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Interleukin-17 (IL-17)-mediated immunity controls skin infection and T

helper 1 response during experimental Microsporum canis dermatophytosis

Article  in  Journal of Investigative Dermatology · March 2018

DOI: 10.1016/j.jid.2018.02.042


18 42

10 authors, including:

Veronica Burstein Lorena Guasconi

National University of Cordoba, Argentina National University of Cordoba, Argentina


Martín Gustavo Theumer Laura Cervi

National University of Cordoba, Argentina National University of Cordoba, Argentina


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ORIGINAL ARTICLE See related commentary on pg 1691

IL-17eMediated Immunity Controls

Skin Infection and T Helper 1 Response
during Experimental Microsporum
canis Dermatophytosis
Verónica L. Burstein1, Lorena Guasconi1, Ignacio Beccacece1, Martin G. Theumer1, Cristian Mena1,
Immo Prinz2, Laura Cervi1, Mónica Herrero3, Diana T. Masih1 and Laura S. Chiapello1
Despite worldwide prevalence of superficial mycoses, the immune response in dermatophytosis has scarcely
been investigated. In this study, we developed a model of superficial skin infection in C57BL/6 mice with
Microsporum canis, a highly prevalent human pathogen. This model mimics mild inflammatory human der-
matophytosis, characterized by neutrophil recruitment and fungal invasion limited to the epidermis and exhibits
the establishment of a specific T helper type 17 immune response during infection. By using IL-17RAe or
IL-17A/Fedeficient mice we showed that, in the absence of a functional IL-17 pathway, M. canis extensively
colonizes the epidermis and promotes an exaggerated skin inflammation and a shift to an IFN-gemediated
(T helper type 1) response. IL-17 signaling was not involved in neutrophil influx to skin or fungal invasion to
deeper tissues. Finally, this study shows that skin langerin-expressing cells contribute to the antifungal T helper
type 17 response in vivo. In conclusion, these data directly show a dual function of IL-17 cytokines in derma-
tophytosis by controlling superficial infection and down-modulating a T helper type 1 antifungal response.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2018) 138, 1744e1753; doi:10.1016/j.jid.2018.02.042

INTRODUCTION been associated with delayed-type hypersensitivity response

Microsporum canis is a zoophilic dermatophyte fungus that due to CD4 T lymphocytes and an IFN-gemediated T helper
causes highly prevalent superficial infections of the scalp (tinea (Th) 1 immunity. However, these studies were performed
capitis) and body (ringworm or tinea corporis) with mild or before the discovery of Th17, when cellular immunity was
severe inflammatory clinical symptoms (Chiapello et al., 2011; known to be dependent only on Th1 (Heinen et al., 2017).
Hay, 2007; Spesso et al., 2013). Immunocompromised patients In skin, IL-17 cytokines, produced by leukocytes from both
may experience extensive or atypical skin infection, with a high innate (innate lymphoid cells, gd T cells, invariant natural
treatment failure rate (Achterman and White, 2012). killer T cells) or adaptive immune systems (Th17: CD4þ and
Despite the worldwide prevalence of dermatophyte in- CD8þ T lymphocytes), play a major role in the defense
fections, a good understanding of immune response during against extracellular bacteria and opportunistic fungi
dermatophytosis is still elusive. Neutrophil recruitment, (Kashem and Kaplan, 2016; Meller et al., 2015). The six
enhanced epidermal proliferation, and antimicrobial peptide members of IL-17 family (IL-17AeIL-17F) signal through five
expression have been associated with host protection in hu- receptors (IL-17RAeIL-17RE) (Amatya et al., 2017), but a
man and experimental infections (Hube et al., 2015). requisite role for IL-17RA has been shown for IL-17A, C, E,
Furthermore, dermatophytes induce a specific adaptive im- and F (Martin et al., 2013). In human dermatophytosis, an
mune response that promotes clinical recovery and is pro- increased susceptibility to deep or extensive skin infections
tective against re-infection (Hay, 2017). Host protection has has been described in patients with inborn errors in the IL-17
pathway (Lanternier et al., 2013; Nielsen et al., 2015) In
addition, C57BL/6 mice infected with dermatophytes of the
Departamento de Bioquı´mica Clı´nica, Facultad de Ciencias Quı´micas, genus Arthroderma overexpressed TGF-b, IL-1b, and IL-6
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Centro de Investigaciones en mRNA in skin, key mediators of Th17 differentiation
Bioquı´mica Clı´nica e Inmunologı´a, CONICET, Córdoba, Argentina; (Cambier et al., 2014). However, the role of IL-17 immu-
Institute of Immunology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany;
and 3Hospital Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina
nity has not been directly explored in vivo during
Correspondence: Laura S. Chiapello, Medina Allende y Haya de la Torre,
Ciudad Universitaria. X5000HUA, Córdoba, Argentina. E-mail: chiapello@ Dermatophyte exclusive colonization of skin surface and hair follicles suggests that Langerhans cells (LCs) (langerin-
Abbreviations: CFU, colony-forming unit; DT, diphtheria toxin; HKMc, heat- expressing cells from epidermis) could drive antifungal
killed Microsporum canis hyphae; KO, knockout; LC, Langerhans cell; OD, immunity, because they are the only epidermal antigen-
optical density; p.i., postinfection; sdLN, skin-draining lymph node; Th, T
helper; WT, wild type
presenting cells involved in priming T lymphocytes after
migration to the lymph nodes (Merad et al., 2008). Regarding
Received 16 May 2017; revised 9 February 2018; accepted 15 February
2018; accepted manuscript published online 20 March 2018; corrected proof this, a previous study reported that human LCs induced
published online 24 May 2018 specific cell-mediated immunity to dermatophyte antigens

1744 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2018), Volume 138 ª 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier, Inc. on behalf of the Society for Investigative Dermatology.
VL Burstein et al.
IL-17eMediated Immunity in Dermatophytosis

in vitro (Braathen and Kaaman, 1983). However, dermato- by heat-killed M. canis (HKMc)-stimulated cells from skin-
phyte effects on dendritic cell functions in skin are still draining lymph nodes (sdLNs) after 8 and 18 days p.i.
completely unknown. (Figure 1g) without significant changes in IFN-g, IL-10, TNF,
In this study, we investigated the outcome of skin infection and IL-4, TGF-b, or IL-6 production during infection (data not
cellular immune response in a dermatophytosis model with shown). Additionally, we detected a greater frequency of
M. canis in wild-type (WT) and IL-17edeficient C57BL/6 mice. IL-17Aeproducing antigen-specific CD4þ T cells than CD8þ
Furthermore, taking advantage of langerin-expressing cells T cells from sdLNs (Figure 1h).
depletion in M. canis-infected transgenic Lang-EGFPDTR mice To address the role of IL-17 cytokines in the antifungal
(Kissenpfennig et al., 2005), we explored the contribution of response, M. canis infection course was evaluated in
these cells in driving the specific Th17 immunity against M. canis. IL-17RAeknockout (KO) mice, which lack signaling for most
members of the IL-17 family (Patel and Kuchroo, 2015). In
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION contrast to WT (Figures 1a and 2a), M. canis-infected KO mice
In this study, we first established a reproducible model of developed wet and ulcerated skin lesions with greasy
dermatophytosis by epicutaneous treatment with M. canis yellowish scales (Figure 2a) and abundant hyphae on the
hyphae along with a semipermeable patch (Tegaderm; 3M, stratum corneum (scutulum; Figure 2b and 2c), resembling
St. Paul, MN) on previously scarified back skin of C57BL/6 inflammatory human dermatophytosis and experimental favus
WT mice (Hay et al., 1988). All infected animals showed in susceptible mice (Hay, 2017; Hay et al., 1988). Figures 2d
clinical signs of dermatophytosis and developed mild cuta- and e show that, although M. canis CFU counts were similar
neous lesions characterized by erythema, scaling, and thin between WT and IL-17RAeKO mice by day 4 p.i., a remark-
crusting, similar to noninflammatory dermatophytosis in able increase in fungal burden was detected in KO mice by day
immunocompetent humans (Figures 1a and 2a) (Hay, 2007). 8 p.i. (1,130  411 vs. 46,482  15,923 CFU/g skin, P < 0.01,
Skin lesions were limited only to the epidermis and were WT vs. KO). Accordingly, 8-dayeergosterol quantification
visible from day 4 postinfection (p.i.), with a peak at day 8 (Arias et al., 2016; Young, 1995) of total skin homogenates also
p.i. and until day 18 p.i., when they spontaneously healed. showed greater fungal load in KO versus WT mice (see
Histopathological analysis showed the presence of acan- Supplementary Figure S1e). Furthermore, after 18 days p.i.,
thosis and epidermal and dermal micro-abscesses, indicating and in contrast to WT, IL-17RAeKO animals failed to
neutrophil recruitment. Periodic acid-Schiff positive stained completely heal and still produced CFUs from skin cultures
hyphae were localized in the stratum corneum and, espe- (Figure 2). However, IL-17edeficient mice eventually over-
cially, invading hair follicles (Figures 1b and c and 2b, and came infection and recovered hair growth by day 25 p.i. (data
see Supplementary Figure S1a and Supplementary Table S1 not shown) with no detection of fungus. Also, M. canis was
online). According to this, direct examination of hair shafts unable to invade the dermis or disseminate to other organs in
showed parasitization with arthroconidia (Figure 1d) resem- both strains of mice (data not shown). Taken together, these
bling human tinea capitis (Hay, 2017). In concordance with data show that IL-17 cytokines effectively inhibit skin derma-
clinical features and histopathology, M. canis colony-forming tophyte proliferation but are not relevant in the control of
units (CFUs) were effectively isolated in Sabouraud agar fungal dissemination to deeper tissues.
plates from epidermis after 4 and 8 days p.i. (Figures 1e and In skin and mucosal defense, the IL-17 family cytokines are
2d and e). Afterward, by day 18 p.i., WT mice resolved essential for promoting neutrophil mobilization at the site of
infection and cleared the fungi from skin (Figure 1a, b, and e). infection, maintaining epithelia integrity, and regulating
Furthermore, flow cytometry studies showed a significant antimicrobial peptide production (Conti and Gaffen, 2015).
increase of neutrophils (CD11bþGr1þ cells) in epidermis Our data show that the increased superficial fungal burden at
from 8-dayeinfected mice compared with uninfected (sham) 8-dayeinfected IL-17RAeKO mice correlated with an intense
controls (Figure 1f, and gating strategies shown in inflammatory response, characterized by epidermal and
Supplementary Figure S2a online). These results resemble the dermal micro-abscess mainly constituted by neutrophils
hallmarks of dermatophytosis like the sloughing of fungal (Figures 2b and c, and see Supplementary Table S1 and
mass by epidermal proliferation and the neutrophil infiltrates, Supplementary Figure S1b). Infected KO mice also had a
which remove fungi from the skin (Calderon and Hay, 1987; significant increase in the absolute number of sdLN cells
Cambier et al., 2014; Heddergott et al., 2012). compared with infected WT mice (see Supplementary
Cell-mediated immunity is necessary for clinical recovery Figure S1d). In addition, after 8 days p.i., IL-17RAeKO mice
and protection against infection with dermatophytes did not seem to exhibit the epidermal thickening shown by
(Calderon and Hay, 1984; Zahur et al., 2014). Nevertheless, WT (Figure 2b and c, and see Supplementary Table S1), sug-
the specific response mounted against these fungi has not gesting defects in epidermal proliferation that might be asso-
been previously characterized in vivo. Although some pub- ciated with the lack of IL-17 signaling (Pappu et al., 2012). No
lications have recently suggested a role of IL-17 cytokines in clinical or histological differences were observed between
host protection during dermatophytosis (Alves de Medeiros uninfected WT and KO mice (see Supplementary Figure S1c).
et al., 2016; Cambier et al., 2014; Lanternier et al., 2013; Flow cytometry analysis from epidermis confirmed that,
Nielsen et al., 2015; Sakuragi et al., 2016), this branch of despite the lack of IL-17 signaling, IL-17RAeKO mice
cell-mediated immunity has not been directly investigated in experienced a significant increase in the neutrophil
a biologically relevant system. Here, we showed that Th17 (CD11bþLy6Gþ) percentage by day 8 p.i., compared with
response is the adaptive immunity that predominates during infected WT mice (P < 0.0001) (Figure 3a). Moreover, neu-
M. canis infection, because IL-17A/F was mainly produced trophils from IL-17edeficient mice efficiently surrounded 1745
VL Burstein et al.
IL-17eMediated Immunity in Dermatophytosis

Figure 1. Clinical outcome of

Microsporum canis dermatophytosis
in C57BL/6 mice. (a) Skin lesions after
M. canis infection or saline treatment
(sham). (b) Skin histopathology
(PAS/H). (c) Higher magnification
of b showing hyphae (arrows) and
neutrophil infiltrates (asterisks).
(d) KOH examination of hair showing
arthroconidia (arrow) (8 dpi). Scale
bar in aed ¼ 50 mm. (e) Fungal
burden (CFU/g skin). Mean 
standard error of the mean, n ¼ 6.
(f) Flow cytometry analysis of
CD11bþGr1þ epidermal cells
(8 dpi, pre-gates shown in
Supplementary Figure S2a). Three
independent experiments using
pooled epidermal cells. (g) IL-17A/F
production (ELISA) of sdLN cells
(3  105/200ml) from sham (,) or
infected mice (-) in absence (saline)
or with HKMc (10 ml, OD ¼ 0.08).
Each symbol represents one animal.
(h) IL-17A detection in
HKMc-stimulated sdLN cells gated on
CD3þCD4þ/CD8þ population.
Mean  SEM, n ¼ 6. **P < 0.01,
***P < 0.001, *P < 0.0001. CFU,
colony-forming unit; dpi, days
postinfection; HKMc, heat-killed
M. canis hyphae; n/d, not detected;
OD ¼ optical density; PAS/H, Periodic
acid-Schiff/hematoxylin stain; sdLN,
skin-draining lymph node.

M. canis hyphae in the tissue (Figure 3b) and produced levels were detected at day 4 p.i. (data not shown; see
of reactive oxygen species similar to infected WT mice Supplementary Table S1), although fungal burden was similar
(Figure 3c). In contrast, no differences in neutrophil infiltrates in both mouse strains (Figure 2d and e). These data show that

1746 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2018), Volume 138

VL Burstein et al.
IL-17eMediated Immunity in Dermatophytosis

Figure 2. Comparison of clinical

follow-up of Microsporum canis
dermatophytosis in WT and
IL-17RAedeficient mice. (a) Skin
lesions in WT and IL-17RAeKO back
skin after 4, 8, and 18 dpi. (b) Skin
sections from M. canis-infected WT
and IL-17RAeKO mice (PAS/H).
(c) Higher magnification of b showing
hyphae inside hair follicles and
stratum corneum (arrows) and
neutrophil infiltrates and micro-
abscesses (asterisks). Scale bars in
b and c ¼ 50 mm. (d) Fungal burden
(CFU/g skin) of WT and IL-17RAeKO
mice during infection. Data shown are
mean  standard error of the mean,
n ¼ 6, two independent experiments.
**P < 0.01. (e) Representative
images of CFUs in Sabouraud agar
plates. CFU, colony-forming unit;
dpi, days postinfection; KO, knockout;
PAS/H, Periodic acid-Schiff/
hematoxylin stain; WT, wild type.

neutrophil migration and activity in epidermis are indepen- the IL-17 pathway during a murine model of oral candidiasis
dent of IL-17 signaling during M. canis infection. In line with and observed that IL-17 mediates host protection through
our data, Trautwein-Weidner et al. (2015) showed that antimicrobial peptide production. In this regard, skin
neutrophil recruitment to the mucosa was uncoupled from expression of these molecules has been associated with 1747
VL Burstein et al.
IL-17eMediated Immunity in Dermatophytosis

Figure 3. Microsporum canis-

infected IL-17RAedeficient mice
show increased neutrophil
recruitment to skin and IFN-g
production by skin-draining lymph
node cells. (a) CD11bþLy6Gþ
percentage in epidermal cells from
sham or 8-dayeinfected mice. Mean
 standard error of the mean, n ¼ 6.
***P < 0.0001. (b) Skin section from
IL-17RAeKO mice (PAS/H, 8 dpi)
showing neutrophils (asterisk)
surrounding hyphae (arrow). Scale
bar ¼ 10 mm. (c) Histograms of
reactive oxygen species production by
epidermal CD11bþLy6Gþ cells
(8 dpi) after dichlorofluorescein
diacetate (DCF-DA) labeling
(flow cytometry). Triplicates of
pooled epidermal cells, n ¼ 6.
(d, e) HKMc-stimulated sdLN cells
from infected WT and IL-17RAeKO
mice. (d) IL-17A/F and IFN-g
production (ELISA). Mean  standard
error of the mean, n ¼ 5. **P < 0.01.
(e) Intracellular IFN-g detection gated
on CD3þCD4þ/CD8þ population
(flow cytometry, 8 dpi). Mean 
standard error of the mean.
**P < 0.01, ***P < 0.0004. Triplicates
of pooled sdLN cell cultures. n ¼ 5.
(f) Cytokine production (ELISA) by
HKMc-stimulated sdLN cells
from sham or infected WT and
IL-17RAeKO mice. **P < 0.005,
***P < 0.0001. dpi, days postinfection;
INF, infected; HKMc, heat-killed
M. canis hyphae; KO, knockout;
PAS/H, Periodic acid-Schiff/hematoxylin
stain; sdLN, skin-draining lymph node;
WT, wild type.

defense mechanisms in human dermatophytosis (Brasch autoimmune colitis (O’Connor et al., 2009). In agreement
et al., 2014; Jensen et al., 2007; Sawada et al., 2012). Thus, with these data, here we showed that M. canis-infected
current experiments are underway to examine the involve- IL-17RAeKO mice experienced a shift to an antigen-specific
ment of antimicrobial peptides in IL-17emediated protection Th1 response (Figure 3d). Although both infected mouse
during M. canis dermatophytosis. strains produced IL-17A/F by HKMc-stimulated sdLN cells at
In the absence of IL-17 cytokines, deficiencies in day 8 p.i., IL-17RAeKO mice also showed increased IFN-g
epidermal barrier functions (Pappu et al., 2012) might facil- production (Figure 3d and f) with higher frequency of
itate fungal persistence in the cornified layer and, therefore, IFN-geproducing CD4þ and CD8þ T cells than WT mice
the establishment of an exacerbated inflammation. Further- (Figure 3e). As mentioned, there were no differences in IFN-g
more, exaggerated skin inflammation and increased neutro- levels produced by sdLN cells from sham or infected WT
phil influx have also been observed in IL-17RAeKO mice mice at day 8 p.i. (Figure 3f) or by cells from WT and KO mice
with imiquimod-induced psoriasis (El Malki et al., 2013). In at day 4 p.i. (Figure 3d). These results show that M. canis
this sense, it has been also shown that IL-17A directly inhibits dermatophytosis promotes an IFN-gemediated immune
IFN-g production by suppressing the expression of the response in the absence of IL-17RA signaling.
Th1 master regulator, T-bet. Thus, IL-17edeficient mice To further investigate the IFN-g contribution to skin inflam-
developed a severe host-versus-graft disease in a skin mation and fungal load, M. canis-infected WT and
transplantation model (Vokaer et al., 2013) or an aggressive IL-17RAeKO mice were treated with an IFN-geblocking anti-
IFN-gemediated inflammatory disease in experimental body at days 3 and 6 p.i. Figure 4 shows that, in coincidence

1748 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2018), Volume 138

VL Burstein et al.
IL-17eMediated Immunity in Dermatophytosis

with exacerbated skin inflammation and increased neutrophil expressing dendritic cellecompetent infected animals
recruitment (Figures 2b and c, 3a, and 4a), 8-dayeinfected IL- (P < 0.05) (Figure 6a and b). No differences were observed in
17RAeKO mice also displayed higher cytokine production by the frequency of IL-17eproducing CD4þ T cells between DT-
epidermal cells than WT mice, with a significant increase in injected WT and Lang-EGFPDTR mice or in IL-17eproducing
TNF, IL-6, and IL-1b production (Figure 4b and e). Differences in CD8þ T cell percentages from the three groups studied
epidermal cytokines between WT and KO mice were not (Figure 6c). However, although skin langerin-expressing den-
observed at day 4 p.i. (data not shown). dritic cells had a significant effect on Th17 development in this
After treatment with anti-IFN-g, 8-dayeinfected model, langerin-expressing dendritic celledepleted mice did
IL-17RAeKO animals showed a significantly lower neutrophil not display an increased fungal load such as that observed in
(CD11bþLy6Gþ) percentage and TNF production in epidermis IL-17edeficient mice (data not shown). These results are
compared with infected KO mice treated with isotype control similar to other findings published by Igyártó et al. (2011)
antibody (Figure 4b and c). Anti-IFN-getreated IL-17RAeKO showing that LCs induced Th17 differentiation during experi-
mice significantly reduced the fungal burden, and accordingly, mental cutaneous candidiasis but that LC depletion did not
skin histological features were similar to those of WT mice after promote an elevated fungal colonization. Therefore, other skin
8 days p.i. (Figure 4c and d). Additionally, these mice produced cell subsets may be directly involved in fungal recognition and
increased levels of IL-23, IL-1b, IL-6, and IL-22 by epidermal might be able to produce IL-17 cytokines (Pappu et al., 2012).
cells, all IL-17 pathwayerelated cytokines (Figure 4e). These Further investigations are necessary to define the cellular
data open the possibility that IFN-g deregulation, in the absence types involved in the IL-17edriven defense against
of IL-17 signaling during M. canis infection, might contribute to M. canis.
the superficial fungal overgrowth. Nevertheless, the role of In conclusion, in this study we have shown that superficial
IFN-g in this setting remains unclear, and further studies are infection with M. canis generates a specific IL-17emediated
necessary to understand a potential counter-regulation of adaptive response promoted by skin langerin-expressing
IFN-ge versus IL-17emediated immunity in skin defense dendritic cells and have shown a main role of IL-17
against dermatophytes. signaling in the control of dermatophytosis.
Considering all our findings, we have shown a dual function
of IL-17 cytokines during M. canis skin infection by inhibiting MATERIALS AND METHODS
superficial dermatophyte growth and suppressing Th1 anti- Mice
fungal response. Eventually, in the absence of IL-17RA C57BL/6 wild type (WT) mice were obtained from Universidad
signaling, mice were able to control dermatophytosis but Nacional de La Plata (La Plata, Argentina). IL-17RAeKO mice were
at the expense of higher inflammation and tissue damage. kindly provided by Amgen (material transfer agreement no.
Furthermore, we showed that the biological effects observed 2015647778; Amgen Inc., Thousand Oaks, CA), IL-17AF double
during M. canis infection in IL-17RAeKO mice were also knockout mice (Il17a/Il17f<tm1.1Impr) by Immo Prinz (Hannover
reproduced in IL-17A/F double knockout mice (Haas et al., Medical School, Hanover, Germany), and Lang-EGFPDTR trans-
2012), specifically showing the role of IL-17A/IL-17F in the genic mice by Bernard Malissen (INSERM, Paris, France). Mice were
anti-dermatophytic response (Figure 5). Our experimental housed in the Animal Facility of CIBICI-CONICET, Facultad de
data coincide with evidence in humans showing that de- Ciencias Quı́micas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Córdoba,
ficiencies in IL-17 signaling predispose to a widespread Argentina) under international guidelines. All experimental pro-
superficial infection, as seen in patients with inborn errors of tocols were approved by our Institution’s ethics committee (Dean’s
IL-17 immunity, rather than deep mycosis (Nielsen et al., Resolution no. 908/15).
2015). In contrast, deep dermatophytosis is associated
with CARD9 deficiency, which controls multiple molecular Fungal strain and M. canis inoculum
pathways of fungal recognition in different cell types Microsporum canis (clinical strain UNCMc01, Universidad Nacional de
(Lanternier et al., 2013). According to this, we have shown Córdoba, Córdoba Argentina) was grown for 15 days on Sabouraud agar.
the existence of redundant host defense mechanisms that Mycelium was scraped, resuspended in pyrogen-free saline solution,
maintain the skin barrier function against dermatophyte and filtered with stainless-steel mesh. Concentration was determined by
infection. optical density (OD) at 450 nm: OD of 0.08 produced 4.28  0.02  103
The role of skin dendritic cells during dermatophyte CFU/ml, and OD of 0.2 correlated to 10  1  103 CFU/ml. HKMc
infections is unknown. LCs, as well as a minor population of (OD ¼ 0.08) was obtained after 1-hour incubation at 60 C.
dermal dendritic cells, express the C-type lectin receptor
langerin (CD207) (Malissen et al., 2014). Therefore, to further M. canis epicutaneous infection model
investigate the in vivo function of these cells in the Th17 Eight- to 10-week-old male WT or IL-17edeficient mice were
response against M. canis, we infected transgenic Lang- anesthetized (ketamine/xylazine, 100/10 mg/kg body weight), back
EGFPDTR mice after depletion of langerin-expressing den- hair was shaved and chemically depilated, and stratum corneum
dritic cells with diphtheria toxin (DT) (Bobr et al., 2010; was reduced by slight abrasion with a sponge. Previous 70% ethanol
Kissenpfennig et al., 2005; Stoecklinger et al., 2011). disinfection, M. canis suspension (200 ml, OD ¼ 0.2) or sterile saline
M. canis-infected mice depleted of langerin-expressing den- solution was applied along with a sterile patch (Tegaderm, 3M) (Toke
dritic cells (Lang-EGFPDTR mice þ DT) (see Supplementary et al., 2014). Infection was regularly monitored and was reproduc-
Figure S2b and c) showed a significant reduction in the ible in all mice. Mycological diagnosis was based on clinical
frequency of IL-17eexpressing CD3þ and CD3þCD4þ T cells criteria, skin direct examination (KOH 40%) and fungal isolation in
from HKMc-stimulated sdLNs with respect to langerin- Sabouraud agar at different days after infection. 1749
VL Burstein et al.
IL-17eMediated Immunity in Dermatophytosis

Figure 4. IFN-g modulates neutrophil recruitment, cytokine production, and fungal growth in Microsporum canis-infected IL-17RAeKO mice skin.
(a) Neutrophil percentages determined as CD11bþLy6Gþ cells by flow cytometry. (b) TNF production (ELISA) and (c) fungal burden (CFU/g skin) in epidermal
cells from WT and IL-17RAeKO mice treated with anti-IFN-g or isotype control at 8 days d.p.i. Mean  standard error of the mean of pooled epidermal cells,
n ¼ 6. Two independent experiments; *P < 0.01, **P < 0.001, ***P < 0.0001. (d) Skin sections with PAS/H stain showing hyphae (arrows) and neutrophil micro-
abscesses (asterisks). Scale bar ¼ 50 mm. (e) Cytokine production by PMA-stimulated epidermal cells (ELISA) from infected WT and infected IL-17RAeKO mice

1750 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2018), Volume 138

VL Burstein et al.
IL-17eMediated Immunity in Dermatophytosis

Figure 5. IL-17A/IL-17F inhibit

dermatophyte superficial infection
and cutaneous inflammation and
induce Microsporum canis-specific
Th1 response. (a) Clinical features of
skin lesions and (b) skin sections with
periodic acid-Schiffehematoxylin
stain showing hyphae (arrows) and
neutrophil infiltrates (asterisks) from
M. canis-infected WT and IL-17A/F
eKO mice after 8 d.p.i. Scale
bars ¼ 100 mm (left) and 50 mm (right).
(c) Comparison of IL-17AF and IFN-g
production (ELISA) by
HKMc-stimulated sdLN cells (3  105/
200 ml/10 ml HKMc) between 8-day
infected WT, IL-17RAeKO, and
IL-17A/FeKO mice. Each symbol
represents one animal. Mean 
standard error of the mean, n ¼ 5.
***P < 0.0001, *P < 0.01. HKMc,
heat-killed M. canis hyphae; KO,
knockout; sdLN, skin-draining lymph
node; WT, wild type.

Epidermal cell cultures Fungal burden

Mice back skin (2  3 cm) was incubated dermal side down on Skin sections were obtained and weighed, and epidermal cell sus-
trypsin/EDTA solution 0.2%/0.075% (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, pension protocol was followed as described. For CFU quantification,
MO) in RPMI (2 hours, 37 C) and filtered through stainless steel 100 ml of epidermal cell suspension of each animal were cultured in
mesh and 100 mm-cell strainer. Single-cell suspensions (1  106 Sabouraud agar plates. CFU values were determined at 10 days,
cells/well) were labeled with anti-CD11b, anti-Ly6G, or anti-Gr-1 referred to skin weight, and expressed as CFU number/g skin.
antibodies, and neutrophil population (CD11bþ Ly6Gþ or
CD11bþ Gr-1þ) was analyzed by flow cytometry. For reactive ox- sdLN cell cultures
ygen species measurement, stained epidermal cells were incu- Single-cell suspensions (3  105 cells/well, 200 ml) of inguinal sdLN
bated with 20 -70 -dichlorofluorescein diacetate 1 mmol/L (DCFH- cells, recovered from each animal at days 4, 8, 18, or 45 p.i., were
DA, SIGMA-Aldrich) (Fujita et al., 2014) for 30 minutes. Cytokine cultured for 48 hours in complete RPMI medium (see Supplementary
production was measured in supernatant by ELISA after 5-hour Materials and Methods) alone or with HKMc (10 ml/well). Cytokine
culture with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate PMA stimulation (1 production was determined in supernatants by ELISA. For intracellular
mg/ml). cytokine detection by flow cytometry, sdLN cells were restimulated with

treated with anti-IFN-g or isotype control (8 d.p.i). Mean  standard error of the mean of pooled epidermal cells, n ¼ 6. Two independent experiments.
IL-6 (*P < 0.02), IL-1b (*P < 0.1, **P < 0.001), IL-22 (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.005), IL-23 (**P < 0.001). CFU, colony-forming unit; KO, knockout; d.p.i., days
postinfection; PAS/H, Periodic acid-Schiff/hematoxylin stain; PMA, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate; WT, wild type. 1751
VL Burstein et al.
IL-17eMediated Immunity in Dermatophytosis

Figure 6. Skin langerin-expressing

cells drive the Th17 immune response
during Microsporum canis infection.
Representative density plots of
intracellular IL-17A production by
HKMc-stimulated sdLN cells gated on
(a) CD3þ or (b) CD3þCD4þ
population from 8-dayeinfected WT
or Lang-EGFPDTR mice treated with
DT (24 hours before infection,
langerin-expressing cells depleted
mice). Percentages show mean 
standard error of the mean from
triplicates of pooled sdLN cell
cultures, n ¼ 6. **P < 0.002.
(c) Percentage of IL-17 expression
in CD3þCD4þ and CD3þCD8þ
T cells from HKMc-stimulated sdLN
cells from WT or Lang-EGFPDTR
mice treated with DT or vehicle. Data
shown are mean  standard error
of the mean, n ¼ 6. Two
independent experiments. *P < 0.05.
DT, diphtheria toxin; HKMc,
heat-killed M. canis hyphae; sdLN,
skin-draining lymph node; Th,
T helper; WT, wild type.

phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate/ionomycin/GolgiPlug (BD Bioscience, t test or analysis of variance. A P value less than 0.05 was significant,
San Diego, CA) in the last 5 hours of culture and labeled with anti-CD3, and results were shown as mean  standard error of the mean.
-CD4, or -CD8; anti-IL-17A or -IL-17F, or anti-IFN-g antibodies.
In vivo treatment with neutralizing IFN-g antibody The authors state no conflict of interest.
WT or IL-17RAeKO mice were intraperitoneally injected with anti-
IFN-g monoclonal antibody (R4-6A2, Thermo Fisher, Waltham, MA) We thank Moisés Dib and Tania Nuncira from the Dermatology Service of
or isotype control at days 3 and 6 p.i. (100 mg/animal). At day 8 p.i, Hospital Pediátrico del Niño Jesús (Córdoba, Argentina) for technical support;
neutrophil (CD11bþ Ly6Gþ) population and cytokine production Bernard Malissen for providing LangEGFPDTR mice; and the Members of
Technical Staff from Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquı́mica Clı́nica e
were determined in epidermal cell suspensions (1  106 cells) by Inmunologı́a (CIBICI), Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas y
flow cytometry or ELISA. Epidermal cells were also used for fungal Tecnológicas (CONICET), Facultad de Ciencias Quı́micas (FCQ), Universidad
burden determination through CFU quantification. Skin histopa- Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), Argentina.
thology was analyzed with hematoxylin and eosin and periodic This work was supported by Secretarı́a de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a, UNC;
Agencia Nacional de Promoción Cientı́fica y Tecnológica, Fondo para la
acid-Schiff/hematoxylin stain. Investigación Cientı́fica y Tecnológica, PICT no. 2015-1425; and CONICET,
PIP no. 11220110100936 and PIP no. 11220150100260. We thank Paul
Langerin-expressing cell depletion in Lang-EGFPDTR mice Hobson, native speaker, for revision of the manuscript. VLB is a doctoral
Lang-EGFPDTR transgenic mice were intraperitoneally injected with fellow of CONICET, and LSC is member of the scientific career of CONICET.
1 mg of DT (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) 24 hours before infection
(Bobr et al., 2010; Kissenpfennig et al., 2005). Depletion was SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
confirmed by flow cytometry of MHC-IIþCD45þ epidermal cells Supplementary material is linked to the online version of the paper at www.
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b and c), and fluorescence microscopy of transversal ear skin cry-
osections (see Supplementary Figure S2d). DT treatment did not
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