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HNC Photography – Environment Project Evaluation

• Analyse and evaluate the success or otherwise of your project.

• Review the original objectives and strategy – same or changed? Why?

• How have you communicated the intended meaning?

• How would the intended audience respond to your images?

• Time management

• Communication and interpersonal skills

• Thought process to select and sequence the narrative?

• Consideration of presentation media – ideally how would you present the images?

In this project, I intended to shoot in at least four different environment (out of the six or seven
possible choices we were given). I planned and evaluated my visits to each of the locations I wanted
to visit using shooting logs. I then had to choose 12 images from the shots of these environments,
and from this 6 became the final shots. Each of the shots were edited in Lightroom and then I
created a slideshow in order to submit these electronically to my lecturer.

Initially, I chose to shoot park, industrial, home, and coastal. However, I was unable to take the
coastal shots that I wanted because due to travel restrictions and my own schedule, I was unable to
get to the coast in time to take these pictures. After a lot of consideration, I then chose to take urban
shots instead because I live near an urban area that has a lot of impressive graffiti that I thought
would look good in photographs. I believe that the four shoots I did were successful as they showed
my perspective on the environments I had chosen.

I chose and planned the visits to all of the locations carefully so that I could show in my shots the
atmosphere and the character of each of these places as I see them every day. I wanted to show
particular areas that I am familiar with so that the audience might get the impression that I am
comfortable in these places. I liked to show things that I enjoy look at every day.

I believe that I used my time well. I managed to plan effectively and get the shots completed and
edited and submitted on time. As I was trying to focus on the environment, I did not feel that there
was any need to use a model or to really photograph any members of the public. This meant that I
did not have to use communication or interpersonal skills in this way. I did, however, keep in regular
communication with my lecturers and let them know how the project was going as I was working on

When creating the slideshow, I chose the order that I did because I wanted to show all of the best
shots from at least one of the environments that I visited. It was a bonus that I was able to include 2
extra shots from two of the other environments. I grouped the shots together based on the
similarities I could see between them. I wanted them to appear as though they were from the same
photographer and in the same place.
I think that the slideshow is a good way to present these images, especially in an electronic way. I
would also consider putting them into a photobook. The most important thing for me is that they are
placed together, or shown together, in the sequence that I have chosen. This means that they could
also be hung in a collection, as long as they were always placed together.

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