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HLTH102 Interprofessional Practise in Health and Social Care

1492 words

Coordination of communication between the health care professionals and the team are prime

in the care and it is improved by interprofessional practice (Bosch & Mansell, 2015). The

case study was about the Janson, a patient recently meets an accident that has directly injured

his head, fractured leg. The report will be discussing the aspect of interprofessional practise

considering the different aspects of the case study and individual clinical practise aspects.

Standards of practice and ethics

Janson is facing different complications that have been increasing his health complication and

need urgent attention due to the accident. The standard of practices that need to be adopted to

improve the care process is framed by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. The

professional standard presented by the board is important to improve the quality of care by

considering the code of conduct, the standard of practise and code of ethics. These

professional standards will help the case manager to ensure that all the nurse coordinate to

improve the quality of care (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2017). The

professional standards will help to address the need for Janson regarding rehabilitation and

habilitation to support his health status.

Another standard of practise that is suitable considering the case study is the Standards of

Practice for Case Management (2010). Standards of Practice for Case Management (2010)

includes different aspect as the standard of practice that is using a holistic approach in care,

collaborating efforts, improving decision making, decreasing fragmentation, evidence-based

guideline and focusing on the transition of care (Case Management Society of Australia and

New Zeland, 2020). The case management standard is prime to improve the transition of care

considering all the requirement of the Janson health status and improve the supply of the

resources in the home-based care.

Association of surgical technologies (2020) presented the Standards of Practice for Patient

Transportation that is important to reduce the risk of injury during travelling. The standard of

practice includes the understanding need of the patient, selection of the right mode of

transportation, use of safety measure, team to help the patient, coordinated patient transport

system and coordination between both ends of the health care team. The standard of practices

helps the health care professional to frame a guideline during the transportation of the patient

and improve the risk management approach. Janson has recently experienced amputation of

the right arm and there is a need to regulate different health aspect during transportation. The

health care professionals need to follow these standards of practice to improve the transfer of

Janson from Glenauire hospital to Tabletop community. These three standards of practise and

ethics aspect of care will help the quality of care delivered to Janson and improve the

recovery of the patient.

Interprofessional practice

The article presented by Bridges et al. (2011) added that lack of interprofessional practice

decreases the ability of the nurse to deliver a person-centric care approach. The

interprofessional practice improves the accountability, advocacy and assertiveness in the care

to improve quality. The use of interprofessional practice improves the individual ability to be

committed toward the professional role and assist the patient in the care process.

Interprofessional practise is one of the important aspects of the health care sector and health

care providers are expected to work while interacting with others to improve quality. The

interprofessional practice during patient care is directly related to the timely delivery of care,

that will improve the recovery of the patient (Busari et al., 2017). The use of interprofessional

skills is expected to be showcased by a health care professional during patient care to deliver

holistic care. The interprofessional practice in patient care improves the complementary roles
of health care professionals in the care process. Interprofessional practise improves the

centralised approach of care, that includes discussing the role collaboratively and delivering it

to complete their responsibility (Busari et al., 2017). In the case scenario, there was a lack of

communication regarding the transfer of Janson and poor documentation has delayed the


There are five important aspects of Interprofessional practice, that need to be adopted by

health care professionals to add quality to the care. The first aspect is the collaboration that

helps the health care professional to work forming a relationship and it helps to improve

teamwork. Coordination is the second aspect of interprofessional practice and it includes

working in mutual aspect to improve the care performance. The cooperation in the

interprofessional practice is the individual contributions to the team performance and it helps

to improve the addressing every aspect with different team members. Communication is key

to interprofessional practice, as it helps to be committed to the different key aspect of care.

The last is the commendation in the interprofessional practice, that is important for the

motivation of the team members by official appraisal (Ong et al., 2017). In the case study,

there was a lack of coordination with the line management that is important to be assured

about the arrangement of the transfer for Janson. There was a lack of coordination between

the case manager, nurse, service manager and social worker. The poor coordination of the

health care team can directly affect the Janson health services due to poor supply of the


Reflect on the situation

In the case study, I would use my leadership skills to improve the coordination of the care

and increasing collaboration in the practice. Leadership skills will help me to improve the

interprofessional practice in the team and it will directly improve the Janson care that was
lacking in the care. In the case study, Janson communication and treatment issue needs to be

addressed to improve the recovery. I would have used a professional standard to improve the

quality of the care by addressing the need of the patient with the interventions. Professional

standards are important to improve the commitment toward the right care process and assist

the patient during the recovery.

Another issue that is mentioned in the case study is wound care and medication of Janson and

it can be improved by following the Comprehensive care standard of NSQHS. The

Comprehensive care standard will help me to improve the care process and reduce the risk of

the patient during transportation. The transition of care is one of the complications faced by

the health care professionals in the careful study, it can be improved by using the integrated

approach for care coordination. I would have utilized the integral approach to improve the

coordination in the care that will eventually help to assist the patient need, so improve the

recovery of Janson. Adopting these approaches would have helped me to improve the quality

of care that is important to address the need for Janson that will support his health status and

improve recovery. By reviewing the case study, I have understood the elements that need to

be improved in future practice to enhance the quality of the care and decrease the recovery

time of the patient.

Emerging professional identity

The case study has helped me to improve the identification of the lack of skills that are

lacking in my professional identity and those that will help me achieve becoming a competent

Emergency Department Registered Nurse. The case study has helped me to identify the

importance of interprofessional practise in the care and I can utilize it in my future practise to

improve the quality of care. I have also realised the importance of professional standard

importance in the care and the future practise I will incorporate them to address the patient
issue. The lack of communication has increased the complication for the case manager and it

has helped me to understand the importance of team communication. I will ensure that in my

future practice, the right communication is used in the team to improve the quality of care,

especially within the Emergency Department in fast paced medical emergencies. The

transition of care is an important aspect of care and it has helped me to understand the

elements that need to be considered during the care transition which is lacking in the case

study. The poor commitment toward the transition of the care can patient complication, thus

it need to be improved in future practice. The case study is one of the learning phases for me

and It will help me to improve my clinical practice to justify the professional role in the

future practise. During the case study analysis there are the different aspect that can be

improved in the future to improve the quality of care and recovery of the patient.

The report findings can be concluded by adding that there was a different issue that is evident

in the case study. The interprofessional practice was lacking in the case scenario and different

aspects need to be improved in the practice. There are different aspect that can be used to

improve the communication, care process and coordination in the team to improve the

recovery of the patient. The case study has improved my understanding of different aspect

that can be improved in future practice to improve the quality of care.

Bosch, B. & Mansell, H. (2015). Interprofessional collaboration in health care:

Lessons to be learned from competitive sports. Canadian Pharmacists Journal : CPJ =

Revue des pharmaciens du Canada : RPC, 148(4), 176–179.

Bridges, D. R., Davidson, R. A., Odegard, P. S., Maki, I. V. & Tomkowiak, J. (2011).

Interprofessional collaboration: three best practice models of interprofessional

education. Medical Education Online, 16, 1-10.

Busari, J. O., Moll, F. M. & Duits, A. J. (2017). Understanding the impact of

interprofessional collaboration on the quality of care: A case report from a small-scale

resource limited health care environment. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 10, 227–


Case Management Society of Australia and New Zeland. (2020). Standards of

Practice for Case Management Retrieved from:

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2017). Professional standard. Retrieved from:


Ong, I. L., Diño, M. J. S., Calimag, M. M. P. & Hidalgo, F. A. (2019). Development

and validation of interprofessional learning assessment tool for health professionals in

continuing professional development (CPD). PLOS ONE, 14(1), 1-


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