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Solved MCQs of Social Work

1. The ‘Structure of Social Action’ was propounded by? Talcott Parsons

2. Who propounded the concept ‘Conjugal Family’? William J. Goode
3. The Government of India adopted the National Policy for children in the
year? 1974
4. Who proposed ‘Client Centred Therapy’? Carl Rogers
5. The essential characteristics of research? (A) Description (B)
Exploration (C) Experimentation (D) All the above
6. Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act came into being in the
year? 1986
7. Lok Adalat refers to? Decreasing the case load of courts for speedy justice
8. Charity Organisation Society (COS) in USA was established in the
year? 1877
9. Denotified tribes are? Ex-criminal tribes
10. Who is the author of ‘Pattern of Culture’? Ruth Benedict
11. The values of mean, median and mode are same in the case of? Normal
12. The 73rd Constitutional Amendment relating to Panchayati Raj came
into force in the year? 1993
13. The formula used to determine ‘Intelligence Quotient’ is? I.Q = MA/CA
14. _________ refers to the protection of society against crime. Social
15. Conscience is identified with? Super Ego
16. _________ was associated with conscientization model. Paulo Friere
17. _________ Theory propounds that childhood experiences influence
the adult behaviour. Psycho-analytical Theory
18. Which is not the principle of experimental design? Principle of
19. Which of the following is not the part of ESI benefits? Fringe benefit
20. The best known expert of the problem solving model is? Perlman
21. What is Catharsis? The reduction of tension by telling one’s problems to
professionals only.
22. Which one of the following is not apart of social case
work process? Content Analysis
23. In order to find the degree of relationships, we have to use a statistical
test called? Pearson’s correlation
24. “Papers on Social Work – An Indian Perspective” was written by? G.R.
25. World Summit on Social Development was held in the year? 1994
26. The Theory of Demographic transition includes? (A) High birthrate and
high death rate (B) Rapidly falling death rate and high birthrate (C) Low
birthrate and low death rate (D) All the above
27. Pilot study refers to? Preliminary study conducted on a limited scale
before the original study.
28. What Rights are Human Rights? Rights provided to all human beings by
29. Diagnostic School of Social Case Work was developed by? Mead
30. Public Interest Litigation refers to? To provide justice to poor, needy and
weaker sections of society with the help of the NGOs’ and media.
31. Paulo Friere’s approach could be briefly stated as? Action-reflection
process with people.
32. Which of the following is not a social process? Annihilation
33. Which of the following is a correct matching? Factories Act – 1948
34. Panchayati Raj Institutions in India have brought about one of the
following: A formal representation of weaker sections in village governance
35. Who is the author of the book “Social Group Work – A Helping
Process”? Konopka G.
36. The objective of Social Legislation is? To bridge the gap between current
needs and existing laws.
37. Manifestation of repressed ideas in the form of finer things
is? Sublimation
38. Who gave the concept of ‘Looking glass self’? C.H. Cooley
39. ‘Operationalization of Variables’ in social work research means? Making
the variables measurable
40. Which one of the following is not a correct matching? Prarthana Samaj –
Ramabai Ranade (Solved MCQs of Social Work)
41. The book ‘Social Diagnosis’ was written by? Mary Richmond
42. Who pointed out that ‘development implies qualitative
change’? Vaudendaele
43. The correlation co-efficient tends to lie between? +1 to –1
44. Human Development Report is published by? UNDP
45. ‘Reassurance’ is one of the techniques that come under the broad
category of? Directives
46. ‘Normative System’ refers to? (A) system of rules and norms of the
society. (B) culture of the society. (C) conventional behaviour of the
society. (D) All of the above
47. The presence of which of the following will indicate the diversity of
population? Secondary association
48. In which among the following States in India, Community Development
Programme was first initiated in 1952? Rajasthan
49. Which is/are the approaches to community organization? (A)
Community driven development (B) Social capital formation (C)
Ecological sustainable development (D) All of the above
50. Which of the following is used to indicate the reliability of an
estimate? Confidence interval
51. Which among the following is the department created under the
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment from May 2012? Department
of Disability Affairs
52. The author of the book “From Charity to Social Work” is? Mary
53. The sensing of skin through touch or pressure is? Kinesthetic perception
54. 12th August is celebrated as? International Youth Day
55. What does a population pyramid signify? Age-sex distribution at a given
56. The phrase ‘Human Rights’ was first used in? Charter of the United
57. The International Covenant for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
was adopted in the year? 1948
58. According to whom groups must accomplish the four functional tasks
i.e. integration, adaptation, pattern maintenance and goal attainment to
remain in equilibrium? Talcott Parsons
59. In Second Five Year Plan, the primary emphasis shifted to? Industrial
60. The ‘Problem Solving Approach’ emerged from the work of? H.H.
61. A theory of deviant behaviour which holds that deviant behaviour
results when there is a lack of socially approved means to achieve a socially
approved goals: Anomie theory
62. Defining the relevant variables to remove the ambiguity in measurement
is called? operationalisation of variables
63. The curved line type relationship is referred by? Non-Linear Correlation
64. In the principle of ‘Right to self determination’ social
worker? Recognises the right and need of clients to freedom in making their
own choices and decisions.
65. Emotional disorders in which an individual remains oriented to reality
but suffers from chronic anxiety is? Neuroses
66. Individualization as both goal and process of social work practice was
suggested by: Carol Mayer
67. Scheme for analysing group interactions called as ‘Interaction process’ is
developed by? Robert Bales
68. According to whom a more broadly conceived form of ‘social action
group’, is –‘action system’? Pincus and Minahan
69. The Indian Journal of Social Work was started in the year? 1938
70. An Achieved Status is based on? Abilities
71. Marriage is a _____ among Hindus? Sacrament
72. The process of generalizing sample results to the population results is
called? Statistical inference
73.  _____ is/are the process of catharsis. Ventilation of feelings
74. The tripartite body which was set in pre-independence period to deal
with industrial relations problems in India is? Indian Labour Conference
75. Alcohol is in the category of? Depressants
76. Which among the following Acts is correctly matched with its year of
Enactment? Juvenile Justice Act-2000
77. Which among the following is in correct sequence? Intake, study,
diagnosis, treatment, termination, follow up
78. Which Indian state has lowest child sex ratio, from among the
following? Punjab
79. Which one of the following is not the professional view of social
work? Client as citizen
80. The tendency to commit crime repeatedly without any sense of
repentance is called? Recidivism (Solved MCQs of Social Work)
81. Which of the following is recognized as decade for Natural Disaster
Reduction? 1990s
82. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act came into force in the
year? 2005
83. Written or visual materials read or viewed primarily for the purpose of
sexual pleasure is called? Pornography
84. Who introduced the concept of ‘Role Playing’? G.H. Mead
85. Negative reinforcement leads to? Increase in desired responses
86. 12 years old Ashad need not be told that he had failed in his exams, on
returning home he could guess by the looks on his father’s face and
hisposture, what his result was? This is an example of? Non-verbal
87. When monotony in work is reduced by giving a wider variety of duties to
employees; it is known as? Job rotation
88. NICP means? National initiative for child protection.
89. One of the following is not a technique that comes under
paraphrase. Open ended question
90. The study of the distribution and determinants of health related status
or events in specified population sand the application of this study to the
control of health problems is called? Epidemiology
91. “Felt difficulty in fulfilling role obligation” is known as? Role strain
92. The model of Social Policy called ‘residual welfare’ has been advanced
by? Richard Titmus
93. The activity that inter-relates various parts of the welfare agency so that
it functions as a whole is? Co-ordination
94. Which of the following statement is correct? Reliability and validity are
independent of each other.
95. Who has divided Family into ‘Family of orientation’ and ‘Family of
procreation’? Robertson
96. Probation of Offenders Act came into being in the year? 1958
97. The strength of association between two variables is called? Correlation
98. The independent variable is also called? Predictor variable
99. The Research design in which identification of relationship between
variables is attempted, is called? Experimental design
100. What would be mean of 1, 0, 2, 3, 0, 2, 3, 4, 0, 2, and 5. 2
101. Institutional Re-distributive model is linked with? Welfare state
102. Who developed the Physical Quality of Life Index? (PQLI) D.M. Morris
103. Gender related Development Index is used in? Human Development
104. Which of the following is not correct? ‘A belief’ becomes a ‘scientific
truth’ when it? Is established experimentally.
105. The hypothetical statements denying what are explicitly indicated in
working hypothesis are known as? Null hypothesis
106. The acronym “BIMARU” represents states? Bihar, Madhya Pradesh,
Rajasthan and U.P.
107. Accountability in governance refers to? The ability of citizens to hold
leaders, government and public organisations to account.
108. ‘Glass Ceiling’ is? A transparent barrier which women face as they
attempt to achieve promotion to the higher levels of organisation.
109. ‘Yellow revolution’ is? The growth, development and adoption of new
varieties of oil seeds and technologies to increase oil seed production.
110. Bio-magnification is a process? Where some compounds remain in the
eco-system in virtually unchanged form as they are passed from one
organism to another by predation.
111. Which one of the following is not an indicator of social development of a
country? Incidence of litigation in the courts
112. The Child Marriage Restrain Act was enacted in the year? 1929
113. The best example of verbal communication skill is? Competence in oral
114. Acceptance is a principle of social work which implies? Accepting the
client as he/she is.
115. ‘Mongolism’ is the type of? Mental retardation
116. What is Anuloma marriage? Higher caste man marrying lower caste
117. Identity V/S role confusion is the task of? Adolescence
118. The Rio Earth Summit of 1992 dealt with the theme? Sustainable
119. Which of the following does not threaten internal
validity? Randomization
120. The hypothesis by which the researcher not only asserts that the
variables will be found to be related, but also predicts the direction of their
relationship is called? one tailed (Solved MCQs of Social Work)
121. The National Commission for Women was established in the year? 1992
122. Kaka Kalelkar was associated with? Backward Classes Commission
123. The method by which the relative worth of Jobs in an organisation is
determined is called as? Job Analysis
124. Cognitive needs’ of human beings are the needs? to know, to understand
and to explore
125. ‘Learned helplessness’ is a concept based on? Social learning theory
126. Which one of the following is not necessary for project
formulation? Documentation
127. FCRA stands for? Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act
128. Which one of the following is not a treatment group? Study team
129. Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act was enacted in
year? 1986
130. Which of the following governance mechanism is the highest body for
policy formulation in NGOs? General body
131. Objectively in research means the willingness and ability to examine
evidence dispassionately is called? sine qua non of the scientific method
132. In participatory development, people’s participation is? only a means not
an end to development
133. If the client persists in verbal attacks, the technique used is? Fogging
134. ‘Power’ is gained whereas ‘authority’ is? Nested
135. The point where two axes intersect is known as? Origin
136. The value that is repeated most often in data set is known as? Mode
137. Who among the following said that justice is crucial to understand
human rights? John Rawl
138. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in? 1948
139. A set of guidelines that give direction to action by an organization or
government is called? Social policy
140. The F-test is a? Parametric test
141. Developmental Social Work aims at? Optimum utilization of resources
142. Social Pathology means? Study of origin, nature and causes of social ills.
143. Family Counselling is? Micro social work practice
144. What percentage of seats in educational institutions is reserved for
Scheduled Castes in India? 15 percent
145. What is not a function of a Welfare State? To cater to the materialistic
needs of the population.
146. Which is not a developmental characteristic of adulthood? Enuresis.
147. Who made the following statement? “Problems are unmet needs”? H.H.
148. Which of the following is not a principle of case work? Specific objectives
149. Which of the following is not a principle of group work? Principle of
indifferent attitudes towards members.
150. Which one of the following is a reference group? Group taken to evaluate
one’s own aspect of life.
151. Which one of the following is not a defence mechanism? Confrontation
152. Programme planning in group work practice includes? (A) Group
members participates (B) Group members interests (C) The programme
content (D) All the above
153. The model of community organization propounded by Rothman
is? Locality Development
154. Bottom-up concept related to? Micro planning
155. Venn diagram is one of the commonly used methods in? Participatory
Rural appraisal
156. The research design that explains the relationship between variables
is? Experimental Design
157. Semi-inter quartile range is also known as? Quartile Deviation
158. The degree to which an instrument really measures what it intends to
measure is called? Validity
159. The sequential steps in research process are? Selection of topic, review of
literature, collection of data, analysis, interpretation and report writing.
160. Who from the following is not Social Activist? Dr. P.D. Kulkarni (Solved
MCQs of Social Work)
161. Welfare programmes based on Social Policy in India are not provided in
one of the sectors mentioned below: Entertainment
162. Which one of the following programmes is not based on Affirmative
Action Policies? Programmes for Industrial Growth.
163. Accountability in governance refers to? The ability of citizens to hold
leaders, government and public organisations to account.
164. Panchayati Raj institutes in India have brought about which one of the
following? Formal representation of the weaker sections in village
165. Which article of Indian Constitution lays down the provision of free and
compulsory education for children? 45
166. Probation means: Conditional suspension of punishment
167. Social Legislation attempts to? (A) Justice as well as social security (B)
Anticipate social needs (C) Provide for change in social order (D) All the
168. ______ describes the process by which a course of action is selected to
deal with a specific problem. Decision-making
169. ROI is ______? Return on Investment
170. Industrial Disputes Act ______ provide for setting up bipartite works
committees as a worker participation programme in India. 1947
171. Urban Community Development Services in India were started
by? American Friends Service Committee
172. The book “Community Welfare Organisation – Principles and Practice”
has been written by? Murrey G Ross
173. Which is the cause of poverty of small, marginal and casual workers in
rural areas of India? (A) Small land holdings (B) Low productivity (C) Poor
educational base and lack of vocational skills (D) All of the above
174. One of the following is not present in single parent families: Step
175. Human life is mostly influenced by? Family
176. Juvenile crime can be prevented mainly by? Good parenting and family
177. One of the following is not the function of a social worker in a juvenile
residential institution: Publishing research papers
178. Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS) is the programme of? Ministry of Human
Resource Development
179. Services provided for weaker sections of the society are called? Social
Welfare Services
180. Louis Braille Day is being observed on? 5th January
181. Institutional Redistributive Model of Social Policy is associated
with? Welfare State
182. The concept of Total Fertility Rate (TFR) means? The average rate of
growth of population.
183. Who among the following is associated with Gestalt therapy? Perls and
184. Trickledown theory of development holds that: Development spreads
downwards through greater demand for labour.
185. UN principles for older persons come into force in the year? 1991
186. Decision making means? Choosing among alternatives
187. Which of the following is not a principle of group work? Group
experiment planning
188. Team building involves? Recognizing all the members of the team.
189. The ultimate goal of Women’s Self Help Group is? Empowerment
190. The full form of MDP is? Manic Depressive Psychosis
191. Main source of India’s Social Policy is? Directive Principles of State
192. Grape-wine communication relates to? Informal communication
193. Service rendered voluntarily by an individual or group to another
individual or a group is called as? Social Service
194. Satyasodhak Samaj was founded by? Jyotiba Phule
195. Denotified tribes are? Ex-criminal tribes
196. Which of the following is not an agent of social change in
India? Population Growth
197. Which one is not the approach of group wise practice? Ornamental
198. Spencer Hatch was associated with? Marthandam Project
199. The method of research used in census study is _________. Survey
200. A Researcher with limited understanding of the problem under study
adopts ________. Exploratory (Solved MCQs of Social Work)
201. A basic unit of analysis in a given research study is called? Respondent
202. The extent of difference between population parameter and sample
statistic is called_______. Sample error
203. Sub-divided bar diagram is also known as? Component Bar Diagram
204. Which one of the following is not an ecological movement? Bhoodan
205. Which one of the following is not an objective of social policy in
India? Population Growth
206. Which of the following is not a social legislation? Forest Conservation
207. What is the theme of Prime Minister’s High Level Committee popularly
known as Sachar Committee? Social, Economic and Educational status of
Muslim Community in India.
208. Social Audit refers to? Security and analysis of the working of any public
utility visà- vis its social relevance.
209. Which one of the following is not a Fundamental Right? Right to Work
210. The oldest social security legislation in India is? The Workmen’s
Compensation Act
211. Which organisation among the following publishes the records of
accidental deaths and suicides in India? National Crime Records Bureau
212. Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act was introduced in? 2001
213. Which of the following is not a mechanism for settlement of Industrial
Disputes in India? Indian Labour Conference
214. National Institute of Empowerment of Persons with Multiple
Disabilities is located in? Chennai
215. Field work based approach is classified as? Empirical
216. The concept of Management by objectives was introduced by? Peter
217. Job security would fall under which of the following needs? Safety
218. 360 degree feed-back is associated with? Performance Appraisal
219. Medical and public health social workers do not provide? Medical aid
and diagnostic services
220. Shareholders, employees, customers, supplier’s vendors and society
constitute? Stakeholders
221. Urban Local bodies need to be strengthened by? (A) Defining clear
functions (B) Providing independent financial resources (C) Providing
autonomy to take decisions (D) All mentioned above
222. Who coined the term conjugal family? William J. Goode
223. One of the following is not the reason for single parent
families: Transfer
224. Probation services entail – Community based treatment of offenders
225. Which of the following is not an intervention method in the correctional
setting? Entertaining guests
226. Which one of the following is not a challenge of managing
urbanization? Separating rural from urban areas.
227. What is the name of the market driven device under the UNFC that
allows developing countries to get funds/incentives from the developed
countries to adopt better technologies that reduce greenhouse gas
emissions? Clean Development Mechanism
228. Mental health team approach is essential for effective therapeutic
process in? Child guidance centres
229. Report on Correctional Administration 1951 (Government of India) was
prepared by? Dr. W.C. Reckless
230. The First Model Prism Manual was prepared in the year? 1959
231. Social work intervention with Elderly does not include? Distribution of
clothes and sweets
232. The major principles of social group work are? Progressive programme
experience, guiding group interaction, specific objectives, evaluation
233. Parenting has become challenging because of? (A) Disintegration of
joint family system (B) Migration of rural population to urban areas (C)
Women getting into gainful employment (D) All of the above
234. Balwantrai Mehta was associated with? Community Development
235. Who is the author of the book “Integrated Social Work Practice”? S.B.
236. Which of the following is not the function of a hospital social
worker? Registering new patients and issuing OPD cards.
237. The book on “Social Work: An Integrated Approach” was authored
by? Sanjay Bhattacharya
238. The organized non-profit activity for public purpose outside of both
market and state is called? Civil society sector
239. Balika Divas in India is being observed on? 9th December
240. Life satisfaction is/an? Abstract concept (Solved MCQs of Social Work)
241. Blocking a wish or desire from expression is termed as? Repression
242. Which among the following is not a component of client case worker
relationship? Sympathy
243. _____ is the first settlement in U.K. which is associated with group
work. Toynbee Hall
244. Social learning theory is associated with? (A) Albert Bandura (B) Julian
Rotter (C) Walter Mischel (D) All the above
245. Amartya Sen is associated with which of the following concepts? Human
246. Which among the following is not a symptom of
schizophrenia? Vocational function
247. Mean difference is also called as? Variance
248. Which of the following is an antisocial element? Gang
249. The review of questionnaire with the object of increasing accuracy
is? Editing
250. The book entitled “Two Treaties on Civil Government” is by? John Lock
251. The ‘Employees Provident Fund and (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act’
was passed in the year? 1952
252. Social group work as a method does not help? Community to solve
problems of groups in a community.
253. Who propounded that social action is mass betterment through
propaganda and social legislation, a method of bringing about a change in
the social environment of the clients? Mary Richmond
254. Which Article of Constitution of India suggests for the protection from
social injustice and all forms of exploitation and promotion of economic
and educational interests of the weaker sections of the people? Article 46
255. Example of Personality Test includes? (A) Minnesota Multiphasic
Personality Inventory. (B) Rorschach Inkblot test (C) Thematic
Apperception test (D) All the above
256. The largest professional social work association in the United States
is: National Association of Social Workers
257. The Central Government Scheme to prevent trafficking of women and
children for commercial sexual exploitation is? Ujjawala Scheme
258. Conscientization model is associated with? Paul Friere
259. Which among the following is not an award instituted by the Ministry of
Labour and Employment? Arjuna Awards
260. The flexibility in handling change is termed as? Adaptability
261. The two main forms of social stratification are? Caste and Class
262. The book ‘Social Diagnosis’ was written by? Mary Richmond
263. The points of scatter plots will seem randomly distributed among the
quadrants when little _____ exists between the variables. Correlation
264. The specific characteristic of a subject that assumes one or more
different values is called as? Variable
265. International Women’s Year was? 1975
266. The chronic condition present from birth with impaired adaptation
towards daily demands is? Mental retardation
267. Repression is also known as? Inhibition of threatening impulse
268. The base of age pyramid in India is broad due to? High birth rate
269. Difficulty in falling asleep is called? Insomnia
270. Public Interest Litigation as a concept originated in ________? USA
271. The book ‘Social Work Philosophy’ is written by? Herbert Bisno
272. Who amongst the following is a leading contributor to our
understanding of groups as a system? Talcott Parsons
273. Which one of the following is not a correctional
programme/service? Community based youth club
274. Psycho social theory was propagated by? Hamilton
275. _______ helps in reclassification of variables and causal
inferences. Analysis of data
276. The influence of one variable on the other can be analysed by
using? Regression
277. Which among the following does not come under probability
sampling? Purposive Sampling
278. Which one of these are techniques of social case work? (A)
Universalization (B) Encouraging (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of (A) and
279. To carry out Broker’s role the social worker: Identifies client needs, assess
their motivation and capacity to use various resources and helps them gain
access to the most appropriate resources.
280. Which of the following is the most important task of an effective group
leader? Assert group to achieve the desired goal (Solved MCQs of Social
281. Latent learning is an example of? Cognitive learning
282. The book entitled ‘The Mentality of Apes’ by Wolfgang Kohler, is
about? Insight learning
283. Who amongst the following scholars has described tribal population as
‘submerged humanity’? Dr. Das and others
284. Correlation is a statistical tool for? Discovering and measuring the
relationship and expressing it in a brief formula.
285. Marriage is defined as? (A) An approved social pattern for establishing a
family. (B) A socially sanctioned union of male and female. (C) A contract
for production and maintenance of children. (D) All the above
286. The part of mind that lies on reality is? Ego
287. Which among the following is not the purpose of Human Resource
Planning? Configuring fixed skill setup for the departments in a same
288. Article 41 of Indian Constitution states? Right to Education and work.
289. Classical conditioning was propagated by? Ivan Pavlov
290. Golden Triangle is? known as a set of three countries producing heroin.
291. Which one of the following is not an objective of fieldwork? To work as a
member of staff at the agency.
292. Identify the correct sequence among the following: Recruitment,
selection, induction, placement
293. Robert Redfield’s famous book? The Little Community
294. Emotional disorders in which an individual remains oriented to reality
but suffers from chronic anxiety is? Neuroses
295. One of the following theories is known as growth oriented
theory? Client-Centred theory
296. A concept made measurable is called? Variable
297. Intervening variables can be controlled by? Randomization
298. Which government body promotes measures for care and protection of
persons with disability in the event of death of their parents or
guardians? National Trust
299. The author of the book, ‘Practice of Social Research-Social Work
perspectives’ is? D.K. Lal Das
300. Detachment from work, inability to accomplish goals and emotional
discharge is known as? Burnout (Solved MCQs of Social Work)
301. Which conference has brought in the concept of sustainable
development? The Rio Conference
302. One of the following is not an aim of social policy. Balancing trade
303. ‘Agoraphobia’ is the fear of? Crowd
304. Scientific attitude is based on? Consistent thinking
305. ‘Concentric circle theory’ is associated with? Peoples’ participation
306. Who defined ‘Statistics as the Science of estimates and
probabilities’? Bodington
307. Regression is? The measure of the average relationship between two or
more variables in terms of the original units of data.
308. After passing of a bill in both the houses of Parliament and after
President’s assent, within how many days the bill should come into
force? 30
309. ‘Sturdy beggars,’ is a term used for? The able-bodied beggars
310. ‘Reaching inside the silence’ is a skill that refers to? Efforts to explore the
meaning of the client’s silence.
311. Select the correct sequence of organizational growth? Initiation,
expansion, consolidation and termination.
312. Encoding is essential for? Sender
313. World No Tobacco day is observed on? 31st May
314. In classical conditioning, what happens to a neutral stimulus after it is
associated with the unconditioned stimulus? It becomes? A conditioned
315. Emotionally intellectual person can? Accurately perceive emotions.
316. Murry G. Ross suggested 3 approaches for community organization i.e.
specific content approach and generic content approach. The third
approach is? Process approach
317. The defense mechanism? Helps individuals cope with their internal and
external state of anxiety and distress.
318. Social structures are? Methods of placing people in social strata.
319. Without warmth the professional social worker may be ‘technically
correct but therapeutically impotent’ has been said by? Goldstein
320. Who gave the three dimensional model of personality – the child, the
adult, the parent? Eric Berne
321. Behavioural modification involves? Application of learning principles to
change behaviour.
322. One of the following techniques contributes a lot for the skewed sex
ratio? Pre-natal diagnostic techniques
323. In which year the National policy for women empowerment was
announced? 2001
324. CEDAW stands for? Convention on elimination of all forms of
discrimination against women.
325. What Act deals with ‘Intimate Violence’? Domestic Violence Act
326. Marginalization of targeted individuals, excluding them from
community life and denying access to resources is called? Stigma
327. International Day for the disabled is celebrated every year in the month
of? December
328. Rehabilitation Council of India was established in the year? 1986
329. The first World Assembly on Aging was held in? Austria
330. The Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission holds office for
a period of? 5 years
331. Provisions relating to economic and social justice are incorporated in
which part of Indian Constitution? Part IV
332. Perceiving something which is not physically present is
called? Hallucination
333. Old Age, Survivors, Disability and Health Insurance (OASDHI) a social
insurance programme was created by? The 1935 Social Security Act
334. The salient features of National Policy for persons with disability are?
(A) Physical rehabilitation. (B) Educational and vocational rehabilitation.
(C) Economic rehabilitation. (D) All the above.
335. The law of three stages of Social Development is originally propounded
by? Auguste Comte
336. ‘Sanatorium’ means? Institution for open air treatment of tuberculosis.
337. ICD-10 means? The 10th revision of the International Classification of
338. Ethical dilemmas in social work include instances where practitioners
face? Conflicting duties or obligations
339. In which part of the Indian Constitution social policy is outlined? Part
340. The various types of measurement are? Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and
Ratio. (Solved MCQs of Social Work)
341. Epistemology refers to? Acceptable knowledge in a field of study
342. The statement that ‘As variable A changes, there will be corresponding
change in variable B’, demonstrates what kind of relationship among
variables? Curvilinear
343. Who among the following is associated with Gestalt therapy? F. Perl
344. What types of evidence can only be given to a court by an
expert? Opinion
345. Classical conditioning technique used to eliminate phobias, is used
in? Systematic desensitization
346. Behaviour that is contrary to the standards of conduct or social
expectations of a group or society, is defined by? Louise Weston
347. One of the following theories propounds childhood experiences
influence the adult behaviour: Psychoanalytic theory
348. A declarative statement of relationship between or among variables is
called? Hypothesis
349. The extent of difference between population parameters and the sample
statistic is called? Sampling error
350. Quartile deviation is also known as? Semi-inter quartile range
351. The time interval between invasion by an infectious agent and
appearance of first sign or symptom of the disease in question is
called? Incubation period
352. Find the mode of following marks obtained by 10 students: 10, 6, 11, 8,
9, 11, 7, 11, 12 and 10? 11
353. Quota sampling is the method of? Non-probability sampling
354. Emotional insulation is? a manoeuvre aimed at withholding an emotional
investment in a desired but unlikely outcome.
355. Which of the following is not an ascribed status? Knowledge
356. Skewness tells us about? The direction of the variation or departure from
357. Variance is? The average of the squared differences from the mean
358. World Elder’s day observed on? 1st October
359. Personification is? A method of working with groups in which the group
worker is presented as a model.
360. ‘Acrophobia’ is the fear of? Height
361. A Researcher is generally expected to? (A) Study the existing literature
in a field. (B) Generate new principles and theories. (C) Synthesize the
ideas given by others. (D) All the above.
362. One of the sections of Income Tax Act that gives tax exemption to non-
profit organizations on their income is? 12 A
363. Case study is the form of? Qualitative analysis
364. ‘Self talk’, means? The messages that a person gives to himself/herself.
365. Human Rights Day observed on? 10th December
366. National Institute of Social Defence is situated at? Delhi
367. The basic skill of active listening which is the cornerstone of effective
communication is? Understand both what the client & the social worker is
saying and the undercurrents of unspoken feelings between the two.
368. Which of the following is not a part of community organisation? To
integrate the specific needs of some individual members of a community.
369. National Policy for children was launched in? August 1974
370. Who coined the term ‘Isolated nuclear family’? Talcot Parsons
371. Which article of the Indian Constitution provides maternity leave for
women? Article 42
372. One of the following sections of IPC deals with cruelty: Section 498 A
373. Catharsis means? Ventilation
374. Which of the following is not a mechanism for settlement of Industrial
Disputes in India? Standing Labour Committee
375. Deterioration of mental functions caused by the loss of nerve cells in
brain is called? Dementia
376. The Token economy is a procedure in which? The patients are given
generalized conditioned reinforce in exchange for performing certain target
377. Cost-benefit analysis relates to? Comparison between program costs with
program effects.
378. Human Poverty Index is developed by? UNDP
379. ‘Electra Complex’ is a situation found in? Phalic stage
380. The first social work text that used the word ‘supervision’,
is? ‘Supervision and Education in Charity’, by Jeffrey R. Brackett
381. Who among the following suggested two tier systems for Panchayati
Raj? Ashok Mehta
382. Which of the following is not a principle of Group Work? Indifferent
attitude towards members.
383. National Institute for the Visually Handicapped (NIVH) is based
in? Dehradun
384. “Each for all and all for each” is a slogan associated with? Co-operation
385. Gandhiji’s Concept of Trusteeship is based on? The faith that human
beings are not selfish.

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