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Theming and mood

In my final major project, I needed to get moods across of hopefulness and also heartbreak,
but the twist is that there is no dialogue between the actresses; the mood will have to be
shown through the visuals and the song lyrics.
In the beginning I was scared that I drifted too far away from the art I used to create because
I used to focus a lot on childhood memories and nostalgia, and I feared that I drifted too far
from that. But I was reassured that my idea for this project did in fact have association to the
work I used to do. The connection wasn’t too obvious, but I am still exploring memories and
past relationships. I'm happy to explore more pathways creatively but I think my roots will
always be tied to childhood memories. Most of my past photography and film work has
looked at the exploration of my childhood. I am looking forward to creating films and
photography work that have different themes.
To create moods, I can use certain things such as raindrops to create sadness and sunshine
to create happiness. I need to get feelings across without saying them, I must show not tell
the mood.
I have also created a music video to dodie’s song titled rainbow. This project relates to me
growing up because dodie was my gay awakening, she helped me to realise that liking girls
is okay. dodie's YouTube videos from years ago make me nostalgic because I remember
watching them when they first came out and her older music makes me nostalgic too. When
I'm older and if I stop listening to her music and watching her YouTube channel, I'm sure that
I'll remember her as someone who helped me grow as a person and I'll be nostalgic for this
time like I am currently nostalgic over my childhood.
In the rainbow music video, I started off with a sad clip but as it progresses you see me get
happier and more comfortable, I wanted it to mirror my coming out in a way.

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