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The accelerometer can detect the movement of an object based on the configuration of a sensitivity level. in simpler
terms, these devices monitor your


This technology tracks people, objects, and finds locations, directions. GPS simply helps in detecting body moveme
nt. simply helps in
detecting how much you are running

#Galvanic skin response

Galvanic skin response is a unique way to investigate how our physiological activity can change and fluctuate and it
can provide critical information about how someone feel

#optical heart rate sensor

An optical heart rate sensor measures pulse waves, which are changes in the volume of a blood vessel that occur wh
en the heart pumps blood. Pulse waves are detected by measuring the change in volume using an optical sensor and
green LED.


An altimeter or an altitude meter is an instrument used to measure the altitude of an object above a fixed level and It
detect whether you are climbing stairs or going a slope and accordingly helps in measuring calorie count.

#Skin temperature sensor

Skin temperature sensor help to detects changes in temperature to understand our health conditions.

#Capacitive Proximity sensor

This sensor saves battery and wakes the display when needed. If device is not in use, this sensor enables the device t
o sleep and save battery.


Gyroscope used for for navigation and measurement of anguler velocity shake of the wrist mistake for an intense ru
nning session

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