Planning Report Student's Name: Student's ID

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Planning Report

Student’s Name:

Student’s ID:

Table of Contents
Human resources........................................................................................................................................2
Financial resources......................................................................................................................................4

When implementing change within the organization, it is necessary to consider different
resources for successful implementation. Change management involves different activities which
are informing stakeholders, communication and many more. However, the prime motive of the
report is to develop a resourcing strategy in order to implement the change management strategy.
It will provide a description of all the resources necessary for facilitating change within the
organization which involve human resources, communication, training and equipment.

Human resources
In order to implement change within the organization, it is essential to consider the human
resources of the firm. Human resources are the key to the success of the company and thus, must
consider when facilitating change. Based on the change management strategy, it is essential to
manage human resources for the organizational strategy. It is identified that every organization
has different and culturally diversified employees and they have diverse opinions and attitudes,
which might create difficulty in implementing change successfully (Stouten, Rousseau & De
Cremer, 2018). Many personnel can resist change and view change as a negative impact on them.
Other than this, it is crucial for the change management leader to communicate the primary
objective and vision behind implementing change. It would motivate the personnel to accept
change and help in the successful implementation of change management strategy. Besides this,
the management needs to recruit skilled and experienced personnel for managing as well as
implementing the change management strategy (Marshall et al., 2017). It is significant to ensure
that the main goal of change management communicated to the personnel and drive them to
engage in change management and inspire them to adopt a new way of working.

Communication is identified as the key resource that needs to be managed when implementing
change within the organization. For successful implementation of the change management
strategy, it is beneficial to have good communication between managers and employees.
Effective communication is relevant for implementing change because it helps employees and
management to understand the different roles and position in developing change. Besides this,
efficient communication between employees and managers assist in developing relationships and

understanding the change needed within the organization. However, the change management
leader can use different communication methods to communicate the change management
strategy to the major employees so that they could understand and engage in implementing
change. A face-to-face meeting, conversation on the telephone and email are some of the
communication techniques that can be used to communicate the change management strategy
(Yue, Men & Ferguson, 2019). It would help the key personnel to understand what is changing
and the reason for change as well as how it would affect them. It is recognized that efficient
communication during change management is significant for controlling the fears that occurred
among employees due to change. Effective communication would lead the management leader to
explain how the change would positively impact the employees and help in accomplishing their
professional goals (Jayatilleke & Lai, 2018).

Communication plan for change management

Action Timeline Target stakeholders Method of

Announcement of Week 1 Employees Face-to-face
change meetings
Change goal and Week 2 Employees Email or face-t-face
vision meetings
Impact of change Week 2 Employees Face-to-face meeting

Effective training is crucial for implementing change in the organization. The change
management strategy is required to be implemented by managing the resources effectively. Since
the employees working in the organization possess different abilities and skills, it becomes
significant for the change management leader to conduct training for potential employees.
However, training would help the major personnel to develop relevant and needed competencies
and skills required for the successful implementation of the change. In addition to this, the
management would determine the specific training requirements of each employee. Every
personnel will develop specific training needs based on their skills, behaviors and knowledge
necessary for implementing the change management strategy (Hameed, Khan, Sabharwal, Arain
& Hameed, 2019). Other than this, the change management leader would ensure that each

employee receives timely as well as appropriate training based on their training needs and as a
consequence, assist in bringing change efficiently. Training needs assessment survey can be used
as a tool to determine the training needs of each staff and help them accomplish their goals and
objectives (Lister, Pearson, Collins & Davies, 2020). Training is an essential part of change
management which support in promoting the engagement of key employees in implementing

Training plan for change management

Type of training Audience Intended outcomes Duration of training

In-person training Employees Develop skills 2 hours per week
Online resources Employees Gain knowledge 1 hour per week
Computer-based Employees Build technical skills 3 hours per week
Group mentoring Employees Enhance knowledge 2 hours
and skills

Financial resources
In order to implement a change management strategy, it is imperative for the organization to
have adequate financial resources. However, financial resources are considered vital for the
successful implementation of change as change needs sufficient funding from major
stakeholders. To facilitate change, adequate funding is needed and thus, change management
leader must communicate the change to external stakeholders such as investors and the
government. By communicating change to the external stakeholders through effective means,
they would provide funding for the implementation of change. Having sufficient financial
resources would help the management in offering training to the employees effectively without
experiencing any difficulty and implement change for better growth and success (Greer, Lusch &
Hitt, 2017). Nonetheless, it is significant for the change management leader to manage all the
resources necessary for facilitating change so that the organization could gain success and better

The paper concludes that a range of resources is required to be managed for the successful
implementation of change which involves human resources, financial resources, communication
and training. Human resources can be effectively managed by adopting an effective
communication mode to communicate the benefits of change and the main aim behind the
change. Good communication and efficient training are vital for facilitating the change. It is
essential for the management to determine the training needs of the employees by using training
needs assessment survey so that required training can be provided appropriately. Adequate
funding from investors and government is critical for the implementation of change.

Greer, C. R., Lusch, R. F., & Hitt, M. A. (2017). A service perspective for human capital
resources: A critical base for strategy implementation. Academy of Management
Perspectives, 31(2), 137-158.

Hameed, I., Khan, A. K., Sabharwal, M., Arain, G. A., & Hameed, I. (2019). Managing
successful change efforts in the public sector: An employee’s readiness for change
perspective. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 39(3), 398-421.

Jayatilleke, S., & Lai, R. (2018). A systematic review of requirements change

management. Information and Software Technology, 93, 163-185.

Lister, K., Pearson, V. K., Collins, T. D., & Davies, G. J. (2020). Evaluating inclusion in
distance learning: a survey of university staff attitudes, practices and training
needs. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 1-19.

Marshall, E. A., Oates, J. C., Shoaibi, A., Obeid, J. S., Habrat, M. L., Warren, R. W., ... &
Lenert, L. A. (2017). A population-based approach for implementing change from opt-
out to opt-in research permissions. PLoS One, 12(4), e0168223.

Stouten, J., Rousseau, D. M., & De Cremer, D. (2018). Successful organizational change:
Integrating the management practice and scholarly literatures. Academy of Management
Annals, 12(2), 752-788.

Yue, C. A., Men, L. R., & Ferguson, M. A. (2019). Bridging transformational leadership,
transparent communication, and employee openness to change: The mediating role of
trust. Public relations review, 45(3), 101779.

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