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2014 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CICED 2014) Shenzhen,23-26 Sep.


Research on model system architecture of Smart Distribution Grid

Dongli Jia, Xiaohui Song, Xiaoli Meng

(China Electric Power Research Institute, Haidian District, Beijing 100192, China)

Abstract Domestic and foreign scholars have done a lot of research

In order to solve the problem of optimizing operation and in this area. Distribution network model can be divided into
control under complicated network connections in distribution three categories by model form: physical model,mathematical
grid, and to provide better support for the distribution network model and simulation model.
running economically and efficiently, the paper constructs an
model system structure which includes three model types, Physical model is also known as physical or entity model. It
six kinds of business models and three levels. The paper is based on similar principles in accordance with the working
also designs a distribution network model library. It includes mechanisms and shape characteristics of physical facilities,
six sub-model libraries, has functions of scheduling control and constructs a physical simulation having the same working
for each model, input and output, model analysis, user characteristics or similar input I output characteristics with
interaction,and can provide user interface for other modules. physical facilities [9, 10]. The purpose of physical model is to
Model system structure and distribution network model succinctly research the rules of prototype system. Physical
library provide basic support for smart distribution network model has the advantages of clear physical concept and
development of planning, operation, and control. And they naturally contains a variety of complex physical factors. But
have important theoretical and practical significance too. it has the disadvantages of much higher cost of experiments
Index Terms-model system; model library; distribution and time-consuming. It is difficult to simulate large and
network; smart distribution system complex distribution system.

I. INTRODUCTION There is no standard definition of mathematical model. It is

Smart distribution network is a complex system. It is different generally acknowledged that mathematical model is a set of
from a simple system in qualitative and quantitative. From mathematical formulas, logical criteria and specific algorithms
a qualitative perspective, it has characteristics such as
which reflect physical facilities' internal relationships [11].
nonlinear, uncertainty,volatility,strong disturbances and so on. Mathematical model is used to describe and study the
From a quantitative perspective,it has characteristics such as movement laws of objective phenomenon. Although it is
higher order, multi-dimensional, multi-loop, multi-input, multi­ difficult that mathematical model contains all of the physical
output, hierarchy and so on. For the above characteristics, it factors, with the rapid development of computer technology
is hot issues that how to establish a rational smart distribution digital simulation analysis research based on mathematical
network model and how to effectively analyze in order to model has advantages of simplicity, flexibility, cost less and
ensure the system's security, reliability, high quality and so on.
efficient operation. Whether the model is rational will directly
affect the accuracy and reliability of simulation experiments Simulation model has become an indispensable means in
and system analysis results which are based on the model [1- design, operation and control of distribution network. And
7]. people about the accuracy of simulation have become much
higher. However it is based on physical model and mathematic
At present,traditional distribution network model is based on a model. Simulation model is physical or digital model which is
device or component model. With the increasing complexity of used to simulation experiment. And the digital model can be
research problems and scope of the study, models involved understood as mathematical model implemented by computer.
by distribution network simulation are becoming more and Distribution network involves a lot of complex and diverse
more complex. Different research institutions, universities equipment I components. It is hard to say that one equipment
I component model is physical model, mathematical model or
and power companies have developed different models
and algorithms. But there is no a good way to solve optimal simulation model. Each model is different from the other, but
operation and control issues under complicated network there is an interrelation among them. The relationship among
connection.They can't support for distribution network running them is shown in Fig.1. Smart distribution network modeling in
economically and efficiently. In order to provide a technical the paper means building its mathematical modeling.
support for the design and development of distribution network
simulation model, there is an urgent need to sort out these 4 , .�
models and algorithms, construct an effective model system,
and establish a comprehensive, specialized and scalable
distribution network model library.
1 RealSystem


, "­
Physical Mathematical
Model is a description of structure and behavior information Model Model
about a real system. It is an abstraction and simplification
Fig.1 Smart distribution system model form
between real objects and real relationship which are interested
by people. Model of the whole process is called modeling
[8]. Smart distri bution network modeling is a simplified
description of the nature of smart distribution networks.

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2014 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CICED 2014) Shenzhen,23-26 Sep. 2014

III. SMART DISTRIBUTION NETWORK MODEL Analysis and calculation of distribution network is also a
HIERARCHY STRUCTURE basis and means of studying distribution network planning
A. Business analysis of smart distribution network
and operational issues. With a lot of DG, micro-grid, large­
Smart distribution network is based on physical power scale energy storage devices and electric vehicles access to
network, merges with a variety of modern and advanced power distribution network, it becomes into active distribution network
electronic technology, and supports various forms of energy from inactive distribution network. And its composition,
to access and use, such as distribution generation (DG), user­ structure, operation and management are more and more
owned electricity supply, energy storage, electric vehicles,and complex. Its optimizing operation and control are more and
so on. Smart distribution network covers the entire content of more difficult. Its analysis and calculation are more complex.
distribution automation. It covers almost all the technical fields
of primary side and secondary side in distribution system. It (5)control
allows a large number of distribute generation access to it and Distribution network can't run securely, st eadily and
allows them to have a depth of penetration. And it can achieve economically without the supporting of control technology.
interaction with users. Considering the connotation of smart Broadly speaking, it can be called a control to distribution
distribution network, it can be divided into physical power network as long as something bringing to distribution network
network, telecommunications, information, control, analysis and its components for whatever purpose [14]. The purpose of
and interactivity. distribution network control is to provide effective management
and control methods for dispatchers, see the system's
(1)Physical power network operating status, take appropriate measures to improve the
Physical power network is the carrier of smart distribution safety and reliability of the system, and realize the system
network. It is one of the bases for smart distribution network running securely, steadily and economically. Distribution
coming true. Physical power grid includes various distribution network control means taking concrete measures to adjust
network infrastructures, switches,power distribution terminals, distribution system to another operational state. When the
smart power distribution equipments, sensors, DG I energy system is running normally,technical means must be taken to
storage, and so on. Smart power distribution equipments meet the needs of high quality power supply and economical
include traditional secondary side of m onitoring, control, efficiency. To some extent, the system has a strong capacity
protection, security and stability control devices. It also for load fluctuation and can reduce the probability of system
includes static compensation devices, solid state switches, overload after doing control. When the system fails, technical
and distributed energy storage devices of traditional primary means must be taken to restore power rapidly in order to
side of distribution system. reduce fault losses.

(2)Communication (6)lnteraction
Communication is the carrier of transmitting all types of Interaction is an inherent requirement of smart distribution
information. It has many applications in distribution network, network. Through real-time communication, it can achieve
for example substation aut omation, automatic meter interaction and efficient coordination among power source,
reading technology and users demand response. And they power grid and user source. And it can promote the safe,
are important applications in smart distribution network. efficient, and clean application of power energy. The
Communication technology is one of the bases for smart interaction of smart distribution network contains two means.
distribution network coming true [12, 13]. Without advanced The first is that smart distribution network allows a large
communication network, any advantage of smart distribution number of DG to access. The second is the interaction
network can't be reflected. Building a high-speed, two-way, between power grid and power users [15].
real-time, integrated communications system is a basis for
smart distribution network. One of the most important features, which smart distribution
network is different from traditional distribution network
(3)lnformation is that it allows a large number of DG to access. Smar t
There is a lot of data in smart distribution network, included distribution network is no longer the same as traditional grid
in SCADA, distribution automation, GIS, MIS, distribution which limits the access locations and capacity of DG. From
m anagement information syste ms and other system the perspective of optimal allocation of resources, it allows
data. These data contain specific information about each DG to "plug and play". By self-adaption of protection control
subsystem, and also contain a lot of information that is system and standardizing system interface, it can achieve
c ommon to a number of subsystems. Thus data inter­ the optimization use of various energies and loss reduction of
related phenomenon has been formed. Moreover, with power energy.
the construction of smart grid, the lever of automation of
distribution is higher and higher, and advanced application Another important feature, which smart distribution grid is
software based on various types of algorithms are used different from traditional distribution grid, is that it allows
by more and more power companies. There are a lot of power grid and power users to interactive. Interaction between
heterogeneous data as the software developed by different power grid and power users can be reflected in two aspects.
manufacturers. So it is hard to achieve data and information The first is the application of smart meters. By using smart
sharing. In order to provide more data for all aspects of meters, Time of Use (TOU) and dynamic real-time pricing can
distribution network business, building massive distribution be implemented, and users can choose their own electricity
network database is an inherent requirement. time under real-time pricing. The second is that it actively
creates conditions for users of DG, energy storage devices
(4)Analysis and calculation and electric vehicles and allows them to provide power for grid
As distribution network must be safe, economical and reliable during peak periods. So they can participate in load shifting.
operation, it is required to do a lot of analysis and calculation In this case, users becomes from single passive consumers of
when d esigning and operating of distribution network. electricity to active participants in grid operation control.

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2014 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CICED 2014) Shenzhen,23-26 Sep. 2014

e, Model Hierarchy structure characteristics for equipments I components in distribution

Combined with smart distribution grid business scope, smart system. Object modeling is the process of building models
distribution system model can be divided into six kinds. They of equipments I components in power grid. And it has the
are object model, communication model, information model, characteristics of a smaller scope, only one component
analysis and calculation model, control model and interaction and a clear mechanism. Object model as the base layer of
model. The relationship among them is shown in Fig.2. distribution grid is located in the bottom of smart distribution
grid model system. Object model system is shown in Fig.4.

i n
r � Communi-
i n

P wer

j 1
/ " FigA Object model system
Source (2)support layer
There are two types of model in support layer. They are
i uto
i n Syste communication model and information model. Communication
Power Grd

/ Object
model is used to define the transmission mode of information
among nodes in distribution grid. Information model is used
to define information needed and collected among nodes and
physical information in distribution grid. Communication model
and information model are located in the middle of smart
distribution grid model system.
It is needed to construct a sound communication system in
Fig2 Diagram of relationship a mon g models distribution grid. Self-adaption management of running mode,
loss reduction of power energy, optimization of performance
In consideration of the different function of six kinds of models, indicators,coordinated operation between distribution network
these six kinds of models can be divided into base layer, and new energy storage device, "plug and play" of DG, real­
support layer and application layer, where object model is time interaction with users and providing value-added service
located in base layer, communication model and information must depend on communication system. Building of smart
model are located in support layer, analysis and calculation communication system must be based on communication
model, control model and the interactive model are located in models. The transmission mode of information among nodes,
application layer. The logic diagram level of them is shown in defined by communication model, contains data format,
Fig.3. synchronization method, transmission speed, transmission
procedure, inspection of error correction, and definition of
control characters. Communication model can be divided into
Comrol Model Interaction I'.fodel structure model and transmission model. Communication
La,... model system is shown in Fig.5.
Analy-si'S atld Cslc.uLation Model
i n Model System
Communicato I
I Transmission Model � Structure
Model l
r-u::C6l850 Model 1- PO
t 10 - - in- - o- ----.I
o t M del

Suppon Layer
IEC61968 Model L � Ring Comnmnication Model I
IEC6l970 Model=-oJ � Cellular Communication Model l
i n Po
r tocol Client I Ser1ier Model
�bli.h I Subscribe Model I
Object lorfDdel
Fig. 5 Communication model system

De'l.ric.e Load Node DG S}'5te-m Information model is an abstract model and it adopts a
1-fode.! 1.1ode! J!..fDdel Model :Model
comprehensive object-oriented modeling technique which
Io.fathemati.cBl. Model SinrulatiOll I'.fodel uses unified modeling language to describe real-world
Fig.3 Mod el level logic diagram objects. Power system information model is an abstract
model of power system. It includes equipment object models
Smart distri bution grid model system is around planning, such as transformers object model, circuit breakers object
construction, operation and management of distribution grid. model, and lines object model and so on. It also includes
And it plays a different role for each of them. All of them logical object models such as power generation plan logical
service smart distribution grid construction. object model, spare ca pacity logical object model, and
financial information logical object model and so on. Power
(1 ) Base layer system uses uniformly Common Information Model (CIM) to
Object model is a description of structure information and describe power system device objects and logical objects.

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2014 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CICED 2014) Shenzhen,23-26 Sep. 2014

CIM contains a detailed description of public class interfaces,

attributes, and interrelation of power system objects. It is a
logical expression of power system. Information model system
of smart distribution system is shown in Fig.6.

Fig.6 Information model system

Fig.7 Overall structure of smart distribution grid mocellibrary

(3)Application layer
Analysis and calculation m odel is used to define the B. Composing of model libraries
relationship among all information and the relationship Smart distribution model system has the function of managing
between information and target. Control model is used to models and their parameters. It is made up of four parts,
maintain voltage, current, power, power factor, etc. within which are system main function module, Model library and
reasonable limits. Interaction model is used to define the parameter library, data base,and interface.
interaction relationship between power companies and System main function module is mainly responsible for
users. These three models are a comprehensive reflection sched uling control, input I output, model analysis and
of smart application in smart distribution power system. By interaction with users. It can provide users interface for other
these three models, optimize operation and intelligent control modules.
of distribution grid can be achieved. It can allow distribution Model library and parameter library are responsible for
generation I micro-grid I energy storage devices to access management of model, scheduling of model, implementation
to distribution network, and it can achieve an interaction with of model. managing and amending of parameters.
users. All of these ensure the security, reliability, stability, and Dat a base is responsible f o r organiz a t i o n , stor age,
economic running of distribution grid. relationships maintenance of a variety of data required.
Interface is responsible for data interaction and function block
IV. MODEL LIBRARY DES IGN OF SMART scheduling. It includes model library access interface and
DISTRIBUTION GRID database access interface.
Currently, software system has achieved universal application Model library system structure is shown in Fig.S.
around worldwide, and a variety of features needed by people
can be perfectly realized by modern software engineering I I
'------',.. I
methods and good practice rule of thumb. But there was no
mature commercial software of distribution network model
library. On the base of depth study of distribution grid model
system, the paper teases out and integrates the various
models in distribution grid. and designs a smart distribution
grid model library, by which general staff can choose the
best model meeting their needs to improve the efficiency and
accuracy of simulation.
A. Overall st ru cture of the model library
Smart distribution grid model library is used to centrally
manage each model. It includes device model of sub-model
library, load model of sub-model library, node model of sub­
model library, DG model of sub-model library, common
examples model of sub-model library and typical wiring model
1...- _____________ ....1
of sub-model library. Each sub-model library is constituted by FigS System structure of Smart distribution grid model l i brary
different models. The structure of model library is shown in
Modeling and analysis is an important way to solve scientific
Smart distribution grid model library has the functions of
and technical problems and is the base and eternal theme of

model modification editor, model adding editor,model material

conducting scientific research and technology applications.
library, model debugging and testing modules, and system
There are two ways to solve scientific and technical problems.
The first way is to build model and use adapted method to
get result. The second way is to find an algorithm and build
adapted model to get result. Based on in-depth study of
the theory and methods of smart distribution grid, the paper
constructs an effective model system of smart distribution grid,
and establishes a comprehensive, specialized and scalable

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2014 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CICED 2014) Shenzhen,23-26 Sep. 2014

distribution network model library. They provide basic support

for smart distribution grid development of planning, operation,
and control. And they have important theoretical and practical

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Dongli Jia received the B.S. degree from the Electrical

Engineering Department, Hebei University of Technology
(HEBUT), Tianjin, China in 2006, the M.S. degree in Power
System from Tianjin University (T JU),Tianjin, China in 2008.
Now she is working in the Power Distribution Department of
China Electric Power Research Institute. Her fields of interest
include power system planning, analysis and simulation, and
operation control technology of power grid.

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