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Weekly Home Group Guide

Week of March 20-26

Be sure to introduce any guests present & invite everyone to make them feel welcome.

Opening Prayer
Take a moment to officially welcome any guests or highlight anything significant to the group just before you pray (e.g., a
birthday, anniversary, special prayer need for someone not present, etc.) You might ask a child (or adult) who is comfort-
able to thank God for the food & ask for His blessings on the HG. IMPORTANT: It’s best to ask someone privately

Become (Spiritual Disciplines, Care) // Pick at least one from each category to use in leading your group
Suggestions for Family Time
A) Read the story of the Ethiopian eunuch’s conversion & baptism in Acts 8:26-39. Talk about some of the details in the
story that you found interesting. Highlight the fact the eunuch wanted to be baptized immediately after receiving Jesus
Christ as his Savior. (in other words — he didn’t have to “clean up his act” first.)
B) Ask those who have taken part in believer’s baptism (i.e.— not infant baptism) to share their experience with the
group? When? Where? Who baptized them? What it meant to them then/now?, etc.
C) Discuss how water baptism represents our identification with Jesus: our submersion into the water represents His
death/burial; our rising out of the water represents the newness of life we received in His resurrection from the grave.

Suggestions for Kids Time

A) Have the kids make a list of all the things they like about water (for: swimming, drinking/refreshment, playing water
balloons, etc). Have a “prize” for the one who comes up with the most items. Then, finish your time by talking about im-
portant water is to make us clean on the outside. Use that as a segue to share how the water in “water” baptism is meant
to be an outward expression of the internal cleansing a person receives by the Holy Spirit (when the repent of their sin
and place their faith in Jesus Christ). The Holy Spirit cleanses us of our sinfulness. Baptism let’s everybody present know
what He’s already done!
B) Have the slightly older kids (5/6 and up) share what it means to believe in Jesus. Poll those who demonstrate a good
understanding of saving faith to see how many of them have been baptized as well. Ask those who were baptized to share
their experience & ask them to share what they would say to encourage their believing friends to baptized.

Suggestions for Adult Time

A) Consider discussing one of the items mentioned in the “Suggestions for Family Time” section that was not touched
B) Discuss the importance/value you as parents place on having your children follow the example you are attempting to
model. Read Matt 28:16-20. How do you think Jesus feels about us following His example in being baptized?
Suggestions for Prayer Time
A) Pray for those you’d love to see get baptized as a result of a newfound faith in Jesus Christ.
B) Pray for the Spirit to encourage those who are already believers but have yet to partake of water baptism.

Beyond (Evangelism, Recreation, Volunteerism, Extending Compassion, International Missions)

Check the bulletin or for the stuff going on in our church. Consider the ideas below, as well!

Community Calendar
HG Action Points: Spring is officially here! Consider having a “HG at the park” outing of food, fellowship and fun!

Church Calendar
HG Action Points: Contact Kevin Hill ( if your HG would help with our PBC Landscaping in any way.


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