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Phoebus 1

Tenley phoebus

Mr. taylor

English honors 1

4 May 2021

Dreams in the raisin in the sun

Have you ever had a dream that was very important to you?

It is not where your dreams take you, it's where you take your dreams

Walters one goal in life was to own his very own liquor store and have his very own business

so he can be able to provide for his own family but he does not have the money to get started he

is living in a one-bedroom house with his mom, sister, wife, and his son and to make it worse he

finds out that his wife is about to have another baby and previously his father had died so they

were still waiting on his life insurance money to come in and when it did his mom bought a new,

bigger house and she also put some into saving for Travis and bennie but one of the most

important things that happened with the money was that walters mom gave him the money so he

will be able to open his own liquor store and be able to provide for his family and maybe move

out with his wife son and baby on the way

Walter thinks he has more money than he actually does Walter gave his money to Travis

because he was caught up in the moment thinking about how he had more money then he has and

thinking about his dreams as if they were real and wants to own his own liquor store he had

money to just give away the money that he gave to Travis was the money that he was supposed

to use for car fair so when he gave Travis the dollar he had to get money from his mom ‘’I have

to she won’t gimme fifty cents why not cause we don't have it what you tell the boy things like

that for here son thanks daddy he needs to be more careful and smarter about his money and the

way he spends it
Phoebus 2

Lena gets big Walter walters father life insurance and she will finally be able to move out into a

bigger house so she will be able to have some of her own space because she lives in a one

bedroom apartment with five people and a baby on the way she will also be able to give bennie

money for her nursing school and give some for Travis to put in his savings for school ‘’Listen to

me, now. I say I was wrong, son. That I have been doing to you what the rest of the world has

been doing to you. Walter: What you ain’t never understood is that I ain’t got nothing, don’t own

nothing, ain’t never really wanted nothing that wasn’t for you. There ain’t nothing as precious to

me There ain’t nothing worth holding on to, money, dreams, nothing else if it means if it means

it’s going to destroy my boy. I paid the man thirtyfive hundred dollars down on the house. That

leaves sixty five hundred dollars. Monday morning I want you to take this money and take three

thousand dollars and put it in a savings account for Beneatha’s medical schooling. The rest you

put in a checking account with your name on it. And from now on any penny that comes out of it

or that goes in it is for you to look after. For you to decide. It ain’t much, but it’s all I got in the

world and I’m putting it in your hands. I’m telling you to be the head of this family from now on

like you are supposed to be.

Walters dream will finally come true because he now has the money to start his very own liquor

store and so his dream in life will finally be able to come true and he will be able to provide for

his family and they won't have to perry about money as much and ruth will not have to have an

abortion because they have the money and the space for the baby and so everyone will be happy

because Walter will get his store mama will get her garden bennie will get her nursing school and

ruth will get to be home with the baby

Phoebus 3

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