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Budgerigars(budgies) are beautifully coloured acrostic birds that are usually kept in
cages. Children of all years love them and keep them as pets. // Nicholas loved to take his
budgies out of the cage and play with them. He would often have them walking on the
floor in his home. Sometimes he would close all the windows in his house so that he
would allow the budgies to launch from his hands into the air and fly around the house.
This was very much to the amazement of his parents and friends who warned him that the
birds would fly away if he did not clip their wings.

There was a little boy names Nicholas who had four budgies, two males and two
females. He names them after his favorite friends: Stephen and Gillions; and Bradlee and

One day Nicholas was siting outside with Stephen parched very comfortably on his
hand the neighbours cat passed by at the same time and gave Stephen a fright.

Stephen took off in the air without hesitation. Nicholas was so upset; he called his
mother and his friends to help him find Stephen. Eventually they found Stephen
nervously parched on a thin grass on the edge of the canal that ran through the
neighbourhood. Very carefully Nicholas friend stretch his hand out with a long stick
towards Stephen. Stephen was so nervous that he took a long time before he could place
his tiny foot on the stick. Stephen was then pulled safety to the of this friend.

After this experience, Nicholas make sure that he obeyed his parents and clipped one
of Stephen’s wing so that he would never fly away again.

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