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KQ Business Strategy

According to the questionnaire results issued to senior managers of KQ, the

business strategies are:

a) Computerization, investment in advanced technology and safety

b) Route expansion and new international partnerships

c) Fleet modernization and expansion

d) Obtaining international safety audits to belong to exclusive ‘airline clubs’ such as the
Sky team

e) Improved service offering

f) Highly trained and motivated Staff

g) Branding

h) Customer Loyalty programs


KQ Balanced Score Card

This technique enabled the research of the areas in which KQ activities are driving it towards
attaining its success

Customer perspective– from the questionnaire results; KQ customers main concerns are four
attributes of a product namely; quality, functionality, time and service argue Zimmerman (2015).
KQ customers increased hitting 3 million in 2015. As per questionnaire results customer loyalty
was achieved through the reward points system. Consumers became more aware of KQ as it
advertised and embraced new technology such as MPESA booking and paying for tickets, online
check-in and cargo tracking. Random questionnaires administered to passengers showed customer
satisfaction of over 80%. Improved capacity, services and customer satisfaction saw its
customers grow over the period under review as illustrated below;
Overall, KQ customers are satisfied with the company’s services as seen from the
questionnaire results
Internal business perspective–KQ adopted the SABRE IOCC system to improve efficiency.
An advanced ERP system; my SAP was adopted by KQ in 2012 which greatly
improved and streamlined KQ internal processes. KQ also has a dedicated internal audit
department that appraises its systems. Customer feedback shows satisfaction with KQ
systems and facilities from aircraft comfort to online check-in (Kenya Airways, n.d)

The new systems that were implemented during the period under review were:

a) Integrated Operations Control Centre System (Sabre IOCC)

 Implemented Modules

 Crew scheduling

 Operations control

 Ground staff rostering and management

 Pricing (fares management and Contract composer)

 Maintenance Control

 Flight Explorer

b) PROS (Pricing and Revenue Optimization Software)

c) E-freight

d) Online Annual reports posting

e) MPESA and ZAP Payment for Air Tickets

f) KQ rolled out an emissions curbing and trading scheme; the carbon emissions
management and monitoring plan to manage and reduce emissions. This complied
with EU regulations ensuring it continues to enjoy flights into the EU.

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