MCQs of Gender Studies

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MCQs of Gender Studies

1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Feminist Theory?

Feminist Theory advocates a linear understanding of the historical
experiences of women.
2. Which of the following acknowledges that women experience oppression
in a variety of ways according to class, race, ethnicity, region and sexual
preference? Intersectionality theory
3. ________ feminists seek to expand the rights of women through
legislation. Liberal
4. Androgynous persons show ________ traits. Positive masculine and
5. ‘Nature’ as the ‘Feminine Principle’ – is reflection of ideas from which
feminism? Eco feminism
6. When a researcher assumes a role in the group under study and
maintains a low profile as observer is known as Participant observation
7. Which one of the following is not a bar diagram? Pie-Diagrams
8. The year 1961 in India was famous for passing an Act for Prohibition of
9. Which State has the lowest child sex ratio? Haryana
10. Union Territory with lowest sex ratio Daman and Diu
11. TAI stands for Technology Achievement Index
12. Which one of the following is a disadvantage of Cluster sampling?
Variation of cluster size may increase the bias
13. Who was the Founder of Social Welfare Board in India? Durgabai
14. Who advocate the concept of ‘Comparable-worth discrimination’ in
relation to women’s work? Treiman and Hartmann
15. What is the correct expansion of ICRW? International Centre for the
Research on Women
16. The life expectancy at birth for females in low-income countries rose
from 48 years to 69 years
17. “Women now represent 40% of the global labour force, 43% of the world
agricultural labour force and more than ½ of the World’s University
Students’, stated by which report? World Development Report, 2012
18. Punishment for gang rape under Section 376 D of IPC is Rigorous
imprisonment for a term not less than 20 years but which may extend to
life, meaning the remainder of that person’s natural life.
19. Which Article of the Constitution makes the Right to Education a
Fundamental Right? Article 21 A
20. Identify the reason for feminization of employment in global agriculture
from the following: A change from traditional crops to horticulture,
floriculture, protein-rich meats and processed foods.
21. National Policy for Senior Citizens was made in 2011
22. Random sample technique is more applicable if the target population is
23. The most essential step in making interview, a successful method of data
collection is Establishing rapport with the respondents.
24. M.S. Rao distinguishes three levels of structural changes in a social
movement. Reformation, Transformation and Revolution
25. Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) of girls in Higher Education (2012) is 16.5
26. The demand for skilled workers in which sector will be more by 2015?
Construction Sector
27. Which factor is responsible for low status of women in India?
Patriarchal system for society
28. Percentage of Main Female Workers to Total Workers (2011) is 59.6
29. Gender Parity Index at the Higher Education Level (2012) is 0.79
30. The year 1961 in India is famous for passing an Act for Prohibition of
31. Vulnerable women can protect themselves from their HIV/AIDS
infected husbands by adopting which one of the following? Female
32. Percentage of rural female marginal workers of total workers in India
(2011) is 44.4
33. What is the development agenda of the Panches and Sarpanches to
bring change in India? Nutrition, education, health, water and
34. Which State has the highest percentage of Women MPs? Madhya
35. “Equal access to education for women and girls will be ensured” – this
was stated in the National Policy for the Empowerment of Women– 2001
36. National Adult Education Programme is based on Mass as well as
selective approach
37. First Indian Women to win a medal in an Olympic event: Karnam
38. SEWA was started in 1972
39. Dalit women face triple discrimination. Identify the correct one. Caste,
class and gender status
40. Which of the following is an agency of socialization? Family
41. Which Report highlights the persistent gap between women’s expanding
capabilities and limited opportunities? Gender and Human Development,
42. The members of the Justice J.S. Verma Committee constituted by the
Government of India were Justice J.S. Verma, Justice Leila Seth and Gopal
43. The marginalization of women in the ‘official’ records of the Department
of Revenue and Agriculture is due to Patriarchal bias in the existing
44. Invisibility of women in national planning is due to The lack of feminine
vocabulary for women’s occupations.

MCQs of Women Studies

1. “Within the family, he is the bourgeois and the wife represents the
proletariat!” Who among the following Marxist thinkers said this?
Frederick Engels
2. The term ‘Misogyny’ denotes Hatred of Women
3. The Demystification of Law for Women has been a ground breaking
work of Nandita Haskar
4. What among the following is not the important leadership trait? Selfish
and self-oriented
5. What are the major goals of the National Plan of Action for the SAARC
decade of the Girl Child (1991-2000)? Survival, Protection and
6. Which of the following Feminist Academicians hold that the pursuit of
post-modern thought has led to a decline in radical feminism? Maithreyi
7. Who led the suffrage movement for women in India? Sarojini Naidu
8. Which of the following is not a goal of the Eleventh Five Year Plan?
Organisation of Mahila Mandals
9. Which of the following Second World Conference on Human Rights held
in June 1993 has acknowledged categorically that? Women’s Rights is
Human Rights.
10. Which of the following is not a Millennium Development Goal? Ensure
equal participation of women.
11. Among the following women who was not associated with ‘Women’s
India Association’ which was formed in 1917. Sarojini Naidu
12. What is the objective of 11th Five Year Plan of India? Inclusive Growth
13. “Women are much more likely to engage in practical rather than
strategic actions”. Who comments? Molyneux
14. The main organizing tool of women’s liberation movement is
Consciousness rising
15. Trans-gender theory belongs to Post-Modern Feminism
16. Which of the following statement is not correct in respect of women and
technology? New technologies are always women friendly.
17. The family is a social unit marked by the bonds of Mechanical solidarity
18. The solidarity based on the division of labour in the community is
termed as Organic solidarity
19. Which approach of feminism is based on the premise that both men and
women are born and are gifted with the same rational faculties so the
women should not be denied equality of opportunity in all those activities
which are open to men? Liberal
20. ____ refers to an inclusive world-wide movement to end sexism and
sexist oppression by empowering women. Feminism
21. Which of the following is an incorrect statement about Liberal
feminism? Women and men should have equal sexual rights
22. What is incorrect about unified system theory? Patriarchy and
capitalism as forms of social relations are distinct from each other.
23. Which approach of feminism views that women’s oppression as women
is caused not only by living in a class society, but also in classless societies?
24. Nancy Kleiber and Linda Light’s method of feminist research which
combines the use of three elements of research i.e. research on women, by
women and for women is termed as: Interactive Methodology
25. The book ‘Sexual Politics’ was written by whom? Kate Millet
26. First Woman President in the World: Isabel Perin
27. Why was a sharp decline in Women Work Participation Rate (WWPR)
during the Census of 1971? The definition of ‘work’ was revised.
28. How many women were ‘missing’ in the world as per the World
Development Report 2012? Nearly 4 million
29. Select the title of the World Development Report 2012 from the
following: Gender equality and development.
30. The effective coverage of the Maternity Benefit Act (1961) was measured
by the National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector
(NCEUS, 2009). Choose the correct one from the following: 16%
31. Changes to the natural greenhouse effect are a result of which of the
following man-made emissions of Green House Gases? (A) Nitro Oxide
(N O) (B) Hydro and Perfluoro carbons (C) Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF ) (D)
2 6

All the above

32. Identify the programme which does not aim at the development of girl
child: Mahila Samakhya
33. What is not covered by the Domestic Violence Act? Marital rape
34. Name the first woman who contested the election for the Office of the
President of India. Lakshmi Sehgal
35. In which of the Five Year Plan, education is treated as the ‘most critical
investment on human development’? Ninth Five Year Plan
36. Which of the pair is not correctly matched? “The Origin of the Family,
Private Property and State” –– Karl Marx
37. First Woman to win the title of International Grand Master of Chess:
Bhagya Shree Thipse
38. Mark the correct statement about ‘Culture’: It is learnt and includes
both material and non-material aspects.
39. What does FFD stand for? Financing for Development
40. Who has given a call to build a “Social order, the only one that allows for
a radical solution to the women’s question”? Clara Zetkin
41. National Human Rights Commission was established in the year: 1993
42. Malnutrition is measured by: Underweight and stunted growth
43. Which one of the following is not a research based journal of Women’s
Studies? Femina
44. National Institute of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises is located in:
45. Improvement of maternal mortality is focussed in Millennium
Development Goal Number: Goal 5
46. The UN Rapporteur on Violence Against Women (2013) is: Rashida
47. The State with the lowest female literacy rate is: Bihar
48. The Sexual Harassment Complaints Committee as per the Sexual
Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and
Redressal) Act 2013, is required to complete the inquiry within a period of:
90 days
49. The UNO nominated ‘Malala’ as UN Ambassador to promote Girls’
50. Percentage of Urban female marginal workers to total workers in India
(2011) is: 23.0
51. Gender Parity Index at Senior Secondary Level of Education (XI-XII)
among the SCs (2012) is: 90
52. Percentage of rural female main workers to total workers in India (2011)
is 55.6
53. Marginal workers are those workers who work for the major of the
reference period which is Less than six months
54. Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2013 passed after J.S. Verma
Committee Report makes amendments in: CrPC, IPC and Indian Evidence
55. Female Work Participate Rate of India is 25.5
56. The Constitution (Amendment) Bill passed by Rajya Sabha that provides
for reservation for women in Parliament and State Assemblies is:
108  Amendment Bill

57. First woman to become Deputy Chairperson of Rajya Sabha: Violet Alva
58. The percentage of Women Parliamentarians in the World has increased
from 11 percent in 1995 to _______ percent in 2013: 21
59. The first Woman to receive Bharat Ratna Award: Indira Gandhi
60. The Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on the Empowerment
of Women is: Rajkumari Ratna Singh
61. India ranks in Gender Inequality Index at: 132
62. What leads the women to ‘substitute’ domestic activities for paid work?
Institutionalized care giving
63. Which of the following is correct meaning of the ‘Human Development’?
Expansion of people’s freedoms to live long healthy and creative lives.
64. What are the recent changes introduced in Maternity leave ceiling for
women? From 135 days to 180 days
65. Which of the following laws provided for the share of a Hindu widow in
her husband’s family’s property though she could not alienate or sell her
share of the property? Hindu Women’s Right of Property Act (1937)
66. The NGOs for receiving Foreign Contribution have to get registered
under which Act? Foreign Contribution Regulation Act.
67. Which of the following statements is incorrect? Social survey and
interview methods are mutually exclusive. Only one at a time can be used.
68. Which of the following statements regarding gender-based inequality is
incorrect? All women are organized for equitable share of development in
69. Female labour force participation is negatively affected by Women’s self-
perception of need to work.
70. Which of the following is incorrect about “Queer Studies”? These are
studies with gender perspective.
71. Arrange the sequence of levels involved in the process of empowerment.
Awareness Creation, Availability of Resources, Accessibility to Resources
and Decision-making.
72. Which five year plan gives joint titles for the ownership of land to both
spouses in India? Eighth Five Year Plan
73. Who among the following is not a feminist? Jean Paul Sartre
74. Which of the following is not a characteristic of caste? It is universal
75. Which of the regions of India have low prevalence of female infanticide
and female foeticide? North Eastern Region
76. “The Mother is manifested as the mother of strength she is pureshakti.”
Who commented? Aurobindo Ghosh
77. Which one of the following is incorrect about the basic characteristics of
a successful leader? Dominating others
78. Which of the following Central Government Schemes initiated for the
Empowerment of Adolescent Girls in the year 2011? Sabla
79. What is the Women’s work participation rate in Agriculture sector in
2004-05? 73%
80. “The property status of the households to which the women belong and
women’s participation in wage labour is deciding the status.”Who does
among the following believe in this? Friedrich Engels
81. Which school of feminist thought emerged as a result of gender blind
character of Marxist thought? Socialist Feminist thought
82. Devadasi system is The practice of dedicating girls to temples.
83. Which of the following is incorrect to define Sexual harassment?
Demand work.
84. Which Constitutional Amendment Bill was pending with Lok Sabha to
ensure reservation of 33% for women in the Parliament? 108th
85. Which of the following state has initiated for the first time the Sub- Plan
for SCs & STs development? Andhra Pradesh
86. Which is incorrect statement regarding ‘Masculinities’ and
‘Femininities’? Based on Biological determinism.
87. When the researcher assumes a role in the researched group and
maintains a low profile as observer is known as Participant observation
88. When sample is selected in various stages but only the last sample of
subjects is studied is known as Multi-stage sampling
89. Which scheme has been introduced by the UGC to encourage women
managers in Higher Education? Capacity Building programme for women
Mangers in Higher Education.
90. Identify which one is the incorrect ‘Strategic-need’ for the development
of women. Food, health care, water supply
91. Which movement of the following addresses the gender inequalities?
The Anti-Arrack movement
92. Who have coined the terminology ‘Interactive Methodology’ for feminist
research? Nancy Kleiber and Linda Light
93. Which of the following Bills provide measures to punish anyone who
teases or molests women in public places? Women and Girl Child
(Prevention of Atrocities) Bill 2012
94. ELISA test means, Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay.
95. Which of the following pair is correctly matched? Aruna Asaf Ali – Quit
India Movement
96. When was Multi-dimensional Poverty Index (MPI) introduced in the
Human Development Report? 2010
97. Name the scheme from which the NGOs can get the assistance for
prevention of trafficking and rehabilitation of victim? Ujjwala
98. What do you mean by ‘Comparable-worth’ discrimination? Sex
segregation in jobs and less pay for women’s work.
99. Bloomer movement was about Campaign to change Women’s dress code
100. Why did women of America organize the first convention of women
without the Assistance of men? Women were largely denied the rights to
speak on the issues of women.

Solved MCQs of Women

1. Which feminist thought suggests that gender equality can be realized by
eliminating the cultural notion of gender? Radical feminism
2. AYUSH is a part of _______ Health Programme. NRHM
3. Gender Roles: Roles assigned by the society to each sex.
4. Who was the first Indian Woman Chief Minister of an Indian State?
Mrs. Sucheta Kripalani
5. Choose the correct expansion of UNIFEM: United Nations International
Fund for Women
6. Which one of the given issues is not raised by the women’s organisations
in the post-independence period? Replacement of male workers with
female workers
7. Which States have Literacy Rate above 90% as per 2011 census? Kerala,
Lakshadweep, Mizoram
8. According to the Marriage Act, in which year the minimum age at
marriage has been raised to 18 years for girls? 1978
9. Friedrich Engels in his book “The Origin of the Family, Private Property
and the State”, said: The overthrow of mother right constituted the world
historic defeat of the female sex.
10. Which is not the form of qualitative research? Survey
11. What is the expansion for IWRAW? International Women’s Rights
Action Watch
12. Among the following which pair is not correctly matched? Women and
Society –Uma Chakravarti
13. List out the group of autonomous organisations under Ministry of
Women and Child Development: NIPCCD, NCW, CSWB
14. Among the following pair which is correctly matched? Sarala Devi
Chaudhuri – Founder of Bharat Stree Mahamandal
15. Arrange chronologically the following Chairpersons of National
Commission for Women from present to past: Girija Vyas, Poornima
Advani, Mohini Giri, Jayanti Patnaik
16. Which pair of feminist advocated interactive methodology? Nancy
Kleiber and Linda Light
17. ‘Women’s Component Plan’ was initiated in which five year plan? 9th
five year plan
18. Among the following which is not an objective of Rashtriya Mahila
Kosh? To advise the government on all policy matters affecting women
19. Which International Conference had the thrust on the concept of
empowerment? Nairobi
20. Which Social Reformer viewed “The subjugation of women as an
instrument for maintaining Brahminical dominance in Indian society”?
Jyotiba Phule
21. According to the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, the
percentage of women beneficiaries shall be: 33 %
22. Which article of the Constitution of India provides ‘The State to make
any special provision in favour of women and children’? Article 15 (3)
23. Among the following which is not an ideology of feminism? Promoting
the replacement of dominant classes
24. Women’s studies became an academic discipline during: Second wave
25. Name the Crèche Scheme introduced by the Ministry of Women and
Child Development for the children of working mothers in 2006. Rajiv
Gandhi National Creche Scheme
26. The term ‘Bizarre’ is associated with Desexualisation of workplace.
27. Which feminist thought suggest that gender equality can be realized by
eliminating the cultural notion of gender? Radical Feminism
28. Among the following women whose name is closely associated with
Central Social Welfare Board? Durgabai Deshmukh
29. Germaine Greer coined the term Female Eunuch to describe Castration
of women by aspects of patriarchy
30. Mark out the factor contributing to high maternal mortality rate Early
31. Gender disaggregated data are the basis for Gender sensitive policy
formulation and programme planning
32. The first Research Centre for women was established in 1974 by: SNDT
Women’s University
33. ‘ASHA’ denotes: Accredited Social Health Activists
34. Which one of the following pair is not correctly matched? Janani
Suraksha Yojana – Programme for disabled mothers
35. Women’s studies researchers viewed women as Subjects and producers
36. Who among the following is not an Entrepreneur? Kalpana Shah
37. ‘Consciousness rising’ is the major agenda discussed by Post-modernist
38. Parivarik Mahila Lok Adalats Programme was launched in 1996 by The
National Commission for Women
39. Which group of thinkers belongs to Radical feminism? Kate Millet, Mary
Daly, Shulamith Firestone
40. Name the last Muslim women rulers of Delhi Razia Sultan
41. Women are highly concentrated in low paying jobs ____ this
exemplifies Institutional Sexism
42. Which of the following pair is not correctly matched? Mrs. Vijaya Laxmi
Pandit – First woman President of Indian National Congress
43. Mark out the incorrect statement about seeking divorce in India The
personal laws do not discriminate between the husband’s and wife’s rights.
44. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) was launched in the IXth Five Year Plan to
Universalisation of Elementary Education.
45. Which of the following is not an indicator for calculating Human
Development Index? Participation in Decision Making
46. Which of the following is not correctly matched? The Dialectic of Sex –
Kate Millet
47. CSWI (1974) denotes as Committee on the Status of Women in India
48. Who was the chairperson of the National Commission for Self Employed
Women in 1987? Ela Bhat
49. Who has edited the book on “Narratives from the women’s studies
family”? Neera Desai and Maithreyi Krishnaraj
50. National Commission for Child Rights was established in the year 2001
51. Which of the Five Year Plans stressed the need for National Policy for
the empowerment of women? Ninth
52. Which of the following pair is correctly matched? Prema Cariyappa –
Chairperson Central Social Welfare Board
53. Child Sex Ratio according to 2011 census is 914
54. Feminist Research aims to Research on women, about women, and of
55. Among the following which is not an objective of National Commission
for Women? Recommends the punishment for offenders of crime.
56. The category gender is useful for An analysis of the interlocking
structures of oppression.
57. What is the danger perceived by the feminists in using category gender
over women? It diverts the focus from specific issues concerning women in
the political and academic sphere.
58. The shift from women to gender for some feminist implies The study of
differences between the sexes.
59. Which of the following was of greatest concern to First Wave Feminism?
Women’s struggle for political rights
60. Which of the following is not an action proposed by radical feminism as
a means to defeat patriarchy? Women uniting across classes to overthrow
the capitalist system
61. Sexism is most prevalent in _____ societies. Patriarchal
62. Which of the following play major role in construction, presentation,
representation and repression of women in modern society? Media
63. The protagonists of the Reformist movement on women’s issues in India
were: Iswara Chandra Vidyasagar and Raja Ram Mohan Roy
64. Social survey does not aim at: Utilization of knowledge acquired to teach
the young researchers.
65. Which is incorrect statement about the policy of sanctioning loan by
Rashtriya Mahila Kosh with effect from April 2013? It has reduced interest
rate i.e., from 14% to 12% to all the women.
66. Which statement on hypothesis is wrong? It states a logical relationship
between facts.
67. Who coined the slogan “The Personal is Political” which became
synonymous with the Second Wave Feminism? Carol Hanisch
68. Sex is a/an _______ because a person is born with it ; Gender is a/an
_______ because it has to be learned. ascribed; achieved
69. ‘Feminisation of labour’, means: More women in all kinds of jobs
70. “To go for a walk with one’s eyes open is enough to demonstrate that
humanity is divided into two classes of individuals whose clothes, faces,
bodies, smiles and occupations are manifestly different.” What is the
difference? Sex differentiation
71. “Investing in women is not only the right thing to do. It is also the smart
thing to do.” Who made this statement? Ban ki Moon
72. ALEAP is an organization working for Entrepreneurship Development
among women
73. Which dimensions are considered to calculate the Gender Inequality
Index (GII)? Health, empowerment and labour market
74. Major causes for maternal deaths are: Severe bleeding, Anaemia,
Infections, Eclampsia, unsafe abortions
75. Stalking is punishable under which section of IPC? Section 354 D
76. Voyeurism is punishable under which section of IPC? Section 354 C
77. Who was the founder of Mahila Samitis during the British time? Saroj
Nalini Dutt
78. Section 377 of IPC that makes homosexual acts among the consenting
adults as a criminal offence is Violative of Articles 14, 15
79. The expected outcome of NRHM in 2012 was: To reduce IMR from 57 to
30, MMR from 301 to 100 and (Total Fertility Rate) TFR from 2.7 to 2.1
80. The provision for right to marry according to one’s own choice
irrespective of caste or religion etc., is one of the important element in
Convention for Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women
81. Rural Women of India usually express their thoughts through
traditional communication channel. Which among the following is not a
traditional communication channel? Television
82. The UGC Capacity Building Programme of Women Managers in Higher
Education (CBWMHE) is meant for whom? Choose the correct one:
Women Managers in Higher Education
83. Which are the four pioneering centres of Women’s Studies in Indian
Universities which survived throughout? Punjab, Kerala, Banaras, Delhi
84. When the population is heterogeneous in terms of social class, age,
income etc., which method of sampling is appropriately applicable?
Stratified Sampling
85. What is correct about research design? It is a plan of a piece of empirical
86. Who is the present Chairperson of ‘High Level Committee on the Status
of Women’? Pam Rajput
87. Which of the following statements iscorrect about Women’s Studies as
an academic discipline? It studies the social reality from feminist
perspective, placing women’s experiences at the centre.
88. Among the following which statement is not associated with
‘Androcentrism’? Characteristics associated with men and women are
89. Women’s work was recognised as being as essential as men’s work for
which kind of society? Tribal society
90. The acronym ‘UNESCO’ stands for United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization.
91. Which of the following is the funding agency for conducting research in
social sciences? ICSSR
92. “The incorporation of women into commercial agriculture does not
necessarily make them socially visible”. Who among the following said
this? Vandana Shiva
93. While selecting sample, if every element has the chance to be selected, it
is known as Random sample
94. In which type of research design, hypothesis is not required?
95. Mark out the incorrect answer about survey method: It is relatively
96. Which school of Feminist questioned the concept of ‘natural order’ or
biological status quo? Radical Feminist
97. The collective effort to change power relations at all levels from the
interpersonal to the international is known as Activism
98. The term ‘Clientelism’ denotes The transformation of grassroots women
as mere beneficiaries of services.
99. The recently introduced bill in the Lok Sabha which intends to provide
for the gender specific needs of women farmers is known as Women
Farmers Entitlement Bill 2012
100. Among the following terms, which is not closely associated with
violence? Adultery

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