PD 28th May 2021

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 NEWS BEAT PEOPLE DAILY / Friday, May 28, 2021


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Nairobi 23° Nyeri 21°

Kisumu resident found with
Indian and British variants
of Coronavirus disease
by George Kebaso

Kenya’s first case of a patient who has

contracted both the Indian and British
Covid-19 variants has been detected in
Kisumu, the government announced yes-
Health Cabinet Secretary (CS) Mutahi
Kagwe said the patient, who was detected PLOLWDU\
with both of the deadly variants, had no
known history of travel outside the coun-
try. The discovery, Kagwe warned, means
the variants have infiltrated local commu- President Uhuru Kenyatta yes-
nities. terday awarded a charter to the
The CS said the two variants, and the National Defence College, mak-
South African one, were detected in 39 ing the military institution the
samples from Kenyans with no travel his- Health CS Mutahi these deliberations,” Kagwe said. six with the UK variant (B.1.1.7), one sam-
Kagwe (left) and first specialist university in the
tory. “We had expected about 30,000 guests ple aligned with the South African vari-
Kisumu Governor country under the Universities
“It is important to note that the ongoing to attend the celebrations, but due to the ant (B.1.351) and another three samples
Anyang’ Nyong’o Act of 2012.
surveillance has revealed early and estab- surge in Covid-19 infections, which have aligned with B.1.612, which was first iden-
The new National Defence
lished community transmission of both (middle) been compounded by the emergence of tified in India.
University-Kenya (NDU-K) will
UK and Indian variants in Kisumu, Mom- address a press the new variants, we are forced to cut out The CS said the one sample with both
offer graduate and post-graduate
basa and Kilifi counties,” revealed Kagwe. conference at the 27,000 Kenyans from attending,” the Kisu- the UK and the Indian variants is under-
training to local and foreign,
Health ministry mu Governor said. going further sequencing. This last case is a
military and civilian leaders on
Organised crimes headquarters in He added: “We will not even have crowds novel finding with significant public health
current and emerging security
“It is even more concerning that none Nairobi Indian outside the venue. People are being ad- implications, he noted.
of the 39 affected individuals have a his- virant detected in vised to monitor the celebrations from Emerging evidence indicates that, the
Speaking during the award cer-
tory of travelling out and into the country,” Kisumu county. their homes.” variants of concern are more transmissible,
emony at the instution in Karen,
he added after meeting Kisumu Governor PD/KENNA CLAUDE Yesterday’s meeting was prompted by have a higher secondary attack rate and
Nairobi County, the President
Prof Anyang’ Nyong’o, experts from the concerns in the number of Covid-19 vari- spread faster among susceptible persons.
said NDU-K will fortify the coun-
Centres for Disease Control (CDC) and ants detected in Kenya. Kagwe said the Indian variant, for in-
Kenyan epidemiologists. ," (8 & Kagwe noted that this is an indication of stance, has been reported to be 50 per cent
try’s defence forces and improve
their skills in military and civil
The discovery prompted the organis- an ongoing widespread community trans- more transmissible than the UK one.
diplomacy. Besides training mili-
ing committee of the Madaraka Day cel- mission. “As of now, there is no evidence that
tary leaders, the President said
ebrations set for Kisumu on Tuesday to “The Kisumu County Government B.1.617 is causing more severe illness.
drastically scale down the number of in-
vited guests to 3,000, down from the initial
1FPQMFBSF has isolated the affected individuals and
heightened contact tracing for potentially
However, the associated surge in cases has
been straining the health systems in af-
NDU-K will lay the foundation for
the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF)
to contribute more to internal
30,000, Kagwe and Nyong’o announced.
“In view of these developments, and giv-
BEWJTFEUP exposed individuals,” he assured.
The CS, however, said the two variants
fected counties,” he warned.
But, the good news, he noted, is that
civil needs such as humanitarian
en that the Kisumu County Government
is supposed to host this year’s Madaraka
NPOJUPSUIF detected in the Kisumu patient have been
subjected to further investigations through
emerging evidence shows some of the
existing vaccines such as the AstraZeneca Organised crimes
Day celebrations, there are ongoing de-
liberations between the national govern-
DFMFCSBUJPOT genome surveillance in order to under-
stand them properly.
and the Pfizer one, are effective against
some of these variants.
“As you know, our country has
suffered a lot from terrorist at-
ment and the county on the manner in
which the day will be marked and we shall
GSPNUIFJS In a recent sequencing of 39 SARS-CoV-2
RT PCR positive samples from Kisumu
“Nonetheless, we have not been able
to roll out vaccination programmes as we
tacks in the past few years; not
to mention the threats posed by
be making further announcements after
IPNFT sub counties, experts found 28 samples
containing the Indian variant (B1.617.1),
would have wished due to supply con-
straints,” he added.
transnational organised crimes
and intra-state conflicts,” he said.
Hea dded: “Physical attacks are
not our only threats; there are vir-


such as cyber-warfare and hostile
takeover of state electronic sys-
by Irene Githinji “With Covid-19 people living with NCDs are of Health developed interim guidelines on provi- tems,” the President said.
@PeopleDailyKe more susceptible to severe infections and have sion for services of NCDs during the pandemic. The Head of State assured of
high case fatality rates. The pandemic has put a The CS said these guidelines have served to the government’s commitment to
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) account massive strain on how these diseases are man- mitigate the impact of Covid-19 on service deliv- supporting NDU-K meet its train-
for over 50 per cent of hospital admissions and 55 aged across the globe,” said the CS in a virtual ery across the continuum of care while keeping ing, research and service goals.
per cent of hospital deaths in the country, Health conference dubbed ‘Communicating Covid-19 the medical team and patients safe from Co- At the same venue, the Presi-
Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe has said. and NCDs in the infodemic era’. vid-19 infections dent presided over the gradua-
Kagwe said NCDs such as cancer, diabetes, He said that many African countries have “As we discuss how stakeholders can innovate tion of 55 senior military officers
cardiovascular disease continue to affect many shifted focus to deal with emergencies arising to prevent and manage NCDs in light of the pan- and civil servants from Kenya,
people in the country communities, the situation from Covid-19 putting NCDs on the back banner, demic it is important to note that these diseases Burundi, Malawi, Nepal, Tanza-
worsened by the Covid-19 pandemic and are now which is not a good move. are largely caused by environmental and lifestyle nia, Uganda and Zambia.
a major cause of death in the country. In realisation of this reality, he said the Ministry factors,” observed the CS.
Friday, May 28, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY NEWS BEAT 

From solemn
moments to deep
laughter... June Ruto
was taken
by Rawlings Otieno

June, the firstborn daughter of

Deputy President William Ruto,
exchanged her wedding vows
with her Nigerian fiancé Alexan-
der Ezenagu in a ceremony that
brought friends and foes alike.
And at 12.30pm, June walked
down the aisle to start her new
matrimonial life by saying ‘I do’
to Dr Ezenagu.
The wedding, held at the Karen
97A Koitobos Road, Nairobi, was
attended by invited guests only,
key among them politicians al-
lied to Ruto.
Prior to her wedding, June
and Ezenagu had performed a
traditional dowry negotiation
ceremony, known as Koito in
Kalenjin language, at DP Ruto’s
Karen house.
The bride was dressed in a
sparkling white strapless gown Dr Alexander Ezenagu found a good thing and sealed the covenant in a flashy wedding
with a cathedral veil, hair well in Karen before friends and family. COURTESY
held together, white peep-toe
heels, beautiful jewellery with a
bridal bouquet in her hands.

Wedding dress
The wedding dress was similar
to the gown won by Duchess of
Sussex Meghan Markle during
her wedding to the Duke of Sus-
sex Prince Harry.
The DP looked the part in a
black tuxedo suit complete with
a bowler’s hat, a walking stick and
a black bowtie while his wife Ra-
chael was dressed in a peach lace
gown with a matching fascinator.
The groom, Ezenagu wore a
double breast suit, white shirt,
a black bow tie and black shoes.
Ruto had broken the news of
his daughter’s wedding during
the National Prayer Breakfast
at Parliament Buildings earlier
in the day. “My daughter got a
spouse. She works in Foreign Af-
fairs so she got a foreigner to be
her spouse,” said Ruto.
June is expected to hold an-
other traditional wedding in her
husband’s home country Nigeria
at a later date.
She works at the Kenyan em-
bassy in Warsaw, Poland, as the
Charge D’Affaires while Ezenagu
is an Assistant Law Professor at
the Hamad Bin Khalifa Univer-
sity a public university in Qatar’s
capital, Doha in Qatar.
The wedding was graced by
among others Amani National
Congress leader Musalia Mu-
davadi while President Uhuru
Kenyatta and Opposition chief
Raila Odinga were expected at
the reception.

8*--*". 3650
The guest list had the who-is-who in the political circles, business world, Karen neighbourhood and a
TIFHPUBGPSFJHOFS proud and beaming couple of the day who exchanged vows. COURTESY
 NEWS BEAT PEOPLE DAILY / Friday, May 28, 2021

University student’s leaders in versities is this HELB loan and de- concentration. I want to caution school and some even will end up
Uasin Gishu have condemned the nying them will make poor students Education CS Magoha on the plans in wrong places including prison
move to reduce Higher Education resort to anti-social activities that they are hatching to elevate private and even get killed in the process of
Loan Board (HELB) budget by nine will increase crime,” he observed. universities over public entities. nursing their frustrations. We have
per cent. That’s akin to introducing business promising future leaders and the
Speaking to the press yesterday, Private universities in the education sector, thus killing government should guard these
the student leaders said it was im- He insisted that if the govern- university education in the long precious assets for posterity,” she
proper to deny students from poor ment fails to address their con- run. These plans must be reversed,” pleaded.
background loans. cerns, they will have no option he said. Moi University academic del-
Universities Presidents Council but protest until their plight is ad- The chairperson University of El- egate Sharon Kiptoo said many
chair, and Moi University President, dressed. doret Dorcas Jerop pleaded with the students were unable to raise fees
Albert Maloba said the decision was “The government should be government to look into the matter because of the effect of Covid-19
ill-advised. considerate on matters educa- with the urgency it deserves. pandemic on the economy.
“What sustains students in uni- tion and give the sector maximum “Comrades will drop out of —KNA


by Evans Nyakundi

Two people were yesterday admit-

ted at Nyamira Referral Hospital in
critical condition after they were res-
cued from the debris of a collapsed
Kepha Nyambane,31, The police commander, however, said
they sometimes experience challenges in
building in the county.
daringly jumped on to The Nyamira county administra-
crowd control. “Whenever officers are as-
tion block, which is under construc-
the road and stopped the signed duties, it is sometimes difficult to
tion, collapsed yesterday and workers
deploy everywhere,” he said.
presidential mortocade who were working on it got trapped.
Experts attributed the incident to a num-
Members of the public had to
ber of factors, including the fact that there
by Zadock Angira and brave heavy down pour to rescue
was only one uniformed officer for crowd
Nyaboga Kiage some of the casualties, most of them
control. “There was a bump and the motor-
@PeopleDailyKe construction workers.
cade was bound to slow down. The slower
Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo
the vehicles the more vulnerable VIPs can
Before his daring yet dangerous stunt in and County Commissioner Amos
be. The man must have noted this loophole
Nairobi’s Lucky Summer estate on Wednes- Mariba joined members of the public
and decided to block the motorcade at that
day, Kepha Nyambane, 31, was your typical Kepha Nyambane blocks President Uhuru Kenyatta’s in the rescue effort, which was ham-
very spot,” said George Musamali, a former
Nairobi Eastlands lay-about, doing menial pered by lack of security lights and
General Service Unit officer and a security motorcade. COURTESY
jobs to make ends meet. necessary equipment.
On that day, the married father of three Excavators needed for the rescue
Incident happened just six days after ous stream of intelligence data that could
caused a serious security breach when he operation were sought from the
Uhuru’s security detail was forced to fend enable proactive measures. Such breaches
jumped onto the road and stopped the neighboring Kisii County.
off an intruder who tried to reach the Pres- would occur then the security detail would
presidential motorcade, catching the se- “I suspect the construction materi-
ident in Lamu County. Intruder struck as react to them,” he said.
curity officers off-guard. als were not standard and that could
the President was reading his speech at the “Some of the attacks have been obvious
It took close to 12 seconds for the man, have led to the collapse of the build-
main dais, moments after commissioning and could have been prevented. It is un-
who stood right in front of the vehicle car- ing,” said Nyaribo. The building was
Kenya’s newest port in Lamu. conceivable how the man walked all the
rying President Uhuru Kenyatta, forcing tendered at cost of Sh379 million.
The aide de camp, who swiftly moved way to where Raila and the area governor
the driver to break, to be whisked away. Elsewhere, Nyamira High Court
from his normal position to the President’s Salim Mvurya sat,” Gitau said.
“He is a just a jamaa wa mtaa, he lives has stopped the vetting of Deputy
left, first noticed the man. Besides physical security being threat-
with his wife and three children and does Governor nominee James Gesami
Visibly shocked President momentarily ened, VIPs may also be exposed to publicly
small time jobs to feed his family,” said a that was scheduled for today.
paused his speech and slightly moved embarrassing situations like in the case
detective who was in the team that inter- The interim conservatory orders
backwards from the microphone. How- where former Prime Minister Raila Odinga
rogated Nyambane over the incident. were issued yesterday by High Court
ever, undercover security agents swiftly was attacked in Kinango, Kwale County.
Yesterday, the Nairobi regional police judge Esther Maina after the peti-
intercepted the man and removed him A week before the Raila attack, a man
commander Augustine Nthumbi noted tioner, Patrick Atambo moved to
from the area. wielding a machete was shot dead as he
that even though there was a security block the exercise after he took issue
Experts maintain that officers close to attempted to attack Ndia MP Stephen
breach, the officers acted in good time and with how the nomination process
the President must be highly trained in Ngare in Ngando Primary School, Kirin-
no ugly incident was witnessed. was conducted.
order to cope with threats in all kinds of EXPERT yaga County.
He, however, admitted that the response surroundings, and be able to implement Wednesday’s incident was similar to a
time was a bit delayed. “There was no way
security measures efficiently anywhere, March 2019 case when an unknown man
the officers could jump on the road before any time. According to Andrew Gitau, a Experts ran towards a car carrying the Moroccan
the vehicles stopped. That is why there was security lecturer at Masinde Muliro Uni- maintain officers king shortly after the arrival of Pope Fran-
that delay of about 10 seconds,” he said. versity, the advance security party usually close to the Pres- cis in the country.
The vehicle ahead of the President’s, car- gives intelligence on the security situation, ident must be According to Dan Emmett, a former
rying National Intelligence Service agents, which informs deployment. highly trained to US Secret Service agent with first-person
had passed when the man rushed to the “Before such meetings the officers cope with threats experience in the presidential security de-
middle of the road. should analyse the risk in the areas in ques- in all kinds of tails of three former presidents, there can-
The presidential guards jumped out tion and develop security plans adequate- surroundings not be a worse tragedy for the nation than
of vehicles following the President’s and ly,” he said. This may include assigning ad- and be able to losing a president.
shoved the man away, as a visibly shaken equate officers on crowd control, closure of implement se- Just like in the US, there was a time when
Uhuru, who sat on the co-driver seat, roads, deployment of undercover snipers curity measures security experts were worried about the
quickly rolled up the car window. efficiently.
at strategic locations, depending on the safety of President Barack Obama due to
level of threats. Owing to mounting lapses in protection and disclo-
Crowd control evolving threats, sures of misconduct.
Yesterday, Nthumbi said the man did not Highly trained the President’s For Obama, there were lapses in protec-
pose any threat to the Head of State. “He Owing to evolving threats, the Presi- protection can- tion witnessed in some of his visits to other
was arrested and interrogated but we did dent’s protection cannot be limited to not be limited countries and even at the White House
not find anything that would warrant his keeping his physical body from harm. to keeping his with some experts saying his second term Nyamira county building that
arraignment. He was probably acting out “In the past, there were no mechanisms physical body was not as secure as it had been in the pre- collapsed yesterday. PD/EVANS
of excitement.” in place to provide security with a continu- from harm. vious years. NYAKUNDI
 NEWS BEAT PEOPLE DAILY / Friday, May 28, 2021


DP urges leaders to
speak with one voice
to address problems
facing Kenyans Celebrated vocalist Hellen Mtawali entertains guests,
by Anthony Mwangi

and Mercy Mwai

Deputy President William Ruto
used yesterday’s National Prayer
Breakfast to reach out to President
Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition
leader Raila Odinga, saying it was
time to “reason together”.
Ruto, who has been accused of by Hillary Mageka said amid cheers from the
working at cross purposes with his @hillarymageka congregants, who included
boss and has been critical of the Muturi.
Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) President Uhuru Kenyatta On his part, the President
campaigns, said it was high time and his Deputy William said there is hope that it
the country’s leadership buried the Ruto sat side by side yes- is possible to overcome
hatchet and started speaking with terday during the national challenges if leaders pull to-
one voice to address challenges fac- President Uhuru Kenyatta greets his Deputy William Ruto after arrival at Parliament prayer breakfast held at Par- gether. “One person cannot
ing Kenyans. buildings for the National Prayer Breakfast, yesterday. PD/SAMUEL KARIUKI liament buildings. change Kenya, but together
It was the first time the DP was ap- It was the first time the we will make a huge differ-
pearing in public together with the President and his Deputy ence,” the President said.
President since February 15 when KEYNOTE meeting the former Prime Minister went wrong but because Jesus was were being seen together in
they both attended the funeral of ADDRESS also said something that was pro- there, this was sorted… he was tell- public after many months. First appearance
former Cabinet minister Simeon found, in fact in a very uncharac- ing us that in whatever plan, agenda, And perhaps aware of the Former Prime Minister
Nyachae and a Cabinet meeting 10 Motivational teristic manner, he gave us a verse mission we have, we must have God widely publicised tiff be- Raila Odinga, who is still
days later. speaker Peter and he told us about Isaiah 1 verse in the equation and I think that is tween them, the two leaders recovering from the Co-
“So much has happened but as Waiyaki chal- 18 that says, ‘Come let us reason to- profoundly what we are reminding used the occasion to reach vid-19 infections, however,
things stand today, the Tanga Tanga lenged politi- gether’. Maybe God is speaking to ourselves this morning,” he added. out to each other, if only for skipped the event which
tours are not there and the BBI reg- cians to embrace us and saying, come let us reason the galleries. was held under strict Co-
gae has stopped. I think we need to integrity in the together.” Leadership goals It is the earlier speakers, vid-19 protocols.
listen to our religious leaders. May- management of Ruto also narrated how on Ruto praised Kenyans for their who set the tone for the Nevertheless, Wiper Lead-
be God is telling us to come, let us public resources. Wednesday evening while hosting resilience in the face of the deadly reconciliation calls, with er Kalonzo Musyoka and
reason together,” Ruto said before a delegation from his Sugoi village Covid-19 pandemic that has ravaged the co-chair of the National ANC’s Musalia Mudavadi,
He lamented that had camped in his home ahead the country since March last year. who are part of the quartet
inviting the President to address the that corruption Prayer Breakfast Commit-
gathering. of his daughter’s wedding yesterday, “We have had the world thrown tee, Makueni MP Daniel of One Kenya Alliance at-
had been en- he learned valuable lessons on how into a spin because of the corona-
In his brief remarks, Uhuru dwelt Maanzo calling for unity tended the event. Partici-
trenched in all virus pandemic. Livelihoods, busi-
mainly on the challenges of the Cov- people can solve their problems if among leaders. “We hope pants observed a minute of
spheres of the nesses and people have suffered
id-19 pandemic and how Parliament Kenyan society. they come together and believe in that the prayers will provide silence for departed Kiam-
can play a role in ensuring Kenyans God. immensely,” Ruto told the gathering. a platform for the leaders to baa MP Paul Koinange, who
access healthcare when they fall In his hard- “Finally, last night some of my He said it was only through Presi- reach out to each other and was the Chairman of the
sick. (see separate story) hitting keynote relatives from the village came to dent Kenyatta’s leadership that reconcile,” said Maanzo. national prayer breakfast.
However, in apparent response address, Waiyaki my home because my daughter got some of the challenges are being As if taking queue, Ruto, Only 40 guests were allowed
to Ruto’s olive branch, the President painted a picture a spouse, she works in the Foreign addressed. “Because of your leader- who has been absent from to Parliament precincts.
told leaders present to live by their of hopelessness Affairs and so she got a foreigner to ship, you stepped in and managed functions presided over by “The loss of Paul Koin-
actions and not empty words. among Kenyans, be her spouse and so one of the gen- to address some of the challenges Uhuru, hailed the President ange like that of many oth-
“Mine is only to say let it not be which has been tlemen from the village was speak- we had and today we are discussing for steadying the “ship of ers for the last one year is a
that we have heard today and to- entrenched by ing to us, he was telling us about this how we are going to vaccinate our our country” despite the testimony to the devastating
morrow we have forgotten, hope is politicians. wedding in the Bible that was in Ca- citizens during the pandemic,” said ravages of the contagion. effects of a pandemic that
a continuous process, hope is some- naan. Among the people invited was the DP, addressing the President. “Mr President because of was declared a public health
thing we have got to hear and put in Mary, the mother of Jesus and Jesus The co-chair of the event’s or- your leadership, the min- emergency of international
our daily lives. The things that he himself and others, and of course in ganising committee, Makueni MP istry (of Health) has done a concern,” Health Cabinet
(guest speaker) has told us is how we that whole thing there was trouble Daniel Maanzo, set the tone for the commendable job, today we Secretary Mutahi Kagwe
live everyday... all that matters is not and there was shortage and things meeting by stating that it provided are discussing how to vac- said in speech read by Chief
to only be seen to listen today and by an opportunity for leaders to recon- cinate our people to get out Administrative Secretary
tomorrow we go back to our normal cile. of this pandemic, to begin to Mercy Mwangangi.
lives,” said Uhuru. Ruto’s calls for reconciliation manage all other issues,” he The three-hour breakfast
come in the wake of recent by- stated. The DP, ever critical also provided a perfect op-
National conversation elections in Juja and Bonchari con- of the President’s dalliance portunity for the three arms
Calling on leaders to engage in stituencies as well as in Rurii ward with Opposition leader of government Executive,
a national conversation to end the in Nyandarua county, where the Raila Odinga and his pre- Legislature and the Judiciary
current problems bedeviling the President and his Deputy supported occupation with the Build- to reflect with the newly in-
country, Ruto recalled a previous different candidates. Ruto and his al- ing Bridges Initiative (BBI) stalled Chief Justice Martha
prayer meeting which he shared lies have also come out in support of campaigns at the expense of Koome making her first ap-
with Raila and a bishop he did not the High Court ruling that halted the the Jubilee agenda, for once pearance.
name. During the meeting, Raila BBI process to the disappointment took time to acknowledge Special prayers were said
and the bishop asked leaders to rea- of Uhuru and Raila. Uhuru’s recent public en- for challenges facing the
son together, he said. Yesterday’s event at Parliament gagements. country ranging from the
“I was in a meeting where there buildings was attended by National “Courtesy of Jubilee ad- Covid-19 pandemic to sta-
were some two gentlemen, who Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi, ministration, the President bility in families, children,
said some fundamental issues, one his Senate counterpart Ken Lusaka, launched the other day the people in leadership posi-
was a bishop who asked us to try the Chief Justice Martha Koome, One Lamu port, among other tions, corruption among
Jerusalema dance, I think we need Kenya Alliance leaders Musalia Mu- projects. We got ourselves a other hosts of challenges..
to listen to what that bishop was davadi and Kalonzo Musyoka, Busia brand new and first female Despite the limited speech-
telling us and we need to do things Senator Amos Wako, Health CAS Chief Justice, Speaker Justin es, celebrated vocalist Hel-
together,” he said. Former Mathioya MP Clement Wambugu with Senator Mercy Mwangangi, former Auditor Muturi got an appointment len Mtawali entertained the
He continued: “In that same Rose Nyamunga the National Prayer Breakfast General Edward Ouko and Judiciary with the elders,” the DP guests alongside the Kenya
yesterday. PD/SAMUEL KARIUKI Registrar Ann Amadi, among others. Police Band.
Friday, May 28, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY NEWS BEAT 

President says passage about the high cost of accessing treatment
once diagnosed with the disease.
of amendments currently Wako noted that most private hospitals
before Parliament will were demanding between Sh300,000 and
Sh500,000 to admit a Covid-19 patient, way
boost fight against corona beyond the reach of most Kenyans.
The former Attorney General explained
by Mercy Mwai that he got the best medical care because
@wangumarci he had a comprehensive medical cover
that took care of all his bills.
President Uhuru Kenyatta yesterday According to the President, Wako’s hum-
asked Parliament to fast track passage bling encounter with the deadly virus and President Uhuru Kenyatta delivers his speech at Parliament Buildings in Nairobi
of laws to address effects of the Covid-19 the views from experts should push Par- county during the 18th Annual National Prayer Breakfast co-hosted by the two
pandemic. liament to speed up passage of the said COST OF Speakers of Kenya’s bicameral Parliament, Justin Muturi (National Assembly) and
Speaking during the 18th Annual Na- amendments. COVID-19 Kenneth Lusaka (Senate), yesterday. PD/SAMUEL KARIUKI
tional Prayer Breakfast at Parliament “We have heard from health experts
Buildings, Uhuru said passage of the pro- and from our senior Amos Wako about the Hospitals de-
posals currently pending before Parlia- challenges he has gone through as a result mand between Health Coverage (UHC) programme for criticism from the Central Organisation of
ment would ensure Kenyans access health of this pandemic. He talked about how a Sh300,000 and outpatient and inpatient services, includ- Trade Unions (Cotu) and its 45 affiliates,
insurance, which will in turn help in reali- number of millions are probably unable Sh500,000 to ing maternity, dialysis, cancer treatment who have termed the proposed amend-
sation of universal healthcare. to access the same standard of health care admit a Covid-19 and surgery. “The Bill proposes to insert a ments illegal.
The President said the National Prayer that he was able to get just because they patient, way be- new Section 15A to make it mandatory for
yond the reach of any person, who has attained the age of 18 Heavy criticism
Day ceremony was being conducted at don’t have insurance cover. The fact that
most Kenyans. Some of the amendments Cotu is ob-
a time the world is confronted with the millions are unable to access the standards years and is not a beneficiary, to register as
worst health crisis that has demonstrated and health care he got, means this is the The high cost a member of the Fund,” states the memo- jected to include mandatory contribution,
the need for all to work together to enable time to pass proposals that will assist Ke- of treatment is randum of the Bill. conversion of the Fund to a scheme as well
the country to overcome the current chal- nyans get access to health insurance,” he driven by PPE Employers, on the other hand, will be re- as failure to conduct public participation
lenges. said. costs which ac- quired to make a matching contribution to and stakeholder engagement on the pro-
“Today, my message to the two Speakers counts for 65 the Fund equal to that which the employee posals.
both in the Senate and National Assembly Compulsory contribution per cent of total is liable and not deduct the same from em- In a statement to newsrooms, Cotu-K
and the entire parliamentary leadership is His sentiments come days after the costs. ployees’ salaries if proposals to amend Sec- secretary general Francis Atwoli claimed
that there are proposals before you, pro- Leader of Majority in the National Assem- tion 15 of the NHIF Act are adopted. the amendments, which seek to convert
posals that will ensure that every Kenyan bly Amos Kimunya tabled amendments Home based On instances where a beneficiary of the the Fund to a scheme, would essentially
will be able to access health insurance to the National Health Insurance Fund care for asymp- NHIF has a private health insurance cover, disband NHIF and bring up an amorphous
because health insurance is the basis for (NHIF) Act that will henceforth require tomatic and mild the Bill provides that the private health in- body with a new mandate and new objec-
us to be able to access universal health every Kenyan to make a compulsory con- Covid-19 patients surance will be liable for payments up to tive.
care. Please expedite this legislation that tribution of Sh500 a month. is 9 times cheap- the limits the beneficiary is covered and Atwoli noted that as currently consti-
The Bill also seeks to convert the Fund er to the health tuted the Fund, which is meant to assist
would allow us to ensure that poor people the Fund shall only cover the outstanding
system. workers cover their medical expenses, has
are taken care of not only during this pan- into a national health insurance scheme amount where private insurance cover’s
demic but also in future,” said Uhuru. that will make it compulsory for Kenyans limit has been exhausted subject to the over time been converted into a cash cow
His appeal came after Busia Senator over 18 years to make a compulsory contri- limits provided. where senior and junior employees pilfer
Amos Wako, Covid-19 survivor, lamented bution of Sh500 in a remodelled Universal The Bill has, however, attracted heavy funds for personal use.

by Anthony Mwangi He said that he was feeling dizzy expe- Wako revealed that the virus temporar-
@PeopleDailyKe rienced difficulty in breathing and was at ily affected his kidneys. On one occasion,
times disorientated. his family had to rush him to hospital in an
Busia Senator Amos Wako yesterday “I knew things were not good when dur- ambulance. He recalled how he thought he
gave a moving account of how he nearly ing Garissa Senator Yusuf Haji’s burial, my would die.
succumbed to Covid-19 in February. party leader Raila Odinga sat besides me “It was my first ambulance ride with
Wako, who spoke at the National Prayer but I could not recognise him. I asked him an oxygen mask permanently planted on
Breakfast held at Parliament Buildings re- who he was and it was after he removed his my face. During the trip where I sat with
counted to the gathering how his encoun- face mask that I realised it was him, in fact, medics clad in Personal Protective gears, I
ter with the killer disease turned his life when I went home that evening, I thought thought of my friends Haji and Simon Ny-
upside down. it was morning” Wako narrated. achae, who had passed on in recent days,
“Covid-19 made me realise that life is He said it was during his stay in hospital I felt I would be next,” he continued. The
short. My diet and eating habits changed that he came to learn that there are private senator narrated how the medics advised
after I tested positive for the virus,” Wako hospitals that demand between Sh300,000 him not to remove the oxygen mask, even
told the audience which included Presi- and Sh500,000 before admitting a patient. if it’s for a minute, otherwise he would
dent Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy Wil- “This is draining their pockets and even lose his life. He said he eventually made it
liam Ruto.The Busia Senator gave a per- those of their leaders who have to bear the thanks to doctors whom he said have been
sonal account of his battle with the disease brunt of donating to the medical fees,” very helpful to the sick since the pandemic
which has killed more than 3,000 Kenyans Wako said. first hit the country.
and thousands affected. He commended the government for the He urged Kenyans to go for Covid-19 test
Wako, 76, tested positive for Covid-19 on tremendous efforts they had put in place immediately after they notice any symp-
February 17. He said he never expected the to the challenges posed by the disease. He toms associated with the disease, saying
results to turn out positive. noted that the treatment can be very ex- by doing so, they would enhance their
“I never expected the results to positive pense, adding that he was able to meet the chances for survival.
because I went the extra mile. I exercised expenses because he had a medical cover. Wako said during his three weeks stay in
regularly took vitamins such as zinc, vita- “I appeal to the government to redouble hospital, he formed a habit of reading the
min C and D. I had also been taking Dawa the efforts in ensuring that all have access scriptures and that put him through the
Busia Senator Amos Wako addresses guests and going to the sauna, getting steam baths to medical services and especially the poor trying moments and reflect the fact that
during the National Prayer breakfast at Parliament and breathing hot air,” he told the attentive who cannot afford,” Wako pleaded. God had given him another chance.
buildings, in Nairobi yesterday. PD/SAMUEL KARIUKI audience.
 NEWS BEAT PEOPLE DAILY / Friday, May 28, 2021

by Alvin Mwangi year-old son were driving from forest that the officers arrested
@PeopleDailyKe Nakuru to Nairobi when they were
accosted by the thugs a few me-
them, three of whom were posi-
tively identified by Onyango and
Bid to rehabilitate
Six armed and dangerous gang-
sters, who have reportedly been
tres past the virtual weigh bridge,”
reads a report from the DCI.
his son, as those who had attacked
street children
violently attacking and robbing The report adds: “Immediately DCI is appealing to motorists
The government has rounded up
motorists on the Southern bypass Onyango made his report at Lan- who have previously been at-
close to 30 children who were roaming
in Nairobi, have been arrested. gata Police Station, a contingent tacked along the busy highway, to
in the streets of Nairobi as part of its
A statement from the DCI, the of officers drawn from General report to Langata Police Station
efforts to rehabilitate them. Speak-
six were arrested after a motorist, Duty, DCI and a tracker dog from and assist in identifying the sus-
ing while launching the exercise at
who was attacked and violently the Canine Unit were deployed to pects within the next seven days.
Uhuru Park yesterday, chairperson
robbed of his valuables after he flush out the suspects, who had In 2019, another motorist re-
of the Street Families Rehabilitation
stopped to let his son answer a call taken cover deep in the nearby vealed chilly details of how he was
Trust Fund, Mary Wambui, said the
of nature, made a report. forest.” nearly attacked on the bypass.
programme targets to rescue at least
“Tom Onyango and his three It is after a serious search in the
500 street children. Wambui said the
exercise will run for four weeks target-
ing street children aged between 8 and

14 years. The rescued will be placed
in partner street families rehabilita-
tion institutions in Nairobi where they
will be taken through a rehabilitation
programme that will span between

three and nine months before they
are integrated back to the community.
“We have today rescued 30 children
but next week we are aiming to rescue
200. We have partnered with Kwetu
Home of Peace in this exercise,” said
Generals Julius Karanga PETITION – Alvin Mwangi
and Joseph Kibwana are
Petitioners ar-
among individuals who may gued that the Presi-
be rendered jobless after dent and Cabinet
Secretaries usurped
court declared their posts the mandate of
Public Service Com-
unconstitutional mission when they
by Bernice Mbugua appointed the said
According to
Several prominent Kenyans, including them, the appoint-
two former military bosses could lose their ments were not
top positions in various State corpora- made in conformity
tions and parastatals after the High Court with the require-
declared their appointments unconstitu- ments of transpar-
tional. ency, competition
They include former Kenya Defence and merit.
Forces (KDF) bosses Joseph Kibwana and
Julius Karangi and former Kenya Rev-
enue Authority Director General Michael High Court three- Service Commission (PSC), arguing that lating Articles 10 and 232 of the Constitu- MP urges prudent
Waweru. This is after a three-judge Bench judge Bench, there was no record that there were any tion and are, therefore, invalid,” they ruled.
declared 129 appointments to the State from left, Chacha advertisements in respect of vacancies
to the positions, or any record to indicate
They added: “Without advertisement
and subjecting the interested parties to
use of bursary funds
agencies unconstitutional. Mwita, Jessie
General Karangi served as the KDF chief Lessit and Lucy the criteria applied for appointments or interviews, it cannot be said that the re- School managements in Ijara sub-
between 2011 and 2015 when he retired Njuguna. PD/ qualifications of the individuals selected quirements of competition and merit were county in Garissa County have been
while General Kibwana headed the military to those positions. complied with.” urged to exercise transparency in the
between 2005 and 2008. The judges stated that the government utilisation of funds meant to assist
In 2018, President Uhuru Kenyatta ap- No evidence did not even attempt to show that there needy students. Ijara MP Sophia Abdi
pointed Karangi to chair the National So- In their judgment yesterday, judges Jes- was any semblance of some form of trans- Noor, at the same time appealed to
cial Security Fund board. sie Lessit, Chacha Mwita and Lucy Njugu- parency and accountability in the appoint- parents who can afford to pay school
The President also appointed Kibwana na agreed with the lobby groups, noting ments. “There was also no evidence of any fees for their children to do so and
to chair the Kenya Ports Authority board that there was neither advertisement for form of competition prior to making the give a chance to the less fortunate to
and Waweru to chair the Kenya Railways vacancies nor were the said people subject- appointments. Without complying with access education through the limited
Corporation board. ed to interviews before being appointed. transparency, fair competition and merit, bursaries available. She was speaking
The judges said appointments did not the appointments cannot be said to have when she issued a Sh2 million cheque
Also appointed was former Kenya Na-
tional Union of Teachers Secretary General
Mudzo Nzili to the board of the National
Number of High
comply with the principles in Articles 232
and 10 of the Constitution.
met the constitutional standard,” they
to some 120 beneficiaries from Shurie
Secondary School in Masalani town.“I
Hospital Insurance Fund and Elias Bus- “A declaration is hereby made that the The government, in response, claimed want to tell teachers and the general
Court judges that
ienei as council member Kenya Leather declared various appointments to various parastatals and that the appointments were made in con- school managements to be prudent
Development Council. posts in State State Corporations by the President and formity with the Constitution and the ap- and accountable in the utilisations
The appointments were, however, chal- corporations and the Cabinet Secretaries on June 5 and 7, plicable statutes namely; fair competition of public money as the government
lenged by the Katiba Institute and Africog, parastatals un- 2018, which were notified through Kenya and merit through deliberate and progres- is keen on proper usage and it will
which argued that the law was not fol- constitutional Gazette Notice Numbers 5569 to 5621 and sive reforms guided by Mwongozo Code of be audited strictly,” she warned. She
lowed in the appointments. Lobby groups 5622 to 5623, are unconstitutional for vio- Governance for State Corporations, 2015. challenged students to take their
sued the Attorney General and the Public studies seriously. -KNA

by Sophie Njoka Raychelle Omamo (pictured) said Under the theme of Monitoring and point Marina Mombasa after she
@PeopleDailyKe the government is fully committed Evaluation Framework for the Mas- officially opened a five-day retreat
to offering support to the Council, to ter road map on Silencing the Guns for the AUPSC. On his part, Perma-
Kenya is working closely with the ensure it formulates resolutions of by 2030, Omamo said the AU PSC nent Representative of the Algeria to
African Union Peace and Security how to recover illegal weapons. Committee of Experts was in the the AU and Chair of AUPSC for the
Council (AUPSC) to reposses illegal “As a country we fully support process of finalising the document month of May, Ambassador Salah
guns that are in the hands of rebels ways to identify and deliberate areas that will assist in the implementa- Alhamdi, said they will continue to
and outlawed criminal groups by in the AUPSC working methods tion of the AU Mater road map on play a leading role in advancing the
2030. facing challenges in the process of Silencing the Guns. AU peace and security agenda.
Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary reposing illegal weapons,” she said. She was speaking at the English
Friday, May 28, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY NEWS BEAT

County in bid to
The Italian Catholic He told them: “Take nothing
for the trip – no staff, no bag, no
cathedral parish, says Fr Poll
gave him free iron sheets which stop revenue loss
priest left Kenya with bread, no money, no extra shirt. he used to construct a house, Bomet County government in col-
only two bags, 53 Whichever house you enter,
stay there until you leave this
adding he will remember him
forever for the support..
laboration with Safaricom and Web
Tribe Ltd will digitise tax collection in
years after he came town. If the people do not wel- “He baptised me in 1982. a bid to prevent loss of revenue. The
ito the country come you, leave their city and
shake the dust off your feet as
I have never seen a friendly
priest like him. He whistled
county has at the same time resorted
to cashless revenue collection in a bid
a testimony against them. So and joked with people when- to meet its Sh600m target as submit-
by Robert Ochoro and they left and went from vil- ever he was driving. May God’s ted to the Controller of Budget. The
Emeka-Mayaka Gekara lage to village, proclaiming the grace be with him as he retires,” targeted revenue is hardly met. With
good news and healing people said Geoffrey Mogire, a Catho- this partnership, the county has intro-
everywhere. He was ordained lic faithful. duced a short code and pay bill num-
In his hey days, Italian Cath-
a priest in his native diocese of Samwel Karuru, another ber where customers will remit their
olic priest Fr Adolf Poll strad-
Bolzano-Brixen, in northern Catholic faithful from Nyangu- payments. County Finance Minister
dled the Gusii hills on a motor-
Italy in 1966. su parish, said the priest single Andrew Sigei, said the move will help
bike to the hue of the local folk.
He then left his native town, handedly constructed Rusinga the devolved unit meet its revenue
He could occasionally stop
South Tyrol in December 1968 village polytechnic and helped target and boost development pro-
his motorbike on the roadside
to serve as a missionary priest construct several churches . grams .Web Tribe Ltd project manager
and speak to women in fluent
in Kenya. While in Kenya, the “He could drive as if he Nicolas Koros said they hope to at least
Ekegusii while he served in
Mill Hill missionary is celebrat- wanted to knock pedestrians, double the revenue collected this year
Nyamagwa, Gekano and Ic-
ed for constructing churches only to stop, laugh and crack a through the partnership.
huni parishes. His old pick-up Italian Priest Adolf Poll conducting a mass recently.
and paying school fees for chil- joke,” Karuru recalled. —KNA
was readily available to ferry COURTESY
dren from poor families.
patients to hospital, an offer
Fr Lawrence Nyaanga says
that endeared him to residents.
Poll replaced him in Gekano
His mastery of Ekegusii and
Parish after he was transferred
his long service in the region
to Nyabururu Parish describ-
would earn him the nickname
ing him as sociable, compas-
Fr Alleluia Omogaka.
sionate and humble.
He served from 1969 to 2000
before being transferred to Ma- Life was exemplary
lindi where he served until his “I met him when I was a
retirement. seminarian. He was open,
On Tuesday, he completed friendly and motivated us to
his mission in Kenya and re- work hard to be ordained. His
turned to Italy after 53 years life was exemplary” Nyaanga
— with just two bags. He will told People Daily.
celebrate his 81st birthday next He said the priest reared
month at his home in Italy. dairy cows, employed youths
According to Catholic media, to care of them and donated
the priest celebrated his fare- milk to members of his flock.
well mass at the parish of Witu- Nyaanga, who is Kisii Uni-
Kipini in Malindi on May 23. versity chaplain and serves at
“Fr Poll, 80, packed all of his
personal belongings acquired
during his more than five de- / :" " / ("
cades of priestly ministry in
Kenya, in just two small bags,
and began his journey home
in Italy for his retirement,” GSJFOEMZQSJFTUMJLFIJN)F
said Catholic Justice and Peace XIJTUMFEBOEKPLFEXJUI
Commission in a statement on
It cited Luke 9: 3-6 as a tes-
timony of the humble priest’s
Christian mission in Kenya. CFXJUIIJNBTIFSFUJSFT

The priest on Tuesday when he left Kenya for Italy carrying only
two bags after 53 years of service. COURTESY
 PEOPLE SPEAK PEOPLE DAILY / Friday, May 28, 2021

government is
fully committed
I knew
things were not
good when during
Jubilee Party
is not on its death
bed. What is needed
Group Chief Executive Officer towards offering Senator Yusuf is revamping
support to the Haji’s burial, my and improving
Group Editor-in-Chief, Print African Union party leader Raila on internal
Peace and Security Odinga sat next to democracies
People Daily is published by MEDIAMAX NETWORK
LIMITED at DSM Place, Kijabe Street, P.O. Box 24943, Council, to ensure me but I could not which is a bone of
00100 - Nairobi, it comes up with recognise him. contention at the
Tel: 0730144100; 0709824000; 0204944100
resolutions of how Covid-19 made moment. Those
to recover illegal me realise that saying that the
E-mail: editor.people@mediamax.co.ke weapons. life is very short. party is dying are all
Copyright 2021 '03&*(/"''"*34$4 #64*"4&/"503 wrong.
3":$)&--&0.".0 ".048",0 ,*&/*.1,"/*/*,&("

Explain policy on
teachers’ degree
Education is as dynamic as society. The more so-
ciety grows the more education expands. With better
ways of doing things and discoveries; the need to de-
velop better curricula, efficient research modules, and
innovative techniques of passing on information has
become urgent.
In recent years, the government has initiated re-
forms in the education sector with the aim of develop-
ing holistic citizens. The Ministry of Education has
insisted that reforms are necessary to not only align
learning with peoples’ needs but also meet expecta-
tions of the 21st century.
The most recent undertaking in the sector has been
introduced by the Teachers Service Commission
(TSC), which seeks to change training of teachers in
universities. The commission has proposed to scrap
the Bachelors of Education degree and replace it with
Bachelors of Arts or Bachelors of Science qualifica-
tions. In the proposal, those interested in teaching will
go back to university after graduating for a post-gradu-
ate diploma course in teaching for one year.
TSC has also recommended that minimum quali-
fications for entry into teaching at all levels be a di-
ploma in Education. At the same time, admission to all
diploma and degree courses in teacher training insti-
tutions shall be ‘’demand-driven’’, meaning the num-
ber of teachers graduating each year will be controlled.
As has been the experience in the past, the propos-
Reflections on journalism after Ochieng exits
als have raised eyebrows. Sceptics wonder whether The dust settling on the grave of lifelong cessful in keeping the boat steady and have
it is a move to reduce the number of teachers being journalist Philip Ochieng; in Awendo, the - & 7 *  0 # 0 / : 0       boasted great profits.
churned out of universities or whether the current small town whose fame once lay in sugarcane This generation came of age in the 1980s
degree course is customised on the 8-4-4 programme farming, truly marks the end of a generation. 4PNFXFSFEBSF and the 1990s and their struggles were largely
that does not address the needs of the new Compe- It is a generation that kicked in with the ad- of survival rather than opening new vistas of
tency Based Curriculum. vent of independence and the emergence of a
EFWJMT BOEDFSUBJOMZ the craft. It is worth recognising that in this
This means there is need to bring everyone on board cadre of African journalists. 0DIJFOHBOE(JUIJJGFMMJO generation there are a couple of women who
for the proposals to be accepted. TSC needs to outline There are notable figures of this era: Hilary UIBUDBUFHPSZ have dared to imagine and sometimes, like in
the thinking behind the changes so that the decision is Ng’weno, Boaz Omori, George Mbugguss, the case of Parents, stayed the course.
not viewed as a boardroom edict. Thousands of jobless George Githii, and Ochieng was one of them. The question is where journalism in Kenya
It is a testimony of the man’s success that
B.Ed graduates need information on where they stand. Each of these men is a book on its own, for goes from here? The influence of the second
every major media house in Kenya, and the
But even as TSC begins to change the training needs they left an indelible mark in the craft of generation is strong on the third one. It is a
towering journalists who seem to be now
of teachers, it should look at international standards. journalism in Kenya. Some were dare devils, journalism that keeps looking over its shoul-
putting their pens down owe their craft to
Teaching degrees have come a long way, moving from and certainly Ochieng and Githii fell in that ders, afraid of what the owners of the media
Ng’weno. It may not be a wild claim to suggest
classical theoretic textbook studies to applied, interac- category. and the advertisers would say, too afraid to
that the true fathers of Kenyan journalism
tive, and career-oriented learning. Teachers can prac- The duo seem to have taken pride in pock- experiment.
were Ng’weno and Ochieng.
tise at elementary, middle, high school, and university ing the hornets’ nest, and sometimes success- The result is dull journalism, churning out
In saying so, we do not lose sight of great
levels, or become experts in special education, voca- fully running away while they could, but at material that could be anybody’s guess, and
men, and they were largely men, who piled
tional education, alternative or online learning. other times failing to do so and being forced to waiting for the future to sort itself out. Much
the trade prior to independence. There were
However, in introducing reforms in the all-critical pay the price for their recalcitrance. of the energy of this generation is directed to-
a host of publications, some of them consis-
sector, the constant should be the student who should Ngweno was the most innovative of them wards occupying the civil space, and scanning
tently published while others appeared only
benefit from a better trained, well-informed teachers. all. A journalism entrepreneur of no mean re- classified ad sections for a public relations
periodically, that set the pace for what was to
Indeed, reforms should be geared towards benefitting pute, he set the standard of analytical report- practice opportunity. The number of associa-
come. This group featured a lot of indepen-
all learners. ing in the region, a serial founder of publica- tions of journalists is simply daunting with
dence heroes such as Pio Gama Pinto, Harry
tions, one after another and sometimes selling new ones coming up so often.
Thuku, Sharrif Nassir, Achieng Oneko, and
them off or letting them die with just as much There is the Media Council of Kenya with
5)06()50'5)&%": speed, before moving on to the next project.
even Jomo Kenyatta.
the mandate to hybrid regulate the trade and
But this first generation bred a more cau-
But something else that this generation did the Editor’s Guild now as vibrant as it has ever
4&/0 (6. *3 ""+ *%"3 . " successfully, was to pass on the baton. Weekly
tious group who walked only on safe territory.
been. Among these organisations probably
Unlike their predecessors, they were more
Review, the towering magazine that bore the the oldest, Kenya Union of Journalists is the
8IFOKPVSOBMJTNJTTJMFODFE MJUFSBUVSF signature performance of Ng’weno may have
schooled in the craft of journalism and boast-
one being overwhelmed by the visibility of its
ed real certificates earned from some of the
NVTUTQFBL#FDBVTFXIJMFKPVSOBMJTNTQFBLT died, but Ng’weno himself mentored a host
best universities in the country or even in the
of journalists, most of who call the shots in — The writer is dean, School of Communi-
world. They have probably been more suc- cation, Daystar University
Friday, May 28, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY PEOPLE SPEAK 
SEND YOUR OPED TO: peoplespeak@mediamax.co.ke

Businesses should work with artists to drive innovation
Although it is not a fatal affliction, him the equivalent of a dollar mil-
poverty is a serious condition that .#6(6"  / ( " / ( "       lion in his time. Yet, in developing
severely limits the capacity of artists countries such as Kenya, poverty is
and creatives to achieve full potential
and positively impact both society
$PNNFSDFBOEJOEVTUSZJTOUKVTUBCPVU the middle name for artists. Remem-
ber how, just last month, Reuben
and commerce. Ironically, this is
a problem that can be remedied if protested over poor returns from his
government agencies and private This start-up is creating buzz among will play a significant role in increas- music, yet organisations mandated
companies intentionally engaged youth simply by changing how ing artists’ visibility and reducing to collect music royalties routinely
artists to champion public cam- simple products like iced tea and poverty. fail to account for the money they
paigns, drive product innovation and ciders are packaged by making them For artists to enjoy this right and receive from users.
increase customer engagement. appealing to the eye through catchy freedom as enshrined in the su- The point is that commerce and
There is a danger of businesses
and organisations limiting their
designs. This is a departure from the
staid presentation that has become
preme law, it goes without saying
they ought to make a reasonable liv-
industry is not just about produc-
tion, transportation and sale of
understanding of innovation to only
improving quality of core products.
almost synonymous with manufac-
tured goods from Kenya, and which
ing from their talent, competencies
and capabilities. One way to ensure
goods and services. It is a social en-
terprise in the sense that it is meant
Yet, innovation ought to be omni-
present and an integral part of an
conspires to deny local products the
eye appeal they need to attract more
this is through paid partnerships
with businesses and government
to create a holistic ecosystem in
which all players benefit from each ¶IO\LQJ·GRJ
organisation’s DNA. This is the point
that Isadore Sharp makes in his book,
Given the lengths to which global
agencies. The beauty with such col-
laborations is that businesses can
other’s input, creativity and effort.
Art can be right at the centre of this ZLWKEDOORRQV
Four seasons: The story of a business brands go to gain and retain custom- claim goodwill as this could be part engagement that unlocks value for
philosophy. Sharp, a hotelier, always er loyalty, it is imperative for more Indian police have arrested a
of their Corporate Social Responsi- all players in the marketplace.
YouTuber for tying helium bal-
challenges his designers to think local companies to rethink their un- bility, which, when examined criti- Businesses do not have to be con- loons to his pet dog “in an attempt
like their target customers. That derstanding of innovation and go be- cally will lead to a triple win for or- glomerates to make a contribution. to make it fly”.
way, they came up with designs and yond their walls to engage artists, not ganisations, consumers and artists. If anything, because smaller organ- Gaurav Sharma, 32, shot a video
fittings that enhanced customer ex- just musicians and celebrities, who In other economies, particularly isations are nimble and more agile of his dog attached to balloons,
perience and loyalty. He has adopted can drive their innovation agenda. the US, businesses routinely patron- in embracing change and riding the which he then lets go off as the
the same approach with landscap- Doing so will have two immedi- ise the arts, offering residences, com- wave of emerging trends, they ought pet starts to fly in the air. A few
ers, chefs, indeed all workers and this ately benefits. The first, of course, is missioning installations and funding to be in the vanguard of champion- seconds later, someone in the bal-
in large part explains why Four Sea- by being closer to the people — who institutions that specialise in giving ing a movement that creates quality cony of the second floor of a build-
sons is a successful global brand. also happen to be consumers by artists the time, space and money goods that are also appealing in how ing catches the dog.
Closer home, manufacturers such default — artists understand emerg- they need to excel in their fields. This they are presented to consumers, Sharma said he followed all
as Kenyan Originals have embraced ing social, cultural and consumption is not something that started the whether on a supermarket shelf, ho- safety measures, but deleted the
the idea of working with artists, first trends. As such, they can align their other day. Consider, for instance, that tel bed or motor vehicle showroom. video after social media backlash.
messaging to create a connection — The writer is a Partner and He had posted the video to his
to improve product presentation, in 1508, the Catholic Church com-
Head of Content at House of Romford YouTube channel which has over
and secondly to enhance customer between a product and its potential missioned Michelangelo to paint the
— Mbugua@bigbooks.co.ke four million subscribers.
engagement and user experience. consumers. Secondly, organisations ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, making Police say they arrested Sharma
after receiving a complaint against
him from animal welfare organ-
isation, People for Animals.

Unity, posterity of Mt Kenya should inform kingpin debate In the clip, Sharma is standing
atop a car and his dog can be seen
strapped with helium balloons. He
lets go of the dog at one point and
Mt Kenya leaders perceived to be point-man parade the alternatives. the pet starts floating in the air
attempting to sow seeds of discord in +04 &1 ) ,* .0/ %0        The picking of a regional spokes- briefly as it goes up to the second
the region must be stopped in their person should have a much bigger floor of a building. Someone ap-
pears to catch the dog as it floats
tracks. Efforts against the mission to
unite the region for posterity should
but also the region’s relationship with
up. Cheers can be heard in the
be nipped in the bud. the rest of the country. Any other saving the dog, Dollar.
It is unfortunate that nearly 60 agenda works against prosperity and In the video, he says he was
years after independence, leaders ders of major communities in the Actually the choice of Muturi as Mt strength of the region to speak in one influenced by other YouTubers he
want to revive history and balkanise region, in their wisdom, they have Kenya spokesman is a great thing, voice at the national arena. had watched doing similar stunts.
the mountain on ethnic lines — Mt sought to entrench unity of pur- especially because for the first time Politicians in the region still re- He asked viewers not to be influ-
Kenya East or West. pose. For months, they listened to big communities in the region will serve the right to speak on issues enced by his actions in the video.
When the region’s forefathers residents, vetted interested leaders be backing a kingpin from a minority affecting their respective constituen- He goes on to say he is a pet lover
fought for independence, their suc- and settled on Speaker Justin Muturi group. It is the best illustration that cies. Muturi coronation did not stop and treats Dollar like a child.
cessors pursued multiparty politics based on his experience, right tem- the Mt Kenya region is one indivis- anyone from articulating their views - Metro
in the 1990s, and in subsequent na- perament and leadership abilities. ible entity. because the ultimate agenda is the
tional elections and other agendas, Given the interests at stake, the Muturi is the second senior-most welfare of the people of Mt Kenya.
the interests of Mt Kenya region have coronation was bound to elicit mixed leader from the region in the govern- With unity of purpose, the pros-
always been articulated as one — reactions but the region must choose ment. He continues to articulate the perity and unity of Mt Kenya shall be
from Kiambu to the furthest corner to end arguments and move forward. people’s interests with keen interest guaranteed. That’s what the elders,
of Meru. Therefore, attempts to in- Diverse opinions are welcome. in the welfare of a region that has not leaders and the people should strive
troduce artificial fissures among the Even in families we disagree. How- needed to rethink its unity more than to achieve. Politics aside, there is no
Gikuyu, Embu and Meru communi- ever, when elders have settled the it does just now, since independence. alternative best-placed to deliver
ties is no doubt fuelled by scavenger disagreement and built consensus If Muturi’s leadership pedigree is that agenda, other than Muturi.
instincts of selfish people living in a around a uniting figure, politics deemed lesser for hailing from the
make-believe world. should be set aside and traditions eastern side of the mountain — a mi- — The writer is a resident of
However, in search of a regional and culture respected. Anything else nority community — then let those Kiambu county and comments on TRUTHIS: The heart touched by God’s
spokesperson and kingpin, the el- doesn’t help the people. who are opposed to him being a topical issues grace brings joy to the face

58&&54505)&&%*503 /// @PeopleDailyKe / / / People Daily

Media gullibility is quite appalling The long wait for marijuana nod Coronation splits region further Base Titanium, do more for Kenya
@NelsonHavi: Kenya is the only country @CalebKaruga: As a farmer, I can’t wait @KBonimtetezi: Uhuru Mt Kenya loy- @GabrielDolan1: Giving 1% of its profits
where the President violates the Consti- for the government to legalize Marijuana. alists are at war with each due to the to the community is neither justice nor
tution, disobeys a court order and gets to I’d make 10* in a year what I’ve made in my coronation of Speaker Muturi. One Kenya a reason to get excited. If Base Titanium
desecrate the rule of law on National TV 10yrs of farming. In Uganda, the export of Alliance will kill each other when one wanted to benefit community then they
through a Cabinet Secretary with a PhD. Cannabis for medicinal purposes was ap- of them will be endorsed as flag bearer should have built industry instead of
Astonishingly, journalists finds it enter- proved by the Ugandan Ministry of Health Couples of marriage of convenience have hauling titanium to Australia for process-
taining. Media gullibility is appalling. in Jan. 2020. What’s Kenya waiting for? different dreams in bed. ing.
 NEWS BEAT PEOPLE DAILY / Friday, May 28, 2021

by Mwangi Mumero of UN Peacekeepers. gender dynamics in the field, according
@PeopleDailyKe “Our efforts in serving humanity to an UNAMID statement.
have impact and did not go unnoticed. She specifically encouraged gender-
A Kenyan military officer has been Peacekeeping is a human enterprise- sensitive outreach to local communities
awarded the 2020 United Nations Mili- placing women and girls at the centre in an effort to enhance the protection of
tary Gender Advocate of the Year Award. of our efforts and concerns will help us civilians.
Major Steplyne Nyaboga, 32, a Military better protect civilians and build a more Working together with human rights,
Gender Advisor, recently completed her sustainable peace,” said Major Nyaboga gender and communications colleagues,
assignment in Darfur, Sudan. upon receiving the award. she also organised campaigns and work-
She received the award yesterday dur- In February 2019, Major Nyaboga was shops for staff and civil society activ-
ing a virtual ceremony presided over deployed in Zalingei, Darfur and worked ists to address issues affecting Darfuri
closely to mainstream gender in military women and girls. Major Steplyne Nyaboga who was awarded the 2020 United
by the UN Secretary-General Antonio
Guterres, marking the International Day component by bringing awareness to Nations Military Gender Advocate of the Year Award. PD/


Man on the run
after fatal stab
Police are closing in on a quarry
worker who stabbed and killed his col-
Region’s leaders have been TOP ON THE LIST league in Karai area of Naivasha yes-
deliberating on priority terday following a quarrel over Sh50
Among the key projects expected to debt. The suspect escaped soon after
programmes aimed at open up the region include the Kisumu stabbing the 25-year-old on the neck
Port, Lake Basin region ring road and two times after an argument ensued
transforming area Mamboleo-Muhoroni Road. outside a local bar located along the
Nairobi-Nakuru highway. According
Others are Ahero Irrigation Scheme, re- to Naivasha OCPD Samuel Waweru
by Rawlings Otieno habilitation of feeder ports in Mbita, Homa (pictured), the suspect is well known
@PeopleDailyKe Bay as wells as other link roads in the four by residents and it is a matter of time
counties around the lake. before they arrest him. “We are work-
Opposition leader Raila Odinga is this ing on some tipoff and we believe that
morning expected to take leaders from Leaders also want the government to is-
sue Tom Mboya University College a char- the suspect will be arrested in a matter
Nyanza region to meet President Uhuru of days and charged with murder,” he
Kenyatta ahead of Madaraka Day celebra- ter, implement the Koru-Soin dam project
and Mamboleo-Muhoroni road project. said. Meanwhile, police in Mai Mahiu
tions in Kisumu on Tuesday. Naivasha have arrested three suspects
The President and Raila called for the in connection with the ‘machete-
joint meeting to agree on projects to be mills which employed thousands of locals mass’ attack that left one dead and
implemented by the government in the in the past have been struggling to stay scores injured. The OCPD said they are
region before Uhuru’s term ends next year. afloat. closing in on the other suspects who
The leaders have been caucusing since In 2019, Uhuru and Raila proposed the had fled the town following the bloody
Wednesday in what is known as ‘Duol’ to privatisation of the sugar mills, but the pro- attack.
fine-tune memoranda to be presented to posal is yet to be implemented even as cane —Kirera Mwiti
the President. farmers in the region continue to bear the
The leaders are said to have lined up brunt of the troubled industry.
development projects that affect not only
Kisumu, but the Lake Basin region. Sugar woes
Among the key projects expected to open Nyando MP Jared Okello wants Uhuru’s
up the region include the Kisumu Port, administration to find a lasting solution to
Lake Basin region ring road, Mamboleo- woes of the sugar and textile sectors.
Muhoroni Road, Ahero Irrigation Scheme, “We are requesting the government to
rehabilitation of feeder ports in Mbita, fast-track reforms in the sugar sector. As
Homa Bay as well as other link roads in the leaders from this region, we hope the mills
four counties around the lake. will get more funding because their equip-
Peter Kaluma (Homa Bay Town) told Peo- ment are dilapidated,” said Okello.
ple Daily that the ‘Duol’ has been meeting Luo MPs caucus chairman James Nyikal
to take stock of the development projects disclosed that meetings which have been
following a meeting with the President value.
ODM leader Raila held since Wednesday were meant to or-
when he visited the region to launch the
refurbishment of the port.
Odinga with
“Kisumu is the hub of the entire East Afri-
ca region. Opening up of only Kisumu port
ganise the welcoming of the President in
Police hunt youth
former UNCTAD
Kaluma disclosed that the meeting
has been deliberating at what has been Director General
without the others will not serve the lake
transport system efficiently,” said Kaluma.
On Monday, Raila addressed impromptu
rallies in Kisumu and appealed to residents
in arson attack
achieved so far and the status of ongoing Dr Mukhisa A source who also attended the meet-
Kituyi when he to give the President a rousing welcome. Police officers n Kisumu County
projects. ing told People Daily that the revival of the
“I have come here with a message. My are looking for over 30 youths alleged
visited the former troubled sugar industry, revival of oil jet-
message to you is that we are having high- to have set a blaze two houses due to
Kimilili MP at his ties, the Migingo Island boundary dispute
Proper plan level guests next week and I want you to rivalry between two villages yesterday
Nairobi residence with Uganda and the cotton industry that
“We have been meeting to review the warmly welcome the President and his en- morning. The suspects from Ofunyu
yesterday. thrived in the 1980s and 1990s, as well as
development programmes that have been tourage,” said Raila. village, Kisumu East sub-county are
COURTESY completion of the Handshake projects
ongoing in the region, at what stage they The MP said residents were unhappy said to have torched the houses fol-
tops the list of issues the leaders want ad-
are and what needs to be done before they about slow implementation of projects in lowing the death of a fellow youth
are completed during the sunset days of the region. who succumbed to injuries after be-
The source further divulged that the
President Kenyatta’s term in office,” said Meanwhile, Raila yesterday met former ing attacked at the neighboring Otera
‘Duol’ had already drafted a communiqué
Kaluma. United Nations Conference on Trade and village. Confirming the incident,
detailing projects in several key sectors
The leaders also want the government Development Director General (UNCTAD) Kisumu East OCPD James Musyimi
including the education sector, road net-
to issue Tom Mboya University College a Mukhisa Kituyi at his residence in Nairobi. told the People Daily that the arson
works, construction of dams and the agri-
charter to fully exploit the academic wealth “Spent part of the day catching up with was reported to them by the area as-
culture sector.
of Homa Bay area, the implementation of Dr Mukhisa Kituyi and his wife at their resi- sistant chief Bonface Modho. Among
Kisumu residents are also raising con-
the Koru-Soin dam project and Mamboleo- dence. We compared notes and exchanged the items destroyed are household
cern over the implementation of the Jomo
Muhoroni road to ease traffic along Muho- views on several topical issues. Good see- furniture, gadgets and clothes with an
Kenyatta Sports Complex at a cost of Sh350
roni-Awasi-Kisumu road. ing this family,” said Raila. estimated value of Sh2 million. Musy-
million which critics say does not meet in-
Kaluma argued that opening up of Kisu- This is the fourth time in recent months imi urged the residents to seek better
ternational standards.
mu port without a proper plan to rehabili- that the two leaders have met to catch up ways of resolving conflict amicably in-
In the region, Muhoroni, Miwani, Sony
tate smaller ports in Homa Bay, Mbita and on political and national issues. stead of taking the law in their hands.
and Chemelil- four State-owned sugar
Sindo would not be of much economic —Viola Kosome
Friday, May 28, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY NEWS BEAT 13

judge-bench of the High Court court issued only declaratory more than substance.”
ruled that the President had no
mandate to review, reconsider
or decline to appoint those
orders,” AG said in submission
to the senate.
The AG is not new to contro-
The year when Kihara was
“The AG is not a towering
intellectual jurist like his pre-
decessors,” said a senior lawyer.
recommended for promotion versy. While serving as a judge, first appointed to the Bench. “The AG’s judicial philoso-
by the JSC. he played prominent role in phy is a mystery. His juris-
But the AG faulted the rul- the burial of Kibaki era Cabinet prudence has no intellectual
ing: “The learned judges failed minister Karume, raising ques- and civil society, forced Presi- rigour,” noted the lawyer.
to appreciate the bifurcation tions about his place in the Mt dent Kibaki to withdraw his During vetting, the Bible-
of the process of selection and Kenya power coterie. nomination in favour of judge quoting AG defended himself
appointment of judges and the It is demonstrable that the Alnashir Visram. against accusations that he
vesting of the same into two judge had long been a favourite Kihara was not successful had been a gatekeeper for the
distinct state entities.” of the Mt Kenya power elite for in interviews for the post that Executive at the Judiciary.
The AG said the High Court a significant role in the justice would end up with Willy Mu- Kihara is often criticised
did not compel the President system. tunga. He was first appointed for his decision to assemble a
to appoint the judges but only He was retired President to the Bench in 2003 following bench to hear an appeal against
made declarations. Mwai Kibaki’s choice for Chief the infamous purge in the Judi- a High Court order on the eve
“It is important to note that Justice to replace Evan Gicheru ciary. A deeply religious man, of the 2017 repeat election re-
the court did not issue any who had to retire six months he was former Chancellor of garding the manner of appoint-
injunctive orders against the after the enactment of the the Anglican Church before ment officers returning officers
President directing him to do 2010 Constitution. Opposition being admitted to the Bar. by the electoral and boundar-
or refrain from doing anything; by then Prime Minister Raila His critics say the AG is a ies commission, which was
save for orders of costs the Odinga, voices in the Judiciary man with “a propensity for style deemed illegal.

He has found himself nominees, Kihara moved to

the High Court to defend Pres-
in a tight corner over ident Uhuru Kenyatta’s refusal
the controversial to swear them in over claims
some had integrity questions.
delay in appointment And when the High Court is-
sued two orders directing that
of 41 judges the President had no constitu-
tional mandate to veto the JSC
by Emeka-Mayaka
nominees, the AG appealed
Gekara the rulings.
The appeal is blamed for
the delay in the appointment
Attorney General Paul Kihara
of the judges, 11 of them ear-
Kariuki was an exemplary actor
marked for the Appeal Court
during his days in high school
which is in a dire human re-
and at the University of Nai-
source crisis. It remains un-
clear why the AG made an
Indeed, he was a common
about turn and contested in-
feature at the Kenya National
dividuals who he had played a
Theatre or Alliance Francaise
role in nominating as a mem-
playing roles in Shakespeare’s
ber of the JSC.
Othello and Chinua Achebe’s
Matters are further compli-
cated by the fact that Kihara
While being vetted for the
is arguing a case against the
job, the former President of the
same JSC in which he sits on.
Court of Appeal told members
In another ironic twist, the
of the Justice and Legal Affairs
former actor now blames the
Committee he met his wife,
Judiciary for the delay, accus-
Sarah, while playing the role of
ing it of failure to decide his
sheep on stage.
appeal to unblock the stale-
A son of one of the pioneer
African Anglican bishops, Ki-
hara could have also ended up
as a man of the collar — and
Playing victim
“This is a matter of great
here, his oratorical skills would
concern to this office and the
have come in handy. This is,
honourable AG in person.
perhaps, the reason he was the
And we are very aware of the
choice programme director at
fact that this has caused con-
Judiciary events when he was
sequences which are not de-
a judge.
sirable in the administration
Outside the courtrooms,
of justice,” he told the Senate
Kenyans were treated to his
committee on Justice and Le-
oratory prowess on March 3,
gal Affairs.
2012, during the burial of for-
“The matter is not within
mer minister and Kiambaa MP
the control of office of Attor-
Njenga Karume where he deliv-
ney General. It is in the judicia-
ered a glowing elegy in impec-
ry,” Kihara told the committee.
cable English.
The AG accused Court of
His beaming voice and pierc-
Appeal judges of playing vic-
ing face were the subject of so-
tims instead of settling the
cial media banter during the
matter to bridge the shortage
interviews for the posts of Chief
in subordinate courts. In his
Justice and Supreme Court
appeal, the AG contends the
judge. He was a pannelist.
High Court declaration that
Kihara has found himself in a
the President’s role in the pro-
tight corner over the controver-
cess was only ceremonial.
sial delay in the appointment
The High Court, in a case
of 41 judges nominated by the
filed by Adrian Njenga, had
Judicial Service Commission
ruled that the President was
(JSC) in May 2019.
constitutionally bound by the
Though he is a member
recommendations by the JSC.
of the JSC that approved the
In February 2020, a three
 NEWS BEAT PEOPLE DAILY / Friday, May 28, 2021

ERXQGDU\GLVSXWHLQ7UDQV0DUD by Harrison Kivisu @PeopleDailyKe
around the Frere Town school,
but the county administration
sioner, Evans Achoki said after demar- has blocked us, they are blocking
The government has completed cating the land, the government issued Mombasa Governor Hassan development,” Ali said.
the issuance of title deeds to residents the title-deeds free of charge. Joho’s administration is locked Frere Town Primary School
of the troubled Nkararo area in Trans “The situation was bad, even a road in a dispute with Nyali MP Mo- deputy board chairman Wilson
Mara West sub-county. constructed to act as boundary be- hamed Ali over the renovation of Ochieng said learners have
Residents are hoping that this tween the two clans did not do much the Frere Town grounds. nowhere to play following the
will end a prolonged violent dispute to solve the problem as each side The stalemate over who stalemate.
Ali claims efforts to block the
between two Maasai clans that has claimed the road had encroached on should refurbish the playground “Since work was stopped, our
project were evident when the
claimed many lives. their land. But we are hopeful that the escalated yesterday when some pupils have no where to play.
county government stopped ap-
The process, which started last area will now have peace,” Achoki said. youth manning the ground al- They are even at risk security
proved renovation works of the
week, saw 1,273 title deeds issued to The two clans have been fighting most disrupted a media briefing wise because of drug users who
Frere Town Primary School wall
the members of the Siria and Iruasin- over the boundary since 1974. Achoki called by Ali (pictured) to address operate in the school surround-
and the Frere Town grounds.
Gishu clans. called on residents to respect the the plight of Frere Town football ings. That’s why we asked the
“We have allocated Sh7 mil-
Speaking to the press in Narok on boundaries, failure to which they will club and pupils who use the Nyali MP to build a wall for us,”
lion to rebuild this football pitch
Wednesday, Narok County Commis- face the law. –KNA pitch for games. said Ochieng.
and also put a perimeter wall

The homes to be built in chance to be homeowners,” said Hinga.
Hinga observed that the government
Bondeni area will cost had scrapped a number of bureaucra-
between Sh1.5 million and cies that were hindering private sector
players from collaborating with the gov-
Sh4 million per unit ernment on such projects.
Nakuru Governor Lee Kinyanjui noted
by Roy Lumbe that the project was a boost to the coun-
@PeopleDailyKe ty’s aspiration for city status and change
the lives of many people.
Low-cost houses will be constructed “It is good for people to own property
in Bondeni area, Nakuru at a cost of Sh2 in their working age,” said Kinyanjui
billion under the Affordable Housing (pictured left).
Programme (AHP). Yusuf Hassanali of Kings Pride Proper-
A joint venture between private sec- ties, said among the social amenities to
tor developer Kings Pride Properties
and the State Department for Housing
be provided by the project are safe chil-
dren’s playground, rooftop gardens, run-
Boat registration
and Urban Development, the project is Kenya Maritime Authority, Alex Mwongo, shows Lake Naivasha fishermen a sample of new number
ning track, perimeter wall and security
expected to be completed in 30 months. plates that will fitted on all vessels in the country’s main water bodies. The joint exercise by govern-
gate, retail and commercial centre, solar
It has 605 housing units, comprising ment agencies, including National Transport and Safety Authority, is meant to address rising cases of
water heaters, lifts and main services
one, two, and three bedroomed apart- connections to power and water includ-
boat accidents and illegal activities in the lakes and the Indian Ocean. PD/KIRERA MWITI
ment units sitting on a seven-acre land. ing a back-up borehole water system.
The houses will cost between Sh1.5 He said the company, which operates
million and Sh4 million. Homeowners within major towns, has created jobs for
will be expected to live in their houses
and will not be allowed to sell before the
lapse of eight years to avoid speculation
at least 5,000 Kenyans, acknowledging
that Nakuru is a fast-growing town.
Nakuru County Commissioner Eras-
on these units. tus Mbui noted that Bondeni had been
Housing and Urban Development
Principal Secretary Charles Hinga said
associated with gangs adding that such Leasing equipment Homes demolished
projects will engage provide young peo-
the project was a demonstration of the
principle of collaboration adopted in
ple with a livelihood. way to go - Governor at 2am in Garissa
the AHP, which focuses on facilitating The Laikipia County Government
private sector developers to invest and has unveiled a second batch of road Residents of Bura Touwfiq village in
drive a new sub-sector in the housing construction equipment acquired Garissa Township are appealing to the
market. under the leasing programme at a government to settle a land dispute
cost of Sh400 million. While receiving that saw their homes destroyed in the
City status the equipment consisting of a grader, wee hours of yesterday. According to
Hinga said the introduction of private excavator, compactor, tipper lorry residents, armed police officers ar-
sector players in the project will comple- and water a bowser, Governor Ndiritu rived at around 2am and ordered them
ment the government’s agenda in af- Muriithi (pictured) said his admin- to vacate their homes. Shortly after, a
fordable housing, noting that a number istration was planning to upgrade bulldozer destroyed the houses. “My
of projects will require partnerships for more than 7,000km of road in the area. house was destroyed completely last
realisation. PROJECT DIMENSIONS “Leasing is the way to go if we have to night. The powerful private developers
He said under the Programme, the build more roads for if we had to buy behind this demolition are very well
government will enable private develop- The project has 605 housing units, this equipment, we would have to part known and we are asking the govern-
ers to construct at least 500,000 housing comprising one, two, and 3-bedroom with hundreds of millions which our ment to intervene on this matter,” said
units to meet the demand for houses in apartment units sitting on a seven-acre Fardoza Sadiq. The residents said they
budget cannot sustain,” Muriithi said.
the low- and middle-income category. He added that the leasing programme had lived in the land for over 30 years.
“The project fulfills the Constitution The Sh2 billion project, which is would avoid a situation where vehicles “I was sleeping in my house when I
Chapter 4, Article 43 which guarantees under the Affordable Housing Pro- are grounded for years because of lack heard the noises and when I peeped
every Kenyan the right to accessible gramme, is scheduled to be completed of funds to maintain or repair them. through the door the bulldozer was al-
and adequate housing and reasonable in 30 months. –KNA ready at my door step,” said Sofia Abdi.
standards of sanitation. Kenyans have a –KNA
Friday, May 28, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY NEWS BEAT 

Kisumu in drive to
Kieni legislator cautions Justin Muturi as the region’s spokesperson. plant 10m trees
Although the group, which included,
leaders against entertaining Mwangi Wa Iria (Murang’a), Lee Kinyanjui The Kisumu County government
has launched a campaign to plant 10
politicians out to divide the (Nakuru), Anne Waiguru (Kirinyaga) and
Mutahi Kahiga (Nyeri) which had met at million tree seedlings by 2025 in a bid
hitherto united region a city hotel declined to discuss the matter, to increase forest cover and make the
Wa Iria said the Mukuruwe wa Nyagath- city green. On Wednesday, Governor
by Seth Mwaniki anga shrine, where Muturi was coronated, Anyang’ Nyong’o launched the cam-
@MwanikiM would be cleansed by elders. paign, which is in collaboration with
Also present during the meeting were Equity Bank which donated 35,000
Kieni MP Kanini Kega yesterday warned former Kiambu Governor William Kabogo tree seedlings. “Environmental con-
Mt Kenya leaders against splitting the re- and former MPs Jamleck Kamau, Dennis servation is a crucial development
gion into political blocks of Mt Kenya East Waweru, Peter Weru and Ndung’u Githinji. issue. No development project can
and West. Governors Kiraitu Murungi (Meru), flourish in a poorly conserved and
Kega, who is also the Budget and Appro- Muthomi Njuki (Tharaka Nithi) and Martin a broken-down eco-system,” said
priations Committee chairperson, said Wambora (Embu) have welcomed Muturi’s Nyong’o, adding that his government
there was nothing wrong with the ongoing coronation describing him as best suited to was committed to planting more than
succession debate in the region but told lead the region. one million trees every year. The forest
politicians to be careful lest they divide cover in the lakeside city is currently
Kieni MP Kanini Kega. PD/FILE estimated at one per cent and the
the people. By-election loss
“What is going on is quite in order be- At the same time, Kanini asked the top initiative aims at reaching the recom-
elections, learn from the experience and
cause this region has over six million votes. Jubilee leadership to explain why the party MUTURI take appropriate action.
mended 10 per cent. Nyong’o (below)
It would be hypocritical for anyone to say lost in the just concluded by-elections in DIVIDE “To our supporters and members, a
urged residents to dedicate at least 10
that these votes can be inherited by anyone Juja constituency and Rurii Ward. per cent of their land to trees. He also
Swahili saying asiye kubali kushindwa sio
without negotiation because what we need He said Jubilee secretary-general Rapha- Kiraitu Murun- issued a stern warning to charcoal
mshindani is apt at this moment,” said
is someone acceptable to all,” Kanini said. el Tuju and other officials must explain why gi (Meru), Mutho- merchants to stop cutting trees and
mi Njuki (Tharaka Tuju.
Speaking at Kiambogo Primary School the party lost and come up with a strategy seek an alternative business.
Nithi) and Martin In Juja, Jubilee candidate Susan Waititu
in his constituency, Kanini said President of winning future by-elections. lost to People’s Empowerment Party (PEP)
Wambora (Embu)
Uhuru Kenyatta remains the spokesman of Kanini said the loss in the two by-elec- candidate George Koimburi who got
supported Muturi
the region and his word counts. tions was due to local politics, saying the coronation. 12,159 votes against her 5,764 votes, while
He cautioned leaders against entertain- party was still popular nationally. in Rurii ward, United Democratic Party
ing politicians who, he said, were out to “Jubilee Party is not on its deathbed. Mwangi Wa Iria (UDA) candidate Francis Muraya won with
divide them, adding that the region would But what is needed is revamping and im- (Murang’a), Lee 4,178 votes against Jubilee’s Peter Thinji
be stronger if it is united. provement on internal democracy which Kinyanjui (Naku- who got 3,051 votes.
Kanini was speaking a day after a group is a bone of contention at the moment,” ru), Anne Waiguru People’s Empowerment Party and UDA
of Mt Kenya region governors and other Kanini said. (Kirinyaga) and are associated with Gatundu South MP
politicians distanced themselves from the Last week, Tuju said the party would Mutahi Kahiga Moses Kuria and Deputy President William
coronation of National Assembly Speaker take stock of what transpired in the by- (Nyeri) against. Ruto, respectively.

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V EMHFW WR DSSURYD O E\ WKH .LDPEX 21)5,'$<7+-81($7285<$5'$87263,1 JOHN KIMUHU GACHEGA………......................….1ST DEFENDANT GEOFFREY MWANGI.................................44TH DEFENDANT
..75$163257(56/7'966$/ &RXQW\ *RY H UQPHQW ,QGLYL GXDOV  LQVW LWXWLRQV  *$5$*(.,1*¶21*¶267$57,1*$7$0 JOHNSON WAIGANJO KAMANDA.........................2ND DEFENDANT KABAGE MUGAMI………………….............45TH DEFENDANT
&216758&7,216 &2168/7$176/7' 0HPEHUV RI WKH SXEOLF HWF ZLWK DQ\ FRPPHQWV ,7(00RWRUYH KLFOH5HJ1R.%'3/RUU\
PATRICK GITHINJI MWANGI...............................…8TH DEFENDANT LUCY WAIRIMU KAHAGA….……...............51ST DEFENDANT
&21',7,2162)6$/( RIWKHKDPPHU
.,$0%8  7KHVD OHLV X
GRACE WANJIKU KABUI. ……........................…10TH DEFENDANT ANNASTACIA NDUTA NGAHU...................53RD DEFENDANT
DOMINIC THUITA GATHEGE...............................11TH DEFENDANT JOHN KINUTHIA MAKUMI...........................54TH DEFENDANT
ABDUL RAHMAN MOHAMED. .............................12TH DEFENDANT AGNES WARINGA KINUTHIA.....................56TH DEFENDANT
1$,52%,&211(&7,216(59,&(6$8&7,21((56 LUCY NJOKI KABUI. ....………….....................….13TH DEFENDANT NANCY NJOKI GITHERE............................57TH DEFENDANT
38%/,&$8&7,21 DANEVER LIMITED....……………...................….17TH DEFENDANT HELINAH WANGARI MWANGI....................61ST DEFENDANT
V THIRIRIKA TEA FARM....………...............…......…19TH DEFENDANT MORRIS KINUTHIA MUNDIA.....................63RD DEFENDANT
ROBERT WAMITHI....……………......................…20TH DEFENDANT DANIEL KARANJA KAIMANGA...................64TH DEFENDANT
DW3$1*$1,$8&7,21&(175(DWDP JACKSON MUCHOKI MWANGI. ......................... .22ND DEFENDANT MATHEW NDEGWA MATHIA…...................67TH DEFENDANT
*DV &\ O LQGHU *ODVV  WRS WV RROV  &KDLU 7HGG\  COMMISSIONER OF LANDS……........................25TH DEFENDANT MWANI KIMANGA.......................................70TH DEFENDANT
EHDU MALRAJI KANJI PATEL…………..........................26TH DEFENDANT LUCY MUKAMI NDUNGU………….............71ST DEFENDANT
V JUDY WANJIKU KIMARU…..................................30TH DEFENDANT ARMSTRONG KAMAU CHEGEH…............74TH DEFENDANT
WAKIMAR LIMITED……………….........................31ST DEFENDANT ERIC MUREITHI KIMARU………….............75TH DEFENDANT
GEORGE KARIUKI GITHINJI................................35TH DEFENDANT TITUS THUO MACHARIA………...........…..79TH DEFENDANT
BENSON MWANI GITHINJI……….......................36TH DEFENDANT SAMMY ANLIO……………….......................80TH DEFENDANT

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 NEWS BEAT PEOPLE DAILY / Friday, May 28, 2021

Emma Saina talks
passionately about her job
as an Ecolog Forwarder Aerial view of Kisumu town. PD/FILE

Machine handler
The advent of modern technology is
now giving women opportunities to work
in fields previously dominated by men.

Subsequently, the society is currently
witnessing a new crop of women with big
dreams and determination to break all
stereotypes as well as old fashioned tradi-
tions hampering women from engaging by Noven Owiti averagely between 15 to 20 per
in progressive nation building. @PeopleDailyKe cent in room occupancies.
Such is the story of 37-year-old Emma He says they hope to record
Saina, a mother of one from Sotik sub- Hoteliers in Kisumu town a further increased booking,
county in Bomet county, who opted to are registering a robust busi- especially a day to the fete.
pursue her passion to operate an Ecolog ness boom as the county pre-
Forwarder Machine, a job widely per- pares to host this year’s Mada- Slight progress
ceived to be a preserve of men, due to its raka Day fete next week. “We expect to be doing 30
energy sapping nature. A spot -check by People Dai- per cent and above days to
A Forwarder is a forestry vehicle that ly revealed that a number of the event and beyond 80 per
carries big felled logs from the stump to a hotels in the lakeside town are cent night to the celebrations
Emma Saina, an Ecolog Forwarder Operator with James Finlay Company Ltd in day,” he said, noting that such
roadside landing. already recording increased
Kericho county. - KNA events will help the industry
Saina is a Forwarder Operator with the business volumes, barely four
James Finlay Company Limited, Forestry days to the celebrations to be gradually pick up in business
Department, after securing the job in two-year training equipped me with rel- early in the morning by first checking my held at the newly constructed after experiencing the dev-
2010. As you watch her drive the Sh70 mil- evant skills and knowledge on how to op- machine grease, other possible defaults Jomo Kenyatta International astating negative effects of
lion Ecolog Forwarder Machine with ease erate heavy earth moving machines and I and using the checklist I log to note ev- Stadium at the Mamboleo ASK Covid-19.
as she keenly move the sized logs to the do not regret the move,” she said. erything down before embarking on the ground. David Omollo, Victoria
stacking site, one can only marvel at the Saina revealed that she had always day’s activities from 6.30am to 1.30pm. President Uhuru Kenyatta comfort hotel manager, says
strength of women in growing the coun- wanted to pursue a career in operating will lead the nation in marking the facility has had a slight
try’s economy. earthmovers and was inspired to venture Right attitude 2021 Madaraka Day celebra- progress in accommodation
Saina took the tough choice of pursu- into the field from watching her father This has always been my passion. When tions in Kisumu where other bookings, majorly for State of-
ing her passion of driving earth moving plough the family’s shamba using his you have the right attitude you will go far. dignitaries will join him. ficials doing supervision roles
machines and ensuring the tree trunks tractor. As women, we need to believe more in in the projects set to be com-
are neatly put into a pile of 25 cubic me- “As a child, I loved anything mechani- our abilities and ourselves. At the office Slight improvement pleted before the Madaraka
tres high, after she graduated from Kenya cal due to the fact that I grew up watching we are only two women against six opera- Yesterday, hotel industry Day such as the new stadium.
Forestry Service College, upon taking a my father use his tractor to plough our tors but we endeavour to work as a team,” players who spoke to this Anyal points out that the as-
three-year diploma course in Forestry shamba and when he would complete the said Saina. writer, while lauding the gov- sociation has lined up certain
from 2007-2010. job, he would leave it parked at our home- Her full time job enables her to fend ernment’s decision to decen- recreational activities to be
stead. I would then climb and sit on the for herself and teenage daughter as well tralise hosting of the national undertaken ahead of the cel-
Previous background chair and play with all its gears,” she said. as her other family members back home. events celebrations, remained ebrations among them excur-
With her passion and interest in forest She hopes women countrywide will The Company General Manager Cor- upbeat their businesses will sions involving cruise tourism
conservation, she enrolled for a course as continue to debunk myriad of stereotypes porate Affairs, Sammy Kirui, reiterated benefit immensely from the on the lake, visits to Impala
an Ecology Forwarder in 2014 and com- placed on their way and embark on lay- that they seek to support women, as they opportunities that have come sanctuary, Dunga boardwalk
pleted the two-year course at the James ing greater emphasis on education of girls too are capable of doing jobs once re- in handy by hosting the event and the legendary Kit Mikayi.
Finlay Company Limited that offered who want to pursue careers in science served for men. in Kisumu. “The association has
women empowerment programme. and technology. “My work starts very “The women plant operators are now Lake Victoria Tourism As- dedicated the next few days to
Upon graduation, she was transferred fully conversant even with the very com- sociation chairman Robinson showcasing what the region
from the Mensuration Department where plicated machines through our gender Anyal says the industry has has, what activities it offers
she worked as a clerk at the Forestry De- SECRET INGREDIENT empowerment programmes that was witnessed slight improvement and the attraction sites to keep
partment before moving to the Logging initiated in 2014,” said Kirui. on accommodation and con- our guests who may arrive
While inspiring women to pursue their However, Saina acknowledges that early or extend their stay after
Unit. “My previous background in for- ference business attributed
dreams, Emma Saina, says passion is the the event. We believe this is
estry gave me a solid foundation in driv- working in a male dominated field comes to the opening of Nairobi and
secret ingredient that drives hard work
ing my passion. The Forestry Department and excellence in every sector. “Girls with its own unique challenges that re- activities that are happening the right moment to promote
protects the 10,000 hectares under trees with dreams become visionary women,” quire one to embrace certain principles in relation to the preparation local tourism,” he said.
from the time they are planted to when she said. to survive. for hosting the function. Anyal says hotels have also
they are harvested. I am happy that the — KNA Currently, Anyal says ma- ensured stringent compliance
jority of hotels are recording with Covid-19 protocols.

Police in Kajiado county by the parents. couple lock up the boy in the Daniel Sankale, a Clini- Senate meeting with
have detained a couple for Health officials reported house and beat him con- cal Officer at Ilbissil Health
allegedly inflicting injuries
on their three-year-old son.
the matter to the police,
who arrested the duo and
Elizabeth Simiyu, a neigh-
Centre where the boy was
rushed, said he had sus-
governor postponed
Faith Wanjau, the child’s detained them at Kajiado bour, said they often hear tained serious injuries on A senate watchdog committee was
step-mother and her hus- Police Station as investiga- the boy crying, but it did not his private parts and had vis- yesterday forced to reschedule a meet-
band Michael Kamau, resi- tions into the incident com- occur to them that he was ible scars on his face, mouth, ing with Marsabit Governor Mohamud
dents of Ilbissil town, were menced. undergoing abuse. She said stomach, back and legs. Mohamed Ali (pictured), due to increased
arrested after health officials Neighbours say the the boy is hardly seen play- Kajiado Central Sub- insecurity incidents in the county. In a
administering polio vaccine ing outside with his peers. County Police Commander, letter to the Senate County Public Ac-
discovered the injuries on Peter Ewoi, a ‘Nyumba Daudi Loronyokwe, con- counts and Investments Committee, the
the minor.
The boy had visible scars
The charge Kumi’ elder condemned the
incident and commended
firmed the incident, adding
that investigations were on-
governor lamented that Marsabit has
been experiencing increased insecurity
Kajiado Central police boss
on his face and body and his the health officials for spot- going and the couple would incidents from tribal clashes and cattle
Loronyokwe says investiga-
private parts. Upon interro- tions are ongoing and couple ting the abuse and reporting be arraigned to face child rustling for two weeks now. According
gation, it was discovered the could be charged with child it as it helped save the mi- endangerment and abuse to him, the uncertainty has affected the
injuries had been inflicted endangerment and abuse nor’s life. charges. county’s operations and livelihoods.
—Hillary Mageka
Friday, May 28, 2021
$ ) 6 3 $ ) * - -  0 ( 6 56 



They question timing of the
disbursement of Sh200b in
loans Exchequer expects
to receive before 2020/21 Faulu bank gets Sh1.5b capital
fiscal year ends on June 30 injection boost to fund growth
by Lewis Njoka
@LewisNjok Faulu Microfinance Bank over 150,000 customers. UAP
has received a Sh1.45 bil- Old Mutual Group CEO, East
Kenya could cross into the next finan- lion capital injection from Africa, Arthur Oginga said
cial year with billions in unspent cash parent company Old Mutual the additional capital will be
after it emerged that National Treasury is Africa Holdings Ltd to grow deployed in strengthening
expecting to receive over Sh200 billion in its banking business and cus- the bank’s balance sheet as it
loans before the 2020/21 fiscal year ends tomer base. The microfinance offers a full array of financial
in June. At the same time the country will lender is banking on small solutions and expands its
be seeking to absorb the June tax receipts, and medium enterprises footprint across the country.
usually the largest collection compared to (SMEs) and business groups He said the growth strategy
the other months in a year. which account for the bigger is focused on addressing the
With about a month to go to the end of chunk of its customer base, to unique financial needs of
the current financial year on June 30, ana- grow revenue and expand in small businesses forming the
lysts are worried that there might not be the counties as the economy bulk of our customer base.
Central Bank of Kenya Governor Patrick Njoroge. PD/FILE gradually picks momentum “This requires resources
enough time to absorb the monies raised.
According to Central Bank of Kenya after the Covid-19 disrup- hence the support we have re-
lion in a span of one month consider- tion. The capital boost also ceived from Old Mutual Africa
Governor, Patrick Njoroge, Treasury ex- ABSORPTION RATE ing that the June tax receipts are usually
pects to receive $750 million (Sh80.6 bil- comes as the bank scales up Holdings Ltd will be able to
lion) from the World Bank, $410 million With about a month to go to the end higher than other months of the year. “It financial support and solu- sustainably accelerate Faulu’s
(Sh44.1 billion) from International Mon- of the current financial year on June 30, doesn’t make sense that we are having so tions to microenterprises and business objectives,” said
etary Fund (IMF), and another Sh13.8 bil- analysts are worried that there might much money coming towards the end of business groups comprising Oginga. – Noel Wandera
lion from the Africa Development Bank. not be enough time to absorb the monies the year but it has to be deployed some-
raised. where,” he said. While the monies from
Additionally, Treasury is looking to raise
Sh124 billion from a Eurobond before end
The country will be required to absorb
the multilateral lenders are meant for
specific projects, monies from the Euro-
Dutch carrier KLM to launch
of the current financial year.
“We expect that we will be receiving
roughly Sh350 billion in a span of one
month considering that the June tax
bond have no specific project assigned to
them yet raising fears that they could be
direct flights to Mombasa
some official capital flows, concessional receipts are usually higher than other susceptible to misuse. Dutch national carrier KLM He said the rising number of
financing in particular from the World months of the year. The loans will also result in an increase will commence direct flights tourists visiting Mombasa, not
Bank,” Njoroge said yesterday.
in public debt raising it to Sh7.7 trillion to Mombasa in October as the just from Europe but also the
There is a loan, the so called DPO (De-
money will be used to support budget as at the end of this financial year up from airline seeks to strengthen its rest of the world, signifies the
velopment Policy Operation), of $750 mil-
well as other external resources, such as Sh7.34 trillion at the end of March, Ogutu presence in East Africa. The growing interest in the unique
lion that is expected in the next couple of
foreign exchange reserves, the country said. According to Njoroge, the country is carrier will operate two flights experiences the coastal city
weeks, he added.
needs. “The bottomline is, we expect the keen on securing an extension of the Debt a week on Thursday and Sun- has to offer. “KLM comes in to
current account deficit to close at about Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) relief, day flying the Boeing 787-9 offer a superior and memo-
Complete the review 5.2 per cent of GDP in 2021. We also ex- saying the amount saved from so doing Dreamliner between Amster- rable flying experience both
“We also expect that the IMF will com- pect an increased level of reserves from would depend on how long the relief is dam and Mombasa starting for first time and regular flyers
plete the review of the program sometime the flows that I mentioned,” he said. extended. October 31, with a loop to to East Africa from our hub in
in June and that will lead to a disburse- Churchill Ogutu, the head of research at Nairobi from Mombasa. KLM Amsterdam,” Dieffenthaler
ment of something to an equivalent of Genghis Capital, questioned the timing of General Manager for East Af- said in a statement. “Because
$410 million,” said Njoroge. Free resources
the disbursement, saying it could result in rica Arthur Dieffenthaler said of positive developments
Also expected to received, he added, “The answer, of course, is yes. Because
low absorption rates, numbers that could the flights to Mombasa will regarding the pandemic in
are some amounts from African Develop- it will free resources that can be used for
be used in future to justify the notion that mainly target leisure travellers various regions, we see an
ment Bank also supporting all the work- other purposes and in particular, sup-
the country’s budget is too ambitious. to the coastal city by offering increasing demand for direct
ing that is going on in Covid-19 response porting the post-Covid economic recov-
According to Ogutu the country will a direct flying experience. flights” he said.
and recovery post-Covid. Njoroge said the ery programme,” he said.
be required to absorb roughly Sh350 bil-

by Lewis Njoka ment growth and industrialisation in local, regional and international to help the country produce quality
@LewisNjoka pace, and reduced the country’s markets,” he added. goods and services for export.
competitiveness. Kunyiha spoke in Nairobi during Speaking during the event, KAM
Industrialists have asked the While the government has put the launch of the 2021 Changamka chief executive, Phyllis Wakiaga
government to facilitate produc- in place measures to promote Buy Festival, an event organised by the observed that local manufacturers
tion and consumption of locally Kenya Build Kenya, the manufac- Kenya Asociation of Manufacturers continue to struggle with the ef-
produced goods, saying they have turers said more needs to be done to showcase members’ products fects of the Covid-19 as they seek to
the capacity to serve both local and to make the initiative a success. and drive local consumption. find a balance between keeping the
export markets if the right condi- Mucai Kunyiha, KAM chairman economy running and reducing the
tions are created. said it is only by consuming what Quality goods spread of infections.
They said Kenya’s over-reliance is produced locally that Kenyans He said the government also “We genuinely appreciate the
on imported goods had over the can support industrialisation and needs to enhance implementa- commitment of our members to-
years exacerbated the country’s consequently, job creation. “Com- tion of the Export Promotion and wards steering the country through
trade deficit, slowed down employ- petitiveness remains a key aspect Development Strategy which seeks these tough times,” she said.
 BUSINESS HUB PEOPLE DAILY / Friday, May 28, 2021

by Bernard Sigei by Nicholas Waitathu
@PeopleDailyKe @PeopleDailyKe

Safaricom has unveiled Kenya is on the high alert of a third

a new data campaign that wave of the desert locust invasion, an
will enable customers indication of further devastation of veg-
enjoy free data every day etation and livelihoods of communities in
customised to their us- the Arid and Semi-Arid areas (ASALs).

1JRQJWUDGHUV age profiles. As part of the Agriculture Principal secretary Hamadi

campaign, customers can internet have become Boga yesterday warned that control
redeem free daily internet critical in our daily lives measures of the migratory pests in the

VHWWRUHORFDWH offers tailored to their use

by dialing *544# every day
empowering us in differ-
ent ways by connecting
neighbouring countries of Somalia and
Ethiopia have of late been hampered by
ment are monitoring the situation with
a view to employing new measures to

for the next 90 days. us to more opportuni- insecurity challenges. “Though there tame spread of the pest. “A team will be
The campaign seeks to ties,” said Peter Ndegwa, have been achievements made in the deployed in coming weeks to Somalia to
empower more custom- CEO, Safaricom in a state- control process in the country, but this survey the situation” he added.

PLOOLRQPDUNHW ers to take their offline ment. could be jeopardised by the hatching in FAO locust watch update released on
passions online as part Ndegwa added that Ethiopia and Somalia,” he said. May 17 indicated that hatching has been
of the country’s digital the 90-day free data cam- detected in eastern Ethiopia and north-
by Christine Musa transformation agenda. paign seeks to ensure that Control process west Somalia where swarms have been
@PeopleDailyKe According to data from no customer is left behind Boga told Business Hub at his Kilimo laying eggs since late April.
the Communications by ensuring that all cus- House office that control process in the “The hatchlings are forming small hop-
Traders can now breathe a sigh Authority, the country has tomers can access the in- neigbouring countries has been going per bands that so far have been seen in a
of relief with the completion of the 25 million mobile broad- ternet, even at no cost. on but challenges such as insecurity has few places. More hatching and band for-
Sh800 million Ngong market in Ka- band connections mean- Growing demand for slowed down the fight against the up- mation are expected throughout eastern
jiado County after a two-year tussle ing about 60 per cent data has seen the mobile surge. The PS, however, assured Kenyans Ethiopia and northern Somalia during
with the county government. of mobile phone users network operator roll that the Food and Agriculture Organisa- the remainder of this month,” the locust
The ultra-modern market with a barely use the internet. out campaigns such as tion in conjunction with the govern- watch stated.
capacity of 2,300 stalls is financed by “Smart phones and the “Browse Bila Waas.”
World Bank under Nairobi Metropoli-

tan Services Improvement project.
Its construction was marred by
controversies as traders defied being
relocated to put up the market over
fears they will be shortchanged when
the four-storey project on a one-acre

piece of land is complete.
Adamant traders who refused to
relocate stalled the project for six
months protesting relocation to
Ngong Stadium. It took the interven-
tion of various stakeholders to con-
vince the traders to relocate. More police posts are to be
The traders relocated on condi-
tions that public service vehicles be established along Lamu- Security
allowed to drop passengers within Garsen-Isiolo  routes and
the market, a promise that was after-
nearby towns to beef up Investments Berth Launch
words not fulfilled. Coast Regional Police Lamu Port has one berth that is The newly built Port of Lamu,
security, boost investments Commander Paul Ndambuki
says the government is keen
fully complete and ready to handle
logistical needs for the Northern
a project of Lamu South Sudan
Ethiopia Transport (Lapsset)
Temporary shades by Harrison Kivisu
Relocation done at a cost of Sh60 to ensure that Lamu opens up corridor, while the second berth corridor received its maiden
@PeopleDailyKe for investments without any and the third berth are at 95 per cargo vessel on May 20 President
million courtesy of the County gov-
security hitches and ensure cent and 75 per cent complete Uhuru Kenyatta presided over the
ernment irked the traders further, The government has assured investors that investors trooping Lamu respectively but the remaining opening of the nation’s new mega
leading to protests that the temporary targetting Lamu Port businesses of their get protected and do business construction works are expected deep sea port
shades set up for them at the Ngong safety and security, days after the multi- comfortably to be cleared by next month
Stadium were poor and not reflecting billion project was commissioned by Presi-
the mount spent. dent Uhuru Kenyatta. The head of State
“The two years at the temporary unveiled the first berth of the Chinese-
market was a big lose of time. We funded infrastructure last week.
moved to the market with a promise Coast Regional Police Commander Paul
that the bus terminus would also be Ndambuki said the government is seeking
moved to facilitate movement of cus- to establish more police posts along the
tomers but that did not happen,” said Lamu-Garsene-Isiolo routes and nearby
Ann Njeri, trader, adding the market towns to beef up security and boost invest-
was disorderly and too muddy when ments in Lamu county.
it rained. The Lamu-Garsen-Garissa Isiolo routes
She said the market was also messy form the latest transport corridor in the
due to the disproportionate size of country, expected to connect Kenya to during an interview in his office. corridor received its maiden cargo vessel
stalls, every trader earmarked space Ethiopia and South Sudan while opening Among investors seeking to grasp the on May 20, 2021 when operations officially
for themselves and that saw some up the northern region of the country. business fortunes at Hindi, Mokowe, kicked off at the mega port.
take too big spaces compared to oth- Mkunumbi and Mpeketoni towns include Lapsset is a crucial Kenya Vision
ers. manufacturers, real estate developers, 2030 flagship project and is expected to
Members of the Maasai commu- Security hitches
“We want to ensure Lamu opens up for transporters as well as clearing and for- transform regional economies through
nity have also been demanding to be warding agents. increased trade, integration and inter-
allocated at least 70 per cent of the investments without any security hitches,
our task is to ensure that investors trooping “We would want to put up investments connectivity spanning South Sudan and
stalls despite originally not working in Lamu, but we want to be assured of landlocked Ethiopia.
in the market. Peter Ndung’u, a trader Lamu get protected and do business com-
fortably,” he said. our security first, we are concerned that
said the allocation of the stalls require if security will not be intensified then in-
sincerity from those mandated to al- Ndambuki told Business Hub that more Hindi market
security patrols have been intensified vestors will be scared,” said a clearing and Abubakar Mohamed, a shopkeeper at
locate them.
“Why should someone who was
not working in the market want a stall
along the Malindi-Garsen –Lamu highway
to ensure safety of motorists and residents
forwarding agent who sought anonymity.
With many employees of different gov-
the Hindi market said business has im-
proved after the road was tarmacked,
ernment agencies shifting base to Lamu, Estimated cost of
to rent out at the expense of a trader is heightened in the wake of emerging in- adding that the influx of people as a result the infrastructure
vestment opportunities. the demand for housing is rising, and this of Lamu port has boosted his business.
who has been operating in a tough will require property developers to tap into project expected to
working condition? he posed. “We have deployed more security of- The activities of the port have opened up compete for busi-
ficers both from traffic police and intel- the economic potential, this in turn creat- business opportunities for us, and custom-
“All we want is transparency and ing jobs for local residents. The newly built ness with ports else-
accountability in the entire process ligence, and there are plans to open new ers have increased because of the influx of where in the region
police stations along the Garsen –Lamu Sh310 billion Lamu port, a project of Lamu people here in the Hindi market,” Abuba-
since all traders know each other, “ South Sudan Ethiopia Transport (Lapsset)
Ndung’u added road to ensure maximum security,” he said kar told Business Hub.
Friday, May 28, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY 



COMMODITY KG Nairobi Mombasa Nakuru Eldoret Busia
TAL Dry Maize 90 3850 3700 3600 3200 2800
HIGH LOW AGRICULTURAL PRICES SHARES Green Maize 115 3000 2200 2000 1600
22.00 10.00 Eaagads Ltd Ord 1.25 AIMS 13.50 - Finger Millet 90 9000 6750 6300 8100 5400
390.00 300.00 Kakuzi Ltd Ord.5.00 340.00 340.00 100

101.00 60.00 Kapchorua Tea Co. Ltd Ord Ord 5.00 AIMS 74.00 82.00 100 Sorghum 90 6800 2700 5800 5400 3600
600.00 450.00 The Limuru Tea Co. Ltd Ord 20.00 AIMS 470.00 - Wheat 90 3000
26.00 14.10 Sasini Ltd Ord 1.00 17.95 18.00 4,200
180.00 134.00 Williamson Tea Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 AIMS 145.00 140.00 2,100 Beans Canadian 90 9000 7500
AUTOMOBILES & ACCESSORIES Beans Rosecoco 90 8100 7800 8500 9000 10800
29.00 17.00 Car & General (K) Ltd Ord 5.00 21.40 - Beans Mwitemania 90 7500 7300 6000 9000
BANKING Mwezi Moja 90 5400 7000
13.50 7.80 Barclays Bank of Kenya Ltd Ord 0.50 10.75 10.65 168,300
Dolichos (Njahi) 90 10800 12000 8500 11700
Levy to add burden 33.00
BK Group Pic Ord 0.50
Diamond Trust Bank Kenya Ltd Ord 4.00
- Green Gram 90 12600 10500 12000 12600 12,600
on citizens yet 57.00
Equity Bank Ltd Ord 0.50
HF Group Pic Ord 5.00
11,200 Cowpeas 90 9000 7800 8100 7200
130.00 52.00 I&M Holdings Ltd Ord 1.00 52.00 52.25 43,400 Fresh Peas 51 3600 2040 3000 1785
to recover from 55.00
KCB Group Pic Ord 1.00
National Bank of Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00
Groundnuts 110 12500 12000 13000 10350 15400
Covid-19 effects on 44.50
NIC Bank Ltd Ord 5.00
Stanbic Holdings Pic ord.5.00
Red Irish Potatoes 50 1800 3200 1000 3000
White Irish Potatoes 50 1700 1100 1800 900
earning, ICPAK says 243.00
Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00
The Co-operative Bank of Kenya Ltd Ord 1.00
4,419,600 Cassava Fresh 99 2600 3000
Sweet Potatoes 98 3600 6500 3000 4800
COMMERCIAL AND SERVICES Cabbages 126 1900 6000 800 1400 2520
by Harrison Kivisu 5.10 0.45 Deacons (East Africa) Pic Ord 2.50 0.45 -
@PeopleDailyKe 4.65 0.85 Eveready East Africa Ltd Ord 1.00 1.06 1.06 8,800 Cooking Bananas 22 500 600 300 1200 850
8.00 4.05 Express Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 AIMS 6.50 6.50 17,100 Ripe Bananas 14 650 250 750 700 1000
18.50 2.10 Kenya Airways Ltd Ord 5.00 2.95 2.99 92,100
Institute of Certified Public 6.25 3.90 Longhorn Kenya Ltd Ord 1.00 AIMS 7.50 7.86 5,800 Carrots 138 5500 5500 6500 5800 8280
8.40 0.88 Nairobi Business Ventures Ltd Ord 2.50 0.89 0.89 200 Tomatoes 64 5000 3650 4000 5000 4000
Accountants (ICPAK) has ex- 125.00 46.00 Nation Media Group Ltd Ord. 2.50 45.00 45.10 33,300
Onions Dry 13 845 650 650 1260 1300
pressed displeasure over the 3.30 1.72 Sameer Africa Pic ord 5.00 4.00 3.91 21,200
39.50 17.15 Standard Group Ltd Ord 5.00 29.50 - Spring Onions 142 3600 2500 3000 1400
introduction of Value Added 38.00 18.05 TPS Eastern Africa Ltd Ord 1.00 19.00 19.00 4,200 Chillies 38 2850 3800 3000
Tax (VAT) on ordinary bread 5.00 0.29 Uchumi Supermarket Ltd Ord 5.00 0.34 0.34 56,600
25.50 10.80 WPP Scangroup Pic Ord 5.00 12.70 11.75 35,500 cucumber 50 2800 2200
and its products. CONSTRUCTION & ALLIED Capsicums 50 3250 3500 2500 2000 3500
The institute said the tax is 8.35 2.40 ARM Cement Ltd Ord 1.00 5.55 - Brinjals 44 1540 3500 2000 1500
inhumane, considering the George Mokua, Mwaura laud- 187.00 110.00 Bamburi Cement Ltd Ord 5.00 109.50 107.25 700
ed the move, saying it will lower 87.50 50.00 Crown Paints Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 80.00 80.00 6,000 Cauliflower 39 2950 1950
economic downturn the sec- 5.20 2.10 E.A.Cables Ltd Ord 0.50 2.81 2.467 39,500 Lettuce 51 1350 1500
tor has suffered since the start the cost of production due to 26.00 12.60 E.A.Portland Cement Co. Ltd Ord 5.00 14.50 -
the lower cost of importation Passion Fruits 57 900 1100 5500 3990
of the Covid-19 pandemic last ENERGY & PETROLEUM Oranges 93 700 1400 5000 4000 3000
year. Rose Mwaura (pictured), which will lead to the increase 9.00 5.46 KenGen Co. Ltd Ord. 2.50 5.88 5.90 137,500
in capacity to fight the pan- Lemons 95 2800 3000 3000 2500
ICPAK chair said the govern- 23.00 12.80 KenolKobil Ltd Ord 0.05 22.00 -
demic. 8.00 3.05 Kenya Power & Lighting Co Ltd Ord 2.50 3.68 3.68 24,300 Mangoes Local 126 1800 1000 2400 2800 2500
ment should shelve the tax, 5.50 5.00 Kenya Power & Lighting Ltd 4% Pref 20.00 5.00 - Mangoes Ngowe 25 1000 600 500 1400
noting that it will add burden “The ultimate impact will 6.00 6.00 Kenya Power & Lighting Ltd 7% Pref 20.00 6.00 -
Limes 13 2600 1375
on citizens who are already be felt when more sectors of 36.50 25.00 Total Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 29.10 28.90 200
12.90 5.00 Umeme Ltd Ord 0.50 7.52 - Pineapples 13 975 975 600 1170
struggling and have not com- the economy reopen as the se- INSURANCE Pawpaw 54 1500 1400 3000 2160
pletely shrugged off the effect verity of the virus is contained 15.85 8.00 Britam Holding Pic Ord 0.10 7.22 7.30 25,500
5.40 3.20 CIC Insurance Group Ltd Ord.1.00 2.99 3.12 541,200 Avocado 90 3700 4000 3500 2600 3860
of Coronavirus (Covid-19) on through mass vaccination,” 540.00 366.00 Jubilee Holdings Ltd Ord 5.00 370.75 375.00 600 Kales 50 600 1750 400 700
their earnings. she added. 19.25 3.48 Kenya Re Insurance Corporation Ltd Ord 2.50 3.20 3.41 80,000
15.00 9.00 Liberty Kenya Holdings Ltd Ord.1.00 10.80 10.80 300
Eggs 330 330 300
“Introducing the tax will 26.50 18.00 Sanlam Kenya Pic Ord 5.00 20.00 19.00 -
deny a majority of Kenyans ac- Finance Bill INVESTMENT
44.25 24.50 Centum Investment Co Ltd Ord 0.50 32.35 32.40 19,600
cess to quality food,” she said. The Institute also welcomed 1.15 0.45 Home Afrika Ltd Ord 1.00 0.54 0.59 127,100
The tax comes a few months the proposal in the Finance Bill 1500.00 1500.00 Kurwitu Ventures Ltd Ord 100.00 1,500.00 -
after manufacturers increased 3.80 1.90 Olympia Capital Holdings Ltd Ord 5.00 2.50 2.48 300 US DOLLAR 103.4375 103.3389 103.5361
to adopt some best interna- 5.00 2.70 Trans-Century Ltd Ord 0.50 AIMS 3.00 3.32 4,300 SW KRONER 10.7527 10.7397 10.7657
the price of bread by Sh5 fol- tional practices such as limit- INVESTMENT SERVICES STG POUND 125.6631 125.5272 125.7989
lowing a jump in global wheat ing Digital Services Tax to non- 21.00 12.00 Nairobi Securities Exchange Pic Ord 4.00 11.85 11.20 49,100
SINGAPORE DOLLAR 74.7624 74.6776 74.8472
prices. The price of bread had resident entities and introduc- MANUFACTURING & ALLIED SAUDI RIYAL 27.5760 27.5482 27.6037
remained stable over the years tion of Country-by-Country 100.00 58.00 B.O.C Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 67.75 - SA RAND 6.8432 6.8349 6.8515
due to zero-rating on tax, with reporting for Multinational 725.00 492.00 British American Tobacco Kenya Ltd Ord 10.00 515.00 520.00 3,500
S FRANC 106.4391 106.3157 106.5625
12.50 7.70 Carbacid Investments Ltd Ord 1.00 8.68 -
manufacturers competing for Enterprises. 270.00 160.00 East African Breweries Ltd Ord 2.00 202.50 202.25 15,100 NOR KRONER 11.5635 11.5499 11.5771
the small margins buoyed by The institute congratulated 4.75 2.10 Flame Tree Group Holdings Ltd Ord 0.825 2.95 2.86 21,500 KES / USHS 35.6545 35.5721 35.7368
80.00 12.60 Kenya Orchards Ltd Ord 5.00 AIMS 12.60 -
economies of scale. the government for the pro- 0.90 0.27 Mumias Sugar Co. Ltd Ord 2.00 0.33 0.33 352,300 KES / TSHS 22.2260 22.1565 22.2956
Mwaura who spoke during posal to remove the current re- 44.00 31.20 Unga Group Ltd Ord 5.00 32.90 - KES / RWF 8.8690 8.8502 8.8879
a media briefing in Mombasa, quirement that electricity must KES / BIF 17.8185 17.7347 17.9023
TELECOMMUNICATION JPY (100) 97.8456 97.7385 97.9528
however lauded the govern- be supplied to the National 32.50 21.00 Safaricom Ltd Ord 0.05 27.30 27.20 2,832,400
ment for exempting medical IND RUPEE 1.4592 1.4576 1.4609
Grid for the generation of the
equipment and inputs used to same to fall under the defini- 12.30 7.60 Stanlib fahari I-Reit Ord 20.00 8.30 8.30 1,700 EURO 116.0458 115.9239 116.1678
manufacture equipment such tion of “manufacture”, which DAN KRONER 15.5601 15.5441 15.5761
as ventilators, breathing appli- is a prerequisite to qualify EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS
1275.00 1165.00 Barclays New Gold ETF 1485i 1235.00 - CHINESE YUAN 14.6568 14.6325 14.6812
ances and medicaments. for investment deduction on CAN $ 77.5510 77.4712 77.6307
NSE ALL SHARE INDEX: UP 0.44 points to close at 147.18
Flanked by ICPAK CEO Ed- equipment, machinery and NSE 20-SHARE INDEX: UP 11.64 points to close at 2556.91 AUSTRALIAN $ 69.6341 69.5574 69.7109
win Makori and Vice chair buildings used in manufacture. NSE 25-SHARE INDEX: UP 14.89 points to close at 3560.53 AE DIRHAM 28.1604 28.1309 28.1900

by Noel Wandera Tier 2 Capital from the KCB Group Sh 2.7 billion due to increased vol- Sh2.09 billion, compared to Sh2.11
@PeopleDailyKe Plc, we are now well positioned to umes of loans and advances as well billion over a similar period in 2020.
continue growing the business and as sustained recoveries. According to This was despite increased invest-
National Bank of Kenya (NBK) has supporting our customers to weather the financial results, the quarter was ments in enhanced cybersecurity
posted Sh184 million in profit after effects of the pandemic. Further, marked by a 28 per cent growth in measures and revamp of the core
tax for the First Quarter of the year the capital injection enhances our interest paid on increased customer banking system.
ending March 31, 2021. This repre- compliance with regulatory ratios,” deposits, from transactions on the On the balance sheet side, total
sents a 19 per cent growth compared he added. revamped digital channels. assets grew by 14 per cent to Sh114
to a similar period last year, driven by Total operating costs during the billion, majorly from net loans and
increased income from loan interest Capital buffers quarter remained relatively flat at advances, which were up 20 per cent
and foreign exchange trading, cou- The group injected $30 million to Sh58 billion.
pled with lower loan loss provisions. (Sh3.2 billion) in additional debt cap- 1" 6 -  3 6 4 4 0 This was also supported by in-
Managing Director Paul Russo ital to NBK in April 2021 to enhance creased customer deposits which
(pictured) said that the Quarter was grew by 8 per cent to Sh99 billion due
marked by pockets of slow recovery
the bank’s capital buffers. During the
quarter under review, net interest
8FBSFOPXXFMM to increased flows among existing cli-
from effects of the Covid-19 pandem- ents and new accounts in corporate
ic due to the gradual reopening of the
income grew by 5 per cent from the
previous year to stand at Sh1.9 bil- QPTJUJPOFEUPDPOUJOVF and retail (including National Ama-
economy after a period of subdued nah – The bank’s Islamic Banking
activity. “Having received a boost in
lion. This was contributed by interest
income which grew by 11 per cent to HSPXJOHUIFCVTJOFTT business) franchises of the lender.
 Friday, May 28, 2021

& . . " / 6 & -  ." $ 3 0 /



Hawking’s office to
)UDQFH·VUROHLQ be preserved in UK
Papers and a diverse range of per-

sonal items belonging to the late Brit-
ish astrophysicist Stephen Hawking
have been acquired by Cambridge
University and a UK museum group.
Under an agreement between Cam-
bridge University Library, the Science
Museum Group and the UK govern-
The President’s tour explain the genocide and France’s respon-
sibility. It is very important. It shows that
ment, the entire contents of the world-
renowned scientist’s office and archive
comes after decaders of he understands us.” will be preserved for future genera-
diplomatic tensions over The French president is on a one-day leg tions. The £4.2 million (Sh641 million)
to Kigali before flying to South Africa Fri- deal means 10,000 pages of Hawking’s
the 1994 Tutsi massacre day for a visit devoted to the coronavirus scientific papers and other documents
pandemic and vaccine production. will remain in the university city of
French President Emmanuel Macron on
Thursday recognised his country’s role in Cambridge in eastern England where
Form of blindness he died in 2018.
the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, from back- The genocide between April and July
ing a genocidal regime to ignoring warn- – AFP
of 1994 began after Rwanda’s Hutu presi-
ings of the impending massacres. dent Juvenal Habyarimana, with whom
Macron kicked off a highly symbolic Paris had cultivated close ties, was killed
visit to Rwanda after three decades of dip- when his plane was shot down over Kigali
lomatic tensions, with a tour of the Kigali on April 6.
Genocide Memorial, where he paid tribute Within a few hours extremist Hutu mi-
to some 800,000 mostly Tutsis who were litia began slaughtering Tutsis, and some
slaughtered in the killings. moderate Hutus, with a scale and brutality
“Standing here today, with humility and that shocked the world.
respect, by your side, I have come to recog- Victims were felled with machetes,
nise our responsibilities,” Macron said in a shot, or massacred while seeking shelter
speech at the Kigali Genocide Memorial.
His highly anticipated speech did not
in churches and schools, while sexual vio-
lence was rife.
Junta leader takes
contain a formal apology, but he went fur-
ther than his predecessors and said only
France, which provided political and
military support to Kigali during a civil French President
The question of France’s role and re-
sponsibility in the genocide has burned
over Mali top seat
those who had survived the horrors “can war preceding the genocide, has long been The head of the former junta in
maybe forgive, give us the gift of forgive- accused of turning a blind eye to the dan- Macron with his between the two nations for decades,
leading to a complete diplomatic rupture Mali, Col Assimi Goïta, has declared
ness.” gers posed by Hutu extremists in a country host, Rwanda’s
between 2006 and 2009. himself the country’s transitional
Rwandan President Paul Kagame hailed which had already seen several large scale President, Paul
In 2010 Nicolas Sarkozy attempted to president, after stripping the coun-
Macron’s speech, speaking to reporters af- massacres in its past. Kagame walk at try’s interim president and former
ter the two leaders met. “His words were “In wanting to block a regional conflict the Presidential break the ice by admitting to “serious mis-
takes” and a “form of blindness” on the prime minister of their powers. Presi-
something more valuable than an apology. or a civil war, (France) in fact continued Palace in Kigali on dent Bah Ndaw and the Prime Min-
They were the truth,” Kagame said. to support a genocidal regime. By ignor- May 27, 2021. AFP part of the French during the genocide.
His remarks fell short of expectations in ister Moctar Ouane have now been
Macron is the first French leader since ing alerts from the most clear-headed ob- released from military detention.
2010 to visit the East African nation, which servers, France assumed an overwhelming Rwanda, and bilateral relations continued
to fester. They were taken to a military base late
has long accused France of complicity in responsibility in a chain of events that re- on Monday in what was seen as Mali’s
the killings. sulted in the worst scenario,” said Macron. second military coup in nine months.
Macron said France “was not com- Two commissions
However, ties have warmed under Ma- The move followed a cabinet reshuffle
plicit” in the genocide. “But France has a in which two army officers involved in
role, a story and a political responsibility BURNT BRIDGES cron, who has taken several steps to heal
the wounds, including forming a commis- the previous coup lost their jobs. Col
to Rwanda. She has a duty: to face history Goïta complained that the ex-presi-
head-on and recognise the suffering she The question of France’s role and responsibility in the genocide sion led by historian Vincent Duclert into
has burned between the two nations for decades, leading to a the role of France in the genocide. dent had failed to consult him about
has inflicted on the Rwandan people by too the new cabinet. The situation in Mali
long valuing silence over the examination complete diplomatic rupture between 2006 and 2009. The report accused Paris, which had
close ties to the ethnic Hutu regime behind today is said to be tense but calm.
of the truth”. – BBC
Egide Nkuranga, president of the main In 2010 Nicolas Sarkozy attempted to break the ice by admitting the massacres, of being “blind” to prepara-
to “serious mistakes” and a “form of blindness” on the part of the tions for the genocide and said it bore “se-
survivors’ association Ibuka, told AFP he
French during the genocide. rious and overwhelming” responsibility.
was disappointed that Macron did not
“present a clear apology on behalf of the His remarks fell short of expectations in Rwanda, and bilateral
The commission found no proof, how- Somalia to hold
French state” or “ask for forgiveness”. ever, of French complicity in the blood-
However he said Macron “really tried to
relations continued to fester.
shed. – AFP elections in 60 days
Somalia’s government announced

on Thursday that delayed elections
would be held within 60 days, follow-
ing months of deadlock over the vote
that erupted into violence in the trou-
Boeing agreed to pay a $17 million ing equipment installed that may not stalled and reviewing supply chain bled country. “About the schedule of
fine and enhance its supply chain and have been approved for use. processes connected to production elections, the national consultative fo-
production practices after installing Besides the $17 million fine, Boeing rate decisions. The company also rum agreed that elections will be held
unapproved equipment on hundreds agreed to a number of corrective ac- must take steps to allow closer FAA within 60 days” with the exact dates to
of planes, US regulators said Thurs- tions “within specific timeframes,” the oversight of its production rate assess- be determined by the electoral board,
day. The Federal Aviation Adminis- FAA said. If Boeing fails to meet these ments. “Keeping the flying public safe deputy information minister Abdirah-
tration (FAA) said the manufacturer conditions, the FAA will levy up to is our primary responsibility. That is man Yusuf announced at the conclu-
installed unapproved sensors on 759 $10.1 million in additional penalties, not negotiable, and the FAA will hold sion of talks. The central government
Boeing 737 MAX and NG aircraft. the agency said. Boeing and the aviation industry ac- and leaders of Somalia’s five states had
The company also submitted about The “corrective actions” include countable to keep our skies safe,” said been unable to agree on the terms of a
178 Boeing 737 MAX planes for air- strengthening procedures to ensure FAA Administrator Steve Dickson. vote before the president’s term lapsed
worthiness certification despite hav- that unapproved parts are not in- – AFP in February. – AFP
Friday, May 28, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY 
Fast-rising teenage

Clique & Clicks

rapper Trio Mio hits
the stage with Fena
Get 4QPUUFE Gitu.


by Elly Gitau expected. However, the musicians went ahead
They don’t call him El Presidente for nothing! Rapper CMB Prezzo with DJ Pierra Makena. to perform for the paltry crowd, who seemingly
The Wave concert went down at the Carnivore had missed the return of the shows, as they
in Nairobi last weekend. With a riveting line-up danced to the beat the best way they could.
of about 30 Kenyan artistes on the bills, it was Among the artistes who graced the show were
poised to be the biggest gig these sides of Africa Jua Cali, Khaligraph Jones, Fena Gitu, Willy
in the recent times. The artistes did show up, Paul, Nadia Mukami, Trio Mio, Kristoff, Timmy
some pulling grandeur arrivals as was in the Tdat, Ssaru,Bensoul and Nviiri. Kenya’s queen
case of rapper CMB Prezzo—who pulled up in of the decks DJ Pierra Makena rocked the party
a limousine. But something was a bit amiss. from the wheels of steel.
The fans didn’t turn up in large numbers as

Willy Paul
does his thing
alongside Nadia
Sherry Gicau with comedian Oga Obinna. Mukami.

The fans get their thrill.

Genge maestro Jua Cali still has it.

The young at heart

by Gerald Ithana
Green Kids Club recently held the inaugural edition of the
Africa Kids Awards gala in Nairobi. The event aimed at cele-
brating and recognising children’s talents, skills and achieve-
ments, as well as encouraging them in self-realisation and
link them up to potential mentorship opportunities in their
respective fields. The awarded categories included education, A big one for the memories: The African Kids Awards winners
innovation and technology, film and production, music and put up their best smiles.
sports. Others were humanitarian, young achievers, young
explores, differently abled, modelling, and creative arts.

Sleepy Da-
vid, Green
Kids Club
CEO Tinah
and MC

Differently Abled category winner Catherine Njeri (centre)

Best actor in the nine years category Lamar Munene. with Marine Scientist Gulatoon Jahangir and clinician Nassim
 PEOPLE DAILY / Friday, May 28, 2021

Spice Flavour ZPVSEBZ



Nicole Agneta
Webstar Ireri

As we t’s been more than a year since the director Nicole Agneta initially viewed
approach coronavirus pandemic struck and
it continues to devastate lives and
the lockdown period as a time for cre-
atives to dive deeper into their art and
the end of shape how the world functions; and produce more content. Then she hit
the arts industry has felt the wrath a creative barrier where she couldn’t
this year’s of it. Kenyan creatives have their fair conceive ideas and this sneaked in feel-
Mental share of frustrations, setbacks as
well as resilient narratives to attest to,
ings of incompetency. But, a one-week
break was all the spoken word artiste
Health amidst the chaos. In a country with a
creative industry teeming with aston-
needed to reignite her creative flames.
This time, Nicole intentionally focused
Awareness ishing talent, but feeble support for it,
the frustrations experienced have not
on creating without exerting unhealthy
pressure on herself. Her biggest strug-
Month, just been economically crippling, but gle was the inability to be around her
mentally and emotionally overwhelm- closest people.
creatives ing for industry players. But there’s little A year later, with an unwavering sup-
share with focus on mental health awareness in
this sector with a lot of people suffering
port system, Nicole, who also works at
mental health organisation Mental 360,
Mukanzi in silence.
Music producer, musician and song-
is coping much better. A sturdy support
system is crucial for an individual, espe-
Cynthia writer Viola Karuri had a difficult year
in 2019 and was hoping for a reprieve in
cially in turbulent times. At Mental 360,
she has immersed herself into enlight-
their 2020. As the pandemic raged on, forcing ening conversations with other people.
a countrywide lockdown last year, the She has been exploring and expanding
struggles Redlily Entertainment CEO panicked at her abilities as an artiste and creator,
since the what was obviously going to be a pro-
longed state of uncertainty. “I couldn’t
consequently seizing opportunities that
are meeting her at her point of growth
onset create for a while. I had severe writer’s
block and as a songwriter, I second-
and excellence.
“The opportunities I’d been praying
of the guessed everything I wrote,” shares the
for are coming to fruition. What I’ve
learned is, you’ve got to love what you
Covid-19 But Viola was persistent in her writ- do, but you have to continuously work at
ing and the dark cloud gradually lifted. it, so that when the doors start opening,
pandemic And she is now fully thriving in her you’re ready to walk through; not just
and how element. “I have learned to appreciate
every day as it comes. Lessons and
metaphorically, but with the confidence
of knowing you’ve been working on your
their challenges are there to strengthen and
mould you into who you are meant to
craft and you’re ready or qualified for
those moments when they come,” she
mental be. So, in everything, I find something to
give thanks for,” says the I like It singer.
tells Spice.
Nicole has experienced overall heal-
wellness ing by working on herself. She went
Concrete barriers into life coaching, which provided a
has been Creative stall has been a resound- better understanding of a lot of things
impacted ing inconvenience for creators in this
pandemic. Poet, model and creative
she was struggling with, both known
and unknown. “I pride myself with be-
Friday, May 28, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY SPICE 


Akon set to mentor up-

and-coming musicians
with new recipes and eating well, Creatives have been affected Music streaming and download service Boomplay has
exercising often and getting more in 36#:7 by the pandemic in different ways. partnered with Hitlab to offer emerging artistes a chance
tune with his spirituality and faith. Some have lost loved ones, their live- to work with award-winning singer, rapper, songwriter
These have kept him occupied and *EPOU lihoods, the will or ability to create and producer Akon. Through the Digital Emerging Artiste
grounded. and are facing financial hardships. Showcase (DEAS) competition, interested artistes can sub-
UIJOLFOPVHI These forms of loss are bound to be mit their songs for analysis through Hitlab’s Digital Nuance
Therapy within DSFBUJWFT harmful to mental wellness. With Analysis technology. Among others, the contest will give
Charles Okinda is popularly or without effects of the pandemic, the winning artistes a recording contract with
known as Charles Wiglly in the BSFCFJOH mental health issues in the creative an international music label, mentorship by
dance realm. Dance is a social art JOWPMWFEJOUIF world should be a priority among the Senegalese-American music mogul
and as a dancer and instructor, it has other concerns. A few creatives Akon and Boomplay partnership. Boomplay
been natural for him to be around DPOWFSTBUJPO  have come out to share their mental MD East Africa Martha Huro said, “This
people. “This change was tough to EFTQJUFUIF health struggles and Ruby V, the is a great opportunity for us to
deal with. I had to close down class- Unkut Hennessy Hiphop Awards showcase our artistes on the
es and cancel shows and focus on GBDUUIBUCFJOH founder and CEO and mental health global stage, while also
private classes to keep doing what JOBDSFBUJWF advocate, says it’s of essence to cre- offering them a holistic
I do while maintaining the Covid-19 ate a safe space for creatives to get experience on the indus-
safety protocols. I also switched to JOEVTUSZJTB vulnerable and speak up more. try metrics beyond our
online classes right away,” he says. DIBMMFOHJOH “I have seen a couple of webinars, borders. I urge emerg-
Fortunately for him, these drastic virtual forums and workshops talk- ing artistes to take up
changes and the stress that came GFBU ing about mental health issues, es- this once-in-a lifetime
with it did not slow down his creativi- pecially in the creative industry. More opportunity.”
ty. “I did not have that moment where could be done on that front and more
I felt too overwhelmed to dance. I creatives must be involved in the
Ruby V Charles Okinda actually had more time to create and conversations. I don’t think enough
bake my skills,” says Okinda. creatives are being involved in the
ing self-aware, self-reflective and The Artika dance member adds conversation, despite the fact that
working through it. I learned there’s that he also realised he enjoyed being in a creative industry is a chal-
a difference between knowledge and being at home, something he lenging feat,” says Ruby.
wisdom. I’m utilising the knowledge rarely experienced due to his She is of the thought Heva to lend financial aid to
I’ve acquired to continuously reach for busy out-of-home work that the current
my most authentic self and experience schedule. So, getting
this alone time at
awareness around
the topic isn’t
selected Kenyan creatives
a wholesome and purpose driven life,”
she says, adding that this is reflecting home was relaxing adequate. She A total of 40 Kenyan in- pandemic. A total of 248
in the great relationships she has built for him. “I also do suggests the for- dividuals in the creative in- applications had been sub-
despite of isolation and social distanc- gaming occasion- mation of more dustry have been termed as mitted from Kenya. “We are
ing. ally to just take my forums, work- eligible for the Heva’s East cognisant of the particular
mind off everything shops, webinars Africa Creative Business challenges that businesses
Emotional trauma that’s going on. or even meetings Fund (EACBF). Heva is Af- in this sector face, and a
Webstars Tailored lead designer and Being at home a lot set aside within the rica’s first creative economy result, we hope that the
founder Webstar Ireri derives energy more allowed me to Covid19 regulations catalyst programme. The impact of this facility will be
and ‘life’ to create from continually in- meditate and restore my for creatives to as- loan facility is being made a testament to more capital
teracting with his clients from the mo- mental balance,” he says. semble and share. available to successful allocation to East African
ment they walk into his office for the Coming in hot in con- “Perhaps hear- applicants through debt businesses in the creative
first time, to when they step out. But temporary, ballet, vogue ing another creative investments of between sector. Our goal is to com-
Covid-19 disrupted this flow of work for and shag disciplines talk about their US$20,000 (Sh2.1 million) mit more capital, as we are
him. Being at the helm of the business, of dance, the highly- mental wellness and US$50,000 (Sh5.1 looking to raise US$20 mil-
making nerve-wracking decisions sought after dance or struggles would million), over a maximum lion (Sh2.15 billion) for the
such as sending part of his team on instructor finds therapy make it easier for period of four years. The regional sector in the next
compulsory leave felt like a tear at the in his profession. Dance more to open up fund is a timely response three years,” says Heva
fabric of his company. He tried to cling is his go-to relief when about their own and to the loss of resources partner and investment
to optimism and looked at this period he wants to restore calm get a shoulder to and opportunities for cre- manager Wakiuru Njuguna.
as downtime to create and come up within. “I have been work- lean on,” she says, atives during the Covid-19
with new concepts, but he also stum- ing out every morning adding that more
bled upon an internal barrier. and stretching to just keep productive conversa-
“Countlessly, I would go to my de- myself fit as we wait for tions around the issue
sign corner, but I just couldn’t settle the light. You see, our bodies should be encouraged
my mind to create due to the anxiety should always be ready in regular fo-
and worry of everything going on. This for action despite rums.
was and not limited to the bills, people everything,”
and families and other third parties
that depended on the business for
says the
vogue dance
Anerlisa: My late sister
their livelihoods,” says the fashion
instructor at
The Dance
Tecra was smart, genius
This kind of pressure was foreign, Shagz. A month after Keroche Breweries
and with such weight of responsibility heiress Anerlisa Muigai reportedly
on him, Webstar has had to critically signed the divorce papers to end her
think of diversification within and marriage with Tanzanian singer Ben-
out of the business, which he pol, she has revisited her memories of
proudly reports is work in her late sister Tecra Muigai. Yesterday,
progress. He is learning to Anerlisa took to her Insta stories where
live in the moment without she shared photos of Tecra’s bedroom,
neglecting his obligations showing a stack of hundreds of books
that translate to a future the late sibling read. She termed her
he envisions. as the smartest member of her fam-
To further navigate ily. She wrote: “Can you imagine my
the current state, he is sister read all these books? She was
pursuing knowledge so smart. Nobody was as
with online courses smart as her in the fam-
to chisel his busi- ily. Too genius.” Tecra
ness acumen. This died on May 2, 2020, after
alongside self-care falling a flight of stairs
activities such in Lamu where she was
as cooking more staying with her boyfriend
Viola Karuri Omar Lali.
24 PEOPLE DAILY / Friday, May 28, 2021

Boma Home of Property & Leisure

Tarmacking of backstreet roads
Athi River Smart in Murang’a town. PD/WANGARI
Green City partners Some of the
with Dubai-based roads being tar-
macked include
the one connect-
advisor ing Kenya Power
company offices,
by Betty Muindi the street be-
hind Magunas
and another
The Athi River Smart Green City road connect-
project has onboarded Dubai-based ing Murang’a
real estate investor Hilshaw Group County Level-5
as an exclusive advisor. hospital.
The 4, 500-acre Athi River project
is located 10 kilometres from the The upgrad-
ing of the roads
Jomo Kenyatta International Air-
is the first one of
port, along the Nairobi – Mombasa its kind since the
highway. establishment
The development will be home of this town
to a self-contained community, in- during colonial
cluding commercial, offices, retail times.
spaces, restaurants, hotels and a

Two Murang’a towns set

green resort, golf course, schools, Murang’a
university, community centres, Municipal Board
hospitals, sports, leisure and en- has sunk Sh50
tertainment facilities in addition to million into
more than 4,000 residential units. carpeting of
Hilshaw Group is a multi-family the roads and
office and investment advisory
company, which primarily invests
in low-supply and finite real estate
opportunities. It has allocated $175
million (Sh18.8 billion) towards
for infrastructure upgrade vated two passenger service vehicles termini

United Arab Emirates (UAE) real The municipalities will in Kangari where a Sh345 million ultra-mod-
ern market funded by World Bank is under giving the town a better look and ease move-
estate, specifically towards the ." $ ) " 3 *"
facilitation of the ‘remote work visa’ receive a facelift with construction.
He said Kenol is strategically positioned
ment of cars. Also several roads in the back-
streets of the town have been tarmacked.
Hilshaw’s UAE plans to involve an aim of creating an being the gateway to the larger Mount Kenya Benson Githinji the municipal board chair-
region, and expansion of the Kenol-Sagana man said they are planning to do beautifica-
the customisation of ‘ready to
move-in’ real estate for the post-
environment conducive road, which is set to connect to the northern tion of the town by planting trees and flowers 8FFYQFDU
Covid adoption of working from for business. The corridor shall be an economic game-changer
for the town. “We expect economic activities
along the road, establish recreational parks
and put up street lighting. This he said, shall FDPOPNJD
home. Hilshaw is pre-negotiating
remote work contracts at the em- overhaul will mainly along this line to increase and this shall ben- help in changing the look of the town and
ployer level within international
involve cabro-paving
efit the residents” he said.
Kenol has realised a tremendous increase
give it life.
He said they have applied for the expan-
tech and Fintech industries and is
looking to relocate more than 1,200 installations, a sewer in economic activities and consequently
growth in population, its proximity to Nairobi
sion of its boundaries to cover a larger
area so that more people can benefit from
employees during its first phase.
Project principal, Kenya’s Jet- system, modern being one of the main contributing factors.
Lack of adequate essential facilities, such
improved services. If ratified, the municipal
shall be extended to Gaturi area and capture
black Group (Jetblack Energy), has
planned the smart green city to be a markets and landfill as the market, sewer system and tapped wa-
ter are some of the challenges that the resi-
part of Maragua. “We were given the mu-
nicipality, because we host the county head-
pollution-free environment where
the entire city’s energy will be pro- by Wangari Njuguna
dents have been grappling with for years.
However, a Sh1.2 billion sewer line project
quarters, but we have not met the population
threshold of 100,000 people as required” said
duced through a waste power plant.

Megaprojects, such as Athi River
Smart Green City are only possible
@PeopleDailyKE aimed at serving the two towns is expected
to solve the sanitation problem. The project
One of the areas being targeted in the
enol and Kangari towns, two of the
as a joint collaboration of experts,
the public and private sectors, and
fast growing towns in Murang’a
funded by the World Bank is being imple-
mented by the Ministry of Water and Sanita-
Mukuruwe wa Nyagathanga shrine, which is
a few kilometers from Murang’a town, and
county are set to be upgraded into
like-minded visionaries. Similarly,
evolutionary plans can only be
In addition, a mega landfill at Mitumbiri in
the board is looking for ways to bring it back
to life.
This will see the towns start get- Makuyu market shall help in waste manage- In 2019, the board signed a pact with Up-
achieved in the presence of teams ting funds for development projects
and partners who themselves have ment for these towns and the entire county lands Blue municipality in Sweden where
from the Kenya Urban Support Pro- at large. the two would leverage on each other in a
the ability to evolve,” said Keshoney gramme (KUSP).
Elisha, President Jetblack Group. Already, Murang’a municipality has re- programme dubbed Twinning of Cities under
During his recent visit to Murang’a county, ceived over Sh100 million to undertake vari- the International Centre for Local Democ-
Waste from Machakos county the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infra-
and the Athi River project will be ous projects within its borders. racy (ICLD).The two municipalities are sup-
structure, Housing and Urban Development The board has installed cabros on various posed to establish common projects for their
processed through the plant’s James Macharia said Murang’a falls under
four reactors to produce some 576 pavements within Murang’a town and reno- residents funded by ICLD.
the Nairobi metropolis, but it has has only one
megawats in 24 hours with zero municipality.
emissions. According to the part- Once upgraded, he said the towns will get
ners, the projected outputs will be funds to establish various projects, which will
achieved by processing 400 tons of help improve the livelihoods of the people in
solid waste. the county.
Its public transport will run ex- “Most of the projects under KUSP are do-
clusively on electric, hybrid and the nor funded and once upgraded, the two towns
waste power plant produced bio- will benefit from it,” he said.
gas. Residents will be issued with The CS also said the government will con-
special permits for conventionally struct a market to cater for the road side trad-
powered vehicles upon fulfillment ers at Kenol who will be displaced following Installation of
of emission regulations. “Hilshaw the expansion of the Kenol-Sagana road. “We cabro pavements
Group has proven its ability to do so are looking for land to construct a modern on one of the
over the years and has its success- market for the Kenol traders to give them a streets in Murang’a
es to prove it. We are delighted to better environment to do their business,” he town as part of the
have [it] as part of this monumental said. face-lift project. PD/
Kenyan dream,” he said. A similar programme is being established WANGARI NJUGUNA
Friday, May 28, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY BOMA 25
DECOR 8 * 5 )  # & 5 5 :  .6 */% *   @BettyMuindi
Not just a time teller, but a piece of art
Looming taxation to cripple Ranging in style from vintage and industrial to modern and
sophisticated, decorative wall clocks make for the perfect piec-
es of functional accent wall décor. If you’ve got extra wall space
to fill, consider a wall clock. Check out this guide for wall clock

fledgling Airbnb businesses

decoration ideas to help you get inspired

these local sites, and that is why the sector is If the taxation is fully implemented what
Ezekiel Mureithi gaining such traction. impact will it have on the pricing?
founder of Manorcom, The government plans to start taxing this
Like any other expense, operators will pass
on the cost to the end consumer, and this
a listing company sector, how effective will this be and what means that prices for Airbnb establish-
impact will it have on the sector? ments will rise. On average prices will go up
for Airbnb and rental The introduction of tax to the sector is a by utmost Sh1,000 per unit if the taxation is
houses in Kenya works wrong move by the government, because
many vacation rentals operate outside the
implemented fully.

with other hosts to parameter of the Airbnb.com website, mean-

ing they are not registered. This will make
Are there regulations governing this sec-
market and secure it difficult for the government to track those Yes, laws to regulate the industry are well
who own accommodation establishments. laid, but the execution is a big challenge.
them clients both on While the government will succeed in The reason being as I said, it is difficult to Minimalistic or abstract wall clocks are the perfect
decorative pieces for modern rooms. Place a modern wall
short-term and long- introducing the new taxation law, it will be
ineffective when it comes to execution. It will
differentiate an Airbnb facility and a private
citizen apartment. If the government wants clock above a desk with simple accents, such as small
term stays also be difficult to determine the difference
between a normal rental house and vacation
to organise this sector, I would advise them
to stop using the crackdown method since
plants for a perfect minimalist workspace.

by Milliam Murigi rental. So far the largest number of the hosts this is not a criminal or illegal business. They
@millymur1 are against the proposed taxation, because should instead meet the Airbnb operators

we were not consulted before this proposal and let them explain what would work for the
Decorating with
ow organised is the Airbnb sector in was done. industry. Such will guide the government to
large wall clocks is all
Kenya? Apart from that, the tax proposed is too come up with regulations that favour both
the rage right now, and
At the moment, it is every man for high and when you add other operational sides. Introducing blanket tax in an industry
for good reasons —
himself. It is quite informal. Many of costs, it becomes a loss-making business. they have no knowledge about is the wrong
they are immediately
the properties are not registered with There are a lot of costs that many people way to go about it.
eye-catching and im-
the government despite the fact that they are overlook and only see the final profit. For
pressive. Pick a rela-
operational and are listed on advertising and example, a studio in Kilimani will cost a host
tively simple design
booking sites such as Airbnb and Booking. an average of Sh120,000 monthly rent, with
for your oversized wall
com. the addition of running cost and water and
clock —on such a large
furnishing of the apartment. Therefore,
clock, too many details
And what has been the impact of Airbnb on at the bare minimum, the host will use
can be overpowering.
the tourism industry? Sh150,000 to run the home.
Airbnb has contributed immensely to the For the host to cover the running
tourism sector, because they offer a wide va- costs of the apartment, it means they
riety of options to choose from and presents have to host guests for 30 days renting
the clients with favourable prices compared out the apartment at Sh5,000 per day.
to hotels and lounges. At times this is not possible, especially
Currently, it is easy to find a cozy, well-kept during the pandemic and many end up
two-bedroom furnished apartment for a making losses. So, any additional taxa-
day starting from Sh3,500. Because of these tion will cripple the Airbnb business. It
favourable prices, tourists both local and is much wiser to tax individual tax returns
international, who are cautious about their based on how much the host was able to
budget are preferring to stay in these accom- make in a year than introduce a blanket tax.

What is required for one to start hosting?

For you to start hosting, you need a physi-
cal location to set up the Airbnb facility (rent
depends on the rates of the area), a business .63&*5)*
permit from the county offices, a license from
the Consumer Protection Board and Kenya
Revenue Authority and a permit from the
Tourism Regulatory Authority, which varies
from Sh1,000 to Sh3,500 annually.
Small, antique-looking wall clocks fit right in on gal-

Has Covid-19 had any impact on this sec-

Ezekiel Mureithi.
UBYBUJPOXJMM lery-style walls that have a lot going on. The juxtaposition
of a round clock with more angular pieces of wall décor
tor and what are hosts doing to ensure
they remain afloat?
DSJQQMFUIF or shelves will elevate an eclectic gallery wall to a whole
new level.
Yes, a big impact indeed. While many
people have listed their furnished
apartments and houses on the Airbnb HANG
website, the bookings have gone down *UJTNVDIXJTFS SOPHISTICATED,
significantly, because of Covid-19. UNADORNED
International tourists and travellers UPUBYJOEJWJEVBM FACES
The perfect
that use websites, such as Airbnb.
com to book their stay in Kenya are UBYSFUVSOTCBTFE complement to a
no longer there. modern or glam
Therefore, hosts have resorted POIPXNVDIUIF room design is a
to targeting another market and classy, unadorned
that is the local market using IPTUXBTBCMFUP wall clock face.
local listing websites, such as Even though they
ours. This has really worked to NBLFJOBZFBS lack detail and
their benefit, because Kenyans ornamentation,
who get caught in between UIBOJOUSPEVDFB these clocks can
curfew hours usually find ac- hold their own and
commodation for the night and CMBOLFUUBY can even be hung
even longer periods of time on on a large wall all
by themselves.
 PEOPLE DAILY / Friday, May 28, 2021

mother has had immense toll on her men-

Interracial love gone sour tal health as well.

Veronicah’s story is just one of the many
young girls that fall into the trap of accept-
ing so quickly to move abroad with their
new partners without knowing them or no
clue of their partner’s background. They
Veronica Abok thought Veronica Abok has been left to care for her two rush into marriage unknowingly thinking
that their foreign spouse is going to be
children after her Mzungu partner cut off links
the stars had shone on with her. PD/JASMINE ATIENO their saviour.
Belgium-based Kenyan Relationship
her when she married a Coach, Chinese Kikie has for years been
white Chilean man. But advising young women and men to learn
who their partners are before moving out
that star turned to doom of their country.

as she faced threats to her How to play safe

“What if your partner has a criminal
life and came back to the background, is married to someone else,
country with nothing has an aggressive behaviour, and is an
alcoholic or substance abuser, mentally
by Jasmine Atieno unstable? You simply can’t figure this out

@sparkleMine within a few weeks that he or she spends
with you on a holiday here. Always do a
nterracial love has recently been one of background check, don’t ignore any red
the coolest trends in the ‘love market’. flags because it might cost your life in the
For some, marrying a white person future. Get to know their childhood, family
equals hitting a jackpot, happy life and relationships, if he works, wherever they
opulence. Living abroad is the ultimate live, any substance abuse, anger manage-
goal of some people. Others swear ment, social behaviour and their commu-
they would go for interracial marriage nication skills. I have seen many Kenyans
just to have ‘adorable’ children. Not to for- falling into the trap of thinking that the
get interracial marriages hold great hope grass is greener on the other side without
for eradicating racism. And yes, with all doing any research and they end up in
these bonus points, so many young people pure dissatisfaction and disappointment,”
have turned interracial dating into a heist, shares Kikie
which sometimes ends in unfortunate Kikie advises that it is important to trust
situations. your instincts, and in case of danger, seek
Veronica Abok thought the stars had help if possible, in the nearest embassy or
shone on her when she met a white man
,* ,* & home. I was to stay for only one month, but Kenyan community abroad.
it was extended to six months. I was dis- “Always know your rights in a foreign
in 2013. She had just landed her first job in
connected from the world. No communi-
Nairobi as a waitress at a local restaurant.  cation, no phone calls. I was locked all that
country and that includes knowing the
After exchanging contacts, the relationship emergency numbers that you should call
moved rather fast. And when the man’s
"MXBZTEPB time… and endured physical abuse from when in trouble. Call police in case of any
the mother,” shares Veronica.
visa expired, he left the country promis- CBDLHSPVOE What would follow is a chaotic stay in
mistreatment from your partner, don’t let
ing to bring her to the other side for a visit it pile up. Build a case, but don’t provoke
too. The trip did happen and it changed
DIFDL EPOU Chile characterised by threats to her life, the aggressor. Confide to a friend that you
from her mother-in-law putting a gun
the young woman’s life permanently. The JHOPSFBOZSFE right into her face to her husband trying to
trust or a family member whom you can
bright star has turned to doom. send all the evidence in case of anything.
“When we met, he was working with
áBHTCFDBVTF drown her. In this case, what if you lose your phone?
Kibera Amlet Non-Governmental Organ- JUNJHIUDPTU Humiliated, pregnant and broke
Always have a backup. Always keep your
isation. We met on my first day at work — I travel documents and papers in a safe
can’t say it was love at first sight. He was
ZPVSMJGF,OPX Later, she managed to get Wi-Fi pass- Chinese Kikie, relationship coach. place,” she advises.
word and using a phone she had carried
a frequent customer at the hotel. We ex- UIFJSDIJMEIPPE  from Kenya, she contacted some friends birth to a baby girl in July 2014. Two years
Through her Instagram live sessions
changed contacts and that’s how we got that run on the weekends, Kikie helps
talking. After he left for Chile, he started
GBNJMZ abroad. She also managed to pressure after the baby was born, the man started women and men in need in times of trou-
the family into letting her go back home, making contact with her again. He apolo-
helping me process my papers so I could SFMBUJPOTIJQT  pregnant and broke to the bone. “It was the gised and even started sending her money.
ble abroad.
visit him for a month. Which he did and in “We are brothers and sisters keepers.
August 2013, I travelled abroad,” she says.
JGIFXPSLT  most humiliating situation. I arrived at the As love is, the white man came back to Don’t be coerced to signing paperwork
Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) Kenya with promises of doing better only to
The reception was poor from the mo- BOZTVCTUBODF with nothing, not even money to get a taxi impregnate her again, before leaving and
without understanding what it means or
ment Veronica stepped down. “He knew are in a foreign language, ask for a trans-
the time my plane was set to land, yet he
BCVTF BOHFS home. I pleaded with cab drivers, who completely cutting off all links with her. lation. There are safe houses for women
dropped me at Nairobi’s Bus Station, and Being a single mother of two mixed race
wasn’t there to receive me. I waited for NBOBHFNFOU even gave me fare,” she recalls. children has not been easy — being unable
in trouble in Europe and other countries.
him at the airport for so long the authori- Knowing these places before hand is
She picked up her pieces, moved on and to afford their needs and with most strang- important so you can go there in times of
ties started threatening to deport me. He
started doing casual jobs. She even gave ers assuming she is the nanny rather than trouble,” she says in ending.
finally came four hours later and took me

The allure of white men and why unions are not all rosy
There is a belief among some Kenyan shower their wives with endearments, poverty. However, it is good to note that bone. Black people are not only born dehumanising and exploitative, espe-
women that Europeans and Americans attributes that probably make Kenyan not all of them have a fat wallet with denser bones in our faces, those cially in matters sex. Many people know
treat women better. The secret of the women find them attractive. They are However, there are some disadvan- bones also don’t break down as quickly, you are in it for obvious reasons. Be pre-
white man, these women believe, is not only gentlemen, but also great tages. White people age poorly. As crass especially the bone between the eyes pared for gossip and stares whenever
that they are raised to respect women. romantics. They love, adore and treat racial stereotypes go, the old adage and the cheekbones — as our caucasian they see you with your man.
Some of the women say many white their woman like a queen. “black don’t crack” holds true. Their counterparts. The result: Black faces He will get first class treatment in
men do not differentiate gendered There is, of course, the money factor. skin wrinkle quickly compared to black maintain structural support for a longer hotels and other public places, while
chores between men and women. White White men are believed to have a lot people. And the reasons are far deeper period of time so we have younger- you will be accorded second class treat-
men are said to help with work around of it, and because of this, Kenyan girls than the melanin that shelters darker looking skin for longer. ment or worse still, ignored. Do not be
the house, pull chairs and open car looking for an easy way out believing skin from the ultraviolet rays that lead Additionally, some are tyrannical and surprised if people assume you are a
doors for their women, buy flowers and that the white man is their ticket out of to wrinkles. It goes right on down to the rude. Others may turn to be oppressive, nanny to your own children
PEOPLE DAILY / Friday, May 28, 2021

5:00 BBC
5:30 Gear Up
5.00 Inuka 6:00 Good Morning
5.30 Step In With Pastor Phiri  .HQ\D ARIES (MAR. 21- APRIL 20)
 .7KLV0RUQLQJ 9:30 Classic Tales today. Use your quick wit to win points and

17.00pm BEATBOX
9.00 Tiga Talk 10:00 Dully and Pals friends. This is a great day for a family outing
10:30 Mtaani or just a drive.
 -XV.LG] 11:00 Beautiful Ceci
10.00 Inuka 12:00 Afrusion TAURUS (APR. 21- MAY 21)
1:30 Business ers if you try to tell them what to do. Short trips
13.30 Jungu la spoti  .ZD5DKD
Zangu GEMINI (MAY 22-JUNE 21)
ways to soothe your nerves.
7:00 Taarifa
16.30 Floopaloo, where are 7:30 Artitude
you? 8:00 First Lady
 %HDWER[ News
18.00 Bal tip off 10:00 Top Mashariki LEO (JULY 23-AUG 22)
20:30 Daughters of eve
21.00 The loop VIRGO (AUG. 23 -SEPT. 23)
 %DVNHWEDOODIULFDOHDJXH careful not to overextend yourself or you will
lose in the long run.
OLYH6HPLÀQDOV 5.00 Password Plus
00.00 Movie LIBRA (SEPT. 24 -OCT. 23)
01:30 Al Jazeera 8.00 Better Living ties. Opportunities for romance will develop
through activities with large groups.

9.00 On The Wings Of
Love SCORPIO (OCT. 24 - NOV. 22)
10.00 Wild Skin Insincere gestures of friendliness are likely to
1.00 NTV At1 self in order to decide exactly how you feel.
1.30 NTV Sasa


20 20 4.00 NTV At 4
MOMM BA 4.15 Password
19:0 0 0 :BLOODSHOT
LOODSHOT 2 20 20
0 CAPRICORN (DEC 22.- JAN. 20)
5.00 The Beat
PLAZA 18:30

8:3 , 6.00 Be Careful With time. Get out and enjoy some entertainment.
 5LNLUDWKD My Heart Get them to pitch in, if you need help.
2 0 :4
:BLOODSH 20 20
10.00 Satai 7.00 NTV Jioni
10.30 Ngano Cia Cucu
BA 3 7.30 Wicked Edition
20 20 8.00 Wild Skin
whole family or a lot of your friends.
M MBAS 20 :4 5:BAAGHI 9.00 NTV Tonight

3 20 20 10.00 Lit 360 PISCES (FEB. 20-MAR. 20)
 .D\X.D5XULUL5SW Emotionally, things may not run so smoothly.
2.00 Thiririka Highlights \RX ORYH 'RQ·W OHW \RXU ORYHU SXW GHPDQGV
 .LHQJHL/LYH5SW 12.00 CNN on you.
6.00 Thenema
 1MXQJZD<D0XWKHH 7KHDLPLVWRÀOO       :&45&3%":440-65*0/

 .LKHQMR       the grid so that
each row, col  ACROSS DOWN
8.00 Country Music 1. Chased 2. Harbinger
    umn and every
 0XWDPEXUXNR:D [VKDGHGER[ 5. Tulips 3. Seminal
 0RKRUR/LYH              contains only 8. Dram 4. Dhow
  9.Orchards 5. Taciturn
 .LJRRFR/LYH          one of the digits
   10. Signs 6. Leach
1.00 DW         
11. Etching 7. Pad
  to reason out
where to place    14. Agglomeration 12. Neologism
16. Tractor 13. Smoothed
            the missing  18. Brook 15. Toronto
20. Taj mahal 17. Camps
         22. Nail 19. Slug
given in the grid
              23. Sensed 21. Age
and a process
         24. Grooms
      of elimination.   
It is a game of
 )RRWEDOO5HYLHZ5SW logic not math
6:00 Morning Express

12.00 Documentary
5:00 Baseline ACROSS 19. Allot (4) (5)
6:00 Losing Heaven 7. Direction to which a 20. Unexpected gain (8) 5. Informal chatter (6)
compass [points (8,5) 22. Engaging (13) 6. Delays it (anag)(8)
 .TN Leo
8. University teacher (8) 11. Equality of measure (8)
8:00 Food Detectives  6LELODQW    &DEEDJHOLNHSODQW  15. Brushes (6)
8:30 New Beginnings 12. European country (5) 2. Joins together (6) 17. Deactivate (6)
14. Spiny yellow plant (5) 3. Putting away items (7) 18. From switzerland (5)
 5HVWGD\V  4. Skinmarks from wounds 21. Preparation for easter (4)
10:20 Movie
 Friday, May 28, 2021
' 0 05 #" - -   1" ( &  

The POFTUPQ Sport shop...

Jack Wilshere released by

Bournemouth after short spell
LONDON: Jack efforts since returning to the
Wilshere’s second spell with club and wish him all the
Bournemouth is over, with best moving forward.’ On
the club releasing him at Wednesday, the 29-year-old
the end of his short-term Wilshere took to Instagram
deal.  Wilshere rejoined and said he didn’t know if Philadelphia side rout Wizards to seize control,
the Cherries in January his future remained with Jazz bounce back against Grizzlies
and played 17 times for the the south coast side. ‘Thank
club, scoring twice. Bour- you to everyone at Bour-
nemouth reached the play- nemouth for the last five Los Angeles, The top-seeded 76ers now have a
Thursday firm lead in the best-of-seven East
offs after finishing sixth, but months,’ Wilshere said. ‘My
@People- series with game three scheduled
were beaten by Brentford. teammates, all the staff and for Saturday in Washington.
‘A class act on and off the especially the fans. You were “I told him, ‘You’ve got all the
pitch,’ Bournemouth said amazing last time and con- space and all the time in the world.
on Thursday. ‘We’d like to tinued to support me this Simmons Just attack,’” said Embiid of Sim-
thank Jack Wilshere for his time.  -Dailymail (pictured) mons. “He’s physical and he’s ath-
silenced the letic and he can make plays.”
critics with a 22 The Wizards weaved their way
point, nine rebound, eight assist into the postseason by grabbing the
Japan to vaccinate Olympic performance as the Philadelphia eighth and final seed, but it hasn’t
76ers routed the Washington Wiz- been an easy road.
delegation as from June 1 ards 120-95 to grab a 2-0 playoff se-
ries lead on Wednesday.
Their frustrations mounted on
Wednesday when Russell Westbrook
OLYMPICS: The Japa- left the game with an injury and then
Joel Embiid also scored 22 points
nese delegation for the and grabbed seven rebounds as the had a run-in with a Philadelphia fan
Tokyo Olympic Games heavily-favoured Sixers got contri- as he was walking down the tunnel.
will receive vaccinations butions from a number of players Less than two minutes into the
from June 1, the Japanese including starting power forward fourth, Westbrook appeared to in-
Olympic Committee an- Tobias Harris, who had 19 points jure his right ankle and headed to
nounced. The Japanese and nine rebounds. the locker room. A Philadelphia fan
delegation, which will con- Simmons scored 12 of his 22 in dropped popcorn on Westbrook,
sist of about 1,600 athletes, the first quarter, delivering a break- who then had to be restrained.
coaches, and officials, will out playoff performance after being “It is very disrespectful,” said Wiz-
be vaccinated at Tokyo’s criticized for scoring just six points ards coach Scott Brooks of the fan
National Training Center uled for July 23-Aug. 8. in Sunday’s game one of the series. who, was escorted out by security.
(NTC) from next Tuesday U.S. drugmaker Pfizer Inc. “I’m here to win and I’m doing “Philadelphia is better than that ...
by medical staff from the agreed to donate supplies what I need to do to help my team hopefully that fan is banned from
nation’s governing sports of its vaccines to athletes win, whatever it is. I’m not trying to games. They wouldn’t do that down
bodies, the English news- and officials coming to prove anybody wrong or anything the street.”
paper Japan Times said on Tokyo after reaching an like that. I’m trying to do my job to Bradley Beal scored a team-
Thursday. Within that pool agreement with the Inter- win,” Simmons said. high 33 points and Rui Hachimura
are 600 athletes, includ- national Olympic Commit- chipped in 11 points for the Wizards,
ing some who have not yet tee. Momii said that the who have been unable to slow down
clinched their berths for vaccines have already ar- NBA PLAYOFF RESULTS: the 76ers’ high-powered offence that
the Olympic Games sched- rived in Japan. -Xinhua boasts plenty of playoff experience.
Eastern Conference Westbrook scored 10 points and
Philadelphia 120-95 Washington handed out 11 assists. But the all-
(Philadelphia lead series 2-0) star point guard struggled Wednes-
Western Conference day, shooting just two-of-10 from
the floor and missing all three of his
Utah 141-129 Memphis attempts from beyond the arc.
(Series tied 1-1) “They were attacking in high effi-
New York 101-92 Atlanta ciency shots and we couldn’t make a
(Series tied 1-1) bucket,” said Brooks. -AFP

Juventus director Paratici

leaving club after 11 years
FOOTBALL: Juventus “They were wonderful years
chief football officer Fabio of professional growth
Paratici is leaving the de- and strong emotions,” Tokyo, Thursday infections, and the public is But its chairman Haruo
throned Serie A champions said Paratici. “An impor- @PeopleDailyKe largely opposed to holding Ozaki said Thursday that
after 11 years, the Turin tant chapter of my career the Games this summer. “holding the Games with-
club confirmed on Wednes- closes, as I await new chal- A Tokyo medical group Medical groups have out spectators is the bare
day. Paratici’s contract lenges.” The 48-year-old warned Thursday that the warned the massive event minimum given the current
will not be renewed when joined from Sampdoria in Olympics should be held could introduce new vari- situation”.
it expires on June 30. The 2010 initially as coordinator without spectators because ants to Japan and strain “This is the Olympics in a
nine-time reigning cham- of the technical area, mov- of virus risks, while a doc- medical resources as the time of emergency,” he said
pions finished fourth in ing up to take his current tors’ association urged out- country battles a fourth vi- at a press conference.
Serie A this season, exiting position after Giuseppe Ma- right cancellation, warning rus wave. Organisers have already
the Champions League in rotta was sacked in 2018.  of potential “disaster”. The Tokyo Medical As- barred overseas fans from
the last-16, and snatching Marotta went on to join Several parts of Japan sociation, with over 20,000 the Tokyo Games, an un-
a berth in next season’s Inter Milan as CEO for are under virus states of members, has not called for precedented decision for
competition on the final day. sport. -Xinhua emergency over a surge in an outright cancellation. the Olympics. -AFP
Friday, May 28, 2021/ PEOPLE DAILY PEOPLE SPORT 

Kudos to County football associations for getting Sports Registrar nod

I wish to express myself on the County football have subjected themselves to the test of the law. I
associations registration, elections and football 4 " . / :" . 8 & :"       dare call on the Council of Governors, led by His
activities in general, which forms the heart of the Excellency Martin Wambora as the chairman to
long-standing stalemate on the legality of the
current office bearers of football in the country.
persona non-grata for their failure to earn legal
The legitimacy of the leadership of the federa- DFSUJàDBUFTBSFBMTPSVOOJOHGPPUCBMMBDUJWJUJFTQFOEJOHFMFDUJPOT XIJDI identity and instead work with the CFAs to de-
tion in charge of football cannot and will never IBWFHPUUIF4QPSUT3FHJTUSBSTHSFFOMJHIU velop grassroots football.
be divorced from absolute compliance to the Once again, and in furtherance of my mantra
requirements of the Sports Act 2013 (amended and philosophy that football belongs to the com-
2018) and I take this chance to laud those grass- munity, declare my unwavering support to the
roots leaders who have opted to demonstrate the requirements of Sections 46 and 47 of the fully holding their elections. It is also encourag- CFAs in their bid to secure justice for Kenyan
their fidelity to the rule of law by subjecting Sports Act 2013 and that more than a dozen of ing that many of those in possession of interim football and rescue the beautiful game from the
themselves to the test of Statute and the Consti- those counties have already held elections in certificates are also running football activities cannibalism visited upon it by Mwendwa and
tution of Kenya 2010. accordance with Rule 20 of the Sports Registrar’s pending elections, which have got the Sports his sympathisers.
I must salute them for their courage to do Regulations 2016. It is more gratifying that sever- Registrar’s green-light. May I remind all the CFAs that their obligation
everything possible to have the requisite docu- al other counties are set to hold their polls in the Compliance with the law is the hallmark of pa- to ensure observance of COVID-19 protocols in
ments, including the mandatory clearance coming days and weeks, with a view to ensuring triotism and demonstrates the highest integrity the conduct of their affairs is one they must take
under Chapter Six of our Constitution on the they have the full legal mandate to run football and respect for the high calling that is leadership very seriously in the spirit of respect for authority
integrity of persons holding public office. affairs in their respective counties. and I would therefore urge the leadership of the and as a measure of guaranteeing for all, espe-
I am particularly proud to note that more than Nairobi, Mombasa, Trans Nzoia, Mandera and Counties to shun the masqueraders who have cially the players and other stakeholders in the
30 County Football Associations have earned Nandi, among others have already rolled out refused to comply with the laws of the land and era of the Coronavirus pandemic.
clearance by the Sports Registrar having met their activities at the grassroots after success- work with the CFA teams across the country that - The writer is a former FKF president



by Amos Abuga since the window for quali-
@PeopleDailyKe fication is still open until
June 29 we still expect to
National athletics coach have more athletes secure
Julius Kirwa is already im- slots. I want to urge all
pressed with the level of those athletes who have
meet the Athletics In-
Kibet, Kiprop dominate competition as the three- not secured qualification to
tegrity Unit (AIU) anti-
day Olympics pre-trials use this opportunity,” said
5,000m races at doping threshold for
got underway at the Nyayo Kirwa.
the national world
Stadium yesterday. With the Africa Senior
pre-trials as action show therefore
The tactician is confident Championships now
failing to debut
continues today at the interna- the event will help more planned for the City of
athletes to secure olympics Lagos, Nigeria next month,
tional stage. “I
by Amos Abuga qualification with less than Kirwa says the importance
am happy I am
two months to the start of of the three day event has
@PeopleDailyKe now in the dop-
the Games in Tokyo, Japan. gone a notch higher.
ing testing pool
Michael Kibet and Emmanuel “So far we have 91 ath- “We are waiting to hear
the technicality
Kiprop won the first and second letes who have already what the selection commit-
that eliminated
semi finals of the men’s 5,000m as a attained tee will say in regards to the
me two years
three-day Olympics pre-trials kicked qualifica- championships, though I
ago. Then I didn’t
off yesterday at the Nyayo National tions know the results from today
know that an ath-
Stadium. for the to Satuday will play a key
lete can only be
Kibet, fresh from finishing third Olym- role in the teams we shall
allowed to com-
during the opening leg of the Dia- pics be sending to Nigeria,” said
pete at at a major
mond League in Gateshead, in Eng- and Kirwa.
land last Sunday, says he is moving The veteran tactician
if they have under-
closer to his dream of representing said the competition is
gone at least three doping tests
the country at the Olympics. presenting an
including one out of competi-
In his semi final, Kibet who trains opportunity
tion,” Kibet told People Sport.
in Kaptagat under the Global man- to athletes who
Kenya last won the
agement, clocked 13:34.84 ahead of have not attained
5,000m men’s Olympic
Moses Njoroge 13:36.11 with Mark the Olympic quali-
title in 1988 through
Lomuket finishing third on 13:44.66 fication times ahead
John Ngugi, before
and Newton Cheruiyot clocking of the main trial pen-
Kibet was born and
13:44.17, all reaching the finals slat- ciled for June
he cant wait to
ted for Saturday. 17-19.
break the jinx.
Pushed by the desire to represent Besides
“Right now I
the country and missing a golden op- meeting
know the field is
portunity to make a debut at the 2019 standard,
very competitive
World Championships in Doha, Kibet Kirwa says the
but I also know
says his dream is almost coming true. Championships
that Nicholas
He believes the disappointment will also provide an
Kimeli is the only
has secretly been motivating him to opportunity for coaches to
athlete in the country,
do everything right to make the na- assess fitness levels of ath-
currently with a bet-
tional team to Japan. letes some of whom have
ter form than me. I don’t
“Missing the world Champion- Atheltics coach not competed for long ow-
want to think a lot about
ships was not my making. But that Julius Kirwa ing to the pandemic.
the athletes behind me,”
particular moment has opened my talks on a radio “With limited competi-
said Kibet Ferdinard Omanyala (right)
eyes and made me aware,” Kibet who call yester- tions abroad, most of our
In women’s Long Jump, beat Charles Wanjiku and Ben-
has already attained Tokyo qualifica- athletes have not gauged
Gloria Mulei won with a son Okoth to win 100m semi- day. PD/ DAVID
tions reflected. themselves for long period
jump of 5.89 ahead of final race. INSET: Gloria Mulei NDOLO
During the Doha trials, the Kata- and this will also give an
Petronila Muombe takes part in Long Jump dur-
gat-based athlete and Daniel Simiu opportunity to us (coaches)
5.88 and Priscilla ing Athletics Kenya pre-trials
who was placed second, failed to to find out where we are
Tabunda 5.88. yesterday. PD/ DAVID NDOLO before the main trials,” he
 PEOPLE SPORT PEOPLE DAILY / Friday, May 28, 2021

Curtaains come down on Zidane
as he quits as Real Madrid coach
MADRID: Zinedine Zidane broke what he called  “exclu-
has resigned as Real Madrid sive” news in a tweet which
manager with immediate was picked up by Spanish
effect, according to media sports outlets including
reports, just days after the Madrid sports dailies Marca
club were beaten to the La and AS, and the radio station
Liga title by Atletico Madrid. Cadena Ser. An official an-
The Frenchman’s reported nouncement of his departure,
departure comes at the end of said Romano, would be made
a disappointing campaign for “in the next hours/days”. Only
the 13-time European cham- 10 days ago Zidane, who has
pions, who also lost to Chel- a contract until 2022, denied
sea in the Champions League media speculation that he had
semi-finals as they failed to already told his players that
win a trophy for the first time he would be leaving at the end
in 11 seasons. Italian football of the season.
journalist Fabrizio Romano -Xinhua
Villarreal’s Spanish defender
Mario Gaspar (left) and team
Rashford racially abused online mate Raul Albiol celebrate with
the trophy after winning the UEFA
following Man Utd Europa defeat Europa League final match against
Manchester United at the Gdansk
LONDON: Marcus Rash- Stadium in Gdansk on Wednesday
ford says he was racially nighty. INSET: Villarreal’s Spanish
abused on social media fol- coach Unai Emery kisses the UEFA
lowing Manchester United’s Europa League trophy after win-
defeat in the Europa League ning the final. AFP
final. The 23-year-old, who
has previously been a vic-
tim of online attacks, said
he had received “at least
70 racial slurs” following
United’s penalty shootout
loss to Villarreal in Gdansk

on Wednesday. United, who
lost 11-10 on penalties, later
tweeted to say their play-
ers had been subjected to
“disgraceful racist abuse”.

“At least 70 racial slurs on
my social accounts counted He teaches children!! And
so far,” Rashford wrote on knows that he can freely
Twitter. “For those working racially abuse without conse-
to make me feel any worse quence...” Last month Eng-
than I already do, good luck lish football, along with other

trying. “I’m more outraged sporting bodies, united for a
that one of the abusers that four-day social media boycott
left a mountain of monkey to urge the companies to
emojis in my DM is a maths take a stronger stance over
teacher with an open profile. racial abuse. -Dailymail

Argentina hammers out plan for Villarreal bask in ‘special’ Europa League triumph as
boss Emery reveals penalties not practiced
hosting all Copa America games WINNERS:
BUENOS AIRES: Argentina Gdansk, Thursday to a place in next season’s Champions 2020/21: Villarreal (ESP)
on Wednesday presented @PeopleDailyKe League. 2019/20: Sevilla (ESP)
to South America’s football “It feels really good. To play against a 2018/19: Chelsea (ENG)
federation CONMEBOL its Villarreal defeated Manchester United very good side like Manchester United,
11-10 on penalties to win their first ma- we knew it would be tough,” Coquelin 2017/18: Atletico Madrid (ESP)
“strict protocol” to host all
of the Copa America 2021 jor trophy after a 1-1 draw in the Europa told BT Sport. 2016/17: Manchester United (ENG)
games, as the country suffers League final as goalkeeper David de Gea “We didn’t manage to get to the Cham- 2015/16: Sevilla (ESP)
its worst moment of the Co- missed the decisive spot-kick in a re- pions League through the league so to get 2014/15: Sevilla (ESP)
vid-19 pandemic. Argentine markable shootout. it through the Europa League is some-
thing special -- and a first title for the club 2013/14: Sevilla (ESP)
President Alberto Fernandez Gerard Moreno gave Villarreal the
and CONMEBOL’s Alejandro lead 29 minutes into the Spanish club’s as well -- something amazing.” 2012/13: Chelsea (ENG)
Dominguez studied logistics first European final, but Edinson Cavani Eric Bailly replaced the injured Harry 2011/12: Atletico Madrid (ESP)
and organizational chal- equalised early in the second half before Maguire in central defence, with the
lenges including the prepara- due to the coronavirus pan- Unai Emery’s team prevailed on spot- United captain surprisingly named
tion of additional stadiums demic. Colombia is in the kicks, extending United’s four-year tro- among the substitutes despite suffering centre-back linked with a summer move
and “everything related to phy drought. ankle ligament damage two weeks ago. to United, while Marcus Rashford tested
midst of a wave of protests
the sanitary protocols,” a “It’s a disappointed dressing room. De Gea started ahead of Dean Hender- Geronimo Rulli with a dipping effort
and social unrest that has re-
statement from the football That’s football for you. Sometimes it’s son in goal, while Paul Pogba took up a from distance.
sulted in 44 deaths. Covid-19
decided on one kick -- and that’s the dif- more orthodox midfield role as Fred was Yeremy Pino, who at 18 years and 218
federation read. On May 20 cases have also shot up in the
ference between winning and losing,” only deemed fit enough for a spot on the days broke Iker Casillas’ record as the
CONMEBOL rejected a plea last few weeks. CONMEBOL
said United boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. bench. youngest Spanish player to start a ma-
by Colombia to postpone the representatives have been
“We have to learn from it, taste this An early collision between Juan Foyth jor European final, scuffed wide on the
June 13-July 10 tournament inspecting Argentine stadi- and Pogba left the former Tottenham de-
feeling and make sure we don’t get it counter, but Villarreal were soon ahead.
that it was to share with Ar- ums that could host games fender bloodied but both sides were slow
again.” Dani Parejo swung in a free-kick from
gentina. Copa America was originally set to take place in to click into gear on a damp and chilly
He added: “We didn’t turn up. We didn’t the left and Moreno peeled away from
due to take place last year but Colombia, including the July play as well as we know we can.” night on the Baltic coast. Luke Shaw and Victor Lindelof, steering
was postponed by 12 months 10 final. -AFP Villarreal midfielder Francis Coquelin Carlos Bacca’s clever rabona cross cre- beyond De Gea as the Swede desperately
was delighted that the victory also led ated an opportunity for Pau Torres, the tugged at his shirt. -AFP
Friday, May 28, 2021/ PEOPLE DAILY PEOPLE SPORT 

by Barry Silah creating the first goal for Lebohang
@PeopleDailyKe Maboe, scored the second and Milan, Thursday year contract worth a reported 12 million
orchestrated the third for Themba @PeopleDailyKe euros ($14 million) annually.
Harambee Stars Vice-Captain Zwane as the hosts netted three But the 51-year-old leaves the San Siro
Brian Mandela (pictured) ended times in 12 minutes before half- Antonio Conte (pictured) one year early, Inter confirming “an
the South African top tier season time. Zwane had a poorly placed parted company with Inter Milan agreement has been reached
in style after Mamelodi Sundowns penalty saved by SuperSport cap- on Wednesday just days after lifting with Antonio Conte for the
clinched the South African Pre- tain Ronwen Williams early in the their first Serie A title in 11 years termination of his contract
miership a record fourth con- second half at Loftus Versfeld sta- amid clashes with the club’s cash- by mutual consent”.
secutive time with three games to dium. A SuperSport side reduced strapped Chinese owners on the “Antonio Conte will for-
spare, following their 3-1 win over to 10 men after only eight minutes way forward. ever remain a part of our
SuperSport United on Wednesday when Congo Brazzaville-born Guily The ambitious club’s history,” the state-
night. Manziba was red-carded fared bet- Italian refused ment added.
Mandela ended the match ter in the second half and Tebogo Suning’s planned Severing Conte’s con-
as a makeshift goalkeeper after Mokoena scored four minutes from cost cutting which tract has cost the club a
stepping in for an injured Dennis time. would have pre- reported seven million
Onyango in the dying minutes of Victory gave Sundowns an unas- vented him building the team euros ($8.5 million),
the match. sailable 10-point lead over second- he wanted to challenge at home and in while his final year’s
Hi team mate, full-back Aubrey place AmaZulu with each club Europe. salary would have
Modiba also starred in the match, having three matches to play in the The former Chelsea and Juventus been around 12 mil-
richest African league. boss took over in May 2019 on a three- lion. -AFP


UPVTFUIBUEJT Man United’s Harry Maguire (L) shakes
hands with team mate Paul Pogba on
BQQPJOUNFOU the pitch after the final whistle in their
*UJTUIFXPSTU English Premier League match against
Chelsea at Old Trafford, on August 11,
first 21 successfully converted, but Solsk- kick can define a season as successful or a of the players. We’ve probably done as well
Solskjaer’s Man Utd rebuild jaer’s refusal to make a change until the good one, and it can define it as not one,”
NFNCFSNPTU as anyone could imagine but we need to
mission laid bare by Europa 100th minute suggested little faith in a said Solskjaer. JOZPVSDBSFFS do better,” he said.
bench that included his injured captain “Trophies matter and that’s what mat- “Two or three players to strengthen the
League agony Harry Maguire. ters at this club.”
BTBQMBZFSBOE starting XI and squad altogether is impor-
After steering United to successive top- The 11-10 loss on penalties came after a BNBOBHFS tant for us to go further and improve.”
Solskjaer overcame the disappointment
Gdansk, Thursday three finishes in the Premier League for 1-1 draw following extra time and extended
the first time since Alex Ferguson retired United’s four-year run without a trophy of a Champions League group exit to lead
@PeopleDailyKe United to the top of the table in January,
as champion in 2013, Solskjaer had ear- -- the club’s longest since the 1980s in
marked the final in Gdansk as the “stepping the early days of the Ferguson era. despite having overseen the club’s worst
Manchester United’s gut-wrenching de- home start in 48 years.
feat on penalties by Villarreal in the Europa stone for something better to come”.
Despite clearing the semi-final hurdle Top job United became just the fourth team to
League final re-emphasised the magnitude go through an English top-flight campaign
of the rebuilding task for coach and club at the fifth attempt with a high-scoring Solskjaer, who took the job with
win over Roma, Solskjaer’s side mustered limited top-level management undefeated away from home, indicating
hero Ole Gunnar Solskjaer at Old Trafford. the progress that is being made under
Exactly 22 years to the day since the just two attempts on target against Villar- experience, has been forced to
real, organised superbly by Europa League drown out the critics and nay- his guidance.
Norwegian struck his famous winner for “We need to use that disappointment.
United in the Champions League final maestro Unai Emery. While United have sayers while reconstruct-
move forward each year under Solskjaer, ing a team that hasn’t It is the worst feeling, these are the mo-
against Bayern Munich, he was made to ments you remember most in your career
swallow a bitter pill after watching his side at least in terms of league position, since properly challenged
his appointment in December 2018, catch- for the title in almost as a player and a manager,” said Solskjaer.
lose a match they largely controlled while, “You can either go on holiday and do
crucially, lacking bite. ing Pep Guardiola’s Manchester City next a decade.
season still appears a distant prospect. “It’s “I’ve been delighted nothing about it, or go home and come
David de Gea bowed his head after miss- back and do better, come back hungrier.”
ing the decisive spot-kick, having seen the not a successful season and those are the with the effort, deter-
fine margins in football. Sometimes one mination and desire -AFP
Friday, May 28, 2021 /// @PeopleDailyKe / / / People Daily

Shichenje of Leopards received their
Ingwe compound ‘Slum marching orders in the second half
Boys’ woes at Ruaraka with the former earning a straight red-
card after a dangerous tackle on Rupia.
as Gor revenge against There was also a moment of scare
Vihiga Utd in Mumias when in the 75th minute, Mathare’s
defender Martin Ongori and Leop-
by Barry Silah ards’ Washington Munene clashed
@PeopleDailyKe mid-air, forcing the medics to rush to
the scene to access their conditions
as Ongori had to be rushed to hospital
Premier League rivals Gor Mahia
while Munene was replaced by Yusuf
and AFC Leopards both won their re-
spective midweek matches yesterday
Leopards were on the back-foot in
by identical 1-0 margins as the fight
the second half with the slum-boys
for the coveted title heats up.
pressing but the defense of Ingwe led
Leopards goal against bot-
by Robinson Kamura held firm for the
tom-placed Mathare United
maximum points. There was a flurry of
was scored by Elvis Ru-
challenges and bookings in what was
pia who ended his three
a physical contest. Tyson Ochieng and
matches goal drought,
John Mwangi had their chances for
while Gor Mahia’s goal
Mathare but Ingwe were always alert
against another relega-
in shutting them down mostly through
tion threatened side,
an impressive Clydse Senaji.
Vihiga United was net-
Meanwhile at the Mumias Complex,
ted by Clifton Miheso
it was sweet revenge for Gor Mahia as
with all goals being
they earned their third straight win to
scored in the first half
take them to 28 points from 16 match-
of play.
es. They are now fourth on the log and
AFC Leopards are
with a match in hand.
now joint top of the
Clifton Miheso’s 20 yard strike in the
league standings
40th minute was the difference as the
with 36 points
defending champions revenged their
after a laboured
AFC Leopards’ Elvis 1-0 loss to the same opponents in Feb-
victory against
Rupia (left) vies for ruary. Gor Mahia had a lot of the ball
the ‘Slum Boys’
the ball against Ma- and were always troubling the oppo-
a t Ru a ra k a
thare United’s David nents particularly through the creative
‘Cheche’ Ochieng play of Abdul- Karim Nikiema and
(right) during their Kenneth Muguna with the on-form
midweek league Okello kept quiet even though he had
goal for
clash at the Ruaraka moments of brilliance. Miheso was
Stadium yesterday. also active in the second half along-
PD/ RODGERS NDEGWA side late substitutes Sydney Ochieng
in the
and Samwel Onyango.
eighth K’Ogalo also looked compact at the
FKF PL RESULTS AND FIXTURES: min- back led by Captain Harun Shakava
ute of the match and it is now his with the only blip being an injury by
Yesterday’s results: 12th goal of the campaign as he chases Andrew Juma in the 69th minute who
AFC Leopards 1-0 Mathare Utd the golden boot. was subsequently replaced by regular
Download QR Vihiga United 0-1 Gor Mahia The match was full of drama with Charles Momanyi.Coach Carlos Man-
Code app on uel Vaz Pointo for the third straight
Google Play and two red cards flashed on each side
scan this QR code Today’s fixtures: who ended up finishing the match game deployed a new approach of
with your smart Posta Rangers vs KK Homeboyz Ruaraka 3pm with 10-players apiece. Mathare’s three centre backs and two roving
phone for pic- Ulinzi vs Nzoia Sugar Narok 3pm skipper David Ochieng and Collins wing-backs with Vihiga United strug-
tures, videos and Western Stima vs Bandari Moi Stadium, Kisumu 3pm gling to break.
more stories

by Edwin Otieno gat will be in action on Friday in the the nine athletes we have entered for
@obel_barry women 59 kg. the competition will qualify.”
Apart from Kenya, the event He explained the championship
Caroline Wangeci won bronze for has attracted top participants is a Gold event meaning athletes are
Kenya in the women 55kg category from other 13 countries namely awarded up to ten points in their cat-
at the Tokyo Olympics Weightlifting Madagascar, Uganda, South Af- egories.
Qualifiers that started in Nairobi today. rica, Lesotho,Botswana,Nigeria, All the teams were subjected to a
Wangeci comfortably lifted 40kg in Ghana,Cameroon, Algeria, Morocco, second Covid-19 test on Monday in
the Snatch and 60kg in the Clean and Tunisia and Libya. line with the Ministry of Health and
Jerk. “Mauritius were forced to withdraw Ministry of Sports protocol.
The category was won by Adenike from the competition because they The event was preceded by a con-
Olarinoye of Nigeria who had 90 and are currently on total lockdown due to gress and continental elections where
113 for 203 total. the Covid -19 pandemic,” Kenya Ama- Ochieng and Kawa Secretary Gen-
Zohra Laghouati of Libya came sec- teur Weightlifting Association (Kawa) eral John Ogola bagged slots into the
ond on total 155 points (75, 80). president Pius Ochieng said. Weightlifting Federation Africa (WFA).
“I’m surprised with the bronze Ochieng, who represented the coun- Ochieng is grateful that the Govern-
medal. I didn’t prepare well because of try in the 1984 and 1988 Olympics in ment has come on board to fully sup-
Covid-19, it was also my first ever com- Los Angeles and Seoul, said Kenya will port Kawa toward hosting the event
petition,” Wangeci told People Sport. strive to bag at least two slots at the despite the short notice given by the Caroline Wangeci in action at the weightlifting Olympic Qualifier in
Triple Africa champion, Winny Lan- Nairobi event. “I have faith that two of WFA. Nairobi yesterday. PD/ EDWIN OTIENO

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