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•Can AI replace complex medical surgeries with humans?

Rehan Shafique:
Human intelligence is the quality of the brain that learns, extracts knowledge from
its surrounding, whereas artificial intelligence is the ability of a machine to mimic
the same tasks learned from data it receives. Intelligence is a quality that belongs
to humans and if machines could play the game right, our lives would become
much easier. Artificial intelligence-based solutions are changing healthcare for
the better. We saw it coming over the past years, and as COVID-19 has put an
extra accent on the use of such tools. But would this mean that medical
professionals are not needed anymore? Of course not.
Although Artificial intelligence is much more reliable in medical surgeries ,but it
cannot replace human doctors because we cannot replace empathy and some
algorithms cannot perform specific tasks.
AI is reliable in Robotic Surgeries:
Robotics that have been equipped with artificial intelligence technology can
analyze someone’s messy record data before performing the operations. the
robot will guide and direct the surgeon during the operation process. The use of
this robot can also produce new surgical techniques through data from previous
operations to accelerate and simplify the operation process.Moreover these
robotics used in creation of new drugs,predict early cancer and back pain,health
monitoring and as virtual nurses.According to a quote that has now become a
classic, “A.I. will be bigger than all other tech revolutions, and robots are likely to
replace 50 percent of all jobs in the next
Empathy cannot be replaced
Even if the array of technologies offered brilliant solutions, it would be difficult for
them to mimic empathy. Why? Because at the core of compassion, there is the
process of building trust: listening to the other person, paying attention to their
needs, expressing the feeling of understanding, and responding in a manner that
the other person knows they were understood. At present, you would not trust a
robot or a smart algorithm with a life-altering decision; or even with a decision
whether or not to take painkillers, for that matter. We don’t even trust machines in
tasks where they are better than humans like taking blood samples. We will need
doctors holding our hands while telling us about a life-changing diagnosis, their
guide through therapy, and their overall support. An algorithm cannot replace
that. An algorithm cannot replace that. There will always be tasks algorithms and
robots can never complete

Algorithms Cannot Perform some Tasks:

Physicians, nurses, and other medical staff members have plenty of repetitive
tasks to complete every day. However, there are responsibilities and duties
which technologies cannot perform. There will always be tasks where humans
will be faster, more reliable, or cheaper than technology. A study that in the
United States, the average doctor spends 8.7 hours per week on administration.
Psychiatrists spent the highest proportion of their working hours on paperwork
(20.3%), followed by internists (17.3%) and family/general practitioners (17.3%).
These types of tasks and procedures cannot be automated and they should be.

AI can replace complex medical surgeries by humans because it has quick time recovery, high
surgical accuracy and provides prevention from surgeon's errors.

Quick time recovery:

The nature of robotic surgery is less invasive, which means the patient experiences less pain
and quicker recovery time as the ‘hands’ of each arm, which hold each of the necessary surgical
tools are also smaller than human hands, which eliminates the need for large incisions and less
blood loss. The surgeon remains in the operating room throughout the procedure to monitor
patient’s condition during and after the surgery. Insider Intelligence reported that spending on AI
in medicine is projected to grow at an annualized 48% between 2017 and 2023.

High surgical accuracy:

Robotic surgery, or robot-assisted surgery, allows doctors to perform many types of complex
procedures with more precision, flexibility, and control than is possible with conventional
techniques. for example, it has been observed that the Surgeons who use the robotic system
find that for many procedures it enhances precision, flexibility, and control during the operation
and allows them to better see the site, compared with traditional techniques. Research has
shown that it has a 95 % success rate in this field.

Prevention from surgeon's errors:

Medical human errors cost society billions of dollars in the US and around the world. Many of
these human errors go undetected, making it difficult to have a clear understanding of the
magnitude of the problem. studies have shown that artificial intelligence and machine learning
algorithms can help doctors make better decisions, many times outperforming their human
counterparts on the diagnosis of certain illnesses or in the prediction of certain medical
outcomes such as mortality or length of stay. so with the help of AI, human errors can be
removed. Pathologists have utilized AI to decrease their error rate in recognizing cancer-positive
lymph nodes from 3.4% to 0.5%.

Ammar Ahmed
I will talk about two aspects of AI on robotic surgeries, and an aspect on AI market

AI can quickly and easily replace complex medical surgeries done by humans, by
implementation of robotic surgery, unassisted surgery and current state of AI market

Remote Surgery, with the help of AI and computers

-the ability for a doctor to perform surgery on a patient even though they are not
physically in the same location.- Physical distance from the patient is lessened as the
Doctor can send commands from anywhere. Hence the premise is that specialized
surgeons can be available anywhere in the world, saving costs for people traveling
abroad for surgeries. FACT: As remote surgery became an area of intensive research at
the National Air and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Research Center, surgical
robotics began to advance dramatically. AI can intervene also as discussed earlier

Un-assisted surgery, with the help of AI

As the techniques of expert surgeons are stored in special computer systems with the
help of the supervision of AI under computer vision, robots might one day be able to
perform surgeries with little or no human input.FACT: An Italian surgeon, has developed
a software program that uses data collected from several surgeons and thousands of
operations to perform the surgery without human intervention. AI is also being used with
machine vision to analyze scans and detect cancerous cases.

Expensive, complicated surgeries will be much more widely available, to patients in

regions which lack proper medical facilities.

Current potential of AI health sector

AI has currently huge potential in the global market. Tesla owner Elon Musk recently
donated $10 million to fund ongoing research at the non-profit research company
OpenAI. Machine vision can replace traditional search for doctors with a keen eye, deep
learning and big data has already benefited hospitals and medical institutes.FACT: In
the field of medical care, AI market shares in US are exceeding $ 4 billion in 2024, this
figure has increased by 38% since 2016 to around $ 320 million. The current surge of
covid cases has helped increase AI participation, in detecting more cases. The current
future of AI is indeed bright.

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