statements and
policies some people have who believe that they have the
authority to protect the public from misinformation. This is
terrible. I think that most people are intelligent enough to
decide what is right and what is wrong and then there needs to
be a limit to what you will call misinformation. Is it
misinformation because you don‟t agree with it or different
from what you said or from generally accepted ideas. If we
must live according to generally accepted ideas, there will be no
progress. Scientific, technological progress has been because
some dared to go beyond the generally accepted ideas, and now
those are the same things that some are being punished for
daring to think differently from the generally accepted ideas.
Or do we think we have now come to the peak of human
progress? If truly we want solutions why are we not allowing
dissent voices? It must mean that some people won‟t allow the


problems to go away; they want the problem to remain. But to

be sure their way of thinking cannot go on forever
When governments or regulators disallow dissents and define
it as creating distrust in their leadership, punishable by
sanctions or absolution, tyranny is born. Never forget that!

I don‟t think anybody should be angry with anyone, do your

study. Until you do a study it is unfair to claim the other guy is
stupid. You have to do what is called independent study. What
I mean by independent research, you cannot do research that is
coming from its industry. Even when you do that, it is not
enough to guarantee its safety. So you have to ask questions
from independent professionals. This means not the guy who is
selling the stuff to you, he is a marketer. If you want to know if
your product is good, you would want to talk to an independent
user or some independent researcher, not the marketer who is
going to market it for you, that‟s not a smart thing to do.
Everything he is going to say about it will be positive because
he is selling you some stuff and all that every country has to do
is their study and until you have independent study it‟s unwise
to do something that is going to be for the public that you don‟t
have enough information on, it‟s not a good thing especially if
people are concerned about their health, then you got to look
into it, do the study, independent study I repeat not a study
that is provided by those in that industry. And for anything as
big and important as this, there should be lots of professionals


who should be interested in this. You should have scientists,

doctors, engineers, that are not connected or funded directly or
indirectly by those in the industry. For example, what we have
had in the coronavirus in the last couple of months has been
interesting but thank God for what is happening at least thank
God for their results, because the figures that were initially
estimated for deaths are being pretty less, Thank God for that.
And again I will say this; all kinds of conditions are being
calculated, locked into together as the figures for the virus.
Those counted as the virus Coronavirus are not as many,
others are being added.
These numbers, there are several reasons why they have these
numbers and different countries are seeing they could up their
numbers because they needed money, it‟s horrible the kind of
things that people have done because of money. So some
countries needed high numbers because if they didn‟t have the
high numbers they weren‟t going to get money from IMF. And
the IMF borrowed out money from nations for Covid-19,
nations they will not give money to for infrastructure and other
kinds of developments. They are not going to do it, and you
would think oh k they gave them the money so they could save
lives. No! it wasn‟t for saving lives because they requested
money to save lives before that, they didn‟t get it. Now you
would have to have high numbers and many of them are using
it as leverage like some states are doing in the US right now
hoping to get money from the federal government by taking
the numbers up. And this is the same thing that several doctors


were told, to come up with high numbers. The way they were
counting the deaths they included anybody who died so long as
there was a positive in the test. Now many others didn‟t even
have positive in the test, irrespective of what killed the people
they numbered them as coronavirus

Somebody is hiding something and you will be surprised, that

those super heading and championing this whole thing never
studied medicine. So what‟s going on? When they tell us to
follow the science and I am saying they are not following the
science when they haven‟t provided the science. They are
saying “follow the science” and I am saying “provide the
science”. They haven‟t provided the science and I dare anybody
if you believe in these things, where is the science that you have
founded your facts on. I know there are lots of people who are
going to regret their actions. They are going to regret their
actions. They are going to regret that they did this thing, but
am warning you and asking you to remember Nazi Germany.
Because the same people who are responsible for that in their
generations are the ones responsible for this. It was done
before, they just became more powerful and more influential,
and that‟s why the world has been taken by this deception,
that‟s why God has put in my mouth to destroy it.
The German nation uniting science and industry to the cause of
degenerate barbarism. Think about that, they united science
and industry to cause degenerate barbarism, and that he


warned that they must be watched so that this is not repeated

.you know if you open your eyes and look around the world and
see what is going on for years you realize that we have more
than the vestiges of Nazism much more than that because
several years after you have the neo-nazis but the neo-nazis
have only metamorphosed but there is a better description
which will fit them in today‟s world but is good for you to
know they are probably more present today than then.
When we talk about the holocaust, millions of people were
killed not a few thousands. In today‟s world a million people in
concentration camps in China and that‟s just one group but
nobody is saying anything why? Because the neo-nazis love it
but they don‟t like to be called that name because everybody
denied knowledge of what was going on in Germany when the
details were revealed they denied it. They set up the fire, they
destroyed lives and they claim they knew nothing and changed
their style and came up a new leaf but the same people and
organizations. You want to know who they are, is not difficult
to find out who were those sponsoring science research in
Europe in the early 1900s. Have they changed no! they have
not changed they sponsored science researches, medical
researches in Europe but we know what those researches were
for, they were not for science but pseudo-science and the reason
am bringing that up is because of what the Bible says? I want
to talk about the fraud of pseudoscience and is the bible and
sometimes you read the Bible and kind of camouflage and
pretend it's not there and make it look like that‟s now what he


is talking about I want to break it down and I want you to see

it for what it is because there is nothing new another the sun.


When people make up a theory for the sole purpose of

antagonizing truth, that‟s what he is talking about
My deep concern for those who are ignorant of the truth. And
you look at the Bible there is so much information on the price
of ignorance.
And of course, there is a lot of knowledge especially in science
and technology but in comparison to the past, not in
comparison to our potentials, we have to acknowledge that.
Man hasn‟t yet reached the potential to the best of his ability
and potential whether in science or technology or whatever and
that‟s why it‟s somewhat troubling when a scientist says his
suggestion is the only way and there are no alternatives, is
somewhat an insult to the dignity of the human person and the
intelligence of all others. And yet that‟s what we hear few
people saying when it comes to science and that‟s what I lot of

things happening is not science at all and am glad that around

the world a lot of scientists are speaking up now. And it‟s time
for them to be bold and tell the truth. For example, I did say
that the lockdown was not science and now several scientists,
medical doctors, virologists, immunologists, a lot of them have
spoken around the world to say the lockdown was not science.
It‟s stunning that everyone we knew became like we never
went to school, it‟s terrible. And now reports have come from
several countries to say that the lockdowns didn‟t achieve
results. Of course, it‟s good for politicians to say all those they
achieved with those actions but when you are talking about
human lives we are not talking about politics so what we are
doing here is not politics; we are talking about saving human
lives. And that these steps did not save lives. They put lives at
risk, this is the truth. They put their immunity at risk and the
beginning of this entire quagmire, it was essential if the testing
was being tested and that these. And these test kits whoever
said they were good or accurate when the virus itself was an
understudy. Several countries have cried out that several things
were wrong with their test kits.


They complained first and they were faulty, and they

complained again, and they asked for a refund and they are not
the only ones. Then recently a wise president from Tanzania
decided to find about the test kits by not making the scientists
in the laboratory know the actual source of the specimens.
They labeled them with human names and ages and said
specimens for tests.


It was strange a goat tested positive, a sheep tested positive

then most of all pawpaw tested positive for the coronavirus so
proof for him that the test was a fraud. Well am glad that
different countries are starting to think, it‟s time to think and I
told you about state capture and this is so important because
call it to state capture through politics of generosity so if you
want to know a state or nation is under threat of a state capture
find out who are the sponsors for the Center for disease control
if it is not sponsored wholly by its own country then that
nation if not under the threat of state capture has been
captured. And here is the problem, who he pays the piper
dictates the tune. One of the evidence of state capture is that
after financing such organizations they will be empowered by
law to run the country, they become very powerful, they
rewrite the laws in your country and that‟s what is happening
to many countries around right now who are suffering from


state capture without accepting that this is what is happening

to them. And in the Bible, the modus operandi of the antichrist
and though peace, through nice speeches, through seeming
generosity he will creep into the lives of many and then in a
quick sweep destroy many and when the Bible says many that‟s
a lot. He says when they shall say peace and safety when they
are longer on their guard and they believe they are secure then
destruction comes upon them. And my question is how can
those who have an ideology for population reduction produce
vaccines to save your lives? I mean think about it, isn‟t it clear
am talking about these are organizations and individuals who
have stated clearly that the best way to reduce population will
be through vaccines and they say this vaccine will work
through two facets 1. To reduce fertility 2. It‟s hard to say
it‟s “Death‟
You are looking at the heartlessness. You know when you hear
that people died and they are not close to you, they are not
your friends, and they are like numbers to you. It doesn‟t get to
you because you don‟t know them .and to make us hardened
against this, you are not supposed to see the dead when they
died they are taken away to be buried by God knows who and I
have said these new bills and laws being provided through the
centers for disease control need to be studied if for their past
and you will see many things that completely rob you of your
rights as a human person. But in several countries, they don‟t
care nobody wants to read it. So make sure you read the bills. I
have seen some from different countries, horrible that anybody


will consider passing those bills to law. And to say a few

countries pass them and the lawmakers never saw them. They
drafted them right away, pass them. They even knew what was
going on. Now. They have sold their children and many
generations of their nation. So it‟s called capture through
politics of generosity where we bow to those people who
seemed to be giving us something, be it in money and helping
us. Always find out who is helping you so you would know
whether it is helpful or is not helpful. Help is not always you
are getting something you are looking for. Ask yourself at what
price. So these are disturbing times and I look at these with
faith and concern. Faith because I know the Bible tells us those
who know their God shall be strong and do exploits. Those of
us who believe in Jesus and walk in his light; will always be on
top no matter what. But think what about those who don‟t live
this life of Christ, who don‟t know what to do. We have to help
them with the knowledge of truth with the wisdom of God. The
other issue is about the one with the masks I have never seen
something so embarrassing to science. Let‟s look at it we are
talking real science; let‟s leave out the politicians now I mean
they are enjoying their game. But let‟s look at real science the
ones they refer to as medical masks which the nurses and
doctors use in the operating room and so on are not useful in
public, to begin with. They are used in clean environments, in a
certain type of environment for a certain purpose. So that is not
even the kind of mask that people generally should wear and go
out in public and that one is the scientific mask. That‟s helpful


in a certain environment not like in the park or the mall; they

don‟t use that for such places
Then we have these masks, at the beginning of this whole thing
the W.H.O and the CDC did say the mask will not work, and
then they went and thought about it and said we need them.
Why did they say we need them, I will tell you why You are
not wearing masks because of science because if we go by
science we should not wear the masks in public really so wear
the masks because the politician in your country said you
should wear them because that‟s the law, that‟d fine but is not
right when somebody said you should wear them because of
science because if it‟s science then it‟s open to debate because
science is not anybody rights. We all have a right to science, so
we all can speak about science, and as far as science is
concerned wearing a mask is not science, wearing it is politics
it‟s okay. So if it‟s the law of the land you can wear the mask.
But no one needs to say or should lie to us that‟s science, it‟s
not science, in fact scientifically it‟s dangerous this is the fact to
health this is the truth. So let‟s separate science from politics.
Because we were told science is important, I went to school for
a reason, to learn and I don‟t think its right to come out of
school and have no brains. And so far using the mask as far as
science is concerned. I mean through science you may tell me
you don‟t believe in the virgin birth of Jesus because in science
it‟s impossible and say yes you are right as far as your
knowledge of science is concerned that is impossible. But the
reason I have faith in it is that it‟s beyond science so if the


politicians are saying to us they are giving us masks beyond

science that‟s fine. The virus has killed so many people so it‟s
everyone‟s concern but how it killed them nobody is allowing
us to know because nobody wants to do an autopsy. Without an
autopsy how do we know how it did it. The very thing that
helps us study how to deal with the virus is stopped. So this
again is not science. What has it affected inside? Everything is
a theory, you are never going to know everything is based on
the modules, not on real data but on a module which means it‟s
based on speculations and science can‟t be based on
speculations. All the things I have mentioned you can take to
your best professors in any country and ask them if anything I
have said is disputable. So this is the one reason we got to pray
for the presidents and prime ministers and the leaders of
nations because they are making decisions that affect a whole
lot of people and many of you are doctors, who have not spoken
up, you have to speak. You need to wake up on what you truly
know and advise. Many of you are professors you know better
about a lot of things going on right now. Tell the truth from
your conscience you don‟t need to be bought. Of course am
aware that in Life you have usually two groups that have good
and bad yes you also have those that are in medicine to cure
people, heal people and you have those that are in medicine for
some other purpose. In other words, they are there to learn
more about human beings so that they know how to do
whatever they want to do which is not right. But one of the
reasons we also praying is that the forces of good may
overcome the forces of evil and through our prayer we can

suppress the suppressors of truth and cause good and light to

come to the fore. And by God‟s special grace it will be so.

The idea when we talk about vaccines is that they are trying to
make you immune to some disease so they have to put
something into your body that would go through your system
and create some form of immunity, Okay against whatever
there were giving you this vaccination for. But you need to
understand very clearly that means most vaccines and this is on
record, most vaccines have been dangerous to human beings
and there are reports how that in the last 30 years nobody
checked the quality of vaccines that they passed out to people in
many nations and people are maimed for life, crippled, many
have this cerebral palsy, autism, especially with children and
this, has been increasing over the years and all these children
were vaccinated. No one has been called on the carpet for this.
So when you are told you are going to be vaccinated you need
to understand it‟s about introducing, is not like producing
medicine into your body, is not a medicine. It‟s either another
virus, a gem, something that is being introduced into your
body. And listen those treating you with it have no guarantee
whatsoever that it will work for you therefore before they do it,
they sign documents with the governments indemnifying them,
exonerating them from blame if anything happens to you,


nobody will pay for it, maybe you didn‟t know that. They
cannot be taken to court, they can‟t be sued and nothing will
happen to them and so many have died as a result and no one
was taken the task for it. Now, what about the good results of
Vaccines? Here are the big questions about the so-called good
results of vaccines. Can I tell you? It will shock you. No Proof!
There is no scientific proof that it was the vaccine that helped.
No, prove! am serious you can do your research! Do your
research! There is no scientific proof that it was the vaccine
that helped the situation. None, not one. So much for good
vaccines. When there is been no proof that even one worked so
what has it been all these many years. Okay
I know those who have said but the steps were taken to save
lives. Didn‟t you read the documents? I read the document,
most of you didn‟t get the opportunity to read it because you
didn‟t get such a document but I saw what they saw and when
you read that document you come up with one thing, “This is
evil”. Not hard to know. The truth of the matter is that there
were leaders who questioned it. They were scared because they
knew it was terrible but before they could think, they were
given offers that they believe they could not refuse. So they
took those offers and went ahead and did it anyway knowing
full well it was wrong. God needs bold leaders, truthful leaders.
And so when we pray nothing is impossible with the Lord.


Every nation should carry out its research. Recently the United
Kingdom has decided they are going to work on a vaccine by
themselves. They are funding research on a vaccine that they
want to work on. That‟s great! But that‟s the UK, what stops
all the countries from doing the same. Think about it, why
would any country rely on a vaccine that‟s coming from
another place else and would not allow their regulators to look
into what‟s coming. And by the way, we need to have a debate
on the effectiveness of vaccines. Because science is not the legal
possession of any select few, science is open to everybody. So
we cannot allow a group of people to hold the world to ransom
by their decisions .who says it must be a vaccine, not everybody
has agreed to that. And if you have not agreed, that it doesn‟t
make you foolish or a stupid thing, after all, science is discovery
and is continually evolving and not to be regulated to the
choices of certain people, it‟s not right it‟s wrong. So neither
the WHO nor any other group has the right to hold any
country to ransom by their own decisions it‟s unfair. And by
the way, there is a need for further research in these things.
Some many doctors and scientists don‟t agree that vaccines are
even helpful. Go back to history and read for yourself. So this
idea that Oh! We are waiting to get a vaccine. What is it? And
who says that must be it? Look at today and all the discoveries
of science and all the beautiful things in technology. Imagine if
it were held back by those who said their way was the best way
and the only way, we wouldn‟t be here. So everyone is free to
come up with something and can be tested to work. Look at
this, a quiet number of people talked about how the hydro-

chloroquine would work and some others said no way we got to

get a vaccine. The vaccine hadn‟t even come it‟s not being
tested and yet somebody said we should wait for it. What does
that mean? That prepossess that they already had the vaccine
and they are waiting for everybody to fail and they just come
up with it and sprinkle it on anybody else and says this is it.
Because how do you know that if you come up with it in 18
months it‟s going to work, you can‟t tell that it‟s going to work.
you can‟t tell it‟s going to be ok for everybody. And the worst
part is that you may be waiting for those whose morbid desire
has been the drastic reduction and containment of populations
and you want them to get you a vaccine, it doesn‟t make sense.
And there is reason to be concerned in a day there is so much
competition on who gets more money. I mean some magazines
try to tell the world who gets and has more money, which is a
problem on its own. Because life is then seen as a competition
on who gets more money and with that do you expect the
pharmaceutical industry to stand back while they are trying to
get you well and not trying to jump into the race to have more
money than others. So they all are getting into the race. So Big
pharma also wants more money and how are they going to get
it, they don‟t money if you don‟t get sick. So the more sick
people there are, the more money they get. Make no mistakes
about it. Like it‟s like in the media, they say we don‟t make the
news, we just report the news? So we are at a time where we
must address certain serious issues. It‟s not about parties or
being on the other side, it‟s about truth, reality. Ask yourself
serious questions, it‟s not about getting others to be serious

with you. When we say this virus came out of a lab in China
not everybody quite agrees, some people will say it escaped
from the lab. How did they know without an investigation? So
now they want to investigate we can know whether it escaped.
This has been the best opportunity yet. They have never had it
so good. I mean a time where so many world leaders are under
their umbrella they are completely got to a lot of them into
their club for some of them with intimidation or countries that
were even more buoyant and they threaten to break them
down. That‟s what they have down to several of them. And so
these cave in and they allowed it. The plan is to erode national
sovereignty piece by piece. Look at what they just did in the
last few months. Only a few refused to comply with those
guidelines and their economy is doing well. But for a lot of
others suddenly their nations were taken over by organizations
that their citizens didn‟t even know. They were just listening to
the media, who are a bundle of contradictions. The media is
dead, take it from me. The idea that they are still working is a
personal deception, they are not there. The game is over.
Everybody is his newsman now. That business is finished who
believes the media now? I mean now you got to be crazy. Their
control has been lost. They used to have control and power.
When the media spoke you know somebody was talking. They
had faces of people that were respected all over the world. All
that is gone why? Because God says they that despise me shall
be lightly esteemed. When the media decided to pursue
ministers of God and wrote nonsense about them that was


when they become lightly esteemed. From then till now and
continuing their respect is completely gone. Today is about
writing what they are paid to write. Journalism is long gone. It‟
sad but they had to go because when they received control,
they became very influential and they were trusted then they
looked and they said the church must be dealt with. And the
church always wanted to do what‟s right with God. Now all the
media have been struggling so badly, they don‟t have money.

Is it possible that a man‟s doctor can be his killer? History

shows it has happened before checking the doctor himself.

And what about the vaccines, these terrible vaccines that,

nobody should be happy to take, because is not a medical
vaccine and scientist who are honest are telling the truth
everywhere they tell the truth, they are blocked, their videos
are taken down, their messages are censored because those who
control those platforms have the power to take them down, so
they take them down but that is the insincerity of the hour and
let me tell you times have changed and things are changing
fast. Some of you that have little kids, you have to start
thinking now what you are going to do about your children‟s
education, this is real what I am telling you. People are dying
from taking the vaccines, people are getting maimed from
taking the vaccines, and they are getting sick for taking the
vaccines. People that were well before taking the vaccines are


now getting sick after taking the vaccines and many are going
to get sick as they have taken it. Don‟t be deceived by some
celebrity or leader of government pretending to take the
vaccine, it‟s not going to be the same that they give to you,
make no mistake about it the report, the data is being
suppressed they are not letting you know about people that
have taken it and experts are warning that this thing is
dangerous. It‟s killing people and it‟s going to kill a lot more
some just don‟t want to listen to it. And I am telling you some
nations have pledged their military bases, their foreign reserves
for the vaccines, this is unbelievable.
And don‟t be deceived by somebody on the screen
demonstrating that he took it and it‟s okay, you don‟t know
from the screen what‟s been put in his body and it‟s not the
same that they are going to put in your body
Because some of the things in some particular areas. Some very
rascally areas what they are doing is insisting that those kids
must be vaccinated otherwise they will not be allowed to go to
school, that‟s happening in several cities and several countries
around the world. And in the universities, students have been
denied their results without the evidence of vaccination. This is
happening already, am not telling you something that‟s going
to happen in the future, it‟s happening already. Think about
this wickedness, and we must know anything can be
weaponized. God's things can be weaponized if you have never
thought that remember September 11 and how the massive
Twin towers were brought down by airplanes even though

God knows everything associated with that. But for the

obvious ones, planes were supposed to be good planes, the
passengers were supposed to be good people but the pilot was
different from those who were supposed to be flying them, and
when the pilots changed, the destination changed and that good
vessel was weaponized. The vessels of governments can be
weaponized like the internet that is so good for so many things
is weaponized which is used against people you don‟t like,
horrible but it‟s true and that is the same with vaccines.

What‟s killing the people? They are not telling them what‟s
killing the people. Two things are killing the people.
No 1 - This is where those 5g signals are being tested and have
turned on, a lot of people died, this is real. The 5g should be
halted because the rollout of 5g in Wuhan was released at the
same time as the virus. So many people were dying of the 5g.
Because where there was no 5g the virus didn‟t kill a lot of
people. There is a relationship between the deaths and the 5g
Oh, some think there was 1g, 2g, 3g, then 4g, and then 5g. It‟s
not like that. You only need to understand the huge difference
between them. One of the things that can help you imagine is
this, imagine that in 4g you were able within a given space to
connect 10,000 devices. In 5G within the same parameters, you
can connect 3,000,000 devices. I want you to look at the ratio of
10,000 to 3,000,000 and that‟s even talking about connectivity
but there‟s more. The possibilities are extraordinary, lots of


beautiful things. I will call them all the fascinations of science

become almost completely possible with 5g. So if you say if that
is so wonderful why I would be against it, I will tell you. You
would say shouldn‟t we go as far as we can in Science, Yes we
can go as far as we can but with caution, and I will explain. God
created us in his image. God never uses his power to control
our will, think about this. Instead, he comes to you with his
love even though he made you. Satan is a tyrant, but God
negotiates with you with his word. He shows you what is right
from what is not right. And imagine when he talked to the
children of Israel back in the Old Testament he said I put
before you Life and Death. Then he said choose Life. He still
gave them his wise and right counsel. Never leave you in the
dark. Look at the Life that Jesus lived, never intimated anybody
and yet he was God in the Flesh. Every time a man has some
power he dominates other men. That is because he listens to
Satan. So there is nothing we can‟t do, 5G is not the most we
can do, we can do more than 5g for your information. The bible
says there is no limit, how far a man goes. When you study the
Bible when they were building a tower, they said they want to
build until they get to heaven.
What God said, he said what these men have started to do
except they are restrained, and he said nothing will be
impossible to them that is what God said. He knew if they
weren‟t stopped they will keep going even to their self-
destruction, they will find new ways How can they make it?
How can they ever get there? If it takes them 10 million years,


they will still be at it. They are not going to stop until they try
to get there. They just keep going. So my point is with the 5g,
there‟s a lot of beautiful things but one of the things it does
which you need to know is it provides the capacity to have a
new creation of man and you better understand this now. It is
the final union between man and machines. When a human
being becomes a part man and part machines. What do I mean
by that? His mind becomes in 2 folds, a human mind and a
computer mind. It brings the dream of science for so long. So
many scientists have been about this for so long and that is
why so many scientists are excited about this. They wanted
this and what they want to do to create a new man. Just like
God has created his new man in Christ Jesus, Satan wants to
create a new man and because he can‟t do it like God, it is going
to be part man, part machine. This is what this thing is capable
of doing, It is going to get on and that‟s the reason for the
vaccines. Because of what it can help you induce into you, with
which you can communicate with the 5G. So what‟s the big
No 1. Is that, the signals, think like this you want to get money
from your ATM so you arrive and while you are standing
there, the machines already know your mind because it can read
your mind. It calls your name and tells you what you want. You
don‟t have to say anything. Now it understands your thoughts
because your thoughts have become electronic signals. Listen
am not speculating, am telling what is real, and I want to show
why God is against it, why God says if anybody takes the mark


and why God is saying anybody who takes the mark of the
beast is doomed forever. I will tell so from thereon you are no
longer the perfect human being that he created. You are now a
human being that is run from outside because since it can read
your thoughts, it can also introduce thoughts into your mind
and that is why people of that time are going to be worshipping
the beast because it will introduce the thoughts through this
system into their minds and they will say what he wants them
to say and they will do what he wants them to do because Satan
is not like God, he can‟t let people be free so he has to force
them to follow him to obey his will. He has always wanted
worship, this is how he accepts worship and this is what will
bring his end. This worship that he is seeking to bring about
his destruction according to the Bible.
For example when Bill gates talked about the reduction of Co2
and how those vaccines will help. Question? What is their
interest in vaccines and why should we very concerned about
what is in the vaccines and who is going to give the vaccines.
Now I think everyone will get serious on what‟s the science of
the vaccines and for what purpose because if you going to take
something into your body you should have the information,
everyone has a right to know what‟s going he is going to take
into his body. If you going to be injected with something you
want to know what it is. If something is going to be implanted
in your body. You want to know what it is. There is a website
for patents that I want to show to see, a patent website.


Microsoft created a cryptocurrency, it‟s will be interesting to

see what the patent of that crypto-currency is, and I will
discuss it when you look at the Bible.




You say what this is?. This is from Microsoft, of Bill gates.
This is a crypto-currency using body activity data. Your body
system, how your body works. I will show you some really
interesting information about this which will get you the hair


of your hair standing because of the creepy publication number

666. Now somebody will ask if I went to register my car, or my
document and I got the number 666, should I take it? That‟s
got nothing to do with it because the Bible is not just talking
about one number; it‟s got to be connected to a purpose, to
timing and functionality. In other words, why did you get the
number where is it and what is it going to do? And I look at
this and it made a lot of sense. And I said this was registered by
Microsoft and I am not saying Microsoft is the Antichrist, I
told you, the antichrist has to be a human being, or am I saying
Bill gates is the antichrist No! am not saying that. Here is what
am saying is that it‟s extraordinary today to have 3 major
things coming together in this extraordinary fashion if you are
a Christian and you got your bible you can‟t sleep now you got
to wake up. Because you must realize this is not anything to
treat it as nothing. Because I think these things were not
ordered by themselves. Or someone people will do something
in defiance or you can ask for a number and you say I want this
number, I don‟t rule that out. But I don‟t think that when they
were doing this registration, they asked for the number it just
happened, maybe and maybe not. That‟s not the biggest issue
about this, The biggest issue is what is in the document. I got
through this document, it‟s quite elaborate. And some things
you will require maybe experts to explain but some things you
can easily understand. That notwithstanding you can take your
own time to review the diagrams or drawings. Pretty
interesting now why this is interesting is because the title is
cryptocurrency which means is about cryptocurrency but when

you study this document. This is far beyond money or crypto-

currency. It says the “Crypto-currency system using body
activity data. What does this mean? Now in describing the
functionality of this system, it got to a system where they gave
an example of one of its amazing capabilities, it‟s right in the
document. Which is the ability to measure brain activity, not
only that it can generate image data which means it can tell
what‟s going on in your brain and you know with your mind
No! You can‟t find what‟s in the mind because is spiritual but
your mind can picture something and transfer it to your brain
to communicate with your body and react, right. That means if
we can capture what‟s in your brain, we capture what is in your
mind. This is the ultimate control . And when you look at the
diagram, they are both ways that mean I can receive and
transfer data. So am not the only one who you can pick
information from, you can also send information to me. In other
words, you can help me think what you want me to think. You
can put in my brain what you want me to see it. Because this is
coming up like a cure for some people that have brain problems.
So it‟s coming up like a solution and saying we can help them
reason right with people who see things and can‟t make out
what they are seeing. Now we can help them see better, in
other words, I can fix your imagination. If you were seeing two
people and you were supposed to see 3 people I can help you
see the 3rd one. This is extraordinary. This project will be fully
implemented in the days of the antichrist, in the Book of
Revelations. Then knowledge, how knowledge can be
transferred to your brain. Because you can receive downloads of

information to your brain. Your brain will also have the storage
capacity to contain that kind of information. Not even the best
computers yet can hold the amount of data that your brain can
house so your brain is the ultimate sever or storage. Think
about the information that can go into your brain.


Li i hnhj hhhhj hjf g


Because you will read from the Bible and see what is going to
be. Never in the history of this world did we have so close
manifestation of what the Bible already told us, with what man
has designed for the end-time. And in Revelations chapter 13
from 16.


You cannot buy, you cannot sell except you have this. Now,
this crypto-currency is going to be part of that implant, and


what the Bible tells you to not do something you better not do
The microchip is being implanted in his hand or forehead and
with that microchip, there is a communication with whatever
center it is. They can read your minds by looking through your
brain. They don‟t like what you are saying or what you are
doing and you will not worship the beast. What are they going
to do? Turn you off! With the microchip that‟s it

Somebody said “Do you think these current vaccines are the
mark of the beast? No, they are not the mark of the beast; they
are the platform and software for the mark of the beast. Why?
Listen go to their website look at what they are saying and


understand. It is software that is being introduced into your

body with which they can communicate with your body. Your
body becomes a system with which other computers can
communicate. Surveillance is just one little part of it because
sometimes some people say well I don‟t mind being surveilled if
am not doing something wrong, I don‟t care who knows where
I am. But that‟s the small part of it, the other part of it that you
don‟t know and I want to tell you now is from then once the
software is introduced into your body and things are kicked on,
I want to tell you exactly what is going to happen. Your life
will have an expiry date, believe me from then on you will have
an expiry date, the vaccines introduced into your body a
methodology for controlling your life. How long you live? Now
you can‟t live longer than you would have. It can only get
shorter and under the control of a man. And so they say “Your
vaccine has expired you need a new dose. How are they going
to know? Because your body is connected to a computer and
you must accept the next dose which by better technology they
are going to introduce that thing into your body so from then
on you have an expiry date. They let you know how long this is
going to take you. And you say know No! and they say we are
sorry you have 25 days to live and you can‟t believe you are
being told that when you are not in prison oh! forget it you are
actually in prison because you are talking about a mega-prison
now why because you can‟t go out of your house, you can‟t go
anywhere without permission for whatever reason because of
the control. And look at what is being practiced now you can‟t
say whatever you want to say on Facebook, Twitter, or

whatever platform or YouTube, and so on. Meanwhile, a few

years ago people were very happy with all these platforms
because they thought now we can express ourselves the way we
want to and called it free speech. All of those have turned
around and suddenly they are censoring anything that is not
consistent with their narrative. So what‟s going on, it‟s all
moving in the same direction, every voice is being censored and
if they say such and such a thing is happening, no more
What is that? There is no other kind of vaccine that was ever
developed like this one and is not because of the virus. After all,
why is it that after all those who have taken the vaccines still
must wear a mask, still they must socially distance themselves
from others? why is it so? Of course, these questions are
causing them to deep think. And I want to tell you what they
want to do next. And this is one reason why you got to pray.
I took some time to study vaccines you will be surprised, there
has never been scientific proof, never been independent fully
reliable proof. Forget about what they taught you in schools,
they made you read some things and just told you about these
things. Take the time to do research I did no proof that it was
the vaccines that worked when they were claimed to have
worked. This is real You know the world has been fooled too
many times or because the world loved to be fooled maybe. I
told you from the beginning this thing was not about a virus, it
never was and now I can proof because after all the figures
were wrong nobody came to say all right we got to change

things now. You got work with data and science and they are
still hammering over people and saying it‟s the science and data
and nobody is providing the science and nobody is preparing
the real data .they know the true data but is not been used for
making the decisions. So is annoying and am letting you know
and understand why will there be a judgment and a severe one
I am convinced that the right vaccines could have been
developed and there might have been times in history where
certain vaccines might have worked. The question is what is
the purpose of the vaccines in the first place and what
characters were behind the vaccines. That is what is going to
determine what happens next time. Who is behind it? What
does he want?
And I have said no nation should subject itself to the use of
vaccines from organizations who are chief proponents of
population reduction because that just means they will
weaponize the vaccines, that‟ it. And by the way, there is ample
evidence that vaccines have been weaponized in the past and
there will be weaponized in the future. The question is who is
going to be the victims? Those who have also been or will they
wise up
1. A man named Francis or Frank Galton in 1883, was the
chief proponent of eugenics. And Francis Galton was
looking for his superior breed. And he came with an idea
of how the world can create a superior breed and type of


humans and the rest that is said to be poor breeds should

be destroyed
Some time ago it was supposed to be a drama, one of these
TV soaps and one would think there wasn‟t much to it.
You know these are satires and what happened was this
wealthy man was approached on how to solve the problem
of their country, the problem of poverty. Oh! He said that
is very easy, He said “Pack all the poor people” in trailers
and take them away” which means to bury them
somewhere and he says then poverty will go away. You
see he was giving you the thinking of a certain class of
people not too different from Francis Galton so now we
have the study of eugenics. How far have they gone? Oh! I
can tell you they have gone very far. Because I have gone
through research on them too and where are they now?
It‟s very simple ready to go. So if the population of the
world can be cut down drastically they say there is a good
plan to reproduce the world‟s highest quality breed. And
some accept their idea from hell. Look man is a spirit not a
body and is not a mind.
So I can tell you that some are working on this amazing
idea of coming up with the earth‟s best quality humans and
the rest must be annihilated and the best suggestion so far
given for that annihilation is vaccines. And listen I don‟t
believe in conspiracy theories. If there is a conspiracy
there is a conspiracy, not theories. Theories are based on
assumptions, I don‟t give assumptions and I give facts.
And anyone who says this and this is not a fact needs to

come up with facts, not some other assumptions, and not

something someone else told you. You know that there are
many things we refrain from discussing, we would rather
pray about it

The idea behind it is to create perfect genetics the right race

reproductive system They want to make sure that the best of
the breed is separated from the unfit from the poor breeds so
they always have the best of the breeds.When you are in the
classroom taught by professors with these things, it sounded
nice, it sounded wise I mean why don‟t we get the best breed
to reproduce the breed to so we can separate the poor ones
from them as you do in the poultry. Anybody will think that is
nice. But the question they should ask themselves that do
human beings have the right to determine the life cycle of other
human beings. Human beings are not given that right because
you have to understand that it lends credence to the
understanding that those who are more powerful can subdue
and subjugate those who are less powerful than themselves.
The world we live in today is not just survival of the fittest.It‟s
the fittest murdering, killing the unfit. Not giving them a
chance to live.Those of us who have studied the bible, know of
people who were nothing and God blessed them, and God
helped them and changed their circumstances and state and
eventually their estate.If a man is given a chance he can be
changed from nothing to something, the world is complete
with such stories, amazing stories of success, of grace and

blessings .why would you who was given a chance in life, not
give some others a chance in life. A true Christian cannot
accept eugenics.because we believe when God says whosoever
he means who so ever. Think like this look at the story Jesus
gave with a rich man whose name he didn‟t give for obvious
reasons and a poor man named Lazarus, by eugenics Lazarus
should have been exterminated, he and his kind.But the Bible
says, remember it was not a parable, it was a real story of a
real person named Lazurus .and he gave us the story Lazurus
was poor and he body was full of sores .he was in a terrible
state, he was a poor beggar and he begged up to the gates of
the rich man well eventually he died and Jesus said the angels
picked him up and they took him to Abraham‟s bosom.And then
he says the rich man died.The rich man will be Francis
Garlton's best breed that was what he will be, good stock
obviously but not in the eyes of God.When he died he opened
his eyes in hell Jesus said and saw father Abraham on the other
side of the gulf and saw Lazarus with him...And he cried out
Father Abraham, am thirsty in this place, is so dry and so hot,
and he said please send Lazarus to get me a drop of water, not
even a glass he said and he wouldn‟t get it, you can read the
whole story for yourself so if you believe in Jesus Christ you
cannot accept eugenics.Francis Galton was not the originator
of the idea, there were a lot of people before him, you can look
through history, you can see a lot of these people.And then this
idealogy went into the United States of America and spread
over there and they began, of course, it‟s usually a class of the
elite who believed there had to be the Nordic master race, it

began to spread that idea and all mixed races were earmarked
for destruction and they began to plan it over sometime .they
were working on it with this idealogy of eugenics, let‟s get the
best out so selective destruction was the plan now this was the
same idea that was transferred to Europe, to Germany .and in
the early 1900‟s they began planning these things and in their
case, they called it racial hygiene .it was a sweeter name and in
the racial hygiene, they had to select all those who were deaf,
blind if they had some alcoholics if they are found to be
alcoholics to the second or third generations they were
classified as hereditary alcoholics, they were pinned for
destruction so they were already working on this. Hitler was
not on the scene at this time, he was not involved in this.And
between those in North America and those in Europe they
organized together and got what they called big
philanthropists or corporate philanthropists to fund this idea
and the research went on and you found medical professors
involved in things like this .and it got worse and worse, they
were sure of what they wanted to do.Across the world, they
built a database of the unfit of those who were in mixed races
think about that they were unpure so they were unpure breeds
.so it‟s from one group to the other and they add another group
to it and this went on for some time as they built a master
database across the world.And get this, one of the things they
got to do, was to get isolation centers to listen am educated
enough to understand I have to do researches on this so I know
what am talking about. they asked for assistance in different
nations where they were able to get representatives who

believed in eugenics and asked for isolation centers with large

spaces where they could keep those who were not in perfect
sink with the perfect race.So these unfit will be taken to those
isolation centers, this was the plan.These were things that they
were working on until Hitler became chancellor so when he
came with his socialist party the Nazis came into office they
were too happy because some of the people that crafted these
plans became involved with the Nazis and all they needed was a
leader like Hitler because, during his campaign, the Nazis said
this was what they are going to do.They were going to bring in
the perfect Aryan race and everybody was happy to have this
savior Hitler in Germany that was coming to office and so very
quickly he seized upon the work that was already being built by
these Americans and the Europeans. So it was easy for him to
pick on two groups.One group was the unfit those who were
not healthy enough to reproduce and they passed the bill very
quickly to make sure that reproduction became impossible for
those groups.We have to be very careful because the people
that went into those things, not all of them were bad but they
gave themselves over to satanic ideas without realizing it.So
they had forced sterilization and it was a government order to
make sure you don‟t transfer those genes to a generation, well
it means a good idea to a lot of people. so the sterilization act
was passed then of course you know the story, you what
happened with the Jews.Sometimes we need to remember
history. If you ever had the opportunity to go to Israel and visit
the holocaust museum, you should you will be amazed.I want to
remind you, the organizations that supported eugenics and

racial hygiene even before Hitler came into office and after
Hitler came they supported his elections, I don‟t mean they
funded his elections. No! I mean that they hailed his elections
and that there are documents to that effect, those organizations
have not gone extinct they are still there.What happened was
when they eventually saw what Hitler did which many were
somehow aware of, there‟s evidence that they were somehow
aware of what was going on.The world deliberately turned a
blind eye.But when it blew open and a lot of condemnation of
Hitler‟s acts the other silent perpetrators quickly withdrew and
even stopped associating with them the name eugenics and
decided to use another one genetics for some time.What I am
saying is the organization that supported this act of lawlessness
to destroy, exterminate millions of people with the plan for
more, they have not changed.Now, these were done to jews,
think about what could happen to those that don‟t resemble
them.Those who were trying to create an Aryan race, the
people they destroyed even resembled them outwardly.What
would they do to those that don‟t resemble them the Indians,
Arabs, Blacks that don‟t resemble them, and then what would
they do to Christians? I may not question the sincerity of
certain individuals or players in things like this because like I
told you these are things that have sucked in even sincere men
and women and they became even more wicked than those who
even drew up the plan because they believed they are doing it
for the greater good...I mean there are a lot of people who can
take genuine actions to stop this madness that‟s going on now
because it‟s a madness

Think about the same sponsors of eugenics and racial hygiene

of the past who are still sponsoring vaccines today. How can
the vision be different? How can the results be different? And
look at what is happening in different countries when people
are being rounded up in the streets like in Nazi Germany where
they were cleansing the streets and they took the gypsies. Is
that any different from some of the homeless people that are
being picked up in the streets today and sent to detention
centers that are called isolation centers? I told you that the
danger is that history is repeating itself .it‟s just getting wider
that‟s all.
What happened to those Gypsies they were taken to
concentration camps eventually they were exterminated. So am
asking what is about to happen to these people that are being
picked up in the streets. They are found as homeless and they
are taken to isolation centers some of them don‟t even know
why they are there. So would these isolation centers that are
already turned to detention centers, will they truly become
extermination centers who knows maybe but that‟s why am
warning about it, that‟s why am sounding the alarm because
everything is going the same direction. Only the actors have
different names but they are being moves by the same idealogy.
The soldiers who were guarding the camps thought it was just
for a while, they thought it was just for the moment, they even
spoke to their captives because they thought it was just for a
while. Not even Hitler himself had the full picture. In the
beginning, he said all Jews must get out of Germany and that


they must leave Europe. Then he said later “We will arrest
them and pick them” because he kept hearing the voices of evils
telling him you can have another idea. You don‟t need to send
them away let me work for a living in labor camps. And some
of them were being used for laboratory scientific tests. Terrible,
And am saying are today‟s actors not listening? Do they
understand what is motivating them? Do they know where
they are going with this?

Some people said the hydroxyl chloroquine has been used as a

cure for many so the CDC they are studying it that has been
here for almost 60 years. So until they study it they cannot
approve just brings a suspension of the past, the
pictures come back to mind. These systems of exterminations
are not new, study the old testaments, history these are the
things that have happened before. Let me tell one of the things


that those eugenics or those involved in racial hygiene one of

the things that offended them it was the mixed breeds were the
ones that brought down Greece and Rome so you can imagine
what is in their minds, they are looking back and they are still
offended by the fall of Greece and the fall of Rome that tells you
it‟s the same spirit they are still mad at the fall of Greece and
Rome so they are going to make sure it doesn‟t happen again
and we think it‟s over when the organizations that supported it
are still there.
So I did say this to you we are dealing with an antichrist spirit
that is trying to dominate the world at this time and the
controlling of the mind .we have to know we have amazing
power in Christ Jesus.
I have always there are amazing things in Science. What I am
showing you is what those things will be used for, so the
platform is ready and the mind control is going to be there and
you can see why when they receive that chip in their minds
they cannot believe Jesus Christ why? They are been controlled
In John‟s day, there was no television, but he saw the image
was animated and that it can talk and then the whole world
worshipped the image of the beast. How would the whole world
see the image of the beast except through technology
Now we are talking about artificial intelligence and intelligence
augmentation and with this, you are going to have hyper


Now with this image man is going to believe they now have a
god .look at the gradual erosion of religion in the minds of
many. The very idea of God, many want to completely remove
from their minds, they don‟t want it in their hands, they want a
godless society. Leave God out, this is going to be the cry of
the last days, they don‟t want anything associated with God
but you are a child of God this is the time to preach the gospel
like never before because it‟s one of the signs of the last days
and after the antichrist has crippled the idea of religion in the
minds of so many, he will install himself to be God and they
will worship his image. And he moves his headquarters to
Jerusalem and enters the temple the temple doesn‟t exist as of
now but it will be built.
You want to know about the antichrist when he shows up who
it is, you better see it from Heaven because what you will
require what the Bible tells us is simple, he says he will sign a
treaty with Israel and many others mostly Arab countries for
the peace and security of Israel guaranteed for 7 years. Now I
said you better not here to see that, you should be out of here
otherwise the worst of it to see and then bum! Go I don‟t think
that happens and we remain here. That happens and it begins
the 7 year period of the last week of Daniel‟s 70 weeks. That
week is not for the church that is why the church shouldn't be
here. That week is God‟s return to his calendar and dealings
with the jews because he left them for two days and that in the
third day they will live in his sight so during those two days
which are 2,000 years we have a lot to do. So in the middle of


those 7 years, he will break his treaty with Israel and declare
himself to be God, and move into the temple that is when this
infrastructure that we are talking about will come into full
force that is when it will become mandatory. Everyone must
use that mark, chip, the currency they are going to be together.
now this will help you understand what they mean by digital
certificate because if you are vaccinated they say that they
cannot accept individual country identification they have to be
a digital certificate that is acceptable to all. I read it to you at
the beginning the Assyrian spirit crushes the nations, destroys
the borders, don‟t forget it I showed it to you from the bible, so
this effectively crushes individual national economies and
converts it to a one-world economy. And the question is who
runs the economic system?


Who is this doing this? This is the second beast that came up
out of the earth, this is the false prophet
The one from the waters by popular demand.The one from the
earth not by popular demand. And he is the one that is running
the economic system which means the economic system is not
going to come by all of us coming together and agreeing, so it‟s
not popular demand No. It‟s a system and it‟s imposed
Look at what has just happened to the nations, the various bills
sent to the nations Okay who crafted the bills it didn‟t come to
the countries. How could they? Because they are all similar,
same language who gave it to them. It‟s not the parliaments, is
not the congress, is not their executives, is not the united
nations either how do they get it? It was not voted upon so
where did it come from? That‟s how it will come


And one of the cheapest ways of crushing countries is their

And the nations need to stand up right now because the
modules you got in your country, you never got it from your
country you got it from somebody else. This modus came from
organizations and certain individuals who were taken as
experts who didn‟t know anything never subjected these things
to real science and now the nations are subject to them. Thank
God for the leaders that are making a stand now and doing
what they got to do for their country and throwing away
misleading and misguided instructions. So are those who are
still bent on state capture. And I showed you from the Bible
how that the “Prince of Assyria specializes in state capture,
that‟s his specialty. And he prides himself in it. But like I said
they didn‟t factor the church in.

Now there are different kinds of vaccines, this particular kind

that is developed for Covid-19, the MRNA vaccines, there will
be scientifical and medical implications and this is why you
would have to be careful. They may say that if you take them,
society will return to normal. No, the plan is to never return to
normal and by the way. I have told you many times there is no
such thing as normal where we were before Covid was not
normal. By the way, understand what is called a Great Reset


and this is why there is a call for the introduction of the fourth
Now the first Industrial Revolution was not orchestrated in
the Office.
The Second Industrial Revolution was not orchestrated in the
The third Industrial Revolution was not orchestrated in the
But this fourth One is being orchestrated in the Office.
It like arranging an accident, planning how it should happen
and you call it an accident, is not an accident. So when they call
it a crisis it is not a crisis. It is a well-orchestrated thing. How
can it be a crisis when you organize it. Now a lot of
professionals don‟t know anything. They just hear things
happening and that there is a pandemic so they are working
towards it and trying to solve the problem. When was it ever
heard that people are forced to have something injected into
their bodies for those who are calling for the vaccines to be
enforced? So they should forcibly introduce something into
your body. Of course, some countries have already signed it
into law and the citizens don‟t even know about it. Thank God
that people are standing for the truth but this is not enough,
you have to pray. Now others have political actions they would
undertake which is also a great idea. I am a minister of the
Gospel. I wouldn‟t go into political actions because that‟s not
my field. Some will use political actions, some will use their

profession to take action, whatever actions you can take will be

God lead you. But I am helping you as a minister of the Gospel
to call you into prayer because I know that God will do
something and will always keep his word. Because what they
are trying to do now is suppose to happen in the second three
and half years of Daniel‟s 70th week of prophecy of the great
tribulation. You study it in the prophetic word. You can read
the book of Daniel, Ezekiel, Zechariah, and the book of
Revelations you would see all these are there understanding the
book of Isaiah, Jeremiah what the Bible tells us about these
things that are in the scriptures. So there is a timing appointed
to this and when it happens the world will be a terrible place to
live, it is part of God‟s judgment the Bible says Satan will be
allowed to run this world, he and the anti-christ will run this
world. But those of us who believed in Jesus Christ will not be
here at that time. But the Bible tells us we are going to hear the
sound of the trumpet and the dead in Christ shall rise first and
we are that are alive and remain will be caught up to meet the
Lord in the air. And so shall we ever be with the Lord. So that
must happen, First before globally enforced vaccines or
globally enforced anything, One – World Government, One
World religion, One World Economy. All that will happen, but
only after the rapture of the church because that rapture of the
church is going to be a big sign, it‟s coming, it will happen. No
doubt it.
You know for many years, there are a lot of things that have
happened in our world in different nations that were not God‟s


will and purpose and they happened. Sometimes some of these

things were even acts of judgment from God and there was no
way to stop them and so sometimes the people thought it
happened because God planned them. There have been times
that God wanted to judge a nation or people but all he needed
was someone to intervene, there was nobody. For a long time,
Satanists' evil workers predetermined the evil that they wanted
to do in our world and they had their way. So much so that
some of them were assumed to be prophets, they will write
what they are going to do, they will plan it, leak it out and then
make it look like it was some form of prediction but they were
just planning what they were planning to do. Like this one
what has happened in the last few months based on plans they
already had out with clear evidence of these things were
planned before now and sometimes they want them to look like
speculations.No they were actual plans being laid out. So in the
past, these things happened as they planned because the church
for the most part hadn‟t come to a place of knowledge and
understanding. And these things happen and they said look
they said is going to happen so it happened but that‟s not the
way God thinks, it doesn‟t have to happen because they planned
it and predicted it. It doesn‟t have to happen. Let me show why
things like that a lot of times have happened in the past and
have happened again and again. See Ezekiel chapter 30 and 31


Ezekiel chapter 30
God wanted to punish that land for what they did wrong, for
their wickedness but at the same time, all he wanted was
someone to intervene, even one person.


Ezekiel 22:31
See that they deserved it but God just wanted somebody to
intervene and nobody did and it happened. So they had things
they planned to happen during this period and if we were to
stand back, they were going to happen.
Great upheaval is coming over the world and the nations of the
earth will be shaken. You know these governments that are
toying with the churches of God you better wake up and get
some sense and take their hands off the church because they
don‟t have so much time to mess around and act like the church
doesn‟t matter. Because the trouble that is coming cannot be
controlled by any government. And is not based on their plans,
big trouble that will shake the nations, of the world shake up
governments, bring down governments destroy economies
including all those who have planned all this stuff. They are all

going to fall in and be victims as well because of the trouble

that is brewing. All it will take is a little spark and the nations
will be uncontrollable. But am asking us to pray because it
doesn‟t have to go in that direction and I know we got one of
two results, to get this thing under control with men acting
wisely and waking up to realize that it‟s been deception or else
letting the deceivers convince that their way is better and even
victimizing God‟s people for it and there will be a major shake-
up like this world has not seen before. But in this, the people of
God and even in the church, there has been a kind of
Shaking that‟s going on. Those are just like little tremors
because right now the current situation is showing those who
have known this Jesus we have talked about and those who
never knew him. And that‟s why am sharing the word of God
with you because you might even be a minister and have
preached the gospel for so long but right now you are so
scared. You preach Jesus for so long but you should know
about Jesus. Now is the time to have a deeper knowledge of
him, and his word, and his purpose. And for those of you who
don‟t really what is happening, you are even tired of the
situation you just wish, you just wake up and discover it was all
a dream, don‟t waste your time you are making a mistake, don‟t
lazy out, you might be tired of hearing these things and you are
just tired, and wish everybody just get on normally. Don‟t
deceive yourself, the world is not the same as that and the Bible
tells us to comfort the feeble-minded. They are not exercising
their faith, they are not being militant with the Gospel and yet


the Bible says we are soldiers for Christ, that‟s who we are.
When you are born again, let me tell you something you are
brought into civilian life, you are brought into military life.
Understand it and wake up to your responsibility.

2 Timothy 2:2
Not everybody is qualified to teach others, just because
somebody knows something doesn‟t mean he is qualified to
teach it. How have you lived in the life of Faith is to be alive?


2 Timothy 2:4
Stop wishing that everything will just change; you got to make
the change. if you don‟t do something, there will be no change.
Your role is important to God. You have a role to play. Doesn‟t
matter that you are only young; you have a role to play. You
have a world that is your life.
Sadly, many are naïve spiritually and it is because they are not
instructed in the things of the spirit, they don‟t understand the
scriptures. I am going to show you certain things from the
word of God to get you ready because the future is in the hands
of our heavenly Father, not in the hands of Satan and his
cohorts. He has already told us what the world should be like
and he sent us with the power of the Holy Spirit and the
blessed name of Jesus Christ, to put things in order and to keep
things the way they should be, not the way Satan wants them

to be, not the way the world wants them to be. And by his
grace, we are doing it. As God‟s children, we must recognize
that prayer is important Satan has his plans, if we let him he
will destroy so many lives. Remember when Covid-19 started,
the number they said was going to die around the world didn‟t
happen because of the prayers held globally by Pastor Chris
Oyakhilome Dsc. DD on the global day of prayer. They were
fully determined that millions of people were going to die.
They converted whole stadia in many cities to become homes
for the sick, they filled them with hospital beds. I will never
forget how some of them said on Television and the internet,
they said the streets will be littered with dead bodies. They
were expecting it, and one of the ways or reasons anyone would
have suspected it was the demeanor, the attitude, the awkward
smile on their face when they said it. You wondered if they
were talking about human beings dying but that didn‟t happen.
What was in the plan was to give you a vaccine, when they
were still denying it and saying, they are still looking for some
cure, it‟s about the vaccine they were trying to get you. Ever
before they started this, they planned to divide churches into
several classes. That is the Covid-19 compliant churches, well
you have seen it. And today some ministers are divided as to
what is right and what is wrong. If you know your Bible you
wouldn't be in doubt as to what is right. I hear that some are
asking others to go ahead with the vaccines. It‟s because they
are ignorant. I will show you in the Bible. When you are
ignorant you will speak ignorantly. The scriptures were given
as a light.

In speaking about vaccines did you ever study the history of

vaccines, I did. Did you research vaccines or do you even know
what they are at all? And I am saying the current MRNA
vaccines are not vaccines. They are using generic terminology,
the scientific definition is completely different. So when you are
told it is a vaccine, there is a deception in it. So make no
mistakes about it, ask yourself what are vaccines, what is the
history.? Who are those that started them? And without even
going deeper or drive you into the science of it. I will show you
from the Bible, Scriptures what has happened in our world.
There has been a long-drawn war between those who believe in
vaccines and those who don‟t. Do you know the reason for that
war? It‟s still on today. I think I should share these important
things with you. There are epidemiologists, virologists,
scientists of the topmost level who have warned governments
that these MRNA vaccines are dangerous to humans, but not
many people are listening. They have warned and instead, they
are being censored on social media, they are being threatened
to shut up, they are being vilified, many of them are being told
they will be killed if they continue and their reputation
destroyed many have faced terrible threats already because
they dared to speak the truth. I will show you from the Bible
what the scriptures say and if there is someone who wants to
dispute what I share with you, let him show you from the Bible
how what am telling you is untrue. But I will show you what is
noted in the scripture of truth. These are not ordinary days.
These are the days of the prophecies of God‟s prophets from
long ago. And the beautiful thing about it is were also told

about what time these prophecies will come to come to pass. So

that we will be in no doubt. And also not to ask ourselves what
if this happened 500 years ago? What if this happened 300
years ago? We were given not only signs but even timing so
we will be in no doubt. So I maintain to you that the current
vaccines which were produced by these current companies are
not truly vaccines by scientific definition by even the very
standards of their industry. But most people never think, never
heard, they never study. They were just told and they just
believe. But I never went to school to be a fool. At least I
learned to read and write. That‟s important so that you can
read what someone is saying. You don‟t have to be a doctor to
know these things. Interestingly the one who runs the W.H.O
today is not even a doctor and the one that‟s instructing them
around the world today is not a doctor either, the one who is
controlling Big Pharma today is not even a doctor but they are
listening to him. So I don‟t have to be a doctor to tell you this. I
am telling you these things from the Bible scriptures from the
understanding of the word of God. Very recently a man of the
name Geert Vanden Bossche Ph.D., DVM was on record.


He has worked for several of these organizations including

some of the organizations and organizations sponsoring these
vaccines, highly recognized. You can read about him what is
happening to him right now. He is been vilified, he‟s being
condemned, his character is being assassinated for daring to
speak what he has said is important. I want to show some of the
things that he said.



These are shocking statements and to be clear this man could

not be more pro-vaccine. He may be one of the most highly
ranked and talented vaccine creators in the world.


This guy is anything but an anti-waxer. He is as pro-vaccine as

you can get. Yet there is something that has gotten him
Now there are thousands like him around the world who have
said the same thing and they are warning about these particular
vaccines and what they will do. Now a significant point that he
makes was this. He was letting the people know what these so-
called vaccines will do to your body. He says they will destroy
the natural immune system, these natural antibodies that your
own body produces, are non-specific meaning that they are
generalized and can deal with any kind of sicknesses that attack
your body. But when you take this vaccine it says this vaccine
produces inside your body more powerful antibodies that
suppress your natural anti-bodies but they are specific meaning,
they only go after Covid-19, and they destroy the natural ones
you have meaning you become vulnerable to every kind of
sickness except for the one that is built to keep you safe from
which he also says we don‟t even know that if it keeps you safe
from it. So where are we? It means that this vaccine destroys
your immunity. Now you may not know anything about it, you
may not feel any difference. And that‟s the reason some people
say well I took it and still the same. No that‟s not the way you
test vaccines, it takes time, it takes years and this one many
virologists, epidemiologists, scientists, doctors have spoken
clearly and that they have warned and have their reputation on
the line but many are not listening. The reason is what am
going to show you in the Bible.


First and foremost, you have to understand the word of God

gives us insight, it is the wisdom of God. It helps us understand
things about God, things about man, things about the world in
which we live, and when you listen to God he guides you. Let‟s
search ourselves what does the Bible tells us about Big Pharma.
Anything as significant as the Pharmaceutical Industry of
today or anything as Big as that will not be misled in the Bible.
You go into the Bible you are going to find out about them.
Years ago if you look at the basics of Genesis you will begin to
see that there was an understanding of medicine. So the Bible
tells us that when Jacob died in Genesis chapter 50



Now the word that is translated magicians when you read it

means Pharmakia, which means pharmacy in English I want
you to understand. And in pharmacy originally they were
occultists, they consulted with spirits, they were called
sorcerers. Now there is another term in the book of Acts.


This is different from Pharmakia because in Pharmakia, they

give drugs, administer them, and make medicine but then they
consult spirits that‟s why they are also called sorcerers and
magicians in the Bible. Now if you go into Galatians

And am reminding you in the English language is called the

pharmacy. That was what happened in those days was this,
there were physicians and their work was to heal.
So the Bible clearly distinguishes between those who practice
true healing based on their natural knowledge and there who
dealt with spirits. Those who dealt with spirits eventually
became known as native doctors. I am letting you understand
what happened. While the other ones who dealt with natural
knowledge become regular doctors, they were the physicians.
Now their ones that were pharmacists were sorcerers. In other
words, their practice was based on some occult practice and


knowledge. They were connected with demons and so the Bible

tells us as Moses brought forth flies, turned the water to blood.
They were also doing the same thing until they couldn‟t cope
anymore with Moses‟s God. But they were the ones conjuring
spirits and causing those signs to take place. So in many
countries, you would have noticed that these traditional doctors
were first called native doctors. And before they were called
native doctors, they were called witch doctors. I want you to
understand because they are openly called spirits. So as their
children grew and they handed over to educated children, the
children also modernized the practice, and one thing they
couldn‟t modernize was the demons because the demons
continued. But instead of coming out of their dressings of the
past, they came in suits. They were now schooled like the
others but these were practicing the same thing they use to
practice before. So they became now native doctors to
traditional doctors, now they call their practice trado-medicine.
Until they decided to take their practice further and when they
take that further, they had to be a separation, through
regulation. But one was more into making drugs and they
wanted to stay there why? Because in giving of those portions
was where they bedeviled people-while the other was asked to
hands-off making drugs. So these will give the prescription so
they separated them and this is how it went into schools. So
today you have the pharmaceuticals and you have medicine and
surgery on the other side. Now we don‟t know because we don‟t
study these things, we don‟t understand how the differences
came about but this reconciliatory never worked why because

many didn‟t look at the fact that the side of pharmacy was
spiritual, it was demonic and if the devil is not cast out it will
continue its work in the place. Demons don‟t leave because you
are educated. And so these educated pharmacists went on.
In the last days, there will be a deception in the world and then
the nations will be deceived by the pharmaceutical industry.
The Industry is being hijacked by those through Pharmakia
who are practicing sorcery, witchcraft, the bible tells us how
that industry will be hijacked.
Even though in the industry, they know that the virus, the
disease, the so-called Covid-19 was curable, they deceived the
whole world not to take the drugs that will help them. Why?
Because they were preparing to give you vaccines, and that‟s
exactly what happened.
And so why are they having the production of vaccines to a
selected few. Why don‟t different countries theirs? Why they
won‟t it because those who hijacked the industry are the ones
who came up with MRNA vaccines and I will give details about
these vaccines and what they do. They will not allow those who
will come up with a different type of vaccine to do it. They will
lie about them, they will destroy their businesses as they tried
to destroy or withdraw the other drug that was working, the
hydro oxide chloroquine. They tried to make it look like it was
not good. Something that has already been used since the
1960s, and never causes problems. And there were testimonies
all over the world that people were getting cured of it and it


was protective against the virus and they knew it. But they lied
to the various governments, the Love of Money is the truth of
all evil. But not only money but also power, control, and why
will they not allow the truth. But beyond power and control is
the satanic force behind this chaos. The satanic force that is
driving those behind this is what‟s worse. That‟s why the
protests have not stopped them. They don‟t even care if you
protested or not, they don‟t care what you do, or burn down the
countries after all they don‟t want many alive anyway, they
want to reduce the population so they don‟t care and the same
groups funding bandits and mercenaries and terrorists into
different countries to destabilize nations, they have been doing
it for years. So if the Covid doesn‟t work, they expect to destroy
those nations with terrorism. Ask yourself where do the
terrorists get your arms, sophisticated weapons, they don‟t
build them. They are sold to them. Who is selling it to them?
Why make it look like is such a weird thing. They don‟t know
this mysterious thing, they don‟t know the terrorists are
coming from? They know where they are coming from, they
funded them. So they are lies upon lies. Just like the Bible told
us. And the reason that we are dealing with this now, is because
the time has come and is near. The time of the End. They are in
the Bible but things are playing out and getting into the place
God said they will be. And God‟s people should not be
ignorant, learn and know the word of God for themselves. Be
armed with information from God‟s word. Otherwise, you are
going to be swept away. God said my people are destroyed for
the lack of knowledge.

I am not in favor of any of the vaccines but they are rigging the
system against the vaccines that are not MRNA. And they are
saying something is wrong with those, so suspend it meanwhile
more people have been affected negatively, they got their health
destroyed, damaged a lot of people being crippled already. They
are reports from Pfizer and Moderna.

I am not projecting Johnson and Johnson but they are asking

them to be suspended but the ones which should be suspended
the most are Pfizer and the likes especially knowing the
reputation of Moderna, and Pfizer on their activities in Africa
and India. Those things are on record. The damage they caused
was severe. The governments of nations are aware. How can
they be the ones to give the World good vaccines when the
ones they were doing before cripple people, paralyzed people,
sterilized women? So with the suspension of Johnson &


Johnson, Pfizer ramped top its production. Because the system

is rigged. So they can take over the market that Johnson and
Johnson have gotten into. They should all be suspended, all of
them because they are damaging people.

Of course, it‟s very easy to say oh! You know it‟s urgent people
are dying. If you suspend one we are going to make for it. No!
they are not happy that Johnson & Johnson doesn‟t have the
messenger in it. I have asked a question in 5 years what will
happen to those who took the vaccines already? They don‟t
know and the vaccine manufacturers don‟t know because they
were no tests for 5 years or at least 5 years. Normally this
thing will be tested for 10 years. But they come and say oh! It‟s
a new technology, new technologies? But you are putting it in
human bodies. What‟s going to happen to their health? And
nobody is going to be sued for it because they got themselves


legal protections and that‟s the reason that the MRNA vaccines
are not a vaccine, but a gene therapy but they called it a vaccine
to be covered by the legal protection, that‟s why. They know
it's not a vaccine. So they are capitalizing on the fears of men
and those who are so afraid and they are like oh! Let this thing
just end so we return to a normal life. Listen those who are
giving you the vaccines don‟t plan for you to have a normal life.
Forget it! The plan is for you to never have a normal life and
this is not a conspiracy theory. There are facts. Hear from the
perpetrators themselves. Hear their speeches. Did you ever
read Klaus Swab‟s “Great Reset”, Read it for yourself, it‟s out
there, and these are his writings. Read about the great Reset
and hear the speeches of those who are propagating this fraud
on the world and they call it the fourth industrial revolution. Is
not an Industrial Revolution. Is not even a revolution at all.
And, amazingly, the media that fought for years, decades for
free speech and now they are fighting against free speech. We
don‟t blame them, they have been bewitched. That‟s their
problem, they have lost their minds. And when you are
bewitched, you don‟t know what you are doing and a
characteristic of witchcraft is this. In witchcraft, they kill their
own. Witches never kill strangers, they kill their own. They are
lying to their people and destroying their people. Now in some
places, you are not allowed to say anything against their
narrative. Isn‟t it sad?
Did you look at the data and asked what was the result of the
administration of vaccines in practical terms. And let me tell


you there is no scientific proof, no clear data has been produced,

substantiated with evidence that works, there‟s been none to
this data. But they became bigger and bigger financially until
they controlled the media, they bought the advertising spaces
on television stations, and so on. I am not at war with them. I
just want to show what the Bible tells us. The Bible shows
when will happen in the last days, how big they will become
and this is what we are seeing today.


The word translated society there is the pharmacy. The

fulfillment of this scripture is not yet now. But am saying this
to you the thing that has been laid up and is saying this to you
in the next few years this scripture is going to take place. So

what we are witnessing today is the preparation, Big pharma

stepping forwards in the deception of the world. They are
paying for it, paying for the deception, with the great men who
are the great patrons. They are not great because of their
character nor for the amazing contributions to human life. So
for such people for every contribution to human life is a
And it looks like the Vatican is in business with Big Pharma.
The Bible said they would be and they are going to have a lot
of business people who will be some of the topmost business
people in the world and they will be associated with the
catholic church. He didn‟t quite call them the catholic church
but he called them Rome and not just Rome in the civil sense
No! He said religious Rome which is the Vatican and Vatican is
Roman Catholicism. I am a catholic but not a Roman one.
Every Christian is a catholic we are just not from Rome.


So he is talking about a woman that sits upon the many waters .

He showed this to John.



Now the beast is talking about is in chapter 13.


So he is referring to a city, not just some woman. It’s a city.

The woman who was riding the beast is Europa. And that refers
to Europe today.
And the woman that sits upon many waters in the vision is
Rome and it’s dealing with religious Rome.
The religious Rome today is the Vatican.


Check this website and you will see if there is a relationship

between the Vatican and pharmakia, you will find out in the
Bible or you can check the details of this conference.
Because the Vatican was not known to be friends with Big
pharma, the reason being that the Vatican was against
abortion. And big Pharma was in sponsorship of abortion. So
they were not in agreement for many years, but you know Bible
prophecy cannot lie. All of a sudden everything thing turns and
they are in bed together. Who would have thought? But if you
know your Bible well then you know whatever God says is true.
And in that conference some of them are saying, the daughter
of the former President of the United states Chelsea Clinton by


She called on a crackdown on those who don’t agree with

vaccines. That was her contribution to the Vatican conference

Now what does it mean merchants were the great men of the


earth. It means the most powerful men in the world will be in

business with this system.
Now the word translated sorcery is the Greek pharmakia and it
means pharmacy which means the production and
administering of drugs. And it says by pharmakia by all nations
deceived and who was in connection with this, Rome.

I want you to notice what is in the background. If you look

carefully that’s a white man’s hand and there you have a dark
skin African man’s hand.
The white hand is supposed to be the hand of God. I will show
you very soon.


This is Mark Angelo’s creation of God. Now look at the hands

and compare it with the one at the Vatican conference. This is
in the 16th chapel of the Vatican which is the private chapel of
Popes in the Vatican
If you understand eugenics what you call racial hygiene, is to
purge and get rid of the weaker race is called war against the
weak. Get rid of those who are not useful, they are a burden on
society and the world in general like the African nations that
are supposedly a burden on the world. They are not needed.
This is why I tell you to pray, you got to pray. Make no mistakes
about it, things don’t change because we hope they will. No!
God hears and answers prayer, he will always respond if a man
will call and pray. He responds to the call of a man’s soul. If you
don’t know your Bible things like this happen you have no


meaning to them, they don’t mean anything to you but if you

know your Bible, your spiritual antenna is raised and that’s why
am saying to those ministers and preachers of the Gospel who
don’t understand that they were deceived when they were told
to shut down churches and we will open them in a few weeks
once we take care of the virus. They say that we want to flatten
the curve, it was all a lie. It meant to flatten the economies and
they couldn’t interpret it. They said it was a curve of the virus,
of the infections that were a lie from the beginning.
And one of the things I am going to warn you about is this if you
start hearing that there is a new strain by those nations where
there is some calm right now. Better look around you maybe
they are rolling out 5g somewhere because that’s one of the
cover-ups. If there are going to roll out 5g, there are certain
things that they need because they know that people are going
to die, that’s why I have called on a moratorium on the rollout
of the 5g. I said there has to be a review on the 5g. Make it
safe, the current ones are not safe, it’s a killer and they know it.
So the first thing is, you are told there is a new strain and new
version of the virus and that means people are going to die in
the numbers so there are blaming it on the virus whereas
somewhere around you they are rolling out 5g. And then the
people start dying and they say don’t touch them it’s the


corona so they die by the numbers and then we say we don’t

know what is happening.
Like India, how can they be calling for help? They are one of the
biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world. So how did this
happen? They know what happened. The government knows
what happened. And the sad thing is so many are allowed to
die when they know they have solutions. But you see
sometimes they want to please their paymasters and that's the
saddest thing. These are avoidable debts, they know what to
do, they have the solutions.
But what did they do before it happened?

So am saying to you, don‟t be naïve read your Bible.

Understand what is telling you.
This is the reason for the cashless society; it is not because
money is bad. And then the lie is to become like Oh! We can‟t
use cash anymore because you might transmit infections
through cash. Then I am thinking if we can transmit the
infection through cash, what about other things. They always
come up with things so stupid, scientifically stupid. Where is
the world going from here, not where it is supposed to be
going? We have a short time left in this world where we must
preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ like never before and bring
people into the kingdom of God and people to believe in Jesus


No 2. – Where are the people that normally got sick with the
flu? Where are they? Nobody is talking about the flu right now.
Normally they will have the same temperature, same
symptoms, where are they? What happened to them? They
have numbered as those with Covid-19. That‟s what is
happening. So why are they dying? Because they will not be
treated with what could help them. In places where they are
being treated with what could help them they are getting well
and make no mistakes about this, the plan is to keep our world
this way. What you are seeing now, the plan is to make it
permanent. You think when they tell, Oh! We need two more
weeks or three more weeks, they are just trying to get you used
to it and when you get used to it, it becomes your new normal.
But never get used to something that is not right.
So they say they want to vaccinate everybody. Why do they
want to vaccinate everybody?. We know the virus is not as
lethal as they said it was, it‟s not killing as many people as they
said. In normal science what you are supposed to do is let as
many people have it, and let them go on and do their thing
because it will not destroy them. In such situations people
become immune, they suddenly develop herd immunity. Herd
immunity is destroyed by social distancing and is concerned by
scientists who know about these simple things who are not
speaking up. There is no herd immunity in social distancing. So
is like everything is done to cripple human immunity and to
achieve population reduction. You would say it‟s there such an
agenda of course and that is no theory that is a fact. Because


several individuals in powerful positions and organizations

have spoken that much and funded that much. Information is
out there you can look for yourself. So if that is real which is
then it means that these steps that are being taken are all part
of crippling the human immunity of human communities so
there will be no herd immunity as long as you have this social
distancing. So people are going to get more sick and as they get
sicker they are facing a time in which drugs from Big Pharma
cannot be trusted anymore. Where is the world going? It‟s
going in the direction of where the Bible said it will go. They
all know what am saying is true, they know it, but they don‟t
want you to have immunity to this virus and the way to keep
you from being immune to the virus is to lock you away from
the virus and try to protect you from the virus, and the more
you are protected from it, the more it becomes more dangerous
to you. They know it, this is how it works. So it has weakened,
the virus has weakened, it is not killing people the way they
thought and because there are a lot of people who already have
it, it is not working anymore, this is the reality. They know
this, it's pure science. There is no science against what I just
said. But these would not want to know because of their
agenda. They need you to be afraid because scientifically they
know that fear produces certain hormones in your body that
destroys the individual, certain chemicals are released in your
body by fear and when that fear runs through your system it
destroys you from within. They are creating fear and panic.
Why do they want to it, For example, if you hear a very rich
man is trying to cheat you to get more money from you and

you don‟t have near as much money as he does you will almost
not believe it. Because you are the one that needs money. So
when he says I would want to help you, you believe him
because he got all the money and you don‟t have enough. So
you are going to have to believe him. How can you believe he is
trying to cheat you? You ask yourself what does he wants from
People are the same irrespective of their condition, that is to
say, the poor and the rich are the same except there is a
transformation in their hearts, and in their lives, they are the
same. If a man is poor he is no different when he becomes rich.
The difference in his circumstances is when he was poor he
didn‟t have the resources to carry out the wickedness in his
heart. So when he became rich, he was the same person but he
has the resources to carry out the wickedness in his heart. Jesus
said to make the tree good and the fruit good, or make the tree
evil and the fruit evil. In other words, you are not different on
how you are inside, if you have money, money is an amplifier.
Money only amplifies your character. Whatever you would
have been, you will be. You will only carry out the good or bad
in your heart depending on your resources. So what does God
want? A change in your heart. A transformation inside. Because
if you are not changed inside you, inside your heart. The only
reason why you haven‟t done some terrible things is that you
haven‟t had the chance, resources, and the opportunity to do
these evil things which you would have done except there is a
change in your heart. That‟s why God sets up his Kingdom


first in your heart. He puts his love first in your heart, that‟s
where you need it. Then from your heart; it can flow out to
others. If you don‟t have it inside you, you can‟t give it.
There is no spirit causing racism, man must bear responsibility
for his actions. Racism is a dirty thing and you blame those
who started it. You are dealing with an inherited problem.
those who started it are honestly unaware that those who didn‟t
look like them were as humans like themselves. They probably
didn‟t know, maybe. But they have had enough time to find out
and know the truth. So after these many years of racism, there
is no excuse anymore for racism. The world has gone too far
and knowledgeable to excuse racism of any form so those who
perpetrate must bear responsibility, they cannot blame an evil
spirit or a demon, or even ignorance no way you cannot do that
anymore. There has been enough time to know that something
is wrong with it. It can‟t be excused but some things are worse
than Racism, hatred because hatred exists even in homes of the
same families that are as bad as Racism worse and yet is in the
hearts of men.
Love has no color, if you genuinely love somebody you will
love them irrespective of the skin color. Racism is the
manifestation of the bankruptcy of the heart, when you have no
love in your heart, you will hate. Doesn‟t matter who you will
direct it to, it‟s the same. And when hatred is taken out of
somebody‟s heart and replaced with genuine love you don‟t see
the color, you will love everybody irrespective of the skin color.


Homosexuality was revealed in the book of Genesis. Think how

old it is. It is not some new thing that some civil right leaders
discovered and they are trying to help some people have their
rights to love who you want. The Bible tells us it was
happening in Sodom and that‟s where the term sodomy or
sodomite because homosexuality was rampant in sodomy, a city
many years ago. And the Bible reports that God destroyed the
city. He sent fire from heaven and destroyed the city and in
fact, he destroyed two similar cities. So as far back in the book
of Genesis. The bible gave us records of homosexuality. When
you study in the old testament. The Bible shows us that it was
abominable to God because he had a plan made known to man.
So he is the one who decides what is right. God decides what is
right and he left us with accurate information on what he
thinks about it So you find in the Old Testament God said
don‟t do it. In the new testament, he gives it the same definition
and he shows the same reaction to it and that‟s one reason
those who are in the organized gay community. Now,
remember not everyone who is gay is in the organized gay
community because some people register to be in that
community. Those in the organized gay communities don‟t like
the Bible and Christians in general because they have a material
that condemns that way of life so they don‟t like it but they
can‟t change it. In the New Testament, he specifically mentions
these things that God despises.


And there are some Christians who are unsure whether it is

right to be gay. Are you out of your mind? You don‟t want to
read the Bible. The first book of the Bible Genesis talks about
gays, talks about their community, and that God despises what
they do. And how God destroyed two cities because of their
attitudes and sins. The last book of the Bible in Revelations
concludes it as well and tells us God is going to judge sodomy.
In between the two several scriptures condemning it. Don‟t
deceive yourself that it is natural and somehow you were born
with it. Nobody was born gay, it is not possible to be born gay.
The Bible says a man is tempted when he is drawn away from
his lusts and desires.

Don‟t say it‟s the way God made me.


It is your lust, your appetite for self-gratification.


So it‟s not right if you are gay, you need to repent and start
living right. And stop reading magazines that get you into such
situations. Don‟t visit gay websites. Don‟t flirt with those
things they will destroy you, they will destroy your life.
Remember just because a lot of people are doing something
doesn‟t make it right. The Bible says wide is the road that leads
to destruction and many there be that go that way. But narrow
is the way that leads to life and few there are that find it. So if
it‟s popular in your community it doesn‟t mean it‟s right. If you
want to stop it, you can stop it.
And if you are a Christian all you have to say is that in the
Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I will no longer do it. And the
power of the spirit will be there to help you right away. But if
you keep protecting it and nurturing it, it will grow like a giant
and one day bind it if it has not already bound you. You are
creating an enemy from within to destroy your life. And when

you get sucked into it you are bringing demons into your life. It
doesn‟t whether you are singing amazing grace all the time.
You can sing songs or you can preach it doesn‟t change
anything. If you are bound in that area of your life you are
bound. You have to free yourself and stop walking in that
direction. And the earlier the better for you. Don‟t make
excuses you were not born that way, is not natural.






I want you to take notice of how he describes natural relations

from un-natural ones

He says Men became inflamed with other men, he says it‟s

unnatural. Now, what do you mean by something unnatural,

and here is where the big lie is from the organized gay
community. They say you were born that way meaning if that
happened to you as an individual you have been feeling this
way since you were born it means it is natural with you. Oh no!
when a child is born blind we don‟t say it‟s natural we want to
get him cured, when a child is born lamed we don‟t say it‟s
natural we want to do something about his condition. So
someone will say are you saying something is wrong if another
man is attracted to another man sexually, Absolutely that‟s
what the Bible just showed you. He says it‟s unnatural, it‟s an
unnatural relation. He made them male and female. The natural
attraction to them is male towards female and vice versa. But
when you have males attracted to other males and females
attracted to other females, the Bible calls it unnatural relations.
Just because you feel it so doesn‟t make it right. It got nothing
to do with it. See how you feel about it got nothing to do with
it. And now with politicians saying that it‟s part of human
rights to love whoever you want to love. When did the
governments start giving the rights about that, they don‟t
provide you such rights that are between God and man. And so
we say what does God say becomes a matter of conscience
which becomes the voice of the human spirit. But if you don‟t
know God your conscience will not correct you or have the
voice of God for you. Your conscience will let you do whatever
you want to do because you have never known God. So the
voice of God is not in your spirit. So your conscience which is
the voice of your human spirit will not guide you correctly.
That‟s why we have people who can kill others and believe they

are doing the right thing and if they feel good about it then it is
good.It‟s got nothing to do with how you feel. You are going to
feel good about doing something terrible if your spirit is
already that character because how you are inside is going to be
how you are going to be outside you are going to carry out
outside what you already have inside.

Look at what he called the mind of such people, a depraved

mind. He says because their hearts were not towards God he let
them with a depraved mind do what ought not to be done.



So you see in the new testament God forbids these things. He

doesn‟t want them doing them so as a child of God you got to
make a change and don‟t say you can't stop. You say “Father in
the Name of The Lord Jesus I stop this act from this day and

through the power of the Holy Spirit that will be just the end of
it. Now you may have received the holy spirit and you are
doing these things and you could even be a preacher and a
leader and be doing these things and you feel like you are
bound to them, no you are not you don‟t need any deliverance.
The deliverance is in your mind. You decide today and you say
in the name of the Lord Jesus I break this thing and habit over
my mind in the name of the Lord Jesus and that will be it.
Every habit and any habit can be broken by the power of the
Name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit any habit can
be broken.

But let me say this, a man is not a thief because he stole, he

will steal because he is a thief they are two different things.
Been a thief is not caused by your actions, it‟s your nature, it‟s
something inside. So if you are a thief it doesn‟t matter what
position you occupy, it doesn‟t matter how much you have. A
thief will steal because he is a thief. It has gotten nothing to do
maybe he will become satisfied when he has enough. A thief
doesn‟t steal because he doesn‟t have enough; he steals because
he is a thief.
If you are someone who is controlling, you are never
satisfied until you are in control and that‟s another thing they
want, Control they are not satisfied until they are in control,
they got to control you until they have total control. Look at


1. The people who go out to protest, you think they like it,
they are writing about stuff they don‟t like it you think
they like it.

The “They” I am talking about are those lying about the

virus, lying about the vaccines. That means those
scientists, virologists, immunologists all of them. All those
who are telling us that is based on science what they want
us to do. They are all in this club. They want to destroy
their colleagues on the other side who are telling the truth
and many of them have lost their jobs already, lots of
doctors have lost their jobs because they have been
standing for the truth. You got to stand for the truth
nonetheless. They are those who can‟t take it, they rather
accept the money. Some of them have seen money as they
have never seen in their lives. And all you have to do is to
announce to the public that it‟s okay and some have sold
their soul for such little money.
Vaccination used to be called immunization. When they said
you were going for vaccination, they meant you were going for
immunization. It was supposed to produce some immunization.
Guess what this particular vaccine produces no immunization.
This is terrible. it doesn‟t get you immune to anything. That‟s
why they are saying if you have been vaccinated keep wearing
your mask, this is crazy.


So why are they doing this, it has to do with the vaccination

passports. Which they are trying to sneak in into several
countries and then from there to the New World Order. This
means the vaccination is the way to achieving the New World

They are capitalizing on fear and from there, they got you the
Covid-19. And with all the news media, Covid-19 was not a real
pandemic it was planned and they can‟t deny that now.


And now we have the zombie pandemic. Never estimate the

sublime messages they are passing and there is going to be a
zombie pandemic. Make no mistake about it. This is
CDC(Center for disease and control so we are not talking about
some jokers website and they are making light of it. They are
saying the reason they are telling you is to be prepared for any
eventualities of any kind, but these are subliminal messages so
they don‟t take it lightly.


Make no mistake about it, this is Satan‟s modus operandi he‟s

got to come out with it in the realm of the spirit if he doesn‟t
leak it out, it can‟t happen. Because he copies God when God
wants to do something he gives us prophecy he brings it out.
He leaks it out through his prophets. So Satan doesn‟t also do
anything without leaking it out because that‟s how it got to
happen in the realm of the spirit.
He has already told you there is going to be a zombie pandemic
Now if you go to the Pfizer website, or the Moderna website
and try to find out about this vaccine they tell you is software.
It‟s an operating system. What does that mean? It means the
hosts are seen as a computer. You the person that is receiving
these vaccines are the computers and that vaccine has been
injected into you with the Nanoparticles in the operating
system. And look at the gradualism, while you are just about to

consider taking it, they move forward and said we don‟t think
one shot is going to be enough you might need three. So some
people get one shot, second shot and they were going to get the
third one and before they were about to get a third one they
began to say you are going to need one every year, there is
going to be a renewal that‟s what they have already said so. If
you don‟t still think that there is a deception going on
something is wrong. I told you when they told you they were
working toward a vaccine the vaccine was ready, they already
had them. Before the Covid spread out all over the world, they
had it and they pushed panic all over the world even before the
Covid got to any country the countries were told they already
had it, why the PCR test kits were already in those countries
waiting in many of those countries. And so when they went for
the tests they were positive and if there was no virus in those
people, how did they prove positive? Even the guy who
manufactured the test kits said it was not a diagnosis for
sickness and that it could not be used for diagnosing that you
were sick. It wasn‟t for it and nobody was investigating why he
died, he died in August 2019, Kary Mullis. You know it
happens as that and Satan works against people like that
because there‟s got to be some silence and he would know too
much. You know what this seems to be telling us that those
who are receiving the vaccines, there is no doubt that you are in
trouble why because you can‟t take it out. You never found out
what it was going to do in your body before you took it. You
should have tried to find out, you should have listened and you
can be controlled and you know a lot of people have already

died who took the vaccine, by the thousands by the way and
they are hiding the figures. But that is not the biggest problem;
the biggest problem is what I have just shown to you which
they are leaking out to you. “The Zombie Pandemic”. The
possibility of those who have been vaccinated been used against
those who have not been vaccinated and there‟s a lot that has
been discovered right now by many scientists and medical
practitioners.Things that are happening to people who have not
been vaccinated that are in contact with those who have been
vaccinated. Some kind of weird sinister symptoms illuminating
from the bodies or may lose their minds because of what has
been injected in them. So what you are seeing is a biological
weapon of some kind and this was one of the reasons why I
show to you the former vice president of Pfizer and one guy
who has worked with the biggest vaccine corporations to stop
the distribution of vaccines immediately before it is too late
that was what they said. These are top scientists and there are
many others by the thousands around the world But big media
is shutting them up even those who they used to praise as very
knowledgeable. And once those people come out and say
something like you know what you must not use these vaccines
they turn against them and start writing rubbish about them
and their families, warning them and threatening them. So
what you are seeing is war. They don‟t want us to talk about
the vaccines and saying we are not letting people make up their
minds. That‟s not true they are the ones not letting people
make up their minds. They are telling the people to make sure
they go out for the vaccines and they know is dangerous, the

sad thing is the most ignorant of most countries is government

people because they don‟t read, they only read the news. Just to
be sure they are making the news. They are trying to keep their
government in office that‟s all so they don‟t study, they don‟t
do any research so they become dangerous leaders. And Jesus
said when you have a blind leader and you follow the blind
leader, he says both you are falling in the ditch. They have their
eyes closed when they are signing the documents.
The former prime minister of Great Britain Tony Blair wrote a
book and you should his descriptions of meetings like when you
come into the United Nations kind of meetings and conferences
how some will just come in there and sleep. They don‟t even
care what is going on no matter what you discuss and they are
supposed to be leaders of their countries. They travel all the
way to make a bed in the UN office and their people will think
that they are there for them, they are not. This is why you must
pray for your country. When Almighty God is telling you to
pray you must know is very serious and very important. And
guess what we are winning we are doing the right things in
God‟s word and it doesn‟t matter what Satan tries.
Now you can understand the words of Jesus Christ, the
wickedness that will be in the world in these days of the
antichrist spirit. Children betraying their parents, Parents
betraying their children, siblings betraying one another, friends
and neighbors betraying one another. Hatred in the world like
the world has never seen before Jesus said it will happen and
you are beginning to see. So if this has been in operation and

neighbors who have been vaccinated are calling the police on

you. Before they got vaccinated they were already doing some
evil works like that, but that was out of fear, this is going to be
out of hate because they can‟t any differently they are

The vaccine they wanted to roll during the start of

the pandemic was a non-human DNA vaccine, which will
introduce non-human DNA particles of maybe monkeys,
pigs into our bodies and will make us what they call
chimeric. What is a worse though that there is a pattern
and work that they have at done at MIT to make a dye
and the pattern of the dye is called luciferos and under a
light you would be able to see who is vaccinated and who
wasn‟t and the deal is to store your biometric information,
because this vaccine will have Nano particles that are
intent for little robots or little antennas and they will have
the ability to take your biometric data, not only your
vaccine record but your breathing, your heart rate, your
heart rate, these drugs you are taking, where you travel
etc. and then take that data and store it in the cloud,
what‟s even more concerning is that the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation on March 26th 2020 applied for a
pattern number 06-06-06 to take that biometric data, give
you a barcode and connect each of us to crypto-currency
so that will become literally slaves to the system, it will be


the end of privacy, the end of freedom because who gets

the data, who uses the data and what do they do with it.
This is part of the plot to connect the vaccination to the
crypto-currency and making all humans a commodity. It is
extremely concerning because this is a virus that 99% of
people recover
With the 5g, it will make your body become an
antenna, you just become a device that they can program
from anywhere and they are going to make you do
whatever they want you to do. And in the Bible, why
anyone who takes that God said it‟s doomed forever, once
you take vaccine you cannot detox, you cannot get it out of
your system or your body, never and God already knew
that in the Book of Revelation and told us not to do it.
Because you cannot reverse it. It changes your DNA so
you are no longer that individual with that identity that
you are born to be. You become their product and this is
what they always wanted. They are not satisfied with all
the toys, so now they want humans to be ideal toys.
Because of the pushback because they are being destroyed.
Because of the prayers of God‟s people around the world.
Even China has said they are not sure they are going to be
vaccinating all their citizens.
All the beautiful technology we have in our world today,
it‟s all nice, the problem is not the technology. The
problem is not what is being done. Because technology is
not okay what we are supposed to do is fix it. Technology
didn‟t create itself, man created it. When vehicles had

problems, they recalled them back and fix the problems

and that was should have happened when I talked about
5g, that something was wrong with the 5G. And in fact,
certain groups have come up with something far better.
But they don‟t want to use them because theirs will not
kill people. So they will rather go with those who are
planning towers in the streets to cause death.
In the recent past when you had faulty devices or vehicles that
were said to have some problems. Some dangerous faults,
millions of cars were recalled by their manufacturers. Millions
of phones like the Samsung series that was exploding before
the users and they recalled those devices, this is unusual for us
to call for a review of some technology. now for us who called
for a review of the 5g, wireless technology rollout was said to
be claiming that the 5g produced the virus. Am not thinking
any of us said it produced the virus, we linked 5g technology to
death, health risks, and problems and if anybody does not agree
with that, it‟s like this if they have been some theft and I claim
to have seen someone go there, that‟s a testimony. What the
law enforcement should do is to investigate not to say it‟s not
true without investigating otherwise you will be found to be in
collusion. What I and many others have said is that the 5g
rollout in Wuhan, China was was responsible for the high
number of deaths. And these things were being shown on the
tv with people falling to deaths in the streets. such things have
not happened since then they are not falling in the streets and


dying anymore. What was, shown from Wuhan was very

different from what you‟ve seen about the virus in most cities.

The question is what the test is looking for they haven‟t told us
yet. When you are tested what they are looking for they
haven‟t told us yet. When you are tested what is looking for. I
am a bit surprised that some people who are supposed to have
been educated in many countries of science and are all quiet.
What kept you quiet? Because you were raised to always wait
for someone to tell you what they have discovered. Now, look
where you are. They lied to you; you don‟t even know they lied
to you. What are they testing for? Are they testing for Sars
Cov-2? If it is let us understand the purification of the virus
then, and I have called for it. Who purified it that can ascertain
clearly that the test is specifically for Sars Cov-2 and will not
respond to any other Corona-virus or even others like malaria
and the normal flu and can you explain why people who never
did the test received information from the testing centers
because they have their data, their names, their addresses, and
their telephone numbers and these people never had the test.
They had only come in the line, they waited in the line couldn‟t
get far enough to get the test, they went back home, never got
tested, yet they got the results. Some were positive. How did
they get it? Because it was all a fraud and the reason and some
governments would not stop it yet because they are making
money from it. And write it down, this is dirty money, you
cannot make money on the poor people, cheat them and lie to

them and deceive them, such money goes nowhere. So where is

this leading? Government leaders should be held accountable
to look into these things that they are exposing their people to.
If those in your country will not hold you responsible, God will
you responsible, just wait. Because you are a leader of people.
A whole lot of people have faith in man and not in God and
when you look at the Bible when God told Noah to build an ark
of salvation because he said he was going to destroy the world
with water, they didn‟t believe. They thought that will never
happen because they were so many and somehow it was not
going to happen. You know there is a faith that people tend to
develop in numbers and they think that if we are many enough
no one will do that to us. when the jews in Nazi Germany were
put out of their homes and put in trucks and sent out to
concentration camps they didn‟t believe it was going to happen.
Many of them were professors, medical doctors, engineers,
business people well educated they couldn‟t imagine all of that
investment in life and society could be thrown to the winds
how could that happen a lot of them were wealthy people so
they saw themselves with ones not well off like them, so poor
and rich people in a society living together, they thought it
couldn‟t happen. But then it happened and when they were into
the gas chambers no one believed it will happen but millions of
them were killed. The world didn‟t believe the voices who
escaped and told them what was happening, they didn‟t believe.
When they finally saw sufficient evidence, it was too late. But
listen that was not the first time so many unsuspecting people


were killed and that hasn‟t been the last time. You have heard
stories of repetitions of history, but somehow there is a feeling
you get that can‟t happen again, oh no! and I say to people you
got to pray to God, Pray. Jesus said men ought always to pray
and not to faint, Pray! And Fast! Because there are things we
must make they don‟t happen and guess what if they don‟t
happen we are all going to be happy and thank God they didn‟t
happen. Of course, some people will say oh! It was not going to
happen. Listen they will eventually happen, our prayer gives us
the allocation of our time for us to utilize as God intended
rather than losing it to Satan. We have an allocated time. Let
me put it this way

The vaccines sent to your country, who have examined

them? Who examined the vaccines? Oh! you were told
they were vaccines, they were labeled as vaccines. You
trusted the company. Is it moderna? Don‟t you know the
history of Moderna? Don‟t you know what they went
through? You can find do your research and you will be
shocked. Are you unaware of the various cheating by
Moderna? Or is it Pfizer has done in several countries
including Nigeria and several other African countries.
Who is unaware? Don‟t deceive yourself. Just recently 23
died in Norway after receiving the Pfizer Covid-19
vaccine, 13 were nursing home patients.


This got leaked because they couldn‟t hide it, the

media has suppressed those kinds of information about the
deaths associated with the vaccine and some are maimed
and crippled for life. Have you ever read the Covid
document of the vaccine? You should ask your
government leaders who are introducing these things to
the people, ask them? Have you ever read the document?
Do they know what Moderna and Pfizer have said about
their very so-called vaccine what they said in the
document? Do they know what‟s in there? Am telling you
they don‟t. So it‟s important that we recognize what‟s
going on and not allow and ourselves to be deceived into
these things, they have no value for others, they have no
value for others, and they are only interested in their plan
and those under their taxonomic preferences, that‟s all.


The above picture illustrates former Pfizer Vice President

Michael Yeadon and Chief scientist who spent 32 years in
the industry. This was an interview and he made some
very remarkable statements in that article. I am
challenging you to research his article and read the
damning allegations he made about the coronavirus. And
you know when some people like this talk, guess what
happens is they pay others who write articles against
them, all the good things about them are taken away from
Google and other search engines. So you can‟t find good
things, only the bad stuff so they can damage the person‟s
image and make you not believe him. When did he become
a fool? This was their top scientist. How did he suddenly
become ignorant?. I told you about the PCR tests that are
being done. I have said it‟s a fraud that‟s what I told you.
Now in 2019, the guy who created that PCR test kits Kary
Mullis, this guy said by himself that it was not to test for
those things and determine that someone has a disease and
that it can be manipulated to get what you want. Only
God knows what killed him in August 2019 just ahead of
when the PCR test kits were sent out to different
countries ahead of the Covid-19 bursting forth in 2020.
We don‟t know what happened to him but heaven knows.


For 32 years for supplying the world with vaccines there has
no quality control in other words no research was done to
ensure the vaccines were not dangerous to public health. It‟s
amazing what has happened for years that vaccines that people

were using may have been responsible for several ailments that
have been suffered by children who may have caused autism,
cancers, vaccines a lot of them have been responsible for some
real trouble around the world and possibly including infertility
there are several things. Lives have been ruined completely and
no one cared And with the current who is going to subject
them to scientific tests.

And this is very true but because they don‟t want to tell the
truth, they are counting a lot of these deaths unless they get
caught, they count the deaths as Covid-deaths when people
have died of the vaccines and thousands have died of the
vaccines but they count them as Covid deaths and so they try
to reduce the numbers and not tell people the truth. A total of
26 countries and counting are reporting a massive uptake in
covid -19 cases. So when you hear the numbers are going up


the fact is the number of deaths is going up because of the

vaccines. Now, remember they never told us that the vaccines
will prevent Covid-19. It doesn‟t prevent it. It doesn‟t make you
immune to it. It doesn‟t stop the transmission. So you say why
then are they giving it? Good question. But direct it to the
right people. Ask them why are they taking it. And for those
who are forcing people to take the vaccines, you better be
careful. You are trying to make people do something you don‟t
know anything about. Now they are victimizing health care
workers and teachers in schools and telling them they must do
it first. You should resign and sue them. Because no one has a
right to force you to take the vaccines. I told you they tried to
work it into the emergency governance laws, they tried to work
it in. They slipped it in. They put it there that they have the
power to force you to take a vaccine. But they are not bringing
it out yet, why? because the spirit of God is preventing them
from doing it. They want to do it, they crafted the law in
several countries and now while you have the opportunity you
take them up on it because some of the parliamentarians don‟t
even know that is there in that document otherwise they will
stop these emergency laws immediately because there is no
need for a state of emergency in many countries
And what you see also is the transformation of science into a
new religion. So people are supposed to believe in these and
what is the climax of believing in Science. You are going to
believe in the hero of science. And the hero of science has to be
Deity that would be God. So they have the anti-Christ who is


the hero of science, so they are prepping the world up,

preparing the world, preparing the nations to accept the
antichrist because the new doctrine will be science. When did
the governments start running the countries by science? They
are supposed to follow the law, not science. When did science
become law? And when they say sciences they are speaking
broadly. We are speaking of a certain class of people in the
country who have held them hostage. So suddenly we have sold
our countries to a group of bandits because we are deceiving to
it, that‟s why it‟s going to fail. So we have to understand. Satan
and his subjects don‟t have full control; if they had they would
kill everybody. The spirit of the antichrist is here, but we will
stand our ground as Christians. His time is not yet, and he is
trying to start raining confusion before his time. There is a
leaked agenda on how they plan to introduce this in 2021 and
some timelines on how they will try to executive everything.

Leaked Report for 2021

They are already preparing people for this by telling
them there is a new version of this Covid. They have the
name already, Covid-21. They know what they are
doing. Let me show you something. Look at their plans,
am just showing their plans to you.

a. December 2020
Field hospitals are set up in each county.


b. January 2021
Full lockdown, all jobs stopped, all business closed.
Return on all benefits.

c. April 2021
Hospitals are unable to cope. Covid 19 vaccination is
available. Hospitals are unable to cope. So by April
2021 Covid-19 vaccinations should be available

d. June 2021
Shops running out of supplies. Look at this they are
planning that shops will run out of supplies. Look at
the scheme. Local protests common and army
checkpoints get set up in each town. So they are
going to deploy the army because they expect

e. July 2021
National Civil unrest takes off, local governments
start pulling out, and Covid-21 vaccines developed.
So they moved to Covid-21 vaccines. Right now they
are saying this vaccine can handle the new strain then
the reason is just in case they don‟t sell enough, then
they moved to Covid-21, which is very deadly. So
new vaccines but they are the same old vaccines
because the first ones were not for Covid either, so


the second is not going to be anything different just

put it in a bottle.

August 2021
Early plans for new government structure. Watch
this now, I told you it was all about One-World
Government, I am saying it is state capture. Look at
this, by August 2021, early plans for the new
government structure, the first full vaccinations rule
out of Covid-19.

September 2021
All debts are canceled; if you get vaccinated against
Covid 19 and 21 your debts in the bank will be
canceled. New Law cancels all property ownership
and passes it to the government and you forfeit your
property irrespective of you are to the government
except for those who are masterminding this. They
believe they will keep their forever.

October 2021
Introduction of Covid passports, only those
vaccinated can work and travel.

November 2021
Covid and Covid 21 vaccines become mandatory.

December 2021

Covid Passports changed its name to healthy

passports and become accepted as the normal way of
Right now you have world passports. I mean if you were told
today that you have instead of your nationality passport you
can now have access to world passports and become a world
citizen you will be excited but do you know the implications.
For your information that is available already. You can get
your world passport. The organizations are responsible for this
so you can have your name on the World citizenship registry
it‟s there you can search these things there are no hidden
things the problem is many people are not looking and they
don‟t know the Bible that‟s the point so they support things
that they have no clue as to what they are about

Now let me tell you what they are trying to do

because things aren‟t working out in the vaccine part, not
as fast because we have issued in the Spirit a moratorium,
an injunction restraining mandatory vaccines until we are
done and being raptured into heaven. So what they are
trying to do with graduality is Amazon has produced what
they call Amazon One which is a palm scanner and with
this one what they expect is that it will use your palm and
get your hand-print and that you can use that one to buy
things and enter restaurants, offices, etc. So they want to
make you get used to using your hand. Because now they
know with the vaccine it‟s going to be a tall order. So they

are thinking all – right let‟s come another way. So they are
going to have this in shops, very soon put them in shops
and then they start being used. In Technology this is
backward, but I want to tell why they are doing it because
we already have face scanners that are far ahead of this
hand, they are doing it because it‟s a way to train you to
get ready for your hand. After all, the Bible says, they are
going to have the mark of the Beast on the forehead or the
right hand. So this is supposed to be training towards that.
There is nothing as terrible as being in a body that
you cannot control and think what these guys want to do
with those vaccines when they can control your body and
you are going where they programmed you to go. They
want a world that is being controlled by them and these
are things that demons do. The world has but a short time,
and all those plans for these mass murders and crises have
been laid down.
We are not speculating that they planned to use vaccines,
the documents are there, they are available you can see
them for yourself. By themselves they have said what they
are going to do, that the vaccine will come the ability to
use financial transactions which they will put in there so
that vaccine is not just coming as a vaccine, is coming
together with certain things, a micro-chip embedded in
someone‟s body and guess what, without reading the bible,
they have said it will be on the right hand or the forehead,
they said so themselves. This is the mark of the beast for
your information is not like a painting, it‟s an incision, in

other words, they will be a puncturing of the human body,

that tells us it‟s going to be an implant and that means you
cannot buy or sell which means you are completely cut off
from the world‟s economic system if you don‟t take it. You
can‟t make payments and you can‟t accept payments. What
can of life will that be? So the only way is to have that
mark which is through vaccines.
Let‟s put it like this, you know that there are things God
tells us with clarity and definitiveness. Taking the mark of
the beast has no middle ground, no excuse, nothing of that
nature, the reason for taking it is not important. Let‟s a

Revelation 14:9
And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud
voice, if any worship the beast and his image, and receive
the mark in his forehead or his hand, (KJV).

Revelation 14:10
The same shall drink of the wine of God, which is poured
out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he
shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence
of the Holy Angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

If anybody receives that mark, he is completely doomed,

that‟s what the Bible says if anybody receives that mark he
will surely go to the same place like Satan, he will surely
go the Lake of fire. There is no forgiveness and I will tell

you why. Because it is not just sin committed by that

person and anybody who receives the mark of the beast
will have no place with God. There is a reason for it and I
am going to tell you why, because that mark as I just said
is an intelligent mark, through that mark you can be
controlled or is just not a mark that‟s why you hear some
people say it is going to be in a form of a chip through
which information can be received or transmitted and the
truth of the matter is that means it will be able to control
your thoughts. Now why were the nations that were
destroyed in the Old Testament, why were they
destroyed? The Canaanites and all the nations that were
destroyed for Israel to come into their Land, why were
they destroyed? They were no longer normal human
beings. The Bible tells us how those fallen angels had
mixed with them. They were a corrupted race of people
and reproduced among them. So now they were descents
of these spiritual beings mixed with human beings. Some
even gave birth to giants like Goliath and his brothers,
there were other giants and so those nations were nations
of people that were corrupted, their nature has been
corrupted by these fallen angels they were no longer
normal human beings. Their thoughts were thoughts of
demons, devils. They were full of wickedness and this is
what the Bible shows us and this is why God declares
don‟t take the mark, you never should. Now the time that
Satan should have this happen should rightly be after the
rapture of the church but he wants to do it ahead while we

are still here, and that‟s we are saying no, no because the
Bible tells us God has given us the authority to determine
what happens in our times so we are not going to let this
happen and that‟s why we must pray and don‟t leave your
future and your faith in the hands of other people. Don‟t
hope that somehow, someone there is praying for you. You
got to be a part of it; you got to pray not only for yourself
but also for other Christians around the world. Pray for
the nations of the world because if anybody receives that
mark he is completely doomed.

When the Bible talked about plagues coming in the last days,
this was not what he was referring to for your information.
When he talked about plagues in the last days, Covid-19 was
not one of such. If you want to know, when these things will
happen go to the “The Book of Revelation” and read what Jesus
was referring to. There will be judgments upon the world, not
man-made things they will be God-made things. It will trigger
God‟s response against the forces of darkness. This is man‟s
work of evil that will invite God‟s vengeance and Judgments.
So Covid-19 is not of the plagues for the last days, it doesn‟t
fall in there and the judgments of God don‟t come during the
Church age. The Church age is an age of Grace. He is not
judging during this time. The only type of judgment that takes
place at this time is judgments in the house of God. And the
Bible says if it begins at us what then shall it be for them that


obey not the gospel of Christ. This is not the judgment time for
the world. This is salvation time for the world. And that is why
we can still pray for nations that God will save them and
intercede for nations because they just don‟t know they are
being ignorant and deceived. And that‟s why we cry on our
knees and pray for them because this is the hour of salvation,
this is the day of God‟s grace for them and the Lord is pitiful,
plenteous in mercy, great compassion.

At the top, I put it N.W.O (New World Order). Now there are
several groups interested in the New World Order and this is
what they have been planning for many years, it‟s not new.
Several groups have been involved in this.


Several of the proponents of the One – World Government and

one world economy belong to several groups and cults they
have to and these groups are known they come by different nice
names so those at the junior levels don‟t understand that they
are in a satanic organization. A lot of times they don‟t know
and these offer sacrifices to demons, the Bible tells us the
sacrifices that are being offered to idols are not offered to God
by demons, devils so they offer sacrifices. You don‟t know this,
you see the guy in a nice suit, they are wearing nice dresses and
decent he is a banker, he is a businessman this and that you
never know what they do in the spirit. So they belong to these
different groups and one of the things that these groups stand
for is the One-world government. The trouble is many years
ago, they did those things silently and secretly these groups are
not secret anymore, they have become massive organizations
that many people like to be a part of. So when you are out of
school or still in your final years, they start calling you, they
want you to join them. They headhunting some of the most
intelligent people because they got continue breeding their
stock and they join them ignorantly. You attend some of their
conferences things are just nice and wonderful and you meet
those people you could only see on television or see their
pictures in newspapers or something. Now you are so excited
you are in the same room with them. You have heard of them
all your life, big names with big money but as long as you are
in the junior levels you don‟t know what they do, you don‟t
know they belong to. The sad part of it is a lot of people don‟t
even care. Only people like us who study those subjects and are

led by the spirit who go deep into the subject and understand
them and also have the spirit of God to also discern and know
them and see it in their eyes with prophetic insight. Otherwise,
you don‟t know, some of the brands that you love so much and
you like to be identified with maybe in your clothing or the
bags you carry. Maybe some things that you like to use, some
of those brands until they are offered as sacrifices to demons,
dedicated to demons before the sales they don‟t come out and
these things are sacrifices to devils and then they distribute
them. Some people are successful today and they will tell you
they owe their success to Satan, to Lucifer because they have
sold their soul. How are you going to know? Imagine that you
are running a bank and then you notice your colleagues‟ bank is
doing very well and yours isn‟t doing very well and you say to
him What Can I do? And he says well um would you like to go
with me to such and such a place then you go with him. He will
introduce people to you, I mean you meet people of respect,
they are all there, you are amazed and they welcome you so
nicely and introduces you to this amazing thing before long
you have to go to the initiation, you are making signs and
saying things you never thought you will say in your life, then
you will become a part of them and right away, business starts
booming, they start connecting you and things start happening
and you start becoming successful like wow. Even your
neighbors start taking notice of you, they knew that you were
struggling for a long time and all of a sudden you are growing
and becoming big and you are happy about this, you say wow I
didn‟t know it was so simple. Well, it doesn‟t end there the

higher you go in their ladder of success the more dedicated you

become and more committed you to have to be until finally
your soul is taken over by Satan. You realize you are a part of
something that you can‟t come out of. These receive
instructions from evil spirits, they are told what to do and they
come out and control nations. Imagine this like people are in
political office, what do you expect? That is why it was so easy
for them to coordinate and accept these things because a lot of
them to these cults and some of listening to me understand
exactly know what am talking about. The trouble is they are so
bound they don‟t know how to come out. I tell you this because
Satan‟s side is a losing side, they got to know
They have been working on it to bring in a New World Order
and the main theme is One World, that‟s what they want. They
want everything to become one. That is One World
Government, One World Economy, and One World Religion.
And you look at the Bible particularly Revelations chapter 13.
You would notice that that is what the anti-Christ is going to
be pushing and riding on. In recent times, they have been able
to come up with a brilliant idea and this brilliant idea is ID
And the main thrust of ID 2020 is the use of Vaccines. What
does this mean? To achieve the New World Order they came
up with an idea ID 2020. There are several groups involved in
this, I can mention several of them to you, I probably will, so
that you can look them up by yourself. In some cases, unless
you study it properly you may not immediately notice what

they are about. You have to read about them to what to know
what they stand for. The ID 2020 didn‟t start in 2020; they
have been working on it. The goal was to do it in the year
2020, and the big idea to achieve that was through the use of
vaccines. How do we get it through vaccines? They had two
ways to do it;
No 1 on this site;

They are going to work through health. The pandemic will be a

great idea, so they planned to set up a pandemic. Listen it‟s a
virus but I told you before it doesn‟t exist in nature Okay, so it
got to be created.
And then what‟s the other idea


Through the use of technology. So how they going to do it.

Internet of things i.e. IOT meaning we can have everything
that can be connected, connected. Now you would think this is
a brilliant idea, it is a brilliant idea but what you don‟t know is
this, they are not trying to connect your devices. This Covid -
19 provided the globalists their best opportunity yet, as they
never had a wonderful opportunity like this. It provided them
the best opportunity yet to bring in the One World
Government. They crushed nation-states to their surprise, they
expected something but not as good as it got. They were
shocked at the full compliance of people all over the world. It
showed them the power of fear which they have learned to use
for a long time. They have trained in it; they have built castles
upon it. They crushed nations and the next thing we knew we
just had a couple of men talking to the world about whatever
they wanted. Think about it, just a few men talking to the

whole world about what to do. It doesn‟t matter that someone

is telling the world what to do if he has a good mind. The
problem is what is in the minds of these people and we know
their minds by reading their writings and listening to their
words and the content of their speeches. As is said anything can
be weaponized as any kind of technology can be weaponized by
desperate and evil men. And that‟s what happens in our world.
So the question is not how good something is but who is going
to use it? And that‟s why the dangers of the current trend of
creating vaccines for the world. And we need to sound the
alarm. The alarm is because of those behind it, what they said
in the past and the present, what their plans are, that‟s where
the trouble is. So what we can see is the weaponization of
vaccines for sure. The bible tells us what is going to happen
Sometimes you think what they are saying is just based on the
party plans, agenda maybe the whole leadership structure has a
vision and so on, you might just think so, but when you
understand the scriptures you would know the severity of some
of these things and the implication on the kingdom of God. And
would know what‟s behind their actions
These leaders, and when I say leaders now am talking about
not just the leaders of the nations but the pseudo leaders behind
the scenes, these are members of the deep state, these are the
hands in the gloves that are controlling many governments and
their leaders. Because they give them the impression they know
something because either they have money, influence, or

position but the reality is they are controlling them through

spiritual powers that‟s how they are controlling them. They are
controlling the nations through spiritual powers and only those
who have a spiritual understanding with spiritual power that is
greater than theirs can overrule them. And except they are
overruled they will bring the world into destruction. They have
some real evil plans and they are hoping to come together in
Davos to rectify some of these demonic Diabolique plans.

is serious”
I want you to think about this, it can store information, who is
sending the information? And what is this information capable
of doing
Now there is the concept of globalization. Let me say
something to you, usually is not the system that is the problem,

it is who is behind the system like we talk about the

weaponization of good things. Good things are used as
weapons, they don‟t drive themselves, and it‟s those who use
them. Governments have been weaponized against their people.
We come to a point where we have to say to ourselves who is
behind the information that we live by and what must we
believe. There has been as much manipulation for so long we
turn a blind eye to it, we didn‟t think about it. They moved all
kinds of information to the schools and they begin to teach
school children the wrong things. A lot of stuff that has been
taught in profane history, the secular history that is. And
mostly from unreliable sources. No wonder they are full of
speculations and contradictions.


Sometimes some don‟t understand these things, they think is all

Conspiracy theorizing. And I am saying this to you do you even
know the meaning of a conspiracy theory. The issue is not the
conspiracy, the subject or the main point is the theory, it‟s
whether we are discussing a theory or we are discussing facts.
And if I discuss something with you, am not discussing mere
opinions. And I always say do your independent research. But
you should understand in doing your research, sources of
information are important especially nowadays they are
polluting sources of information, it‟s very sad, that‟s what is
happening because they have the power to do it, that‟s why
they are doing it. I mean Google is not for the government, it‟s
private so whatever they want to do they can do, Facebook is
not for the government, it‟s private they can do whatever they
want to do, YouTube is not for the government it‟s private so
whatever they want to do, they can do it. And you can‟t stop


them because it‟s theirs it's private property. So even if you are
angry you don‟t have to be angry with them because it‟s theirs.
And that‟s why God people need to wake up and realize sources
of information are being polluted and so it‟s not how things
used to be and as a researcher myself I have come to read and
understand lots of things that have happened, the information
available years ago and with the current crisis they added
things to that information which were wrong, but because I had
a lot of information about those things I could see the
difference. And they have updated certain kinds of information,
not even letting the readers know they have been updated and
they are not supposed to have updated certain kinds of
information, but they did because they don‟t want you to know
the truth they are hiding the truth, it‟s a kind of thing that they
did with the encyclopedia Britannica. In some of the old
versions, you would see some information that would make
your head blow up! You will be stunned and that they put those
things there, and they are factual. In several newer editions,
they have removed them.
There has been a preparation for the One-World Religion but
they are coming to the height now, things are coming to full
readiness or apex and, sadly, many Christians have also been
dragged into it without knowing what they are doing. You can
be in a church and not realize you are not in the Church of
Jesus Christ, you may not know, because you have to know the
Bible to know these things. God said my people perish for the
lack of knowledge “know the truth and the truth shall set you


free. And there are many people on it, who are seeking God,
they want to know God and then they go into the wrong place
and they don‟t know they are not serving the Lord Jesus
Christ. Even the Pastors themselves may not know because
they are ignorant of the scriptures. How many Christians have
listened to the voice of Satan and taken actions negative to
them? How many?
So when we say that we are in the last days, Jesus said to watch
and pray that you will not fall into temptation and the spirit
indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. And often Satan plays a
trick on the mind of people. If you look at the Bible. Years ago,
a Christian gentleman asked a question, He asked is it right to
be a freemason? Can a Christian be a freemason? He was asking
because there are many Christians that he knew who were also
freemasons and then he said there are some Reverend fathers,
Christian ministers who were also freemason that he knew. The
issue is not about free-masonry. It‟s not the name of the
organization. You could also ask, Is there something wrong
with being a Christian, because your definition of Christianity
can be the problem, so it‟s not about the group, it‟s about
understanding the doctrine what is there because you can join
the fraternity in your place of work. Did you know the so-called
organizations that are unions, some are labor unions; a lot of
them are led by occultists who belong to some secret
organizations. Well some of them are not secret anymore, and
the only thing secret about them is the sign they make to
communicate with one another that may not be known to some


others. But the trouble in our day is that things have shifted
over some time, so you now have a social-political taxonomy
that has replaced the old relationships, and what‟s happening is
there is a gradual, is not accidental, is planned, the gradual
destruction of nation-states are being crushed to create a new
of religious nations. And ask yourself why would the anti-
Christ be interested in a world religion? I thought people are
against religion. If you read the Bible, he hates everything
called worship. Then he turns and becomes the object of
worship. He gave his voice against worship, against God, that‟s
what the Bible tells us, that‟s the anti-Christ spirit, condemning
religion, condemning everything with the exclusion of God.
Then he metamorphoses into an object of worship. The Bible
tells us he now sits in the temple of God and declares himself to
be God and his false prophets who help him run the One-World
Church. So the One-World religion is dedicated to him, the
anti-Christ, and who becomes the boss, Satan. So what‟s he is
going to do is creating his trinity as God has his trinity, we got
the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost and the Bible also shows
evil trinity Satan, the devil also known as the Dragon, and the
beast, the antichrist, and the beast, the false prophet. This false
prophet represents the Holy Ghost who is the spokesperson
and carries out the message. The Bible says he causes all small
and great, rich and poor, all people to worship the beast. So
there is going to be no escape. You can‟t escape with your
money. He is going to make it so. So these are going to create a
new religion.


Tgghj f gf j dhf dkjf dkhdf


Think about this, the government of Germany is to build one

worship center for both Christians and Muslims to worship
together. What has the government got to do with deciding
how people come together to worship. So the name of what
they are constructing is called a House of One. I told you they
have been planning on the One World religion and this is just
the outward manifestation of 10 years of planning for this
So if you find a situation where maybe someone who is
supposedly a minister of the gospel is saying that they have the
vision to bring the various religions together, that is a
definition of a false prophet. Why because it‟s in the Bible, it
says if the prophet or the message of the prophet seeks to take
you to other gods, he says that is a prophet that I have not sent.
It doesn‟t matter how popular that minister might be, doesn‟t
matter if he has been preaching the truth before, all those
things don‟t count it‟s who are you now, what do you believe
now, what do you say now

People are perpetuating the evil works in the world today and
that the day is coming where they will try to prohibit anything
negative attribute to Satan, because you have the Church of
Satan, and they are going to say we are all part of this One-
World Religion and as they are working towards this thing,
they have to come to an agreement that Satan, should no
longer be insulted, then it becomes law you would not be
allowed to say something evil about Satan.

Now just so you would understand what is happening in our

world. Do you realize that that statement is going to be
prohibited by several governments in no distance time from
now? It will be a crime to make that statement of scripture that
Jesus already made; it will be called a hate speech. And guess
what we have the Deep church, which is religious lunacy. They
are going to support that stuff and you know what, it will


become a crime to say anything negative about Satan Why? All

that is going on now is being ordered by him, being controlled
by him through the deep state and the deep church. The painful
part of this is the church part because they are the ones who
will craft their satanic idea. It will become wrong to say Jesus is
the only way. Why? Because they are the ones planning for the
One-World Religion. You can‟t have a One-World Religion
when you say Jesus is the Only Way. So every minister, every
pastor, every preacher that is a propagate of the One-World
Religion is going to prosecute those who say Jesus is the only
way. They can‟t accept that because there is no One-World
religion with Jesus being the only way and because Satan helps
that system according to the Bible, How can anybody insult
him, how can anybody be allowed to insult him. You cannot say
anything negative about Satan anymore, it will become hate
speech. This is where all this is driving, this is where is going.
The Bible already shows us and they are rehearsing right now,
the totalitarian regime for the whole world so they are trying
to make this mandatory. And they are practicing it, closing
bars and when they close bars they will know Christians will be
like Okay that‟s nice we don‟t go to bars anywhere. Listen
when they close anything whether is for Christians or for non-
Christians you have to say No, Why? I will tell you why it is an
infringement on your human rights. You have the right to
make your choice, now they are going to tell you what you
must do. So mandatory of the mask under the disguise that we
are trying to save and its respect to other people so that you
don‟t infect other people, where is the science behind this? Look

at the crazy thing that is going on in several counties and cities

and states, it is the political leaders that are voting to accept or
make it mandatory or not when the political leaders have to
decide on science. And then they tell us to follow the science
and then it becomes a political decision. Look at these people; I
can‟t think they have taken the whole world for a ride. Because
when they asked us to go into our homes, we all went into our
various houses and we waited and he said Wow! It worked. So
they believed they have this control, they don‟t!! . I understand
that in some cities and countries around the world, there are
protests against vaccines. And those protests will continue for a
reason. Why it must be mandatory, look at these people who
made questionable decisions and questionable data and they
questioned those who questioned their questions why shouldn‟t
your decisions be questioned when you made those decisions on
questionable data. God is very angry about those people and
they will soon find out.
People are the same whether they are in uniform or not,
whether they are dictators or whether you call them democratic
leaders. They are not democratic leaders because they are all
the same. The system of government doesn‟t change a man‟s
nature. Think about this was Mussolini in Africa? Ask yourself
that question and the evil that he perpetrated in Europe was he
an African? Was Hitler in Africa? Because sometimes people
think oh well! Those kinds of things happen in Africa What
about the ones that have happened already? And some of those
things are going on right now in several countries. But the


church of God is not given into their hands. We only got to

look back two or three generations all around there are as bad
as all the people doing this. The only thing which marks this
one out is its scale. What makes this one different from the
others is the scale. This one is at the scale that the world has
never fathomed. We are dealing with the possibility of billions
of people dying in the visions of the perpetrators.
Daniel‟s 70 weeks:
The church comes in between the 69th week and the 70th week.
And Nebuchadnezzar's dream and about the legs of iron and
the feet and toes of iron and clay and then I will let you
understand what those things mean.
The Bible tells in the days of those kings of iron and clay a rock
cut out without hands meaning caught out by God‟s power will
descend and destroy that whole structure of Man and replace it
with a kingdom that will not pass away. But here to hear
something to understand the various kingdoms beginning with
the Egyptian empire because he says there are 7 of them, 5
were fallen in the days of John. He says one was at the time and
the other hadn‟t come and by the time that one comes in it will
after the church is taken away so there are supposed to
continue the 70th week. So between the 69th week and the 70th
week God gave no power to any group or nation or
organization to control this world .except the power of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. I want you to understand. That‟s why
the church must have a pushback at any attempt by any group


nation or organization force or power to control this world,

they can‟t do it as long as the church is on this earth. They
can‟t do it only if the church out of ignorance, apathy,
complacency is quiet. That‟s the only way then history repeats
itself and then they go through all these terrible things except
that this time it‟s worse than they experienced in ancient Rome
and even after the fall of many. And I told you before the
lockdowns were announced churches and ministers of the
gospel in many countries were consulted, they said it was ok
they never prayed and they agreed. No group could say give us
time for us to go and pray No! Because God would have told
you what the plan was, you would have known. Am not saying
to you, had you said No! at the time there would have been a
difference not but had you prayed at the time there would be a
direction. Then you wouldn‟t have fallen into this quagmire of
wondering about what God is doing and what to do, and that‟s
why am sharing the word of God with you, I didn‟t get into
that confusion. Cause I told you from the beginning what it was
and if up till now you haven‟t realized what is happening then
somehow you are in deep trouble and you should take the word
of God seriously from now onwards and you will understand a
little more. But think like this in some countries what they plan
to do because you are thinking what was going to happen to
the sporting events, entertainment look at all the stadia all over
the world in several countries, they will be taken over the
government and after that, they would say they are going to
handle the disinfection progress and make it useful. What does
it mean? Only Government satisfied places will accept

gatherings. So special facilities will be built where churches can

meet because churches and ministers cannot be trusted to
disinfect the place and make it good enough for people to meet.
I told you about covid-19 certified or compliant churches so the
government says we have 5 satisfying venues for Christians.
What does that mean? So if you are Christian you can go there
and we will see how many more places you can use but for now,
we are going to give you 5 places that you can use for churches
we have satisfied those places clean because your church
building cannot be approved. And what does that mean, it
means any Christian of any church can go there so some
ministers are appointed by the government to run those, then
the larger religious groups will be given theirs. All those
middle ones will be given some for economical congregations.
So you can have several of the ministers of their various groups
come there and you can have hours of services and all the
mixed can come there and all the ministers can carry their
ministration in this mixed group. What happening there? The
gradual understanding of One world religion after all we are
supposed to be one so why can‟t all the Christians meet in those
5 places given by the government? And some will say oh!
Aren‟t we suppose to be, are we all not Christians. Think about
that so the Christians look at it like, this is good we weren‟t
allowed to meet before if you are not allowed to go out of your
house and you couldn‟t go to church for several weeks and you
are told there is one place at least all of you can go that is as
good news to you, so you go there. Is that what you want?


The people that are in office are not in control of what is

happening, none of them planned this. You read your bible you
will see it this is purely satanic. So I told you from the
beginning this has nothing to do with a virus, this is a purely
satanic plan so the world is trapped. So when you are in a
situation and you know the government didn‟t plan what is
happening and they are just coming up with untested solutions
because they are in unchartered waters so. Are you going to
live your life for the decisions they make, on a road they have
never traveled? Don‟t you understand that point you need
divine help from God? I know some are wishing and hoping
that somehow they will just wake up and see that they are in a
dream, is not a dream. It can‟t be over without divine
intervention from God because there are forces behind what is
going on and these forces had settled everything they were
sure what was going to happen and that everything, as planned,
was going to be. The only trouble is in the spirit we intercepted
it, destroyed it and now we need to direct it by the Holy Ghost.
Remember Satan and evil spirits thrive in chaos, they love
chaos and God is not the author of chaos.

And because we are still here, we are declaring the all-

powerful name of Jesus Christ, they can‟t stop until we are gone
out of here, they cannot enforce. They may make the laws but
they cannot enforce them because we will break them.


So the New World Order is not something that some people

think. Let‟s put it this way anything good can be turned into
evil or used for evil remember how they weaponized airplanes
and destroyed the twin towers. A lot of things can be used for
good, but who is in the driver's seat, who is the pilot, who is the
captain of the ship. It‟s like governments, they are used for
good but who are those holding the reins of government that
can use such power for evil. That‟s where the question is?
The idea for the One-World governments, the One-World
Religion, and the One-World economy is not about; some want
something nice. But listen, there are several organizations.
George Bush Snr. Called it a thousand points of lights and that
is another way of saying if you think you think you know all of
us you are wrong. We are so many and it‟s true because the
plan is to infiltrate the nations of the world and take over
governments gradually take over industries gradually and then
institute their system. After all, it must crush the nation-states
and create a religious state. The religious states headed by
Satan, Lucifer
There would be someone who will be talking about Conspiracy
theories, let me say this when Jesus was talking about Judas
Iscariot being the one who would betray him; was that a
conspiracy theory? It was a conspiracy, not a theory. A theory
is something that is not proven.
We have to count ourselves blessed that we see these things,
we see the manifestation of his word, it‟s so amazing what


others prophesied, we are living it. And many of them when

they prophesied they didn‟t know how those things will
happen. Some were thought to be false prophets because those
things didn‟t come to pass after 10 years, after 20 years but
Daniel was told, it will happen in the latter time when these
things will happen. He says close the book Daniel; it‟s for the
appointed time, at the time of the end it shall happen. Now we
are seeing it right before our eyes. Had he said 3,000 years we
would know we had one more 1,000 years to go. Had he said
2,500 years we would know we had more time to go. How close
we got, let me show you the timeline. Remember the rapture
itself does not have a sign. In order words, it can happen
anytime. But we have a final place beyond it cannot go. It says
much more like somewhere here.


Count it yourself. If you take that day that he walked out of the
temple as 30AD.Some have said 29 AD. If you take the range of
4BC to 2BC from birth. If we were just taking an average and
we come to 2030 and from now 2021 to 2030 is 9 years, which
means that it cannot exceed before the man of sin is revealed,
the antichrist. Before you have 7 years either or after that. Now
here are the 3 options,
1. 7 years either, after or within, or across. If it is after, then
before he comes back will be 7years plus 10 years, that‟s
17 years before. Jesus comes back.7 years for the
tribulation, 10 years before the antichrist shows up. See
that, so 17 years in all and Jesus shows up if it is after, if it
is inside we have 3 years before he shows up, if it across,
you have 6 and half years before he shows up but because
we are in 2021 that means we have just 3 years, which
means if it doesn‟t happen in 3 years, it might be 6, if it
doesn‟t happen in 6 years it cannot exceed 10 years. They
have lots of speculations by different people before and if
you have followed carefully the scriptures, you would
understand immediately why it didn‟t happen when some
thought it would. Okay there are several scriptures in the
Bible and there are pieces of evidence in his teachings and
also direct prophecies for you to understand its two
thousand years and obviously, the two days were 2,000
years. So you study the word and you have more than
enough evidence.


A man who was a 33rd-degree freemasonry Mandy Hall wrote a

book entitled “Secret teachings of the Ages”. In this book, he
explains the importance of the United States of America and
what it‟s founded for in a quote “peculiar” and “particular
purpose. What is he talking about?
America was established by runaway Europeans. The plan of
the European Freemasons who went together with the other
groups has been always to return the American state to the
dominion of Europe and will be accomplished under the rule of
the anti-Christ.
The deep-states in the US will fall and the power shift will
move to Europe why because that was the plan all the time.
Americans came from Europe so when they went the Christians
went with other groups of people and they had different ideas.
So when they are those who went there to establish a new
home, to establish themselves, and to free themselves from the
tyranny of the British Crown. Some promised to bring them
back. When Israel went out of Egypt, some planned to take the
crowd back to Egypt. And they made trouble for Moses again
and again. The plan was always to return America under the
control of Europe and they are well funded. So you think the
British crown ever left the United States, you are joking, they
never left. They are in Europe with their hands stretched. So
we are not discussing theories, all am saying is that there is a
spiritual conspiracy which is the plan for Lucifer to be
enthroned. Because Jesus made it clear, there are the children of
God and there are the children of the Devil.

This is from one of the top leaders of this group, He was a

mason. And when I talk about this am not going after any
group, not at all, that‟s not my purpose. They put the
information out there and that‟s why am giving out the
information so am not trying to get something from elsewhere.
Albert Pike who is or was a 32nd-degree mason says in his book
“Secret teachings of all ages”. It says European mysticism was
not dead at the time the United States of America was founded.
The hand of the mysteries controlled in the establishment of
the new government for the picture of the mysteries may still
be seen on the great seal of the United States of America. A
careful look at the seal discloses a series of occult and masonic
symbols, chief among them the “so-called American Eagle”.
Now what he tells you is that the “so-called American Eagle” is
not an eagle, you can ask any American what‟s standing on
your American dollar bill they will say it‟s an eagle alright.
Now, these guys tell you because they are responsible for it. He
says is not an eagle at all, he says it a Phoenix. A phoenix is a
legendary bird, some mystical bird that destroys itself by fire
and rises out of the ashes afresh. It is said that every 500 years,
it does it‟s a symbol of great vision and a symbol of power. So
sometimes it has one head and sometimes it is shown with two
heads, so in this case, it‟s got one Head. So he tells us people are
deceived, it‟s a phoenix and not an eagle. They are saying these
themselves am not saying for them. In his sketch of the history
of the United States


The great seal of the “United States”

He also tells us something very interesting, when we talk about
God they are not talking about the Christian God


Now on the left side is the pyramid of Giza which is made up of

72 blocks, 13 rows

At the right side is “The seal”

In there you have 13 stars; at the bottom, you have 13 arrows
and also the olive branches with 13 leaves.
So there a lot of 13s‟ in there. Now the average American will
tell you those 13s‟ refer to the original 13 states, But Mandy
Hall and these high profile masons tell you not really, it refers
to the original 13 masons or initiates of the masonry order.
On the right is the Bird‟s head of the first great seal of the
United States 1782 and on the left the great Seal of 1902.
Here is what I want you to see, these 13 rows of blocks of the
so-called “Pyramid of Giza”. Stops at the top and you notice
meaning it‟s uncompleted, so the pyramid is uncompleted. Hear


what Mandy Hall says, Masonry will be in the position to solve

many of the secrets of its esoteric doctrine when it realizes both
its single and double-headed eagles are Phoenixes and that to
all initiates and philosophers the phoenix is the symbol of the
transmutation and regeneration of the creative energy
commonly called “the accomplishment of the great work”. Now
one of the reasons you can know that what he just said is very
true is the statements of Benjamin Franklin who has one of the
founding fathers and detested the eagle, he never would have
allowed an eagle to be the symbol of the country. He was a
freemason. Not only were the founding fathers of the United
States masons but they received aid from a secret and occult
body existing in Europe helping them to establish the country
for a particular and peculiar purpose known only to the
initiated few. Meaning the United was established for a peculiar
and particular purpose known only to the initiated few. The
great seal is the signature of this exalted body unseen and the
unfinished pyramid upon its reversed side is a board of the task
to be completed by the United States government, which was
dedicated from the day of its inception. So that‟s what they
dedicated this country for. Now the Christians were dedicating
it for another purpose, but there is another group that was
making a dedication for another purpose. So as far as they were
concerned they have to finish the pyramid. Now as they are
supposed to finish it, it‟s very simple it can only be completed
under the “all-seeing surveillance eye of Lucifer”. So some
people used to think that‟s the all-seeing eye of God, No. God
has two eyes. This was originally the eye of Horus and that‟s

they formulated it, that is the eye of Lucifer. So every time you
see that sign, the eye of the triangle, it is the eye of Lucifer, is a
masonic symbol so what they are saying is we will complete the
pyramid under the “eye of Lucifer” as head of the Pyramid.
Now in freemasonry, they despise atheism, you must believe in
God so they don‟t want atheists that will let you want to
understand the war that most of Europe continues to have with
places like Russia where they don‟t believe in God. And their
anger with places like China because they have a purpose, now
remember again the United States was set up for this but who
aided it, Europe so they are one of the same. So they don‟t have
respect for atheists and they see them as the same. Now Albert
Pike, the sovereign pontiff of freemasonry, is like the “Pope”
and many groups that we're responding to Albert Pike, many
several fraternities. So as far as they are concerned, divinity has
approved what they are about to do, and what is about to do?
New World Order.

So Albert Pike had a vision, the sovereign pontiff, the

grandmaster of them all, on how to bring about the New
World Order, which is the completion of the “pyramid” on the
United States currency with Satan as head of the World, this
was his vision, his dream was to enthrone Satan as Head of
World Government and so everyone who joins this group
which is the Freemason must fight for this cause whether or
not they know it and you may join a group like this for some
other reasons, maybe because your friends are there, you say

it‟s about business, but let me ask you a question? When you
have to join a society where you have to make certain oaths,
swear certain allegiances, and have to take certain curses upon
yourself if you do something indifferent other than what they
want you to do you are in the wrong place. Jesus Christ makes
men free; all you have to do is believe in him. So Albert Pike
had a vision on how it has to accomplished and so he wrote his
vision to a friend in the same business, and in the vision, it was
about 3 world wars which are said would bring about the One
World Order So which means the 1st and 2nd World wars were
planned and not about a series of serious disagreements. Now
there is supposed to be a 3rd World War and I would want to
show how he intends to carry it out, so you can look at if those
first two happened as he said, and accomplished the purposes,
which is the 1st world war was to going to destroy the tsars of
Russia and several other things which it did. The 2 nd war was
also going to do something to Germany, he got it, it happened.
Now we will see who he aims for in the 3rd World War. Watch
what he says:
The 3rd World War will be fomented by taking advantage of
the differences caused by nations of the Illuminati between the
political Zionists and leaders of the Islamic World. The war
must be conducted in such a way that Islamists and Political
Zionists mutually destroy each other. So you expect everyone
to be happy with the agreement between the UAE and Israel
which President Donald Trump arranged No! They are mad at
him. Meanwhile, the other nations once more divided on this


issue will be a constraint to fight to the point of physical, moral,

and economic exhaustion. We shall unleash the atheists and we
shall provoke a formidable disaster which is all its horror which
will show to all the nations the effect of absolute atheism. Now,
what is he saying, people will hate godlessness, and they are
unleashing them, how are they going to unleash them? Using
the media, you use all kinds of propaganda, and they the atheist
will be in front, even they don‟t know they are hated, so they
are going to be used like Black lives matter who are being to do
the things they are doing, they are trained as Marxist to do the
things they are doing. When they are doing all these things
those who are paying them, hates them so they are used, Pike
just said so. So he goes on to say, after doing things will expose
the origin of savagery and the most bloody turmoil. Then
everywhere, the citizens obliged to defend themselves against
the minority of revolutionists will exterminate those destroyers
of civilization, and multitude dissolution with Christianity
whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without a
compass. Did you hear that, they expect us to be compass
because there is so much trouble, they expect the Christians to
be so pressured from every side, they are pressured by the
government, they are pressured by the atheist, so they expect
them to become so isolated and being pressured by that they
will be unsure of any ideal but without knowing where to
render its adoration will receive the true light through the
universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer as finally
out of the public view? This manifestation will result from the
general movement which will follow the destruction of

Christianity and atheism both conquered and exterminated at

the same time. You can see it, so the 3rd World war is actually
for the extermination of Christianity and Atheism. Why
atheism, because they believe in God but that is God is Lucifer
is what they are saying. That‟s what they are saying
themselves. And until you have done the research I am saying
you will still have doubts. So it‟s important what the Church of
Jesus Christ is standing for

Look at this here is the eye in the triangle, and can you see that
symbol of goat over there, in the middle that is known as “the
goat of Mendes”. It is also known as “Baphomet”. Baphomet is
the demon in the goat of Mendes, so it is referred to as a god.
You can see his two horns and the head of a goat. Now they are
rehearsing for the One-World government and one of the
reasons why they crash computers in the y2k era was to get all


computers synchronized which will able to be run by only a few

individuals. So all the systems got synchronized. So it was all
part of the world system that was planned all the time and all
these things are following Albert Pike‟s dream of One – World
Government under the headship of Satan, Lucifer. This means
the one World Order or government they are trying to bring is
a Luciferian government. Now let me you to you here,

Revelation 13:1
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise out of
the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns
ten crowns, and his heads the same name of blasphemy
Revelation 13: 2
And the beast that I saw was unto a leopard, and his feet were
like feet that of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion:
and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat and great
So this antichrist likes the son of the devil. No wonder he is
called the Son of Perdition, the Son of Lawlessness. So Satan
also does for him, because he is trying to please his followers so
they think he is Satan, but he is a creative being. so he is
deceiving them. I told you he is setting up his trinity


So that‟s the man that is going to run the economic system of

the World. So you find the World powers are realigning
themselves and Europe particular is repositioning itself right
now, you are not hearing too much unless you are in Europe.
You don‟t know what they are doing. Why are they so quiet in
global issues, they are only silent now because they are waiting
for the downfall of the United States. What do I mean by that,
the United States will be fully submitted to Europe it depends
who the leader is, just watch! and that‟s why they didn‟t want
Donald Trump. When Obama was running for the Presidency,
just before the elections where did he go, Europe and that was
to say I‟m here, I am your man you can trust me and they did.
All the beautiful technology we have in our world today, it‟s all
nice, the problem is not the technology, the problem is about
who is behind it. If you fight something that is in its time and
purpose it will defeat you because it‟s its time and purpose, you
fight the one that is not in its time you will win. So the Bible
says resist the devil and he will flee from you. This is the time
of the Church, he has to flee, he has no option but to flee and we
are not afraid of him.
A blind man is not a man who cannot see, it‟s a man who only
sees darkness.
I would like to remind you that many years ago there was a
time in Israel and King Ahab had 450 prophets of Baal; evil had
taken over the kingdom. It was their day, they dominated the
kingdom the same like it was their hour, whatever they wanted


to do they did His wife jezebel had 400 prophets ate with her at
her palatial table. Many of God‟s prophets went into hiding so
much so that Elijah didn‟t know where they were. He thought
he was the only one left, he thought the others were dead and
God said No they are not dead, but the day came, the day of
reckoning came and they were all toppled in one day. They
have been times in history when people seized nations and
denied other of their rights and there was fear everywhere. It
didn‟t last too long. This situation will not last too will
never be as they intended. They are those who love and want it
so benefitting from the pains from others, oblivious of the
afflictions of so many and even those who know the truth, want
the praise and approval of men, they will not speak it, they have
even been used in decimating livelihoods business, economies
and they knew what they were doing, knew the disastrous
effects of their decisions they didn‟t care they just wanted in the
good books of certain people. to think the world is under the
control of such players is deception. The lying tongue is for a
season. So for those who are troubled, don‟t despair, if you have
become afraid, don‟t‟ despair don‟t be afraid because that‟s
exactly what they want fear in your hearts so that you don‟t
know where to go, home or abroad where is peace. There are
countries where people are harassed for not wearing a mask. In
fact, in some places they have been told they must either wear a
mask in their cars or their homes, it‟s that bad, don‟t despair it
came to pass this will be history, don‟t be afraid of them, don‟t
despair they want you to forget about the future, hopes
damaged. Right now how many people are planning the future

of their business, they don‟t know the future they are scared,
they are confused. It‟s like your clock just stopped. And some
are trying to tell you that they have a plan for your future,
whatever plans they have for your future is canceled. Because
it‟s only God who has a plan for your future. He said I know
the plans that I have for you, So he has plans for you, don‟t
despair don‟t let your heart shake, what is happening right now
is showing you, it‟s like, you are beginning to discover the
hearts of many people you are discovering of who they are, the
character of certain leaders that is what is showing you. They
are being manifest for you to see so that you can prepare your
life because there is a short time before Jesus comes Now you
are discovering the voices of deceivers, liars, traitors. So be
strong, be courageous, don‟t give in, the more you looked
depressed the happier they are, don‟t be depressed. In the new
testament God reminded us of the days of Elijah, he told us
Elijah was a man subject to passions. He felt the kinds of things
that we feel. Then he says Elijah prayed earnestly and the
reason the Lord told us about it was to let us know that if we
would pray the same God that heard Elijah will hear us. So we
are full of joy because we know there is a living God who is not
hard of hearing, he is not deaf. He hears and answers prayers.
So trust in him with all your heart.


Look at that, they made the heart of the righteous sad that
means with fear and God said I didn‟t make them sad, so this is
not from God like those people who say this is a plague sent by
God for the wickedness of the World, that‟s unscriptural it‟s
not true. If you study the bible you have to know that‟s not
true, that‟s not what God is doing today. He sent Jesus and this
period is a period of Grace, he is not bringing judgments to the
world. Until the second coming of Christ
Remember the world was not always like this there has been a
lot of changes in our world today. What I mean by that is, Our
world has also seen judgments. Our world has seen empires
rise and fall and look at the economies of the world right now,
how many of them have suddenly collapsed you may not know
the extent as of now, no one is telling you. But some countries
have completely collapsed. And it is our prayer that these so-


called lockdowns won‟t continue because some nations will not

survive even one more week of the lockdown. What does that
mean they will be completely collapsed, their economy will
completely collapse and they will go into hardship like never
before and I can tell you what is going to happen to some of
them. Their money, everyone that has money in the Bank their
money will be seized. Mark my words!!! You can write it down.
The government will seize their money to pay some of the
loans they have taken without permission. Because right now
they are loaning money to those who will never pay. how are
they going to pay their business is not up. So they are giving
the money so that people will be calm about the present
situation. Do you know what‟s happening it‟s the first purchase
of your business? It‟s called the “Take Over”.So for several
countries that were what has happened without the people
knowing why because they paid for it and you can‟t pay it back.
But the trouble is even they can‟t sustain their situation.
Because they can‟t run the business because they are putting
money into a business that is not going to run. And the Bible
shows us how hyperinflation will set into several parts of the
world. It will be so hard to live. Think of the difficulty many
are going through even now as they are holed up in their
homes. Not enough money to go from day today. What is
going to happen when they find out that whatever they had has
been taken over. You may be very rich but if you belong to
these zones that I may be referring to. if you belong there you
going to lose your money for sure. But what are you going to
do? You can‟t carry it, you can‟t hide it. Cash will be canceled

so it is not like you can carry it and hide and say am going to
use it later on. You can‟t use cash it will be canceled overnight.
Why? Because the system cannot be sustained and the only
way to get your money from you is to cancel cash because if
they don‟t cancel cash you will have your money kept. Once
they cancel cash you need to go through the system to get your
money and so you can get your money. So as food is being
rationed in different nations around the world. And we are not
yet in the period, in the era of the antichrist but we are in the
period where the antichrist spirit and these are one the things I
have been sharing with you and trying to get across to you. So
if food is being rationed you have money but you can‟t buy
more than they going to give you and they will say we are
sorry you can only take two eggs today you and your family of
six. Oh! sorry we can only give you one bottle of water today,
come back tomorrow and you think you can go to the bank and
because you had a lot of money in the Bank you are going to
get more, no you can‟t. Listen wake up and understand the
times we are living in. And the reason we are praying is that
Satan is trying to make these things happen now and this is not
the time. It is supposed to be a few years away. But he is trying
to force this upon us now and according to the order, the
rapture of the church must take place first. So we are not
supposed to be here and that‟s why the saints of God are saying
no. They cannot make it happen because we are here to pray to
make sure it doesn‟t. But we are going to be taken away very
soon and the Bible says in a flash, in a twinkling of an eye.
Faster than you can snap your finger and we are out of here.

The platform of the system has to be ready and that‟s what is

happening so they are making the platform ready. The
antichrist is not going to come as antichrist at once, No! He
comes in as a man of peace and is accepted by everybody. Is
only three and half years later that he is transformed into this
So Jesus is the only way and the only time left is what we call
“Time of Preparation” to win more people for Christ so that not
so many go to Hell and let others know his plans like am
sharing with you now. Think about it, do you know how many
people am sharing this message right now. The very fact that
so many are hearing the word of God and the Bible says this
Bible will be preached as a witness. It didn‟t say they will all
hear, so if you are reading this now it is already a witness to
you, and think how many people are reading it now after today.
Am when am done they are many others who will be sharing
the message with others as a witness

Am just letting you understand what this is all about, you can‟t
leave your life carelessly anymore. The Bible says you are not
your own, you don‟t belong to yourself, you are bought with a
price you belong to Jesus Christ. The sooner you realize that,
the better for you. The most important thing for men to do is
to discover their purpose and to fulfill it. Find out your purpose
why were you born? What was God's plan for your life? Why
did you ever come? Discover it and fulfill it. Is not about your


dream, Your plan because the Bible says seeing all these things
shall be dissolved. What manner of persons ought to be with all
holy conversations and godliness. There is a life to live. The
Bible says all those cities were destroyed, everything. All man
structures, everything was destroyed. It reminds me of
Solomon, he built God the most beautiful temple ever and it
was greatly celebrated and of course, God was happy with him
and blessed him. But our God doesn‟t live in temples made with
hands. But he blesses them because it was in their heart to do a
good thing. But then they began to serve Baal, they went into
idolatry, they stopped serving God snd guess what that temple
that was so beautiful he destroyed it. The temple with all the
Gold, with all the beautiful things, the magnificent temple that
was built was destroyed. God doesn‟t care for earthly things. It
was always his and belonged to him. There is nothing in this
world that you are going to give to him that already is not his
own. And there is nothing in this world that you are going to
own that was not already here, don‟t forget. Everything that
you have came from something that was already here. And if
that‟s true why don‟t you live for the one who made it
originally Serve him with your life. Study the Bible discover
his purpose for your life. This period has allowed you to get
some quiet and to look into the Bible. If you don‟t have a Bible,
get one immediately so you can start studying for yourself. And
I will also say you will need to get a daily devotional guide,
Rhapsody of Realities by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is the best
there is, with articles of God‟s word that lets you understand
the scriptures. Every day there is an article that is just designed

for you to help you learn about God, about his kingdom, How
to live as a Christian, and also showing you portions of the
Bible that you can study daily. If you have access to a device
you can download Rhapsody of Realities, it‟s a daily devotional
guide and it‟s got a store on it where you can find lots of other
materials including a downloadable Bible. The Rhapsody comes
with a Bible so that you can make easy references from within
the same material. All this will help you grow fast. You need to
know more about Jesus, about his kingdom, How to live as a
Christian. Don‟t let the world carry you along in their stream.

And this one more reason why we got to pray because, in the
presence of God in prayer, your faith rises to the surface, it
rises to the top, what you thought was impossible when you are
in the place of prayer suddenly becomes possible to you. Your
boldness stands strong, outside prayer you will be weak, you
will feel weak, you will think weak. But in the presence of the
spirit of God in prayer you are strengthened and emboldened.
Those things that seemed impossible will look cheap to you and
possible. So we must keep in prayer and see the World as Jesus
wants us to see it, the world he wants us to have is what we are
going to have. Not what others are telling us, they are creating
in their minds a world without churches, they have lied, and
that is not going to be. Not why we are still here, we are here
until the rapture of the church. After the church is caught up,


they can do what they want until we come back with Jesus. But
while we are still here before the rapture of the church, we will
have churches, we will have evangelism, we will have
everything that God has asked us to do. And you watch
something is about to happen around the world and the leaders
that will not comply will have themselves to blame. You will
see change and you will start discovering there is a God in
heaven who rules in the kingdoms of men, we will see it.

The purpose of my discussion is to let you understand what we
call Bible days. You know Bible days are of two kinds, We call
Bible days of History and we call Bible days in Prophecy. Bible
days in History refers to the things God did in Bible records of
History. Historical accounts of God‟s works among and with
his children. Then we have Bible days in Prophecy the things
that God said will come to pass so this is what we are living in
right now, we are living in Bible days of Prophecy and you
better realize it and what we have to do is open your hearts to
God‟s word. Study it like never before and take your hearts
from Sin. You can‟t live like a sinner and be accepted by the
Lord. There are too many scriptures that show that if you live
like that you are going to get the results that you are going to
get. You are going to have to live the life that is given to you.
It‟s a life of righteousness and righteousness is not only your
right standing with it, it‟s a way of life that produces a result,


righteous acts. So right living is a result of Righteousness, if

you don‟t have the right living where‟s your righteousness.
True righteousness produces right living. If the righteousness
you claim to have from God doesn‟t produce in you right living
which is righteous living then there is every question as to
whether you truly received the life and nature of God. It‟s
about making up your mind to live for him, that's what is about
so we are in Bible days and we are all part of this amazing
drama. The beautiful part of this is Christ in Us the hope of
glory. He says this is the Victory that overcomes the world
even our faith. Hallelujah!!! . He says whatsoever is born of God
overcome the World, he is talking about the world and its
systems. Whatsoever is born of God to overcome the world and
we have overcome this world and we proclaim it in the Name of
the Lord Jesus. We declare in the Name of the Lord Jesus. We
decree it in the Name of the Lord Jesus

At this moment if you have not been born again, this is the time
to give your heart to the Lord, and this is the time to commit
yourself to Christ. Maybe you have never known him, but I tell
you Jesus Christ is God‟s son. He is the one that God sent to
save us, to save your soul. He has come to give you the life and
nature of God so you can be in fellowship with God. He will
bring into oneness with God so you can have the same life with
him and have communion with him. Let him live in your heart


and give you that life that he alone can give. He will give you
His righteousness. You won‟t have to struggle to please him or
to obey him, he will give you a life that makes that happen and
the sins in your life will be gone because he died for your sins
to be washed away. He died for your sins to be completely
remitted. He did that for you so you won‟t have to pay for your
sins. You will not have to be judged for your sins. Jesus came to
save your life and save your soul. So right now you believe in
Him ask him to come into your heart and live in your heart. I
am going to lead you in prayer right now and you say these
words and mean them from the bottom of your heart the Lord
will hear you and answer you and will impart your spirit with
eternal life and from that moment you will be a child of God
and will be awakened to the fatherhood of God. Say these
words right now and mean them from the bottom of your heart.
Say “O Lord God I believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God, I
believe he died on the cross to save my soul. I believe God
raised him from the dead and he is alive today. I confess with
my mouth Jesus Christ is Lord of my life from this day. I
receive by faith eternal life into my heart. Thank you Lord for
saving my soul, I have eternal life now, I am a child of God
now, my sins are washed away, I have a new life in Jesus Christ.
I want to pray for you. Father in the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ I pray for everyone who prayed that prayer and
everyone who made that decision to receive salvation. I pray
that the name Lord Jesus will be made upon them from this

day. Satan has no claims over them anymore. They belong to

Jesus Christ the Son of the living God I bless them with your
word, with your love, with your grace. I bless them today in the
name of Jesus. Yes, you are blessed today in the name of the
Lord Jesus. Amen and that means when Jesus comes back you
will be going with him. God bless you.


Dennis Osei Okyere
(+233) 0270709175 - Whatsapp
(+233) 0596672891 / (+233) 0508657607


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