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 Habits/routines
 Permanent Situations
 True Statements

☺ + Verb + rest -> ☺= I, You, We, They

☺ + Verb (+ -s; -es; - ies) + rest -> ☺ = He, She, It
 They work at Caltech
 He phones Kevin every Friday

☺ + Auxiliary + not + verb + rest

☺= I, You, We, They -> Aux. = do
☺= He, She, It -> Aux. = does
 I don’t work at Google
 It doesn’t work

Aux. + ☺ + Verb + rest?

 Do you have lunch at the office? No, we don’t
 Does she study medicine? No, she doesn’t
 Is she a member of the staff? Yes, she is
 Are they friends? No, they aren’t
Spelling rule

Most verbs work – works; buy – buys;
+ -s ride – rides; return – returns
Verbs ending in -ch, -s, watch – watches; pass – passes;
-sh, -x, or -z + -es wash – washes; relax – relaxes

Verbs ending in (Change the -y to –i) study – studies; hurry – hurries;

consonant + -y + -es dry – dries
Irregular forms be – am, is, are;
do – does; go – goes; have –

- Make sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
1. I / be / fluent in English
2. Judy Garner / work / in purchasing
3. she / be / from Australia
4. our company / supply / technical products
5. we / not / work / on Saturdays
6. they / not / sell / computers
7. Mr. Martin / not / speak English

- Complete with the correct form:

1. ________ you like Italian food?
2. ________ your teacher live in a flat?
3. Do your parents ________ coffee?
4. Where does your mother ________?
5. ________ your sister play the guitar?
6. What languages ________ you speak?
 Temporary situations
 Situations that happen at the moment of speaking
 Future arrangements

☺ +To be + Verb (ing) + rest

 She is working at McDonalds
 He is talking to Finland right now

☺ + To be + not + verb (ing) + rest

 They aren’t making a video conference
 I’m not talking with her

To be + ☺ + Verb (ing) + rest?

 Are you phoning Hong Kong?
 Is she planning to visit Mexico?

Spelling rule: Present continuous

Verbos terminados en -y, se agrega Ej.: Play – playing; Study – studying; Buy –
-ing buying; Say – saying
Verbos terminados en -e, se elimina Ej.: Have – having; Write – writing; Dance –
la “e” final y se agrega -ing dancing; Like – liking
Verbos terminados en una Ej.: Shop – shopping; Put – putting; Stop –
consonante, seguida por una stopping; Cut – cutting; Chat – chatting
vocal, se duplica la última
consonante y se agrega -ing
Resto de los verbos, se les agrega Ej.: Go – going; Watch – watching; Listen –
-ing listening; Sing – singing
1. I (look for) ______________ my pen.
2. Jane (print out) _____________ the contract.
3. As long as I am on holiday, Hannah and John (take care) __________ of everything.
4. Look! Graham (wear) _____________ a tie today.
5. That's because he (meet) _____________ the big boss in the afternoon.
6. I (work / not) _____________ tomorrow.
7. Bob (talk / not) ______________ on the phone.
• (Play) I _______________golf every weekend.
• (Play) The children____________outside at the moment.
• (Work) Haruka _____________today.
• (Work) You can’t borrow my lawnmower because it doesn’t __________
• (Make) Smells good! What are you _____________?
• (Make) My husband never ____________me breakfast.
• (Live) Pauline is ____________in Hong Kong.
• (Live)Do you still _____________with your parents?
- Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs.

a. I usually ____________________ (wear) glasses but I ____________________

(not wear) them now.

b. Sarah doesn’t normally ____________________ (watch), but she

____________________ (watch) it now.

c. We always ____________________ (eat) salad for lunch, but today we

____________________ (eat) sandwiches.

d. Betty and Carl often ____________________ (listen) to classical music in the office,
but today they ____________________ (listen) to pop.

e. I ____________________ (write) my mother an email at the moment – usually I

____________________ (phone) her.
 Habits/routines in the past
 Permanent Situations in the past
 True Statements in the past
 Actions in the past that took place one after the other

☺ + Verb (2nd column) + rest

Note: Verbs can be either regular (add –d or –ed) or irregular (2nd column)
 They worked at Google
 I bought coffee for the staff lounge

☺ + Auxiliary + not + verb (inf) + rest

Aux. = did (for every☺)

 I didn’t work at Apple
 We didn’t go to the conference

Aux. + ☺ + Verb (inf) + rest?

 Did you have lunch at the office? Yes, I did
 Did she study medicine? No, she didn’t
1. Our company (start) ________________ business in 1995.
2. We (order) ___________ the goods two months ago.
3. I (send) ____________ you the letter last week.
4. We (receive) _____________ your order yesterday.
5. The postman (come) _____________ in, (give) ____________ me the documents
and (leave) ___________.
6. When I (arrive) _______________, Anne was talking on the phone.
7. I (get / not) ____________ your letter yesterday.
8. Mister O'Brian (be / not) ______________ in the office last week.
9. (Sarah / go) ______________ to the trade fair on Thursday?
10. (you / ring)______________ me ten minutes ago?
 Actions that started in the past but continue to happen
 Action that has just been completed
 Action in the past that has an influence on the present

☺ +Aux (have/has) + Verb (3rd column) + rest

 Your advice has always been extremely helpful
 I have just received your mail
 I have never been to England

☺ +Aux (have/has) + Verb (3rd column) + rest

 I haven’t been to Europe yet
 She hasn’t started her project

Aux + ☺ + Verb (3rd column) + rest?

 Have you ever been to NY?
 Has she called New Zeland yet?
1. We are happy to inform you that we (establish) _________ a new branch in Australia.
2. Bob Westley (sign / already) ___________ the contract.
3. We (acquire) ___________ a new customer.
4. Hannah (send / not) __________ out the quotation yet.
5. I (print out / just) ___________ the letter.
6. Our customers (be / always) ______________ satisfied with our services.
7. Unfortunately, you (react / not) ____________ to our reminder notice.
Spelling rule: Present continuous
Simple Past Present Perfect Simple

Irregular verbs: see 2nd column of Irregular verbs: form of 'have' + 3rd column of
irregular verbs irregular verbs
Example: Example:
I spoke I / you / we / they have spoken
he / she / it has spoken

Regular verbs: infinitive + ed Regular verbs: form of 'have' + infinitive + ed

Example: Example:
I worked I / you / we / they have worked
he / she / it has worked


Exceptions when adding 'ed':

 when the final letter is e, only add d
love - loved
 after a short, stressed vowel, the final consonant is doubled
admit - admitted
 after a consonant, final y becomes i (but: not after a vowel)
worry – worried but: play - played

-Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).
A: (you / play / already) ____________________ the new computer game?
B: No, not yet. I only (buy) ____________________ it yesterday and I (have / not)
____________________ the time yet.
A: (you / go) ____________________ to the cinema last night?
B: Yes. I (be) ____________________ there with Sue and Louis. (you / be)
____________________ to the cinema recently?
A: I last (go) ____________________ to the cinema two weeks ago.
B: So you (see / not) ____________________ the new action film yet.
A: No, unfortunately not. (you / enjoy) ____________________ it?
B: Oh, I really (love) ____________________ it. But Sue (like / not)
____________________ it - too much action!
A: But why (you / take) ____________________her with you? She (tell)
____________________me last week that she (hate) ____________________
action films.
 Spontaneous decisions
 Assumptions about the future
 Plain future

☺ + will + Verb (inf) + rest

 I will get myself a cup of coffee
 They will probably deliver the goods tomorrow

☺ + will + not (won’t)+ verb (inf) + rest

 They won’t work today
 I won’t be in Rosario next month

Will + ☺ + Verb (inf) + rest?

 Will you bring your son tomorrow?
1. I (give) ___________ you my business card.
2. Mister Carlisle (get) ____________ back to you in a minute.
3. We (fax) ____________ our order.
4. I (be) ___________ with you in a second.
5. If you fax your order immediately, we (send) ____________ the goods today.
6. If we do not order today, we (receive / not) _____________ the goods in time.
7. We regret to inform you that we (be able / not) ____________ to deliver the goods
within the confirmed delivery time.
8. When (she / return) __________?
 Conclusions or decisions made for the future after analysing a present situation.

☺ +be+ going to +Verb (inf) + rest

 I am going to the Chicago meeting next Saturday
 She is going to prepare the invoices for tomorrow afternoon

☺ + be + not + going to + verb (inf) + rest

 They are not going to go to the supermarket
 I’m not going running this evening because it’s raining

Be + ☺ + going to +Verb (inf) + rest?

 Are we going to assist to the fundraising gala this year?

1. Question: What (change / you) _____________ in the next campaign?

Answer: We (start) ______________ planning the campaign earlier.

And we (focus) ____________ on a specific target group.

2. Question: How (do / you) ____________ that?

Answer: We (cram / not) _____________ that much information into our campaign. Instead,

the campaign (leave) _____________ just one clear message.

3. Question: Which target group (reach / you) __________?

Answer: Our next campaign (target) ______________ at housewives aged 30 to 40.

4. Question: How (get / you) ______________ these prospects to buy our products?

Answer: The campaign (make) _____________ clear that these products can make life a

lot easier for the housewife.

YES/NO questions

BE auxiliary (AM – IS – ARE) + ☺ + complement

DO auxiliary +☺+ Verb in the infinitive + complement

☺= I, You, We, They -> Aux. = do

☺= He, She, It -> Aux. = does
(YES/NO questions usually have short answers)
1. Are you a technician? 1. Yes, I am / No, I am not
2. Is she your boss? 2. Yes, she is / No, she isn’t
3. Do you work at Telecom? 3. Yes, I do / No, I don’t
4. Does he work with you? 4. Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t


Question word + BE auxiliary (AM – IS – ARE) + ☺ + Complement

Question word + DO auxiliary + ☺ + Verb in the infinitive + Complement

Question words:
 What = Object/Idea/Action/Description

 Where = Place

 When = Time

 Who = Person

 Why = Reason

 Which = Choice (alternative)

 Whose = Possession

 How = Manner

 How much = Price/quantity (uncountable)

many = Quantity (countable)

old = Age

long = Duration

often = Frequency

far = Distance

(WH-questions usually have long answers)
1. Where do you work? 1. I work at Microsoft
2. When is the conference in Brazil? 2. The conference is tomorrow
3. Who is your superior? 3. My superior is Mrs. Black
4. Why are you talking on the phone? 4. Because we are out of tonner
5. How long are you staying in France? 5. For about four weeks
1. ___ is your name? 9. ___ are you going to America?
 What  Who
 Where  What
 When  When
 Who  Which
2. ___ is your favourite workmate? 10. ___ aren't you going to the company’s
 What
 Why  What
 When  How
 Who  Where
 Why
3. ___ are you from?
 What
 Where
 When
 Who
4. ___ is the conference?
 Whose
 Where
 When
 Who
6. ___ old is your boss?
 What
 How
 Which
 Whose

7. ___ books are these?

 Why
 How
 Where
 Whose
8. ___ did you quit your job?
 Who
 Which
 Why
 Whose

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